ENG2020-0304RIGHT OF WAY EUC PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER City of Edmonds -0304 www.cityofedmonds.gov Description: COMCAST-UPGRADE 2 NODE SPLICE AT POLE ISSUED: 09/02/2020 Address: 801 WALNUT ST EDMONDS WA 98020-3304 EXPIRES: 03/02/2021 rmit Type: RIGHT OF WAY EUC Permit Subtype: MINOR Parcel Number: 00434207403600 i NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE APPLICANT COMCAST 1525 75TH ST SW, EVERETT WA 98203 (425)921-8201 CONTRACTOR Cablecom LLC 20021 120TH AVE NE, SUITE 101, BOTHELL WA98011 (360)668-1300 OWNER RUTHERFORD LADD DOUGLAS & 801 WALNUT ST, EDMONDS WA 98020-3304 BARBARA ELDER FEE INFORMATION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAID CITY TECHNOLOGY FEE CHARGED PER PERMIT $40.00 $0.00 RIGHT OF WAY MINOR - EUC PERMIT FEE $110.00 $0.00 REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT TYPE NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic control and public safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. Every flagger must be trained as required by WAC 296-155-305 and must have certification verifying completion of the required training in their posession. RESTORATION Restoration is to be in accordance with City codes. All street -cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the workday - No Exceptions WARRANTY The contractor is responsible for workmanship and materials for a period of one year following the final inspection and acceptance of the work. INSPECTION SCHEDULING: WWW.MYBUILDING PERMIT.COM 24 HR NOTICE REQUIRED INDEMNITY The Applicant has signed an application which states he/she holds the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds or any of its departments or employees, including but not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNTIL FEES ARE PAID AND THE CITY ENGINEER OR HIS/HER DEPUTY HAS SIGNED BELOW 9/2/2020 RELEASED BY DATE Printed: Wednesday, September 02, 2020 1:23:02 PM 1 of 2 -1RRRTF WAY EUC PERMIT City of • • • ., CONDITIONS CONDITION TYPE Easement and/or permission from adjacent property owner is required prior to entry or work within ADJACENT PROPERTY an adjacent property. Contractor/Owner shall be responsible for repair/replacement of all damage to utilities and/or DAMAGE TO FRONTAGE frontage improvements in city right of way per city standards that is caused by or occurs during the IMPROVEMENTS permitted project. Alert affected residents and/or businesses prior to work start. Verify clear bore crossings. ENGINEERING OTHER Restore landscape to like or better conditions. Call for required inspections as noted. ESC REQUIRED Maintain erosion & sediment control per city standards. Applicant on behalf of his or her spouse heirs assigns and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from HOLD HARMLESS any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the issuance of this permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordinance nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. Sound/Noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits of ECC Chapter 5.30 only during the hours of 7:OOam to 6:OOpm on SOUND OR NOISE weekdays and 10:OOam to 6:OOpm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 5.30.120. UNDERGROUND UTILITY Call for locates of underground utilities prior to any excavation. LOCATES • �� INSPECTION TYPE DATE RESULT NOTES lip COMPLETE X-2 ENGINEERING FINAL** Printed: Wednesday, September 02, 2020 1:23:02 PM 2 of 2 OF E DA.10yn RECEIVED 8/12/20 rNc. 1 s90 ROW PERMIT NO.: ENG2020-0304 ISSUE DATE: 9/2/20 RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: EM11B 1X1 T02X2 SWAP CONTRACTOR: COMCAST - CABLE COM Mailing Address: COMCAST-1525 75TH ST SW EVERETT, WA 98203 CABLE COM 20021120TH AVE NE BOTHELL. WA 98001 State License #:CABLEL*971DP City Business License #: NR - 021818 CONTACT: COMCAST- JOURDEN LAWRENCE CABLE COM - SUNSHINE CRABBS Phone #• JOURDEN LAWRENCE - 425.921.8201 SUNSHINE CRABBS - 360.312.32559 Fax #: Email #: COMCAST -JOURDEN_LAWRENCE@COMCAST.COM CABLE COM - SNOHOMISH.PERM ITTING@CABLECOMLLC.N ET Liability Insurance Bonded ADDRESS OR INTERSECTION OF CONSTRUCTION: 801 WALNUT ST. ROW WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF PROJECT: ❑ Commercial ❑ Subdivision ❑ City Project ❑ Traffic Control (Only) ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Single Family Sf EUC (PUD, VERIZON, PSE, COMCAST, OVWSD): Is this permit part of a blanket permit? ANY ASSOCIATED PERMITS? ❑ Other ❑ Yes ❑ No BLD# ENG# DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (Be Specific): AT POLE NEAR 801 WALNUT ST VVE ARE GOING TO UPGRADE 2 NODE SPLICE JB0000397701 WAS STREET OVERLAYED WITHIN THE LAST FIVE 5 YEARS? YES ❑ NO ❑ Year: PAVEMENT CUT: ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate size of cut: x CONCRETE CUT: 0 Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate size of cut: x RIGHT-OF-WAY CLOSURE AREA TOTAL DURATION (NUMBER OF MONTHS) Sidewalk 48 Hrs + LF X LF SF Alley 72 Hrs + LF X LF SF Parking 72 Hrs + LF X LF SF APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN *Traffic control and public safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. Every flagger must be trained as required by (WAC) 296-155-305 and must have certification verifying completion of the required training in their possession. *Restoration is to be in accordance with City codes and Standards. All street -cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the workday — NO EXCEPTIONS. Indemnity: The Applicant has signed an application which states he/she hold the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds or any of its departments or employees, including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. I have read the above statements and understand the permit requirements and acknowledge that I must follow all requirements in order for the permit to be valid. SIGNATURE loaurtell Plat � DATE 8/10/20 Contractor or Agent NO WORK SHALL BEGIN PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE AT POLE NEAR 801 WALNUT ST., WE ARE GOING TO UPGRADE 2 NODE SPLICE. BUFFER DATA LONOITUDINAL BUFFER SPACE - B SPEED ILW6 1, 10 li A9 Ai SO SS 60 1 64 70 Level" II:EErl 155 1 200 1 250 1 ]OS 1 360 1 A?) 1 401 1 570 1 645 - WNFER VEHICLE ROLL AHEAD DISTANCE = R TRANBPORTABtl AI IIM.ATUR )D FEET WIN. V14VVU NW "WAL TAEIOHT 15.= LOU THL VA7(INUW TO Mtk.NI LHALL t= IN AOCORDANC! W111 THt 100 rFFr MAX. VAWFA;.TU%R6 RECONIMENOLATION, -ROTVCTIVV WHICLS NO SVCCICD WAY SF A WORK Vk/11CLE STRATEGICALLY LOCATED IO W*LO ONrMCE IN! VAlot MlJL R60lIrtFll AB• ONE LINE ROAD AMEAO O• >44- wm.,1ROADWORKAHEA LEGEND N• PRLrMlB TO 1 " 4• WA-7B VIGb rR IOP'IKMNL IF MO MPH OR LES61 W2D•7A SIGN SPACING = X 41► RURAL NI3wfIAYS GC r{i UP" aw. RURAL TOADS � I$$ UVN TOO. RURAL ROADS A HASH ARTENIALS A 140 Urll f10: RURAL ROAD$ URBAN ARTLRMS fi , W UrN 200. .> REBOLAIT1AL S BLIGINE66 CISTRGT6 URBAN STWILTS A IR•N OR LLY'S •0os �) (1)ALL SPACING NAY BE AGA)BTED TO ACCOMMODATE NNMRSLCT1ONS ANO 0011Y&MYS. (Z. INIS SPAQVG MAY Sk RhDUOEU N ~11 ARLAS to FII NUALIMY CONDITIONS. ININ-M (OPTIONAL IF b IN'H OR L[SBI 48, 6C BE ROAD rRLrARID WORK TO STOP AHEAD Mr Ai• 4S" Mr UTILIZE SHOULDER CLOSURE TCP IF ONLY, W20-711 OVELA"E WiD.1 \ ROAD Mr USING PARKING LANE FOR WORK AREA. AND ss� W TO 4"' SVTO ler WOWA VFiO,A � S D�I•SYL1GC � S aMe I I 1 A 1 B ■N. 1 K r K WALNUT ST Applicant shall repair/replace all 10O damage to utilities or frontage improvements in City right-of-way per city standards that is caused or occurs during the permitted project. OWNER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING DIVISION APPROVED AS NOTED NGriggs 09/01/2020 ONE -LANE, TWO-WAY TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH FLAGGERS NOT TO SCALE (r CHANNELJZAMN DEVICE SPACING(FEET) VIM IN•_K 'AhULHi Yves 'o To x �? 1sa7 •o TO 70 4O ), �r •A TO :D 1 .0 7QTSBI ALL SIONO ARE STACK ON ORANGE. 1. EXTENDNO THE CHANNEUDNG DEVOE TAPER ACROSS SHOUTOM 19 RECOUMFNOFO L NOHr WORK REOUIR" ADOlf"AN.-040%AY LIGHTING AT FLAOCNO STATIONS. SEP THE STANCARC "CIHCAITO4S FOR ADDITIONAL DFURS. e. Yr wrcw rROY1710b rOR YLORK LOUR Rr ST11CTKN6. Walkout P2 Task ID JB0000397701 Project Name EM11 B 1 X1 to 2X2 SWAP Address 801 Walnut St EDMONDS Prepared By: Ian Graves Rev- Date Sheet Number: Date: Open ENGINEERED FOR: 0 Project Manager: Chris Olsen TCP E CableCom ��►i 5 COMCAST SIGN SPACING = X (1) RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS 35 140 MPH 350't RURAL ROADS, URBAN ARTERIALS, 25 130 MPH 200't (2) RESIDENTIAL & BUSINESS DISTRICTS URBAN STREETS 25 MPH OR LESS 1001t (2) (1) ALL SPACING MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE INTERSECTIONS AND DRIVEWAYS. (2) THIS SPACING MAY BE REDUCED IN URBAN AREAS TO FIT ROADWAY CONDITIONS. MINIMUM SHOULDER TAPER LENGTH = L/3 (feet) SHOULDER Posted Speed (mph) WIDTH (feet) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 8' 40 40 60 90 - - - - - - 10' 40 60 90 90 USE A 3 DEVICES TAPER FOR SHOULDERS LESS THEN 8' BUFFER DATA LONGITUDINAL BUFFER SPACE = B SPEED (MPH) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 LENGTH (feet) 155 200 250 305 360 425 495 570 645 730 TRANSPORTABLE ATTENUATOR ROLL AHEAD DISTANCE = R HOST VEHICLE WEIGHT 9,900 TO 22,000 lbs. HOST VEHICLE WEIGHT > 22,000 lbs. < 45 MPH 45-55 MPH > 55 MPH < 45 MPH 45-55 MPH > 55 MPH 100, 123' 172' 74' 100, 150' PROTECTIVE VEHICLE (WORK VEHICLE) = R NO SPECIFIED DISTANCE REQUIRED CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING feet MPH TAPER TANGENT 35/40 30 60 25/30 20 40 b 4 ® ® �¢ WORK AREA X X L/3 B R 50, 48' 41" ROAD WORK <WZOR ULDERAHEAD 48' W20-1 W21-5 NOTES LEGEND 1. DEVICE SPACING FOR THE DOWNSTREAM TAPER SHALL BE 20'(FT). K TEMPORARY SIGN LOCATION SHOULDER CLOSURE -LOW SPEED 2. ALL SIGNS ARE BLACK ON ORANGE. O CHANNELIZING DEVICES (40 MPH OR LESS) PROTECTIVE VEHICLE NOT TO SCALE FILE NAME S:\Desi n R P& SW-Standardsl2-Plan Sheet Libra 101-Published PSL\ TC Work Zone Traffic Control\ TC-5 Shoulder Closure - Low Speed 40 MP or Less)\TC-5.dgn Plot 1 TIME 2,59,41 PM —Tr FED.AID PROJ.NO. AmokRux Rv DATE 1/212018 Y�/� PLOTTED BY Ilddslf WAS �I/ TCS� DESIGNED BY Joe xo..ER ENTERED BY Washington State .... CHECKED BY coxTRnm x iounox "". Department of Transportation oR PROJ. ENGR. re " E TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN REGIONAL ADM. REVISION DATE BY Alder St c� Construction Notes: AT POLE NEAR 801 WALNUT ST., WE ARE GOING TO UPGRADE 2 NODE SPLICE. Walnut st St t/) a a) 3 :J > Q 4M Walkout P2 Task ID JB0000397701 Project Name EM11 B 1X1 to 2X2 SWAP Address 801 Walnut St EDMONDS y Prepared By: Ian Graves Rev. Date Sheet Number: ' • �_ Date: Open ENGINEERED FOR: 0 Project Manager: Chris Olsen w o ASBUILD COVER cable om s COMCAST Legend New U/G Pole Existing U/G Lock Box New U/G Footage 150' (private) Text Text Box Existing U/G (private) Callout Arrow 0 New Riser Existing Riser New Tap Phase Identifier ❑ Legend Construction Notes: AT POLE NEAR 801 WALNUT ST., WE ARE GOING New Building New Ped TO UPGRADE 2 NODE SPLICE. Exterior Existing Ped Existing Building Exterior New Vault El New Aerial Existing Vault Existing Aerial New Doghouse/ Cathouse New Interior Existing Doghouse/ Existing Interior Cathouse New Node Ped Existing Node Ped • Core Drill New Fiber Case Walkout P2 Task ID JB0000397701 Project Name EM11 B 1X1 to 2X2 SWAP Address 801 Walnut St EDMONDS �Y Prepared By: Ian Graves Rev. Date Sheet Number: Date: Open W o __ E Legend ENGINEERED FOR: #REF' Project Manager: Chris Olsen 2 able om s COMCAST _ s tr •l, Jig j � � C T l i � 1 + 1 .yam. — •+-� �� i -. _ __ 1 4��•�i- :�. }�•_ -- S mot. - `. ` _' _ .: ' { _ _ } -ice .. _ . — _-' �y,�..�rv�y_ _ .i t . i fi• C ., w� — _ *r" Route Overview (3) -TSri Construction Notes: AT POLE NEAR 801 WALNUT ST., WE ARE GOING TO UPGRADE 2 NODE SPLICE. '^t7 �4:'�_ �.� �� r •ems L•�� -WAILNUTS ��• l �,• r�,_ f J�s J Walkout P2 Task ID JB0000397701 Project Name EM11 B 1X1 to 2X2 SWAP Address 801 Walnut St EDMONDS 1 Prepared By: Ian Graves Rev. Date Sheet Number: ' • Date: Open ENGINEERED FOR: 0 Project Manager: Chris Olsen ,W o E Route Overview 3 able om s COMCAST Detail View -' ter. I 1 Construction Notes: AT POLE NEAR 801 WALNUT ST., WE ARE GOING TO UPGRADE 2 NODE SPLICE. '`� Walkout P2Task ID JB0000397701 Project Name EM11B 1X1 to 2X2 SWAP Address 801 Walnut St EDMONDS Prepared By: Ian Graves Rev. Date Sheet Number: Date: Open ' o �' E Detail View ENGINEERED FOR: 0 Project Manager: Chris Olsen = able om 4 COMCAST S