Ordinance 2342WDT/jt 12/27/82 ORDINANCE N0. 2342 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, REVISING CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE EDMONDS CITY CODE; RENAMING THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD TO PLANNING BOARD; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF ITS MEMBERS; DEFINING THE BOARD'S POWERS AND DUTIES; AND ESTABLISHING METHODS OF OPERATION OF THE BOARD. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to rename the planning advisory board to planning board, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the public interest is best served by attempting to have board members who live in various parts of the city and represent a diverse mix of occupations and experience, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that improved communications between the planning board and the City Council will result in a more effective planning board, which will in turn provide better planning for the future and current growth of the city, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 10.40 of the Edmonds City Code is hereby amended to be entitled "Planning Board" and to read as follows: 10.40.010 PURPOSE A. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the crea- tion of a Planning Board pursuant to Chapter 35A.63 of the Revised Code of Washington, and provide for its membership, organization, operation, and expenses. The Planning Board shall generally serve in an advisory capacity to the City in regional and local planning and Y specifically assist in the development of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance and their successive review and amendment from time to time. The Board shall have the additional duties specifically set forth in this chapter and such ad hoc duties as the City Council may from time to time assign to it. 10.40.020 PLANNING BOARD A Appointment There is created the Planning Board, consisting of seven members. Each member shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. 1. Members of the Board must be residents of the City of Edmonds. 2. Although the City of Edmonds is not divided into political or geographical wards, it is the intent of this section that said Board membership shall maintain a reasonable balance of geographical distribution throughout the City of Edmonds. 3. It is the intent of this section to maintain a diversified representation of occupations and experience on the Planning Board. To this end each appointee shall be considered for Board membership according to his/her field of experience, among other factors. 4. An alternate member shall be appointed to serve in the event any regular member is absent or disqualified for any reason. In the event a regular member is absent or disqualified for any reason, the alternate shall have all the powers of a regular member, including the right to vote on Board decisions. The alternate shall be subject to the same attendance requirements as regular Board members. In the event that a regular position on the Board shall be declared vacant, the alternate shall be deemed to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. B. Term In order to provide for continuity of membership, initial members shall be assigned a position number. The initial term of each position shall expire as set forth below, with subsequent terms being for four years each, and until the successor is appointed and confirmed: - 2 - Position one - 1982 Position Five - 1984 Position Two - 1982 Position Six - 1984 Position Three- 1983 Position Seven - 1985 Position Four - 1983 Alternate - 1985 C. Powers and Duties The Planning Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and the City Council in the following matters: 1. The Board shall advise on all amendments to the Comprehensive Plan contained in Title 15 of this code (except fees). This includes reviewing all elements of the plan on a periodic basis and reporting to the Mayor and City Council on the need for changes in the plan. It also includes holding public hearings and making recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on proposed changes to the Plan, to the text of the zoning regulations, and also to the zoning map in the case of rezones, as provided in Title 20 of this code. Review of and recommendations for the plan may be prepared as a whole or in successive parts. 2. The Board shall serve as an ongoing downtown parking committee and advise the Mayor and City Council on all matters relating to parking in the downtown Edmonds area, including in -lieu fees and parking facility plans. 3. The Board shall serve as an ongoing Park Board and advise the Mayor and City Council on all matters relating to the acquisition and development of all City parks and recreation facilities. 4. The Board shall do research and investigation on specific projects assigned to it by the Mayor and City Council. The Board will analyze data collected, arrange for public participation, and organize its findings. The Board will then present its findings to the Mayor and City Council detailing a summary of pertinent data, public contribution, alternatives available, and may, if appropriate, recommend a course of action, giving reasons for such recommendation. 5. The Board shall h contained in Chap Washington, as ma are not otherwise Hearing Examiner the City. ave such other power and duties as ter 35A.63 of the Revised Code of y be amended from time to time, that specifically delegated to the or other specific staff or agency of - 3 - D. Operation 1. The City Planning Division shall provide regular staff services to the Planning Board. Other City Departments shall provide staff services as requested by the Planning Board. 2. The City Council shall establish an annual budget for Planning Board operations for services in addition to regular staff services. Should the Planning Board and Planning staff determine that a particular project requires services in addition to those normally provided by the City staff, then an estimate of needs detailing the type of assistance and funding required shall be presented to the City Council for approval before that project is undertaken. 3. Four members of the Board shall be the minimum number necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, provided that the vote of not less than three members shall be necessary to take action on any particular item before it. 4. The Board shall hold regular meetings on the second and/or fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Edmonds City Council Chambers. Cancellation of a regular meeting, or a different location for a regular meeting, shall be announced at the last regular meeting preceeding the affected meeting, if possible, otherwise the change will be advertised in the regular manner. 5. The City Council shall meet quarterly with the Planning Board at a City Council meeting in order to review and update Planning board agendas. Long rage Planning Board agendas will be discussed and coordinated with the City's "goals and objectives" at the annual City Council workshop/retreat. The intent of this section is to stimulate continuing communica- tion between the Mayor, City Council and the Planning Board in an effort to identify and solve the problems facing the City of Edmonds. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the manner in which items are placed in the Planning Board agenda, or items that may be considered by the Planning Board. 6. The Board shall adopt rules of procedure and rules governing election and duties of officers of the Board; provided, however, said rules shall pertain only to the internal procedures of the members and said rules and procedures may be questioned only by members of the Board and do not give standing to - 4 - question said procedures to nonmembers or other parties. Section 2. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitu- tionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after passage and publication by posting as provided by law. APPROVED: MAYOR,-H. H. HARRISON ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: U CITY CLERK, IRENFgVARNEY MORAN APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE F THE CI YTibRNEY: BY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: December 27, 1982 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: January 4, 1983 POSTED: January 11, 1983 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 16, 1983 - 5 - AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ORDINANCE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss: COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ) IRENE VARNEY MORAN , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that s he is over the age of eighteen (18) years and is competent to testify as to the matter stated herein. There is no official newspaper or other newspaper printed and published within the City. In accordance with RCW 35A.12.160, on the 11 day of January ► 1983, affiant posted true and correct copies of the attached Ordinance No. 2342, passed by the City Council on the 4 day of January , 1983, at the official posting places for City notices which are the public bulletin boards at the following locations: Edmonds Civic Center 250 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, Washington 98020 Edmonds Public Library Civic Center, 250 Fifth Avenue North Edmonds, Washington 98020 Edmonds Branch of United States Post Office 201 Main Street Edmonds, Washington 98020 DATED this 11 day of January , 19 83. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Z_ day of ioota�iy �Publicn and for the State of Washington, residing at