1909 Abstract of Title Civic property�"- 2 A b s t r a c t o f T i t l e t o Commencing at the quarter corner between sections 23 and 24, Twp. 27 i . of R. 3 E. W.LI. , thence South 0000' 3Q" rest along the line bvt- *�den _ aid se3ctiona 47.07 fee t - o they a terµy ne of 3rc�I Street, thence South 29,1'7' f)(.)k? Weot along staid osterly line 207,68 fe.?t, to thy'• northerly lines of Edmonds Street; thence north 60442110" Nact along said Eortherly i lr,e 572 . C78 feet to the easterly line of the county road, thence North 31``27'4U" east along Said easterly,line 275 feet, thence south 58"32=20" east 198 feet; thence Zorth 31`27-140" East 391.14 feet, thence south 8�056150" i;vst 510.30 feet; thence Sr uth 2G`' �Ye t 976.37,, feet; thence Eut terly 1014.52 feet, more or leso, thence Souther3fy 268,24 foot, nor or lees, thence Viest 1320 feet, more or less, to place of beginning, containing 15.65 acres, situuted in Sn�-homish Cocxnty, Washington. ARDERS017 GUARLNTEE LBSTRLCT COMPAZ'_', Everett, Washington. C n r- Inst No. f� United States. to Pleasant H. Ewell. Office No,. 32,8. Patent. Certificate Wo• 337. Dated Oct:. 10, 166u. Filed Nov. 9, 1C'&1, 10 A.ii. Vol. 3 Deeds, page 663. Granto : Lots 1 and 2, of Sec. 23, and Lot 2, and NIV� of S47 of See. 24, Twj,- 2111 N of R 3 E. , containing 140.75 acres, in Olympia. Land District, in Washington Territory, subject to any vested and accrued crater, mining, agricultural and, other right as provided by law. (Seal of the General Land Office) . Recorded Tol. 2, page 38. WO' Tv t1le President, Andrew Tohnson. "3y E. D. Neil, Secretary. N� Granger. Recorder General Land Office, Inst o Yo . � ' Office .To. 42 P. H. Ewell, and Warrant ; Deed. Sa.,cah Ta Ewell, his wife. Dated rich. 25, 1870. To Filed Mlay 10, 1870. '_orris Ho Frost, Jacob D. Fowler, Vol. "A" Deeds, page :197 and Natt B. Fowler. Con. '"'200. First party grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto second party, heirs and assigns, lands in 'mohomiah bounty, Wa.�hington Terri- tory, described as: Lots 1 and 2 and NAIr1 of SWPI of Sec.. 24 Trrp.' 27 IT of R T. 771 containing .146.75 acres. Covenants of general yrarranty. Ack, April 25, 1870, before H. A. Joluison, a Justice of the _'Gtace in and f®fi -Marion Clountyy 'Or&gan: Wife examined separately. Revenue cancelled 5( -gents, Tnst. No. / P. H. .Ewell , and Sarah T : Ewell, h a wife. to Fiorris H. Frost, Jacob D• Fowler, Natt B. Fowler. Office 455. Warranty Deed. Dated -.: arcii 25, 1870. Filed Feb. 5, 1689, 6.,.0 Pn:", Vol. 7 Deeds, page 513. Con. A200. First party bargains, sells and conveys unto seccnu r,arty, heirs and assigns lanais in Snohoraisii. County, Washington Territory, described as ;- Lots 1 and 2 of Section 23; Lot 2 and NW-1 of SV,'+ of Sec. 24, Tw-"- 27 N R 3 F. , ' Covenants of general warranty. Ack. April 25, 1870 before H. A. Johnson, Justice of the Peace in and for 'Iarion County, Oregon. !life acknoviedgeu sel,arately. Certificate of '--agistracy by F. J• Babcock, Clerk of the County Court of '_Iarion County, Oregon- (Sea.!)Dated Feb. 1, 1689. Rev• 50- L� TIT T I ,, PROBATE COURT OF THE COUTTY OF S 1 T OHO: =I SH , 17ASHI7GTO:.7 TE �ITORY. In the ?Matter of the Estate ) of } Case Ho. 0.. S . 10. Hat E. Fowler, Deceased. LETTERS OF A?7iI'_TISTRATIO-7: Filed ;Fay G, 1873; 1,% H. Frost is hereby appointed ad ainistrator of the estate of Flat B. Fowler, decea- sed. Witness E. C.- Fergrruscn, Clers, of the Probate Court of The County of Snohomish with the seal of the Couxt affixed the 6th day of May, A. D. 1073. By Order of the Cot:rt. E. C. Periruson,Clerk. (Seal of Probate Cot:rt) . (Properly verified) . (AD:r_I ?ISTRATO S BO=`D: Filed ':ay 6, 1073; in the muii of '1"2000.00 and signed by "Ior_'is H. Frost, C. D. Smith and Ja:-:iex Long). (I::TVEaTTORY: riled June 13, 1673; George Thompson, Daniel Hines and Henry C. Vining, appointed of said estate. "The equal and undivided o:Ze third of one hundred and forty eight acres at ( ;2.10) Two Dollars a-nd cts. per acre +123.66 One Ballard Breech loading rifle 18.00 One Double ba-rre ll f owl i ng piece "1,20.00 One Trunk � t' 3.00 :r164L.66 The above appraisement is returned to ;,ie. i=. H. Frost, Aduinistrator" . PETITIOiT Oi+ H. l+ ;OST POP, SALE' (?1+ PROP1E_:TY: Filed Apr. 13, 1874; The undersigned administrator of the estate of iTatt D. I+owle-�' late of Snohomish County, 'could res_lectf??llf represent that there ,vi ll not be sufficient means arising from the sale of personal pro,)er- ty belonging to said estate, to pay expenses of administration and to Fay for the land cla ie of said estate lying in Sec. 15 T 27 U R _ 6 E when the ti__ze co:.ies for so doing which .rill be in August next ensuing. I would therefore respectfully petition the Honorable Court for an order to sell that y�ortion of real estate lying in Sec. 23, T 27 1T R 3 E containing 48 acres or there abouts the same bein the equal and indevided one third of the tracts L-nomn as the Ewell Claue and your petitioner as in duty bo,,_nd will ever bray. I_iuhilteo :.arch 23, 1874. V :iorris =i. Frost. PETITIO OF j-. II. FROST FOR IJ TFs'-SIO " OF TI-M Tiled ..ay 5, 1874; The undersigned ad:_inistrator of the estate 7,Tatt B. Peeler, late of said County would res-')ectf,.11y petition the Iron. Court for an extension of ti::e in orde-• to clo:;e up the administration affai.,s of said estate and tirould also petition your Honor for an order to sell and dispose of so t:ch of said estate real and personal as may be necessary to ;:1eete the liabilities there of and to dffay the expenses of proving up and paying for ,;he land. cla,i]:i of said Tatt B. Fowler in Section 15 T 27 :T. R. 6 E at the land office at Olympia, when the time sha-1 arrive ror suan pTnT=g. " And your petitioner will ever pray. H. H. Frost, Administrator kdOUNT OF PROPERTY SOLD AS PER ORDERS OF PROBATE COURT: Filed ---------; Amount of property sold at auction by order of the Hon. Probate Court of Snohomish County, Sept. lst, 1874 at Hukilteo according to publication. By ---- The equal and undivided one third of 141 acres of land in Sections 23 and 24 T 27 7 R 3 E being 47 acres at 3.00 per acre Sold to Jos. McCarty highest bider y141. One double barrel fowlin piece sold to Jacob D: Fowler, hi.ghe s t Bider ti 20 . One Ballard Breech loding rifle J. D. F. 1 10. One traveling trunk J. D. Fowler 3. Total 5)174.00. By 14 Tons and 300 lbs of hay at quualeo farm, sold at private sale by order of Court to B. F. Streatch a� 11.00 per ton. ��155.65. Total. AFFIDAVIT OF PJELICATIO-T: Filed----------- Terr tory of Washington) ss County of King ) S. L. Ivell, being duly sworn, says that he is the Printer and Publisher of the WEEKLY I=?TELLIGENCER, a weekly nmspaper, published in the City of Seattle, County and Territory aforesaid, and that the Notice of the Estate of ];Tat B. Fowler, Decea- sed of which the annexed is a true copy, has been published in said newspaper weekly for five successive weeks, comiencing on the 30th day of May, A. D. 1874, and ending on the 27th day of June, A. D. 18 74 . S. A. i:,Taxwe ll . .Subscribed and sworn to before rae this 7th day of July, A. D. 18 74. S. J. Corabs, Notary Public. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF SNOHOTHISH, VASHINGTON TERRITORY. In the Matter of the Estate of Nat B. F-owler, Deceased. It appearing to the said Court by the petition this day presented and filed by I. H.Frost, the administra- tor of the estate of Nat. B. Fowler, deceased, praying for an order of sale of real estate, to --wit: The undivided one-third of Lots No. 1 and 2 in Sec. 23 and STT of NVR and !JVtl of SV+ of Section 24 in Township No. 27 north of Range 3117o. 3 East, contain- ing 141 acres, more or less, that it is necessary to sell said real estate, to pay the outstanding debts against the deceased. It is ordered that all persons interested :*-.n the estate of zai.d deceased, appear before the said Probate Court on MOi;DAY the 6th day of July, A. D. 3874, at 11 o'clock A. I. to shod cause, if any they have, why an order should not be granted to said 1.drinistra- tor, to sell the said real estate. And, it is further ordered that a copy of this order be pub- lished, at least, four successive weeks in the IITTELLIGENCER, a week- ly newspaper published at Seattle, King County, 17. T. Dated May 5, 1874. Royal Haskel, Probate Judge. Snohomi.ah County, ss: I, E. C. Ferguson, Clerk of the Probate Court of Snohomish Fo. 0. S. 10-----3. County, do hereby certif�T that the foregoing is a true copy of an order duly made and entered upon the minutes of said Probate Court. Witness ray hand and the seal of said Court, this 20th day of ay A. D. 1874, (Seal). E. C. Ferguson, Clerk. ray30-4w. AFFIDAVIT OF AD:I-I"JISTRATOR FOR APPRAISERS: Filed -----; A re- turn of the appraisers appointed by this court to appraise the pro- perty of Hat B. Fowler, deceased, having been ::lade to this Court upon the loth day of 'Hay 1073. Now comes 11. H. Frost ad linistrator of said estate and under oath says that there is still further estate to be appraised, situate in another part of the County and in order to save expenses I ask that other appraisers be appointed to appraise said further estate. M. H. Frost, administrator. ORDER TO A'JVE11TISE Ai'D SELL THE ESTATE OF HATT B. FOWLER AS THE LAST DIRECTS: Filed---.----. RETUM? OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE: Filed Sep. 20, 1874; The equal and undivided one third of 140 75-100 acres of land, known and desc- ribed as f ullows : Lots 1 and 2 in S 23 and the SW-j of the 1TJ4 and the IMj of the SUN; of S 24 T 27 IT of R 3 E sold to Joseph 1 cCarty for Three dollars per acre araottntin3 to 'r141.00 1 ?Double Barrel fowling piece 20.00 1 Ballard Breech Loding rifle ) 10.00 1 Travelling trunk 3.00 >>17<` 4.00. 14 tons and 300 lbs Hay sold to B. P. Streatch at private sale for loll per ton at the barn on the pre ai.ses at Rualeo ',;155.65. teZ2 .65. U. H. Frost, Uninistrator of the estate of Hatt B. Fowler upon his oath says that the above is a true account of property sold "by him and the: asount obtained therefor Sept. 1st, 1874. I1. H. Frost. ORDER CO TFIRiI'TG SALE Or PEAL ESTATE: Filed: Oct. 27, 1874; An order having been made by this Cotirt on the 6th day of July A. D. 1874 authorizing H. H. Frost the Administrator of the estate of I?at B. Fouler deceased to sell certain real estate belonging to said estate and aterwards to -grit on the 26th day of October A. D. 1874 said day being a day of a regular terse thereof said administrator having made to this court and filed in the office of the Clerl'.- thereof a return of his proceedings under the said order of sale and duly returned to this co -art an account of sales and this court having exmained the said return and it appearing to the satisfaction of this court that in pur- suance of said Order of sale said achainistrator caused notice of the time and palace of holding such sale to be posted as the law directs. That at the tine and place of holding such sale specified in said notice to-vrit on the 1st day of Septe:aber A. D. 1874 between the hour of ITine o 1 clock in the .;Iorning and the setting of the sun of the some day to -wit at one o'clock in the town of i-iukilteo, Sheet No. Snohomish County, Washington, he sold in one parcel at public auction to the highest bidder upon the following teinzis to -grit for cash gold coin and subject to confirmation by this court the whole of the real estate described in said Order of sale and in said Hotice to -wit: All that certain lot pigce or parcel of land situate lying and being in said County of Snohomish, Washington Territory and des- cribed as follows to-t-;rit. T_,e u.ndivided one third of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Section twent r three (23) and the Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter and l?orthwe t quarter of southwest quarter of sec- tion twenty four (24) in. Township nV.Yiber t;,enty seven (27) north of range numbered three (3) east containing 141 acres, __lore or less. That at such sale Joseph TicCa-rty becaLte the purchaser of said real estate for the sur_Z of One Hundred and forty one (141) dollars gold coin, he being, the highest and best bidder and said stun being the highest and best, suia bid., That the said sale Baas^Iegaly made and .fairly conducted that the sum bid is not dispnopo.rtionate to the valve of the property sold and that a su.i exceeding such bid at least ten per cent exclusive of the expence of a new sale cannot be obtained. And Tia.t the said administrator in all things proceeded and conducted and managed said sale as by the statute in such case made and provided. And no person interested in said estate or otherwise having filed or made any objection to the confirmation of said sale and no good reason appearing to this Court why the said sale should not be confiriaed. It is hereby Ordered a jurned and decreed that the said sale be and the saw.ae �s hereby confined and approved and declared valid. And the proper and legal conveyances of said real estate are hereby directed to be exectcted to said purchaser. Dated October 26th, 1374. R. Haskell, Probate Judge. ORMR FO1, SALE,,SAOF PERSO.TAL PT,OPERTY: Filed -----; Application having been made to the Judge of this Cot by the petition in writ- ing of 1.1. H. Frost the Ad--airistrate-r of the Estate of ITat L. Fowler deceased, filed on the 5t11 cl'sr of =Tar A- 'D. :874 for an Order to sell the personal property belonging to said e:itaL-e and it appea-_- ing to the satisfactL on of thi aL that i t is necessary to sell the personal property belon_; ng to estaite, it is hereby Ordered., adjudged and decreed that tie said sell all the person- al property belonging to -:,aid at ,i vaie ;ale a- d for the highest prices he pan get. hnd it is fuzr-tie..r ordered that the said Administrator return to this court an account of sales verified by his affidavit. Witness Hon. poyal hasx_e7.1 Judie of the sa., d P Cobate Court this 20 th day of i:iay, , A. D � 1874. Attest ray hand and the seal of said Court the day and year last above written. E. C. Ferguson, Clerk. PETITION OF _r"ORRIS H. FROST AAA OTHERS F01, LETTERS Or AMII.,TIS- TRAT I OiT ON THE ESTATE OF 1TATHAi?IEL R . FOWLER: Filed ?Iay 6, 1873. To the Hon. Royal Hassell, Judge of -the Probate Court of Snohomish Sheet No. iTo. 0. S. 10---5. County, Washington Territory. Your petitioners 'r_'orris H. Frost and others, respectfully. showeth that Nathaniel B. Fourier a resident of Iukilteo in the County aforesaid died on the twenty nineth day of January, 1873, in- testate, leaving estate in said county of Snohomish real and person- al. That he was a single zaan, havin heirs living in the State of New York, Vermont and California, and i-Iashington Territory, as will more fully appear in the affidavit hereunto annexed, that his property consists of real and personal estate, worth about the sure of One Thousand Dollars �',1000.00 and that the sane is subject to adminis- tration, that due diligence has been used and search Bade and no testamentory documents having been found, it is believed that he died without a will, your petitioners therefore pray your Honour to appoint Tgorris H. Frost administrator of the said estate of Nathaniel B. Fowler. Mukilteo Ilay 2, 1873. Morris H. Frost, H. C. Vinning, J. D. Fowler. iorris H. Frost of°:ulilteo,ohomish County, the person }famed in the above petition for administrator on the estate of Natt B. Fowler on his oath saith. That fro-1-1 knowledge obtained of Jacob D. Fowler one of the heirs the estate and Brother of the said Natt B. Fowler that the Carothers and sisters of +Tatt B. Fowler and heirs direct of his - estate live in the follo,,ing to -brit: Jacob D. Fowler at Mukilteo, Snollo_aish County, Trash. Try. 17rs. Jane Hos,ier at San Francisco, California, _`Irs. Phoebe V. Cornell, at IlTew York City, George P. Fowler at Hyd,.e Pare, -hatches Co unty, Neer York, Urs. Hattie 11. Harshall at Poughkeepsie, :D tclaes Co-,znt�r, New York, Tirs. J. W. Heevmans at Salt Point, Dutehes Cc _nt;- I '.fie;r York , and H. F . Fowler at Manchester, Vermont. Subscribed and sworn to bef cre Yse this 2nd day of Ilay, A. D. 1873. C. Vining. -otaxy Paalic, Washington Ter. CITATIO-T: Filed ------, The People of the United States C-o 11. H. Frost, Greeting. By order of this Court you are hereby cited and required to appear before the Judge of this Co_irt at the Court room thereof at Snohomish City, `Tashi n ;ton Territory on lionday the 27th day of A-,Dril, A. D. 1074, at 11 o' clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to show cause if any you have vihy you have not made any report or showing to this court in relation to the above named estate. Witness the Hon. Royal Hashel Judge of our Probate Court in and for the County of Snohomish, Territory of VagUington with the seal of -said court affixed this 16th day of Ha.rch A. D. 1874. E. C. Ferguson, Clerk. APPRAI { •:ENT OF THE ESTATE OF iTATT B. FOWLER: Filed Apr. 25, 1874) 1873 property at qualio, *751.; 47 acres of land being 1-3 of the P. H. Ewell Tract T. 27 N.R.3 East, Sec. 23 and 24, - ;apprai- sed at � 2.50 per acre, .;,1117. ; Property at Hukilteo ---; 1 Ballard rifle, w18.; 1 Double Barrel Fowling piece, ,120.; 1 Travelling trunk, $3.00; Total appraiselent :e08.00. Hukilteo April 26, 1874. '1. H. Frost, Actiinistrator. Inst. No. Iforris H. Frost, Administrator of the Bstate of Nat B. Fowler, Dee'd6 To Joseph McCarty. Office No., 226. Administrator's Deed. Dated Dec. 2917 fB77r_. Filed Dec. 29, 18742 2.45 p m. Vol. i Deeds, page 453. Con. �1141. First party conveys unto second party, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County, Washinr;ton Territory, described as: The undivided one third interest in Lots l and 2 of See. -23 and SW of IMT1 and NGTII of S7TT1 of Sec. 24 all in TN7p. 27 N of R 3 F. *. 'F". Ack. Dec, 2, 1874 before Aldridge Horse, a Notary public in and fior Snohomish;County, TTashington Territory, by said Administrator. (Seale As endorsement to the preceding deed it is recited that on Tuesday 'lay 5th, 5874, an adjourned day of the regular April germ of the Probate Court of Snohomish County, CTa hington Territory there appeared upon the records of said, Court the following in relation to the sale of the real estate, of I.T. T. Fovrler, deceased. after having authorized If. N,. Frost the administrator of said estate to sell the personal property of said estate, to grit; ° It also appeared to the Judge of said Court by the petition this day present, and filed by =T. RT. Frost the admin— istrator of the estate of Nat B. Fowler, deceased, praying for an order to sell the real e.�tate; that it was necessary to sell the whole of said re al estate in order to pay the debts outstanding against the deceased and expenses and charges of administration:" It is therefore ordered by the court that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear before said 8ourt on Honday, the Gth day of July 1874 at 11 o'clock A. at the Court Room in said Count-, of Snohomish, in Snohomish City, 77. T. to show cause why an order should not be granted to the ;;aid administrator to sell the real estate of said deceased, and that a copy of this order be published at .least four sucodssivc Creeks in the "Inteligencer", 3 newspaper printed and published in Seattle,- Kizig Count-,, W. T. Dated 7;1ay 57 1874. Signed, R. Haskell Probate Judge. Sheet No, M 1 D 22 6-- 2 . 4n the 6th day of July 1874, being the day set, the court after due consideration, decreed that as there was no objections in writing or oth.ervise to an order being granted to the administrator, H. NO Frost to sell the property of N. B. Fouler, Dec' d, and no person appear— ing to show cause vh;r such order should not be made, the court ordered that the ad:ciinistrator X.i'rost, proceed to self all the property of acid deceased according; to law. and make due return of such sale to the Court. Signed, R. Haskell, Probat? Judge. On the 26th da;;,- of Oct. 1874 the Court confirmed the sale of said real estate, the said administrator ha-, ;.ng made to the court and filed in the office of the Clerk thereof, a return of his proceedings under said order of sale and dulyreturned to said Court an account of the sales; the court having; examined the same, and it also appeared to tho 'court that said administrator caused notice to be puolished as to tirae and place of holdinj; such sale ao required by 1-VI: That at the t tae for holdin,. sue'--,- sale specified in said notice, to ':;it; Sept. 1, 18741 between the hours of 9 o'clock and l o'clock p m in the to:nh of 7fukilteo, Snohomish County, Wa6hi: ton Territory, said administrator sold at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, gold coin of the U. S. t'he real eatato specified in said order a d notice of gale 'aa per aoove dez)d; that at such sale Joseph `icCarty became the-urchazer of said real estate for tho s,.ai_a of !";141. being the highest and beat bidder; that s aid sale was legally made and fairly 'conducted; that s=)id bid wa6 not disproportionate to the value of the property sold; that said administrator proceeded in all things and con -- ducted said gale as by tdie statutes in such cases made and provided; and no person having filed or made any objection to the confirmati.on of said sale, and no good reason ring, to thin Court uhy said sale should not be confir.aec it Nva,- decreed that sa_d sale b confin-aad and declared valid; and that proper le. -;:,al conveyance of said real estate are hereby directed to be executed to said purchaser. Da ed Oct. 26, 1874. R. Haskell, Probate Judge. Sheet ITo. Inst . ITo . Office No. 269. Joseph McCarty. D e e d Tn Dated Jan. 30, 1875. Filed Hay 31, 1875. l aurice H. Frost. Vol. 1 Deeds, page 530. Con. �?-141. First party grants, bargains, sells, and conveys unto second party, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County, Washington Territory, described as: The undivided one third interest in Lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 23 and STT1 of Y.Uj and I\TW-, of Sal+ of Sec. 24 Tyrp. 27 IT of R 3 E. 7T. If Covenants of general warrant,.-. AcI.. Jan. 30, 1875, before A. Mackintosh, a Notary Public in and for King County, CTa 6h.ington Territory. (Sea,.) Inst. Noo� Off ice No . 121. :.Milton Densmore. Affidavit to Piled Sert. 4, 1890, 1.25 P.-Y. The Public Vol. 6 "e"Usc. page 499. Affiant states that he was well acquainted with Joseph ::icCarty grantor in a deed recorded in Vol. 1 of Deeds, page 530, reeoras of Snohomish County, 7.7as.iington and wherein :.--orris H. Frost was grantee, conveying lands in said County, described as:- . The undivided one third interest in and to Lot 2 of Sec. 24 and NIT of ST-11 of Sec. 24 Twj� . 27 N of R 3 E, ana that at the time of execution of said deed said Joseph ;icCarty was a single roan. Subscribed and sworn to Aug. 30, 1890, before N. H. Ares, a Notary Public in and for Washington, residing at Seattle. ( S e a 1 ). /j tT@, 14 ` aTaarI "d X ry - lar his rrife. To zo-rris Ir. ''tom at . Office 'o0 268. I..7arranty Deed. Dated Moo. 82 1874. :Filed 3--ay 31, 1875, - - Vol. 11 Deeds, page 529, ron. 200. First par-t�- grants bargd ns, sells, and conveys unto second ka-r-t y, hci rs , and assign, lands in Sno-hmmish (41ounty, "ashington Te rritorry "gibed_ as An undivided one third in terest in and to hots 1 and 231 and 81741, of ?r4 and ;r74 of 8"04 of Sec. 24, Tyra). 27 1T of ' of genetlal vmrranty. lick. Dec. 9, 1874, before !I. t;, irining, a 3Totary ?ublic in and for lashingt on `.! errito r., , by Jaoob D. "'ogler and ' -ary ?owl-.er, ;his Wife. 171fe examined separately. (SccI ) �nst I:To, Horris H. Frost. To George Brackett.. Office No. 326. D E E D . Dated Nov. 27, 1875 Filed Feb. 212 18767 9 a w Vol,. 1, Deeds, page 632. Con. Y800. First party- grants, barga .ns,sells and conveys unto second Marty, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County, Washington Territory, described as: Lots I and 2 of Sec. 23, and Lot 2 and NWI of SWj of Sec. 24 all in Twp. 27 N of R 3 E. W. H. Covenants of general warrant7 against those claiming by, through or under fi rat party only. Acko Nov. 27, 1875,, before Peter McLaughlin, a Notary Public in --.-:end for, King County,, Washington Territory. ( Saal) On margin is; " Homestead entered Nova 8, 1881.7 Inst. No. Office i`do. 122. Angus Mackintosh, Affidavit. To Filed Sept. 4, 1890, 1.25 p m. The Public. Vol. 6 Tlisc. 500. Affiamt states that he was well acquainted with 1.7orris H. Frost in his life time a.nd that 7jorris H. Frost is the same parson Waned in a deed as grantee, recorded in Vol. 1 of Deeds, page 530 records of Snohomi6h County, Washin ton, and as grantor in a deedto George Brackett conveying land6 in said Count; describo d as: Lot 2 of Sec. 23, and IMI of S'• of Sec. 24 Tw1), 27' N of R 3 1'. VT. M. as of record in Vol. 1 o: Deeds, page 632, records of said County and said Morris.' H Brost was single, as affiant verily believes. Subscribed and sworn to A;:_g . 15, 189.0, before N. H.. Ames, a Notary Public in and for WashinGton, residing at Seattle. (Seal) Inst. No. William Brown. To Office No. 299. Affidavit. 'Piled July 11, 19022 3.30 p m. The Public. Vol. 16, Iiisc.. page 505. Affiant states that he knew personally 11orris 11. Frost for uwo and one half rears previous to his death which was in 1879, and that said Ilorris H. Prost eras a single man from 1877 untill Izis deatY, in 1879. Subscribe- and sworn to Jul,:,. 11, 1902, before W. P. Pell, a Notar.-:: Public in and for Washington, resi di g at Snohomi sh. (Seal, Cor_1. Ex. Kch. ILi, 1906) Sheet No. Witt o No e / Arthur A_ De n Tc Office No. 60, Affidavit. Filed April_ 24, .895, 12.35 p m. The Public, Vol, _.0 11d ec,; page 432. Recites that in r1?.tter ,. -h tit].' land; in Snohomish County, Washingt or, ; cleoc,11bed, Beginning at ?L poi, t .GrG ,.<:.�l�e_^ IR7,.-.,rth 75--1 7 from the rzeander post cerne�� ��i tre b,'; 1 ::�ll�i�.: ',. .afi �_'�e ":jth Standard ParaIle1 at the Southwest terrier ci' Lot. _ Sec-Il p. 29 N of R 4 E. and running thence asfog _u.r . ° T;c'r'..i� 5'E t:a the gowe-r-mwnt meander lii.c on the beach t thence ert7 to r"_y al of g oaid Yneander , ne `o a: Poin, t N 1 '71 fa,,I plia,ce of begi.nn.i,n.g, thence south 150 X to p ,:,_;e of beg:t±nr_ing, �r* g; e , being a pot•'ti on of Lot 1, See. 33 Twp. 29 N of R 4 r, Affiant srtat,.ss that he hua.s lived in King County, W&shington since 3,852; that he knee,,r Iforr'i.s Ho Frost grantor of the aforesaid lands coi ';:Lnuoue _Y E rota 1854 and up to the time of his death, and that he never, kne-w the said Morris H. Frost to be a married Tian or a man hav-1.7rg a farii y. t0.ih crib,!ii and sVDr�n to ITch.� 3?, 1895, bnfar'e Go Jo ASdrusse a jff;54ar' Public,_n and for, Washington, residirg at Seattle*i'ce.-4'11 C11IT:0 T'XN Oct. 23; 18951 /3 Inst. No.. :.f f ;� e No. 61. David Kellogg,,. Af f i day i t . +'a.led April 24, 1895, 12,36 P m To Vol, 10 1iisc. page 432^ The Public . Affiant states that 'he has known MorriS, H. Frost since 1863, and up to the time e of his death that he never knew of said i'orrib H. Frost to be a married man or of his having w family* Subscribed and sworn to 11ch. 21, 1895, before C_ J Andruss, a Notary Public in and for Vlashingtol'1= residing at Seattle. (SeaCom- Ex- Od`ty 2:" 1895; l, Tnst V, Yo.,, Alexander 5Pithi7.i? To The Public. Office 1710. 1t)5., A.ff i davit , w +'i-lerl ;y' -t. 252 3U45 p m� Affiant staff a,::; That he- has been a resident of the Territory of Washington ar+d of w: e Ante of 141C..,hington fur more thEm fifty year: last past; thL.t he knew peru-,nall-Y Jicrris :yin I to a resident of the tom of ;-u.'.t-I eo in nohmish C'ount37, 71a •hington, and that at the various time .�: A'orr:` s :T Frost resided in said plat, he was the oi.xier of c:er•c :;.zn i.k-md-s in and about ham: said Town of ;"i&.11teo; and of Edmonds, and that lie convened tie Nai_d lands b;mistake or in— advertance as a Aurlc;: I . _ rost, ;-orrish H,• and 1•:ar r is Frost sand that the said ;'orris 4, `'rost wasrtHe sa.se person who e5Eecuted the variou.:3 deeds as shot7ii by the records, of Snohomish Count;;, 7ash-• ington as above ind-icuted, erroneousl; as l.-a.urice H. Frost I.'orrish I1.: :Yost and l•.or•ris Fr u.-t and that the said !orris Frost wa - t�i dower during t'..e—entire t ia_ie thLt he res ded in the said- 'i:er•r ito ry �:f 7shir_gton and up to Etnd including the day of hi s death. .Lubseri-be,d zrd owarn to Oct. 24. 1907, before `_i.eodork�; "'.� ..' '?i u. _-;:• ,- ;Jr i_. i2] ?,n( far `-'c.•,shi2'G"Con, r'esidinCs t--Cre", S''cz.1 , r`G:rr. . : x. 'ch, 20,. ,; I-. /,) insto l j, Ge irge Brackett, To 'die Publ is Office Aij. 27. Affidavit Filed Aug. 17, 1908, 3, 56 p m. Vol,. 30, Misc9 pag: 24. Ge�cge Brackett, b ing first duly swirn accirding tj law, dop.,ses and says; that he was persinally acquainted with J)seph YaCarty, tivha was the grantee named. in an Administratir's Deed, in which T'arris H. Frist, as Administratcr'fir the Estate )f Nat B. Fowler, Dec' d w%s tl:e grant ir, said deed bearing date if Dec„ 29, 1874, r-ec,)riled in IT,,)!. 1 if Deeds, page 453, records if Sn)hJ,mish C-)Linty, Waphingt in, and_ that affiant well and truly kniws that said Joseph Nt; ;ar°t�, was a .si.IF-IP' man at the time he was nammed grantee in t'- e ab . v-e :Went i .)ned Deed,. Subscribed and sworn t j Ivan,, 30, 1907, ce Zophar Howe11 3i`dd a 'vota" y Public in and for Uashington, resid9.i. , at Edm.)nds. (Seal, Ccm, Ex. Oct. 299 1910) Inst. No. / George Brackett. To The Public. Office No. 243. Affidavit. Wiled Hbh. 31, 1908, 8.13 a m. Vdl. 28, List,, pa, e 300. Affiant deposes and sa; s : that he is the sa:.me George Brackett -.rho originally platted the townsite of the to.m and city of Edmonds; that Joseph I:cCart;>°, described in deed] recorded on page 453 of Vol„ 1' and on pa.go 530 of Vol. 1, of the deed records of Snohomish County! Washington, was a, bachelor zit ul.l times and dates mentioned in said deeds. That Pleasant E. Evrell who obtained title to the said toyrnsite b;r patent recorded in Trol. 3 of Deeds page 683, of the said records, is the same person as P. H. Tcrell, who convey ed the land therein described by deeds recorded in TTol. "A" of Deeds pi.ge 197 and in Vol. 7 of Deeds, pL.ge 513 sc.i'd records. That Jacob D. Po;rler .-rho is one o' t1-1 graatees in those cer�- A tain deeds recorded on page 197 of Vol. "" -.nd p&ge 153 of Vol. 7 of deeda; is t1le sane person as J". D. Moviler, .rho conveyed ce tain 1;-.--.ds b,,- deed teco rded on page 579 of Vol, I of deeds record3 of said County' That James 11. Gephart, described as gr,.ntor in the deed records on p&ge 337 of Vol. 40 of Deeds, records of said Count;., and.in the deed recorded on page 276 of Vol. 5G of deeds of said eounty z.nd who is described as grz.ntor in that certain deed recorded on pag.s 592 of;, Volo 52 of Deed.60 was �_t all the dates mentioned in aaid deeds a baahelor, single L.nd unsma.bried. Subscribed and sworn to Ilch. 24` 1908, before 7ophar Ho-.rell 3rdo a Notar; Public in and for Washington, residing at Edmonds. (seal, C om. Ex, Oct. 29, 1910 ) Iri:,t . 170 Ii? TT7" SUP77RI01'. C' iM_ 07 T "TAT:' 0-' '7l.SM. .: ,r TO=' I'T A . T TV S170Ha Z - 4 C OU M 'fi Bari Hulbert i Ply, ritiff. VS. Yo. 993. George Brackett, DefelidL,-.t. Verdict. Ailed April 1, 1893, Vol. 37 Judg:acnts, jxg^ 10. tle thu jury in the &bov^ --,, titled action, find for the-01�.intiff, in thin uw-i of T •o 'Hundr .-d Mac tern and 85/100 DollL.rs . J. D. Barnes, ^ore san. Now on this 31st. d.,, of =:arch, 1893, upon motion of the pl�.intiff for judgrient upon s,L.id verdict, it appearod to the ;-.atisfz.ot ion of th.0 Court tht t thi t i;:ic within trhirh a motion for ne 7 t riu.l could b-. made, hcx expired anc.. --c motion or not is ^ of -notion for said n^_n trial h, s b•-� •:i r .do or fil-d ],^rein, and t:-^ Coitrt bcinr in -.11 things filly advised i:1_the promises: It i� conoid-rod, orderr�d and adjudged that the said ;lotion be grc,nted ;.nd th. t the plaintiff hve and r cover from said defendant the gum of ""219.85 with int erest t1T reon E.t fro_' t, 3 28th &..- of z.rch, 1893, and costs F.nd dis- 10;' per c. 12M burs-eme:rts of t: i� L-.c k o*1 t.ad 1^t execution i.:aue thsrr. for. John C. Donne;., In at% ITO* George Brackett, alld I,:tta Ej . "'i is :rile. To Jane C. Agard. office lauroe 382. Mortgage . Dated June 21, 1886- :51iled June 21, 1866 ' 7.30 P mo Vol. 32 lugs. page 332. S Hr' -L 'V-Tashin�7toii TerL-itory) l� Y '.ortgar'e3 1M.I.C.; . 1 1- - � C "! " - oU described as: and Sec- 2-1 Lot 2 0-f 24. 171E save and e--,rCePt :)cc. 7 'x c. f T 3 E. Lots 1 and 2 being a portion of 8 acr,-�6, more or loss, the To-�Unsitc 0 C s i .- of7-,-�L Sr_? or -ec. 24 Twp. 27 1T of of Lot cee. 23 a -nd a -porti R 3 E. roo secure of '`11500- Properl-Y executed. �I Inst o No k Jane Cc Award. To George Brackett, and Etta E., his crife . Office Ho. 164. Release. Dated Jan. 19, Filed Jan. 21, Vol . 5 I:.Itgs . Con. �11500. 1889. 18899 5o30 p m. page 240. Certifies that a mortgage executed by George Brackett and Etta E. Brackett, his wife, to said Jane C. Agard, to secure the pay- ment of .p1500. dated June 21, 1886, recorded in Vol. 3 of Htga. page 8Z29 upon the premises therein described as: Lot 2 and 177 of SYTT, and NEB of Sec. 24, and Lots I and 2 of Sec. 23, all in Tir::. 27 IT of R 3. E. V7. Iii. excepting the tormsite of Edmonds, containinc 8 acres more or less, and being a por— tion of Lot 2 Sec. 23, and of I\R71 of SWT of Sec. 24 Ti7p. 27 IT of R 3 E. W. ."I. situate in Snohomish County, Washington Territory, is fully paid, satisfied and discharged. Ack. Jan. 21, 18899 before Edmund Boyden, a Notary Public in and for King County, Wa6hington Territory. (Seale) Office L.154. no. Inst . George Erackett, and Mortgage.Dated Jan. 18, 1889• Etta E. his ;wife. 1 iled Jan. 21t 18897 5.30 p rn. Vol. 52 _Itgs • page 241. To Lordbard Investment Comp4n7'• ir_ �lloholnish County, Uashington Territor;;1, des iortgages lands cribed as: -, 1 Lot 2 1•�*; FT o f ,-1- , and I�?�'I of SsTh of �7 I.2 Sec • excepting 24; Lots 1 the, t orm-- and 2 of ec. 23 all in T'-x-rj 2'i 8 of 3 3 F. . lessl an,-- t 3eofg�a3portion site of Ea,ionds, containill acres 7 morc.or S Twp. I•nI�I of Lot 2 of Sec. 23 and rP7r1 of _ containinC. in all 372.79 acres. To secure the paimVnt of ?5000. Properly executed. Lombard Investment Company, by its Vice President- and Presiding Member, James L a Lombard. We Qeo,o Brackett, and Office No., 850 Release. Dated Yov. 12, 18900 Filed Novi 26, 1890S 1.30 p m. Vol. 109 i?tgs F page 322. Certifies that a mortgage executed by second part-y to first part; herein to secure t:,e paw-.ent of ���000� dated Jane 18, 1889, re — party Corded in Vol. 5 of ,tgs. page 241, upon the premises therein describ— ed as: 10j; Wl of Sr ; Lot 2 and PYT of S17 of Sec. 24, Lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 23 all in T111p. 27 IT of P. 8 E. 7. T. excepting the townsite of Edmonds,, situated in Snoho.:�is.i Count,;, Y°Ta6hinCto.t, is full, paid, satisfied and discharged. In witness whereof the Lombard Invest_ent Company has caused these presents .to be hereunto executed by its Tice President- and Presid— ing 1-1-ember on its behalf and it:: corporate seal hereunto affixed° ( Corporate Seal) Ack., 1Tov. 13, 1890 before Jno A. S1;;?, CoLmissioncr of Deeds for Washing ton; in Jackson :ou.�t;�, _�o. by said officer. (SeW Inst . Edo George Brackett. to office No. 6. Declaration -of homestead. Date ----. The Public. Filed :ach. 11, 1897, 10.16 i .M Vol. 12 .iisc. pege 34. George Brackett as head of a fa::gily claims certain property as a homestead and declares his intention to reside thereon in the future as his home. ,7hieh lands are in Snohomish County, Washing- ton and described as: Commencing at the 4 corner betreen Sections 23 and 24, , Twp. 27 N. of R. 3 E. running thence East 1320 feet; thence North 405 feet, thence ''lest 94 feet; thence PTorth 260 East 467.9 feet; thence Wiest to the meander line; thence southwesterly along the meander line to the point where it is intersected by the T orth line of Edmonds Street ; produced as shown by -the 2lat of the City of Edmonds, thence along the Yorth line of Edmonds Street and the production thereof in a Southe&,Eterly direction to a point 296 feet due South of point of Commencment; thence :forth to place of beginning. The cash value thereof is w1500. rely. :ich 10, 1897 before Geo. F. i-ust, a 1Totc.r;7 public in z;nd for S'Tashington, residing at Seattle. (PTo Notary* Seal shoran of record) . Sheet 1To 7`3 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtH: STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY Oz SNOHOMISH. Etta E. Brackett, I Plaintiff. 1 -Ve- I George Brackett, ] CASE ATO. 7661. Defendant. 1 Summons and Complaint, Filed Oct.11,, 1905; Said complaint states that plaintiff and defendant inter -married in Seattle King Courity,Washington, June 20, 1877, and since said date have, been and now are husband and wife, and as such resided together ujitil as hereinafter set forth, and during all of said terms and for more than one year im 4iately prior to the commencing of this suit,said parties have been and now are, residents of Edmonds, Snohomish s County, Washington; that the children of said defendants born of said marriage consist of six children, 8teorge Brackett, age 27 years; Fanny Brackett Sills, age 26 years; Nellie Brackett Sinclair, age age 24 years, Ronald Brackett, age 21 years; Edith Brackett^14 years, and Mary Brackett, age 9 years, and that of said named children only two Edith and MaiJyreside at home with this plaintiff; that the community constituted as aforesaid have accumlated and now own the following; and real and personal property, to -wit: Lots 18 to 29 inclusive in Block 130 of the City of Edmonds 7661---2. which lots and block have been vacated by the council of the said City of Edmonds: Also that certain tract described as beginning at•a point on the �1ortherly line of Edmonds St., of Vie original town of Bdmonds, where the Westerly line of 3rd St., in said original town of Bdmonds, intersects the said Northerly line of Edmonds St., thence Northerly along the Westerly line of 3rd St., pmedueed, to its interesections with the south line of e:4 d block 130, thence Westerly along said south line of said block 130, to its intersection with theNortherly line of p;dmonds St., thence easterly along; the Northerly line of jpdmondsStreet to the point of beginning, the same being in the form of a triangle and being a portion of Daley St., as shown by the Plat of the City of Edmonds. All of the foregoing land is located north of �„dmonds St., and crest of 3rd St., produced, as shown by the Plat of the original town of Edmonds, and south of the north line of lot 2 in said lot 2 of Section 23, Township 27, North of Range 3 East W.M. Also all of lot 1 of section 23, township 27, North of Range 3 Bast W.M.except the right of way of the Seattle and .Montana Railway through said lot 1 and except a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Ira Bartholoasw,described as beginnin at a point 280 feet North- erly from the northeast corner of Fdmonds and Front Sts., in the town of Edmonds on the east side of said Front St., thence runn- ing easterly at right angles to Front St. 198 feet, thence northerly at right angles 220 feet;thence westerly at right angles 198 feet Sheet NoU No. 7'661 --- 3. to the east lineof Front St., thence southerly along said east line of FrontSt., 220 feet to the true point of beginning, containing one acre. Also all that part of toe tract of land shown and indicated by the plat of Edmond as •bill Reserve", not heretofore sold or conveyed to the Seattle & Montana Railroad Company or to George Hales, to-wit:Beginning at the south east corner of lot 1 of Block 13 of the plat of Edmonds, thence running northerly along the westerly line of raid block 13 to the intersection with the easterly line of the Seattle & Montana Railroad, thence southerly along the said right of wady line to the intersection of George St., thence easterly along said George St., to *he place of beginning . Also a tract of land in lot 2 of section 24, township 27, north of range 3 east ®.H. , described as follows: beginning at the south west corner of said lot 2, thence running easterly along the said south line of said lot 2 to the southeast corner of said lot, thence north 294 feet to a point, thence west 1013 feet to a point, thence north 260 east 624 feet to a point, thence west to the west line of lot 2, thence south to the place of beginning,, containing 13.40 acres more or less. Also beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of Edmonds St., of the plat of Edmonds with the westerly line of the �� right of way of the Great Northern, thence north easterly alongsaid ITo. 7661---4. right of way 340 feet; thence westerly paralel to Edmonds St., to the inner Harbor line; thence southwesterly to the northerly line of Edmonds St., produced, to the intersection of the innerHarbor line, thence easterly along said Edmonds St., produced, to the point of beginning, all in lots 1 and 2 of section 23, township 27, north of range 3 EA.11. Also the following described mortgages, G. It. Schumaker to George Brackett, dated Feb. 23, 1 94, 4425.00;Mortgage a, Samuel Schumaker, and wife to George Brackett, dated June 26,1891,0200.00; Life Insurance Policy, $5000.00: Life Insurance Policy $1050.00 and certain farm stock and implements and household goods, and piano of the value of about $75.0, and certain other house hold goods of the value of $50. That on or about June 2, 1905, plaintiff and defendant entered into a written agreement, to divide the above described property, which ->aid division so made was obtained by fraud and coercion to ward plaintiff by defendant and was and is and unjust division, that plaintiff did not receive a just proportion of said community property, and that this plaintiff and defendant agreed to reside apart and defendant as he vrould furnish the necessaries of life, for the children, Edith and Mary Brackett,whiah children were, it was agreed to reside with this ;plaintiff; that defendant has re- fused to so provide for said children, etc; that defendant has acted cruelly toward the plaintiff; that F)la:intiff has conducted No. 7661---5. herself as a good wife toward defendant and a good mother toward zer :;aid children, and i:i a suitable person to have the care and custody and control of said minor c ildren. Prays that the bond of matrimony heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever and absolutely dissolved; that plaintiff be awarded exclusive care and custody and control of said children, Edith and Mary Brackett. That the contract of division of the community proaert, as above set forth be set aside and be decreed wholly null and void; that the court award to plaintiff one half of all the property o ne d by the said corwauni ty and such ,3ums of the support of the said minor children as shall be deemed just and such sums as counsel fees as to the court shall seem reasonable, and her costs and disbursements herein. Said petition duly verified. Answer Piled Dec. 1, 1905; Recites answer.iZn defendant alleges that on ,June 2, 1905, Lhe defendant was the owner in fee of all the real property and mortgages life insurance policies described in said complaint, that there was pending in his honorable court on said day, and action for r ivorce, and in sai6i suit the plaintiff sought to have certain sums paid to her for suit Money, and alimony and plaintiff and defendant entered into an agreement in writing to divide their properly and exchange deeds and did exchange deeds each conveying td the other certain real property; denies that said agreement for the division of property was obtained by threats or frauds. (appended is the agreement referred to.) Reply, filed Oct. 30, 1905. r 'L Sheet 7o.,:-�; No. 7661---6. 11, i Q. r:ttcc srac'.,ctt. - 'lsirtiff 1 No. 7661. Find; r, 8 of tact anti 0, nclu- fseort $ �:r`C.c)'.8Gt, - @ eT2(jt'`i5t aions of t•8w i or, or, trnis 28th day of NOV- 19�jb, st' d 0F118e con'nr' on for fin ; end deterr3+r�atio�c and the court being engaged in the trial of mother cause, said cause wBq Conti nned until i;oyember 2 A'r_, 19C15, at woioh time uud place both pt.rtiee being: present in open vc urt in nerson end by their reDnective ,,ttorrtelrs of record Lind ef:ch side havitg announced ren.dinees for trip' , wbereuc,or: i-itnehsee been svorn and examined. ;n -pen court for and on behe-If of each of said pFrties and said oanse hevin� been heLra on Chid day and continued on trial until November let. 19ib, and said hearing being fiziished on seid day and the court hevirg heard the apid testimony .nd the tuteneLt off' O,u sel anc� bei n�: ft1? ? � hdy-Ine! in the nre!'ises , doeo hereby uthe, file find enter its, I. b=::t elf ix tifi'1--rid c3ei's.)1lei t>nt inter-r,err: aci t=t ::at�i t! e, <.iz:� t ount;T, "'•� et nn '7 ;.s hington, on dune E..th, 1877, and since acid day have been bona fide residents of hdnonds, Snohomish County, Vaahin ton. Ii. Thnt there sae born the ineue of said narriaCo, taix Children, but all have erorsn and left the parents? or -re eaoept, ,-.ditb brackett, ewe 14 gears and fury Braohett age 10 yeare . III. That on or about Jane End 1905, plaintiff and defendant entered into an ai,-reement under the term thereof a division of the property of said parties vas made and nutual deade exchanged di4idW the real estate, and specifying oertain articles of personal property es being thenceforth the property of eaeb, free frovi any alain of the other,,, whioh said agreement of division of propert;, is hearebr confirmed by the Court as a fair division, except an follows to wit; in addition to the personal property therein awarded plainti-IFt, the piano in the old house be and the same to hereby awarded plaintiff and that the oactes should be removed and placed in pla..ntiff's home within ten days from the date of the signing hereof* tend by the defendant; That in Kddition thereto plaintiff be given one tog: that in addition thereto pixintipf be awarded the sun of $P.O,].JO in each to be paid b- defendannt, the sun of 60. thereof within ten da3+s herefrom end the rmain'_np, ,150.oO Ao. 7661---8• thereof llti.t'iin 60 days ]ierefrom; th,,;t in lieu of tile arr•an.:ezmenL for support of the children in s-aid aFlree.oient set forth., p1 intiff do have awarded her the monthly sum of $25.00 p--r month for the support of herself and children, said sum to be paid by defendant in advance, on or before the 5th day of each and every month, until further order of this court. IV That defendant has been �,ullty of great cruelty toward plaintV'f and rendered hr r life burdensome and that tare f.arties can no longer live f;o,' .ther as Jiusbend and v4ifu and that a decree of divorce 51ietald be granted plAntiffs unler the prayer of h..r corn- llaint, for the defend,-jnt has struck pl-.j:Lntiff and kicked fi r and has ca !-Ied h�r vile epithets and has svicxn aL liar in anf!-er in the presence of Try. r f'e..'iale children. V. Th,it plairitiff is a fit and proper person to have the care; custody and control of said ::Minor children. VI Done in oi,en court t1A.9 --- day of Janwary, 1906. Jud e. PROM TILE ROPH"'GOINIGr FITTOITIGS 0'? F,ACT TtIE COURT -..`AP,ES THE POT,LOTI G 1'1011TCLUSIOW, OF LAW: b Sheet -c.� No. 7661---9. I. That a d-cr•e:: of divorce be granted plaintiff forever dissolving the Bonds of matrimony hcr::tcfore existing bet,*een plaintiff and defendant. II• That tide care, custody and control of Edith Brackett, aged 14 years and ;nary -PracketL ag'd 10 y_.UrB be aorarded i.laintiff, but that defy;ndant be p:.;rnittad to J)ave ;laid children visit _j-dm or to go ivith him in any reasunayle runner are haretL fore, and that defendant pay to plaintiff in lieu of the agreement for the support of said children in an agreement heretofore; entered into, the sum of $25. per montii for t'',e support of herself and children, p:}yable on or before the 5th day cf each and every month in advance; that in addition to the personal property in zuid agreement awarded plaintiff defendant pay her the sum of $200* in cash money payable $50. within ten days I _erefrc:m and the remainder within 60 days here - from; that is addition to said personal property awarded plaintiff, she be iiren the piano now in the cold house and defendant place said piano in plaintiff's home within ten days ;.er(,from; that in addition thereto plaintiff be given one hog; that in all uthc:r re- spects said agreement be confirmed. acne in op n court this 8th day of Jan. 1906. r� W.t'!. Black , Judge. Sheet No," No. 76::1-----10- r 11e d L,`e e . 1:' 9 11306. ' c,r again come the. 1), :^t;i_cij ;_m lie co?.ar t '1Fc'sr�.'ir" S?t3:r'e i3O• fore and entered. its Pind].;t-.3 of r ctr iind vCiiCTL131.f)n, of Tl.a,`I and tote laid .iif' ia� n Y�ac'.e 1,er moti_r n ;'�r final ')ecbGc thereof and IIhe (*ot3rt ha; n T heard said motion ana 3tlly cunsidere 3 �'.e,^eof aid i1It z '2 rob�i g.r<�zi to e1 and 1 P j G�11_ RED, ,�T4 . � :'F"r A?., t1he br:n.:_ s of _...i;ri=non.r he ,-c tuf -r: 3r:tCf:ett a,, rac:_s -t, be azid `hc :,,vte Fi"'e he:'E:i r :'()''� ever dissolved, .,;et aside ar;d h,�1 i f'o" >.izt. l�hf't the Ci1rF:1 C'iw�t/Q Y L1Iil conL.7,01 0+ �X 1 Sr��'..:tOi. c1%'e!� 1.. j'c;!,l: it land ."a'r:i T,rac!%-c C 'Od 10 y'��'._ i.`. ti1Cxli ."10 CAliZd en n :3 aid :7t3.1"t c� 3 t7Ei cir?d �;rlo t�:2F? io YI�"'ob,'r' aw ar3, d Z,0 y)],;iS!" l":if '-hat; the; di i6ion , f Lh(^ :eat Property ;o "he pa=_•ties hereto as evidenced by _tutt.ial dzado execlzted :jzd, 'der'_ivered be and the same is hereby confi e--ied; that in addition * o the Per- con,::-1 ';)r(jPert;T in said agreement awarded p'aintiff, that there is rc.ret3 -;lsr� .warded her the piadnc in the of l house and defenr!ant is hcreby ordered to rc:ne,esai,3 ,?io.ca to plaintiffs n hataOe tOTI days Jr eref ro-i .also defciid an . :.h,al� deliver to plai.?Itiff one ho , flOW on 1-he of pl,.Ice; defendi_Imt is z2creby o dered to pla- a �iri.l 5' ,j.5 ;'ullo��s� ,50. thereo*'with z►3f.i:f' t)1.; zinm of 12DG. c a. 9 She e t"To ,�> 'No. ten days hvrefrora G�ild the rc;raining : L40.00 ..ithin sixty days here - fro , .all in addition to the pe ~sonal property in uaid agrec�ient of di7tsion awarded plaintiff; It is further ordered, ;:ha.0 defen- �-n t pa;r fo:� he sup -port of Plaintiff an h - Said chip?.-ren the sum of ��w'�.00 per month .,hc}.h said surd be paid on or be- fore •,'v2 5th Qf each •.nc. ever.-4 month in advance until further order of Court whr_ih said .aonthly allowance is made in lieu of the z�grec: ,ent o1-;upport in saald �Lgrecment fo7 a division of p ,oporty con `L'.:L7.cde 1`%V-,hcr p.:.rty }itreto zhw l enter In LLo a marri �-,:-e eon.T r:_ct with a third person within a por' o of ix monthr, hercfro-:1. act Ione It:is i �_s-ther erdered thwt defon"alit pay �z2.1 cost: cf this Dane in open Con..t this Sth dray of ;,any.:ar;, 1906. W. . BLACK,, Ju d,,e P :I'I1^I0_' i-`0i: ''tO�jFI.G", IOI� 0- DIVORCT 1ECRXE: filed Sep. 219 190':-5;petitioner prays that an order be entered modifyIng the said deerce am to the care and custody of the minor children menti..ned in the said ')scree. Affidavit �3f Service; filed -----; GhOws service on Ftta R. Cat,,�P.nter, formc-rly Etta . Erackett, on Sept. 17, 1906. OAD.` ; ��YLA!T 7G 'IV SAI ") PEiI ` I i�''�: a O _ UOTMPI Et ' TI O' p �;` �iLCHBi filed flept. 219 1906; f i lc d ?Icp t. 219 1906. (No oth:..r papers filed up to `T',Ard (�) day of July. !tiaeteen Hundred and Nine (1909). sleet 1i0*4z Inst. No.7 office No. 216. rtta '=. Brackett to Ceo Brackett) her husband. Deed. Dated June 2, 14�05. Filed Sept. 30, 19052 11.20 0.. Vol. 92 :deeds, pine 268 Con. 1 1. and ot}-_er value. party _eleao—s, 'e;ni sec and gv.it-claims to _1econ.d part- heirs and lands it:i 2DInollomish County, described as:-- - Co nne,tcin ; s.t the g Secton Corner between sec'.ions �:o and 24, .'v 27 IT- 1� 3 ' T ast. , thence South 00 00' 30" West a.lor,.O the line *bet,.:recn said Sections , 47.07 feet to the westerly line of T;_ird Street; thence south 290 17' 150" we�51U- along said ' estorly line 207.68 feat to the l,"sortherly line of i=ds.zonds Street', thence north 600 42' loll west along said--ortherly line 572.08 feet to the P,asterly line of the County Road, thence north 310 27' 40 " east along :sai.d Easterly line 275 feet, thence south 580 32' 20" east 198 feet, thence north 3-10271400 east 391.74 et, thence Sou.til 8905615011 eaot 510.30 feet, thence south 261 west 276.37 feet, thence easterly 1014.52 feet, iaoreor less, thence so-.zth�zrly 268.24i feet, increor less, thence westerly 1320 feet, more or less, to plane of beginning_,, said tract containing 15.65 acres. i Ack. June 2, 1905, before Robt. A. l-iult>c;rt, ,, Otar,,, Public i in and for ' ashington, residing; at Everett. 0 (Seal Co_n. Ex. Jan. 11., 1908) . n s t . 7 o Office 7c. 113. Etta E . h ej,, e t, t Iv i f of LS e c o _n Party . to George "3--rackett. I 1�1`a-Lrrant,y -I)eed. 'Dated June 2, 1'-)0,',,. Piled Sept. 30, 1905) 11-21 ,rol. 0,C) -)eed.51 pj!,;ejl2. Cori- ',I one. First --pa-rtygrairits, bargains, sells, conve_.,s and confirms unto second part;;-, h(A-B and aosign.­,, 10-ndc- in Snohomish County, Wa6liinE;toin, described as: -- All that IarL' of C-overnment T,Ot 2 k"ection 23, L uv; 27) izfi,��erliately to the north in Tovvn of ._d_-!!iont;.,31 lyin,,� west Of the -iP ,I't Of way of Seattle U._:`._Ont,,na `aJlv vay and betvveen e 0 ge I Street a.rib Bell _Itruct, in baid Town of Ednonds, and describ- (-,,d as follows: Beginninp- E.,-t a point on the- lirlli of the `Tortitjest_ ez,ly oide of the --..-ig:,,t of vjLjy Of the Seattle & 11,1ontana i'Lailuay 10,50 f,,-,c-t froj�q Ihe south line of said Lot, 2, nieas,.ired along, said line of the northivest-erly side of the said right of way vvhich G.-ionce no-1-t'r,,.ea.sterly along sA d ib the true point Of line of the no-.,thvveoll-erly side of ,,,aid right of v.jay to i sectioil ivith the line Of sou'u--hvves-Lerly side Of Tell Street in said Tov',In of Fd.ionds, thence no:--",-'.Mvesterly a�lorip,, sai d line of the south- westerly -tide Of -Bell street produced norttii-vesterly to the meander line Of Puget Sound, ti-.mrice saga thvveoterly a.lon,,said iiea_rid(r line -) 1, 1 to point on a. line dra,-vm at ri01' 0.niTlels frCM, trI)e point of beginning, thence .torly along; -id line d:-avj-n at, -ig&Lt amgl s f-for Sh. e t -, 0. q W.:.- No. 5'6 "Deeds ---- 113---2. uaid true point of begin?Ang to said true: point of beginning. Covenants of general warranty. Ack. June ti, 1905, before ;obert A. Hulbert, ;rotary Public in and fo-c 7'a3hington, residing at Everett. ( Seal Com. Ex. Jan. 11) 1908) . Shoot _`o. .Inst . .to .� ,,,eo3"f;E � dCICett t0 Lt;tei, EP. :i-Bracke:tt, wife of fir�3" party. Office _TO. 509. Quit-clah'i Deed. dated June 2, _L90b.- J! led. Jan. 2, 1�•Ou, 9.41.�; a.c`rl. Vol. ;2 Dee;d,, iJa% (, u07 (;on. $1.00 - i a1iAe . Pis"citva-c'ty" r0'1(,ases, i:'(3-mi:, iosanC; Ci'.Ait-clal'ti1S t0 w colld pai:'ty hei-rs acid caosl c ns, j ncls in I nohomioh County, 11,'ashington, described as: -- ;�C1111!lenc.uni' at a, ],Joint wherc the lisle b(.:tviccr. eci:l.Gns 23 and 24, 1'Oi;'IfJ:ihip 27 il.R. 3 -". , iYl.tf;'ti":,E'Ctu t-ie J.S'i '''.:'ly line of the, Co 'a r I t y OEIA, 8,;,id point be ..c.,o 'orth 001112011 Nast.1047.17 feet �ec"! ion frorl`l 6,,'id Sec';icnS; thence alo;.l, the ]oasterly lire of .sai(] county ,Road ,: ocA"t;1 3002LO I.J011 Vest 253.23 feet and ,I.Ioizth 310 27' 40" tivest 1i.%6.13 feet, t.lh.e rice sout'rn 58032' 20" Tfaot 196 feet, thence south fl° 27140" west 4b.26 feet, thence south -0 56' 50" eL," :t 510.3 feet, the ice no :•th 26° east 346.67 feet, t.-h.ence north 890 'ar;'t'0" w(-,.,t 575.87 feet to tlLe line between said ,ections 03 an24, tli.ence 'Torth 0° 11.' � 0" '_:a.st along s.'id Section 1ane 218.3J feet -to plci.Ce of be;'n,iCIIII:i i(,s, contA.nim J ,turn. 905 bc'f 0:,c, RObt ` iAlber. t i;ota.i y Public in and for 1,7aslli.ng ton., resid.in ;:.t '!�xerett- (Sea.l (;oral. 7i;x. Jan. 11., sheet "To �I� O WN5H IP 2 7- RANGE -3-. 5 ::.- " /e-- - /":= 0400' 5-5 00 Cl+ Alto —va 01, id/q-6. w --I*- - I . IS � Elm Elm Inst. ''To. George .firack.et,t and Etta E. Bra cke tt, )-!is ,,:cif e . to Daniel Patterson. Office N-o. 2b6. Warranty Deed. !)ated Dec. 13, 1904. Filed Dec. 1-, 1905, 1.15 Vol. 96 Deeds, page 256. Con. yp� 700. First pari.y p-rants , ba,rgi:tins, sells, conveys an.i confirms to second party, heirs and aosigns, lands in Snohomish County, 1r:'ashington, described as: -- Feginning� at .the no otht ast corner of Ji ront and 13dTricnds ;street in the town of 7+:dmc nos, thence rtanning 500 feet northerly along the east side of Front Street to true place of begir_i-ing, thence easterly Lit r_ig'll.t a.nr�;les with front 2t --::et 19.8 feet, thence northerly at -right angles 220 feet, ther,ce westerly at right angles 198 feet to the east side of Front Street, thence southerly along; said east side of ?�ront Str.cet 220 feet to point of be iniiin g, said trect to contvin 1 acre, 220x 198 feet. C.over.anta of Ereneral warranty. Ack. Occ. 13, 1904, before F.L. Bromi, 'Notary Public in and for Tas"Angton , residing vA }ldmonds, (Seal C om. Ex. Sept. 30, 1908) . She e t I -To . Inst 'F 3l() Geor<.e _Rrackett and Etta R'. hrackett--- to 0 .1;, . j ohnson . Office :'To. 474. 7 arrant;, Deed. Dated Feb. 26, 1906. -O i led J eb. 27, 1 ,06, 1.14 p.*,,i• 7ol. 96 Deeds, page 474. Con. 5,:800. First party ugr 'nts, barga-ins, sells, conveys and confir-,m_s to second. party, heiro and assirms, lands in Snohomish County, Ylas}iington, described as: - 1}egi-ning at the :^.•Torthwest co-r.•ner of JIront and 1:,d olonds Stre,,,ts town of Ed-iondss thence nortIaerly along; the east side of L-- - - Front Street 90 feet, thence T4aster.ly at right angles 120 fet, thence So«th.e:rly at -right z�ngles 90 feet to the North side of "Edmonds :street, thence westerly along the north ride of Echnonds Street to place 01i ' begin ins., being; a piece of land 90x 120 feet being in iJ'overrnnent Lot 1, Sec. 23, ' vip. 27, Range 3 Last. Covenants of General Ylarranty. Ack. Feb, 26, 1906, before ,�� .T.. hrcv.n, 1otar. Pif0lic in. jr -, eu r rd�tionds by (�eor e-Brac;.ett and Etild for ,7asiiington, ,,�di �g at , I Etta ". !3r?ckett---- (Seal Com. Ex. Sept. 30) 1908). Sheet o •� Init. George Brac.r:iett, `7i.vo reed f.rorll iPtta E'. _i r,;ckett. to O.V.T. J0h11 i01Z. Office '`o. 23. Deed Dated ran. 5, 1909. .Filed iriay 24, 1905, 1.48 p.m. Vol. 120 deeds, palge 25. Con . -1.00 First party ;rc•ants, bavgaifns, sells, conveys and confirms to secorid part-,-) hei'"s a;,.d SSi(;:n:i, liu-icis in Snohol.;lish Courlty, Wash- ington, described as:-- i'c� finnirir, at th nor. th��i�.,�t co:-;ler• of i,'ront and,d lends `'tr!;etS in the :.'own of t �monds , thenCO no-itrlerlY along the East side of'rorlt tr"c:t 30 feet tYlt' �cc; ce �, cl�.� ��t rit.,ht �.nr*le s 120 f .,ct, �11c�nce southerly at r:i,r•;I,t anxrlc.s 90 Beet to the no r•t'n side of' Edmonds Street, thence tivestcrly ;:lon p, the northside of - drlonds tr of to Enlace of Ye�;_n�':n�. , beiri�; c= ?�iece of land 907,x 120 feet in (ov�rnment Lot 1, :section 23, ,orrnship tit, S This deed is givers by first p :sty to co^r.ect a forrner doed gated "Feb. 26, 1906, recorded in Vol. 96 of Deeds, page 474,in v;r:ich said for.ner, deed in e_rr.o.r, de,,cri�led the al.;o`�e property as follovis: - "Begi:ining at the nortlivie t corner of ;'root; and. :dIonds ,street in the, 'iown of J�Id- onds" whereas it should read, a..s hereinabove set f.oi•tb_ s follov;s. " e�;i 'nin,f at the ,ortheaot corner. of 11'ront and -idrionds Streets i n the Town of +drlon 'J, 1'tc" No . Publ S;aee Ins . l:o . 3 GeorL.-e Brachett, sinEle. to 1,:innie V. 1111en. Office No. 206. Warranty Deed. Dated 11ov. 2, 1906. Filed Tov. 5 1906, 8.25 t_.i: Vol. 101 Leeds, page 224. Con. $320 .00 . First pz. rty conve ,s aria v:arrants to second pf=.rty lands in Snohomish County, Washington, described as:-- 11 BeEinning at a point 180 feet forth of the Yortheast corner of .Ldmonds and Front Streets in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County; thence running north along, the Fast side of Front Street 34 feet; thence East 120 feet; thence South 34 feet; thence Test 120 feet to t.,e place of beginning, being a part of lot 1, 6ec. z3, 1vip. 27 iv. R. 3 L • i •1,1 dc':r. Bov. 2, 1906, before S. F. Street, Notary Public in and for Washington, residing at Edmonds, (Seal, Com. Lx. fov. 19, 1907) . Sheet No. � v 1, Inst No. George Bract-ett , single. to F. 1.1. Carpenter. Office No. 207. Warranty Deed. Dated Nov. 2, 1906. Filed Nov. 5, 1906, 8.26 A.;S Vol. 101 Deeds, page 225. Con. -:'600 . First party conveys and warrants to second pc its land in Snohomish County, Washington, described as: - Beginning at a point 214 feet North of the Northeast corner of Edmonds and Front Streets in the City of Edmonds; thence running North on East side of Front street 63 feet, thence East 120 feet; thence South 63 feet; thence West 120 feet to the place of beginn- ing, being a part of Dot 1, Sec. 2_', s:,). 27 11. a. 3 E. WeI.I. Ack. Nov. 2, 1906, before S. F. Street, Notary Public in and for Washington, residing at Edmonds. (Seal, Com. Ex. Nov. 19, 1907). Sheet To Ins t. NTo .J q Office 'To . 38 3B Goerge Brac_.ett, a single man. Warranty Deed. to D to ci Aug. 27, 1908. Lillian I�Iinslow. Filed Sept. 16, 1906, 10.10 a.m. Vol. 115 Deeds, page 404. Con. �-s600.00 First party conveys a-d warrants uo ,second party, lands in Snohomish County, W- shington, described s: -- Corznencing at a. point on the north line of F&ionds Street of the Plat of Fdmonds, where the east lire of the alley ru_iining through Block 11 in a northerly and southerly direction in the Plat of Fdnionds produced ".ort�1, crosses the said north line of Edmonds Street, the -rice in a. nort.1ice.;rterly direction, and at right angles to said Edmonds Street 120 feet, thence in a southeasterly direction and parallel to the said no-r-ti-i ling: of Ldrionds Street 603feet, thence in a southwesterly directicri on a line at ,right angles to said north line of lidmonds Stree t,120 feet to north line ofT:drdondd;-Street, thence in a northwesterly direction along the north line of said T'draonds street 60 feet to place of beginning. Ack. Aug. 31, 1908, before Street, Natar;i Public in and for Washington, residing; at Ed-raonds, by George Prachett,--- (Seel C0r_1. FX. NOV. 191 1911). Sheet " ' I f Cert'Ificate. We hereb; cortii'-: trot the foregoing obatroct of title, comprising inArumer.tsnumbered oi. to co jecutivcly and con.ai.atinj3 3h-�etag ohowi all fk ileO or recorded in the office of the County Auditor of Snoho Iiah Court,, '-r,shinrrton, and all procoedinr i had in a.ry• (,ourt of r-:cord hold`nr; tor-r_i: in said .Couhty affoctinl; tho title to the follo-rin.-; described real property, to !:rit:Commencing at the quarter' corner between sections 23 and 24, Twp. 27 IT. of R. 3 E. of U.11., thence south 0000130" crest along the line between said sections 47.07 feet to the westerly line of 3rd st., thence south 29017150" Test along said westbrly line 207.68 feet, to the northerly line of Edmonds Street; thence north 60042110" test along said northerly line 572.08 feet to the easter1j line of tr.e county road, thence North 31027140" east along said easterly line 275' Feet, thence south 58"32120" East 198 feet; there North 31027140" e&e.t 391.74 feet,thence south 89'-56150" East 510.30 feet thence south 260 west 276.37 feet;thence easterly 1014.52-feet,more or less; thence southerly 268.24 feet;more.or less; thenceW 1320 feet,m.ore or less,to place of beginningcontaining 15_.65 acres.,except till thosq cerkr- t-ain tracts shown in preeeeding pages of this abstrf!ct as inst.-2 J We further c-�rt.if;: that thorc are no unsatisfied judgnovrs agelhTa't any grantee na .lcd ; n t__o -:r_L h at —tract affect -- the title to aaid property, as .a'io*.rnlby tl� Jud nez t -I die'e,g of the Suporior Court of the State of aTa.ahington, in and for Snohol:i.31_ (,ount;,- . We further certify th,)t there arc no due and delinquent taxes on said pr3nise4, or unredoe_i:.cd iolD_ thor,��of for delinquent taxes shocm by the tax rolls of the .aaid Snohoni ah Count- in the offic c of the Count? Trea6urer th,)reof. Except taxes for the year 1908, amounting to 428.Z5 being the lest half for the year 1908. (Except any personal taxes dnP or to become dne for the zretir 1909). We do not ce' tify a6 to an- ta.xo: or for local im— provements on sa_ d nro-ocrt--7 aho`7n by the records of the city of Edmonds. 7h.i3 certificate is up to this Twentieth (20) da.y • of September, P'i ne- teen Hundred and Paine (1909) at Eight (811 o'clock .I';. A''DrR,..0:' CUA U I : CT CO'�'A'lY. B- ABSTRACT OF TITLE TO -7/ OF Snohomish County, Wash. MADE FOR BY ANDERSON GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO. STOKES BLOCK Corner Hewia and Wetmore Avenues EVERETT, WASH. E4. CASCADE PRINTING L0. --o