Walnut St-316_Michel_bld20080031_7 unit condo.pdf DATE: March 12, 2008 TO: Dwight McGrew Michel Construction michelbz@nwlink.com FROM: Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager RE: Application #: bld20080031 Project: 7 unit Condo Project Address: 316 Walnut Street During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a written response to each of the items below to Theresa Umbaugh. City of Edmonds handouts and standard details can be referenced on the City website under Development Services Department, Engineering Division. GENERAL 1.Please provide an itemized cost estimate for both on-site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements, including traffic control. A bond is required to be placed for all right-of-way improvements. The amount of the bond o will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for all right-of-way improvements. The City will inform you of the appropriate bond amount after review of the cost estimate. Bond forms can be obtained from Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator – 425-771-0220 or umbaugh@ci.edmonds.wa.us Inspection fees for this project will be calculated at 2.2% of the 120% City approved o estimate for all improvements. 2.The driveway is shown to have a slope of 14.5%. As you are aware, driveway slopes proposed to be in excess of 14% must first be approved by the City Engineer. Please submit a letter to the City requesting a waiver from the 14% driveway slope with justification as to why the 14% slope cannot be achieved. 3.I was not able to find structural calculations for the detention vault with the submittal. Please include calculations or submit specification sheet and details for pre-fabricated vault. Structural calcs will be sent out for peer review. 4.A shoring plan has not been submitted for review. Please show the location of the temporary shoring on a separate plan sheet. Please be sure to address protection of the City right-of-way and private property. Will chain link fencing or other public barrier be constructed? 5.The storm water calcs and pump system calcs are currently being reviewed by Don Fiene. Any comments will follow these plan corrections. Sheet 1 – CLEARING, TESC, & GRADING PLAN 1.Please show the silt fence along the west property line, instead of in the alley. 2.Catch Basin protection is required per City standard detail E1.3. Please indicate all CB’s that are to have filter socks and incorporate the standard detail into the plan set. 3.It is noted the existing water meter near the SE corner of the property is to be removed. Please note on the plans the requirement to cut and cap the water service at the main. 4.A meter box is shown at the NE corner of the property and is labeled CV. Is this a check valve? Does it serve the existing property? Will it be removed? 5.Please revise the Construction Sequence – Item #8 to include: “and once exposed soils are permanently stabilized”. Sheet 2 – ROAD, DRAINAGE, SEWER & WATER PLAN 1.Please remove existing site features from this plan sheet that are noted as “TBR” on sheet 1. 2.Street trees shall be installed in the sidewalk with 4’ x 4’ tree grates. Please update the civils, landscape plan and site plan to reflect this change. th 3.Please refer to standard details E2.8 & E2.13 for removal of the existing driveway on 4 Ave S and replacement with standard curb and gutter. 4.Plans shall also show the requirement for a 2’ asphalt patch between the new areas of curb & th gutter and the existing pavement on Walnut & 4 Ave. 5.Show the curb and gutter through the entire curb ramp at the west end of the new sidewalk on Walnut Street, per standard detail E2.15. th 6.The curb ramp at the corner of 4 and Walnut shall be upgraded to City standards, including truncated domes. Refer to and incorporate into the plan set detail #E2.17 Curb Ramp Type 4. 7.One additional 3 hr parking sign shall be placed along Walnut Street. The existing 3 hr Parking sign and the new sign shall be spaced evenly along the parking area. 8.Paint curb on Walnut Street yellow for a distance of 5’ west and east of the corner curb ramps. 3 hour parking will be allowed in between the sections of yellow painted curb. 9.Provide a cross section of the alley and the driveways on east and west side. 10.Provide a cross section of Walnut Street, including existing asphalt width, road centerline, 3 hour parking area and sidewalk. 11.Add reference to structural calculations for detention vault on this plan sheet. 12.In plan view, show the location of the existing driveway off the alley. Include topo elevations at the driveway and indicate how the asphalt thickened edge will be modified to accommodate for the driveway and prevent surface runoff from entering onto private property. 13.The existing catch basin and storm pipe in the alley shall be removed. Mud off existing south inlet at the existing CB at the corner of the alley & Walnut. 14.Outfall pipe from CB-1 to the City’s storm system shall be 12”. Ductile iron pipe will be required if there is less than 2’ of cover over the pipe. CB-1 shall be located in the flow line at Walnut Street, unless the current position of the CB is a low spot. It doesn’t appear to be a low spot when looking at the topo information provided. The outfall line from CB-1 will need to tie into a new CB on the existing City storm line on the north side of Walnut. Please revise the plans accordingly. Page 2 of 4 15.The existing 8” sanitary sewer main in the alley shall be removed and replaced with a new 8” sewer main. An 8” cleanout shall be located at the south end of the run, with the connection for this property approximately 3’ or more to the north. The sanitary side sewer for this property is only required to be a 6” line. Please revise the plans accordingly. 16.A 6” cleanout with 12” cast iron lamphole cover is required on the right-of-way side of the property line. 17.Provide invert elevations at all sewer cleanouts. 18.Add a note that the existing SSMH in Walnut Street shall be channeled per City standard detail E6.1. 19.Show utility trench patch for section of sewer line in Walnut Street. Please refer to trench patch detail E2.3. 20.All existing connections to the sewer in the alley shall be verified (location & invert) and it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure all properties are re-connected to the new line. 21.The valve cluster connection for the fire line and domestic service was installed during the City’s water main replacement project. A 4” fire line, on the west side and a 2” domestic line on the east side have been installed to the property line. 4 resiliant gate valves were installed as well. 2 – 8” in-line valves, one 4” (on the fire line) and one 2” on the domestic. Please revise the plans to reflect this information. 22.Assuming the fire line will in fact be a 4” line, a Double Check Detector Assembly and vault shall be installed on private property per standard details E7.8, E7.8.1 and E7.20. Please revise the plans accordingly. 23.A double check valve assembly shall be installed on the domestic water service, immediately after the meter on private property. 24.Please revise details as follows: a.Detail 2 – Trench Drain Pump Detail: Provide invert elevation of force line. b.Detail 4 – Catch Basin Type 1-L Detail: Grate in ROW shall be a locking, vaned grate. c.Detail 5 – Extruded Curb Detail: Revise detail number to E2.7. Also, add note that extruded curb shall be located on private property. d.Detail 6 - Asphalt Thickened Edge: Use COE standard detail E2.11 e.Detail 7 – Pavement Detail: 2” CSTC material shall be 5/8” f.Detail 9 – Extruded Curb Detail: Revise to read Concrete Sidewalk Detail. Revise detail number to E2.13 and replace with current, updated City standard detail. Current detail includes verbiage about 2’ minimum ACP sawcut. Sheet 3 – TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1.The connection to the sanitary sewer manhole in Walnut Street will only require a lane closure and shift of existing west bound travel lane into the parking area. The water tie in has already been completed. Therefore, the entire road shall not be closed. Flaggers will be required for the lane closure. Please revise the traffic control plan accordingly. 2.A minimum 10’ travel lane shall be required for the travel lanes that remain in use. Traffic cones shall be placed accordingly. Please dimension plans to reflect this requirement. 3.Please indicate the amount of time in which the 3 hour parking area will be closed throughout the construction project. Disruption fees shall be paid for closure of the 3 hour parking area in excess of 72 hours. rd 4.Indicate haul route on this plan sheet. Haul route should be SR-104, east on Pine, north on 3 and east on Walnut and back out the same way. Flaggers can be utilized to turn trucks around at Page 3 of 4 th the site. Or trucks leaving the site can be directed to head east on Walnut, north on 4 Ave, th west on Dayton to SR-104. Truck traffic shall not be directed to 5 Ave. 5.Revise sheet title to: Traffic Control and Haul Route Plan. Sheet P2 – Plot/Park/Site/Truck Route Plan 1.A 10’ x 30’ spreader trench is shown on this plan sheet. Please indicate what this will be used for. 2.Rockeries shall be set back from the right-of-way a minimum distance equal to the height of the rockery. Please revise plans as needed and reflect proper setback has been met. th 3.A 3’ rail fence is shown to be located in the right-of-way on 4 Ave S. Please locate this fence on private property. 4.Indicate driveway and alley surface material. 5.Dimension drive aisle and parking stalls and clearly show individual interior garages. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. Page 4 of 4