SITE PLAN APPROVED 4.22.20.pdf°ENGINEERING DIVISIONAPPROVED AS NOTED__________________04/10/2020Jeff WhatmoreApplicant shall repair/replace alldamage to utilities or frontageimprovements in City right-of-wayper city standards that is caused oroccurs during the permitted project.OWNER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOREROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGEOWNER/CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATINGALL ON SITE UTILITIES. RELOCATION/REVISION TO ANYUTILITIES MAY REQUIRE A SEPERATE PERMIT."Nothing in this permit approval process shall be interpreted asallowing or permitting the maintenance of any currently existingillegal, nonconforming or unpermitted building, structure or sitecondition which is outside the scope of the permit application,regardless of whether such building, structure or condition isshown on the site plan or drawing. Such building, structure orcondition may be the subject of a separate enforcement action."