Leiser landscaping 9530 Edmonds Way MemoClugston, Michael
From: Clugston, Michael
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 3:50 PM
To: 'Shaun@selenterprises.net'
Cc: Planning Work Group; Thies, Mike
Subject: Tree removal and landscaping questions at 9530 Edmonds Way
After we spoke at the counter yesterday regarding possible work at the vacant 9530 Edmonds Way parcel, I did some
additional digging through the code. Because the parcel is undeveloped, we do not have a critical areas checklist on file
for the parcel. That said, it would appear that there slopes toward the southern end of the parcel that will qualify as erosion
hazard and possibly landslide hazard adjacent to the south. With respect to adding fill at the front edge of the parcel near
Edmonds Way, there do not appear to be any critical areas next to the road so filling is something you could do provided it
is less than 50 cubic yards per year. If you place more than 50 cy of fill per year, a grading permit would be required. If
you exceed 500 cy in total, SEPA is required. Any fill placed now will have to be included in the eventual grading
calculation when SEPA is done for development on the parcel - more than four units would be anticipated there given the
size of the lot and its zoning. Also, building height is measured from the average level of undisturbed soil so any fill placed
on the parcel cannot contribute to additional building height.
Regarding invasive removal and removing downed trees, while 18.45.050.A states that "[t]here shall be no clearing on a
site for the sake of preparing that site for sale or future development. Trees may only be removed pursuant to a clearing
permit which has been approved by the city", nonmechanical removal of invasives and downed trees would be OK at this
time without a permit or arborist's report. Because the parcel is currently undeveloped, I'm not sure there is much of a
case for removal of 'hazard' trees at this point; any tree removal would therefore require a permit.
Installing a row of leland cypress along the western boundary to screen the PUD substation is a different situation.
Because the intent there is to improve the lot in advance of future development, we would need to see a landscaping plan
generated per ECDC 20.13. However, because future development on the parcel will almost certainly exceed 4 units,
which requires SEPA, the general design review would be handled by the Architectural Design Board rather than staff. In
the short term, though, it would be possible to submit a landscaping plan to the ADB as a minor project so they could
review the cypress proposal (what, if anything, would be removed and locations of the cypress). That information could
then be folded into the overall landscaping plan for the entire site during ADB major development review. You would end
up paying two separate review fees but if the ADB approved the cypress, they could grow in somewhat prior to eventual
development on the lot.
If you have any other questions, please contact me at your convenience.
Mike Clugston, AICP
Development Services Department
City of Edmonds
phone: 425-771-0220
fax: 425-771-0221