FOR REFERENCE EXISTING PHOTOS AND FIRE ARTICLERECEIVED CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 12.11.2020 BLD2020-1303 For Reference Only fl RE & POLICE November 15, 2018 S0u.th County Fire in stall s 40 smoke alarms in condos south C01mty Fire, Red CF0ss and Gibby Home fue Preven- tion teamed up to install 40 smoke alarms in 15 units at the cwmel C0ndominiums in Ed- monds last week. T,he installation comes in the wake of an Oet, 8 fire in the building that caused more than $50 000 damage t0 one condo- minium unit. No one was injured, but the fire displaced two women. At a follow-up meeting with the c0nd0minium owners asso- ciat.i0n t0 diseuss fille safety and preven1li0n, fillefighteFs identi- fied a need for smoke alarms at the Carmel "Some residents did not have any smoke alarms," said k:.- sistanf Chief of FiiJ;e Prevention Kevin Zweber. "Others had alarms that were outdated and not r.eliab1e. This is an older building with an older popula- Mon. We want to make sure eveFY0ne here has working smoke alarms to p110wde the earlM wwrung needed t0 escape a fire," 'In adfiluion t0 installing sm@ke alarms, fir.efighteFS and volun- teers helped Fesidents develop fire eseape plans. "llbda:y;'s fives bl!llin faster itllan eveF, so y01!1 need t0 0e r.eady, t0 aet <!tuiokily, when y0l!lli smeke alarm sounds," Zweber slNcd. "':Fhatmeans planning and Fegu- laPly practicing hew yeu will escape." S0u.th County Flire 01ifers fillese reeemmendatiens f0r e<;],Wppmg yourh0me with sm0ke alaFms: Beacon photo by Abby Dente South County Fire installed smoke alarms In the Carmel condos on Main Street In Edmonds In the wake of a fire ln one unit that did not have one. • Re]ilaee smeke alarms that are more than 10 years @ld. Ag- ing sm0ke alarms are unreliable and 0liten we the source 01 nui- sanee alarms. • Install smoke alarms in ev- ery l!>ecl.Foom. 'l1hey should also be 0l!ltside eaeh sleeping ar.ea and 0n every level 0f the home, Install ·alarms in the 'basement. · 1,arge homes may need ext;r,a sm0ke alal'ms. • 'llest all sm0ke alarms at least 0mee a m0:n1ih. '.PFess the · test buttan t0 Tue sl!lre t'he alarm is wor,k,irig. · • Replace )'li>ur smoke alar,m battery every s~ months unless otherwise n0ted by the manu- faetmre1: F0l10w manufacturer instructions f0r smoke alarm maintenance. • A sm0ke alarm should be 0n rohe ceiling 0r high on a wall. K.ee1> smoke a:laFms away from the kitchen to reduce false alarms_ They sh0uld be at least . 10 feet from the stove. • Poople with impaired hear- ing oalil use special alarms. 'mlese alarms have strobe lights and boo shakers.