Approved Stormwater ReportWesthaven lO-Lot Plat 21511121515121525 98th Avenue SW Edmonds, WA 98020 Stormwater Site Plan Report Prepared for: Select Homes Date: April 30, 2018 Revised: August 27, 2018 Revised: March 12,2019 RECEIVED MAR 14 ?0i$ DEvELoPcHm€Effr'lcEs COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE R CODE =ha/zoLjPrepared by: Rob Long, PE RAM Eng ineerin I nc.E, 16531 13th Ave W, Suite 4108, Lynnwood WA 98037 (425) 678-6960 RAMengineeringinc.com Job No. 17-038 Select Homes 98th Ave SW Westhoven 70-Lot Plat lntroduction: This summary report provides site design information for a single family 10-lot plat by Select Homes. This report includes storm drainage analysis to support permit review and approval. The property is located on the west side of 98th Ave SW (north of 216 Pl SW), in the northeast t/4 of Section 25,T 27 N, R 3 E, W.M. Site Address: 2LSIU2L5L5/2L525 98th Avenue SW Edmonds, WA 98020 Tax Parcel Numbers: 27032s 001 079 00 270325 001 082 00 27032s 001 083 00 Applicant: Select Homes 16513 L3th Ave W, Suite 4108, Lynnwood WA 98037 Contact: Kayla Clark (42s)742-6044 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGES A. Project Overview B. Existing Conditions Summary C. Developed Site Hydrology ............. D. Soils Report 22 ... 33 2E. ConstructionSWPPPP Requirements F. Operation and Maintenance Guidelines... 4 t 20 RAM Engineeríng, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report A. PROßCT OVERVIEW: This report provides engineering information for the proposed construction of a 10-lot single family residence plat on a 1.99 ac parcel; the project is located on the west side of 98th Ave SW (north of 2L6th St SW) in the City of Edmonds. The applicant, Select Homes proposes to remove the existing residences (three) and all existing hard surface to construct the 10-lot plat on the project site. This report provides the evaluation for the new ten single family residential development. Summøry ol Minímum Reguírements lor Category 7 Project: Minimum Requirement#7- Prepøration of StormwaterSite Plan. 'lhe proposed site development consists of disturbing about 2.0 acres of land and creating/replacing about 49,400 sf of hard surface area. Thus, the project is classified as a Cotegory 2 project per the City's classification system. Per ECDC 18.30, Cotegory 2 projects must comply with Minimum Requirements No. 1 through No. 9. The civil site development plans and this report have been prepared to address the projects impacts. MinÍmum RequÍrement #2 - Construct¡on Stormwøter Pollutîon Prevention (SWPPP). A construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has be incorporated into the site development plans. A summary of the site's erosion control measures that evaluates the typical 13 elements of a SWPPP are included in section E. The total site disturbance area of the project is greater than one acre, thus a formal Notice of lntent application for NPDES coverage will be made to the Department of Ecology. MînÍmum Requirement #3 - Source Control of Pollution. Specific source controls are not required for single family residential sites. General requirements for these sites include preventing the discharge of pollutants to the City's storm drainage system per Edmonds City Code Chapter 7.200 (lllicit Discharges). This includes common household items such as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, detergents and fluids from vehicle maintenance. Single family residences shall incorporate DOE's S411 BMPs for landscape and lawn vegetation management. Lawn and vegetation management can include control of objectionable weeds, insects, mold, bacteria, and other pests with pesticides. Examples include weed control on golf course lawns, access roads, and utility corridors and during landscaping; sap stain and insect control on lumber and logs; rooftop moss removal; killing nuisance rodents; fungicide application to patio decks, and residential lawn/plant care. lt is possible to release toxic pesticides such as pentachlorophenol, carbamates, and organometallics to the environment by leaching and dripping from treated parts, container leaks, product misuse, and outside storage of pesticide contaminated materials and equipment. Poor management of the vegetation and poor application of pesticides or fertilizers can cause appreciable stormwater contamination. MÍnÍmum Requirement #4 - Preseruotion of Noturol Drainage Systems ond Outfolls. The site generally slopes in a northerly direction towards private properties; there are no concentrated flows or existing defined conveyance systems located onsite; any site runoff leaves the site as sheet-flow. Stormwater runoff RAll/l Engineering, I nc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page A-1 leaving the site would eventually collect in the existing stormwater systems (pipe/catch basins) along the south side of 2!4th Pl SW north of the site. The 214th stormwater system routes runoff westerly under 98th Ave W and then southwesterly to the north side of 215th St SW (near the project site's northwest corner). The proposed development will reroute the stormwater discharge to the existing stormwater system within 98th Ave W that routes the water to the system along the north side of 215th St SW merging with the system fram 2L4¡h Pl SW. The merg of the stormwater systems is about 550 ft from the site and thus are considered to be within the same threshold discharge basin (within % mile, thus no diversion). The project will maintain the existing downstream basin with only a minor sub-basin re-rout of stormwater flows. The site is located within the upper reach of the Shell Creek watershed basin per the City of Edmonds maps (see section C). Minimum Requirement #5 - Onsíte Stormwoter Management. An updated site specific geotechnical evaluation of the site's soils demonstrates that infiltration is a not a viable option for stormwater management onsite due to relatively shallow depth to unweathered glacial till soils. Additionally, adequate flow length paths will most likely not be available for the individual building lots for any dispersion type BMP. Thus, only perforated stub-out connections and post construction soil amendment are proposed for onsite stormwater BMP. See civil site development plans and Section C for additional stormwater BMP evaluation and construction details. 5,6 Minímum RequÍrement #6 - Runoff Treatment. The project proposes to create/replace more than 5,000 sf of pollution-generation hard surface onsite. The project will create about L6,300 sf (L0,000 sf onsite driveways + 6,300 sf of ROW road redevelopment) pollution generation hard surfaces. Thus, placement of general use approved basic water quality treatment stormwater filters are included the proposed site development. Design of the stormwater treatment filters are described in Section C below. 5.7 Minimum Requirement #7 - Flow Control. An onsite stormwater detention vault system will provide flow control of the site's stormwater runoff. The detention vault system has been designed to meet the flow control standards of a Category 2 project in a creek or lake basin (restrict the stormwater discharge duration for half the 2-year to 50-year storm events using a continuous storm event model). The detention vault has been sized using WWHM software; a full overview of the project's stormwater flow control measures are provided in section C below. 5.8 Minimum Requirement #8 - Wetland Protection. No wetlands are known to exist on or adjacent to the site. 5.9 MinÍmum Requírement #9 - Operatíon dnd Moîntenance. An operation and maintenance summary is provided in section F. RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page A-2 Parcel (Vicínity) Map: 0u*lÊR st¡6 NE 25 -I- i I 27 q3 t'l M!!CÉf Wts. 3*;;;f '-l ls,kd Crdadrü çovld -- ilpt&þ - Ol¡ertd WRôW -'- - l6tì ,jÛF;#.. - -ncid l -ì:-..:= 4ts tr¿Àt¿lù ¡ñ'-\tlt¡tqtr14.¿ r ttt.ú !.. t.,. td,-ra,!4 r¡rÁ!¡d !d soDdr - ûb - 5.ffi }VALNUT tit*,:,1'å,å,iJ Ii i;,J-'¿,;.ilå;j"ij;[jJ tlt;Lil"lf tLLlL trl¿lil . Êosüôr I : 16 39.2!a¿t{l 8E.2S2l{3 È nt tt ø u 'J T å¡ çÈ¿ç:t ¡F j 1 d : I i I 1 st It lê l! <2 crt ta a 1l r7 la (û ¡ ! tì¡ ir 1-t¿1 a t t ¡ t f I t.lZ¡ , !l.!â{ì :l.rt9 æ ¡t! 5 ù ¡rtË t, la*--.!ello-'zIt ¡ ¡ tsE I tt ll il l2 .' ASH - ?r6rH- sT'. €$/, 2r8fH 21nH S1 SW -uJt I It , ?¡orH sÎ- sw :{-o ;{ 13 'cflt -' tl'?--'-r 3 t: !lrJrô r¡ I Icq !r 1l i¡r t7 !á RO 0!tt +: I a .rt ¡ I aI¡!I 0r I e t ,t ¡)1¡ o? 0,, : 0l !l ¡!ltaI tû ¡r¡l¡t0 t It7!:ntl IIaa rs t lq 5 a !11 -.t 91 0¿¡or la t I I t¡¡l ¡ c I a I l0 r¡It f¡10 t 4 t¡ aIt:6 a I 2 t i a? [{ Ð2.a,42 I 1 !t tÛ Iûc t ô1 f t ? rì4 Ð1 0{ûl û g ¡ ùÍ ó1 1t tùI!!It 1¡É¡¡rt I ia 2t ðr!1:rl ¿!rÉn ß I t0IT t:lô :I a tt¡ t;It 0l a ?2 11 1)? ill ,¡i rl ft; ffl 1..:t-\6 t{ t6 ft ¡i]1 0¡J ¿ji !¡ ¿'l c1 útl 07 û1 03 û2 c'4 , rl rJ: l.t rttl ': tø co , or, 0l ¡0Í tll I 0l ll¡:'ìT tit I fJt I.0r9 t.têL -siâ t 0!5 ç 1.ûril l. r,: t ll'Êa{l a ! ilrl I 5:U1'tl35 û38{æ 1gq -all! I t{ii I D,1? 3 I t,il t I t-[{0 tr tj 0i: I $)6 I ¡jl I û¿3 t-aI3J . ";" I \ll1.t ! ¡!¿ 1.û$J 1.Oå:i:1-l{i r 1.ff?'\I 13J 1r 7 I ¡i 6þâ a ' ¿".i"ì \ / l-:- . t.1 I ra t¡ t¡ I ¡ t a ,a I Il1 ¡ a 2.132 l I ûl! 1ô I a t ¿ a t t I ATt¡It )N It rt 4)t ta it t5rt tl $I I tô f¡,tr aî t ¡I I ¡a à ¡1 t 2 t¡I ¡ It"l:. t6 !t !¡It Ðr Page A-3 RAll/l Engineering, I nc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report ô Site PIdn: a?''/, t.r'. t¿ :'ð.:¿/iJicrt dÞ¡!,r¡¡Èn *Jt¡.ç?.)ttuñÈrcó1ãtlt ut\tt:t.! t - lt!t1.4.Õ'ar s!( iÅ ztgtH ?L Afl toEìa¡ Hs ¡:t: I! L' ,.I l tl , RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page A-4 B. EXISTíNG CONDIT'ONS SUMMARY Exîsting Conditions. The total site consists of about 86,657 sf (1.99 acres) and is currently occupied by three existing single-family residences with access driveways off 98th Ave SW. The existing houses are surrounded by grass lawn and landscape areas with several large mature trees throughout the site. The site is surrounded by single family residences to the north, east and south; 98th Ave SW to the west; and a stub public road of 215th St SW to the east boundary of the site (see aerial photo below). The site is generally slopes in the northerly direction in a range between 2% and 10%. No define drainage courses are found on-site and stormwater runoff would sheet flow northerly direction. No stream or wetlands were discovered on or immediately adjacent to the site. Additional discussion of the local drainage basin and downstream path is discussed in Section C of this report. Soils: ln accordance with the project's site specific geotechnical engineering study by Earth Solutions NW, LLC the on-site soils consist of silty sand with gravel (USCS: SM) glacial till deposits. The subject site is underlain by glacial till deposits (Qvt, Vashon till soils). Full soils description is included in the project's site specific geotechnical engineering study by Earth Solutions NW, LLC. AerÍol Photo (CÍty ol Edmonds G/,5,2075 photo): RAllil Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page B-1 C. DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOTY: Developed Conditions. The proposed project includes the construction of ten single-family residences and associated frontage improvements, driveways and utilities. All existing structures and hard surface onsite will be removed/replaced with the site development; landscaping and grass lawn around the new residence will stabilize the site upon building construction. The project proposes to create and/or replace 57,20O sf of hard surface with the complete site development, all existing onsite hard surface will be removed with the project site development. The following is a summary of the proposed new/replaced hard surface areas: Total Hard Surface New/Replaced Propo,¡ed = 51,200 sf (L.1.75 ac) Building Rooftop = 30,000 sf fi löts @ 3,000 sf ea.) Uncovered Patio and Walk = 2,000 sf (10 lots @ 200 sf ea.) lndividual Driveways = 8,000 sf (L0 lots @ 800 sf ea.) Additional Panhandle Driveways = 2,000 sf Vault Access Road = 1,800 sf ROW Frontage and Cul-de-sac = 6,300 sf ROW Sidewalk = 1,L00 sf Upstream 98th Ave SW ROW Net Run-on Area = 2,220 sf (0.051 ac) Total lmpervious Surface (Site + Upstream) = 53,42O sf (7.226 ac) Total Pervious Surface (Lawn) = 37,757 sf (0.867 ac) An underground detention vault will be installed along the back (easterly) portion of lots 3 and 4 near the center of the site. The detention vault system will provide flow control of the project's stormwater runoff (Minimum Requirement #7). The hydrologic analysis uses WWHM2012 software to model historical storm events in the existing and proposed developed conditions. Per the City of Edmonds (DOE 2014) drainage manual, the project shall meet the site discharge duration for half the 2-year to 50-year storm events using a continuous storm event model (WWHM). The detention vault system will discharge to an Oldcastle Perk Filter'" located downstream of the control structure; the stormwater filter system will provide basic water quality treatment. The stormwater flows from the filter system will flow to a receivíng catch basin on-site; the receiving catch basin will gravity discharge to the public stormwater system along the east side of 98th Ave SW. Due to the relatively shallow depth of the adjacent stormwater system in 98th Ave SW the stormwater vault will utilize pumps to discharge the collected stormwater flows. All of the stormwater pumps and pressurized line system shall be located on private property and covered by drainage easements (no portion of the pump facilities will be located within public right-of-way). Additionally, a gravity overflow system will be provided between the detention vault and the gravity basin to accommodate the full undetained 100-year peak flows (0.7595 cfs) to prevent flooding of the system in the event of pump system failure. RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-1 Net Upstream Collection Area Summary: Due to placement of existing and proposed stormwater catch basins along 98th Ave SW additional existing roadway (hard surface) from 98th Ave SW will flow into the project's stormwater system and some minor areas of by-pass will be created. The below evaluation summarizes the net upstream area tributary to the project's stormwater collection and detention system. The net upstream area has been included and accounied for in the beiow stormwater rnodeling calcuiations. Upstream Right of Way "Run-on" Areas Collected = 2,520 sf Redeveloped Right-of-wav Areas Bv-passed = - 300 sf Net Upstream Right-of-way Area = ),22O sf ,,,:,t, . /, ^ t.. ¿ ti..'. ,2rıfH87tfl JJ.rr i ?rr. I .., :i; itir Ës ?TNE '7a. ú i U sfCollected = Redeveloped Right-of-way Areas By-passed = 300 sf ?lgfH FL tút RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-2 Offsite Analysis. The site is located within the City of Edmonds Shell Creek watershed basin. The Shell Creek basin is a centralized urban basin that collects stormwater runoff from primarily residential areas in the City Edmonds and ultimately discharges flows northwesterly to Puget Sound (see attached watershed map). Site runoff leaves the site as sheet-flow runoff that flows in a northerly direction. Runoff leaving the site sheet-flows across the neighboring properties and entei'the i'oadside ditch and ci¡lvert system along the south side of 2!4th Pl SW. The storm system along 214th Pl SW directs stormwater west towards 98th Ave W (10th Ave S); at the intersection of 2!4rh Pl SW and 98th Ave W flows enter a pipe system (L2") that directs the stormwater north under 2L4th Pl SW and then west under 98th Ave W. The stormwater system continues in a southwesterly direction to 2LSth St SW and flows westerly along private properties eventually reaching Pine St (north side). The system continues westerly along the north side of Pine St to 9th Ave S; the stormwater system is then directed northerly along 9th Ave S. Stormwater continues northerly along gth Ave S and eventually discharges into Shell Creek about 0.85 miles downstream of the site. Shell Creek continues north/northwesterly and eventually discharges to the Puget Sound about 1.6 miles from the site. ln the immediate vicinity of the project site some of the existing catch basin along 98th Ave SW have jumps between the intake and outlet elevations in which the outlet pipe are 0.1 to 0.2 ft above the inlet pipes. These are very minor jumps and the overall elevation drop between the connecting catch basins range from 1 ft to 2 ft and thus the minor jumps through the catch basins are insignificant to the overall capacity of the downstream system. Minor areas of run-on from the residential properties south of the site may occur; however, these flows are primarily from lawn areas and are considered insignificant. The downstream system consists of a man-made pipe and catch basin system within 0.85 miles of the site; 0.85 miles from the site the stormwater system discharge to Shell Creek. No apparent flooding or system inadequacies within downstream of the site were discovered during site visits or research of the downstream system. See attached watershed and downstream drainage facility map for the local downstream path. RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-3 Watershed Basin Map w FIGURE 8.1 CITY OF gDMOl,¡DS WATERSHEDS llo..co* I¡ønt¡. [-w*Jt¡o*!o*r-- !.¡=*-*t*,*¿.¡ f ateoc* I eoorío¡r rolld I *a¡¡..rp ffir¡rrcr..r l$irlrlrtrttneôdrÀ f nnC.rOer @@ runrrrnclørcOrr !r.r.r.*rpr @lcàcc.cr.r lrrnrrerur lrrtotrrrrffi ¡r¡¡¿0,ø¡c¡ @ morarr,l ffir-eo*.*r Jrrooo..rffinotuutnn f rnørrør ffio.rro".r l,ffil*u-s-r ÞGJ4R¡ryñffi bEÐ ¡ h. l¡00ò ¡â*lrybÉf ¡æA î !::: ¡r A Itb¡$- ii : I ! afí ! it it tl Iil i' l. :;ll ii :ì ItIt t: I RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-4 Downstream Drainage Facility Map (City of Edmonds GIS) *ur" r, la \''{ ¿u€ tr q TÏ- --t ¡¡tl ç¡ E F ¡v¡ltrul iI , Scart;, .rlt ltl tu qO. &ttå I tó -{ ¡taütt Disclrarge to Shell Creek ðboul 0.85 nrrles dorvnstream of site- .l rlll SITE ?ltt. ã?.i ¡lail RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-5 Stormwater Modeling. Attached is the stormwater analysis documentation output from the Washington State Department of Ecology's WWHM2012 stormwater modeling software as referenced above. An underground detention vault system installed between the lots in the center of the site will provide onsite stormwater detention for the project. A detention vault 19 ft wide, 104 ft long and 12 ft deep will provide 23,7L2 cf of storage to control the project's stormwater runoff. See summary table on modeling input/output below. ProjectArea:86,657sf(Site)+2,300sf(ROW) +2,220(NetUpstreaml--9t,t77sf(2.093ac) Total lmpervious Surface (Site + Upstream) = 53,420 sf (1.226 ac) Developed Total Pervious = 37,757 sf (0.867 ac) Flow Control Summary Table: Project Areas Site Area + ROW Redevelopment + Upstream ROW 2.093 Acres Type of Storage Proposed Underground Detention Vault 19 ft (w) x 104 ft (l) x 12 ft (d) Approx. Detention Storage Volume (cf)23,7t2 cf Soil Type(s) (see Geotechnical Report)Alderwood Series Soils (Till) Pre-Existine Runoff Release Rates Q (cfs.)2yr 0.0382 cfs - 10 yr.O.0778 cfs 50 yr O.t229 cfs ç" L00 yr 0.1452 cfs Post-development Runoff Rates (without quant¡tV controls) Q (cfs.)2Yr 0.3156 cfs L0 yr 0.4930 cfs 50 yr 0.5939 cfs 100 yr.0.7595 cfs Post-development Runoff Rates (with quantitv controls) Q (cfs.)2Yr.0.0216 cfs - 10 yr 0.0440 cfs 50 yr 0.0787 cfs ,-¿ 100 yr.0.0995 cfs RAIW Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-6 The detention vault system will discharge via a quadplex pump system (4 pumps) due to the lack of gravity outfall system available to the site. The proposed control pump system configuration includes four pump act¡vation switches that activates pumps at design stages as the detention vault system fills. Each pump shall alternate to work each pump equally and extend the life of the system; see Stormwater Pump Design section below for a full detail summary of the pumps design. Below is a stage summary of each pump on condition: lndividual Pump Rate Pump Staee Heieht Staee Elev. (cfs) (epm) Pump L - 0.00 86.00 0.0191 8.57 Pump 2 - 6.90 92.90 0.0191 8.57 Pump 3 - 7.70 93.70 0.0191 8.57 Pump 4 - 8.80 94.80 0.0191 8.57 12" Outfall (gravity) at stage 10.00 (96.00) A Stage-Storage-Discharge (SSD) table based on the quadplex pump system was created for the storm modeling; this SSD table was input into WWHM12 modeling. A summary of the detention vault SSD table is provided below. Elevatior (ft) Stage (fr) Pump 1 (cfs) Pump 2 (c6) Pump 3 (cß) Pump 4 (cfs) Orifice 2 (cß) Rlsêr lcfsl Total lclbì 86.00 0.00 0.0'191 0.0'191 86.'t0 0.10 0.0191 0.0191 86.20 0.20 0.0191 0.019'1 86.30 0.30 0.0191 0.019'l 86.40 0.40 0.019'l 0.0'tsl 86.50 0.50 0.0191 0.0191 86.60 0.60 0.0191 0.0191 86.70 0.70 0.0191 0.0191 86.80 0.80 0.0191 0.01s'1 86.90 0.90 0.0191 0.01s1 87.00 1.00 0.0191 0.0191 87.1 0 1.10 0.0191 0.019't 47.20 1.20 0.0191 0.0'191 87.30 't.30 0-0't91 0.0191 87.40 1.40 0.0191 0.0191 87.50 1.50 o.o191 0.0191 87.60 1.60 0.0'19'1 0.0191 47.70 1.70 0.0191 0.0'191 87.80 1.80 0.0'f 91 0.0191 87.90 '1.90 0.0191 0.0'191 88.00 2.OO 0.0191 0.0191 88.'t0 2.10 0.01s1 0.0191 88.20 2.20 0.0191 0.0'191 88.30 2.30 0.0tct 0.0191 88.40 2.40 0.0191 0.0191 88.50 2.æ 0.0191 0.0191 88.60 2.60 0.0191 0.019'l 88.70 2.70 o.o191 0.0191 88.80 2.a0 0.0191 0.0191 88.90 2.90 0.0191 0.0191 89.00 3.00 0.0191 0.0191 89.10 3.10 0.0191 0.0191 89.20 3.20 0.0191 0.0191 89.30 3.30 0.0191 0.0191 89.40 3.40 0.01s1 0.0 191 89.50 3.50 0.0191 0.0191 RAM Engíneering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-7 Elevat¡on (ft) Stag6 lft| Pump 1 (cfs) Pump 2 (cfs) Pump 3 (cß) Pump 4 (cfs) Orifico 2 (cß) Riser (cfs) Total (cfs) 89.60 0.0191 0.0191 49.70 3.70 0.01c1 0.0191 89.80 3.80 0.0191 0.0191 89.90 3.90 0.0fs1 0.0191 90.00 4.00 0.0191 0.0191 90.10 4.10 0.0191 0.0191 90.20 4.20 0.0191 0.0191 90.30 4.30 0.019'1 0.0'1st 90.40 4.40 0.01s1 0.0191 s0.50 4.50 0.01s1 0.0191 90.60 4.60 0.0191 0.0191 90.70 4.70 0.01s1 0.01s1 90.80 4.80 0.0'191 0.0191 s0.s0 4.S0 0.0191 0.0191 91.00 5.00 0.0191 0.0191 91.10 5.10 0.0191 0-0191 91.20 5.20 0.0191 0.0191 91.30 5.30 0.0191 0.0191 91.40 5.40 0.0191 0-0191 91.50 5.50 0.0191 0-01s1 91.60 5.60 0.01s1 0.0191 9't.70 5.70 0.0191 0.0191 s1.80 5-80 0.0191 0.0191 91.90 5.90 0.0'191 0.0191 92.00 6.00 0.0191 0.0r9r 92.10 6.10 0.0191 0.0191 92.20 4.20 o.o191 0.0191 92.30 6.30 0.0191 0.0191 92.40 6.40 0.0'1s1 0.0191 92.50 6.50 0.01s1 0.0191 s2.60 6.60 o.0191 0.0191 92.70 0.01s1 0.0191 92.80 6.80 0.01s'l 0.0'1s'i 92.90 6.90 0.0'191 0.0191 0.0382 s3.00 7.00 0.0191 0.0191 0.0382 93.10 7.10 0.0191 0-019't 0.0382 93.20 7.20 0.0191 0.0191 0.0382 93.30 7.30 0.0191 0.0191 0.0382 s3.40 7.40 0.0191 0.0191 0.0382 s3.50 7.50 o.0191 0.019'l 0.0382 93.60 7.60 0.0'19'1 0.0191 0.0382 93.70 0.0191 0.0191 0.019'1 0_0573 93.80 7.ao 0.0191 0.0191 0.0'191 0.0573 93.S0 7.S0 o.0191 0.01s1 0.0'191 0_0573 94.00 8.00 0.0191 0.0'191 0.0'19'1 0.0573 94.10 8.10 0.0191 0.019r 0.0191 0.0573 94.20 4.20 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0573 94.30 8-30 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0573 94.40 8-40 0.o191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0573 s4.50 8.50 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0573 94.60 8.60 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0573 94.70 8.70 0.0191 0.0,l91 0.0191 0.0573 94.80 8.80 o.01gl 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0764 94.90 8.90 o.o191 0.01s'1 0.01 91 0.0191 0.0764 95.00 9.00 0.0lsl 0.0191 0,0191 0.0'191 0.0764 95_10 9.10 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0764 95.20 9.20 0.0191 0_0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0764 95-30 9.30 0.0191 0.0191 0.0r91 0.0191 0-0764 95.40 9.40 0.0191 0.0191 0.0r91 0.0191 0.0764 95.50 9.50 0,0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0-0764 95.60 s.60 0.o191 0.0191 0.0191 0.019'1 0.0764 s5.70 9.70 0.o191 0.0191 0.0191 0.01s1 o.o7u ss.80 s.80 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0764 9.90 0.0191 0.0r91 0.0191 0.0764 96.00 'Í 0.00 0.0191 0.0't91 0.01s'l 0.019'1 0.0764 96.10 't0.10 0.0'191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 1.2357 1.3121 96.20 'to.20 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 1.7476 1.8240 s6.30 10.30 0.0191 0.0191 0.019'l 0.0191 2.1404 2.2168 s6.40 10.40 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 2.4715 2.5479 96.50 10.s0 0.019r 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 2.7632 2.8396 10.60 0.01s1 0.0191 0.019r 0.0191 3.026S 3.1033 96.70 r0.70 0.01sr 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 3.2694 3.3458 s6-80 '10.80 0.0lsl 0.0191 0.01s1 0.0191 3.4952 3.5716 96.90 10.90 o.0191 0.0'191 0.0191 0.01s1 3.7072 3.7836 s7.00 11.00 o ot91 0,0191 0.0191 0.0191 3.9077 3.9841 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-8 WWHM lnput/output Data: WWHM2OI2 PROJECT REPORT Project Name: 17-038 VaultSite Name: ED17- 98th Site Address: SefectCity : EdrnondsReport DaEe:8/23/2018 MGS Regoin : Puget East Data Start. : L901"/L0/L Data End : 2058/09/30 DOT Data Number: 03 Version DaLe: 201"8/03/ 02Version : 4,2.L4 Low Flow Threshold for POC 1 : 50 Percent of the 2 Year High Fl-ov, Threshold for POC 1: 50 year PREDEVELOPED LAND USEName : Basin 1 Bypass: No GroundlJater: No Pervious Land Use C, Forest, Flat Pervious Total Impervious Land Use ROADS FLAT Impervious Total Basin Total acre 2.042 2.042 0.051 0.051 2.093 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater MITIGATED LAND USEName : Basin 1 Bypass: No Groundvüater: No Pervious Land UseC, Pasture, FlatPervious Total Impervious Land Use ROADS FLAT ROOF TOPS FLAT DRIVEVÙAYS FLAT SIDEWALKS FLAT Impervious Totaf Basin Total acre . B6't 0.867 acre 0.231 0.689 0.229 0.071 1.226 2 .093 Element Flor^rs To: Surface SSD TabÌe 1 lnterffow SSD Table 1 Groundhrater RAM Engineering, lnc RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-9 Stage ( feet) 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000 1.100 L.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 r-.700 1.800 1.900 2.000 2.L00 2.200 2.300 2 .400 2.500 2 .600 2.700 2.800 2.900 3.000 3.100 3.200 3.300 3.400 3.500 3. 600 3.700 3. 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Return Period Ffow (cfs) 2 yeax 0.021608 5 year 0.033303 10 year 0.044?q ,,ô:r 0.061754 50 year 0.01872L 100 year 0.099542 POC #1 POC #1 tô0 1.0 Ycàr ¡.0ðb otf 0t r0.0 fj 0l Cumulâ¡vê ftobâb¡l¡ly 10 Taòr o?01 hr 0. 3¡56 o. ttaT o. {930 0.59390.6?t,l 0. ?595 lrcqucnslt O5O1 hr- 0,0382- 0.0605- O.O??8 - O, l02l- 0.1229- 0.1{52 08Ol hr o. 0216 o, fÌ333 o. o{{o 0,0618 0, o?8? 0, 0995 fctr Y!ır Yc*Icar Pcðkr ++* i ti. - 0.5 I 2 5 tt 20 30 50 70 8ô 90 93 98 9S99.5 UD ÂDôlrðdðtôsl¡ tûpætwDH I oeteeseþcredI f MÖtútÙFF 4lsssl r* f o".T@-ø@-F¡oodFrcqãry MÊûÞdô !øPsmlr¡cllll?ts Wcù]lCurm I +i+ 1902 1903 190t r905 1906 t90? 1908 1909 1910 1t11 1912r9r3 191,1 1915 1916 19t?1rt8 1t19 1920 ¡921 t922 1913 L92t 1923 1926 L927 ¡9?8 1929 ( 0.055r o.0106 0.05?8 D.O22t 0. ors2 0.06a5 o.03ao o. o¡13 o,0722 0, o3tr 0, tt!6 0.0552 o,0333 0,0213 0,o3060,ol7l o.0,rol o.0271 o,035t o. o38t o. oaaS o, ot09 o, ot92 0.0193 0.0360 o. ot¡1 o,0303 9'9::: 0.339¡ o.3go2 o. t552 o,20?3 0.230r o,3316 o.2Ê21 3aa9 3{3t 3316 6t2r 2t19 ?830 2163 332r 205r 3028 1a6S 2118 21!2 2871 2993 35t5 203338tt 2800 2627 ¡149 0. 019r 0,019r. 0. fll9¡ 0.0191 0 ,0191 0.0191 0.0191 o.0r91 o,0191 0.0191 o.0191 o,019¡ o. 0191 0, 0191 0 , ol91 0 .0191 0,0191 0 , ot91 0, ol91 0,0191 fì.or91 0.01 I Ca 0191 0191 0191 019:. 0191 0191 û191-"t 60r ¡01 t0'l + 'i ':li ì f r'rìr. -.ii!.r,rr:::rr 1: ,, !,r!r: 1 [1rrj:.i,. Gri¡ct¿n Page C-12 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report \ Stream Protection Duration Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and MitigatedYear Predeveloped Mitigated L902 0.055 0.019 POC #1 I 903 L904 l- 905 r-906 r90"7 l-908 L909 19L 0 1911 L9T2 1913 L9L4 19r-5 L9L6 L91'7 1918 1 919 L920 L92I 1"922 L923 L924 L925 L926 L927 L928 L929 r_930 r_ 931 L932 I9J J 1934 1935 L936 L937 1 938 193 9 L940 L941. L942 194 3 1"944 194 5 L946 L947 194I J.949 195 0 r 951 L952 195 3 L954 1955 19s 6 L 957 1 958 r-959 r-960 196L 1962 r963 L964 L965 0.01-9 0.053 0.023 0.013 0.064 0.038 0.041 0.0't2 0.0370.r44 0. 05s 0.033 0 . 021- 0.031 0.017 0.040 0.028 0.036 0.038 0.045 0.041 0.01_9 0.01_9 0.036 0.044 0.030 0.070 0.037 0.039 0.033 0. 035 0.090 0.032 0.050 0.051- 0.04L 0.014 0.036 0.038 0.049 0 .022 0.061 0.036 0.037 0 .026 0.076 0.069 0.036 0.042 0. 133 0. t-07 0.03s 0.o2'1 0.018 0.043 0.105 0.066 0 .028 0.064 0.035 0.016 0.043 0.075 .01 9 .0r.9 .019 .019 .0r.9 ^10,019 .019 . 019 .019 .019 .0L9 .0r.9 .019 .019 .019 .019.u/6 .038 .01_9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 019 019 0r9 019 0 r.9 0L9 019 019 019 0 r.9 019 019 019 019 01 01 01 01 01 o7 0L 03 0L 0L 01 01 03 0l- 0r- 05 05 01 9 9 9 9 9 6 9I 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 7 '7 9 .019 .019 .019 .07 6 .0'7 6 .01_9 .057 .019 .019 .019 .05? RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-13 L966 L961 19 68 r969 197 0 L9'IT L9-12 r91 3 L97 4 197 5 L9-16 L97 1 1978 L97 9 1980 1981 r982 1983 t984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 19 90 t_991 L992 r_993 L994 L995 L996 L99'7 1998 L999 2000 200L 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20LO 2OLT 20L2 20L3 20L420r5 2016 20L? 20L8 20L9 2020 202r 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 202'7 2028 2029 2030 203L 2032 2033 2034 .016 .035 .040 .031 .053 .082 .06s ALT .096 .041 .023 .073 .022 .039 .037 .027 .060 . 016 .036 .031 .066 .0 47 .036 .0 44 .036 .053 .044 . 017 .027 .089 .0 42 .039 .015 .032 .025 .075 .043 .050 .066 081 0r2 069 119 121 049 054 02L 041 L6L 034 061 028 014 041 089 024 02L a2r 026 031 032 038 021 020 026 041 029 023 019 019 0r-9 019 019 067 019 057 0r9 057 019 0t_9 057 0L9 019 0r_9 019 038 019 019 019 057 019 019 019 019 038 019 0l_ 9 019 076 019 0r9 019 0r9 .019 .01,9 .0L9 .019 .019 .019 .019 .01_9 . 019.0r9 .01-9 .019 .0r9 .01_9 .0r9 .01-9 .057 . 165 .07 6 .019 .038 . 019 019 019 019 0l- 9 019 0r9 0r9 040 019 019 019 019 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site PIan Report Page C-14 2 035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 204't 2048 2049 2050 2 051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 205',1 20s8 .036 .045 .029 .038 .042 .026 .040 .023 .040 .070 .017 .0r_6 .025 . U5U 0.L12 0.019 0.0r-9 0.0r-9 0.0r9 0.019 0.019 0.076 0.01-9 0.038 0.019 0.05? 0.0L9 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.038 0.0L9 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 05 01 06 02 02 02 L0 04 05 I 3 6 0 2 0 6 L 6 6 Stream Protection Duration Ranked Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mítigated. PoC #1-Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 2 3 4 5 6 1I 9 t0 11 L2 L3 L4 15 L6 T1 L8 19 20 21" 22 24 26 2B 29 30 3L 3Z 33 a.L 35 36 0.1611- 0. r-436 0. r333 0.L266 0.1r.89 0.1069 0.1046 0.1011_ 0.0962 0.09r3 0.0899 0.0890 0.0887 0.082r_ 0.0808 0.0169 0.0757 0.0754 0.0748 0.0?34 0.0-122 0.0700 0.0697 0.0693 0.0691 0.0661 0.0659 0.06s5 0.0654 0.0645 0.0644 0.0609 0.0609 0.0603 0.0s9s 0.058s 0.0561 0.0554 0.0552 0.0539 0.L720 0.1648 0 .07 64 0.0764 0 .0'7 64 0 .o'164 0.0764 0.o164 0.o164 0.0670 0.0573 0.0573 0. 0573 0. 0573 0.0573 0 .0s73 0.0573 0.0573 0.0573 0.0573 0.0399 0.0382 0.0382 0.0382 0.0382 0.0382 0.0382 0.0382 0.0382 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.019r_ 0.019r- 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191_ 3t 38 39 40 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-15 41" 42 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 5l 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6L 6Z 63 64 65 66 6'7 68 69 10 "1L '12 73 't 4-t5 t6 l'1 78 79 80 B1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 9'7 9B 99 100 101 r02 r_03 r04 r_05 106 t07 108 109 0.0528 0.0521 0.0s26 0.052s 0.05r0 0.0504 0.0500 0.0488 0.0487 0.0468 0.0459 0.0449 0.0445 0.0443 0.0442 0.0441 0.0440 0.0433 0.0433 0.0432 0.0424 0.0420 0.041 8 0.0414 0.0414 0.04r-30.04r2 0.04L2 0.0409 0.0408 0.0404 0.0403 0.0401 0.0399 0.039r 0.0391 0.0391 0.0384 0.0380 0.0380 0.0379 0.0378 0.0374 0.0371 0.0371 0.0371 0.0360 0.0360 0.0360 0.0359 0.0359 0.0359 0.03s8 0.0356 0.0356 0.0354 0.0353 0.0352 0.0350 0.0338 0.0333 0.0329 0.0324 0.0324 0.0318 0.0311 0.0311 0.0307 0.0306 .0191 .0r91 .0191- .01-91- .0191 .0191 .0191 .0191 .0191 .0191 .01 91 . 01 9t_ .0191 .0191 .0191 .0191 .01-91 .0191- .019r .0r91 .0191_ .0191_ .0r.91 .0191 .0191 .0191 .0191 .01 91 .01_91, .0r91 .0191 .0191- .0191- .019r .0191 .0191 .0191 .019L .0191 .01 91 .0191 .0191 .0191_ .0191 .0r91 .01"91- .0191 .0191 .0191 .0191 .0191 .019r_ .0191 .0191 .0191- .0191 0r9r 0191 0191 0191 0191 0191 01 91 01 91 0191 019 t- 0t-91 0t-9l- 0191 RAn¡1 E¡n¡neering, I nc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-16 110 L 11-II2 113 1-1- 4 115 Ll6 LT"I 118 l- 19 L20 L21. L22 L23 L24 L25 126 L27 L28 L29 r30 131- L32 l- 33 134 135 136 L37 r-38 139 140 L4I L42 143 t44 145 L46 L47 L48 L49 150 l_ 51 L52 153 L54 155 156 L51 0.0303 0.0298 0.0290 0.0286 0 .027 B 0 .027 B 0.02'77 0.0269 0 .0261 0.0266 0 .0265 0.0264 0.0259 0.0258 0.0256 0.0246 0,0246 0.0236 o .0232 0.0231 0.0229 0.0225 0.02L1 o .02L1 0.0215 0.021-3 o . o2L2 O , O2LL 0.0210 0.0206 o .0202 0.0197 0.0193 0.0r-92 0.0r.86 0.0183 0.0174 0.0170 0 . 0165 0.0164 0.01"62 0 . 0160 0.0156 0.0145 0.0141 0.0136 0.0132 0.0123 0 . 0191 0.01-91 0 . 0191 0.0r91 0 . 0191 0.0r91 0 . 0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0r91 0.0191 0.01,91 0.01,91 0.0L91 0.0191 0.0191 0.019r 0.019r 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191- 0.0191- 0.0191 0.0191- 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191- 0.0191 0.0191 0.0191 0.0r.91 0.0r91 0.01_91 0.01_91 0.0r91 0.0r91 0.0r-91 0.019r_0.0r9r 0.0191 0.0191 0.01-91- 0.019r 0.0191 0.019r- Stream Protection Duration POC #1 The Facility PASSED Flow (cfs) 0.0r-9r- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 202 2L2 222 233 243 254 264 215 285 296 306 3t-7 327 Predev L2I3O 10680 9507 I 481 7 619 6803 6087 5442 4 905 44L8 3975 3593 3241 2944 Mit Percentage Pass/Fail-235L 19 Pass 2296 2L Pass2249 23 Pass2209 26 Pass 2L8O 28 Pass 2L41 3f Pass2L08 34 Pass207'7 38 Pass 2058 4L Pâss2029 45 Pass1990 50 Pass L969 54 Pass1956 60 Pass1931 65 Pass RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-l7 0.0338 0.0348 0.03s9 0.0369 0.0380 0.0390 0.0401 0.0411 0.0422 0.0432 0.0443 0.0453 0.0464 0 .041 4 0.0485 0.0495 0.0506 0.0sr-6 0.0526 0.0537 0.0547 0.0558 0.0s68 0.0579 0.0s89 0.0600 0.06r_0 0.0621 0.0631 0.0642 0.0652 0.0663 0.0673 0.0684 0.0694 0.0705 0.0715 0.0126 0.0736 0 ,0'l 4'7 0.0757 0.0768 0.0778 0 .078 9 0.0799 0.0809 0.0820 0.0830 0.0841 0.0851 0.0862 0.0812 0.0883 0.0893 0.0904 0.0914 0.0925 0.093s 0.0946 0.09s6 0.0967 0.0911 0.0988 0.0998 0. r009 0.1019 0. t-030 0. L040 0.105r 2699 2452 224L 204L 18 68 17 38 r602 1486 1380 1"266 118 7 l-090 LO24 95'7 904 852 803 '16'1 123 684 639 603 566 534 499 469 434 4L2 389 365 345 323 305 285 26't 245 233 2L3 194 184 L69 148 r32 L23 11" 0 l0r 90 81't2 '7 1- 64 59 55 4l 42 31 33 30 29 21 24 22 20 L9 L6 T4 13 13 11 1 90s r881 18 58 l8 35 L802 '7 B9 '77 4 758 154 746 136 728 1L't 7LL 691" 619 612 661 651 640 634 622 6t6 228 226 22L 2TB 2L5 2L2 208 206 205 L9I 't 94 L92 189 188 L86 l_83 t82 L76 I2 L2 '12 L2 L2 111l 11 11 11 11 11 11 Ll- 11 l_t tt- 10 10 10 10 10 9I 8 8I 6 70 16 82 B9 96 45 48 5L 54 58 62 66 70 74 J6 79 83 90 93 99 103 108 42 45 4'l 50 52 54 56 59 63 64 68 71- 7'7 80 87 94 98 104 B 9 9 t-0 1_1 L2 13 15 15 L'7 18 20 23 26 29 33 36 34 31 4L 45 50 41 50 5'7 6L6l 54 Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pas s Pas s Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pas s Pass Pass Pass Pass Pâss Pass PaSs Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pâss Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pas s Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pas s Pass Pass 86 RAMEngineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-18 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 54 50 50 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 62 62 6Z o2 0.L 0.L 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 .1- 0.10.1 0.l- 0.1 0.1_ 0.1_ 0.1 061 012 082 093 103 113 L24 134 145 155t66 r'7 6 r81 1"91 208 2r8 229 11, 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 o 9 9I II 6 Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pas s Pass Pass ß.12 0.10 0.û7 0.fE tþI ì 0J lr 108.3 r0Ê.2 Percênt'f¡me ExÕ€êdangr St¡*un ftdeclion 0uadon Anåly¿. dåtåsrl¡ ConpèclWDM I Dalets S¿þcr¿d Al fldær{s F¡o+t l0 100 Wdcr f Mm*'trFF Flood Frcn¡ency Mcürpdtî tloÊ.c¡¡{hlr,calÍr7Bf. W.¡r¡r û¡qF¡c G.ittx¡tin flon(clrl 0.0r9r o.o2a2 0.0â¡2 o.s222 0 ,0233 0.02á3 o. o25t o.o264 0.02?5 0.0285 o. 0296 0.0306 0 .0317 0.0327 0. 0338 Ct. 03{8 o. 0359 0.0369 0.0380 0 . 0390 0.0t0t0.o{rt o.ga22 0. 0{32 0.0{{3 0. t{53 0.0{6{ 0 .0{?9 0.0{85 0.0{9s 0.0906 P¡sdsv 12130 10680 950? a4a1 ?€¡9 6803 608?5tt2 {9û5 9l r8 3975 3593 3211 29q1 . 2699 2t52 2241 201¡1 1868 :.?38 r602 1{86 r380 t266 tt8? to90 102{ 95? 90{ 852 809 767 6tt t'ltt Pcrc(¡ntagr Påtrllall23Sl ¡9 Pats2296 2l Pâss 2219 23 Pàr!2209 26 Pâst2180 2e Ptst2f41 3l Prsr2¡08 3{ Påte 2071 38 Pålc2058 {t Pàls 2029 {5 Pårc1990 50 Ptsr ¡969 54¡ Pàt!¡956 60 Påsr ¡931 65 Pàst1905 1g Pâtt¡88¡ 16 Prt! t85g ã2 Pass1835 89 Få!!1802 96 Pâlt1Ag {5 På!!113 {8 Pðrr?58 5l Påss75{ 5!t Pâss?{6 58 Pås! 731 62 Pôls12A 66 Pãsl1L7 10 Pôs!?l¡ 14 Pålr 69t 16 Pàss619 19 Påss612 83 Pà'r661 86 Pålt65¡ 99 Pt!! fî :: På'! Tl¡ê ?aolllty PASSED 0.0516 0.0s26 o. o53?L---.- L. ::rlt ;,ri :1 ri . '.t¡r''l i rE,t.,i,:. i:i RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-19 ûÍater Ouafity BMP Flow and Volume for POC *1 On-.Line facífity volume: 0.0544 acre-feet on-line facility target flow: 0.0292 cfs. Adjusted for 1-5 min: 0.031"4 cfs.Off-l-ine faciÌity target f.low: 0.0173 cfs. Adjusted for L5 min: 0.0186 cfs. LID Report LID Technique Used for Treâtmênt? Total Volumn NêedsT¡êatnent(ac-ft) 492.r4 492 .1-B Volumn ThrôughFacility ( ac-ft)credit N lnfiltration cumulativê Percent water Ouality Percent Volunn Volumn Volumn Water ouâIity(ac-ft.) lnfiltration Infilt¡ated Tlêated Comment Tank 1 POC Tôta1 Vôlumê lnfiltrâted No Treat- Credit 0.00 0.00 0.00 08 Compliance with LID Standard 8 Duration Analysis Resul-t : Failed Perlnd and Impfnd Changes No changes have been made This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental Ìicensee or sublicensees disclaím all warranties, either expressed or inplied, including but not llmited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear creek solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whaLsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business informat.j-on, business interruption, and the like) arising out of thê use of' or inabiÌity to use this proqram even if Clear Creek SotuÈions Inc. or theír authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright o by : Clear Creek Solutions, Tnc. 2005-2018; AII Rights Rêserved - RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-20 Stormwater Pump Design. A quadplex pump system has been designed to controlthe stormwater detention system discharge. The quadplex system is designed to initiate four different pumps and different stages to comply with the flow control stormwater control requirements of the project as demonstrated in tho Stnrmr¡vatcr l\/lndplino Scrtinn ahnvp Thc nrrmn çr;çtem consists of four t4l ZOellef 37!rrr !¡r! rLvr rrrvYurç rb sve!.vr Series with 1.5" discharge with individual pump operating flow rate of 8.57 gpm (0.0191 cfs). Each pump is design to pump at the same rate so the system can alternate between pumps and extend the life of the pumps. Each pump will operate at 8.57 gpm (0.0191 cfs) against 17.5 ft of total head. Total head calculations and manufacturer documentation for the Zoeller 371Series (including pump performance curves and specification) are provided below. Total Head: Total Head = Static Head + Dynamic Head Static Head = 97.4ft. - 86.0 ft. = 11.4 ft. Dynamic Head, use the following equation to determine friction loss: f :o'20 ^( lool'"l n''"' I"l. c J [t3-.1 where: f = friction loss per 100 ft. of pipe C = flow coefficient à 150 for PVC 3' =i;1Ltril.meter or pipe, in. ) 1.5 in. f = .0z0rz(1#)"' (#) = o.73rt. per 1oo rt. or pipe Restricting Valve = 777 ft. (equiv. length of 1.5 in.)- adiust to restrict flows Swing Check Valve = 15.0 ft. (equiv. length of 1.5 in.) ControlGate Valve (open) = L.2ft. (equiv. length of 1.5 in.) 90' Bend (2)=2*1.+ ft. = 14.8 ft. (equiv. length of i-.5 in.) Tee- Branch Flow = 9.9 ft. (equiv. length of 1.5 in.) Total Equivalent Pipe for Fitting Losses = 817.9 ft. Length of pipe between pump and outfall = 16 ft Dynamic Head = \817.9 ft. + L6 ft.) * 0.73 ft. / ßO ft. = 6.1 ft. Total Head = t'J..4 ft. (static) + 6.1 ft. (dynamic) = 17.5 ft. Pump Required Design Performance: 8.57 gpm atI/.S ft. of Total Head RAII/I Engineering, lne. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site PIan Report Page C-21 Pump Manufacturer I nformation: Yú ke dM t, Ott lØPiqìA.@Zøafffr" *c1þÍ:2a lat 'w lo.llît Tfr¡t! ôl Vtt.t tslsrnàt &Þ a4qttl:.M.fr.æ¡rwfi ßtdtutu'ø^l02ltñtr*1ÞtJ'r&.æ,åti$,-¡f;l# COMPARE ?HESE ¡EA'URES . cådm ñtda BñFlMdrc*dhrd|w. [afo. ' 6ó ga stûod, nmoûöf¡, s¡þó,¡qm¡t( @l thorut oËflÞad Þrolnfrd Fgm¡0€r[y hb[€lcd ùptor sd bwer Þ¡¡fror! tv EI ' No ghet @l¡l ÂìlF to tu31 9r afiade . Nd s@G lo dóf, . Cffi-ffl€d. åñ0ñærú ¡þllf rcn{bggblÞil8{ nDOIS SIB mriol 0g . W¡10ß9hl nw6ßr '4" nr4 bçr*od noløot !ùñp M3¡r0 ' :0 t. uL LFted ,ffer co¡d frn moldcd¡{¡6 9l!t. Slkon Cübrderç¡Éon etÉlt tÈl. Ênlæ hltDÊslre þsled ntel ñ*nb¡/ . lrå¡inúñ lenoüraluré tót etlúcnl or &r¡tcmg*130'F f5{'C¡. 1$" ilPl ft6rþryc tr*dW ]ìruruffiwPeatrrulÊgatrmffif&s MODELS AVAILAtsLE . '3?1" 3 Hp, .ltåv r:3t¡V I Fñ- 1550 RPM ' j7?'. r' kP. llsv or230v t Fh, 3450 RPM . j71 - ¿ HP, l15v 6 230V I F¡. ¡¿5() RPil COIIIPLFf ELV STJEMÉRSI8LÉ HERMETICALLY SEÁLEO w3{eñíghl - d6l t8ht fi&lro XEã-I I |¡@ É0tt J¡M¿I5 I mûr¡.d*¿d*ËFrq{.-trÊ EÆræ*rcËlqùÞæ$N*|kûÞtqr---|ryrl¡qùt' Þi6.lwMffiHslqd.ÚæÐGç-r*qdúsE! Þ.,gehù*ÞMææ RESËRVE POIVÊRÊD OEsIGTIFqsÉdcsl!øa ¡ 'æslqJffi ú.Éæ1d¡ùdËHg út.q¿c.hr@ oW&ts*ø4fr,frd r0 çto#fra*q&tBE.id 6 f !J = ô ÉôÞ 4 2 r0 20 3ó 10 50 80 120 !60 200 FTQWPER t¡iltlulE PUIþ FAFORTUNCE CURVE t o!€lslTranß¡3 !E 9! E -t",: l*.."I I,. JI r:'_lr_ ffiöi , L,,:qé IrHi ",i. ¡-rr!,- l-J-L rr_ffiry V q, -1 371, 372 & 373 SER ES lÊo1 Pmp Pfiñt dút'turítt ri tJtrt ¡ utrt 0054 eo¡tftt¡uou$ 0uTr..EVAPORATIVE COOLING FUMFS" 3UBMERSIBLE PUfrlPS FOf, OÊWAïERING OR ÊFFLUET¡T EVAPORATIVE COOLING PUMPS FOR POULÎRV APPLICAIIOI'IS |lod.t l¡:5ìøtr vonÈl wpÊ ¡pRl€¡ I ¡oworn :ú¡golt "@:(@ ffiffiT-T-rffi ttffiT.rv tt2ffir-rtr-":.r8 ffiT1-Ír-l¡--"]T PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE MODELS 371/372/373 \ "-31!)3n 3?3 U 10- t0* 25" m- 1i 5!! t5- t0- s- i23.1 LIIERg 0 ,10 Page C-22 ?aa 0t9rit RAlltr Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report WATER qUAIITY ANALYSIS. An Oldcastle Stormwater Solutions Perk Filter'" located online and downstream of the detention vault will provide basic water quality treatment for the project. The sizing (number of treatment cartridges) of the filter system is based on the on-line water quality flow rates per the WWHM12 modeling (0.0314 cfs) or an annual mass loading capacity of the. The below calculations from the manufacture indicates that a three (3)- 12" cartridge system within in a 60" manhole Perk Filter has a treatment capacity of 0.05 cfs and will adequately treat the 2-year mitigated release rate of online design rate of 0.0314 cfs (on-line 15-minute water quality flow rate, see page C-20) and mass loading of the 2.093-acre collection basin. Oldcastle I nf rastructu re Slla tnlorm.tlon Pro¡êcl Nâû€ Proþcl Locat¡on Design Enginecr Ol Êngineor Drå¡någe Aràa lmpervious Drainage Area (PGIS) lmporvious Dra¡nage Arês (NPGISl PÕrvious Area % lmpervtous Runoff Coêffic¡ent FIow.E¿ sed Cal culellons Treålrnðnl Rol6æ€ Rate Peâk Ralees€ Ret6 (Or) Caûí1ge Strck Heighl AllowEd Loâd¡ng Rât6 (1.5 or 2.5) Allowed Cartidge Flow Capacrty Number ofCsrridg6 Slâcks Requirtd Hass Losdlno C¿lcalillons Meån Añnual Rainfall (P) Requlred oÁ Romoval Rêguired % Runolf Caplure Mean Annual Ruñoff(V) A$3umod Polknânt EMC Annuål Mâss Loåd û€tontion Prêüêãlmênl Credil Ca¡ü:ldoe Quantlv Based on Hass Loadlna Mass Removed by Pretreaùnont Mãs3 Load to Filt6r âner Protteåtmsnt R€quirÊd F¡lt6r Efüci€ocy Mass Removâl Rêqu¡r€d Allow6d Certídge F¡ôw Capâcaty Mass Load per Cartridgs Numbår of Cå¡iridgø Stech8 Roquírâd ïreatnent Flow Capacity Dald'nn,ne Llmnns Slz¡no Aaprcach Mothod to Us€ (Flow-Bas€d, MeBs Load) tlil20t9r'ø1ÑM1wÞ\rÉ'@rô.ç4r.!m PorkFIlt6l@ Downstream of Detention Sldng Summary Wåilhavon Edmonds, WAmffiinsèrtnoinc -MThompsofr "2.0{Ð3 ac 0.6(X ac 0.62 rc 0.67 ac 59% 0.3r 0.0314 cfs 0.78 cfs 12 in 1.5 gpm/sl 6.8 gpm 3 3E ln SOori 91c/a 81.972 d 70 nry/L 354.78 rb 5()% 177.39 lb tr.3s lb 60% 106.43 tb 6.8 gpm 38 tb 3 0.05 cfs E¡ther Summary TrGålmênt Flow Rste Providêd Carlridge Slack Flolt Capacity C¿rlridgr Slad( Heioht Number of Carlridqs Slacks O.05 cfs 6.8 gpm 12 in 3 RAM Engineering, lnc RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page C-23 D. SOILS REPORT: t. Geotechnical Evaluation Letter Prepared by: Earth Solutions NW, LLC Date: October L3,2OL7 Pages: 32 (not attached, under separate cover) RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page D-1 E, CONSTRUCTIONSWPPP REQUIREMENTS: The project will require grading to construct the proposed building and utilities (including the stormwater control facilities). Standard erosion control measures are proposed to be used during construction. The primary erosion and sediment control BMP during construction will be proper soíl stabilization methods. Exposed soils shall be stabilized by application of effective BMPs that protect the soil from the erosive forces of raindrops, flowing water, and winei. Applicable practices include, but not limited to, temporarrT and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, erosion control fabrics, matting, the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved, and dust control. The contractor shall select a soil stabilization method best suited for the particular situation. Stock piles must be stabilized and protected with sediment trapping measures. ln addition, site containment of exposed soils shall be sustained by using silt fence barriers along the down-slope boundaries of the site's disturbance areas. See the site development plan for details. Construction Stormwater Pollution PreventÍon Plan (SWPPPI: The following is a summary of the site's erosion control measures that evaluates the typical DOE 13 elements of a SWPPP: Element 7: Mark Clearing Limits: Clearing limits have been delineated on the engineering site development plans. Element 2: Establish Construction Access: A construction access has been delineated on the engineering site development plans. Element 3: Control Flow Rates: During construction silt fencing will provide attenuation of site runoff and upon project completion and stabilization (established lawns and landscape of exposed soils). Element 4: lnstall Sediment Controls: Filter fabric fence has been delineated and detailed on the engineering site development plans. At a minimum, silt fence will be installed along the down gradient perimeter of the disturbed area that will receive sediment-laden runoff. Element 5: Stobilize Soils: Soils will be stabilized per the TESC notes listed on the engineering site development plans. Element 6: Protect Slopes: Exposed slopes shall be stabilized per the TESC notes listed on the engineering site development plans. Element 7: Protect Drain lnlets: Drain inlet protection will be installed on all catch basins that will receive sediment-laden runoff. See the engineering site development plans for locations and detail. Element 8: Stobilize Chonnels ond Outlets: This element is not applicable since there are no temporary channels or outlets proposed. Element 9: ConÛol Pollutonts: Pollutants shall be managed as described in the TESC notes listed on the engineering site development plans. RAll/l Engineering, lnc RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page E-1 Element 10: Control De-Watering: Highly turbid or contaminated de-watering water shall be handled separately from stormwater. The water from all de-watering systems for trenches and foundations shall be treated or disposed prior to discharging from the site. Element 77: Maintain BMP's: BMPs shall be maintained and removed at the end of the project as follows: i. All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be inspected, mairrtained and repaired in accordance with the Drainage Manual or as approved or required by the City to assure continued performance of their intended function in accordance with BMP specifications. ii. The applicant may remove temporary BMPs when they are no longer needed. iii. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after construction is completed and the City has determined that the site is stabil¡zed. Element L2: Manage the Project: The owner of the site is responsible for managing the installation and maintenance of the site BMPs. Element L3. Protect Low tmpact Development BMPs: No LID stormwater BMPs are proposed ConclusÍon: The total site disturbance area of the project is greater than one acre, thus a formal Notice of lntent appl¡cation for NPDES coverage will be made to the Department of Ecology prior to the start of construction. The final site development construction plans include specific grading and drainage improvement notes and details. With proper installation, maintenance and inspections of the proposed construction the project should have minimal impact to the surrounding environment. RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page E-2 These guidelines are intended to provide operation and maintenance instructions for the project's storm drainage control facilities. The owner is responsible for maintenance of storm drainage facilities within the property (private property owner system); the owner is not responsible for maintenance within the public right-of-way (City system). Private property owners are responsible for properly maintaining the stormwater infrastructure on their :¡ ^^^-^r^- -^ l^^:-^^.¡ TL^ ai+., L^- .l^.,^l^^^-l ^^ i^.^¡¡+i¡n nraarrm +^ âhê' 'rôp¡uptrlLy LU trilsutE: tt LrpEtdLEJ dJ uEJtËrlrEu, rrrç vrly rroJ uçvsrvPEu qrr il¡JPsurrvrr PrvErrqrrr Lv L¡rJsr! private property owners are properly maintaining their stormwater systems. This manual is not comprehensive; although it explains the intended operation of the various components of the drainage system, and suggests a routine of inspection and maintenance, it cannot anticipate every problem. Once a historical record of maintenance is established, it may be prudent to alter the routine. lt is recommended that maintenance records be kept, and that the records be reviewed periodícally. The onsite detention vault system, control structure, storm filter, storm pumps, junction catch basins, and conveyance pipes are to be privately maintained by the project residences (all 10 lots). Maintenance shall include the removal of sediment from the detention vault system, using a vactor truck or equally effective method. Regular inspections of the control structure within the catch basin shall be conducted to detect if non-routine maintenance is required due to sediment or debris blocking or clogging the fixed orifice or standpipe inlet. Regular sediment removal from the catch basins with a vactor truck or equally effective method shall be conducted as determined by regular inspections. Regular inspection and maintenance of the storm filter should occur according to the attached maintenance tables from the Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual (Volume V) and the attached maintenance guide from Oldcastle Stormwater Solutions Perk Filter'" system and storm control pump system are also attached on the following pages. Semi-annual inspections shall be conducted to ensure proper operations of the drainage system. The inspections should occur prior to the winter rain season (Oct/Nov), leaving sufficient time to correct any detected maintenance problems, and at the end of the season (April/May) to determine the effect of the season's runoff. Once a historical basis is developed the frequency of inspection may be modified as necessary. Sedíment can build up inside control structures and catch basins, blocking or restricting flow to the inlet. To prevent this problem, these structures should be routinely cleaned. Regular inspections of control structures should be conducted to detect the need for non-routine cleanout. MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ECDC Section I 8.30.090 requires privately-owned stormwater rìunagement facilities, such as LID BMPs be properly maintained. The owner of the property is the responsible party for such maintenance. The system must be kept in good working order. The entire system should be inspected once per year. An improperly maintained BMP may cause private ploperty or stltet flrxlding. Contact the City Engineering Division for naintenance infonnation. The City nray make periodic inspections of BMPs to en$ure tlìey are operating properly. ECDC Section I 8.30. 100 contains the enforcement provisions the City can nse to ensure tlrc systent is properly nraintained. RAlltl Engi neering, I nc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page F-1 No. 3 - Closed Detention Systems (TankstVaults) Malntonanco Componsnt Dâfect Condltlons Whon fllalntenance ls Nooded Rosu¡ts Expectod Whon ìlalntenancs ls Performed Storage Area Plugged Air Vents One-half of the cross section of a vent is blocked at any point or the vent is damaged. Vents open and functioning. Debris and Sediment Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 1 0% of the diameter of the storage arealor 112 length of storage vault or any point depth exceeds 1 5% of diameter. (Example: 72-inch storage tank vwuld require cleaning wtren sediment reaches depth of 7 inches for more than 1/2 length of tank.) All sediment and debris removed from storage area. Joints Between TanUPipe Section Any openings or voids allowing material to be transported into facility. (Will require engineering analysis to determine structural stability). All joint betvrcen tank/pipo Eections are sealed. Tank Pipe Bent Out of Shape Any part of tanUpipe is bent out of shape more than 10% of its design shape. (Review required by engineer to deþrmine etructural stability). TanUpipe repaired or replaced to design. Vault Structure lncludes Cracks in Wall, Bottom, Damage to Frame and/or Top Slab Crackswiderthan 1Z-inch and any evidence of soil particlee cntering the structure through the cracks, or ma¡ntenâncelinspætion personnel determines that the vault is not øtructurally sound. Cracks wider than 112-inch at tho joint of any inleVoutlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering the vaultthrough the walls. Vault replaced or rcpaired to dcsign epecifications and is structurally sound. No cracl€ rþre than 1/4-inch wide at thejoint of the inleUouüet pipe. Manhole Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any open manhole requires maintenance. Manhole is closed. Locking Mechanism Not Working Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance person with proper tools. Bolb into frame have less than ll2inch of thread (may not apply to setf-locking lids). Mechanism opens with propertools. Cover Difficult to Remove One maintenance person cannot remove lid after applying normal lifting pressure. lntent ¡s to keep cover from sealing off access to maintenance. Cover can be removed and reinstalled by one maintenance person. Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, misalignment, not securely attached to structure wall, rust or cracks. Ladder meets design standards. Allou¡E maintenance person safe access. Catch Elasins See "Catch Basins" (No. 5) See "Catch Basins" (No 5).See "Catch Basins" (No. 5). Volume V - Rtuof Treatment BMPs - December 2014 4-36 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site PIan Repoñ Page F-2 No. 4 - Control Structure/Flow Restrictor Maintenance Component Defect Cond¡t¡on When Maintenance ls Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris (lncludes Sediment) Material exceeds 25o,å of sump depth or 1 foot below orifice plaÞ. Control structure orifice is not blocked All trash and debris removed. Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole u¡all. Structure securely attached to r¡¡all and outlet pipe. Structure is not in upright position (allow up to 10% trom plumb). Structure in correct position. Connections b outlet pipe are not watertight and show signs of rust. Connections b outlet pipe are \4/'ater tight; structure repaired or replaced and uorks as designed. Any holes--other than designed holes-in the structure. Structure has no holes other than designed holes. Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing Gate is ruatertight and uorks as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one maintenance person. Gate moves up and down easily and is watertight. Chain/rod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50% of its surface area.Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing Control device is not working properly due to missing, out of place, or bent orifice plate. Plate is in place and vrorks as designed. Obstructions Any trash, debris, sediment, or vegetation blocking the plate. Plate is free of all obstructions and rrrorks as designed. OverflowPipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking (or having the potential of blocking) the overflow pipe. Pipe is free of all obstructions and \^rorks as designed. Manhole See "Closed Detention Systems' (No. 3). See "Closed Detention Systems" (No. 3)See "Closed Detention Systems" (No. 3). Catch Basin See "Catch Basins" (No. 5). See "Catch Basins" (No. 5).See "Catch Basins" (No. 5). Volume V - RunoffTreatment BMPs - Decenber 2014 4-37 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No.17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Repoft Page F-3 No.5-Catch Basins Malntenance Component Defect Conditlons When Maintenance ls Needed Results Expected When Matntenance ls performed General Trash & Debris Trash or debris wtrich is located immediately in front ofthe catch basin opening or is blocking inletting capacity of the basin by morethan'10%. No Trash or debris located immediately in front of catch basin or on grate opening. Trash or debris (in the basin) that exceeds 60 percent of the sump depth as measured from the bottom of basin to invert of the lou,est pipe into or out of the basin, but in no case less than a minimum of six inches clearance from the debris surface to the invert of the lorlest pipe. No trash or debris in the catch basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking more than 1/3 of its height. lnlet and outlet pipes free of trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate odors that could cause complaints or dangerous gases (e.9., methane). No dead animals or vegetation present v'ithin the catch basin. Sedinrent Sediment (in the basin) that exceeds 60 percont ofthe sump depth as neasured from thê bottom of basin to ¡nvert of the lou¡est pipe into or out of the basin, but in no case less than a minimum of 6 inches clearance from the sedirnent surface to the invert of the loraest pipe. No sediment ¡n the catch basin Structure Damage to Frame and/or Top Slab Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or cracks wider than 1/4 inch (lntent is to make sure no material is running into basin). Top and slab is free of holes cracks. Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., separation of more than 3/4 inch of the frame from the top slab. Frame not securely attached Frame is sitting flush on the riser rings or top slab and firmly attached. Fractures or Cracks in Basin Walld Bottom Maintenance person judges that struclure is unsound. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Grout fillet has separated or cracked wider than 112 inch and longer than 1 foot at the joint of any inleVoutlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. Pipe is regrouted and secure at basin uall. SettlemenU Misalignment lffailure of basin has created a safety, function, or design problem. Basin replaced or repaired to dæign standards. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than 10% of the basin opening. No vegetation blocking opening to basin. Vegetation growing in inlet/outlet pipe joints that is more than six inches tall and less than six inches apart. No vegetation or root growth present. Contamination and Pollution See "Detention Ponds'(No. 1).No pollutíon present. Volume V - Runof Treatment BMPs - December 2014 4-38 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page F-4 No.5-Gatch Basins No. 6 - Debris Barriers (e.9., Trash Racks) Volume V - RunoffTreatment BMPs - December 2014 4-39 Maintenance Component Defect Condit¡ons When Ma¡ntenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is performed Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any open catch basin requires maintenance. Catch basin cover is closed Locking¡¡-^L--:--tvlËul tar ilÞt r l Not Working Mechanism cannot be opened by one -^i^¡^-^^^^ ^^.-^-..;+L ^. ^^. ¡^^l- Þ^lsilrdilrlslrqrrw yçrðurr rvrt¡r PrvPer rvvlù. ælÞ into fran¡e have less than 112 inch of thread. Mechanism opens with n¡anar +a¡lcyr vyer (ev¡e. Cover Difficult to Remove One maintenance person cannot remove lid after applying normal lifting pressure. (lntent is keep coverfrom sealing offaccess to maintenance.) Covercan be removed by one maintenance person. Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, not securely attached to basin wall, misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges. Ladder meets design standards and allouæ maintenance person safe access. Metal Grates (lf Applicable) Grate opening Unsafe Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch.Grate opening meets design standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking nþre than 20oÁ of grate surface inletting capâcity. Grate free of trash and debris. Damaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken nnmber(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meeb design standards. Maintenance Components Defect Condlt¡on When Ma¡ntenance ls Needed Results Expecied When Mal ntenance ls Performed General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20% of the openings in the barrier Barrier cleared to design flow capacity. Metal Damaged/ Missing Bars. Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars than in place with no bends npre 34 inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% deterioration to any part of barrier. Barrier replaced or repaired to design standards. lnleUOutlet Pipe Debris barrier missing or not attached to pipe Barrier firmly attached to pipe RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page F-5 No. l5 - Manufacturcd Media Filters| Ílalnt.llãnc. Component Dcfrct coftlit¡on $rh.n ilalnhnanil 13 ñ¡..rLrl Rcaults E ç.c-t.d VthonlfãlnLnrnc. ls Püfonned BelowGroünd Vault Sediment Accwnulalion on lvledia. sed¡ment deplÌr exceeds 0.2$,¡nches.No sediment (þpGits !¡/ñicfi rìould lmpede permeability ol the compost media. sediment A.ccumuþlion in VaUA sediment depth êxceeds &inches in finsl chamber. No sediment (þp6its h vault tjottom oJ f rst châmber TraslrrDebfis Accunulalion Tfi¡sh and debr¡s accumJlated on corpost fillø betl. TÉsn and debfis femoved trom the composl filler bed. Sedinenl in orainPipdclean- ouls When drain pipes, cleanouts, become fullwith sediment and/or debris. SedifiÉnt and debris removed. Damaged Pþs Any part of the p¡pes fiat are crushed or damaged due to conosion and/or settleÍìenl. Pipe repaired and/or replaced, Access Cover Damaged/Not WorKng Cover ctrrnot be openetll one person cannot open he covef using normÍ¡l lilling pressure, conosiorVdèformation oÍ cover- Cover repaired to proper rtrorkl n g specillcatklns or replaced. Vaull Süucture lncludes cracl(s in Wall. Bonom. Damageto Frame and/or Top Slab Cracks widerthan 1xz-lnch or evidence of soil pafticles entefing lhe structur€ through the cracl(s, or mainlênancef nspection personnel determine lhat the vault is not structurally sound. vault replaced or fepairs matÞ so thal vaun rneels design specificalions and is structurally sound. cracl(s wider than l/2-indl at he joint of any inleuoütlet pipe or evidence of soil paft¡cles entenng through the cracl(s. vaull fepalfed so that no cracl$ exist wider lhan 1/4lnd at lhe Joint of the inleuqjüet p¡pe. Bafles Bames coroding, cracking warping, and/or shor¡/ing signs of failure as detefinined byma¡ntenance/inspeclion person^ Baflles repairetl or replaced lo specifications. Access Ldcler Damaged Laddef ls coffoded or detefioråted. nol fundþning properly, not securely attached to srudufe wall. missing rungs, cracks, and mbaligned, Ladder feplaced or fepaired and meets specfficalions, an<l is safe to use as determined lry inspection persomel^ Below G¡ound Caíddgp Type lvled¡a Drandovn ol watef thror¡gh lhe fnedia takes longer than t hour, and/or overflow occurs fiequenlly. fúedìå cartridges replaced. Shorl CiraÍling RoüÊ do not properly enter filter cartrilges. Filter cartridges replaced. Iroltme It- kmof Il'eannent EMPI - Decemba' 2014 4-48 RAM Engineering, lnc. RAM No. 17-038 Westhaven Stormwater Site Plan Report Page F-6 :,1.)-., .,...ì1,r. r,(,hit r,r :, Oldcastlet1 PERKFILTEK INSPECTION AND MAINTENAN(E GUIDE November4 2015 Venlon 1 @ oldca sdestqrm water.com StOrmcapture.corî î* RAM No.17-038 (800) 5798819 Page F-7 Stormwater Site Plan Repoft PerkFllter I lnrpection and Maintenance Guide PerkFilter* Media Filtration System Descrlption The PerkFilter is a stormwater tteatment device used to Íemove pollutants from urban runoff. lmpervious surfaces and other urban and suburban landscapes generate a var¡ety of contðm¡nänts that can enter stormwäter and pollute downstrêam receiving waters. The Pe¡kFilter is a media-filled cartridge filtration device designed to capture and retain sediment, gross solids, metals, nutrients, hydrocarbons, and trash and debris. As with any stormwater treãtment system, the PerkFilter requires regular periodic maintenance to sustain optimum system performance. Functlon The PerkFilter is a water quality treatment system consisting of three chambers: an inlet chamber, a filter cartridge treatment chamber, and an outlet chamber (Figure I ). Stormwater runoff enters the inlet chamber through an inlet pipe, curb opening, or grated inlet. Gross solids are settled out and floating trash and debris are trapped in the inlet chamber. Pretreated flow is then directed to the treatment chamber through an opening in the baffle wall between the inlet chamber and treatment chamber. The treatment chamber contains media-filled filter cartridges (Figure 2) that use physical and chemical processes to remove poltutants. During a storm event, runoff pools in the treatment chamber before passing radially through the cylindrical cartridges from the outside surface, through the media for treatment and into the center of the cartridge. At the center of the cartridge is a center tube assembly designed to distribute the hydraulic load evenly across the surface of the filter cartridge and controlthe treatment flow rate.The center tube assembly discharges treated flow through the false floor and into the outlet chamber. A draindown feature bu¡lt into each cartridge allows the treatment chamber to dewater between storm events. hxortcorc.rctevault Filter caftidge Íeauneftchamber lnletpíp Sypass Figure 1. Schematic of the PerkFilter system. Ë?015 oldcestle Precått, lnc- ,Érat Lt tl,rt tçvt rr tvr t¡ tç, 2 r ll4l?Ot5_vt RAM No. 17-038 Page F-8 Stormwater Site PIan Report PeùFllter I lnspection and Maíntenance Guide All PerkFilter systèms include ¿ high flow bypass assembly to divert flow exceeding the treatment capacity of the filter cartridges around the treatment chamber.The bypass assembly routes peak flow from the inlet chamber directly to the outlet chamber, bypassing the treatment chamber to prevent sediment and othe¡ captured pollutånts from being scoured and re-entrained by high flow. Treated flow and bypass flow merge in the outlet chamber for discharge by a single outlet p¡Pe. Venttube Outune{nbyø Ceotë¡tube a'rPnbty lnnermediolsyer 0ute¡sseen Conner1¡ion to outlet cho mb er twithdroindu'rú Figuro 2. Schematic of the PerkFilter cartridge. Confrguration The PerkFilter ¡tructure may consist of a vault, manhole, or catch basin conñguration. Catch basin units may be fabricated from concrete or steel. lnternal components including the PerkFilter cartridges are manufactured from durable plastic and stainless steel components and hardware. Allcartridges are l8 inches in diameter and are available in two heights: 1 2-inch and 18-inch. Cartridges may be used alone or may be stacked (Figure 3) to provide 2¡l-inch and 30-inch combinations. The capaciry of each cartr¡dge or cartridge combination is dictated bythe allowable operating rate of the media and the outer surface area of the iartridge.Thus, taller cartridges have greater treâtment capacity than shorter cartridges but they also require more hydraulic drop across the system. Cartridges may be filled with a wide var¡ety of med¡a but the standard mix is composed of zeolite, perlite and carbon (ZPCI. Access to an installed PerkFilter system is typically provided by ductile iron castings or hatch covers. The location and number of access appurtenances is dependent on the size and conñguration of the systêm. Õtol 5 Õld€arle Preca*, ln¿ ,Gttt çt ,vrt rçv¡ tt tvt RAM No.17-038 r t/4/?0rs_vl3 Yf géar rqv9l t Page F-9 Stormwater Site Plan Report PerkFllter I lnspêction ånd Mainten¡nce 6uide núe$'dìoJ Tqstackedøtrìdge 'ditt) (4'dio) ü bottú, rtacked cúltídge cap 'üaJ Figûre 3. Schematlc of stacked cartrldgesand connector components. €2Ol 5 Oldca$le Plecðil lne aÃtJt Lt,vtt tvv, tr rv, ll r9. 4 I u4l20r5_vr tt9éa, tqvgl, RAM No.17-038 Page F-10 Stormwater Site Plan Report PerkFllter I lnspection and Maintenance Guide Malntenonce Overvlew ^- L-:-----^^l ^- ^ -^-..1--)tate ano local fegulôItons fequlre a¡l SIof mwô¡,el rlrdlrdgeilrelrt systeilrr tu Lrq ¡lllPeLLeu utr (l ¡eguror basis and maintained as necessary to ensure performance and protect downstream receiving waters. Maintenance prevents excessive pollutant buildup that can limit system performance by reducing the operat¡ng capacity and increasing the potential for scouring of pollutants during periods of high llow. lnspection ond Malntenonce Frequency The PerkFilter should be inspected on a regular bas¡t typicâlly tï\,ice per yeâr, and ma¡ntâined as required. lnitially, inspections of a new system should be conducted more fiequently to help establish an appropdate site-specific inspection ftequency.The maintenance ftequencywillbe driven bythe amountof runoff and pollutant loadíng encountered by a given system. ln most caset the optimum maintenance intervalwill be one to three years. lnspection and maintenance activities should be performed only during dry weather periods. lnspectlon Equipment The following equipment is helpfulwhen conducting PetkFilter inspections: . Recording device (pen and paperform, voice recorder. iPad. etc.). Suitable clothing (appropriate footwear, gloves, hardhat, safety glasses, etc.). Trafñc controlequipment (cones, barricades, signage flagging, etc'). Socket and wrench for bolt-down access covers. Manhole hookor pry bar. Flashlight. Tape measure. Measuring stickor sludge sampler. Long-handled net {optional) lnspectlon Procedures PerkFilter inspections are visual and may be conducted from the ground surface without entering the unit. To complete an inspection, safety measures including trafñc control should be deployed before the access covers are removed. Once the covers have been removed, the following items should be checked and recorded (see form provided at the end of this document) to determine whether maintenance is required: . lnspect the internal components and note whether there are any broken or missing parts. ln the unlikely event that internal parts are broken or missing, contact Oldcastle Stormwater Solutions at {800} 579-8S'19 to determine appropriate corrective action.. Note whether the inlet pipe is blocked or obstructed.The outlet pipe is covered by a removable outlet hood and cannot be observed without entering the unit. ð1015 Õldc¿stle fterast, lnc.I ll¡ll:015_Vl ,6tat Luvrt tvvt tt tv, tr Iv,YY O-at rgv9t t 5 RAM No. 17-038 Page F-11 Stormwater Site Plan Report PerkFllter I lnrpection and Maintenance Guide . Observe, quant¡fy, ðnd record the accumulation of floating trash and debris in the inlet chamber. The significance of accumulated floating trash and debris is ¡ matter of judgment. A long-handled net *.., t-^ ...^.1 +^ r¿+riarra +lra lr¡ rll¡ af +rrch ¡ná ¿lal¡ri< ri llra fima af incn¿rlian if frrll m¡intantnra rlttor¡aq)t gr sJçg rv .gtr rË rc to åccumulation of floating o¡ls or settled ¡ediment ¡s not yet warranted.. Observe, quantiry, and record the accumulation of oils in the inlet chamber.The signiñcance of ãccumulated floating oils is a matter of judgment. However, if there is evidence of an oil or fuel spilf immediate rnäíntenance by appropriate certiñed personnel is warranted.. Observe, quantiry, and record the average accumulat¡on of sediment in the inlet chamber ãnd trêatment chamber, A calibrated dipstick, tape measure, or sludge sampler môy be used to determ¡ne the amount of accumulated sediment in each chamber. The depth of sediment may be determined by calculating the differe nce between the measurement from the rim of the Perktilter to the top of the accumulated sediment and the measurement from the rim of the PerkFilter to the bottom of the PerkFilter structure. Finding the top of the accumulated sediment below standing water takes some pract¡ce and a light touch, but increased resistance as the measuring device is lowered toward the bottom of the unit indicates the top of the accumulated sediment.. Finally, observq quantify, and record the amount of standing water in the treatment chamber around the cartridges. lf standing water is present, do not include the depth of sediment that may have settled out belowthe standing water in the measurement. MalntenanceTr¡ggers Maintenance should be scheduled if any of the following conditions are identifred during the ¡nspect¡on: . lnternal components are broken or missing.. lnlet pipíng is obstructed.. The accumulation of floating trash and debris that cannot be retrieved with a net and/oroil in the inlet chamber is significant.. There is more than 6"of accumulated sediment in the inlet chamber.. There is more than 4'of accumulated sediment in the treatment chamber.. There is more than 4"of standing water in the treatment chamber more than 24 hours after end of rain event.. A hazardous material release (e.9. automotive fluids) is observed or reported.. The system has not been maintained for 3 years (wet cl¡mates) to 5 years (dry climates). Maîntenance Equlpment The following equipment is helpfulwhen conducting PerkFilter maintenance: . Suitable clothing (appropriate footwear, glove¡ hardhat, safety glasses, etc.). Trafficcontrolequipment (conet barricades, signage, flagging, etc.). Socket and wrench for bolt-down access covers. Manhole hookor pry bar. Confined epace èntry equipmenL if needed Õ1915 Oldeaçtle Precðit" lnc. tûta, Lt.vrt tgv, tt,vr ta tv, 6 ¡ r/'rl:01s-vt YY Úé'"QV9' ' RAM No. 17-038 Page F-12 Stormwater Site Plan Report PerkFllter I lnspect¡or ând l'¡1¿intenance Guide . Flashlight. ïape measure ^r1¿i -^-t--L --J...-^--L L^l-J l^.^.- ,ô'¡..' r^,.¡ l-l+^- ¿^*-iÅna+a*¿. 2' a\t >uLt\Et ott(t vYlt¡tt.rt tw 1ç¡llvvq tlvlv-uvwr¡ ¡rrvr) elrs rlrtçr \ql trreyç rv},t. Replacement filter cartridges. Vacuum truck with water supply and water jet Contact Oldcåstle Stormwater Solutiont at {800} 579-8819 for rep¡ôcement filter cårtr¡dges. A lead time of four weeks is recommended. Maíntenance Procedures Maintenance should be conducted during dry weather when no flow is entering the system. Confined space entry is necessðry to maintain vault and manhole PerkFilter configurations. Only personnel that are OSHA Confined Space Entry trained and certified may enter underground structures. Confined space entry ¡s not required for catch basin PerkFilter configurations. Once safety measures such as traffic control are deployed, the access covers may be removed and the following activities may be conducted to complete maintenance: . Remove floating trash, debris, and oils from the water surface in the inlet chamber using the extension nozzle on the end ofthe boom hose ofthe vacuum truck. Continue using the vacuum truck to completely dewater the inlet chamber and evacuate all accumulated sediment from the inlet chamber. Some jetting may be required to fully remove sediment. The inlet chamber does not need to be refilled with water after maintenance is complete.The system will fillwith waterwhen the next storm event occufs.. Remove the hold-down strut from each row of ñlter cartridges and then remove the top of each cartridge (the top is held on by four 9/16" bolts) and use the vacuum truck to evacuate the spent media. When empty, the spent cartridges may be easily lifted off their slip couplers and removed from the vault. The coupler$ may be left inserted into couplings cast into the false floor to prevent sediment and debris from being washed into the outlet chamber during washdown.. Once allthe spent cartridges have been removed from the structure, the vacuum truck may be used to evacuate all accumulated sediment from the treatment chamber.Some jetting may be required to fully remove sediment. Take care not to wash sediment and deblis through the openings in the false floor and into the outlet chamber. All material removed from the PerkFilter during maintenance including the spent media must be disposed of in accordance with local, state, andlor federal regulations. ln most caset the material may be handled in the same manner as disposalof material removed from sumped catch basins or manholes. ' Place a fresh cartridge in each cartridge position using the existing slip couplers and urethane bottom caps. lf the vault is equipped w¡th stacked cartridges, the existing outer and inner interconnector couplers must be used betwean the stacked cartr¡dges to provide hydraulic connect¡on.Transfer the existing vent tubes from the tpent cartr¡dges to the fresh cartridges. Finally, refit the struts to hold the fiesh cartridges in place.. Securely replace access covefs, as appropriate.. Make arrangements to return the empty rpent cartr¡dges to Oldcastle Stormwater Solutions. ôlû15 Oldcåstle Prec¡st. lnc.r r/4/20ì5_vr t6tf, Lt tvtt tgv¡ tt,v, tt tv.vtgéatrQv9r,7 RAM No.17-038 Page F-13 Stormwater Site Plan Report PerkFllter I lnspection and Maintenance Guide Structure Conflguratlon tnd S¡ze: tr Vault _feetx_feel tr Manhole-diameter trl Catch Basln -feet x-feet Number and Helght otCârtrldges: Count-each tr 12" E 18' Cl 24" E 30" Medla Type: A ZPC tr Perl¡te tr Other lngpectlon Date Locatlon Notes:Conditian of lnternal Componenfs f1 Good tr Damaged t3 Missing Noteslnlet Ptpe Blockage or Obstructlon nYesnNo NolesFloating Trash and Debris r] Significant E Not Signlflcant Noles:F¡oet¡ng OIIi E Signifïcant ñ Not Significant t Spill Notes:Sedimenf Depth ln lnlet Chamber ü lnches of Sediment: Noles:Sedimenf Depth in Treatment Chamber tr lnches of Sedimenl: Notes: Malntenance Requlrd tr Yes- Schedule Malntenance D No- lnspectAgalnln- Months PerkFilter tnspection and lþTaiiltenaTTce Log Standlng Water In Treatment Chamber tr lnches of Standing Water: ç'lû15 ûldeå5rlÈ PrÈçå*. ir( ttÃtJt L, tvrt tçvr tt tv, tr re. RAM No. 17-038 I r tl4ltOr5 vr Page F-14 Stormwater Site Plan Repoñ PUì},P COMPANY Your Peace ol lllind is Our Top Pr¡or¡ty) Pæúd¡úoín¡lidr pltJañd hÇrÊ rÊtac8 ãïfairrr I thraol Fôócrf¡lñ. Cûst¿r fúdo?t rcA¡úE üËÉfüc¡* or incùärbþnqar. COMPARE THESE FEATURES . Castiron molor&pumphousing wih conosion' resistant powder coated eporyfinish ' Molor - 60 Hz, dl.filled, hermelicalþ sealed, aulomatic resel thermal ovedoad protected . Permanenlly lubricated upper and lower beadngs . Stainless steel screws and handle . No sheet metal parts to rusl or conode . No screens to clog . Glass-flled, engineered plastic non-clogg¡ng vortex impeller with metal insert ' Watertight nêoprênê "4" dng bètween motor and pump housing . 20 ft. UL Listed power cord with molded 3-wire plug . Silicon Carbide/Carbon shaff seal . Entire unit pressure tested after assembþ . Maximum temperalure for effluent or dewateringr-Î 30'F (54'C) . l/r" NPT Discharge MODELS AVAILABLE ' '371" - .3 Hp, IlSV or 230V I Ph, 1550 RPM .'372- - r/¡ HP, 115Vor 230V 1 Ph, 345t] RPM . '373" - .4 HP. 1l5V or 230V t Ph, 3450 RPM COMPLETELY SUBMER$IBLE HERMETICALLY SEALËD wâtertight - dust tight Zocllcr famìly of Wata¡ S*tutiqns " JM. TA: eO, BOX t6gl7 . LotßtÍ¡,. r{l 1tlWU7 sfiIp tôi 3á{9 crû! ¡¡'r Êö$ - ¿or¡ivil¿.. trY 142tr-1961 (rt?t 77a-û3t ' r tffi] 926nnç . FN {ftz} 771-3621 € CÕpyriEht 2Ol{ Zoèllè. Co. A¡l righB rtrèñrêd Qþratn.sECIlOr 2.60.107 7N25t¿ SçË''aLt 0t,l{ 0ar3 vísit our web slte: tvww.zoeller.com 'en 371, 372 & 373 SËR,ES (Far Funp Prcfix ldentifîcatian sêê lltoryt &Vîews ü52) CONTINUOUS DUW,.EVAPORATIVE COOLING PUMPS'' SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS FOR DEWATERING OR EFFLUENT EVAPORATIVE COOLI NG PUMPS FOR POULTRY APPLICATIONS Model 373 Shown VORTEX TYPE ITPELTER tiliÐ POWDEß COATEDlf'uoH',@î,(*¡bl¡ì-itrt C3Å¡¿¡ gafbcarú¡ Page F-15 ,,roft PUMP PERFORIYIÂNCE CURVE [roDELS 371ß7?1373 \ a\ 3¡33?r 373 ÍLOW PËR TONUTË ¡0TAt CIYNAÀl lC HEAD,FLOW P€RiIINUTE EFFTUENT AT{D ÛEWATERING MODET 371 3n 373 ra{; a .!EgLl5 ..g¿l cr--6--s!-ltl Gü É9 tiLñ tút ti !ê !¡tã ¡s t]!GI t5 6.t t9 t6 tât*6t t¡ 9.t 3J él '15 It:ttu 9Fá t0t1 tñf SiDgþ S.ål Cod¡ol $clcction P¡rt ilo.lôltt Püa.todc AÍ'Dû 37r&2 115 1 ihoa¡cnatic 9.7 37r{001 230 1 ¡¡ooð¡oír.lic {.8 372St2 115 1 i¡ooa¡umaic 6.0 372ffi4 2S 1 ¡¡ord¡torrråtio 3.2 3t300f2 115 1 llonüÁoñ¡altc 8.5 373ffi4 m 1 Nonan b.t¡ålic ¿.3 @æs¡¡¡l ¡!û¡ltin d !oñ¡. ,r¡...ûtlt af¡.ic.r d ffilg lH ba ooll. ¡t ¿ @iliã.É i..ùiÊ¡ü. ar r¡.ùG¡ ¡rt rúat ßoda. aûtl s. tcolrú iâ.NrdtÍ ù ¡o.¡ f aôr* r¡fiq{u¡ ürðûÈt cêó {rec¡ ¡ðr Ër. oâeç¡li¡n¡ talat ¡rtt lla¡úr ¡91 lo3l¡l Ittã¡!1å:cû¡ r5t llr.t Èrf !ta ! ¡¡1t"l(ßl I tçigf É fl6 fc6 È!, *tt{ I ?O2 ¡;t ¡åt I t€tøl C¡C*' r¡ i&flr¡Íba(fl¡ooitcìð&$Í!loôartÈrbrüegoirlq$o¡Ë¡wiôrlml ão¡ s¡ifãlr,Flá¿tt,Ellat¡¡ ,¡!íì!!,Fl¡¡¡t6;¡¡<r\¡bffis't¡¡¡ûr.Fl¡¿s,9¡r.?t{s0a ari¡ú. ¡tå¡¡l ¡r! 5iTÞ euç 3i4u eo¡, csto¡'^t¡nn {n 'li, naîra v,üuhI þ H a Ert c¡¿ÉÕÞ tg 6 ù r2 0 {0 35 30 t0 t5 t0 5 r0tç$.{,10 ¡0 IÍ?ERS 0 ,¡8 g! t20 110 €r'?{ RESERVE POWEREO DESIGN For uflu$¡d concl¡li¡rs a resene safety hdor b engineered into üe desþn of every Zoelter F¡rrP"; rt€ C{rpyrhhr 201{ Zo€llêr Co" A{ .itht3 tê3êrved. Page F-16 PUMP COMPANY Noticc lo lnstalling contractor: lnctrucliong must rcmain wilh inst¡llation. Yaur Peace of Mìnd ls Ourlop Priorlry.Fu0117 S¡pc?€cdca@þaun, Prcdua i¡brt¡icr w¡¿n¡cd hc'Ê nfals calóti¡+rs ¡t ti*c of eråli¡tivr. Con¡tf haory Égrdng dsüêp¡rcië¡ o.ncú¡kicrrciÊi. 615 11t{ Zøellø faníty ol llllator Solutíons' ll[lLl0: Pu. BoN 163¿7' Lclaslttç,l{r &Z OW SIIIP ÍO: 3ö19 Ca¿ Rø, Raâd ' Loútattë, XY $211.t96, lfizt 71&271 ' t {W' ,zûPuup. FM lgÙ nß621 I NSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS RECOMMENDED MODELS EFFLUENT-/SU M P/DEWATERIN G SEWAGE 55 / 59. 70, 73, ¡l 139 Seriæ 2lt,212 Scrier 'l{S/11¡0. t49J¡ll4i t60r¡1160 S?t¡.i 2?0 rtz70 5è¡16 100 /4180. l9l. 3?1. ¡7¿ t¡3 S.rix 2il 14280. ã0r{ã0 Sdi.r vlsit our wcb sltc: www,zoellcr.com DATE INSTAI,IEÞ: *IODEL llUil8ERr ilorEÊ vBtTlþtE roR C.ncf V^tt/E 8[E ßN CÄflmil 3€Cn0]l SSLOTTAI|O'{ M¡ PÂGE t 6¡¡tñI02È . Ellmt ry*rmr thould rp.cit ür5r Fr¡mgr rhwld rEt h¡ndl. rddt rx€cdhe V.'id ùrúü þ p¡Hm l¡rg. ¡Otidt ftm üLriôe hrêh¡ñC ña¡dr. mnd ¡ytlm¡. rùÀ û0 Sa.þr ntn !/i oiilr æpbr,¡ æ, riü4 ró. Sit ¡nd 3?2 E ñr håvr tf. 130 g.ri.r hlr 1¡', r¡5¡{t¡5. 16&41ôO, l8ilat8{¡ ¡ú 37t ûFd.lt h¡t¡* ',tf.l Wlìarc ed. pañit ' ttr¡gt ¡rngr ø le e*d br .timt ryç* . t{*rvlorn¡tic Aùmpr r,rth rrLrn¡H.rl ffiUdt .[ ffimndtd ,r rtlc ¡¡nt a'ttl4nt ¡9dst¡mt. PREINSTALLATION CHECKLIST . ALL INSTALLATIONS t , hspcd ð¡¡ ¡¡r6ðriðb. ft¡dsin¡tt, p.od,EÈ ¡æ da¡¡Aed ùrng ¡hþrçnt lf úc rnn b drnagcd, odüðtt iurt d.rkr ¡GloG ueig fÞ llOT tamæ ûc t¿d É¡ç ton ü¿ psnp' 2. caæú¡lly lêad rho ldüå[¡'Ë p.ovidêd b lårilla¿c yor¡rclf wir ¡pctjñc dcral¡ ÉC¡rùrg !î6tå¡lâ1jcn ard u¡a thccc ma.ri*È ¡$ouH bë tÊttûcd for fut¡rc nhænce Â. WARNING SEE tsELOW FOR LIST OF WARNINCS l. lo rcdr¡ce úrc ùt of .Lcùi{¡lshocl. r P.optdygolrlded Ëc.Pltcborcoa'¡d bo¡ ñ61bc inst¡l¡rd ;ñ ætdàncc *iûr th¿ grovcmhg codcs. l{evlr rrmvc anald pnnom dr¡s. ?- Måkc cfitå¡¡ ürât tt* l¡ðr¡ñd fa¡i irrènçet Foeaêd Ècêplådc o. ooaml bor is sirhh trc æxh ol tbc pump's po*tr suppþ c¡td. DO NOT tlsË A¡¡ Ë}(fÊll$lOil CoRÞ. É¿cmi¡o cords lh.tðrË bo¡ollg ottoô lthtdo ñêadclivêt $ffo€|ltvdlð$ øùe pgrnp moor. ¿nd drcycodd pcænt a saþlratard if ttre imriaimrce o lccunc darnaçd orftc cornætin ñìd srË b hl inoadanp orrct ¡ta 3. M¡tcEr¡cthcpr¡rç'sctcttideuppl¡,trortt*cçippcdriùfutccorcitcsibc¡kÊt! ol prcçcr c¡p¡ci¡y. A¡¿r¡rau tandr srq¡it te ¡ccormcnèd, ¡i¡cd ærdag r ÛË lo€ål €lÉdricålcodcâ for lhê âJ¡rüil Ëho*ñ gì lha Êrrnp tìâmê ddâ. {. Tc¡tlne for rornd. Ae r rafeiy mcarrt, aadr ¿lcctiøl od.t thould bc *êdcd h. glot¡nd uÐ9 a ciün üdyæt rfudr üI irdËe ¡Í ùè porrÊt nêut¡l iñd found úr3 ¡r¿contdyæø¡acd ¡rauqdèt llütÊy¡Êtlolcdðq¡dñÊdfËniÊd &iciåtì. 5, FOR YOUR PROTECTßil. ATWAYS DISCOûI}.IECT PUIIP FRÔM ITS PO|TÊR SOffiCÊ S€FORE HÁ¡,lOtS{G. ll pt¡rç ic ri¡ed di¿c{ dacr¡tça thc cis¡l al tfic carlol bor We¡r imdrud pælaafut rftocs ¡td do ml ,tód n rôl¿t Pum9ê cquirpcdrih a þrong gor¡d Cr¡r at dæi¡cd !o hô{t pttËûcl69tnsl d.qúål rl'ocl DO t{01. nrûER A¡¡Y CIRCUMST/C¡¡CES, REIOVE lttE GRO{ Ë{0 PÛ'¡. 6 larnlui¡n ¡nd csdc¡U ol drc rurç, chctical cjtt¡it ¡ñd luntræ ¡hodd mly be pcrhñncd 5y e qúåli6.d lemcd ebc*icí¡t. 7" Ri¡t ol dcctíc¡l ¡frocl 0o not rcmoæ porr¿r sr4pL cod ¡¡rd srdn ælcf or c¡lt .Ë<f toûd¡il dæ{ût þ *e gnp. ll üra eodf caåtc b d¡nla¡¡d, it rnd bc ,lpbcÊd ry ôÉ Måilràat¡r€r o? ôñ a¡ÎhorizËrt Zoêllcr Savi:a Sbl¡tl lo fitoË à hô¿¡tt 8. Pnnp curuirc ol ri**å bæoncs trstsuriuâd ü¡d hôt rhcn o0ãåú¡'. Nfu 2y' lnur! dtcrðrconæcùtglc{oærttanptog rcmc*. 9. P'mf bn€{l*an#torlolabþFterd¡* topo¡s¡t}c cort¡núnainbyoilodahd htlæputp, l0 Ri¡tofclø¡h¡hock Ûrc*punpshav¿ñotb.äinvÊÉtgôÌadftlrsà.hflqtrmia æok¡¡dm¡/rtc¡a¡s ll. Ãørdrnq to tþ shle olCôlibttúå {Prop. 651, fiig podua cmt¡im åcnicak ttrom rô ûrr ôlrlç ol C¡lifomiä to cåt¡¡ê c¿ncar ¡nd biah dclâcb or olhêr r¿¡rodudae hå¡m SEE EELOW FORusl0F cAtmoNs I Chêd b bå ¡urÊ yot ¡one¡ ¡oscc b c¡abl¡ ol h¿din¡ ú* wlt¿Ec æq¡icmcnr ol ùô ñld(r, åE tdEåÞd ar lhc pr'rnq n¡ñê pknc. 2 lhc irei¡t¡rbn of vrrþt¡lc bvd ioa ¡rídr¡ b tlç ¡cqænoòttV of trc insdrrg pülÍ, årrd crfr ¡horJd bê l*rn thàl tlç ÞÛ.red 6o¡t ¡ritdr wil n* harg up ott ttu p{rnp åp¡*ú¡¡ crpl Ëod¡silllr ¡td b sêqæd eo thatür¿ purrril tlut of. hi¡ ?rcúr¡rÍrídcd þ i¡rc rçil pilc ard Ílinç ard Ú* pi bc l8'or l¿rgcr h diàíçtêt, 3. ltcnr holc. h is r*cr*ary that dl srÂrucòb srmp, afrr*at" ad ¡¿*¡go g¡mpe cagrsc of hardng vaôus ¡hæ of ¡olil ¡¡¡Þ bc of ûc borom hake dæbr m rÊdrðù do99¡S ôrd ¡.¿l l¡dç¿s. ll ¡ drctl valvc c inøcporard h ùa iÊgdàtltü, . r,hs'çñthdÊ û¡it b¿ drfhd in üc &dtaç pbc Sr Ûç dtc* Y¡lvc ad pt corct m psrç ¡h¿ r¡út û, ùap?Gd dt Vct* hdc ¡tþdd bê dt dâd pctbdcally la dotça¡. Tho sthctcoelôjrtlodrpp$oariømy€wlæmec¡ìþrTelcne' lf yu¡ ciæ¡c ao to &rt ð yül hoh, br ¡rt rh. F¡rp cæc and ùÐcler b cowtcd rith hqui, bcb'Ë corf|c(iitg rhÊ ipê þ üc dËl rdv.. llolË: IHE HO-E $USf RF BEI frw THE gÀslNCOI/FR^l{} CtFANFn ÞFRlOOlc+tlY \rJ¿ta¡rc¡mri* lc røåac rl*n ew ig oçctaire. 1. Pstng ¡h.t/H bÊ clÉtft¿d fËqrã*ly hr dcbns ¡ndJor hlld up rlrhh rn¡y iÍË&tc rith úr lo¡t'orr'or'otr Þo€ilila RcXû ard svice ¡lwld br pøfunrrd þ rn iquûraizcd ZooßaScrv¡t Slðlixr otlt 5. lhrimurn çeratþGmFcnlútlorrlüdtd modclF¡mp¡mustootcxc¿cd l$'F 154'Cì. Maximun opêrðùag tcmt.?åtr¡rÈgfor ?0 ¡o¡p¡ ¿nd modcl 2l'l mu¡t not ërcccd 110'F {43'C}. Marimum opclating tcmpa¡tuæ¡ lor 73, '|5.?l2ecncs rad mod¿l 211 nu¡t not c¡cccd 10¡l'F 110'Cl. 6 Do rnt çcoe a ptÍnp ir ¡n ¡pgtcaba rlr¿æ óc Toul Dy¡anie llead r hr¡ th¡n úrc mänrrn TaalOynrr¡icHrad bud otl*Prnp Pcrbnnanca Cmes, ?, For hr¿lfi eæcr, do nc t¡pb, tnr oñ, oc d¡abÞ ¡np ¡rd ræc ¡¡rp erl ¡yden¡ æ¡ *¡Ipfl sp¡il*ôrlål'lúyÞå1, ce 8. Purm rulbc iç¡¡lcd ¡ract¡¡ùrccrärtrc Nàlicd Ëþæðl Codc&td¡l ¿pplirôt*ê tıc¡ ccdcg rrd ordir¡c¿e. Pú¡1t6 âÉ.r.r b bG nsdlÉd iÌ bcåiorË dæ¡ifed ¡e h¡¡ardous ¡r ¡c¡od¡rca siù tlainat Ebcùic Cod.,A]'¡Sl, NFm i0- ilOfE: Fumptriü¡úrc1Jf maùåndF¡npswithü'rc'U$'makole lcetcdþUtsitndè?d UL?'|E. CSÂcaniÈrd pumps ræ ccnifcd to CSÀ¡l¡nd¡rd CZI tlo" 10û. ßftR roulnnfiTl oal ÈGE 2. O Copyright 2015 Zoelþt' Co. All rights r€€erved. ú t 90at rav9r, htþ:rrrcs¡octcrF¡rÞr..oln, ßceir!il yoü Zocllcr Pump Golpany A. CAUTION tGtJ, L"Vrt ìwvt tt rvr tr rç. RAM No. 17-038 Page F-17 Stormwater Site Plan Repoñ LIMITED WARRANTY lla¡rfacft¡¡er vräûants. to ûre pudrasei and *beequent ouns dring üìé uarang p*ild, ewry nsÀt ptod¡A b bê fee tom defude h maþrd and u¡orknanslúp tndernonml useard sewice, *hen pçedytrscdand maht¡iæd. for a perird of oíe yea fan date of prdtase þ üre end user. or 18 nnnhs Íom date of aþird fiânúadt¡e of h¿ Fodud. r¡fii*erer oorps firsl Parb ürat Þil wiürh he rararty period, ure ¡ear torn date ol pdnse by he end rser, q 18 nmüç frorn üË dat€ of üthâl nanufadue ol Ûe podttcl. uûritrer¡rroonræ fu$. hatipædims delemiræ lo be defediw inmaþ.ialo. uorfunastrþ, rii ix æpaireti. repiacerÍ or ærnanuiaciusi ai årlanrdacñ¡reis qfl*x. ptodtled lorcw, trat by so úitg 'le *ü not be oHþÞd io æplace an enli€ âs$rnHy, ü¡eente med¡arism cr üre corpleÞ unit I'b alcnnnce ril be nrade for slippirg duqes, damages, laba or ofter á:rge üat nuy ocqrúJe bga*¡d fdþre. lepai¡or tephcecpnt 'Ìïisuarranty does ndapfly loand üraa sirallbe rrowan'ar{yla any nnÞdal or produdürat has beendsaee€fiäed wihad pixapptorC of [laruhcù¡¡er, $åiededlombuse, n$applicdix,neglect dteraltø, acdþnta mwthoüable âdof nâture;thâthæ nd been h$ábd, çerated t maht¿hed ínaccodalce wih lrândacùire/e inldlaliar insbr¡diïc; hat hæ been aposed to ottsite l*sbnces ;ndudng hindl¡rrited þhefdlorirq' sand, gratel,ceaænl rud, tar, hydrocarbds, hld¡ocatbðn d€rivdives {o¡. gåso$nê, sdt/€nts. eb.}, otoher ab¡aúw ø ænosiw sr$sbíces, tæh ùtxeb ot laririne sanlaty ptoútcb, wh.radâlnagos afc ¡¡9 a thr Homaoìivnrr must fatâln posslsslon of üll pump for elc. in dl pr,rnpirrg a¡pli¡tions. Tlc ,¡anaaty set oi h üre p*agr¡ph above is h fier¡of an oberwaradÞs erprwed øÛnf,þd; and we do nota¡ürcrizea¡y æpæsenlatirc øoürer person to assune hus atyoüerliatilþh oomeaiN wihargoúæb, Contad ltlanuhduer a! 38f9 te¡re Rtn Road, Lotis¡iIe, Xeoh¡cky 40211, Atbnlia¡: CrÆbrner Srrypsl Deparùnent to obhin rny æeded repai * rephcennnt ol part{sl ø adútixrd inlormtix peràinig b ow *aranty. ITA}¡UFACruRER EXPRESSLY ÐII}CI.AIIIS tIABILffY FOR SPECIAL CONS€qUÊ{TIALOR INCIDE¡TAI DA'TAOESOR BREACH OF gPf; EgsÐ tRltPUÊDIMRRANTYTANDAI{YlilPuÊDwARM}¡rYOF FfTt'¡Ë$¡ FOR A PARNCULÂR FURPO{'EAI{D OF I,IERCHA,T{TA8IUTY sHAI.T BE UilfÎED rO fiEDURATOI¡ OF T}IE EXFRESSEO IVARRAI¡TY. Some d¡tes do not dlon ffili¡s on üre úratix of an irplied *aranty. so üre ahow lirÍf¡lbn ruy mta$yloyur. SdrÊ stabs donol dhrrhe erdæi¡n orlmit¡ti¡n of iridenlal orconseqrænlial drnages, solhe aåoÆ Lniblbn a exdrbn may rot apfly h you. Thb warantygiveslou spedltclegål dghb ad ¡ur nryalsoharæ oÛrer dglrts uiliåuryfrm $ateb'sbte. an Pumpfallurc,puno3rs. ÞO'S & DON'T'S FOR INSTALLING UNIT l- DO re¿d al fublatbn mal€tiålw¡$ lhe unit 2. DOiæped mit braryviriHedarnagecarxed þshiArng. Cøladdeder if wit appean lo be da¡naged 3" DO rernore dl dehie f¡øn the basin. BE süe hat üta Frmp si[ have å hard, levelsr¡bæ beneah il. DO NOT hddloo sand. gravd ot dirt 4. DO be sr¡e llnl üÊ aea b lårge ernugh h dlor popø dearar¡oe br t¡e þvd corùd swifch(es) to çerah pçeily 5. 0O Always Oisconnccl Pump From Powor Sor¡rco Bcforc Handling DO aluraÈ ooryìed h a sçantd potecled and yopedy gounded cin¡it 0O NOtêverdrt.spÍcê,udanaEe poraørd (orlyspliceina uatedighl þndlm box) DO NOT carry a [n pnp by its ponet cod. DO NOTæeanextensbnød. 5. DO bdell a óeck vâþE eîd e unirrt h the dbúege line. DO NOT we a cbdrarye pþ stullet ùan üe pmp dsáarye. 7. DO NOT r¡üi¿e ürb trril fu pumçiq gâsoüne or oehet haeardotts lþui!* 8, D0 test pump inrnedately añer inslallallxr to be sr¡¡e lhe system is uo*irp pogedy. 9. @ revþ,¡ir dl applidle gorènúng oodes aad veri$ hat he hsh$ditn cilbmstoeâúof üem. !0. DO oor¡sril nnnufacû¡er fs dadficatixr or queslilils. tL DOcons¡Jerat¡o-¡rpspÞm*lhods¡t$¡enati*lallati¡maybeæoæ ouloaded ot pnmary gn¡ ålure rould reof in prupefy daoeges. 12 û0 ccrsitêr a D.C. 8ad<up System wTnre a unp a d*rlaletia pnp b necessary forhe poaenlionof popatydamagesfrom ñoodngdrctoÀ.C. po,v*dsrçliørs, mechani:d orelectical prcblem orsyslemorcdoadng. 13. DO ireped ând test sydem lr ¡ropa çentins at least every 3 monlhs. coHDmo|¡cot MoNcAUS€s Oeùris mder ûod æsenúly, ÍÉl bot¡d ry basit siiet cr o$er, sútdt, damæed ø otf of ad¡¡h*nt Chetk luse, lo[ rofiage, over{oad çen, oprn a ircoræd *ùrng, open s$'dr, inpelhr u seal or *rnng rtorkd. Fbet æsèmbly held do¡rr $nldr, danagèd or otd of adjusÍmnl licônect loltaEe, neEatm head (údraç ogen lfle' heì ñomål) inplf* or sealbo{md necåanially, tttolot sholed. Floot sritdr Þürg¡ bngür tæ sho*( dred vahe stu* çerr, * noru inibl¡Èd ¡t loðt d8tance lne, orefuad open, biddng, sump ¡il bo sna[, Clrect irlet sbaner ter¡srrg, dbdraç pç, and wnl lnles lr oû'5h¡diot!s. Qisåaç tead erceeds pump øpadty. Lgr o{ itcqr€d vglhqe. lncorning rat* curldnirg air or øæing air to enta pumpiag úanber lmrect motot ohtbn lnoeæed 9çe frrtm, dûgçd he or drect ratre. ¡rbnstw nalend and adyersÊ úenbals oald po$ly dâb*trâle irçelÞr ad plmp hou:irg eÞ* lle. Renove base and inçecl. ôarelully fuhtar pþ þts (use pç &pe) ard scrws- Ched< grstel loælrm, tighlm lirl evenly- 0o nol over lþlrÞn s$reffi. {3tTgt !!!qU bond meóadcally, mobr C. Punp stets ad stops bo dten. 0. Plwpwllrolshulofi. Å. Pump*fllnolslañorrun- lJokr aveúeab and tþs orredoad a ilors ire, c hnpoperales butdeü'ærs litüe 'gmwatel. Boph headad*capacity aller a perid of use. G. Tankafi[itçsleak, SERVICE CHECKLIST tf thc abova checklisl docs nol ruvcol {he problem, consult tlp Produot purrp. Sewice must bc pelorncd by a Zocllcr Authori¡¿d Scrvíoa St¿tion. $upporl Deparlmenl Do not a$cmpt to seruicc or othen¡isa disassrmblc Vislt ¡nvw.rocllcrr.com lor a complcta lis{ of sewloc st¡lions. tGtJt Lilvtt t|)vt tt tvr tr rv, OCopyright ?015 Zo€lleÉ Co. Al rights ¡eserved. 2 RAM No. 17-038 Page F-18 Stormwater Site Plan Report RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION FOR ALL APPLICATIONS l. Eleúi:a¡ trirùq and protec{in mßt be ¡n ðccordå¡ce wih go,emiìg electical ædes. 2. lnshl prçer Zoellø widtecl {oomt*latùx trú)n ad dec* valw}, pælerably jusl above lhe basin lo dlol easy æmovd of üu pump iø deaùô ø repaír lf hi¡h head or beloc, cover instsllal¡rm is rcquired. rse 30{lBl on l'lr'¡ipe, 30{152 on 2'¡ipe and 3G0'160 on 3'prp€. 3. Arl hddlôtifis reqûæ a basir cover lo p¡event dehb tottt falling ¡nlo h¡h+ir ¡*¡{ hø¡sli¡iIn¡È srr¡i ÈP! 4. lifi€n a th¡dîêd( b hila*d ffi a {u' ûame&r hde h üe lEcñðrgre r*æ even wiür üre bp ol lle pr¡rp NOïE: THE IIOLE fiUSf Á¿SO BE BELatv THE EASIN COVER AHD CI'A4NED PENOAC/.LLV tlbh HêBd wút see'C¿rlin'oñ lffit pa9ê1. Wâter 3ùÉâm will bc viíble fiom ffs hole wien punp b operating. 5" Seardy bpe u danp porer cod b dbdtatge púpe, dæt of Ûþ f,oet medwús(s). 6" Use a dischargç pipe equÉvdenf iq diaret* to lhe grnp's ùchatge. 7. Bain m¡d be ir accodanoe *ih ævertatp codes atd spedficâ|icrs. S. Pr¡rnp rr¡st be þÊl and loat redwú*{s) deer ol s¡des of bæ¡n behesbdinggnp. 9. 8e.ù m¡d bê dean ¡nd iee o{ dehb *€rirhlatiln. 10. Gde vdt¡e, Cr¡t¡fi ralvg or bal v¡lve b be *ryplitd by itshler ad hrbied accotdig b any atd all codes. t I . Locah nod srildrê5 as $otm h skeùåes. Tlæ best phæ fa Ûr 'd p<Érl b åboß h€ nnkr lrr.núng and pæiüot¡ed 1E{1" bom be iilet ¡¡e'ær pr¡i'oñ- gtni bdordxÍwgear pmp 12" C'æ-lt¡ht sêds aæ requied b cotldn gaset od odors. 13. trbnt gaseg ard odas b tre ehæphae llrot{t ved pþ" 14. Qdhml pr"rnp ahnd (PN f &2421) ditùdes ûn æed fq bloclcs or hicks urder üre ¡rç. For çe uih efrænt ad dardai¡ pøpo a{y. 15. Optiond çaterttgt{ cmùol box availóle, see F[llô97 h dehls. 16. For popor spacing of'On' -'OF switcies refer to local or nalional sl¡ndardr and guidelínes- I 7. Op{¡onal 3eplic lank risen fu eæy ffi lo Frnp, cutbob 6t¡d ners. biltaû ,ûfrE, 5(:Ë åtßFtÊþlôãff6t r(!o. SSPI'IArÊütr lltlìdëd¡rTstÊ Fnf hdðl¡lixrúdrÉrLsË tø1 3e9 IUTJI I Il-â-àts-f-l- V IYPICAL DEIi¡ATEßNG INST&UÎOI¡TYPICAT S€WAGE IN$ÎÁILANON ÍYPICAL EFNUË¡¡Î I}6TAII.A110}¡ cod.r.ctc. llor ¡nþrldcd lor ¡¡c ln h¡¡¡do¡t hc¡t¡oût Suggested Methods Of Float lnstallation TT?ICltl.nOrll lUl¡G€R Otl SÏËÉICOVER P.lfS wPrc^t FtoÀr ¡t^¡tG[R 0t{ GoEnEn Hts oR8ÉPnGfÁMft$€RS milffrþtÎffiffi8 ÉNFÚlÔffiñúæüc OnsornehsHlali¡r¡, itrny bedesinHe to iulal an indepødent hrtgel b. fu þvel oonbd su¡ikhes b a'rid postible haqrçr ar ünpm¡s.fi¡itç, valves, elc. Float hrgøs are arailaHe f¡orn Zoeller Company on tatalog Sheet Fl¡(b2Ê orcan be hhicded horn stat* d*dppe andftlings. t6tft L, tvrt tgv, il tv, tt ív. e¡aû'ti t(lâr? € Copyright 2015 Zoeüer'Co. Âll rfghls reserved. 3 sî¡tÉã g(r¡G YY géat ravg, ¡ I l p þw1 lftLlJrmt[ï¡r S.ê Fl,6íì1, nßfÞ, Flll597 t Ftllrtz0¡. d'trB, csrlmþ & ¡Ëriûr borrf ì9 6âdrþ s* lM ffiwrr s¡e'l H RAM No. 17-038 Page F-19 Stormwater Site Plan Report tu. I0fitlg lrvtRmo DlAoRAtil FoR HODEI.3 rillD - 23w' 1 Ph. 60ll¡. Wtl - 200/208V. t Ph, 60 H¿ l¡loddsltD&tiJtlärËfr^üyaúmalic.Afroals'¡,itùisùdudedðnd faday*ired h he g¡p tirul b pto*re aubfietic opêratfoxt oncê itrs ioal slvitdr b eeq¡ed fçeÛ to he otüel pipe. th€ üre dagram aboe lo secrre üre llool súldt popaly and obbtn the properþhêrbq¡shnú¿e üeon+ñcydetoeaû 4flbaliot. WD E WH MODEL INSTALLATION Dcbntnlrg Pumpng R¡tlc in hdlce {l inch c 2.C clnl TeüerLeæü ô 10 ßmna P¡r+ireRatqe 013.3 lt U U Use mly æ a guile. 0æ b of caHe. nsrtübübnt cúditblrg. Raqe may vay dæbuðþrþnp$âüt€atdd.d shape. fu teût€r þrgür i¡creeses, ¡o does ûË vðrianae of ü¡e ¡rr1ing ãige. t f,tt¡ t?r.t J( (5!e ml &(s r0 ^rf Srvff clt (wo E wH iloo€¡,¡¡, llotc: FrtÛctokc.prlùiôprça rüalmits m¡y F.trürt ËhUê ilirå ofcrålÉn llø¿: C*lc rnr¡t bc Íroutcd !r hdrzqrtC po¡itm SINGLE PHASE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS lç3 fÃffiI[¡m FORYOURPROTECÏION,ALWAYSDISCoNIIECTPUiIPFR0mfI8FOWIREOURCE8EFOREI{AII0UNC. Stî*.ÈS-e,Sl{IIÞl<f, ãffi¡-wrur a 3-osro oror¡rded d¡¡ b heb o¡oted ysr¡ aqa¡Ft h€ pæså¡ilv of elecùical sttocft. DO t{OT UNDER AtlY CFCUilSÎAICESLf RÈfKi\iÊ Tl{E OROUND ÉÑ. TtE }år(å dus'nirst beirrerfu into a riìalirg Cirdrg gmt¡d€d rec€pbde f üp ¡Ébistbo does rd ha're sudt t¡ecepbdê, ¡t n'üC be drårped b ürê pro# tft. wæC anO gourCeU h æcr&nb udh-ürc Ndbnal Élecùical Codå and s[ +dþsHe locd codel andodiunes.|!F ñrûmmfrı] Rbk ol clccbical shock. Do æl renrove porer orppy cord and strah ælief or corned gqdúl ürccüy b üe pup. I (,[ ffi hsbsatbn úd ffiÍìg of elecùical drqib and h¡úôíaæ *ror¡H be perlonrnd by a quúed Nørsai +cûiån.Lf ñffiffii Unls srstied wiüo{d a-plE (side rìd htee phase) ¡rrd sirgle phase nørarlonatic urit¡ witr a ?0 aç pfrg mæt hate a mdü coího| ffioonbd ¡liwiled at hrnöt iiiUtãti<xr. f¡e coåtU de'iice $ú¡dttâre suihble rolt4e, anpete, freq¡emy, gruttútg ad hasepomt rdirg krüre pøp to *lidt il b oomeded. THREE PHASE WIRING INSTRUCTIONS En fÃmm¡m¡] FoR youR pRofEctrot, ArwAysI\E DIscoI¡NEcT PUMP FROII 1T8 POWER SOURCE|J BEFoREHAltoLtt{o To auh¡sticdb Ðeraþ a nonaubmdic Üree phaæ F¡p. a conbd p¡nel b- re$rüed Follon ùe nsh¡d¡üs proviled siül üe pã€{ lo wire fle sysbm. Fa adønatic htee phase Fmpc, see a¡bnalþ 3 pt¡æt¡ r¡ritiU daEan located b he la tight Bcforc h:bling o puç. ácolr thc purç rotol¡oñ to crutc lhûl wärq has been ønneded gçedy to porfi sowce, and that ttæ green hed of pora cod (see widng di{ril) É cornec{ed to a vdil gru^md. i.loícntady enøgi¡e üe p.rnp, oboeniq tn d¡rec1íms of hd< badrd€ lodanhgbque. Rohticì boanedíf kid<bækbh heoppß¡teôedtdtof toûBlin anovo ünpwç cadq. lf obtbn b not consd, $xitd¡q of ety luo poler Þaù oúrer ftån gû¡nd. shodd províde tte propet datnn AI hre€phase Btrps regin rrdot sladiq devþec wilh molor oærload proterrioo. See FlrOlS6 la dudex hsHalicm. Purps musl be íæla[ed in accodanæ sih he Nâlbñd Elècüical Code and al apddle bcal codes and adnance3. Purpsare notto bÊ irddtl h locatbfis da$ified as ha¿adq¡s in aoco.dancê vilh Nathcal E¡ecùi:d Code, ANSI,NFPA7O, NONAUTOMANC 3 PHASE 6t¿t AUIOMATIC 3 PHASE erÍt l¡lPoRfAlff NOIICÊ: Son¡e irs¡¡ilce poliies, bdh ocrrcßbl ar¡d rcirJenliã|. exbnd ærnraç ftr darmges hq¡t€d by pod¡d f¿úh¡e, Yot¡ wil need b traveooegesskn of heorad¡dlo rrDodt'vqrddm i¡ ¡nootcases. Zo€[er Purp Co. wil exdrs¡ge he rnitorlefund Ûreaþird prôaæ gheonce üte ddm b sete¿ witr ttre iraurer ¡ Up casei*erb you rced h æbh pe*ssir¡ of he pmd¡d to st4poda daruge daim yur såril to yur hsrance ørpaly- ø Copyright 2015 Zo€ller'Co. All ñghts r€s€ûed. 4 Yi gÐat tQv9t t,Gtft Lt tl,tt tççt t¡ ¡vr tt tþ, ml RAM No.17-038 Page F-20 Stormwater Site Plan Report I l I t, t I ll I I I I I I I I I, l, l, t