APPROVED BLD2021-0318+Mechanical_Plan+3.2.2021_3.24.20_PM+2072067APPROVAL STAMP PAGE PLEASE KEEP WITH THE PLANS NOTE: This Stamp page must remain with the city approved plans at all times. Failure to have this Stamp page with the City approved plans could result in delay of the inspections including the FINAL inspection. If lost please contact the city as soon as possible to find a solution. Thank You. PERMITTING & DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 121 5th Avenue N P: 425.771.0220 www.edmondswa.gov City Of Edmonds Building Department Work Address Owner Approved Date Building Official Permit Number 3 VENTS 530 BELL FUMI BLD2021-0318 RECEIVED Mar 03 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Eric Carter 3-8-2021 OBTAIN ELECTRICAL PERMIT FROM STATE LABOR & INDUSTRIES BLD2021-0318 RECEIVED Mar 03 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Min.50CFMAPPROVEDPLANS MUST BEON JOB SITEALL WORK SUBJECTTO FIELDINSPECTION FORCODE COMPLIANCE