ENG2021-0071 ROW PERMITOF WAY EUC PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER] City of Edmonds AveRIGHT 98020 NG2021-0071 www.cityofedmonds.gov Description: PUD-REPLACE T-MOBILE TOWER CELL EQUIPMENT FOR ENG2020-0495 ISSUED: 04/21/2021 Address: 8307 188TH ST SW EDMONDS WA 98026-6025 EXPIRES: 10/21/2021 rmit Type: RIGHT OF WAY EUC Permit Subtype: MINOR Parcel Number: 00567500002400 i NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE APPLICANT SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD P.O. BOX 1107, EVERETT WA 98206 (425)670-3216 BUSINESS T Mobile OWNER CONTRACTOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD P.O. BOX 1107, EVERETT WA 98206 (425)670-3216 OWNER WITSMAN BRENT & MELANIE 8307 188TH ST SW, EDMONDS WA 98026-6025 FEE INFORMATION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAID CITY TECHNOLOGY FEE CHARGED PER PERMIT $40.00 $0.00 ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEE $110.00 $0.00 RIGHT OF WAY MINOR - EUC PERMIT FEE $110.00 $0.00 REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT TYPE NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic control and public safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. Every flagger must be trained as required by WAC 296-155-305 and must have certification verifying completion of the required training in their posession. RESTORATION Restoration is to be in accordance with City codes. All street -cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the workday - No Exceptions WARRANTY The contractor is responsible for workmanship and materials for a period of one year following the final inspection and acceptance of the work. INSPECTION SCHEDULING: WWW.MYBUILDING PERMIT.COM 24 HR NOTICE REQUIRED INDEMNITY The Applicant has signed an application which states he/she holds the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds or any of its departments or employees, including but not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNTIL FEES ARE PAID AND THE CITY ENGINEER OR HIS/HER DEPUTY HAS SIGNED BELOW 04/21 /2021 RELEASED BY DATE Printed: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 1:35:52 PM 1 of 2 -KRWOF WAY EUC PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER City of • • • Ave•:• •ENG2021-0071 www.cityofedmonds. ov/425.771.0220 CONDITIONS CONDITION TYPE Easement and/or permission from adjacent property owner is required prior to entry or work within ADJACENT PROPERTY an adjacent property. It is the owner's responsibility to repair/replace all damage of utilities or frontage improvements in DAMAGE TO FRONTAGE City right of Ways or Easements to City Standards caused by or occurring during the permitted IMPROVEMENTS project. Alert affected residents and/or businesses prior to work start. Verify clear bore crossings. ENGINEERING OTHER Restore landscape to like or better conditions. Call for required inspections as noted. ESC REQ Maintain erosion and sedimentation control per City and SWMMW standard requirements. Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the HOLD HARMLESS issuance for this permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordinance nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. Sound/Noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits of ECC Chapter 5.30 only during the hours of 7:OOam to 6:OOpm on SOUND OR NOISE weekdays and 10:OOam and 6:OOpm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 5.30.120. All utilities shall be located prior to any excavation. New locates shall be called for if at time of UTILITY LOCATES excavation, original locates are no longer identifiable. INSPECTION TYPE DATE RESULT NOTES COMPLETE A-1 JOB START X-2 ENGINEERING FINAL" E-7 TRAFFIC CTRL Printed: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 1:35:52 PM 2 of 2 nF EVA,1(-), ANC. 1 S`� J RESUB Apr 06 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT WO# 100074235 ROW PERMIT NO.: ENG 2021-0071 ISSUE DATE: 4/21/21 RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION I PUD PERFORMING WORK FOR T-MOBILE APPROVED UNDER ENG2020-0495 WIRELESS ROW PERMIT. PROJECT NAME: T-Mobile Perrinville Modification CONTACT: Aziz Haq CONTRACTOR: Snohomish County PUD No.1 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1107 Everett, WA 98206 State License #: City Business License #: Phone #: 425-319-4209 Fax #: Email #: Jointuse@snopud.com ❑ Liability Insurance ❑ Bonded ADDRESS OR INTERSECTION OF CONSTRUCTION: 8307 188TH Street SW Edmonds, WA ROW WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF PROJECT: ❑ Commercial ❑ Subdivision ❑ City Project ❑ Traffic Control (Only) ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Single Family 0 EUC (PUD, VERIZON, PSE, COMCAST, OVWSD): Is this permit part of a blanket permit9 ANY ASSOCIATED PERMITS? ❑ Other ❑ Yes ❑ No BLD# ENG# DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (Be Specific) : Work includes replacing all tower mounted cell equipment with new. This work will require a sinqle lane closure with intermittent road closures for bucket and crane setup in the road. See included traffic plan for more details. Work shall take between 4 to 6 days to complete. WAS STREET OVERLAYED WITHIN THE LAST FIVE 5 YEARS? YES ❑ NO ❑ Year: PAVEMENT CUT: ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate size of cut: x CONCRETE CUT: ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate size of cut: x RIGHT-OF-WAY CLOSURE AREA TOTAL DURATION (NUMBER OF MONTHS) Sidewalk 48 Hrs + LF X LF SF Alley 72 Hrs + LF X LF SF Parking 72 Hrs + LF X LF SF APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN *Traffic control and public safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. Every flagger must be trained as required by (WAC) 296-155-305 and must have certification verifying completion of the required training in their possession. *Restoration is to be in accordance with City codes and Standards. All street -cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the workday — NO EXCEPTIONS. Indemnity: The Applicant has signed an application which states he/she hold the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds or any of its departments or employees, including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. I have read the above statements and understand the permit requirements and acknowledge that I must follow all requirements in order for the permit to be valid. SIGNATURE DATE 2/8/21 Contractor or Agent NO WORK SHALL BEGIN PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE D @(W2(0-1) ON 30" ONE LANE ROAD AHEAD W3-4 (W30„4) *(W290-7 A) SEE TNOTE 1 SEE NOTE 1 SEE N❑TE 1 30" STOP FULL ROAD CLOSURE & DETOUR NOT PERMITTED. TABLE A SPEED (MPH) TAPER LENGTH (FT) CONE SPACING ALONG TAPER (FT) OFFSET WIDTH 10, 12' 25 100 120 25 30 150 180 30 35 200 240 35 40 270 320 40 45 450 1 540 45 NOTE: 1, DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS SHALL BE 100' FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS (25 MPH), AND 200' FOR ARTERIAL ROADWAYS 2, RETR❑REFLECT❑RIZED SIGNS AND FLASHING BEACON SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EACH SIGN FOR NIGHT-TIME USE, 3. DISTANCES MAY VARY AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, 4, FLAGGERS REQUIRED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC WHENEVER THE CONTRACTOR MUST INTERRUPT TRAFFIC FLOW TO ACCESS THE WORK SITE WITH MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT, LEGEND: ❑O" CONE OR CHANNELIZING DEVICE (SEE STD 7-13) END ROAD WORK i 2 LANE ROADWAY; ONE LANE CLOSED WITH ALTERNATING ONE-WAY TRAFFIC AND FLAGGERS END ROAD WORK ENGINEERING DIVISION APPROVED AS NOTED 4 04/21 /2021 PUD PERFORMING WORK FOR T-MOBILE APPROVED UNDER ENG2020-0495 WIRELESS ROW PERMIT. Applicant shall repair/replace all damage to utilities or frontage improvements in City right-of-way per city standards that is caused or occurs during the permitted project. OWNER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE WORK AREA TRUCK WITH v T� FLASHING OR WITH BEACON <Sl? T PER LENGTH STOP TA(TABLE A) SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 1 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN RESUB Apr 06 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 6-2010 date *(W2�0-730A) �W3-4 ONE LANE ROAD AHEAD (W30" 4) 010INSTRUCTION (W20-1) 30" 7-1 number T-MOBILE PERRINVILLE - SE01553E LFD a—U� 1818 Rev.4/19 PUD PERFORMING WORK FOR T-MOBILE APPROVED UNDER ENG2020-0495 WIRELESS ROW PERMIT. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AND ENGINEERING REQUEST TO FROM DATE KEITH ELLISON AZ1Z HAQ 425-319-4/_uy U LO/ L i ADDRESS/LOCATION/POLE NUMBER 8307 188TH ST SW, LYNNWOOD, WA / 18(27-4)NE // PLI:229080 MAP NO. ORDER NO. OPERATION NO. 454-J3 100074235 30 ACTION• PLEASE ASSIST T-MOBILE WITH THE MODIFICATION OF THEIR ANTENNA SITE MODIFICATION INCLUDE REPLACING ALL POLE TOP EQUIPMENT AND CABLE POLE HEIGHT: 93' AGL CABLE MUST BE PULLED FROM THE TOP DOWN PER SECTOR WEIGHTS: OUTAGE WINDOW:4/26/21 - 5/2/21 - 900-LBS. WITH T-ARM MOUNT 115kV SCHEMATIC PLAN VIEW PERRINVILLE CS 4179 s 215 MVA 317 23 24 25 1 1533 ---- - wN; ------ �.t0 MI 336.E KCM AA WORK slrE 21 14 18725 SL-1 8307 1 L-B 1 229 S-128196-A 2 37-36266 Y l FU1 0 229080 7 E-5016 1633 M b J 1.01 MI 336.4 KCM AA 1.56 MI 336.4 KCM AA N ---------, FU 0 M 00 93 1 18 H T SWws�214 1 Q m Y1 = 8320 314 �N 8302 p ----------J Cy', MAPLEWOOD 1 0 O0 25 MVA For de -energizing customer service for Customer work CUSTOMER CREW HOURS When completed, call the PUD of 425-783-1000 Customer Signature or (1-877-78-100) ask Dote for Energy Control Dispatch ACTIONOR OTHER ACTIONREQUIRED RESUB Apr 06 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT APPROVED BY COMPLETED BY DATE Distribution: While -Department Responsible For Work -Return To Originator When Completed Blue-GIS, 03, After Work Completion Conory-Deportment Responsible For Work -File Copy Pink -Originator Machuga, Jen From: Haq, Aziz <MAHaq@SNOPUD.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 11:36 AM To: Edmonds Engineering Permits; Crisostomo, Shaina Cc: Joint Use Subject: RE: PUD ROW Permit Application ENG2021-0071 for pole/cell tower at 8307 188th St SW Attachments: Edmonds ROW Construction Permit Application - 100074235 - Updated.pdf Categories: Green category Hello Natalie, I have revised the description on Page 1 of the application and attached it. 1) To confirm, the scope of work matches exactly what T-Mobile proposed on their drawings as this work is being driven by them. It is a PUD pole with energized lines and so our qualified electrical workers must perform said work. The existing steel pole will remain the same and no modifications to the pole itself shall be made. Here is the scope of work pulled directly from T-Mobile's drawing, page T-1. TOWER SCOPE: • REPLACE EXISTING ANTENNA MOUNT • REPLACE (3) HEX W/ (3) OCTO • INSTALL (3) AEHC • INSTALL (3) AHLOA, (3) AHF1G • INSTALL (1) HCS 2.0 CABLE W/ PENDANT • INSTALL (1) HCS 2.0 CABLE W/ PENDANT AND VOLTAGE BOOSTER • REMOVE (6) DIPLEXER • REMOVE (3) TMA • REMOVE (12) 1-5/8' COAX 2) We understand only a single lane closure with intermittent road closure will be approved and to minimize road closures as much as possible. Please let me know if any additional information is required and I'll get it to you as soon as possible. Thank you, Aziz HaQ Transmission Engineering Snohomish County PUD No.1 425-319-4209 From: Edmonds Engineering Permits<EngineeringPermits@edmondswa.gov> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2021 2:59 PM To: Crisostomo, Shaina <SLCrisostomo@Snopud.com> Cc: Joint Use <JointUse@SNOPUD.com>; Haq, Aziz <MAHaq@SNOPUD.com> Subject: PUD ROW Permit Application ENG2021-0071 for pole/cell tower at 8307 188th St SW CAUTION: THIS EMAIL IS FROM AN EXTERNAL SENDER. Do not click on links or open attachments if the sender is unknown or the email is suspect. Hi Shaina, I have reviewed the application and I will need a few things before proceeding: 1) Please confirm the scope of work. The application states PUD will be assisting T-Mobile to replace the equipment and cables on the pole. I have attached T-Mobile's application that was issued earlier this year. Please confirm that what PUD will be replacing matches what was approved for T-Mobile. Please respond to this email with specific description of what will be replaced. Also, please confirm that the existing pole will remain and that no modifications to the pole itself will be made. a. If the scope of work does not match what was approved for T-Mobile or if there will be changes to the pole (height, size, diameter, etc.), please resubmit information to clarify so I can review. 2) Regarding the TCP- I know we discussed the traffic control quite a bit prior to submittal, but the work description on the first page of the application still mentions full road closure with detours, and page 3 TCP shows full road closure. As was discussed, you are to utilize single lane closure traffic control measures per what was submitted page 4, and if there are some intermittent times where the crane needs to be moved or the arm swings around where both lanes need to be temporarily closed (for as short of a time as possible), then that could be approved. Please revise the work description accordingly on page 1 and resend. Please let me know if you have any questions. Natalie City of Edmonds, Engineering Division Permitting EngineeringPermits@edmondswa.gov Natalie Griggs (she/her), Engineering Technician (425) 771-0220 ext. 1353 CITY HALL IS CURRENTLY CLOSED TO GENERAL PUBLIC ACCESS. APPOINTMENTS MAY BE CONSIDERED FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Development services will continue to be provided by email or the web and by phone. Please visit www.edmondswa.gov for up-to-date information on City services. For engineering permit inquiries, please email: engineeringPerm its(d)edmondswa.gov For all other inquiries please email: devserv.admin(c�edmondswa.gov Web Map: www.maps.edmondswa.gov N