Department of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement for 2012-13COORDINATED PREVENTION GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY CITY OF EDMONDS Grant No.: G1200260 This is a binding agreement entered into by and between the state of Washington Department of Ecology, hereinafter referred to as ECOLOGY or DEPARTMENT, and the City of Edmonds, hereinafter referred to as the RECIPIENT, to carry out the activities described herein. JURISDICTION: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: City of Edmonds 121 Fifth Avenue N. Edmonds, WA 98020 RECIPIENT GRANT COORDINATOR: Steve Fisher TELEPHONE: (425) 771-0235 FAX: (425) 744-6057 E-MAIL: recycleguy@ci.edmonds.wa.us RECIPIENT BILLINGANVOICE COORDINATOR: Lori Cress TELEPHONE: (425) 771-0240 FAX: (425) 771-0265 E-MAIL.: cress@ci.edmonds.wa.us ECOLOGY GRANT OFFICER: TELEPHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: FUNDING SOURCE MA)CUAUM ELIGIBLE COST STATE GRANT SHARE LOCALSHARE STATE MAXIMUM GRANT PERCENT FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AGREEMENT Taisa Welhasch (425)649-7266 (425)649-7193 taisa.welhasch@ecy.wa.gov Local Toxics Control Account $45,792 $34,344 $11,448 75 % 91-6001244 01-01-2012 EXPIRATION DATE OF THE AGREEMENT 06-30-2013 C 3, // - -3 $-3 S�7qq Grant No. G1200260 City of Edmonds Page 3 of 15 RECIPIENT also expects that approximately 10 multi -family properties will start new recycling programs, diverting 26 tons of recyclable material from the waste stream. Work Plan, Deliverables and Activities Timeline: Quarter Activity Q 1 Update multi -family database and use hauler reports to check sector recycling performance. Start research on developing public recycling collection in downtown city core. Conduct WRR community and business outreach. Q2 Prepare targeted mailing of curbside recycling information to selected residential neighborhoods. Ongoing WRR community and business outreach. Q3 Monitor targeted single-family outreach. Ongoing WRR community and business outreach. Q4 Monitor targeted single-family outreach. Ongoing WRR community and business outreach. Q5 Monitor targeted single-family outreach. Coordinate and assist (with publicity) local scout troops with their Christmas tree - cycling activity. Ongoing WRR community and business outreach. Q6 Monitor targeted single-family outreach. Finalize targeted single-family outreach. Ongoing WRR community and business outreach. Method of Evaluation: The RECIPIENT will track the number of responses to businesses and residents and the number of new multi -family properties (and individual units) that started using the recycle collection service. Collection data from the hauler will be used for determining total volume and/or weight of recyclables diverted and calculating any percentage of resulting increase. The RECIPIENT will also compare subsequent reports on the targeted single-family neighborhood with an established database, to note any/all increases in participation, set -outs, tons diverted, and decreases in contamination. PART 2: BUDGET TASK Maximum Eligible Cost (Category]: Waste Reduction & Recycling (WRR) f $ 45,792 1. [Task Title]: Public Outreach and Education $ 45,792 Grant No. G1200260 City of Edmonds Page 5 of 15 by task on Form C1/C2 and Form B1B2. Forms B1 and C1 are used only when interlocal costs are used towards the 25% match. 3. Any income directly generated as a result of the activities funded by this grant shall be reported as a credit against the expenses of that activity, as required by ECOLOGY'S Administrative Requirements for Recipients of Ecology Grants and Loans, Ecology Publication #91-18. 4. Payment to RECIPIENT will be issued through Washington State's Department of Enterprise Services (DES). DES maintains a central vendor file for Washington state agency use to process vendor payments. This allows vendors to receive payments from all participating state agencies. RECIPIENTS must register as a state-wide vendor (SWV) by submitting a state-wide vendor registration form and an IRS W-9 form htip://www.ofin.wa.gov/isd/vendors/payee registration.doc to DES. If you have questions about the vendor registration process you can contact DES at the Payee Help Desk at (360) 664-7779 or email to payeehelpdeskAof n.wa.gov. B. REPORTING 1. The RECIPIENT shall submit a progress report with each payment request but no less often than quarterly unless otherwise approved by ECOLOGY. These reports shall include activities that support incurred costs shown on the C 1 or C2 of the payment request, and must be submitted on- line through the Solid Waste Information Clearinghouse. 2. RECIPIENT's must submit a final report of task outcomes through the Solid Waste Information Clearinghouse. The final report must be submitted before ECOLOGY can process a final payment request. a. Final Performance Analysis (FPA) reports are used for all Planning and Implementation tasks and special tasks in a solid waste enforcement grant (special tasks do not include regular solid waste enforcement work such as enforcing solid waste codes). b. For Solid Waste Enforcement tasks, recipients must submit their final quarterly solid waste enforcement progress report. C. DOCUMENTATION 1. The RECIPIENT shall submit supporting documents with each payment request. This includes cancelled checks, invoices, purchase receipts, payroll records, time and attendance records, contract award documents, and any document deemed relevant by ECOLOGY to establish the approval of an expense listed on Form C1/C2. Documentation shall be clear and legible and organized by task in the order in which it is itemized on Form C1/C2. 2. The RECIPIENT shall maintain grant related material and supporting documents including invoice vouchers sent to ECOLOGY in a common file. The Recipient shall keep all supporting documents for audit purposes for at least three years from the date the agreement is closed by ECOLOGY. 3. The RECIPIENT shall use the ECOLOGY provided Form E, or an equivalent time accounting document approved by ECOLOGY, to record staff hours being charged to the grant. Grant No. G1200260 City of Edmonds Page 7 of 15 c) Prior to contract execution, the RECIPIENT shall submit all draft documents and a copy of the draft proposed contract to ECOLOGY'S grant officer for review. Following the contract execution, the RECIPIENT shall submit a copy of the final contract to ECOLOGY's assigned grant officer. d) Unless a specific purchase of equipment or real property is already written into the grant agreement, the RECIPIENT must submit a written request to ECOLOGY to purchase any equipment or real property (Property) with a single unit purchase price of $5,000 or more. The request shall include the justification for the purchase of the property, the total cost, the intended use, and the anticipated useful life of the property. The request must be approved in writing by ECOLOGY prior to the purchase. G. USE OF EXISTING CONTRACTS The RECIPIENT may use existing contracts that conform to adopted procurement procedures and applicable state laws. The RECIPIENT shall notify ECOLOGY if it used contracts entered into prior to the execution of the grant agreement for performance of grant -funded activities. The RECIPIENT shall submit a copy of the contract to its assigned ECOLOGY grant officer. The grant eligibility of products or services secured by the RECIPIENT under existing contracts used to perform the scope of work in this agreement must be deemed allowable and reasonable by ECOLOGY prior to cost reimbursement. H. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSITION For equipment or property purchased with a cost of at least $5,000 per unit or functional system, the RECIPIENT must utilize an inventory control system, including physical inventory to document the ongoing use, a description of the item (including serial or vehicle identification number (VET when possible), and location. This information shall be submitted to ECOLOGY upon request until final disposition is made. The RECIPIENT shall investigate, document, and report to ECOLOGY any loss, theft or damage upon discovery of such conditions. The RECIPIENT will follow manufacturer recommended maintenance procedures to keep the property in good operating condition. The RECIPIENT shall submit a written request to the ECOLOGY for any intent to change the use of the equipment as outlined in this grant agreement, including uses past the expiration date of this agreement. Disposition of the equipment shall be determined by ECOLOGY and documented in writing. A copy of the determination will be provided to the RECIPIENT upon ECOLOGY's closure of the grant agreement. o If the equipment is necessary for the continued operation of the project or other projects administered through ECOLOGY, the grant officer may instruct the recipient to retain the equipment with no further compensation to ECOLOGY. o If the project has no further significant use for the equipment, the grant officer may instruct the recipient to retain or sell the equipment and pay ECOLOGY an amount equal to ECOLOGY's share of the current fair market value, sale proceeds or other price agreed upon by the grant officer. o The grant officer may instruct the recipient to transfer title to ECOLOGY or to a third party named by ECOLOGY who is eligible under existing statutes. Grant No. G1200260 City of Edmonds Page 9 of 15 Contracts for construction, purchase of equipment and professional architectural and engineering services shall be awarded through a competitive process, if required by State law. RECIPIENT shall retain copies of all bids received and contracts awarded, for inspection and use by the DEPARTMENT. E. ASSIGNMENTS No right or claim of the RECIPIENT arising under this agreement shall be transferred or assigned by the RECIPIENT. F. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS 1. The RECIPIENT shall comply fully with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, orders, regulations and permits. Prior to commencement of any construction, the RECIPIENT shall secure the necessary approvals and permits required by authorities having jurisdiction over the project, provide assurance to the DEPARTMENT that all approvals and permits have been secured, and make copies available to the DEPARTMENT upon request. 2. Discrimination. The DEPARTMENT and the RECIPIENT agree to be bound by all Federal and State laws, regulations, and policies against discrimination. The RECIPIENT further agrees to affirmatively support the program of the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises to the maximum extent possible. If the agreement is federally -funded, the RECIPIENT shall report to the DEPARTMENT the percent of grant/loan funds available to women or minority owned businesses. 3. Wages and Job Safety. The RECIPIENT agrees to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies of the United States and the State of Washington which affect wages and job safety. 4. Industrial Insurance. The RECIPIENT certifies full compliance with all applicable state industrial insurance requirements. If the RECIPIENT fails to comply with such laws, the DEPARTMENT shall have the right to immediately terminate this agreement for cause as provided in Section K.1, herein. G. KICKBACKS The RECIPIENT is prohibited from inducing by any means any person employed or otherwise involved in this project to give up any part of the compensation to which he/she is otherwise entitled or, receive any fee, commission or gift in return for award of a subcontract hereunder. H. AUDITS AND INSPECTIONS 1. The RECIPIENT shall maintain complete program and financial records relating to this agreement. Such records shall clearly indicate total receipts and expenditures by fund source and task or object. All grant/loan records shall be kept in a manner which provides an audit trail for all expenditures. All records shall be kept in a common file to facilitate audits and inspections. Engineering documentation and field inspection reports of all construction work accomplished under this agreement shall be maintained by the RECIPIENT. Grant No. GI200260 City of Edmonds Page 11 of 15 2. Period of Compensation. Payments shall only be made for actions of the RECIPIENT pursuant to the grant/loan agreement and performed after the effective date and prior to the expiration date of this agreement, unless those dates are specifically modified in writing as provided herein. 3. Final Request(s) for Payment. The RECIPIENT should submit final requests for compensation within forty-five (45) days after the expiration date of this agreement and within fifteen (15) days after the end of a fiscal biennium. Failure to comply may result in delayed reimbursement. 4. Performance Guarantee. The DEPARTMENT may withhold an amount not to exceed ten percent (10%) of each reimbursement payment as security for the RECIPIENT's performance. Monies withheld by the DEPARTMENT may be paid to the RECIPIENT when the project(s) described herein, or a portion thereof, have been completed if, in the DEPARTMENT's sole discretion, such payment is reasonable and approved according to this agreement and, as appropriate, upon completion of an audit as specified under section J.6 herein. 5. Unauthorized Expenditures. All payments to the RECIPIENT may be subject to final audit by the DEPARTMENT and any unauthorized expenditure(s) charged to this grant/loan shall be refunded to the DEPARTMENT by the RECIPIENT. 6. Mileage and Per Diem. If mileage and per diem are paid to the employees of the RECIPIENT or other public entities, it shall not exceed the amount allowed under state law for state employees. 7. Overhead Costs. No reimbursement for overhead costs shall be allowed unless provided for in the Scope of Work hereunder. K. TERMINATION 1. For Cause. The obligation of the DEPARTMENT to the RECIPIENT is contingent upon satisfactory performance by the RECIPIENT of all of its obligations under this agreement. In the event the RECIPIENT unjustifiably fails, in the opinion of the DEPARTMENT, to perform any obligation required of it by this agreement, the DEPARTMENT may refuse to pay any further funds thereunder and/or terminate this agreement by giving written notice of termination. A written notice of termination shall be given at least five working days prior to the effective date of termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents, data studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, and reports or other materials prepared by the RECIPIENT under this agreement, at the option of the DEPARTMENT, shall become Department property and the RECIPIENT shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such documents and other materials. Despite the above, the RECIPIENT shall not be relieved of any liability to the DEPARTMENT for damages sustained by the DEPARTMENT and/or the State of Washington because of any breach of agreement by the RECIPIENT. The DEPARTMENT may withhold payments for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the DEPARTMENT from the RECIPIENT is determined. 2. Insufficient Funds. The obligation of the DEPARTMENT to make payments is contingent on the availability of state and federal funds through legislative appropriation and state allotment. When this agreement crosses over state fiscal years the obligation of the DEPARTMENT is contingent upon the appropriation of funds during the next fiscal year. The failure to appropriate or allot such funds shall be good cause to terminate this agreement as provided in paragraph K.1 above. Grant No. G1200260 City of Edmonds Page 13 of 15 b. The RECIPIENT shall provide satisfactory evidence of title or ability to acquire title for each parcel prior to disbursement of funds provided by this agreement. Such evidence may include title insurance policies, Torrens certificates, or abstracts, and attorney's opinions establishing that the land is free from any impediment, lien, or claim which would impair the uses contemplated by this agreement. 6. Conversions. Regardless of the contract termination date shown on the cover sheet, the RECIPIENT shall not at any time convert any equipment, property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement to uses other than those for which assistance was originally approved without prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. Such approval may be conditioned upon payment to the DEPARTMENT of that portion of the proceeds of the sale, lease or other conversion or encumbrance which monies granted pursuant to this agreement bear to the total acquisition, purchase or construction costs of such property. N. SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS In order to sustain Washington's natural resources and ecosystems, the RECIPIENT is encouraged to implement sustainable practices where and when possible. These practices include use of clean energy, and purchase and use of sustainably produced products (e.g. recycled paper). For more information, see www.ecy.wa.gov/sustainability. O. RECOVERY OF PAYMENTS TO RECIPIENT The right of the RECIPIENT to retain monies paid to it as reimbursement payments is contingent upon satisfactory performance of this agreement including the satisfactory completion of the project described in the Scope of Work. In the event the RECIPIENT fails, for any reason, to perform obligations required of it by this agreement, the RECIPIENT may, at the DEPARTMENT's sole discretion, be required to repay to the DEPARTMENT all grant/loan funds disbursed to the RECIPIENT for those parts of the project that are rendered worthless in the opinion of the DEPARTMENT by such failure to perform. Interest shall accrue at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year from the time the DEPARTMENT demands repayment of funds. If payments have been discontinued by the DEPARTMENT due to insufficient funds as in Section K.2 above, the RECIPIENT shall not be obligated to repay monies which had been paid to the RECIPIENT prior to such termination. Any property acquired under this agreement, at the option of the DEPARTMENT, may become the DEPARTMENT'S property and the RECIPIENT'S liability to repay monies shall be reduced by an amount reflecting the fair value of such property. P. PROJECT APPROVAL The extent and character of all work and services to be performed under this agreement by the RECIPIENT shall be subject to the review and approval of the DEPARTMENT through the Project Officer or other designated official to whom the RECIPIENT shall report and be responsible. In the event there is a dispute with regard to the extent and character of the work to be done, the determination of the Project Officer or other designated official as to the extent and character of the work to be done shall govern. The RECIPIENT shall have the right to appeal decisions as provided for below. Grant No. GI200260 City of Edmonds Page 15 of 15 V. PRECEDENCE In the event of inconsistency in this agreement, unless otherwise provided herein, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: (a) applicable Federal and State statutes and regulations; (b) Scope of Work; (c) Special Terms and Conditions; (d) Any terms incorporated herein by reference including the "Administrative Requirements for Recipients of Ecology Grants and Loans"; and (e) the General Terms and Conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties sign this Agreement: STATE OF WASHINGTON CT-1Y OF EDMONDS DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY �-�- Laurie G. Davies Date Date Program Manager Waste 2 Resources Program Printed Name And Title of Signatory APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Assistant Attorney General PROCUREMENT CERTIFICATION FORM Recipient: City of Edmonds Grant Name: COORDINATED PREVENTION GRANT Grant No.: G1200260 The undersigned, on behalf of the RECIPIENT, certifies that the RECIPIENT: (RECIPIENT check and complete one of the following) will follow RECIPIENT's own adopted procurement procedures and applicable state law in procuring grant -related public works contracts, professional and personal services contracts, and purchase agreements. The procurement procedures were adopted . j,7 r 2Qol? (date) by IL>MoAlo-s c-17-f Cocrlvc�(- (adopting authority) and are recorded in P,!� P l o c R&S (document name). having no applicable, adopted procurement procedures, will follow the Standards for Competitive Solicitation found in the Administrative Requirements for Ecology Grants and Loans, WDOE 91-18 (Revised September 2005) (AKA the "Yellow Book"), and applicable state laws in procuring grant -related public works contracts, professional and personal services contracts, and purchase agreements. .20 IQ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE D TE TITLE