2019-0536 HSAC Sport CourtsOF EDP
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DATE: June 21, 2019
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
TO: Jeff Nagel
Email: JP@jna.eg leg com
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: BLD2019-0536
Project: Harbor Square Athletic Club- Reconfigure sport courts and weight area
Project Address: 160 West Dayton
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses to each comment, and submit revised
plans/documents to a permit coordinator in the Development Services Department.
1. The alterations require accessibility upgrades for the building per WAC 51.50 (IEBC 410.7). On the
plans, either a) clearly show that the interior accessible route of travel complies with current code, or
b) provide upgrades per the previously referenced section. If you choose to use exception #1 of that
section, provide a letter stamped and signed by the architect (reference the code exception), stating the
overall project cost, 20% of the project cost, and list the accessibility upgrades that will be done as
part of this permit as well as showing that the total cost of the upgrades is at least 20%. Show these
features on the plans. Possible features that could be considered for upgrades might include accessible
toilets and sinks, restroom grab bars, door sizes and approach space, drinking fountains, etc.
2. Special inspections have been identified as being required for this project. Please complete the
attached special inspection agreement form and return it to a permit coordinator at any time prior to
issuance of the permit.
Sheet Al.1
3. A lighting plan is referenced in the General Notes. If there are to be any changes to lighting, please
provide the lighting plan as noted, and complete and submit the Washington State Energy code
compliance forms LTG —SUM and LTG—INT-SPACE for review. If there will be no changes to
lighting, please indicate this on the plans.
Sheet AB 1.1
4. Reference the full height wall to be removed between the tennis court and the basketball court. Please
verify whether or not this is a structural wall, either gravity or lateral load bearing. If it is structural,
provide an analysis from the engineer of record as to how the newly configured wall system addresses
the existing design loads.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this review. Thank you,
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Leif Bjorback, Building Official
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
Lei£bj orbackkedmondswa. gov
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