Department of Enterprise Services for Emergency Work Related to Boiler Replacement0 ; = ; 56� COWTRAcT 2013-030 FACH MlES ONIS 01: GAIDES _ _ _ .. _ _ NO. G 1-1 FNresrr WSO & AraraeOuaAL SertrnCea P EAM) AGENCY ENERGY CONSTRUCTION FIELD City of Edmonds - Enemy services FA No. I AUTHORIZATION (FA) PROJECT TITLE: � TO: Arneresco Quantum, Inc. (CONTRACTOR) REQUEST DATE: _ • 101MO13 When suftwmed by E&AS, You we directed to proceed With wank .as described below arWkr deter On the 11ttachnierAs roferred ttewsto. Provide a domestic grater heater - Ernmency work related to the bolter replacement. $0,250 BcndkV at2% $805 " Total Labor. Material, and Bond a RMON FOR CHANG11:4 0M M moos OMMKOHM10m EXPLAINATION: Owner requested CHANGE ORIGINATED BY Grant Tho_mlarW NAME f 9 i s".115 * AWjCY p uxssx-r CQN0MoaS O eaoe A9QtaA MUS O VA1JX ENGU48hW4 Anteresco Quantum, Inc. - COMPANY --„ - CONTRACT SUM; 0 No aoMm TO THE CONTRACT SUM WITHIN THE PROPOSED MAXIMUN COST OF: I� n+c�Asf 06CFool Four thousand one hundred fifteen and 001100 DOLLARS $ 44,115,00 The above amount covm dw rtmodmum amount regdmd In conraedion with the cha<►8$. WwNnU era State sates lax not IrWA led. CONTRACT TIME: e) No dowse 0 VXREM OF: CALENDAR DAYS Cost cafe required by one of the following Methods In accordance with the General and Supplemental Conditions. p BETAKED aosr 8AE1Np]" 0 UWT G AMALPRIa ' —'- --- ---- M1271H04)) OF MEASUREMENT Time do Material with daily work sheets thsit tist the manse, trade, firm, hours, Itemized ► oterlWa, equomnt and other job refatsd costs. Ceniracfor must obta€rr ver[tication of hours from (i' wnefs W wfthin days from the day work was performed. Cost slate required by. (Data) Cantra:ctar egress to peribun ire rwork described :tarts far 1 the propoesd r waftwm east and *noas sham matte. $ -_7�. �A(._ _.. - Coa r agrees to a viatica to OwrW�* # � FINAL COST r _._ ad- TED COMTRACrFt D CIA2T - -- -- ©ATE TIOM BY AGENCY DA A Gaf-P AUi Ht]iilZED BY E1teA5 DA Paymsrtt for work wthorfzed by th#s FA wl not be con VRRI mods prior to Incorporation of ttds FA Into a ChaW Order to the tmntretet by the Department of Snterpries Services. 'I=BAS Faaw oEsa4oer ta..r,.a ur H3) reviwaad atad that cost Is &ccepteod. f 4fc,{ ' i n ` e-41 OA'i E ��-3A3