Wetland-Waterway Critical Areas Assessment.pdf Technical Memorandum TO: Shawn Rafferty FROM: Steven Quarterman DATE: June 21, 2017 RE: Wetland/Waterway Critical Areas Assessment Port of Edmonds Marine Retail Property Edmonds, Washington Project No. 1527002.010.012 The Port of Edmonds (Port) wishes to develop the vacant lots located on Snohomish County Parcel No. 27032300415800 at 305, 317, 345, 375, 445, 465, and 471 Admiral Way in Edmonds, Washington (subject property) for retail purposes. re-application consultation with the City of Edmonds (City) resulted in Critical Areas Reconnaissance Report #CRA19940162 (City of Edmonds 2013), which documents the subject property proximity to critical areas, including a seismic hazard area, wetland, and stream. The City requires completion of a critical areas report(s) that satisfiesthe criteria set forth in the City of Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC), which references minimum report requirements and additional requirements specific to the type of critical area(s) affected. Landau Associates, Inc. (LAI), under contract to Jackson Main Architecture, conducted a site reconnaissance to help the Port determine the approximate location of wetlands, waterways, and/or buffers that may be regulated by local, state, and/or federal agencies. Additionally, LAI evaluated critical areas compliance in accordance with ECDC Title 23. Our evaluation was limited to accessible areas within the subject property. Presence of wetland/waterway habitat extending beyond the subject property and within 200 feet (ft; i.e., the study area) was estimated by visual assessmentand with the use of public domain resources. This technical memorandum identifies the presence of wetlands/waterways in the study area, documents buffer conditions in the vicinity of the subject property, and evaluates these critical areas in relation to the subject property. Assessment of seismic hazard areas will be documented in a separate report prepared by LAI. Consistent with Critical Areas Reconnaissance Report #CRA19940162, the City of Edmonds Critical Areas Mapping identifies portions of Willow Creek and Edmonds Marsh outside of the subject property, but within the study area (Figure 1). As mapped, the approximately 21-acre marsh is identified by the City as a Category 1 wetland, a shoreline regulated under the Shoreline Management Act, and state priority habitat. In accordance 130 2nd Avenue South Edmonds, Washington 98020 (425) 778-0907 Landau Associates with ECDC Chapter 23.50.040, Category 1 wetlands are prescribed a standard buffer between 75 ft and 225 ft, depending on their wetland rating habitat score and applicable special characteristics (e.g., estuarine wetlands, bogs, etc). Edmonds Marsh is primarily freshwater wetland with a small area of saltmarsh along its western edge (City of Edmonds 2007). As described in the City of Edmonds Shoreline Master Program Update Shoreline Inventory and Characterization (City of Edmonds 2007), the downstream area of Edmonds Marsh includes a channelized section of Willow Creek. As it approaches the culvert under the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad, which runs along the western edge of Edmonds Marsh, the channel is characterized as a ditch with a bottom composed entirely of silt. The ditch is connected to a culvert and discharges into the subtidal zone off Marina Beach Park. Hydrology of Edmonds Marsh is supported, in part, by Shellabarger Creek, Willow Creek, and fluctuations of tidal elevations. on the Web (WDFW 2017) identifies occurrence/migration of resident cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and coho salmon (O. kisutch). As a result, Willow Creek is classified as a Type F stream in accordance with ECDC Chapter 23.90.010. The ECDC further expands classification of Type F streams to include - romous fish-- anadromous fish-of 100 ft for Type F anadromous fish-bearing streams adjacent to reaches with anadromous fish access. Floodplain associated with Puget Sound is mapped along portions of the subject property boundary (Figure 1). LAI biologist Steven Quarterman conducted a site reconnaissance on June 14, 2017. The weather during the site reconnaissance was overcast. The subject property is developed with a commercial chment 1). The subject property is bordered by Admiral Way, West Dayton Street, and BNSF railroad. Adjacent to but outside of the project area, a segment of Willow Creek was observed flowing west between culverts associated with the railroad and Admiral Way (Figure 1). This section of creek is bordered by existing impervious surfaces. The view of Edmonds Marsh/Willow Creek from the subject property is obscured by perimeter fencing and the BNSF railroad, but they can be observed from a viewing platform adjacent to Harbor Square (Figure 1). Edmonds Marsh appears to extend to the base of fill associated with the BNSF railroad, and Willow Creek appears to be channelized parallel to the BNSF right-of-way. Vegetation observed in Edmonds Marsh includes, but is not limited to, cattail (Typha latifolia), bulrush Wetland/Waterway Critical Areas Assessment Port of Edmonds Retail Property 2 June 21, 2017 Landau Associates (Schoenoplectus acutus), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus), and curly dock (Rumex crispus). ECDC 23.40.220 (C.4) identifies development proposals within interrupted stream or wetland buffers as allowed activities, in which: Adjacent areas that may be physically separated from a stream or wetland due to existing, legally established structures or paved areas may be exempted from the prescribed buffer widths if proven scientifically to be functionally isolated from the stream or wetland. The director will require the applicant to provide a site assessment and functional analysis documentation report by a qualified critical area consultant that demonstrates the interrupted buffer area is functionally isolated. The director shall consider the hydrologic, geologic, and/or biological habitat connection potential and the extent and permanence of the physical separation. The ECDC also identifies a buffer as Given the existing BNSF railroad right-of-way and impervious surfaces on the subject property, the functional buffer of Willow Creek and Edmonds Marsh does not extend onto the subject property, and any buffer areas overlapping the subject property are effectively separated from the Willow Creek/Edmonds Marsh and not an integral part of the stream and wetland (i.e., have no influence on habitat or water quality). Any proposed development on the subject property will be located within the footprint of the existing development (i.e., within an area covered by asphalt and/or gravel). As a result, the proposed development will be located in an area of interrupted wetland and stream buffer and will not result in impacts to the functional buffer associated with Willow Creek/Edmonds Marsh. * * * * * This technical memorandum was prepared for the use of Jackson Main Architecture, the Port of Edmonds, and the City of Edmonds. No other party is entitled to rely on the information, conclusions, and recommendations included in this document without the express written consent of LAI. Furthermore, the reuse of information, conclusions, and recommendations provided herein for extensions of the project or for any other project, without review and authorization by LAI, shall be at Wetland/Waterway Critical Areas Assessment Port of Edmonds Retail Property 3 June 21, 2017 Landau Associates We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to Jackson Main Architecture and the Port of Edmonds. If you have questions or if we may be of further assistance, please contact the undersigned at (425) 329-0321. LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. Steven Quarterman Senior Associate SJQ/mcs \[P:\\1527\\002\\R\\WETLAND-WATERWAYS CRITICAL AREAS ASSESSMENT\\WETLAND-WATERWAY CRITICAL AREAS ASSESSMENT.DOCX\] City of Edmonds. 2017. Edmonds City Code and Community Development Code: A Codification of the General Ordinances of the City of Edmonds, Washington. Current through Ordinance 4069, passed May 16, 2017. City of Edmonds. 2013. Critical Areas Reconnaissance Report; CRA19940162. December 16. City of Edmonds. 2007. Shoreline Master Program Update: Shoreline Inventory and Characterization. November. WDFW. 2017. PHS on the Web. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Priority Habitats and Species Program. http://wdfw.wa.gov/mapping/phs/ Attachments: Figure 1. Study Area Map Attachment 1. Selected Site Photographs Wetland/Waterway Critical Areas Assessment Port of Edmonds Retail Property 4 June 21, 2017 21 8 8 6 8 G:\\Projects\\1527\\002\\F01StudyAreaMap.mxd 6/20/2017 ATTACHMENT 1 1. Gravel parking at north end of subject property. 1.docx - Figure A \\ t n e m s s e s s A s a e r A l a c i t i r C s y a w r e - t Wetland a W \\ R \\ 002 \\ 1527 \\ projects \\ edmdata01 \\ \\ 2. Paved parking at south end of subject property. 6/21/17 Figure Port of Edmonds Retail {ĻƌĻĭƷĻķ {źƷĻ tŷƚƷƚŭƩğƦŷƭ A-1 Property Edmonds, Washington 3. Daylight section of Willow Creek adjacent to south end of subject property. 2.docx - Figure A \\ t n e m s s e s s A s a e r A l a c i t i r C s y a w r e - t Wetland a W \\ R \\ 002 \\ 1527 \\ projects \\ edmdata01 \\ \\ 4. Edmonds Marsh adjacent to the subject property from viewing platform. 6/21/17 Figure Port of Edmonds Retail {ĻƌĻĭƷĻķ {źƷĻ tŷƚƷƚŭƩğƦŷƭ A-2 Property Edmonds, Washington