Wathne - 73rd .rtf
McConnell, Jeanie
Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:18 PM
Hawkins, Jaime; Sibrel, Ed
Wathne - 73rd
There is a SS c.o. at existing grade with a CI lamphole at the NW corner of the North property. This
sewer stub will not be used so I am requiring the contractor to dig it up and cut and cap the lateral with a
twist plug instead of just burying the standpipe. He said he would do this and call us for inspection prior
to backfill.
Sounds like they are going to work on the storm within the ROW before they do any on site work. They
think they'll be down to one lane and are to submit a TCP for review and approval before doing so.
Also, it appears as though the gas main is in conflict with the storm MH to be set at the SW corner of the
intersection. He will work with the gas co. to get this resolved.
I also informed him that the storm trench in the ROW will need to meet 95% compaction and we would be
looking for compaction test results prior to paving.
Jeanie McConnell
Engineering Technician
425-771-0220, ext. 1338
FAX - 425-771-0221