BLD19-1212 - Mazda Service Center - STRUCT Corr. (Rvw-1, beck, 10-12-2019)
October 12, 2019
Leif Bjorback
Building Official
City of Edmonds
121 5th Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020-3145
Subject: Mazda Service Center (Structural Review)
Permit: BLD19-1212
Per your request, Beck & Associates has completed a structural review of the drawings and calculations for conformance with the 2015 International Building Code (IBC), as adopted and
amended by the State of Washington and the City of Edmonds.
Our review of the plans and calculations indicates that corrections are necessary prior to permit issuance. The applicant should address the following comments in itemized letter format
in addition to making corrections & revisions to the drawings. Corrections and revisions to the drawing should be clouded so that they are clearly identifiable.
The structural drawings (S001) reference a geotechnical report provided by Golder Associates (Report # 1533298, dated July 17, 2019). This report was not included in the documents provided
to us. Provide a copy of this geotechnical report for our review and coordination.
Gravity Wall (Ultrablock) Design
We take no exception to the gravity wall design and detailing.
Metal Building
The Metal Building drawings need to be stamped/signed by the engineer responsible for the analysis and design (Carlito M. Dayag, Rigid Global Buildings). Each drawing sheet needs to
be stamped/signed with the Washington State engineering seal.
Specify all welding requirements (size, extent, materials) for welds used in the fabrication of the metal building.
Drawing Sheets
S001 – Structural Notes
Reference the Basis of Design. A combination of Special Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls and Wood Shear Walls is being used. The notes should be updated to identify that wood shear walls
are also being used as the lateral force resisting system. Additionally, reference comments below related to the lateral design of the mezzanine.
Reference Concrete note #5. A 17” thick wall is identified. However, it doesn’t appear that a 17” wall is specified anywhere in the plan set. A 16” foundation wall is specified on S101
for the “mezzanine” foundation. Provide coordination.
S006 – Schedules
Reference the Concrete Foundation Wall Schedule. The schedule specifies #5@12” oc. Vert, centered. However, the analysis requires #6@12” o.c. Vert, inside face. Provide coordination.
S101 – Footing & Foundation Plan
Numerous footings are noted with the prefix “FS”. However, no footings are provided in the Footing Schedule with this prefix. Provide coordination.
Specify the required continuous footing for the footing located along grid 1 between grids A and G.
A #9 bar is specified on the plans (near grid 1-E). It is unclear what this is referring to. Provide clarification on the plans.
Reference the column located along grid 3, approximately at grid F.5. This HSS serves as a holdown for the end of the shear wall. Provide detailing for the connection of the wood shear
wall to the HSS column in order to resist uplift forces.
The metal building is providing support for the top of concrete walls at most locations. However, a cantilever retaining wall, approximately 5’-6”in height is required along grid J from
grid 4 and to the east (to the doorway). Provide design and detailing for this cantilever retaining wall.
A 16” Foundation wall is specified for the “mezzanine”. However, the extent of this foundation wall is unclear. Update the plans to clearly define the extent of these 16” walls.
S102 – Mezzanine Framing Plan
The design of the concrete walls and metal building are based on a full-height concrete wall along grid 1, from grid A to E.5, that is braced by the metal building. Provide detailing
that shows the height of the top of the wall (consistent with the metal building drawings) and that illustrates and specifies that the top of the wall is to be braced by the metal building.
The “mezzanine” is designed with its own lateral force resisting system, independent from the lateral force resisting system of the metal building. As a result, these elements are required
to be provided with seismic/wind gaps so that they indeed remain independent of each other when subject to lateral loads.
Details 9, 10, & 11/S203 all show that the mezzanine diaphragm is integrally connected to the concrete walls. When the retaining wall and metal building move as a result of the lateral
loads (soil, wind, seismic) they will impose forces onto the mezzanine system which is not designed for these additional lateral loads.
The mezzanine needs to be provided with independent gravity supports along the concrete wall lines and a gap so that the metal building itself resists the lateral loads (as designed)
and the mezzanine does not. Revise the design accordingly.
The lateral design currently relies on the concrete walls to provide lateral resistance. Since the mezzanine will need to be disconnected from the concrete walls, an alternate means
of providing lateral resistance (wood shear walls?) will need to be provided along the concrete wall lines. Revise the design accordingly.
A gap needs to be provided around each of the metal building columns where they intersect the mezzanine level and framing. Provide detailing for framing around the metal building columns
and specify the required gap based on analysis. Address each unique condition.
Reference the Wood Floor Framing Notes, note #11. Detail 11/S204 is referenced. However, neither this detail nor sheet S204 exists within the drawing set. Provide coordination.
S202 – Foundation Details
Reference 9/S202. The foundation/footing design does not appear to consider the moment induced at due to the application of the metal building shear load at the top of the plinth. Provide
calculations that are consistent with the location of the application of the metal building shear forces. Consider providing hairpins around the column and developing them into the
slab to resolve these forces.
S203 – Framing Details
Reference 5 & 8/S203. Shear wall sheathing should be shown to continue to the top of the double top plate in order to provide a direct mechanism to transfer lateral loads into the shear
Reference 6/S203. Consider providing blocking in the first joist bay between the shear wall and the joist.
Please contact me should you have any questions.
Douglas Beck, PE, SE
Beck & Associates, PLLC
Permit BLD19-1212 (Structural)
October 12, 2019
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16425 SE 66th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006 ● ● PH: 206-313-3739
Beck & Associates, PLLC
Structural Engineering & Code Consulting
16425 SE 66th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006 ● ● PH: 206-313-3739