Snohomish County Interlocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug & Gang Task Force 2010-11INITERLOCAL AGRE.E.A.MENIT FSTA13L-I,,SRI.'\'G SN011O.-mi"S-14 R'VGIO, NA.,DRUG TASK FORCE em6lit. . is: amang no nush g County. appli.fical .-subdiviki.on. of the State of Washin,an. the the llbwixlgj"ri-sdictions hereioaft& ,-1eiveIy re--ftd toastine "'P.arfi City. of Uliiigton City of Bot.hell Cit", of Blier. I City dbatrington* City of luAzzxomzcl City of Everett City of Gold Bar City of Granite. Falls City of Index City of 'Loke.S-wous City of Lake l'Omes-t.Park: Cit, f L Cit r of Marywille City of Mill C. i!edk, ! nohomisb: Reggional.0tug Task Forte -- Page, I City of Monroe City Of MowitlakiPil Terrace 'City of Jklukilteo Cltv, of Snohornish City of Stanwood City of Sultan DSHI S, Child Protective Service,& Sauk SLliattle Tribe Snohomish Health. District Stillaguamis.h.'Tribe Swin.ornish-Tribe Tulalip Tribe Upper Skag4t Tribe Washinirton State, Patrol S�e 7cr W-TIERE AS, the State of Washihg(qn Department of Commorce. (Ijem' fter M -ITOA ERC " has -r& eived fan&: Joth the U.S. Department of Justice under authority of th. e Anti-Djrug A�use Ad Of 1998 PrON"I to,. 'i m to I W t e Pin OCA1. Units: 6 g0voitmeht for-dru law enfbrcemenland W. BERENS,. 6figiffileapp:. fidantA include cities, courities and India.'n..-tribes. . and. ROW 9.34. Pei rAm on Ir More- public agencties,to. Contract pith any- one or more other publjo agenctes .t perfonn anyg verninentalse.- fi - or undertaking that each pudic agency is auth tivemI zed by law, to f ild a WHEREAS, :S96homish Cftnt� and. have entered into COMME Narcotios CbMI01 Gram Contmet (here.1nafter "Grant Contract") whereby $.D.ohomish C044 Shall aso SP&Cililedgra t .funds solely for a regional task f4&-, -ro -et ty consistent with the task- force g pt COMMERCE on or' mt icatiap on sub.1pitted to COM "re fame 1., 20-1 Oj; upon Which the Grant C.pnttw.t is, based (by. this. reference h 't h the G.railt Co tract and. the grant applicaftibri are incog)orated in, this agreement as thaugh 50:fortb hilly borein);, and WHEREAS the Participating, Ian' icti.iotis recog sd ,nize the above-mentioried. Ufaut Cdfitract. between CONITMERCE and. Sac hnrili lz County; and WHEREASS. the Partic-ipating, Jurisdictions desire to participate i s members. of as the mult1juri-sdictiorial. taskadir -ri.j ore force vvi'th Snohomish COLM(NI _ilm.ste ag task. f.. e: project .aunts yin their behalf- and to e sdictx� nter into an ag-redhittit VWHEREAS! Ihe Parftcipatinm, Jurisdictions im s n.. desir e itii Sat he m€ h untywenahle:Snoli :aide County tietobethe-receiver*-of' Co Y to .40y guatit, funds.itlaed to the tads `fi rue. provet., and .7 ,WWWAS, tadi of the part; xfPati,q9 Juri8dktions, repres'ented erem is 6utht rized. to: for it 51164pI3lft��h R.Rgionat Drug Tank For e.--.Page:2 -of coveuants,cond ffious, in consi. oration J,Q T- A'SX. - F. 0, R CV C 0 IN[ ATION T-:E.,R- ; ATION i- , U OSE AND P RP. �-1 The coun"vide multi -jurisdictional, task fbrcei composed of* law And support personnel, kadmmi s the & ish Rogio VO., (herdinaftei "Task Force") w. nal Drug Ta,*� rce oreafed puls utint to. the In:* terlocal Agreemmt A 'n-g- Pat ucigar l brisdi s;date.dJanu.a ryJS 158The Task fovceleas operated on a Cont4luousbasis since thit tirneunder .li aefies. ofititerf6cal. agre6*blits, otive tfibm Silly h�m:m S. romof m fo1, 2-009 ; the it.. June 3 0. 2.01. Th agreoment Shaft serve to continue the -operation of the Task Force. The effective date of this-agroem.qdt shall be, from, July L 2010, thmugzji June, JO� 2011, unless earlierterminated or Inodiffed as provided in this ap eeriidht. r a 1,3* The wpe;se of theask Vo re shall be: to fort livstructure-, anti. 61AW Y coordinate. s6le.&tj!.d law evtf6rceinent activities, resources, and Ainct.lons in: -order to disrupt illegal drug trafficking, systems and to. remove. e traffickers througdi, a cooperativ pre gm h of it! pition, Prosecutor aria asset: forfeiture. J.A The 'Fa5k..Force .a T"s to perf6rni the statement of work indi ated in t e: h Task Forct. ANstrap t soforth in. the apptication for fwiding. hetweell COMFIERCE and Snohomish Th County. i2�re-fbre. each participating juns.di C*tion adopts the following `rank Force goals: c6fitinue to atta-ck-the:&mand argil,supply sides of harco.-ids trafficking. laterloo.al A$mement Establishing Siiohomisb Rcp analDrug, Task Force:-- Page 3 0: Coftfi.1140 enfioro0 ei.1t e5bds d to 4T4 rroor wid :and u level dealers. Continue to:assi3t smalkr encte4. '6f iii Snc Q isb Coun ty y :with. narcotics enforcemn't withi n #h CIr townq�anGAim nam Continue! toprov i otics enforcement trminlng tip sm It r jurisdictiomthrough6ut Snohomish County. .S Thb Task Force shal.j. Op.finud, tofollow. a ffiana--at.ment S stcrii for tic ..haredcoordination. and: dire on personnel as: ct, Nvelt as financial, ,qpi n,.wnt andd technical resources as: stated €rt. this a L-6: They Task' Forte shall: continue to i m &h' to i. ,plem; pera ons.,:TTICh1d a. Development -,cif ititelliptice. b. T et ide tifica i arg n ttoll d. Arres.t of Suspects Sacoessfihl proses dfidii:of offenders,. and f Asset forfeitureldispo-sit oft 4.7 The Task - Force shaft 1 evatuate: and. on. Task Force: performance to COTWERCEAs required in the Q­..ant. Contract. 2.0 ORGANIZATION I- Exhibit "D", incorporated berein by this. reference, se . :is . fOrth the Qrggauization, Of the. Task Force, 2.2 The Task Force Executive Board shall be C- a mv p ri&,W of ffie: all. otmah CoOty Prbseeamg Attotmey, the 846ham,�06.UIIry...SW*i.Pf tlje..E'�exett Chie,f, th'O Dvereft C. ty P xxtt. T-_ of. ice rosoc, 0 1. and: olle (1) C poli ftom the. remajoing Paiticipating j diedo m. Omm wfay thechiefs fs Of potie-c: of the remaining, ip Partie gating f4rtsd .tiolls., The Shobox4ish: . I., filtatim-al A-greemeat E,4ablishfills' ish Rq,i* nal Otug Task 5orce -- Pa"2 4 crnty ir h Exmat v Board. he: T �k n -11a ru. �serw a- C -of fl t, Force Executi-ve Board m. ayad adapt_ bylawspfoviding.far appomftnea..Of alternates to. attend Executive Bioard mectiAgs- in thea-b.sttjce of members. At such nwetings flie.alw �hall:j te 'sa..m..gluts: a s the appointing .Member Aaywhop tak y pn�b ilia Ta-01-ce Executi lsk F Bard under 9 -Agreement �h LI be based on a m6j Or*I v vate. a as A 14. enfo w eri Brit Ovsbhwl assigned to the. Tii*k Form ha fl be ,directed.-- it their Tkk crrc dirt lay ffie.shahomiA Co Y: Sht 9w - rw.s Office. ("0) Omagh the; Task Force Co %4nd - mm er.The TaW F Cornmander:Akilt be an employee Of Snohomigb County - fDr all purposes and; if not 4 rcgular CS.0 S-. 1 - 14 depaty� Mi oo#imissrou --(ir that purpost:. 2A iworpor herein th, zefrp1.1C sots. personnel and relatedoquipmen ass gn-p-4 0 the t. apo supplies- currently i t ..each Part N16thitg., in this aigrcemen t "I a: Fbree. by tpafi g Jan shallmaiict the ability Of P.M$01mfl: Atto' iiey Snohomi.-sll County Sheriff, F-vere,# Police Chief; or chief law enfore-en . leni officer of any Pa3rfi6 ating- jurisdiction to reassign p personnel and related equipinent and. or:later J16\ gupplle i 8:- V. assignedd.t 0: the. Tani Force. 3.0 FT AN-1-CING 11 Exhibit 4f'B" sets forth the Tal9k :Foppe aperatiAg budget and is. ind(jtpoeated- herem by refibrerwe, Par&I-paffil g -)uds.dicti6lis in the zgreg :ag"c to. 1"v'l 0 fir'udg tw will aj*jd.--�: Ird, .p.e w for at 104A :a ono th" mato h -of the .fitcls wovardod ttudct vtt 0ntho-: .G. Grant t . x Interlocal Agreo Inc Tit'EstabNO'ling Drug L sets 12 Exhib i "C" .. forth'the. Loc,4 Matebb=akdownfbt the period from y 1, 2.01:0, fo Axab 30 201-1, and T��Jtwdrporated hi-,reih b y re fierence. Althoug4 State acid/or Federal Gnmt fund. may; v v froul the amount. initil ally roque9ted- each .Partic atiog Jur� I S-4ic. ti, agrpeo to pro Vide flunding bat, i`s: no less. A -tan -the amount indicated is Ekhibit-: U-j.and to Pay its funding shale to: SftohorniA C-6un.ty: as adr6inistrator df T-Ask- P.Orce fundspro"Ov qbu roqiwst. A-,s required by the Quilt Contrast,ael Paz'ti lsa#ng ori i on:4 s 0-1 - (be faAding it contri.butes ba1.l be provided in a4diti that aweatly addition ...t and no. T appropriated t&:rjarcoties: e breemen. activities. treat I aA--Tciroe AcOvity will suppl kat ctr replace an- Y- exia-M 109 -OTIC: .... .. 3A Except as merdified by secttion 513 Mow, all revenues -collected or l-,,e=ra.tedby or for the Task force :.shall :b--.e.'I.fon--,,a . Wed. to. the S.-no.-homish County Treasurer and pluxd ift. 4 Aesignated -sp.eoiiflAttcoufft for the purpose. of $4 Talsk, F opetatims- and:01 teal P P or persona Pr r)ertv of the Task ; k Force A01 be: held S h Co.. in 's 1� - fb A. 04IR je in; .66. iomish W. . r the benefit of the Task Fqrce, 3.5 Upon terminatiob, of the TaAforc*e-'A -fiands- famairung-Ad said special, account. AMI be. disibprsed pro rat~ to the then-mmnt:� aP. pat' ftij uIg Jurisdictions :in proportion t� the ppreenwge of thoir most recent financial p4rtid ' ioasindicated. dicated T in Exhibit, 7 Pat I 4.0 GENERALADM q ru Ael-)* i 4.1 -Snohonli fi.County:- t, s. Agrees o pr J4 C t with theeoessary documentation to reiw . five. grant funds; Snohomisfi.Regi,onal Drub TA* Force -,:P4ge- 6: .4.2 By. . this -agree Mei . it. each Pa rtkip4tingurisd..ti on agreesTo -mAk .!o: any cort' , dfwd assura'' We"S feq i by The GrantCobtiad mat:mat:are within its Bartz trlar all Its .records rektod,to �0 tent d- Grant U. the Task Force., available for .4spec.,kon, pim Osw.fth Contract. 4.33: it Task -Force contraeft. and a,(,T geemebU ex-ecuthd on be'haff of Partipipatiftgg Jurisdiotims-tinder thus, agtddme uAW first he 4pprqvl&d on motion of the: Ta-.k Force, Executive 13 . oard* By eme th agreemumt.. each ,Participating -Airisd cti R.agrqesthatferthepUTPOs of adniinistedng the tic is acid r6sou''rees avdtilable f-hid Twqk Fovm S8nohoxhkh:Q Is heryg -ex&dlft,6ftbe* ha f of the P rticilyatilIg Jor' I a q$ t'Qlis ail Mmements and. contracts signed approved by the TaskForce Executive Boa rd, by andArough its hair inch ding but li tb U All zbntract�- far profesMohal Sen.ices: Agreemeats. and conttact& Oxecmtedmi this matmer6aall ,have the legal effect as, if they were. 11 : dby Part' ` ti - J —d—ti i te. ....,leipa ng . isPalo.t. No such agmement* :or contract may Jinpose: or. -waiVe lability wifli respect to A Partzcrpat ing Judisdictiop. >xn caner that. ;is inconsiste-tit with ilic hold ,liarmI..provisio hin §.bakab10:0 of this. agreement. 4.4 Anv dispute arisi " wider thi's a eemeot M11 be forwarded to the -Task I ng . , ggr I Force Executive Boars .for arbttration. T# e determination made: bv: the Executive Board shall be final - and; concluslve.:as behvem the parues., This,P*ro*-isii -on still n-bf O.P.*l Y - to - issues.: of indemni. and I idbi . lity- gxo;vcme4 by .the hold, barwkqs provis'10, III: -colion 10.0 of this filterlacal Agreement . ,safbl' J h'- E.. :.s in Swhomish R!egienal Drug Ta!-L Force: —}''aye 7 ASSET FORFEITURE� 5: I The Fart 4rtic4at AAW"o -h H. re al po it a for .1 vs,s antial. usa fdtfe ords; initiated or in-vestiga I ted by0fic,"ers-i Asisi the ee -ig the pled to _dom .pendency of this agrze m-ent to -the Task BO fir diV -ion -at. the, discrotioll -of the Task -Force: FAwu 'me Board -or: Ing. lAputy (Prosecuffixg Aummy or :Wtted States Attorney). Any such rt&n. asset fflrfexttite that 1, pa shed 111 state court. Atli be p folsecow fl. th llarne of Slilbliamish County on behalf of the Task Tome: and its 5.2Z The' Task i~or.e. C d d tho, A to er, :UR Cr ireefi f tlx Task Fdite Executive Boar"I It u kA 00 spo to of a u e:t - w j*o.1 an d:: an p seized or forfleifed as a result.- of thxs agreement in pon -ipllwe: with law, And Task Fdrm Procec itre*s:_ t L A poxti -f th proceed: 0 tta -hasset., �. W WOO made by MWQ ip; net -P 05 � IFY PPOC. — s w*, the Task Force shall be Jigtdbuted to the volved. mv.estigatiuig agencies: commensurate with their participaticiri as cietermidd t prioi reemerit between the Task, Forge Comri-manger and said :4tyonetespr ia the::abs.enoe of amb agrmne-ut, by the Tagk, Force, Ex-ec U"'t . IV . C B: Oard, prior to dedication. a 'tlie rerriainI" pr czed� to: the :T.AS. _: -:O* k Farce as: spec ified ed i section 3A. Asjong; as the porspnool equi 1. pmeilt. an..4'relatod ripply asstgnments. stated. iw Exhibit "A ' .remain ujic]W-. gge �5 . di ations to Snohomish County- and tho. City of . E.-verett un'derl . hi.s .";uhpTagraph: shall be. 40 per-c-out I not 'Pioceoft temai i eac ming. after distributionsunderthis Whpammg.ph to Partio d- do tl:g.:Jum 1C os other than .suotlomi& bounty -and tho .0ty 0 p EverttL Lf:a s grrmerrts fromgasp stated. in Exhi bit 'W%. the Task kFOrMa Executive Board may modify -the telat1w peiteftta& atlbbdtions: to Snohomish CGuntv and th.e. lAte-flo6l. A gr S11010mi-sh. Regional Drug Task 'Force Rag . 3i City. of Everett 011- parmaneni b . $ Fir putposcs:. f this subpaiagraph, the, _t S." m - ns C 11 M t mbnetwy pr ed . za Proceeds. teal Zed from ptoperty fbffeited during t .. he terni of this Vvernew that is40 gretalU6 � d, for Uge by the "bask F re. eaftee d du4 jilo ah. costs and expqpses. incurred in: its acquisitioninct , I bu 11. t ot fiftuted to: the too. of sac Air'' bond �F& addiffity interest: to wh' fc.b the Property.in ay be dit e the 4y Ubj.,bd: 4t th to seizure, the -wit 6f sdl - in case of sold pretty- (ig 144ijig re- to. 1slons pal_ t0 IndeP erident. setling agmepe 4iount .p4id to: saiisfy atat dlQrd's. Jailm fdr datuages', Arid di a'MOUP"tof pi ocw S ten percent): :(typica ly P. O.TayaWe .to th , Statt", 0 In 0.- 0. W5(9). Wa Tall: f NV. 10 9­ Q ti 04 AM:69�1 5 Qr- SjMj f. W., 5.4 any 'Va icip rt Ati4g. Jut WdUiOR f' Uree.ea Vtit .g.a. distrib:utiouofassets.foticited, underROV 69.*.5Qi5O5 sh�fl 69- -W a -and improve -nt f 50-505(l 0). which limit, use to t, . exp lision.: controlled Substances relatedlawonforceibent aottvityarid, problWh-s use, tosupplantpre'"IU—.AVfh..njiu' sources. 5-S U, port termination of the T-4$.k'-.:FOrOe_ the T.4.sk- Pome Exewfbve. Board shall. dispose -bf* the Tn Fo -'s: intere t in assets seised or f -f k S S 6r eitedassa. result 017 this 49reellIdfft in. adcbr':with appITiewb. e. - 5e-den ad oate and county requirements, and; :shalt distribute e.prot�e d S in acew&ne'c With. sections 5.3 acid :31,5. ,0-0: ACQUISM O*N AND S.E;.O'PEQUIPMOff 6.1 In, ttie event that Any t i.§: :Acqwred; With t funds, the Participatiog JalWibti dMt. the .. ' TaA Form will that -.00s Ogreow e qq ipment onlyIbr* specifwdla�, CMment purposaW the ter th 01 the gnth't.- Snohomish Rq1 io, 4nal Drug.'ra!* Force .-..Pagp 4 i 61 Up.. om lern-.Andtidn.: of th& Takk fokce-,, . aq'it t any e ipwe�ft y P 9 NA-icipatih wilt bt.tise:fiv., 01 U oxztori­ -Pajon. . of the Tani: Farce, the: Task, Force Sxccuti:vle. BoaiA P shall fiall dispose: of ill acquired . e PI . io qurpm. mt in th ap AN federal,, stag and couixty r.equireilients, and MIA distribute Proe&&:.in., 7A Partidpatixig Rini idfiw�:hereto - reBerke Ole :n*'g'ht to. ame.1-d . ..... this ogenent UV1fT-meowho asOYbe -Walv ayree— d. P0n. INo such -maendmeat..beqetie: unless, =rittcj au3ized .by all. thm. -.7contrib-a-fing judisd 10dons with the same f6r niality as thlis: ageement. :8,0 NONDISCRINJI TION. P.ROA 01-4 There shall be. d 11.0 . iscriminat.an against an (miployee whois paid by race, color, religiOr- It t ICAP Ital a ..S. Dolifi.cal affiliation, sex MAT AM age, or Pational Prigm Thp*rovh, o. shall includebut n t be limited tax :the fo-110 wing einp! YMO) at, upgr ding> dorm.itransfer, recruitment, isirtl;= lay cuff car to nia at att:; rates of pay or :otlier fomis of g. OF AG llill] M.- UNATON 9.1 Nqtwithstanding,:, aoy Provi -n .reenaent, any parry m . ay s thk withdraw fiomffid agreeme'n-t as. it peartaixrstb diem by providhi-� wnitteti T Sliohom-sh Regioa Drug Fero age not-R.-e of such.. Arithdraimal fjo all other paities,.­spect yragg. the effectiv,­ d thereof t ing ; Y d4y.s.orriox. to. Sueft date. A Withdraw- � party may take with, it pity .v,.-qtjip.=ut.. it has loaned or donated to, the Taskolve acid shall be 6noile tod",' �b . d'.. d 6 53 of this, ism ul ions uTtd.ff �ec � on. .-,agreem . entwith respect. toasset Abffeift= initiated before, the effective date &-WfthdrSWal_ if - there isa reducttflii.err. filn & b ill se: � ad, I i-ourceof tho b d y f 5, � and if such fads -a the basis: of this -Agreement, Sapho "is. Coon y re rn -b C t nmy viula Afy. f! or part. -of Y . _d C at ffii� gre nent, or ma ro u e its el :86opiel 0- f w6rk. -And- budgpt- 104*0 HOL.W-JUARN S$il 1.0-1 Eaeb Puw heretoagrees to save, indenmify, 4efend and hold tile other 0tires .hAmlegsfrdm Any- allegations,, com'Plaints, or chins of WfOngful andfor negligent acts is�ions, by said patty Arid/or its agents,or: .je fullest extent atlowed. bv law,-. In the. case: of S to th. 0, :allegaticxns, ooMpWuts, or rJaims against more than. one party, any d amages alloy red shall 'be levied in propottion to the percentage of fault. ttrib-at" toparty; AM. party shall ha�re- the, right to seek : * C� i:� b. - YA obutribtitipn. from. each. of the other' partte*s in proportion to the p0ceotage Ofi4i.It--attribu.table to each, of die- other parities. Moreover, -the. -po#ips- -azrop- to poppe tr, E�nd: join�jy defend Any such matter to. the "Ut all wWvv,., An .agency that has: witbdrmwi. assumes: S: no e rev,*ftsibilityfar the artiMS7 0 the. remainifig-mcfibers arising after the 1 mammoth h le fors 61aiuls:of loss. or liabil.it r;tO. dw ..§MQ0vz;dat'e of wit-Wrawal. RI;Oonal Oruglrwik Fomil.— Page: I I i2w .ig� I i ' I T atip.1-tibe ai1 vjs �so imim i tyto suit byany tuaty fiinternftu.ar eftf .oe: the.Aermsofithi Agj�..em n T artiosagree that -ift. evfbrting obligations: under -this Ag nt� a, puty:sl�q.-.Jng. greme .0 PAYMOM 0-ok s w6a -. TV.14.0 Tidies shall .t fim to the proceeds, Of any insuran-m PPOOMA'by: the lbbos-:for tb1S -purpose-. Should Any CIa.iT.nqexjxdd tlae hh* ofrovow4 insurance arising f5rpiwthe entry of -a fin, I aJ , cree: in any bY:.swttletnefi Cof. a Civilkaotion iuutuaIN agreed to by, - a ...Party to -thik. Agmew Ow0d the Tr nhes, the Tribes hereby Waives afty, z1ai in of Jmmuoity or OXOMP004 for atty asses it holds up, to the amount necessary to: el charge the o.bligatibin and the Costs of c, I 103 Tfii gank.-SWaftle Ttibem-al-mS Sovereign immunity to suitby-any.party to itttotptct.or iemfOree: the ternasofthis Agrecinent The parties agree that in 0tifiaroirig Obligati o s under this Agreemejit, n a party seeking -p:4,ymcat -froin the Sauk -SuiattleTribe shalt look- first to th proceeds - of y Insurance -procu red by the Tribe for this purpose. Should any cIai-w �xvc�cd thid himl of procured insurance arisi ng from the entry of 'a final deo in any court,. or by isettleinent of'a eivit action iT.Wtually akreed to b.Y -4:pArty to this-Agreenvnt. and the Tribe, the Tribe hereby waives any claini of immuniWor -exeinntion for any assets itho Ids up to fhe,amount xibcnary to dis"c' harlgc thcobligabOR and the costs of collection. .10.4 The.SfillAgumish Tribe wai-ves` sovereiggii imununity to suit by any Party the totrhs ..of this;.A. emeat. The ti sl:agfee --ja 9r. par 6 In Onfo irti 9b4gatioln'sunder this Agreement, a. party seeking P#*ent- from the Stillagwam-I.Sh. Tribe shall look firs( to flia: proceids of P Ohy ihsuriice-.roo4k&Sb I by the Tribe for this pw ose. ould any Claim oi� final decree-,p't used. u d i n suiance arising fi-oni, the. entry of a fal deaTee in -on mort�, or by: -�setttement T a i: ...... Y o . agreed. to hilt: 'riot B)rce­ Pap 1: 11 4Y'a`-'N�* I an. -e, Y .0 8 - -.1 t d the Tribo, the Tribe .h r b v, ivbany Y 'Olailu of firth MWYor. "omption.for any, assots,it holds up to the - Amount, Aecessaryto.di the obligation: and thecosts of c.p.1lect.0011. ,10.5 The S-M.'nom, ish. Tribe: waives, sovereign ininrunity to suit by an w. Y pa ifftipret or � �-form the talins (if this Agreement. The parties.. agree:that in onforcing:obit ga. tioms undeu.this. Agreement . aparty seeks ft payment from the wNd Qpislx TnIx shall took. first. to the, proceeds! of any, insurance procured by the Tribe for this purpose. Should: apy clairn bkoed.d1he fitaft of produred insurance arising. from the entry -of a. final, des cie." t - b 'ttl . hi-etit of a civil ao.ft InaDy. COUT, or t.y. se 0 on muftidlly agreed to by party to this A--g-rperuent and the -n wi.y.. -,p Tribe, the iv...'s claim of immunify-auexeu, tion f -x assets Ithol s up to e u pp oran!a, s h Amo At beic � t6 &S.Chgge the obli&tfon and . the costs 6f:0011'ection; 11.0 GMJ9-RNMLAWAND V' NUE -is. agreement h --o IL -I T-h'.' shall be voverned. by. construed, and enf rced., iii sic nc.&. - w t'he:*k-Ws of the State of Washington without reference t) chofC.6 :of law. P-biftdi.pldsand venue of any. suit between the patties: atiskog orof this -40yeeMetit, shalfbo in the Superior Court of Snoho-misti County, VVa Iiington. T qR, TON V.-tht.h xDfionone-c&qsary operas onal agr& -oIts,betweeaw ating Ju:ri, idions. anti 4Weixiea s Info t -ne es of the- art' ti d t omm. age Participating ptusuaik to: sect iou.. 5...J herpof, this agreement constitutes': tho Whole: and didire. A*beeraeftt- among those fatties: as to the: Task Force a9d no other M. lioitw'7 Ap�hwq Ebits iii� Drug T k Rfed—ftge 13 understaii'd 49, oral,, or , tither se; regarding; tile. Task Fwve, shul. 'be x. w. or bind p4rfies. -wiled to e. 13.0 EXECUTION OF MIULTIMROW.GINAL, COUNTERPARTS, m may proddC be.:- cd. rein Aay uumbe-r of (,yrieftial 00unWtParts, Each party: need ssigm only one counte-t-parit. -2ind whorl the siggmtur'-s e pq ge.. ale: ar o all aoembfed with. one oriial oun-trPA that COMPilAtion COAS.0tates a,: fully execute.d.and. effective a e anentanxein alb :the la�tioipatig dtons, is,ki In. the: --even t that fevver th n aIi named this 0A. t be.- e.Mai i've as betWeen. the pad e .that have execukod the: to the- sartie extent as if no other parties. earl heen 14,0 MWCR"to�" 14.1 If any part of tlJ.'ement i wenforceable, fear day -m the ' reni-ainder of the agreement shalt vervain in full force and effect. 1 -5.0 RECOR I OING 15-1 This inteflocal greement will be recoi- - -e v , ded in conliplianc Oth RCW 3934:049, 0 0 46W A EsMbli In witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement. SNOHOMISH COUNTY, approved at the direction of the County Council. Aaron Reardon, County Executive DATE: ATTEST: APPROVAL RECONMIENDED: John Lovick, Sheriff DATE: Approved as to form only: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Interlocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force — Page 15 ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Title ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk APPRO TO FORM: Jurisdiction Attorney Dated �cf"// e, Jurisdiction of C-6 o.,-,„1".P ORIGINAL (if printed in blue) Dated r a 9 /P Dated -/- a 9- 2z)lD EXHIBIT A Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force Personnel and Basic Equipment Assigned by Jurisdiction July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 EVERETT POLICE DEPARThRW T I Lieutenant 1 Sergeant I Detective 1 Detective 1 Detective I Detective i Detective I Detective 1 Support Personnel GRANITE FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 Detective hIARYSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT I Detective BOTHELL POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 Detective SNOHOMISH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 1 Task Force Commander 1 Lieutenant I Sergeant I Detective I Detective 1 Detective 1 Detective 1 Detective I Detective 1 Support Staff 1 Support Staff SNOHOMISH HEALTH DISTRICT I Local Health Officer Page 15 FUNDING Everett PD Everett PD Everett PD Everett PD Everett PD Everett PD Everett PD Everett PD Everett PD FUNDING Justice Assistance Grant FUNDING Marysville PD VACANT FUNDING Bothell PD FUNDING Justice Assistance Grant Snohomish County Sheriff Snohomish County Sheriff Snohomish County Sheriff Snohomish County Sheriff Snohomish County Sheriff Snohomish County Sheriff Snohomish County Sheriff VACANT Snohomish County Sheriff VACANT Justice Assistance Grant Snohomish County Sheriff FUNDING Snohomish Health District SNOHOMISH. COUNTY PItOSECUT'QRJ t ONCE I Deputy Prosecutor 1 Deputy Prosecutor 1 Support Staff I Deputy Prosecutor STATE OF WASHLNGTON 1 Detective i Case Worker WASU NGTON NATIONAL GUARD 1 Intelligence Analyst BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND FIREARMS 1 Agent DRUG ENFORCEMENT -AGENCY i Agent RvMHGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT 1 Agent 0.5 Agent FUNDING Justice Assistance Grant Snohomish County Prosecutor Snohomish County Sheriff Snohomish County Prosecutor FUNDING Washington State Patrol DSHS, Child Protective Services FUNDING Washington National Guard FUNDING ATF VACANT W, 79 l Drug Enforcement Agency VACANT FUNDING Immigration And Customs Enforcement VACANT Immigration And Customs Enforcement EXHMIT B Snohomish Reeional Drug.Task Force Estimated Operating Budget for July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 FEDERAL LOCAL FUNDS MATCH TOTAL Salaries j 205,466 120,670 326,136 Benefits 49,684 29,180 78,864 Contracted Services 119,700 70,300 190,000 Goods and Services 6,300 3,700 10,000 Travel 0 0 0 Training 6,300 3,700 10,000 Equipment 0 0 0 Confidential Funds 0 0 0 TOTALS $387,450 $227,550 * $615,000 $168,481 from Local. Matching Funds; $59,069 from Forfeited Assets Fund lnterlocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force EXHIBIT C Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force Local Match Breakdowns for July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 JURISDICTION POPULATION PERCENTAGE Arlington 17,150 ' Bothell 15,980 Brier 6,490 Darrington 1,505 Edmonds 40,900 Everett 103,500 GoldBar 2,250 Granite Falls 3,375 Index 155 Lake Stevens 25,674 Lake Forest Park - Lynnwood 35,740 Marysville 57,300 Mill Creek 18,480 Monroe I6,710 Mountlake Terrace 20,960 Mukilteo 20,110 Snohomish 9,145 Snohomish County 297,641 Stanwood 5,590 Sultan 4,555 DSHS, CPS - Sauk Suiattle Tribe - Snohomish Health District - Stillaguamish Tribe - Swnomish Tribe - Tulalip Tribes - Washington State Patrol - PARTICIPATING JURISDICTIONS' TOTALS: Interlocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force 2.44% 2.27% 0.92% 0.21 % 5.81% 14.70% 0.31% 0.48% 0.02% 3.65% 5.07% 5.32% 2.62% 2.37% 2.98% 2.86% 1.30% 42.26% 0.79% 0.65°% 04DIH 21 l $ 4,110.00 $ 3,829,00 $ 1,555.00 $ 361.00 $ 9,801.00 $ 24,801.00 $ 515.00 $ 809.00 $ 37.00 $ 6,152.00 $ 8,564.00 $ 13,730.00 $ 4,428.00 $ 4,004.00 $ 5,023.00 $ 4,819.00 $ 2,191.00 $ 71,322.00 $ 1,339.00 $ 1,091.00 $ 168,481 t l V S U M C 0 /-J \AL, f6 4A .L.- O LL. F— M