YostHouse_StaffReport_withAttachments.pdfCity of Edmonds Historic Preservation Commission Designation Staff Report "C. 1257 Meeting Date: June 14, 2018 Agenda Subject: Application for designation of Yost House at 658 Maple Street as eligible for inclusion on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places Staff Lead: Kernen Lien, Environmental Programs Manager Staff recommendation: Staff recommends that the Commission finds that the Yost House meets the criteria for designation on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places. The exterior of the structure contains the significant architectural features. Yost House HistPres designation staff report Designation Criteria CommentsCriteria 1. Significantly associated with the ® This house is associated with the early history, architecture, archaeology, pioneer history and general development engineering or cultural heritage of of the City of Edmonds. The house was Edmonds... constructed by the Yost family when they were owners of a local lumber mill. 2. Has integrity... ® The original portion of the house is a house is a largely intact vernacular style architecture. Original wood sash windows on the east and west fagades have been replaced with vinyl, double -hung windows, but the trim is consistent with the original house. The addition to the south side of the original house does not diminish the historical value of the original house. 3. Age at least 50 years old, or has ® The building was constructed in 1907 and exceptional importance if less than 50 thus is 111 years old. years old... 4. Falls into at least one of the following designation categories: Designation Category a. Associated with events that have ® The house is associated with the pioneer made a significant contribution to the history and general development of the broad patterns of national, state or City of Edmonds. local history. b. Embodies the distinctive architectural ® The house is significant for its intact characteristics of a type, period, style vernacular architecture. or method of design or construction, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction. c. Is an outstanding work of a designer, ❑ builder or architect who has made a substantial contribution to the art. d. Exemplifies or reflects special ❑ elements of the City's cultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering or architectural history. Yost House HistPres designation staff report Page of 8 Designation Criteria CommentsCriteria e. Is associated with the lives of persons ® The Yost is associated with the Yost significant in national, state or local family, an early pioneer family history. extensively involved in the early development of Edmonds. The family were active in the lumbering, sawmill, shingle, water supply, telephone, automotive and bus transportation businesses and are the namesake of Yost Park. f. Has yielded or may be likely to yield ❑ important archaeological information related to history or prehistory. g. Is a building or structure removed ❑ from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the only surviving structure significantly associated with a historic person or event. h. Is a birthplace or grave of a historical ❑ figure of outstanding importance and is the only surviving structure or site associated with that person. i. Is a cemetery which derives its ❑ primary significance from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events or cultural patterns. j. Is a reconstructed building that has ❑ been executed in a historically accurate manner on the original site. k. Is a creative and unique example of ❑ folk architecture and design created by persons not formally trained in the architectural or design professions, and which does not fit into formal architectural or historical, the designation shall include description of the boundaries of categories. Yost House HistPres designation staff report Page 3 of 8 1. Shape: The original building is a two-story rectangular structure with a later addition to the south of the residence. 2. Roof and Roof The original portion of the house is side gabled. A large, gabled addition Features: extends from the south end of the original structure and has lower cross gables on the east and west sides. 3. Openings The front door is centrally located and is flanked by cottage windows with (entries, etc.): leaded glass transoms. A small, square window edgedwith little panes is the only fenestration on the second story of the fagade. 4. Projections: The hip -roofed front porch is nearly full -width and has four yards poasts and wood railing. S. Trim & secondary N/A features 6. Materials: The house is clad in wood shiplap siding. 7. Setting: The house is located on the corner of Maple Street and 7t' Avenue North is a residential neighborhood. 8. Materials at close N/A range 9. Craft details: N/A 10. Individual N/A. Interior features are not considered for nomination. rooms/spaces: 11. Related spaces or N/A sequences: 12. Interior features: N/A. Interior features are not considered for nomination 13. Surface finishes & N/A materials: 14. Exposed structure: N/A Yost House HistPres designation staff report Page of 8 Yost House, c. 1909 (Edmonds Historical Museum) Yost Housc, 2004 (Photo from Bola Rcport) Yost House HistPres designation staff report Page 5 of 8 ill! ii ��i■ r Rai �■ u � E ii too , ;r ' e �'�� ���. �� .�� °� �� I� is �� � �► :�;` .� ���. a I. ,I � Yost House J, i Yost/Astell Family Yost House HistPres designation staff report Page 7 of 8 Notes on historic register nominations: Chapter 20.45.020 ECDC* states that if the Commission finds that the nominated property is eligible for placement on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places, the Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council that the property be listed on the register with owner's consent. According to Chapter 20.45.040 ECDC, listing on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places is an honorary designation denoting significant association with the historic, archaeological, engineering or cultural heritage of the community. Properties are listed individually or as contributing properties to a historic district. No property may be listed without the owner's permission. Prior to the commencement of any work on a register property, excluding ordinary repair and maintenance and emergency measures defined in Section 20.45.000(H), the owner must request and receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commission for the proposed work. Violation of this rule shall be grounds for the Commission to review the property for removal from the register. Prior to whole or partial demolition of a register property, the owner must request and receive a waiver of a Certificate of Appropriateness. Because Edmonds is a Certified Local Government (CLG), all properties listed on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places may be eligible for a special tax valuation on their rehabilitation. * Edmonds Community Development Code Yost House HistPres designation staff report Page 8 of 8 low% k Edmonds Register of Edmonds Historic Historic Places Preservation Commteston Nomination Form Type or print all entries - Please complete all applicable sections. �A. Site Name I'Location � ll Historic Naive (if applicable): D�' C� () i.GS.K Common (or Current) Name (if applicable): Site Address / Location Street Address or Location Description': City City / ZIP Code: _ zz)-" `- FOR OFFICIAL. USE ONLY Date Received: Received +v• File #:t Survey/Site #: _ Tax / Parcel Number: L �_,11._jiz a,�, goo Name: �IY { /rGY� K�d.tl� ���j�.:fv.A, `. = 1- - �`1 ---- -- - - - - Street Address:( r- City / State / ZIP Code: C'J'?b .v �- ] �r` _ `� Phone #: Nomination Form-o B l.: (.LI-Y1 G`I�cL 1 � Name (say "Owner" irsame as owner listed above): �(//'11li.', &nL�� �. Ty e-�_ Contact Address: Street: _ City / ZIP: Contact Phone #: Date Form Completed: I / WE the undersigned certify that we are the owners of the property identified on this form and hereby give our consent to having the property listed on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places. Name (Please Print) Signature -- 1 Name (Please Print) +�, greU;er Signature c� . Date _ Date Echnonds Register of'llistor•ic ['laces Nonihiation Form Page I E. Eligibi ity for Listing on the Edmonds -. Site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (If checked, skip to Section F) Site is listed on the State Register of Historic Places (if checked, skip to Section F) Historical Significance — Please check all that apply: 1. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of national, state or local history. 2. V1 Embodies the distinctive architectural characteristics of a type, period, style or method of design or construction, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction. 3. Is an outstanding work of a designer, builder or architect who has made a substantial contribution to the art. 4. Exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's cultural, special, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering or architectural history. 5. Is associated with the lives of persons significant in national, state or local history. 6. Has yielded or may be likely to yield important archaeological information related to history or prehistory. 7. Is a building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the only surviving structure significantly associated with a historic person or event. 8. Is a birthplace or grave of a historical figure of outstanding importance and is the only surviving structure or site associated with that person. 9. Is a cemetery which derives its primary significance from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events or cultural patterns. 10. Is a reconstructed building that has been executed in a historically accurate manner on the original site. 11. Is a creative and unique example of folk architecture and design created by persons not formally trained in the architectural or design professions, and which does not fit into formal architectural or historical categories; the designation shall include description of the boundaries. Historical Description In the space below, describe the history and significance of the site to Edmonds' heritage. You may elect to describe the site's significance in your own words, attach copies of other documents or photographs, and/or make reference to other materials (noting where those materials are available to be reviewed). For example, you may simply note that the site is on an historical survey, noting the survey name and site number. (Please feel free to attach any additional continuation sheets if you need more space.) Edmonds Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Page 2 This section must be completed if the site is not on the State or National Register, or it is not on an approved hi. Please provide as much information as you can. j Year Built: l 1 v / Architect: Builder or Engineer (specify): Architectural Stvle(s)*: V ef✓1azaa - Building Form*: Roof Roof Type*: s t +'1 C Cladding*:y t/ c)od. /5 h 1) la * Note: See later reference sheets for list of choices for these items. survey. -- ------------------- Overall 7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes from -------- Condition: Original: ✓_ Excellent Man: Cladding: Windows: Other: Site: Good Intact Intact Intact Intact Original Site Fair Slight Slight _ _Slight Slight Moved Deteriorated Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Date Moved. Ruins Extensive Extensive Extensive Extensive Unexposed Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------.... Plan Type: Structural System: .--- .---------------------------------------------- Foundation: Roof Material: Apsidal Pavilion —Balloon/Platform _Brick Asphalt Comp Metal — Tile Center Space/ Polygonal Frame Concrete block A. Comp - built up None Courtyard Rectangle _Braced _Brick Concrete poured _A. Comp - shingle Other Cross/Cruciform _ Round _Clay Tile _Log A. Comp —rolled Slate E-Shape _ Semi -circular _Concrete block _None _ Tile _ Unknown Hexagonal Square _Concrete poured _Other _ Tile - clay Wood H-Shape Triangular _ Log _Parged Tile - concrete Wood plank Irregular _ T-Shape Mixed _Post & Pier — Metal _ Wood shake L-Shape _ Unknown _None _Stone Metal - corrugated Wood shingle _ None _ U-Shape _Other _Unknown Metal - standing seam Octagonal Y-Shape _Plank _ Other Post & Beam Steel Stone - cut Number of Stories —Stone - uncut _ Unknown Edmonds Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance: (Ilse continuation sheets if necessary, and for any photographs or copies you are providing.) fjri nnV P9rh - e h is slkc-JccQ,1e Hir-ro6p Pores. is t , (,C1 lnl� A' k � � 4- j a nd- p o5is 4.- a tJ oc� (a� (- d uat-c fi��e (,J 1�5 INI� �� � �G�SS �I�Y7!-tiSUrr' � • R sm all J 'PCtr�S � ,�g'j�ra�ion cm �i�e �'•QG6�d ,y �(l� tY\At WObd Sa5kgS Of\ _ft:-e 4.44 We,�F k"-e- vin eltt" e i o i r,.4 ai. k R 4G .A"" �+4-e 1 of�� , n� sivucfL S of 4- k4-- f o Wer Grc'56 S. n rV r-, a,& (I,,- .Soc¢JI ha,& l amJ - I,s�yz c,d-d-�ati• rn`-�Re,� �1.� m. �U P �. o �-e h r.�� la�'k. � S,-, row Ias hart'z&\1.o 4D � kk� cr-, t � sew �- > �' - G. Bibliographical or Historical References rE (Please: list and reference ar�v sources which help doctanent the historical value of the site.) Ti\.1,5 - h c t d gu rah are, s �y I(, vzrn o'c� 0VfCQ-iLt',ek_(-..e , C�Siru tel( -t e josh .LjhL) NJ, +�-C 9 A"tiVV(�* _ff4 CI+ - For Office Use Only Location Detail _ Parcel # `%uL WL 05 Q 9UU urM Reference: Zone I V Easting Township 7-1 Range _'27>_ Section '/a Section Category Ownership _ District Public -�-Building(s) r { , Private Structure Both Site Object Within a District? Yes No Contributing? Yes Resource Status Survey/Inventory National Register National Landmark No // � Unknown State Register Determined Eligible Other: Local District: Northing -,7tjg I -I . v Z5 IA IA Section Usage Current: yx,n. vDfiv -- e--)f- Historic: National or State Register / District: Edmonds Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Page 4 ,d,ahp Historic Property Report i� Resource Name: Yost House DEPT or ARCHACCLOr IIISTC?.0 r•kiSE 2': +.r�^`: Location Main St 0 C Francis E Ancierson Center o Dayton St rn d Q L m Ma i r: ci tir Q A'r Walnut r.t Cedar St Address: 658 Maple St, Edmonds, WA 98020 Tax No/Parcel No: 00434209501900 Plat/Block/Lot: CITY OF EDMONDS BLK 095 D-00 - LOTS 19-20 Geographic Areas: Snohomish County, T271103E24 Information Number of stories: 2 Construction Dates: Construction Type Year Built Date 1907 Historic Use: Category Subcategory Domestic Domestic - Single Family House Domestic Domestic - Single Family House Historic Context: Category Community Planning and Development Architecture Architect/Engineer: Category Name or Company Circa r Property ID: 39539 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Page 1 of 7 dahp l i• D(PT O! AQCMACCIOO'I WSio?:C rk ESER'T' Thematics: Historic Property Report Resource Name: Yost House Local Registers and Districts Name Date Listed Project History Project Number, Organization, Project Name 2005-01-00002, , Downtown Edmonds 2004 Notes Resource Inventory SHPO Determination 9/21/2004 Not Determined Property ID: 39539 SHPO Determined By, Determined Date Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Page 2 of 7 Clahp Historic Property Report i� Resource Name: Yost House cmr or n.eay.ECLOG- Photos Primary north facade Secondary east fagade Property ID: 39539 Site, garage, and east partial south facade M Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Page 3 of 7 dahp Historic Property Report i� Resource Name: Yost House Vr'T0 A.eauECLOr- Inventory Details - 9/21/2004 Common name: Date recorded: 9/21/2004 Field Recorder: Susan D. Boyle Field Site number: 41 SHPO Determination Detail Information Characteristics: Category Item Form Type Single Dwelling - I House Roof Type Gable - Side Roof Material Asphalt/Composition - Shingle Plan Rectangle Foundation Concrete - Poured Form Type Single Dwelling - Side Gable Cladding Wood - Shiplap Styles: Period Style Details Other Vernacular Property ID: 39539 Surveyor Opinion Property appears to meet criteria for the National Register of Historic Places: Yes Property is located in a potential historic district (National and/or local): Yes Property potentially contributes to a historic district (National and/or local): Yes Significance narrative: This early house and garage are significant for their intact, vernacular architecture. Constructed by the Yost family when they were owners of a local lumber mill, it is also associated with pioneer history and the general development of the city. Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Page 4 of 7 da.hp Historic Property Report Resource Name: Yost House Property ID: 39539 DEPT Of ARCRAEOIOGI InSTORiC PRESERVATiC: Physical description: The original portion of the house is side -gabled. The hip -roofed front porch is nearly full - width and has four yard posts and wood railing. The front door is centrally located and is flanked by cottage windows with leaded glass transoms. A small, square window edged with little panes is the only fenestration on the second story of the facade. Original wood sashes on the east and west fagades have vinyl, double -hung windows, but the trim is consistent with the original house. A large, gabled addition extends from the south end of the original structure and has lower cross gables on the east and west sides. A one-story sunroom at the south end of the house has wood sashes. A two -bay garage located at the southeast corner of the property is accessed by car from 6th Avenue and has a door on the north side that opens onto the back lawn of the house. Shiplap on the large addition matches the sheathing on the original section of the house, while the sunroom has horizontal tongue and groove trim that is noticeably different. The site slopes down significantly from east to west, exposing the basement at the west. The original house foundation may be partially wood sill log, with parge covering.. Bibliography: Edmonds Historical Museum 2002 Survey Edmonds Historical Museum Photo Collection Snohomish County Tax Assessment Record Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Page 5 of 7 dahp Historic Property Report 1 Resource Name: Yost House arr or n.euu[noc. Inventory Details - 7/1/2011 Common name: Date recorded: 7/1/2011 Field Recorder: Artifacts Consulting, Inc. Field Site number: 41 SHPO Determination Detail Information Characteristics: Category Cladding Roof Material Structural System Roof Type Form Type Surveyor Opinion Item Wood Asphalt/Composition - Shingle Wood - Platform Frame Gable Single Dwelling Property ID: 39539 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Page 6of7 dahp Historic Property Report dalLso nt, Resource Name: Yost House Property ID: 39539 NPT Or ARbuCOIOO" Significance narrative: Data included on this historic property inventory form (HPI) detail stemmed from County Assessor building records imported by the Washington State Department of Archaeology of Historic Preservation (DAHP) into WISAARD in 2011. This upload reduces data entry burden on community volunteers and historical societies participating in the survey and inventory of their communities. The intent of this project is directed specifically to facilitating community and public involvement in stewardship, increasing data accuracy, and providing a versatile planning tool to Certified Local Governments (CLGs). Currently survey and inventory projects at the local level produce a field form for each property surveyed and include digital photographs. Volunteers doing the survey track down and manually enter all the owner, parcel, and legal data manually. Manual data entry diminishes accuracy and quantity of resources volunteers can survey. Recognizing this, DAHP uploaded building data for each Certified Local Government (CLG) on properties that were built in or before 1969 to provide an accurate and comprehensive baseline dataset. Volunteers doing survey work need only to verify data, add in photographs and extent of alterations and architectural style data, as well as expand upon the physical description and significance statement as new data is collected. For planning purposes, the attrition rate of properties built in or before 1969 can start to be measured to guide stewardship priorities. Project methodology entailed use of the University of Washington's State Parcel Database (http://depts.washington.edu/wagis/projects/parcels/development.php) to provide the base parcel layer for CLGs. Filtering of building data collected from each county trimmed out all properties built after 1969, as well as all current, previously inventoried properties. Translation of building data descriptors to match fields in HPI allowed the data upload. Calculation of point locations utilized the center of each parcel. Data on this detail provides a snapshot of building information as of 2011. A detailed project methodology description resides with DAHP. Project team members: Historic Preservation Northwest, GeoEngineers, and Artifacts Consulting, Inc. (project lead). Physical description: The house at 658 Maple Street, Edmonds, is located in Snohomish County. According to the county assessor, the structure was built in 1907 and is a single family dwelling. The 2 -story building has a gable roof clad in asphalt composition shingles. The walls of the single-family form are clad principally in wood over a platform frame structure. The county assessor also reports that there is 1 outbuilding on the property which is a residential detached garage. Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Page 7 of 7 0 rx r Z rt � 00 0 (A oy oCD w ;0 cn I 0)c0 m 00�. E % 91) -, Cl) rt O M c0 �. rt 0 m W Z O O 0 N o � oCD 0 m CD 553 0 0 0 50 509 � N O N 556 507 00 520 518 w N 4 n �L N �• c„ 624 cn 520 634 640 524 648 532 L Faoc) D r z C /N o rn 7TH AVE S w 540 u, �co 302 558 6TH AVE S 8TH AVE S 555 550 555 601 y 600 z 601 605 610 N 611 617 a, 615 623 627 630 627 DURBIN DR a, w 0n w z O vs m y O O 3' 0 rr r O 0) rt D z 0-4 M � O D z v m 0 z