Ordinance 4216ORDINANCE NO.4216 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4211 AS A RESULT OF UNANTICIPATED TRANSFERS AND EXPENDITURES OF VARIOUS FUNDS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, previous actions taken by the City Council require Interfund Transfers and increases in appropriations; and WHEREAS, state law requires an ordinance be adopted whenever money is transferred from one fund to another; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the amended budget appropriations and information which was made available; and approves the appropriation of local, state, and federal funds and the increase or decrease from previously approved programs within the 2021 Budget; and THEREFORE, WHEREAS, the applications of funds have been identified; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1. of Ordinance No. 4211 adopting the final budget for the fiscal year 2021 is hereby amended to reflect the changes shown in Exhibits A, B, C, and D adopted herein by reference. 1 Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum, and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. APPROV -. A2 MAYOR, MIKE NELSON ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: CITY CLERK, SCOT ASSEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: JEFF TARADAY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: February 26, 2021 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: March 2, 2021 PUBLISHED: March 5, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE: March 10, 2021 ORDINANCE NO. 4216 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 4216 of the City of Edmonds, Washington On the 2nd day of March, 2021, the City Council of the City of Edmonds, passed Ordinance No. 4216. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4211 AS A RESULT OF UNANTICIPATED TRANSFERS AND EXPENDITURES OF VARIOUS FUNDS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 2nd day of March, 2021. C Y CLERK, SCOTT S E Y EXHIBIT "A": Budget Amendment Summary (March 2021) FUND NO. FUND DESCRIPTION 2021 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES 2021 ENDING FUND BALANCE 001 GENERAL FUND 13,347,278 42,450,777 45,790,318 10,007,737 009 LEOFF-MEDICAL INS. RESERVE 459,105 300,000 467,140 291,965 012 CONTINGENCY RESERVE FUND 1,825,890 2,620 - 1,828,510 014 HISTORIC PRESERVATION GIFT FUND 11,517 5,010 5,900 10,627 016 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 210,222 - 210,222 - 017 MARSH RESTORATION & PRESERVATION FUND 864,490 - 864,490 018 EDMONDS HOMELESSNESS RESPONSE FUND 123,581 123,581 - 019 EDMONDS OPIOID RESPONSE FUND 28,445 - 28,445 - 104 DRUG ENFORCEMENT FUND 159,431 165,370 45,800 279,001 111 STREET FUND 941,253 1,722,360 2,172,530 491,083 112 COMBINED STREET CONST/I M PROVE 2,189,972 3,068,385 2,818,297 2,440,060 117 MUNICIPAL ARTS ACQUIS. FUND 599,272 165,060 236,880 527,452 118 MEMORIAL STREETTREE 20,534 270 - 20,804 120 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX REVENUE FUND 88,392 71,460 87,150 72,702 121 EMPLOYEE PARKING PERMIT FUND 87,233 25,240 26,880 85,593 122 YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND 14,041 1,390 3,000 12,431 123 TOURISM PROMOTIONAL FUND/ARTS 75,353 24,000 29,900 69,453 125 PARK ACQ/IMPROVEMENT 2,000,717 1,282,050 1,476,298 1,806,469 126 SPECIAL CAPITAL FUND 1,946,015 1,285,240 2,053,911 1,177,344 127 G I FTS CATALOG FU N D 316,106 103,930 100,900 319,136 130 CEMETERY MAI NTENANCE/I MP ROV 213,707 179,800 200,998 192,509 136 PARKSTRUSTFUND 169,460 2,200 50,000 121,660 137 CEMETERY MAINTENANCETRUST FD 1,107,524 29,220 25,000 1,111,744 138 SISTER CITY COMMISSION 10,408 10,120 11,900 8,628 140 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND 10,346 79,239 76,340 13,245 141 AFFORDABLE & SUPPORTIVE HOUSING FUND 65,112 65,000 - 130,112 142 EDMONDS CARES FUND - - - 211 LID FUND CONTROL - - - 231 2012 LTGO DEBT SERVICE FUND - 759,710 759,700 10 332 PARKS CONSTRUCTION 6,046,540 1,392,520 5,552,490 1,886,570 421 WATER 22,026,766 10,299,357 10,714,650 21,611,473 422 STORM 9,914,166 6,265,225 7,254,090 8,925,301 423 SEWER/TREATMENT PLANT 55,138,987 31,130,450 40,423,884 45,845,553 424 BOND RESERVE FUND 843,931 1,985,870 1,985,870 843,931 511 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8,712,017 1,331,100 1,345,954 8,697,163 512 Technology Renta I Fund 734,287 1,204,880 1,251,409 687,758 617 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 137,533 67,270 96,167 108,636 Totals 130,439,631 105,475,123 125,425,604 110,489,150 EXHIBIT "B": Budget Amendments by Revenue (March 2021) FUND NO. FUND DESCRIPTION Adopted Budget Ord. #4211 1/1/2021 Proposed Amendment Ord. # 3/2021 2021 Amended Revenue Budget 001 General Fund $ 42,450,777 $ $ 42,450,777 009 Leoff-Medical Ins. Reserve 300,000 300,000 012 Contingency Reserve Fund 2,620 2,620 014 Historic Preservation Gift Fund 5,010 5,010 017 Marsh Restoration & Preservation Fund - - 018 Edmonds Homelessness Response Fund 019 Edmonds Opioid Response Fund - - 104 Drug Enforcement Fund 165,370 165,370 111 Street Fund 1,722,360 - 1,722,360 112 Combined Street Const/Improve 3,048,185 20,200 3,068,385 117 Municipal Arts Acquis. Fund 165,060 - 165,060 118 Memorial Street Tree 270 270 120 Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue Fund 71,460 71,460 121 Employee Parking Permit Fund 25,240 25,240 122 Youth Scholarship Fund 1,390 1,390 123 Tourism Promotional Fund/Arts 24,000 24,000 125 ParkAcq/Improvement 1,282,050 1,282,050 126 Special Capital Fund 1,285,240 1,285,240 127 Gifts Catalog Fund 103,930 103,930 130 Cemetery Maintena nce/Improv 179,800 179,800 136 Parks Trust Fund 2,200 2,200 137 Cemetery Maintenance Trust I'd 29,220 29,220 138 Sister City Commission 10,120 10,120 140 Business Improvement District Fund 79,239 79,239 141 Affordable and Supportive Housing Fund 65,000 65,000 142 Edmonds CARES Fund - - 211 Lid Fund Control - - 231 2012 LTGO Debt Service fund 759,710 759,710 332 Parks Construction 1,392,520 1,392,520 421 Water 10,299,357 - 10,299,357 422 Storm 6,012,300 252,925 6,265,225 423 Sewer/Treatment Plant 28,131,150 2,999,300 31,130,450 424 Bond Reserve Fund 1,985,870 - 1,985,870 511 Equipment Rental Fund 1,331,100 1,331,100 512 Technology Renta I Fund 1,204,880 1,204,880 617 Firemen's Pension Fund 67,270 67,270 Totals $ 102,202,698 $ 37272,425 $ 105,475,123 EXHIBIT "C": Budget Amendments by Expenditure (March 2021) FUND NO. FUND DESCRIPTION Adopted Budget Ord. #4211 1/1/2021 Proposed Amendment Ord. # 3/2021 2021 Amended Expenditure Budget 001 General Fund $ 45,179,468 $ 610,850 $ 45,790,318 009 Leoff-Medical Ins. Reserve 467,140 - 467,140 012 Contingency Reserve Fund - - 014 Historic Preservation Gift Fund 5,900 5,900 016 Building Maintenance Fund 210,222 210,222 017 Marsh Restoration & Preservation Fund - - 018 Edmonds Homelessness Response Fund 123,581 123,581 019 Edmonds Opioid Response Fund 28,445 28,445 104 Drug Enforcement Fund 45,800 45,800 111 Street Fund 2,172,530 - 2,172,530 112 Combined Street Const/Improve 2,781,828 36,469 2,818,297 117 Municipal Arts Acquis. Fund 236,880 - 236,880 118 Memorial Street Tree - - 120 Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue Fund 87,150 87,150 121 Employee Parking Permit Fund 26,880 26,880 122 Youth Scholarship Fund 3,000 3,000 123 Tourism Promotional Fund/Arts 29,900 - 29,900 125 ParkAcq/Improvement 1,428,736 47,562 1,476,298 126 Special Capital Fund 1,761,841 292,070 2,053,911 127 Gifts Catalog Fund 100,900 - 100,900 130 Cemetery Maintenance/Improv 200,998 200,998 136 Parks Trust Fund 50,000 50,000 137 Cemetery Maintenance Trust Fd 25,000 25,000 138 Sister City Commission 11,900 11,900 140 Business Improvement District Fund 76,340 76,340 141 Affordable and Supportive Housing Fund - - 142 Edmonds CARES Fund 211 Lid Fund Control - - 231 2012LTGO Debt Service Fund 759,700 - 759,700 332 Parks Construction 5,360,378 192,112 5,552,490 421 Water 10,578,596 136,054 10,714,650 422 Storm 6,847,783 406,307 7,254,090 423 Sewer/Treatment Plant 35,634,329 4,789,555 40,423,884 424 Bond Reserve Fund 1,985,870 - 1,985,870 511 Equipment Rental Fund 1,292,815 53,139 1,345,954 512 Technology Rental Fund 1,251,409 - 1,251,409 617 Firemen'S Pension Fund 96,167 - 96,167 Totals $118,861,486 1 $ 6,564,118 $ 125,425,604 EXHIBIT "D": Budget Amendment Summary (March 2021) Fund Number Proposed Amendment Changein Beginning Fund Balance Proposed Amendment Change in Revenue Proposed Amendment Change in Expense Proposed Amendment Change in Ending Fund Balance 001 585,850 610,850 (25,000) 112 16,269 20,200 36,469 125 47,562 47,562 126 292,070 292,070 332 192,112 192,112 421 136,054 136,054 422 153,382 252,925 406,307 423 1,790,255 2,999,300 4,789,555 511 53,139 53,139 Total Change 3,266,693 3,272,425 6,564,118 (25,000) Everett Daily Herald Affidavit of Publication State of Washington } County of Snohomish } ss Dicy Sheppard being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: that he/she is the legal representative of the Everett Daily Herald a daily newspaper. The said newspaper is a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the first publication of the Notice hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a daily newspaper in Snohomish County, Washington and is and always has been printed in whole or part in the Everett Daily Herald and is of general circulation in said County, and is a legal newspaper, in accordance with the Chapter 99 of the Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 213, Laws of 1941, and approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of Snohomish County, State of Washington, by order dated June 16, 1941, and that the annexed is a true copy of EDH921288 ORDS 4216-4218 as it was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper and not as a supplement form thereof for a period of 1 issue(s), such publication commencing on 03/05/2021 and ending on 03/05/2021 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. The amount of the fee for such public tion is $42.0 - Subs *bed and sworn bBfDT8. me on this Linda Phipps z�— Y Public day of f anlNaehington i+xPites08z7 A.A A . f Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. City of Edmonds - LEGAL ADS 114101416 SCOW PASSEY Classified Proof ORDINANCE SUMMARY of tha City dr Edmantls, Waxhlny7ldn On the 2n6 day of Mercn. 202t, she CISy Council of the Crty dl Edmortds, passed 1'h Eaftewln)y Otdmancss, Ina summarlas of SWd drdJneneee consJ3rIn of We% arm onmilded as follows: ORDINANCE L34.4 AN ORDINANC OF EOMONDS, WASHINGTON. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4211 AS A RESULT OF UNANTICIPATED TRANSFERS AND EXPENDITURES OF VARIOUS FUNDS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE CRiANANC£ 4 9 .4217 AN ORDINANC. O H Cl Y OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM EMERGENCY REGULATION TO PROHIBIT THE REMOVAL OF CERTAIN LANDMARX. TREES ON'A TEMPORARY BASIS. SETTING SIX MONTHS AS THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THE INTERIM REGULATION. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO 4218 AN ORDINANCE OF TffE--1ITY OF EDMONDS, WASHiNGTON. REPEALING EXISi1NG TREE CUTTING REGULATIONS, ADOPTING NEW TREE RELATED REGULATIONS, NEW CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION DESIGN REGULATIONS, AND ESTABLISHING A NEW TREEFUND The full text of these Ordinances wIII bB motion upon raquesr. DATED this 2nd Dayat Mwcn, 2021. CITY CLERK, SCOTT PASSEY Published: March 5, 2021, EDH921288 Proofed by Sheppard, Dicy, 03/08/2021 09:45:49 am Page: 2