121 5 Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
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Thankyouforsubmittingarequestforzoningcompliancefor theFirdaleVillageApartments at 9333244Street
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9333 244TH ST SW - - - EDMONDS, WA 98020-7513
Parcel Legal Description
SEC 36 TWP 27 RGE 03 TH PTN SE1/4 SE1/4 DAF - BEG SE COR W1/2 E1/2 SD SUB TH N00*41 07E
ALG THE E LN 30FT TO TPB TH N00*41 07E CONT ALG SD E LN 814.99FTTH N49*23 55W
173.54FT TH N70*12 04W 45.93FT TH S78*13 54W 80.55FT TH S38*39 35W 215.98FT TH S05*26
25E 238.26FT TH S22*28 46E 232.39FT TH S51*20 25W 90.50FT TH S89*58 56W 53.69FT TH N07*07
30W 239.61FT TH N56*46 13W 280.64FT TO SE COR PLAT FIR MEADOWS NO 6 PER VOL 17 OF
SE1/4 SE1/6 SEC 36 TH S00*15 02W ALG SD W LN A DIST 437.02FT TO N LN OF S 230FT OF SD
690.28FT TPB AKA PAR 1 OF BLA 70-84 AF NO 8406060142 V 1847 P 0752 LESS TH PTN S 12FT SD
PAR 1 TO SNO CO PER AF NO 8702260259 V 2034 P 0526 DAF - BEG AT SE COR SD PAR 1 TH
S89*58 56W ALG S LN & ALG N MGN 244TH ST SW DIST 193FT TPB SD DESC TH N83*10 30W
DIST 100.72FT TO N LN SD S 12FT TH S89*58 56W ALG N LN DIST 170FT TH S83*08 22W DIST
W1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 SEC 36 EXC RDS TGW W1/2 W1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 SEC 36 EXC TH PTN PLATTED
TH W 300FT TPB & EXC CO RD ALG SD LN SE1/4 SE1/4 TGW W1/2 E1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 SEC 36 &
W1/2 E1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 TH N ALG THE E LN 30FT TPB TH N00*41 07E CONT ALG SD E LN
814.99FT TH N49*23 55W 173.54FT TH N79*12 04W 45.93FT TH S78*13 54W 80.55FT TH S38*39
35W 215.98FT TH S05*26 25E 238.26FT TH S22*28 46E 232.39FT TH S51*20 25W 90.50FT TH
S89*58 56W 53.69FT TH N07*07 30W 234.61FT TH N56*46 13W 280.64FT TO SE COR PLAT FIR
MEADOWS NO 6 A DIST 331.71FT TO W LN SD SE1/4 SE1/4 SEC 36 TH S00*15 02W ALG SD W LN
Snohomish County, WA Assessor Parcel DataPage 2of 3
N89*58 56E ALG SD N MGN DIST OF 690.28FT TPB AKA PAR 2 OF BLA 70-84 AF NO 8406060142
V 1847 P 0752
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Treasurer's Tax Information
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2010 Taxes for this $291,658.57
5579703 4/28/2010 $145,829.28
Payments: Receipt No.
(Taxes may include Surface Water Management and/or State Forest Fire Patrol fees and any fees related to late
payments. LID charges, if any, are not included.)
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Reductions for exemptions are made on the property tax bill.
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Tax Code Area (TCA)
139 Multiple Family 301 Units or More
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Sales data is based solely upon excise affidavits processed by the Assessor.
TransferReceiptExcise DeedOther
Sales Price Grantor (Seller) Grantee (Buyer)
2/22/20012/27/2001$25,454,548161880 W ERP OPERATING LIMITED EQUITY RESIDENTIAL No
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Chapter 16.30 RM – MULTIPLE RESIDENTIALPage 1of 4
Chapter 16.30
16.30.000 Purposes.
16.30.010 Uses.
16.30.020 Subdistricts.
16.30.030 Site development standards.
Site development exceptions.
16.30.000 Purposes.
The RM zone has the following specific purposes in addition to the general purposes for
and 16.10.000:
residential zones of ECDC 16.00.010
A. To reserve and regulate areas for a variety of housing types, and a range of greater densities
than are available in the single-family residential zone, while still maintaining a residential
B. To provide for those additional uses which complement and are compatible with multiple
residential uses. \[Ord. 3627 § 1, 2007\].
16.30.010 Uses.
A. Permitted Primary Uses.
1. Multiple dwellings;
2. Single-family dwellings;
3. Retirement homes;
4. Group homes for the disabled, foster family homes and state-licensed group homes for
foster care of minors; provided, however, that halfway houses and group homes licensed for
juvenile offenders are not permitted uses in a residential zone of the city;
5. Boarding houses and rooming houses;
6. Housing for low income elderly in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 20.25
7. Churches, subject to the requirements of ECDC 17.100.020
8. Primary schools subject to the requirements of ECDC 17.100.050(G) through (R);
9. Local public facilities that are planned, designated, and sited in the capital improvement
plan, subject to the requirements of ECDC 17.100.050;
10. Neighborhood parks, natural open spaces, and community parks with an adopted master
plan subject to the requirements of ECDC 17.100.070.
B. Permitted Secondary Uses.
1. All permitted secondary uses in the RS zone, if in conjunction with a single-family dwelling;
2. Home occupations, subject to the requirements of Chapter 20.20 ECDC;
Chapter 16.30 RM – MULTIPLE RESIDENTIALPage 2of 4
3. The keeping of one domestic animal per dwelling unit in multiple-family buildings;
4. The following accessory uses:
a. Private parking,
b. Private swimming pools and other private recreational facilities,
c. Private greenhouses covering no more than five percent of the site in total;
5. Commuter parking lots containing less than 10 designated parking spaces in conjunction
with a church, school, or local public facility allowed or conditionally permitted in this zone.
Any additionally designated parking spaces that increase the total number of spaces in a
commuter parking lot to 10 or more shall subject the entire commuter parking lot to a
conditional use permit as specified in subsection (D)(2) of this section, including commuter
parking lots that are located upon more than one lot as specified in ECDC 21.15.075.
C. Primary Uses Requiring a Conditional Use Permit.
1. Offices, other than local public facilities;
2. Local public facilities not planned, designated, or sited in the capital improvement plan,
subject to the requirements of ECDC 17.100.050;
3. Day-care centers;
4. Hospitals, convalescent homes, rest homes, sanitariums;
5. Museums, art galleries, zoos, and aquariums of primarily local concern that do not meet
the criteria for regional public facilities as defined in ECDC 21.85.033;
6. Counseling centers and residential treatment facilities for current alcoholics and drug
7. High schools, subject to the requirements of ECDC 17.100.050(G) through (R);
8. Regional parks and community parks without a master plan subject to the requirements of
ECDC 17.100.070.
D. Secondary Uses Requiring a Conditional Use Permit.
1. Day-care facilities of any size to be operated in a separate, nonresidential portion of a
multifamily residential dwelling structure operated primarily for the benefit of the residents
2. Commuter parking lots with 10 or more designated parking spaces in conjunction with a
church, school, or local public facility allowed or conditionally permitted in this zone. \[Ord.
3627 § 1, 2007\].
16.30.020 Subdistricts.
There are established four subdistricts of the RM zone, in order to provide site development
standards for areas which differ in topography, location, existing development and other factors.
These subdistricts shall be known as the RM-1.5, RM Î Edmonds Way (RM-EW), RM-2.4, and
RM-3 zones. \[Ord. 3627 § 1, 2007\].
16.30.030 Site development standards.
Chapter 16.30 RM – MULTIPLE RESIDENTIALPage 3of 4
A. Table.
Area Per
Subdistrict(Sq. Ft.)SetbackHeightCoveragePer Unit)
RM-1.5 1,500 45% 2
15 10 15
RM-EW 1,500 15 10 15 45% 2
RM-2.4 2,400 45% 2
15 10 15
RM-3 3,000 15 15 15 45% 2
Roof only may extend five feet above the stated height limit if all portions of the roof above the
stated height limit have a slope of four inches in 12 inches or greater.
RS setbacks may be used for single-family homes on lots of 10,000 square feet or less in all RM
See Chapter 17.50 ECDC for specific parking requirements.
See definition of townhouse.
Maximum height for accessory structures of 15 feet.
The maximum base height of any building fronting on Edmonds Way may be increased to 30
feet if the following apply to the site and proposed development:
(a) At least 50 percent of the parking for the subject building shall be enclosed inside a building or
(b) The subject property is at least five feet lower at its lowest elevation than any adjacent
residentially (R) zoned property measured at its lowest elevation; and
(c) The proposed development integrates low impact development techniques where reasonably
feasible. For the purposes of this subsection, Ðlow impact development techniquesÑ shall include,
but shall not be limited to, the following: the use of bioswales, green roofs, and grasscrete.
ÐReasonably feasibleÑ shall be determined based upon the physical characteristics of the property
and its suitability for the technique; cost alone shall not make the use of the impact development
unreasonable or unfeasible.
In addition to any height bonus under note 6, the building may extend up to an additional five
feet if all portions of the roof above the height limit (after adding the height bonus under note 6)
provide a minimum 15 percent slope or pitch.
B. Signs and Design Review. See Chapters 20.10 and 20.60 ECDC for regulations.
C. Location of Parking. No parking spaces may be located within the street setback.
D. Landscaping. In addition to the landscaping requirements set forth in Chapter 20.13 ECDC, any
development in the RM Î Edmonds Way zone shall retain at least 35 percent of the existing
healthy significant trees within the side and rear setbacks of the development site. The applicant
Chapter 16.30 RM – MULTIPLE RESIDENTIALPage 4of 4
shall retain an arborist to determine the health of all significant trees within the side and rear
setbacks. For the purposes of this section, Ðsignificant treeÑ shall be defined as any tree with a
caliper greater than six inches measured at four feet above grade. Where it is not reasonably
feasible for the applicant to retain 35 percent of the existing healthy significant trees within the
side and rear setbacks, the applicant may replace any significant trees below the 35 percent
threshold as follows: each significant tree removed that reduces the percentage of retained
significant healthy trees below 35 percent shall be replaced with three new trees, each of no less
than three-inch caliper measured at four feet above grade. \[Ord. 3627 § 1, 2007\].
16.30.040 Site development exceptions.
A. Housing for the Elderly. Housing projects for the elderly are eligible for special parking and
density provisions. See Chapter 20.25
B. Satellite Television Antenna. Satellite television antennas shall be regulated as set forth in
ECDC 16.20.050 and reviewed by the architectural design board.
C. Setback Encroachments.
1. Eaves and chimneys may project into a required setback not more than 30 inches.
2. Except as authorized by subsection (C)(3) of this section, uncovered and unenclosed
porches, steps, patios, and decks may project into a required setback not more than one-
third of the required setback, or four feet, whichever is less; provided, that they are no more
than 30 inches above the ground level at any point.
3. In the RM Î Edmonds Way zone, uncovered and unenclosed porches, steps, patios, and
decks may occupy up to one-half of the required street setback area along Edmonds Way;
provided, that these structures or uses are located no more than 20 feet above the ground
level at any point.
D. Corner Lots. Corner lots shall have no rear setback; all setbacks other than street setbacks
shall be side setbacks. \[Ord. 3652 § 1, 2007; Ord. 3627 § 1, 2007\].
This page of the Edmonds City Code is current through Ord. City Website: http://www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
3773, passed December 15, 2009. City Telephone: (425) 771-0245
Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the Code Publishin Company
Edmonds City. Users should contact the City Clerk's Office for
ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance citedabove.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 1of 18
Chapter 20.60
20.60.000 Purpose.
20.60.005 Definitions.
20.60.010 Permit required.
20.60.015 Design review procedures.
20.60.020 General regulations for permanent signs.
20.60.025 Total maximum permanent sign area.
20.60.030 Wall signs – Maximum area and height.
20.60.035 Window signs – Maximum area.
20.60.040 Projecting signs – Maximum area and height restrictions.
20.60.045 Freestanding signs – Regulations.
20.60.050 Wall graphic and identification structures.
20.60.060 Campaign signs.
20.60.065 Real estate signs.
20.60.080 Temporary signs.
Construction signs.
20.60.090 Prohibited signs.
20.60.095 Exempt signs.
20.60.100 Administration.
20.60.000 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to enact regulatory measures to implement those goals
and policies stated in the Edmonds Comprehensive Policy Plan and to achieve the
following objectives:
A. Protect the public right-of-way from obstructions which would impair the public’s use of
their right-of-way.
B. Minimize the hazard to the public represented by distractions to drivers from moving,
blinking, or other similar forms of signage or visual clutter.
C. Provide for distinct signage for each distinct property.
D. Encourage the use of graphics/symbols to reduce the visual clutter associated with
overly large letters or extensive use of lettering.
E. Minimize potential for view blockage and visual clutter along public rights-of-way. \[Ord.
3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.005 Definitions.
For the purposes of the enforcement of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
“Attached sign” is any sign attached or affixed to a building. Attached signs include wall
signs, projecting signs, and window signs.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 2of 18
“Boxed cabinet sign” is a permanent sign that is mounted on the face of a building that is
roughly rectangular in shape and provides for internal illumination and changing the
message of the sign by replacing a single transparent or translucent material such as a
Plexiglas/lexan face. This definition is meant to distinguish between a cabinet sign that is
essentially a rectangular box and one that follows the outlines of the letters of the sign, or
an “outline cabinet sign.”
“Building ID/historic sign” is a permanent sign that identifies or names a building and
assists in creating landmarks in the city. Examples include dates, “1890”; names,
“Beeson Building”; or addresses.
“Campaign sign” is a temporary sign displaying a message relating to a candidate,
political party, or issue that is registered or certified for an upcoming election.
“Commercial sign” is a sign displayed for the purpose of identifying a commercial use, or
advertising a service, product, business or venture that is offered for trade or sale.
“Community event banner” is a noncommercial sign composed of cloth, fabric, canvas or
similarly flexible material that promotes a temporary community event endorsed,
operated or sponsored wholly or in part by a local public entity the jurisdiction of which
includes the city of Edmonds. “Community events” are nonprofit, governmental or
charitable festivals, contests, programs, fairs, carnivals or recreational contests
conducted within the city.
“Construction sign” is a permanent or temporary sign displayed on premises where any
physical excavation, construction, demolition, rehabilitation, structural alteration or related
work is currently occurring, pursuant to a valid building permit.
“Fixed sign” is any sign attached or affixed to the ground or any structure in such a
manner so as to provide for continuous display for an extended or indeterminable period
of time. Fixed signs include, but are not limited to freestanding signs and wall signs.
“Freestanding sign” is any sign that is not attached or affixed to a building. Freestanding
signs can be further described as “monument signs” or “pole signs.”
“Governmental sign” is a sign owned, operated or sponsored by a governmental entity,
and which promotes the public health, safety or welfare. Governmental signs include, but
are not limited to, traffic signs, directional and informational signs for public facilities,
publicly sponsored warning or hazard signs, and community event banners displayed by
a governmental entity on public property.
“Group sign” is a sign or signs on one sign structure serving two or more businesses
sharing a parking facility.
“Identification structure” is a structure intended to attract the attention of the public to a
site, without the use of words or symbols identifying the businesses. Examples include
fountains, sculptures, awnings, and totem poles.
“Internally illuminated signs” include any sign where light shines through a transparent or
semi-transparent sign face to illuminate the sign’s message. Exposed neon is considered
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 3of 18
to be a form of internal illumination.
“Marquee sign” is any sign attached or made part of a building marquee. A marquee sign
is a form of projecting sign.
“Monument signs” are freestanding signs that have integrated the structural component
of the sign into the design of the sign and sign base.
“Noncommercial sign” is a sign that is intended to display a religious, charitable, cultural,
governmental, informational, political, educational, or artistic message, that is not
primarily associated with a good, product, or service offered for sale or trade.
Noncommercial signs include signs advertising incidental and temporary commercial
activities conducted by churches and nonprofit businesses, clubs, groups, associations or
“Off-premises sign” is any sign that advertises or relates to a good, product, service,
event, or meeting, that is offered, sold, traded, provided, or conducted at some location
or premises other than that upon which the sign is posted or displayed. Off-premises
signs include all signs posted or displayed in the public right-of-way.
“On-premises sign” is any sign that advertises or relates to a good, product, service,
event, or meeting that is lawfully permitted to be offered, sold, traded, provided, or
conducted at the location or premises upon which the sign is posted or displayed. On-
premises signs also include signs not related to any particular location or premises, such
as signs displaying religious, charitable, cultural, governmental, informational, political,
educational, or artistic messages that are intentionally displayed by the owner of the
property or premises upon which the sign is displayed.
“Outline cabinet sign” is a permanent sign that is mounted on the face of a building that
roughly follows the shape of the text of the sign and provides for internal illumination.
This definition is meant to distinguish between a cabinet sign that follows the outlines of
the letters of the sign and one that is essentially a rectangular box or a “boxed cabinet
sign.” An “outlined cabinet sign” will be treated more like an “individual letter sign” where
the area of the sign is calculated based on the actual outlined shape of the sign.
“Permanent sign” is a fixed or portable sign intended for continuous or intermittent display
for periods exceeding 60 days in any calendar year.
“Pole signs” are freestanding signs where the structural support for the sign is a pole(s).
Pole signs may include community event banners where the banner is supported by at
least two poles that are permanently attached to the ground (“pole-mounted community
event banners”).
“Portable sign” is any sign that is readily capable of being moved or removed, whether
attached or affixed to the ground or any structure that is typically intended for temporary
display. Portable signs include, but are not limited to:
1. Signs designed and constructed with a chassis or support with or without wheels;
2. Menu and “sandwich” board signs;
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 4of 18
3. “A” and “T” frame signs;
4. Wooden, metal, or plastic “stake” or “yard” signs;
5. Posters or banners affixed to windows, railings, overhangs, trees, hedges, or
other structures or vegetation, except for pole-mounted community event banners;
6. Signs mounted upon vehicles parked and visible from the public right-of-way,
except signs identifying the related business when the vehicle is being used in the
normal day-to-day operation of the business, and except for signs advertising for
sale the vehicle upon which the sign is mounted;
7. Searchlights;
8. Inflatables.
“Premises” is the actual physical area of the lot upon which a sign is posted or displayed,
except within the boundaries of the BC or BD zone in the downtown activity center as
defined in the comprehensive plan, where “premises” shall include any portion of the
public sidewalk which fronts upon the lot.
“Projecting sign” is any sign attached or affixed to a building or wall in such a manner that
its leading edge extends more than 12 inches beyond the surface of such building or
“Reader board sign” is a sign that is designed to allow for a change in the message,
either by adding or removing plastic letters, or by means of electronics and lights.
“Real estate sign” is a sign displaying a message relating to the sale or rent of real
“Sign” is any structure, device or fixture that is visible from a public place, that
incorporates graphics, symbols, or written copy for the purposes of conveying a particular
message to public observers, including wall graphics or identification structures.
“Sign area” is the maximum actual area of a sign that is visible from any single point of
observation from any public vantage point. Supporting structures which are part of a sign
display shall be included in the calculation of the sign area.
“Temporary sign” is an allowed portable sign intended for short-term display, not to
exceed 60 calendar days in any calendar year.
“Wall graphic” is a wall sign in which color and form, and without the use of words, is a
part of the overall design on the building(s) in which the business is located. A wall
graphic may be painted or applied (not to exceed one-half inch in thickness) to a building
as a part of its overall color and design, but may not be internally lighted. Internally
lighted assemblies, including those which project from the wall of the structure, or which
are located on any accessory structure on the site, shall be considered wall signs and
comply with the requirements of this chapter.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 5of 18
“Wall sign” is a sign that is attached or affixed to a wall and that is parallel to and not
projecting more than 12 inches at any angle from such wall. Wall signs include signs that
are painted directly upon a wall.
“Window sign” is a sign that is attached or affixed to a window, or a sign displayed within
24 inches of the inside of a window in such a manner as to be visible from any public
place. \[Ord. 3631 § 1, 2007; Ord. 3628 § 8, 2007; Ord. 3561 § 1, 2005; Ord. 3514 § 1,
2004; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.010 Permit required.
A. Except as provided in this chapter, no permanent sign may be constructed, installed,
posted, displayed or modified without first obtaining a sign permit approving the proposed
sign’s size, design, location, and display as provided for in this chapter.
B. Design approval is not required for the posting of permanent signs in residential
zones; provided, that the restrictions and standards of this chapter are met. If additional
signage is requested for conditional or nonconforming uses in residential zones, the
property owner shall apply for design review. Design review is not required for any sign
which does not require a building permit.
C. A sign modification shall include, but is not limited to, relocations, modifications to
size, design, height or color scheme, or the replacement of 25 percent or more of the
structural material in the sign area. Normal and ordinary maintenance and repair, and
changes to the graphics, symbols, or copy of a sign, without affecting the size, structural
design, height, or color scheme, shall not constitute modifications for purposes of this
section. \[Ord. 3514 § 2, 2004; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.015 Design review procedures.
A. Staff Approval. Except as referred to the architectural design board pursuant to
subsection (A)(1) of this section, and except as provided in subsection (B) of this section,
the planning manager, or designee, shall review all applications for design review under
this chapter, and shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the application in
accordance with the policies of ECDC 20.10.000, the criteria set forth in ECDC
20.10.070, and the standards and requirements of this chapter.
1. The planning manager or designee may refer design review applications to the
architectural design board for the types of signs listed below, where the planning
manager determines that the proposed sign has the potential for significant adverse
impacts on community aesthetics or traffic safety:
a. Any sign application for an identification structure as defined by this chapter;
b. Any sign application for a wall graphic as defined by this chapter;
c. Any proposed sign that the planning manager determines to be obtrusive,
garish or otherwise not consistent with the architectural features of the
surrounding neighborhood.
B. Review by Architectural Design Board. The architectural design board shall review
those signs listed below and any sign permit referred by the planning manager pursuant
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 6of 18
to subsection (A)(1) of this section. The architectural design board shall approve,
conditionally approve or deny such sign permit applications in accordance with the
policies of ECDC 20.10.000, the criteria set forth in ECDC 20.10.070, and the standards
and requirements of this chapter. The decision of the architectural design board on any
sign permit application may be appealed to the city council pursuant to the procedure
established in ECDC 20.10.080 for appeal of architectural design board decisions.
1. Any sign permit application that requests a modification to any of the standards
prescribed by this chapter. The ADB shall only approve modification requests that
meet all of the following criteria:
a. The request is for signage on a site that has a unique configuration, such as
frontage on more than two streets or has an unusual geometric shape;
b. The subject property, building, or business has site conditions that do not
afford it the opportunity to provide signage consistent with or similar to other
properties in the vicinity;
c. The design of the proposed signage must be compatible in its use of
materials, colors, design and proportions with development throughout the site;
d. In no event shall the modification result in signage which exceeds the
maximum normally allowed by more than 50 percent.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (A) and (B) of this section, sign permit
applications shall not be referred to or reviewed by the architectural design board if the
proposed sign constitutes a modification to an existing sign and involves no significant
alteration or modification to the size, height, design, lighting or color of the existing sign.
Sign permit applications for such sign modifications shall be processed and subject to
review in the same manner as provided in for staff review in subsection (A) of this
section. \[Ord. 3736 § 60, 2009; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.020 General regulations for permanent signs.
A. When located on a wall or mansard roof, no sign may extend above the highest point
of the wall or roof, or above the eave or drip line of a pitched roof on which it is located. A
sign may not be attached above the eave or drip line on a pitched roof.
B. Except for pole-mounted community event banners, no sign or any part of a sign may
be designed or constructed to be moving by any means and shall not contain items such
as banners, ribbons, streamers and spinners. Signs with type that is movable to change
the message (reader boards) are allowed.
C. No signs shall extend into or over a public right-of-way unless an encroachment permit
has been approved (see Chapter 18.70 ECDC).
D. Exposed braces and angle irons are prohibited. Guywires are prohibited unless there
are no other practical means of supporting the sign.
E. No sign shall have blinking, flashing, fluttering or moving lights or other illuminating
device which has a changing light density or color; provided, however, temperature
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 7of 18
and/or time signs that conform in all other respects to this chapter are allowed. Electronic
reader boards may have messages that change, however, moving messages are not
allowed. Messages that change at intervals less than 20 seconds will be considered
blinking or flashing and not allowed.
F. No light source which exceeds 20 watts shall be directly exposed to any public street
or adjacent property.
G. No illumination source of fluorescent light shall exceed 425 milliamps or be spaced
closer than eight inches on center.
H. No commercial sign shall be illuminated after 11:00 p.m. unless the commercial
enterprise is open for business and then may remain on only as long as the enterprise is
I. No window signs above the first floor shall be illuminated.
J. Sign height shall be determined as follows:
1. For attached signs, sign height is the vertical distance from the highest point on
the sign to the finished grade.
2. For freestanding signs, sign height is the vertical distance from the highest point
of the sign area or its support to the average elevation of undisturbed soil at the
base of the supports.
K. Portable signs may not be used as permanent signage; only fixed signs are permitted.
L. The following matrix summarizes the types of signs permitted in each
neighborhood/district within the city:
SR-Westgate/SR-Commercial Uses in
Sign Type (BN Zones) RM Zones
Wall-P P P P P
Monument C P P C C
Pole N P N N N
Projecting P P P P P
Internal C P P C N
ReaderC C C C C
Individual P P P P P
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 8of 18
BoxedN P C C N
Building ID P P P P p
SandwichP N N N N
Wall C C C C C
Downtown includes all properties within the Downtown Activity Center defined in the
Comprehensive Plan.
SR-99 includes all properties within the Medical-Highway 99 Activity Center and the
Highway 99 Corridor defined in the Comprehensive Plan.
Westgate/SR-104 includes all properties within the Westgate Corridor, the Edmonds
Way Corridor, and within the Westgate Community Commercial area, as defined in the
Comprehensive Plan.
Note: In the above table, P = Permitted; N = Not permitted; C = Conditionally permitted
through design review if consistent with the standards itemized in ECDC 20.60.020(M).
M. The following standards clarify how some signs identified as “conditionally permitted”
must be installed to be permitted in the city of Edmonds.
1. Monument signs over six feet in height must be reviewed to ensure that the
materials, colors, design and proportions proposed are consistent with those used
throughout the site.
2. Internally illuminated signs in the downtown area and neighborhood commercial
areas may only light the letters. The background of a sign face may not be
3. Internally illuminated signs in the downtown area and the neighborhood
commercial areas must be mounted on the wall of the building. They may not be
mounted on or under an attached awning.
4. Internally illuminated signs that use exposed neon may only be located in the
interior of buildings in the downtown area and the neighborhood commercial areas.
5. Internally illuminated signs in the downtown area shall not be permitted to be
higher than 14 feet in height.
6. Reader board messages are limited to alphanumeric messages only.
7. Reader boards are only permitted for public uses or places of public assembly.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 9of 18
8. The background color of a boxed cabinet sign face must be coordinated with and
compliment the colors used on the building.
9. The background color of a boxed cabinet sign face must be opaque and not allow
any internal illumination to shine through. \[Ord. 3631 § 2, 2007; Ord. 3461 § 2,
20.60.025 Total maximum permanent sign area.
A. Business and Commercial Zone Districts (BN, BC, BD, CW and CG).
1. The maximum total permanent sign area for allowed or permitted uses in the BN,
BC, BD and CW zones shall be one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of
wall containing the main public entrance to the primary building or structure located
upon a separate legal lot.
2. The maximum total permanent sign area for allowed or permitted uses in the CG
zone shall be one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of building frontage
along a public street and/or along a side of the building containing the primary public
entrance to a maximum of 200 square feet. The allowable sign area shall be
computed separately for each qualifying building frontage, and only the sign area
derived from that frontage may be oriented along that frontage. Sign areas for wall-
mounted signs may not be accumulated to yield a total allowable sign area greater
than that permitted upon such frontage, except that businesses choosing not to
erect a freestanding sign may use up to 50 percent of their allowable freestanding
sign area for additional attached sign area. Use of the additional area shall be
subject to the review of the architectural design board.
3. The maximum total permanent sign area may be divided between wall, projecting,
and freestanding signs, in accordance with regulations and maximum sign area and
height for each type of sign, as provided in ECDC 20.60.030 through 20.60.050.
Window signs meeting the requirements of ECDC 20.60.035 do not count against
the total permanent sign area permitted.
4. The maximum number of permitted permanent signs is three per site, or one per
physically enclosed business space on commercial sites with multiple business
tenants, whichever is greater. The total sign area of all signs permitted on-site must
also comply with the maximum total permanent sign area specified in this chapter.
B. Residential Zone Districts (RS, RM).
1. The maximum allowable signage area for individual residential lots shall be four
square feet per street frontage, except as provided in subsection (B)(2) of this
2. The maximum allowable signage area for formal residential subdivisions, planned
residential developments (PRD), or multifamily structures containing at least 10
dwelling units shall be 10 square feet per main street entrance into the subdivision
or PRD. Only one sign may be provided at each main entrance.
3. The maximum total permanent sign area may be divided between wall and
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 10of 18
freestanding signs, in accordance with regulations and maximum sign area and
height for each type of sign, as provided in ECDC 20.60.030 through 20.60.050.
Window signs meeting the requirements of ECDC 20.60.035 do not count against
the total permanent sign area permitted.
4. Signage in excess of that provided in subsections (B)(1) and (2) of this section for
lawful nonconforming or conditional nonresidential uses in residential zones may be
approved through the issuance of a sign permit pursuant to ECDC 20.60.010,
subject to the maximum area and height limitations established for signs in the BN
5. The maximum number of permitted permanent signs is one, except that
multifamily sites with more than one vehicular entrance may have one permanent
sign per entrance. The total sign area of all signs (excluding incidental signs)
permitted on-site must also comply with the maximum total permanent sign area
specified in this chapter. \[Ord. 3628 § 9, 2007; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.030 Wall signs – Maximum area and height.
A. The maximum area of any wall sign shall be as follows:
Zone Maximum Area of Sign
RS, RM 4 square feet
BN, BC, BD, CW, CG 1 square foot per lineal foot of attached wall
B. The maximum height of any attached sign shall be as follows:
Zone Maximum Height of Sign
RS, RM 6 feet
BN, BC, BD, 14 feet or the height of the face of the building on which the sign is
CW, CG located, consistent with ECDC 20.60.020(A)
\[Ord. 3628 § 10, 2007; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.035 Window signs – Maximum area.
The maximum area of any window sign shall be as follows:
Zone Maximum Area of Sign
RS, RM 4 square feet
BN, BC, BD, CW, CG 1 square foot per each lineal foot of window frontage
\[Ord. 3628 § 11, 2007; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.040 Projecting signs – Maximum area and height restrictions.
A. The maximum area of any projecting sign shall be as follows:
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 11of 18
Zone Maximum Area of Sign
RS, RM Not permitted
BN, BC, BD, CW 16 square feet
CG 32 square feet
B. The maximum height of any projecting sign shall be as follows:
Zone Maximum Height of Sign
RS, RM Not permitted
BN, BC, BD, CW, CG 14 feet
C. The bottom of the sign area of projecting signs shall be at least eight feet in height and
at least 11 feet in height if it projects over a vehicle-traveled right-of-way. The sign area
of a marquee sign may not exceed two feet in vertical dimension. \[Ord. 3628 § 12, 2007;
Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.045 Freestanding signs – Regulations.
A. Regulation. Permanent freestanding signs are discouraged. Freestanding signs shall
be approved only where the applicant demonstrates by substantial evidence that there
are no reasonable and feasible alternative signage methods to provide for adequate
identification and/or advertisement.
B. Maximum Area. The maximum area of a freestanding sign shall be as follows:
Zone Maximum Area of Sign
RS, RM 10 square feet (subdivision, PRD, multifamily)
4 square feet (individual residence sign)
BN 24 square feet (single)
48 square feet (group)
BC, BD 32 square feet (single)
48 square feet (group)
CW 32 square feet (single)
48 square feet (group)
CG Sign area shall be governed by subsection (C) of this section
C. Allowable Sign Area for Freestanding Signs – CG Zone. The total allowable sign area
for freestanding signs on general commercial sites shall be 56 square feet or one-half
square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of street frontage, whichever is greater, up to
a maximum of 160 square feet of freestanding sign area. Multiple business or tenant
sites shall further be allowed an additional 24 square feet of freestanding sign area for
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 12of 18
each commercial tenant or occupant in excess of one up to a maximum sign area of 160
square feet. Corner lots choosing to accumulate sign area under the provisions of
subsection E of this section shall be limited to 160 square feet.
D. Maximum Height. The maximum sign height of freestanding signs shall be as follows:
Zone Maximum Height of Sign
RS, RM 6 feet
BN, BC, BD, CW 14 feet
CG 25 feet
E. Location. Freestanding signs shall be located as close as possible to the center of the
street frontage on which they are located. Except for pole-mounted community event
banners, freestanding signs may not be located on public property. Sites on a corner of
two public streets may have one sign on the corner instead of a sign for each frontage.
F. Number. In all zones, each lot or building site shall be permitted no more than one
freestanding sign, except in the business and commercial zones where a lot or site has
frontage on two arterial streets, in which case there may be permitted one sign per street
frontage subject to the restrictions on area contained within this chapter.
G. Landscaping.
1. Each freestanding sign shall have a landscaped area twice the size of the sign
area at the base of the sign. The landscaping and sign base shall be protected from
vehicles by substantial curbing.
2. The applicant shall provide a landscape performance bond in the amount of 125
percent of the estimated costs of the landscaping, or $1,000, whichever is more.
The bond shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 17.10 ECDC. \[Ord. 3631
§ 3, 2007; Ord. 3628 § 13, 2007; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.050 Wall graphic and identification structures.
There are no area restrictions on wall graphics or identification structures. \[Ord. 3461 § 2,
20.60.060 Campaign signs.
A. On-premises campaign signs are permitted as a form of temporary signage in all
zones, subject to the maximum sign size limitations set forth in ECDC 20.60.080.
B. Off-premises campaign signs are permitted as a form of temporary signage in the
public right-of-way; provided, that the following requirements are met:
1. All campaign signs shall be posted in accordance with the regulations set forth in
2. All off-premises campaign signs shall be removed within 10 days after the
primary, general, or special election to which they pertain.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 13of 18
3. Off-premises campaign signs shall be posted and displayed no earlier than upon
declaration of candidacy in accordance with Chapter 29.15 RCW, or other formal
registration or certification of the candidate, party, initiative, referendum or other
ballot issue for an upcoming election, or 60 days prior to the election, whichever
time period is greater.
C. There is no maximum number of off-premises campaign signs that may be posted.
\[Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.065 Real estate signs.
A. On-premises real estate signs are permitted as a form of temporary signage in
residential and commercial zones, subject to the maximum signage area and sign
number limitations set forth in ECDC 20.60.080.
B. Off-premises real estate signs are permitted as a form of temporary signage, subject
to the following requirements:
1. Two and only two types of off-premises real estate signs shall be permitted:
a. An off-premises real estate directional sign is a sign displaying a directional
arrow and either a company or logo, or an indication that the property is for sale
by its owner, and installed for the purpose of directing the public to the property.
b. An off-premises open house sign is a form of temporary off-premises sign
indicating the property is currently open for viewing.
2. All off-premises real estate signs shall be posted in accordance with the
regulations set forth in ECDC 20.60.080(B).
3. The maximum number of off-premises real estate signs allowed per property shall
only be the number reasonably necessary to direct people to the premises. An
agent or owner shall be permitted no more than one off-premises real estate
directional sign per intersection and five in total. No more than one off-premises
open house sign shall be displayed per intersection and no more than five in total.
a. Each off-premises real estate directional sign shall bear a legible tag located
on the sign or supporting post indicating the date of posting and the address of
the property to which it pertains.
b. Off-premises real estate open house signs shall only be posted during
daylight hours when the real estate agent or owner is in attendance at the
property for sale or rent, and shall be removed immediately upon the
termination of an “open house” or other similar property display event.
4. No off-premises real estate signs shall be fastened to any traffic control device,
public structure, fence, rock, tree or shrub.
C. All on-premises and all off-premises real estate directional signs shall be removed
within seven days after the closing of the sale or lease of real property to which the sign
pertains. \[Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 14of 18
20.60.070 Construction signs.
Construction signs shall, irrespective of their duration, conform to the general regulations
for permanent signs specified under ECDC 20.60.020. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this chapter, the maximum area of a construction sign in any zone shall be
32 square feet. No sign permit is required for the posting of construction signs; provided,
that all construction signs shall be removed from the premises within 10 days of the
cessation of the excavation, construction, demolition, rehabilitation, structural alteration
or related work on site.
Maximum Area of Signage (per
Street Frontage)
RS 16 square feet, or 32 square feet if one sign is displayed for a project
consisting of building permits issued for four lots or more. Only one sign
may be displayed per project.
All other 32 square feet
The preceding square footages shall be in addition to any other temporary signage
permitted by ECDC 20.60.080. \[Ord. 3514 § 3, 2004\].
20.60.080 Temporary signs.
A. On-Premises Temporary Signs. On-premises temporary signs are permitted in
residential and commercial zones, in addition to any allowed or permitted permanent
signage, subject to the following restrictions and standards:
1. Residential Zones (RS, RM).
a. Only portable, freestanding or attached signs may be used as temporary
b. Commercial on-premises temporary signage is not permitted, except for real
estate signs as defined by ECDC 20.60.065.
c. Maximum number is one attached or freestanding sign.
2. Commercial Zones (BN, BC, BD, CW, CG).
a. Only portable, freestanding or attached signs may be used for temporary
signage; provided, that “sandwich board” or “A” frame portable signs shall only
be permitted in the BC, BD and CW zones.
b. Maximum duration of display is 60 days in any calendar year for the
cumulative posting of all temporary commercial signage upon each commercial
location or premises.
c. Maximum number of temporary signs is one freestanding sign per property
street frontage, and one attached sign per building.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 15of 18
3. The total maximum area of on-premises temporary signage shall be as follows:
Maximum Area of
Temporary Sign
RS, RM 6 square feet
BN, BC, BD, CW 20 square feet
CG 30 square feet
4. The total maximum area for each allowed on-premises temporary sign shall be as
Maximum Area of Temporary
RS, RM 6 square feet (freestanding and attached)
BN, BC, BD, CW 6 square feet (freestanding)
20 square feet (attached)
CG 6 square feet (freestanding)
30 square feet (attached)
5. The maximum height of any allowed on-premises temporary sign shall be as
Zone Maximum Height of Sign
RS, RM 6 feet (freestanding and attached)
BN, BC, BD, CW, CG 3 feet (freestanding)
14 feet (attached)
6. In no case shall temporary signage be posted, located, or displayed in violation of
the regulations for permanent signs set forth in ECDC 20.60.020 through 20.60.050.
B. Off-Premises Temporary Signage. Off-premises temporary signs are allowed in
residential and commercial zones, in accordance with the restrictions and standards set
forth below:
1. Commercial off-premises temporary signage is prohibited, except for real estate
signs as permitted by ECDC 20.60.065; provided, that such off-premises real estate
signs shall be posted, displayed, and removed as provided for in that section, in
addition to the provisions of subsections (B)(5) through (9) of this section.
2. Noncommercial off-premises signs are permitted in the public right-of-way;
provided, that the posting and display of off-premises signs in the public right-of-way
shall require a street use permit where required pursuant to Chapter 18.70 ECDC.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 16of 18
3. Maximum duration of display for all temporary off-premises signs is a cumulative
of 60 days in any calendar year, except as otherwise provided in ECDC 20.60.060
for campaign signs. Display may be continuous or intermittent, except as otherwise
provided in this section.
4. Except for campaign signs as provided in ECDC 20.60.060, all off-premises
noncommercial signs relating to a specific meeting, event, or occurrence shall be
removed within 48 hours following the conclusion of the meeting, event, or
occurrence to which they relate.
5. Only portable freestanding signs may be used as temporary off-premises
signage; provided, that the following types of portable freestanding signs are
prohibited from use as an off-premises sign:
a. Signs with a vehicular chassis or support with or without wheels;
b. Posters and banners;
c. Signs mounted upon vehicles;
d. Searchlights;
e. Inflatables.
6. Maximum number of allowed off-premises signs to be displayed simultaneously
shall be one sign per sign poster except as provided in ECDC 20.60.060 for
campaign signs and in ECDC 20.60.065 for real estate signs.
7. Maximum allowable sign area for all temporary off-premises freestanding signs is
six square feet.
8. Maximum allowable sign height for all permitted off-premises signs is three feet.
9. All off-premises temporary signage shall be posted and displayed in accordance
with the following restrictions:
a. Off-premises signs may not be placed in any portion of the public right-of-
way typically used by motor vehicles in a lawful manner.
b. Off-premises signs shall be placed so as not to impede pedestrian, bicycle,
or handicapped travel or access.
c. Off-premises signs shall not be posted in a manner or location which impairs
traffic safety by unreasonably blocking line of sight at intersections.
d. Off-premises signs shall be constructed of suitable material and design to
adequately withstand the reasonably expected normal or average weather
conditions during the intended display period of the sign.
e. Off-premises signs shall be regularly inspected to ensure that they have not
been damaged or destroyed by natural forces or vandalism. Damaged and
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 17of 18
destroyed signs shall be immediately removed or repaired so as to avoid
threats to public health and safety or the accumulation of unclaimed refuse
upon the public rights-of-way.
f. Off-premises signs shall not be posted upon public property other than the
public right-of-way, and shall further not be posted within or upon planter boxes
and flower beds within the publicly maintained landscaped portions of the public
right-of-way. \[Ord. 3628 § 14, 2007; Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.090 Prohibited signs.
A. General. All signs not expressly permitted by this chapter are prohibited.
B. Hazards. Signs which the director of public works determines to be a hazard to vehicle
or water traffic because they resemble or obscure a traffic control device, or because
they obscure visibility needed for safe traffic passage, are prohibited. These signs shall
be removed if they already exist.
C. Confiscation of Prohibited Signs in Public Rights-of-Way. All signs which are located
within a public right-of-way and that have been improperly posted or displayed are
hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall be subject to immediate removal and
D. Any signs confiscated by the city shall be held for 10 working days after which such
signs may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of. The owner of any confiscated signs
may recover the same upon payment of a $25.00 fee to cover the cost of confiscation
and storage. \[Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.095 Exempt signs.
The following types of signs are exempted from regulations of this chapter, except that
the dimensional and placement standards shall apply unless variance is required by
other provisions of local, state or federal law:
A. Governmental signs.
B. Signs required by provision of local, state, or federal law.
C. Official public notices required by provision of local, state, or federal law.
D. Signs not visible from a public location.
E. Seasonal and holiday displays not incorporating the use of written copy or graphics to
convey a message.
F. Gravestones. \[Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
20.60.100 Administration.
A. General. The community development director is responsible for administering and
enforcing the provisions of this chapter. He or she shall adopt application requirements
for sign permits. Fees shall be as stated in Chapter 15.00 ECDC.
Chapter 20.60 SIGN CODEPage 18of 18
B. Installation Permits. Many signs require installation permits under Chapter 19.45
ECDC and may require plan checking fees as well.
C. Notice of Violation. Whenever the planning director becomes aware of a violation of
the provisions of this chapter, the planning director shall cause a notice to be sent to the
alleged violator informing him or her of the violation, the applicable code section, and a
time within which to remedy the violation. The notice shall also advise of the penalties for
continued violation of the code as specified in this chapter. If the violation has not been
corrected within the time limit specified, the planning director shall refer the matter to the
city attorney’s office for institution of appropriate legal action.
D. Penalty. Any person violating any provision of this code shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of $25.00 for each
day of continued violation. \[Ord. 3461 § 2, 2003\].
This page of the Edmonds City Code is current through City Website: http://www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Ord. 3773, passed December 15, 2009. City Telephone: (425) 771-0245
Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the Code Publishing Company
Edmonds City. Users should contact the City Clerk's Office for
ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above.