TO:Norman and Linda Ferkingstadnorman@comcast.net
FROM:Jeff Whatmore, Engineering TechnicianJeff.Whatmore@edmondswa.gov
RE:Application #: BLD2020-0403Project: Ferkingstad - AdditionProject Address: 15712 71st Ave W
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents including
a written response to each item below.
City of Edmonds handouts, standard details, application and other forms, and development code may be referenced on the City website: www.edmondswa.govunder Services/Permits and Development.
Show filter fence on the plans and incorporate and reference City standard detail ER-900.
Add note: All disturbed areas to be compost amended per 2014 SWMMWW BMP T.5.13.
Add note: Install and maintain all TESC measures according to approved plans, City of Edmonds standard details, and all other measures that may be required during construction.
Please note, the roof drain tightline and footing drains shall not tie together at the structure. Connection shall be at least 10-ft from structures. Please revise the plans accordingly.
Stormwater management requirements is triggered when 2000sqft or more of new/replaced impervious surfaces are added to the property. The subject proposal indicates that there is less
than 2000sqft. However a drywell is show on the plans. Please address the following questions:
Please label on the plans whether the drywell is existing or is being constructed with this project.
If the drywell is being constructed with this project or if new flows are being added to an existing drywell, a Geotech report/memo should be provided indicating that the proposed improvements
does not negatively impact the slope.
Or propose discharage of stormwater runoff awayfrom the slope.