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1911 Abstract of Title Block 119 Lots 23 thru 30
0 INO. 6966. I Lots Twenty-three (23) , Twenty-f oi?r (24) .L. Twenty-five; ( 5) ,�y Twenty-six (26)y Twenty-seven (27), Twenty-eight (28), Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty (30) Block One hundred nineteen (119), City of Edmonds, being a part of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (NW-1 of SVo4) of section Twenty-four (24) Township Twenty- seven (27) TTorth of Range Three (3) East of Willamette Meridian, Snohomish County, Mate oflaghin;ton. 14 •k # Ik iF 7► iF ik Compiled bythe TV E_ REAL MATE AJA U MI 0 Rol IJ IR 6) AUSTR& TrFERS EV,EI? ETTp WASH/NGTON.. Ins t runent No. United States of America,, ) P ) - To Pleasant 1i. Elwell. ) F R Instrument Grants: Lots 1 and 2 Sec. 23, hots 24 Twp. 27 N. R. 3 R. W. Y By the Presi (No Seal Shown) By E. Certificate No. 337. Act of Apr. 924 , 1820. Recorded Vol. 2 page 38, 71. Granger, Rae. G. L Io�" �o k� 46SJ RACT c o. i Znstrurlent No. P. H. Ewell and Sarah T. Ewell, his wife, - To - ?orris H. ]Frost, Jacob D. Fowler and 2Tatt R. Fowler. Warranty Deed. Dated March 25th,. 1870. Filed May loth, 1870. Recorded Vol. A. I1. page 1917. Consideration $200.00 Grantors do Bargain, Sell and Convey unto Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, with covenants of General Warranty, free from in - cumbrance, lends in Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows: Lots ATo. 1 and 2 Section 231-, Lots 2 and ITWJ of SY7J of Sec. 24, Twp. 27 -I. R. 3 F., containing 140.75 acres. Two Witnesses. Signed by Grantors. Acknowledged by Grantors, April 25th, 1870, before Ti. A. Johnson, Justice of Peace in and for the State of Washington. Sheet No........ . ABSTRACT c 0. Instrument No. P. H. Elwell and Sarah T. Elwell, his ivife, - rp C% - Iforris 11. Frost, Tacob D. ]+ owle r and '`Watt 33. Fowler. 5 - 121. Warranty Deed. Dated liar. 25, 187(). Filed Peb. 51889, 8:40 A.7% Recorded Vol. 7 D. page 513. Consideration $200.00 Grantors Rar;ain, Sell and Convey unto Grantees, with covenants of General Warranty, lands in Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows, "o-wit: Lots 1 and 2 Sec. 23 and Lot 2 and INW-f of SWa of Sec. 24, TWI). 27 N. Z. 3 F., containing 140.75.acres., as described in CertifiMtto ifo. 337 at the land office �-tt Ol�rnpia. Two ^ritneBseB. Signed by Grantors. Acknowledged Apr. 25, 1870 by Grantors before H. 0. Johnron, Justice of the Peace Yarion Co. Oregon. Certifiea',e of Clerk of Ccnirt as to J. P.Is authority and official capacity to take acknowledgment of 7Rarion Co. Ore. Sheet No ...... --' Instruilent No. TT. FT. Frost, administrator, - To - J o s e p h Pic C a r t y. 1 - 320. Administrator's Deed. Dated Dec. 29, 1874. Piled Dec. 29, 1874, 2:45 P.Q.T. Recorded Vol. 1 P. page 453. Conr:iideration "'�141.00 Know all men by these presents, That whereas upon TuesdiAy, ;'try 59 13749 the same being; an adjourned dF,.y of the regular April tern of the Probate Court. of Snohomish County, IT, :rhington Territory, among other business transacted by said court, th-re appears upon the records of said court for the said day, the following in relation to the sale of the reel estate of N. P. Fowler, dec'd, after having authorized 7% IT. Proct, the administrator of said estate to sell the personal property of said estate, to -wit: "It also appearing to the judge of this court, 'by the petition this day presented and filed by 11. IT. Frost, the adminis- trator of the estate of TTat. 13. Powler, deceased, praying; for an order of sale of real estate, th,:).t it is necessary to sell the whole of the real estate to pay the debts outstanding against the deceased and the expenses and charges of administration, - It is there:fore ordered by the court that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased, appear before the said court on Yonday, the rth day of July, A.P. 1874, at 11 o'clock, A.M. at the colzrt room of said court, in Snohomish City, IF. T. to shoe cause why an order sho,.i.ld not be granted to the Said administrator to well t1h,e real estate of 'the said deceased, and that a copy of the Order be published at least four successive weeks in the Intelligencer, a newspaper ,rintued and pub- lished in `ieattle, King County, W. T. Dated Il y 51 1874. R Haskell, Probate Judge. And upon the said 6" day of July, 1874, being; the time set for hearing said application for Order of Sa1c of said real estate, the record of :said colart is as follows, to -wit: In the Probate Court of Snohomish rounty, Snohomish City, W. T. Nonday, July G, 1874. Estate of 11. B. Fowler, deceased. (Over) Sheet NO ......... `.l. . led Instrunkcrit "'o. -= t'.on. 1 - 320. Coi? rt rnet pursuant to adjournment. '10 objection being made in writing or otherwise to an order being granted to the administrator, M. 11. Frost to sell the property of N. B. Fowler, deceased, and no person appearing to contest or show cause why Much order should not be made - It is ordered by the court that the administrator, l'. TT. Frost pro- ceed to sell according to law, all the effects and property belonging to the said Nat B. Fowler, deceased, now in his hands and to make due return thereof to this court. Sig-ned : R. 74aBkoll, Probate Judge. And Whereas, upon the 26" day of October, 1874, the following or- der of confirmation of the sale of said real estate was matte by said co:zrt, in words and figures as follows, to -wit: In the 'Probate Court of Snohomish County, Territory of "r-Ishington. In the matter of the estate ) of ) Order confirming aale of real estate. Nat 'S. Fowler, deceased. ) An order having; been made by this court on the 6" day of July, 1374 authorizing V. IT. Frost, the administrator of the estate of "Tat i3. Fowler, deceased, to sell curtain real estate belonging to Baid estate, and afterwards, to -wit: on the 26" day of October, 1B74, said day being a da,-r of a regular terms Viereof, said administrator having ma&t to this court and filed in the office of the clork thereof, a return of his proceedings under the said order of sale, and duly r=:turned to this court an account of sales, and this court having; examined the said return and it appearing; to tvie satisfaction of this cu,.irt, that in pnrEiiiance of said order of sale, said administrator caused notice of the t tvge and place of holdin(; such sale to be hosted as, the law directs, - That at the tide and place of holding, sii.ch sale specified. in, said notice, to - wit: on the first day of September, A.T). 1874, between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning; and the setting of the sun of the same day, to -wit: at one o'clock P.M. in the Town of "sukilteo, Snohomish County, W. T. he sold in one parcel at public auction to the highest bidder, ;xpon the following terns, to -wit:, for cash, Gold 'loin and subject to confirmation by thia court, the whole of the real estate described in said order of sale and in said notice, to -wit: All that certain being in said county follows, to -wit: The and the SWi of 1,Rlf an containing 142 acres, lot, piece or Parcel of land, :,ittAZ!to, lying and ()f Snohomish, 18ashington Territory and described as undivided one third of lots 1 and 2 in Sec. 39 d NWJ- of SW-j of Sec. 24, in Twp. 27 N. R. 3 E., more or le.,, Sheet No...... _.i'.. . (Over) Instrument No. " - Con. 1 - 320. That tit such sale, Joseph T:IeCarty became the: pi.krcht.ase3r of said real estate for the sum of One Hundred and forty One (141) Dollars, Gold Coin, be being the highest and best bidder `Lnd said sure being the hi ;re;st and best sum bid. That the said sale was legally nade rind fairly conducted; t1h t the surd bid is not disproportiure.atc to the= value of the: -Property sold and that a sum exceeding ouch sum at least; ten per cent, exclusive of a new sale cannot be obtained a,iel thaat the said administrator, in all thi»gs proceeded and conducted and rianaged said sale as by the statute in such cases na.de and provided. And no person intere:ated in the said estate or otherwise having filed or made an�r objection to the confirmation of said sale:, and no good reason appearing to this court why the said sale should not be confirmed. 1t is 1-ioreby order,r'd, eWjudged ,vid docreod th,,.t tho so.id sale lie and the: svaiie is; 1�L:reby confir}ncrl aiid s.pproved and de:elared valid and the proper zoid legal conveyances of uaid real. estatc are: bereby directed to be executed to said purchaser. Dated October 26th, 1 '14. R. Naskell, Probate. Judge:. ',Tow The..•e:foru, I, ". Ti. Front, the adrginio',rator, duly appointed and qualified, of t}.� �eState, of Nat l?. Powle.r, deco aze:d, Iz-Ox of e:ai.d County of Snohomish, Wa.,hi.rq;ton Torritory, Far s=_tch nArtini.ctrator .-lfore- said, in lure Once of the order la6t raforesaid of the f3aid Probate Court and for and in cc;n5i_tie_!ra.tion of the said sure of One Hundred arid Forty One (,4,141.00) Rollers, C.ld (loin of the United States, to ne in hand paid by the Bald Joseph McCrarty, the receipt Whereof is hereby ack.nowledi;e d, do b-,r tILOW.' presents Grant;, '` arg€'aizi, 'ell and Convey unto thcN f3aid Jo;3eph 7'tcCa,rty, his heirs and asesi, ns forever, ull th:! rir-},t; , title, intor•c�ast and eist,ate of 1-.r.e geeirl. i%�,t D. T'owl;;r, docc herd, at the time of his death and f,.lso all thu right, title and inter° at that the Buid estate b operation ref lawor othertiai.e.ye, r�a�� havf: ;.cq�� r~r:ct, other than or in additiori to that of said intestate at the time of his death, in and to gall thu4, certain lot, piece or parcel of land above; described and set forth in said ord`:r, confirming; said sale rynd being -Atuate in Snohomish County, Washington Territory and described Far, follows, to -wit: Lots 1 land 2 In Ce c . 2 i, tnd the; S V-� of thr. '?"1J coid 77-;} of tTie; MV-4: of Sec. 249 '1`+rrp. .27 1I. R. 3 E. 17. "r., containing; 141 acres, of land more or less. To have and to hold all and singular the above sne:ntioned and de- scribed pr niis,:'s, to,-ethk r `:Yit:h the appurtonariceo unto the. said Joseph YcCarty, his heirs and assigns behoof forever. to his and their sole use:, benefit and YQ.W M Sheet No... _ ... 1... . (Over) Instrument No. 1--_ Con. 1 - 320. ITT WITNESS WH.EZFOF, I, the said administrator have hereunto Bet my hand and seal this 29th day of :13ecembar, A."D. 1874. Two Witnesses. Morris H. Frost, Administrator of the Estate of 1Tat Ii. Fowler, deceased. Acknowledged in regular form by 1�: H., Frost as administrator of the estate of Nat B. Fowler, deceased, on Dec. 299 1874, before Eldridge Morse,'rotary Public in and for Washington Territory. (real) sheet No.._.... .. f�.___ Instrument No. Joseph T'c(,arty of Seattle, FinE; County, Wash. Ter. , — To — I.laurice TT. Frost of Snohomish County, Wash. Ter. 1 - 365. Warranty Deed. Dated Jan. 30, 1875. ) Filed ?ray 319 1875. Recorded Vol. 1 n. page 530. ) Consideration '�141.00 Grantor dogs Grant, Rargsin, Sell and Convey unto Grantee, and to his heirs and assigns with covenants of General '.de.rranty, lands in Snoho- mish County, Washington, described as follows, to -wit: An undivi,'led o-ne-third interest in Lots 1 and 2 in Sec. 23 and the S*j of the 1774 and the INJ of the SWj of Sea. 24, Twp. 27 ''. R. 3 F. 'Af. '�. , containing 141 acres of land more or less. Two Witnesses. Signed by Grantor. Acknowledged by Grantor Jan. 30, 1675 before A. Mackintosh, ]dotary Public for Washington Territory. (Seal) 5� Sheet JY'o.. _ _ _ _ . x_ _ Instrument No. Jacob D. Fowler and Vary fowler, his wife, - To - Morrie '4. Froat. 1 - 364. Warranty need. 1 ' Dated Dec. 8th, 1374. Filed *Ray 318t, 1875. 1 Recorded Vol. 1 D. 529. Consideration $200.00 Grantors do Grant, 'Rargain,,Sell, Remise, Release:, Alien and Confirm unto Grantee, with covenants of General Warranty, lands in Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows, to -wit: The equal and undiv _,loos one third part of: Lot 1 and 2 Sec. 23 and SWk of NW-k and of SW-j of Sec. 24, Twp. 27 1f. R. 3 E. W. IT. Two Witnesses. J. 1). Fowler. Mary Fowler. Acknowledged by Grantors Jacob D. Fowler and Teary Fowler, (nary Fowler being; examined only separately) before 11. C. Vining, a Yotary Public for Washington Territory. Dec. 9th, 1374. (Seal) Sheaf No...._ Instrument ]To. I - 421. ?orris II. Frost of 24,ukilteo, ) Warranty 7)eed. Snohomish C,,unty, Washington ) Territory, ; '-Dated Nov. 270 1873. - To - ) Filed Feb. 21, 1876, 9 A.Y. ) George Prackett of King County, ) Recorded Vol. 1 ). pupae 632. Washing -ton Territory. ) Conaideratiun-11300.00 Grantor does Grant, .Bargain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto Grantee, and to his heirs and assigns, with colrenants of general Warranty, lands in Snohomish County, 7ashington Territory described as follows: The Logs 1 and 2 of Sec. 231 the I,ot 2 and the W14 of the SWi of Sec. 24, in "iwp. 27 N. F.. 3 E., in Snohomish r'otxtlt;r, Y,einf; the claim heretofore oNmud by Pleawant H. F1ve11 Two Witnesses. Signed by Grantors. Acknowledged in regular form by grantors on Nov. 27, 1875 before Peter TrcLaughlin, a 'iotary Public for Washington Territory. (real) Endorsement : Homestead entered Trov. 89 1B 1. "-Y Sheet No.......g -.. �o ish �, A6STRA�T . CO. In:�trument ?To. C'. Lilton Densmore, Angus ) Complement to rignmatltre. T'lack intosh, ) } Dated "o - ) Filed Sept. 4, 18900 1:25 P.11. T h e P u b 1 i c. ) Recorded lrol. G Yx. Ira!-,e 499. Stator of 7ashington, Coltnty of Kins;, `3S Iiilton Densmore being first dul,T sworn clopos (m raid that he has been a resident of 17-ea.ttle, Washington for 19 years lst,ztt paBand, that he well !cnecv Joseph 711cCarty grantor in doed To. 6 of aceoT.ipanying abstract said derd being of r-ecord in ',rol. 1 pages 5.50-1 of deed records of Snohomish County, l:nc�rein i`orris 11. 'Prost vrF,,.s (-rantee conveying the following; described tracts3 of land, to -wit : ,'he undivided one third interest in and to lot 2 Sec. 23 and i ? 4 ofr t <.. i21 a hat r.t -the time of execlttirtgr said deed the said Joseph 71r.(", ,rty was a si;rigle farm and immarried. Milton Densmore. Subscribed and sworn to before me the undersiynide TTotary Public this 30th day of August, A.D. 1390. IT. FT. Ames, .iTotary Public for `7aish. , rejaidizil., ca.t `'eattla- (real) Ktate of Washington, County of King,, rS: Artf;l.ts ::.tckiritiBh being; first duly sworn deposes and says that lie has been a resident of lopmttlo, 7ashington, for 20 years last passed, that he well kne,,v 7�orrl5 11. Frost, in his life timer, that the said '`orris IT. Frost is the sanin person nam,!d as grantee in deed 'To. G of actor<laanyirtg abstract and that the sidid frost is grantor in deed ?1o. 7 of. said abstra- ct -Aierein he deeds to George Brackett the following described tracts of land, to -wit: Sheet No.--.___i.�..- a 6T 51 RAt co 4 Instrument 'To. Con. T-ot 2 Sec. 23, and 79i of SWJ of Sec. ?4, Twp. 27 N.' It. 3 F. together with other 1a rids. Said dead being; of record in the Auditor's Office o: Snohomish Co., Washington in Hook 1 of dead records on page 6.52-3 that at the time of receiving said first deed and at t irie of ex- ecuting the last mentioned deed the said Morris 71. Frost was a single man and unnarried as affiant verily believes. Angus ?"ackintish. Sitbscribed and sworn to before me the undersigned ?fotary public this 15th day of A,gnist, PI.D. 1t390. H. ?T. Ames, Notary public for Wavvh., residing at Seattle. Oseal) 0�1SH r0 � r� �t • ABSTRACT c o. Instrun,ent No . _r e^ 3 Y. 524. Jane i,. Azard, ; Satisfaction of ?Tortgage. TO - ; Dated Jan. 191 1889. George Brackett and Etta E. ) Filed Jan. 21, 1889 v 5 :40 P.M. Brackett, his wife. ) Recorded Vol. 5 M. page 240. Know all men by these presents, that I. Jane C. Acard do hereby certify and declare that a certain mortgage bearing. d.4te3 the 21st day of June, 1886 made and executed by George 'irackett and Etta R. Brackett, his wife to ,Tine C. Agard whereby, Lot ? and Wj of SW-; and ITE-j of Sec. 24 and Lots 1 and 2 of See. 23, all in T". 27 IT. TZ. 3 7. 17. 71. , excepting Townsite of Edmonds. were mortgaged for the sum of $1500 said mortgage being recorded in the office of the County Auditor of Snohomish County, Washington Terri- tory in 'rolume 3 of "Vortgages on page 832, together with the debt thereby secured is ful'.y paid, satisfied and discharged. Two Witnesses. Jane c',. Azard. Acknowledged in regular forrR Jan. 21, 1B39 by Jane (",. A and before Edmund Bowden, tTotar"r Public for Wa,ehington Territory. Seal Sheet No.. _ _ n .... F f9 n Inst rurtr!nt iTo . d George Brackett and Etta E. T:rac];ett, �iis wife; of Snohomish (Iminty, Tor. - To - loribard Inve otme nt Company. 6 1-1. 525 . t' o r t g a e. jDated Jan. IB, Ism.). Filed Jan. 21, 1889) ►5 :30 P.? . i Recorded Vol. 5 IT. page 241. ConBidera.tion c' 5WOO.00 Grantors do Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto Grantee, lands in Snohomish Co,1nt,7, Washington Territory, described. as fol owo. The 'n`.' , the .,7i of the c,`,".'-, T,ot; 2 G.r1d the iry7;', of the S`':x of ;"ec. 24, Tots 1 :-nd 2 of "ee. 23, r,,11 iii `Ovifp. 2'/ ". It. 3 r. i7. 7., except the townsito of Edmonds, conta,inilig in all 372.75 acres, more or less. First pRrtie:s covenant, t}tat their have: good right to convt:y said premiEvs that said prertiseti are free fror incumbraricuB, that they will warrant grid drfend the title against the lawful claim of all persona {,.iia.t the;► will pay to second part at the office of the Lombard Invest- ment Company in Kt,.nsaa City Yo. , .,a.5000 on the first day of Fr; Drttary, 1894 with interest from date until paid at the rage of G;': per annum pay- able semi-annually on the first days of February and Aitgust in each year in accordance with the five ;promissory notes of said first Marty of even date herewith. In case of default in any payment for the period of 30 days after the same becomes due or in default or performance of any cove:riant herein contained first party agrees to pay 12;' interest semi-annually on said principal note from the date thereof to the time when the money shall be actually paid. Two WitneBzos. Signed by ifra.ntors. Acknowledged Jan. 21, 1839 by Grantors before Edmund Bowden, ?rotary Public for Washington Territory. (Seal) For satisfaction of this mortgage see Vol. 10 of Mortgages page 322. Lysons, ('o. Auditor. Sheet No ....... L'.2. _. Instrument No. 10_ Lomba}.d Investr.ient Courany, (;'c,orge Brackett. Release of Mortgage. Dated Nov. lti, 1890. Filed Tfov. 261, 16903, 1:30 P.I.T. ) ecorded Vol. 10 T'. page 322. Grantor does he;:•cby release a certain mortgaire riade by Goorgo Drack- ett and wife: to said Lom-hard Investment Company, being; for 5000. dated Jan. 1,3, 11199 and recorded in Book 5 of Ttortgage:s, al, page 241, records of Snohomish County, State of Washington, Jan. 21st, 18899 at 5:30 o'clock P.11%, upon the folloviing, described land, situated in Snohomish County, State of Washington, t o-wit : The TIEJ, the qT of the SEJ, Lot 2 and the TTW-4 of the SWJ of Sec. 24, Lot 1 and 2 of ;;ec. 93, all in Twp. 2? ?f. 3 I . W. Y1 excepting etc etc as is nure particularly described in T'ortgug-01. In Jitness ';'hereof, the Lorlbard Investment Company has cilused these presents to be executed by its Vice President and Presiding meraT)er on its behalf and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 12th day of ?aoverdher, A.D. 1890. Two "fitnesses. bombard Investment Company, By Janes L. Loribard, Vice President and (Corp. real) Presiding raeraber. Acknowledged Tfov. 16, 1€390 by Jar:ies L. Lombard, Vice President of the Lombard Investment Company who acknowledged the execution of the same to be the voluntary act of said Com;)any and that the corporate seal of said company was thereto affixed by its authority, before John A. Sly, Conmissioner of DeFyds in and for the State of Washington. (seal) Sheet No. Instrument No. C - 815. George Brackett and Etta E. Brackett, Special Power of Attorney. his wife, both of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington. Dated June 25th, 1890. - To - 1 Piled June 30, 1890 1:3o P.M D. B. W a r d. i Recorded Vol. 6 Uz. 420. Grantors do make, constitute and appoint Grantee, their true and lawful Attorney for them and in their name, place and stead to make, sela and deliver deeds and other assurances of conveyance to the follow- ing described property or any part thereof, to-tt: -- The West :,,alf of South west quarter of Section Twenty four (24) fownsi;.ip Twenty seven (27) Range 3 East (W+ of STI) except that portion of jLand in plat of Edmnds Snohomish County, Washington. Giving and Granting unto said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necess- ary to be done in and about the premises as fully to all intents and purposes as they might of could do fi personally present. Hereby ratiXying and confirming all that their said Attorney shall lawfully do or czli,se to be done by virtue of these presents. Witnesses. John N. Martin. 0. T. Roscoe. Signed by Grantors. Acknowledged by Grantors June 25th, 1890 before Frank Ashcraft, Notary Public in and for the State of Washirgton, residing at Edmonds. (seal) Sheet No. LA, 6 L,41_-- - 1, it OF EDMONDS llUM1sll co In;-: t ru1:w Tit; ' ro . t" George Brackett and L•'tta E. Brackett, husbiind and wife of Edmonds, I';lohomish ('ount yp �Tc19�1. I:inneapolis I ealt y and Invest- ment (:ompany, a corporation. 205. I) e e d. Dui,ud Tul;r lei, 18uO. Tiled , u.";_y 2,', 1,B�)O i P.... Recorded Vol. 10 1). pare 536. Com-iderat i.on :'s369000.0;() (fralitorb do Grunt , Bargain, Sell, Coiivey and (Ion:'irra Tinto llran ,ee, its successurs and as"ilms3, 4rith covena.ritr; of general 1-{<,r'r•a,rit;,r, ia:idn in (,nohomtsh r1mint-v '�Vashil.Ig'ton, de,�cri ed as follows, to -wit: � ' , '1' 4 atzd t�Zc. 1rtr_1 �, ,., of tilo �., 1 d"nd ;h' -1 � �+�^13 ., ,� i F, _,., 04:z:lcl t; h ; ', i .31Y, of QI r t ,;id,� all g A_�.�o of uhe ,,_J,r of Soc. 2f), Al"o of 11-11 uv7.1 of c. ..., "',',up 27 :'xcE3i�t i;hc�t pCi•tion of "he s<a:ie included aithin tho origiin 1 1.m nsite of Fdmolids. I'xeepi:iil„ further that certain fire acre t,rv.ct deeded by freorfro Rracke-tt t G John %s,ni�i'.r ()I1 .,l �ll<Li;(: 1';t Li1g 1I1(_ Y)L ] 11�; 171 t�lv r:_`, � c? .'lE) of _y 1 ;sec. ��r1, 'lsr3,. i 2P� _. ,. 3 Said Jarranty Teed also to include that certui.ii tract of land: ,3eginni:1�; at the Ia n$ of Trot two in Sec. 2/1 ';',.rp. 27 �r. T,. 3 iI. '7. . , th.Gnce running ,southerly 30 rods, thence Westerly 30 rods, 11henee '•Torther- 1,j 30 rods, t.1ioncE: 80 rods t o place Of I)efri. ji,,Ig, CU'r.l tai11iI 15 acres, morn. or :Less. Also to include that certain tract of land: Beginning, at a po'Tit 360 ft. rorthorly of the, cor_11c!r of Lot 6 in -Block 14 of the Original Pl,_,.t; of _'i'diuondo, running thence in a-Iortheu tc:rly direcl.iorl "lolis; tho ':V. l ine of t -rqe ('musty roan to the TT. line, of T,ot 2 in ec. 24 `r',rp. 27 r. `;., th�:nce `J. to the line of lligli water l;a,-1r, of Acti.iir,:.11,y Inlet, thence Soitt,lE.rly fol loyrinf; the I overlL�ent I oundor line to a point LAW,ft. !ort}l.eastE;rl;j of tho irlt,c;rcc coon of the jr. lino: of staid Trot 6 in Block 14 quid the. Govoriji'tent ' ouii6er li.rie, c;hc:rlce astE:r-1'r tothe;)lace of beginning. Shcet No -------- 0___ .oars ;co err" 4G� 49 ACT . c o• (ovul-) Instrument ''o. Con. Witnesses. 6 - 205. Signed by Grantors. Ackno led ,ed by Grantors Tuly 15, 1890 before Frank -8. Weistling, 7otary Public in and for the State of Wt.shington, residing at .Cite of Seattle, Wn. (Seal) Sheet Nn.._....._. isti c 4BSTRAT CO. L Tnctrizrient 7o. // � 10 % 302. i. fill r f,, Wroliol-MMT COTT 2y. IT T' - .1 () p I J , I � . I : d., 0� J, ( 'Yn.�Oiiugton on relation t I of T. 711. 11 t? f -f`n r -ni-ow.scittiml-, A t. t o rno,r for t"nol-ioniBi 113ount,,J Pl.--%iiitiff I T-is Parldens Iro. 1266. 11 : 3'; A." I i \r - - - 1 . �(-, C C) ru'l d " ul. I L. P. pto,c, 1) n 1 .1 t i-co is� "I,�-,-�-.by ir- ven tj, Jetio,l th,-• -or--or Col.irt of j--O-d colility. ",.ho object of said action is to ha-1m, duclal.("d , 1. 4- forfF�Jltnd no callo,6 Ar',-iclel� ()-LF Incor� o i G11 1 I �-,Ilwali ab t1m 7'innO.a-,.-:i Ji,- "VialtiT -Und Invost-ent COTI-Ully W1 'J1C- ftroljnd th;11, StUd ('OnIpally havo don.e and Orm-Iitt(�o acts) wliich ariount to i. Eurronder altcl forf(�itlwo of the riirlits priJvJJE-i1rOi,, VB zL corporation. Propert:,), affectf.-d Las follow:z: '3B-LWwid hrand. of tho 1j_ and e E611 in �,wc. 24 27 '6 AT,"O of 0 of 113ec. 24, T.%./p. 2? T. Rxicept, ng that ort ion of same i-ricl-ided -aithin the Original Townsil'a of Ednwids. 11-1-xceptin; further tht-it five acre tract de(ded by Geurge infr Jn the �Of thf' "racke-tt to Tohn Anderson Fiitualt.o. 17inf., aiid bo[El X, Also to incliido that cortain tract of land. corriencint- at t) in, f . clizarter of Lot P, in ")c'I.c. 241 Dap. 27 '. R1- . � ---i. 1. 11 . 7 thence runnrq-1 Sout)*wril,r 50 rods, thence ' Vresterly '-10 rods, thonce "Tortherly 3(1 rods,, thence. 7,aw'l—rly ('30 ro(12- to place of begimiinr , containing 1,15 acres snore or less. Alno that certain tract of land coimiencin,-, at a point 66o foot 'T. ie,azterl,r of 11.1to 7 i cornor of 7,1A, 6 in Blook lel of the Origijuil plat of 7,dmonds, rminiiig, thnnce in ft direction a1w.mr; the '-7. 1.1rie , r -he road' the line of T,ot 2 L u c . i,)4 T � 1p . 21 r/ T . T 3 BI of tP• t31!y ; I C o ihu 1i1te of )ligh aut(,-,ar3,of Admira L y Inlet thcucc o th- eaztt�rl,r -follow' nr7 thr, Covernt�ont i eander lino to EL -i)oint- -'.S60 feet Qi o ne, e 7-'j'--�Wxrly to place eastorll.r of thr) inllt rsectimi of tho 'T. IiTIP,3 of !-, ginn in�,. Over) Sheet In,.t riii'ent Clwi. -,2. Also all of" the following tract : 19-ginning at the ?Mr corner of T,ot Bin 131ock, 13 in the original lown6ite of Ednonds, thence 'i. eaetorly along the 71. WIly line of Block 14, to a point 200 f of from place of beginning, thence I-VIly on a line parallel with the line of Bell :33treot to deep and nd to the burbor line when established, thence 9out1ruest©rly on a line parallel with Front Street Two hundred feat, thence to the point of ciginniri.-. Also Lots 11 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ,also Lots 35, 36, 37, .58, 39 and 40 all in 'Tack 871, also Loth 35, 36, 379 38) 39 and 40 in Block Fib, all right, title and iriterost in the 117- of Block 136. All on the plat of the City of Fd_r:onds. Also that certain wharf ftt Edmomis to longing to the so called stock holders of the so called Minneapolis Realty and Inveatment Conpany and standing in the name of tho said so called Company. All of the above described property is involved as to itf> -1-ttle in the above untitled action. (Entry in Clerks office says Action dismissed). Sheet No.. _ _ . _ . `r Or �GS x� ABSI'RA(T t o. Instrument No. 'r.A-G0 .L., t(le Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Kind; County. State of "51a.shingto n, ex rel F. 13. Stoneman, Plaintiff , VS. F. W. Peabody, et al, Lis Pendens , ,.o .15687 Filed Uay 24th, 1893, 10. 35 A1.1 Rec. Vol. 1 Lis Pendens, 66 Yotice is hereby given brat an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of King County to determine all and every claim, es- tate or interest of said defendants or either of them, adverse to plaintiff, a.na that t-.e property described in said suit is situated in Snchca7i_sn County, Washington, and described as follows: - The North ',west quarter, the W+ of the SE-1 and Ei- of SW-1 and the S'Yj of the SWg, in Sec. 24, Twp. 27, N.R. 3 T. Also the Tv''E-1 of the NEJ of Section 26, Twp. 27, i<.R. 3 E. Also th�iViffroof the, SW of Section 24, Twp. 27, '?.B. 3 except that por n of the sarne included within the original towns ite of Edmonds. Excepting.further tit 5 acre tract deeded bir George Prackett to John Anderson situate, lying and being in the ZJE4 of the SWJ of Sec. 24, Twp. 27, N.F'.3 E. Also to include that certain tract of land; Beginning at t�.e T of Lot 2, 5ec. 24, Twv . 27, 1`r.P.3 E. thence running southerly 30 rods, thence Westerly 80 rods, thence Northerly 30 rods, thence Easterly 80 rods to place of be4 nning 15 acres, more or less. Also that certain tract of land,; Cornnencing at a point 360 ft Northeasterly of t'fte E7E corner of Lot 6, in Block 14, on the original plat of Edmonds, thence running in a Northeasterly direction along the West line of the County road to the north line of Lot 2, in Sec. 249 Txp. 27, N.R. 3 E. thence Test to the line of high water of Ad- miralty Inlet, thence southwesterly following the government meander line to a point 360 feet northeasterly of the intersection of the north line of -Block 6, sai d Block 14, and the government meander line thence Raoterly to the place of beginning, together with all littoral and rij;a,rian rights and rights of purchase of tide lards in front thereon . nGest & Henderson,& 71.T.Scott, ttorne;rs for Plaintiff, Sheet .N'o. . - - - Instrument No. 11-m-103 In the United States Circuit Court, !Tinth Circuit, District of Wash- ington, Northern Division. James H. Bishops ) Lis Pendens, VS. } Filed 1,1ar.` 16th, ! 95, 2.15 11 F, 71. Peabody, et al., ) Rec. Vol..l, L-is .PE,n. 'age 5S Notice is hereby given that an action has been cormflenced as above which involves the' title to the' property described in the instru- ment recorded in Volume 1G' of Deeds, Page 563, records of Snohomish County, Wa'shir_gton. Fay, Crest & Herd erson Attorneys for Plaintiff. Note. We can find nothing further recorded in this County. --is► co ABSTRACT _ co• Abstracters . 0 yrstr=ent ANo. 5-m-155 I-Iinneapolis Realty & Investment ) mortgage, ) Company, a corporation, Dated July 15th,•1890, to ) Filed Sept. 16th, 1690 George Brackett, Edmonds, ) Recorded Vol. 8 ;• . 452 Consider ation g2j,000.00 Grantor does Grant, Bargain, Sell, ConTray and Confirm unto Grantee, his heirs and assigns, lands in Snoho.riisl'= County, Washinggon, described as f ollewe , to wit — The - The PEi and the 1,7-, of the SEd of Section 24, Twp. 27, JT.R.3 L. Also a certain tract of land, Beginning at the AEU of I,ot 2, Sec. 24, Tivp. 27, Y.R.3 B., t-hence running sout_,erly 30 roh, thence Easterly a0 rods, thence 7ortherlf 30 rods, to-ence Easterly [.;0 rods to place of beginning, coiitaining 15 acres, =m re or less, L) o '':.hat eertwJn tract of laid co_ziencing at a p.,J1,t i6o Feet 'lortheacter)_y of .the _TE c "nsr of Lot 6, in -lock 14, or- �_ i A,i flat of Edmonds, :-u-ming -chenca in a 3ortheasterly direction the West line of t'(e Count- road to t'^e ."orth line of Let 2, in Secti,)n 24, T�rp. 25, ''.R.3 E. , thence 'hest to the higrh cater mi rk of Aemiralty inlet, thence Southwesterly following t1le Govoraiiont inea,nder line to a point 360 feet northeasterly of to intersection of t_-.e 'forth line of said Lot 6, Flock 14, and oo��vernnent meander like, t'_Zence -Easterly to the point of beginning. This aonveya:_ce is intended as of t21, 000. C0 gold coin of t;-e United rate of _'0 per cent per anr&z-_ni. 3?ote one Ti.alf of t}ie amounts reesiti ed for applied in _,-aymant of ;� e note, aid n exce�)t as sales are made. a mortgage to secure t"+e payment States, with interest at the of even date, and provides that the property when sold shall be o su..is s Aal1 be due on the note This note does not bear interest and if such tax be Made accoiding to the ter:71s and conditions t1is be void, o-c;_erwise to remain in full fcrce and effect. ,� me nt shall mortkigagge shall 17itnesses, Signed,-.Iinneay ol:is Fealty & investment Frank 0. Jreis-e li-.1g Cola}Tally, u;;= Galen 3' Coon, Pres John P. Vale, JCorr.,.Sealt. D. B. Ward, Treasurer. F,egula ly acknowledffed July loth, 1��90 before Prank P. Weistling, ?,T.P. for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, "7n. j%%P.Sealf Sheet No. 3- arginal Notation. For satisfaction of t2nis mortga a see Vol. 23 tga,;es, Pale :2, ,0 D.S.Swerdfiger Co. Auditor. M InstruTle.11t -I.TO. 5 ' 1. 15 F) 6 . Gc�orf.re '1.racicett, Plaintiff, Lis Pendens. Vs 301. The, .7-Tinneapollu Reait,'vand Dal d InvestlneTlt Con,pany. 'Tilod Ian. 9th, 16019 15:35 P.IT. Recorded. Vol.. 10 Y. I)a*ge 434 TakQ "once that an action conneraced in zajd of ",iohominh ftlthtyl 17.nsh. 'and, the object of said action is- to reforl, A o-irtaln Tfort&-ge deed- fri)�i defeiid ant to plaintiff, bearing date, Ji)ly 1-15thl 18909 and- fil'e'd' for* * record Oupt . l6th., 1'00 in 3 'of "ortgages page 452 and to foreclose said 75ortgage when so refon,.u.-d. The land affected by "'Viis action is described zm.e follows. .1-1c of the PM� antitho 1",T-,1. of 'T-L and the W-1- of the Ml-,� a,LJ 1 'I fll x in f7cc. �P 4- 27 ". 11. J17. 71. T1. A I s o of the of !Iaa. `In Twi). 11. 3 W.. 7.1. Also )14 - of SIV-4 oP 2ec. '14, T�,rv. 127 "r. 7. Y. Except that portion of the sume included within the Original Town - site of Rdmonds. ExceptAnrl further that 5 acre t.r,ao.t de,,.&!d -by, Geo. Tiruchett to John Anderson, sitin'tte"'lyinry, and being in the of th' of Scc. o'!41 TwP. 27 3 R. W.. Said warrant-, deod also to include that certain tract of land, beginn tng at the -Nmq or Lot 2 in See. 24, T%vp. 27 711. R. 3 ?R,-i. thence running 'Sotitherly :50 rods, thence We,,sterly- 80 rods-, thenco 'northerly 30 rods, thence Ba'storly 80 rods to place ofbegirinlng containing 15 acres more or less. Also a certain tract of land, comrencing at a point 3130 feet 'T lortheu.,;t,,,rl- corn(,r of Lot 6 in Block 14 on the Original .1 of the Plat .of 7dmond8l, running; thence in a Irortheasterily directi m along the line of IVP 7iest line of the County Road, to the I% Lot 2 in ",cc. 27 N. R. 3 ',10. thence to the line of Tiigh water makr of Admirality Inlet; thence Solitheasterly following the Cov. 1feander line to Ft 1)oint 3C)Or:orthvasterly of the intersection of the IT. line of said Lot 6 in Block 14 and the Gov. I -Leander lirie; thence Easterly to the place of beg - I -it B and rights of inning t, I to-etli.ur with all littoral and riparian rig! h purchaae of tide lands, in front thereof. (over) Sheet No.. _ ... Instrument No. Con. That the basis of this action is a f tiff by the defendants. Signed: Ge i ITS, Th +fd4e � Z.. - ABS1'RA(T co Instrument No. 11-m-465 George Brackett, ) Satisfaction of J::ortgage, ) to ) Dated V;ar, 23rd, 16c)3 Yinneapoli s Realty <:. Invest- ) Filed 19th, 12,93 , 4.10PK Lne.it Company, a, corporation, ) Rec . Vol. 23 :�d:tges, 290 Grantor does certify and declare t mat a certain mortgr.ge bearing date the 15th day of July, 1690, eaade and executed by the inneapolis Realty & Investment Company, a corporation, the party of t,je first part therein to George Brackett, tine party of the second ;Dart, wherein and whereby the i ollowinL: described p,-operty was wort,;aL7ed, situated in Snohorlis:i Ccunt; , State of Washington, to -vit :- Tb.e Vii4 amtl t1:.e ?► of t}-.e SE-1 of lac. 241 Beginning; &t ;he = corner of Lot .:, 1;1 said Sec. 24, t'_<ence Soutr-lerly �J rods, tlicni: ti�P tei �_y &G rods, thence northerly 30 rods, thence Rasterly 80 ro,i to plat e of be-ginni.:g, 15 acres more or less. Also, CoErmen,,�ing at t':e point 21)60 feet northeasterly of the ITE cor- ner of Lot E, in L_+_eck 14, To4,,n of Edsno_.ds, rur_ning thence 11ortheast- erly along the Web t line of the Ccunty road to "he %+orth line of Lot 2, Sec. 24 t'nence "Test to tine line of :Zip :. grater iir=ork Admiral'.y Inlet Thence soutl:WyBt^rly followi Ig ti.e govarn erit 22 allder line to a point 360 feet nor t zeasterly on the i ntersectior_ of th-, north line of said Lot 6 and the govermienf -,iewider line, t2l:ence Easterly to place of beginning, all in T•,°rm. 27, 3 B_;;.. T-ie censide-a`.ion for this release is the execution and delivery to Goe . 3,_c',o tt b.v t3ae-.iinneapol i s Fealty ?L Inveatitienu Company of a La Or gig_. -- e T oa" " �3 , 000. 00 dated -r<_�.rci1 22nd, 1893 and recorded in Vol. 23 G:'. %O. r� � cs, -age l��1-147, records of Snohomish County, and. also e Cleed_ to itre wharf property of said corporation located at Edmonds Vas'a:ri f;ton. Said mortgage and deed being taken by way of compromise and : ett:lement of all suits, litigations and differences between said parties and in full settleliient of t. e mortgage descried, which iiiort- gage is recorded in the office of the County Auditor of the County of Snohomish; Washington, in Vol. 6 of Mort rages at page 452 on the 16th day of Sept 1390, Together with the dent tlieraby secured is fully ioaid, satisfied and discharged as above set fort.. No Witnes--ea. Signed by Grantor. Acknowledged by Grantor '_'-iay 16th, 1893, before James H. Gap-lart, in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, Wn. Sheet Xo. 49STRd(T r o. -n„tri dent N . '-Tinneapolis 1ceF.lt r & limestiuent CoiuparW ) ) a corporation, ) ) tc ) 3reorge Brackett, of Snohomish Coun- ty,, Washington. ) 11-m-1c 6 =.7.o rt 6a;; a , Dated �1.ar. :22nd, Filed s-ar. 24t }, 1 :93, 11.45 Rec . `<ol, 23 141 Consideration �.213,000.00 Grantor does Grant, 13argain,, Sell, and convey unto G-rantae, heirs and ass x gnis , ,vith� covenants cf war---a--it;,,lands .in Siio4-omish Cc. Washington, described as follc..vs :- NF ; t1le W--�- of SEq and E# of SWJ and SIUJ of SW-,',, all in Sec. 24, Twp. 27, 3 E Ilso t'_:.e a:, of t -te T7'". of Sec. 26, Twr). 27, . e . 3 Also l�'4 of S'F74 of See. 2E4, T.v;). 27, "r'.7.5 ,."'. '._. exce,jt t..' at portion of the swiie included %vithin t Te original to.^rns ite of Edmonds Excepting furt-er that ce~fain 5 acre tract deeded by .lecrge Brack ett to John Anderson, situate lying and being in the 1Ti of T74 of 'See. 241 Twp. 27_''N .R. 3 E. And including also in this conveyance that certain tract of land Beginning at the: r] corner of Lct 2, Sec. N-r, Tw,,. 27, "".R.3 . thence running southerly 30 reds, thence Westerly 80 rods, %riena.. ?')_the �ly 30 rods, thence Easter y (30 rods to , pl aca of 'o;- ;; i nn..ng , 1.3 �,.sr � s, =?. or L Also that certain tract of land:- CoLxie..ciri,; -it a pc».�:y 61!.0 feet nar thea$te ly of fibs � T' corner of ?act E , i n ?'lc c�; 14 , in t. 0ri.� ina1 iownplat of Edmonds, t ence running in a `: orthaaste:-ly direction along the West line of t4,e Cou: ty road to t. e North line of Lot 2, Sec. 24, T.ap. 27, �r. = . 3 E. t_,ence '.,lest to line of .iigh water mark of Admir- aaty Inlet, thence Southwesterly following the Governsaent :�.eandar line to a point 360 feet northeasterly of _. t_:e the ion of tr:e TI�orth line of said Lot G, in T,loc:. 14, az-,.d t-he Government t•tearider line, thence Easterly to point of '-)egirning, together with all littoral and riparian rights incident and appt,rterrant thereto and all pre-e.ni)tive r iglhts of the purchase of the tide lends in front t',ereof from the State. The above described lands include the City of Edmonds, as t1 e same appears by the Plat of the City 'of Edmonds now on file and of record in the office of the Auditor of Snohomish County, gton, the said plat being laid off on the W+ of the SEJ and tie F'- of t-he 9lG4 and a post ion of t1he 1I!r1 of tdt3 S-�1, all of Section 24, and a por- tion of Lot 2 of Sec. 23, all of said Tracts in Twp. 27, '.. P.3 E. as herein.before described. The Liort a, ,,or excepts from this mortgage such lots and 'aloc'us in the Citsr of .,{,1monds as nave heretofo,•e been sold it e dots and. Bloeka o" I'_Lo 0it:v of Edmonds nar : � conveyed and coti=rcd Illy this mortgage. ___ , -Ia'�-r .' cul arly Sheet No. describ of lows , to vit i 011�u: . Q. vmxat..t w ian w�l „ (YLitfT.HASN' dturalr: ry� u .. r ,r lnstrune:-t No Con. 11-M-16�:lo All,of Blocks 35, 36, 37, 56, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,44•41630 64, 65, 6. 3 6S, 70, 71, 729 73, 749, 75, 78, 73, 61, �.29 83, 341 E5, 909 91, 92 94; 102, and 130 of ti,e Cit-r of Edmonds as t-!e same appears by t'�e plat of said City of Edmonds. Also Lots 1 to 37 inc. F.:. 66 ; Lote 4 to 36 inc. irk. 67 ; I:ots 25 to 3F. inc. 'k. 77 Lots 1 t.o lip inc. and lots 21 to 36 in°c. tik. 7:; ; Lots 1, 2, 4 t--o 31' inc. T'k• _-0; Lots, 1 to 3� inc. Bk. ' 5 ; sots 3 to 40 inc. `')k. �'7 Tots 2, 7, 11, 13 to 30 inc. T:k. �'Z; lots 1 to 7 inc. ar_d 9 to 40 inc. "k. C:9; lots 4 to 20 inc. ,;k. 93; lets 5 to 9 inc. and lots 11 to 37 incq and lot 40, T-?k. 95 ; lots 7 to 10 inc. lots 15 to 21 a:--d lots 23 to 36 inc. d lots 39 and 400 :`k. 961 lots 7 and 10 and 14 to 27 i.nco '�k. 97; lots 4, 5', .7, �'.,.10, 13, 14, and 17 to 20 inc and lots 29 to 33 inc and. lot 36, Dk. 93-; hots 1 and 4 to 10 inc. LctJ' 13, 111.11 15, l9, 200 Nl, 24, 27, _ 2G, a: d 3v, 7k. 99; I,, - is 1, 2, and 3 to 10 inc. , a d 1, t c 2'' 1 Inc. and' 31 e 3C inc. , :'3k.100 ; Lots 1, 2, 3 and 6 to 9 inc. 1.' to In inc. 21 to 25 inc. 2-ld lots 2::�, .9, and 31 to 34 inc. T3k. 101, Lots 21 to 34 inc, -'k. 119; Dots 4-:, 11, lw, 225 30 and 33 to 3r, inc,, '':i. 120--lc 4s 3, s, 91 10, 13, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, _`.k. 121; Lots 30 41 71 _`, and 13, to 20 i-.c.,. 23 to 26 i_?c., 29 to 32 inc and 27 to 40,inc. T3k. 1:2;.1ots 3, 6, 7, 13, 139 19, 20, 25, 26, 36, 36; 39 and 40, =',.k, 123,1 hots 1, 2, 11, 14, 15, 16, lc,, 2.7, 29 and 3C1 Tk. D, T,cis 1, 'r.',, a, -�, 10 and 1-4 Tk. E. �.cts 1, 4, t , 11 and 12 , 'Pk. 71. mots 1 and 2 7k. J as thl a saiae a .pears b7- t.1e plat of t ,e city of Edmonds now on file a"nd of record in the office of t„�e Auditor of Snohomish Cou"._ty, `•Trayriir.gton. It being t- a. intention of t:)a parties hereto thhat this Mort- gage s',.all cover all the lands deeded by the mortgagee and wife to the mortgagor by Warranty Deed baaring'date the 13th da of July, 1390 and of record in Vol. 10 of Deeds, page 536 of t:-le records of Snohomish County, exce-�)t suc.l portions of said. land included in t'le plat afore- said as have been sold by the mortgagor, the .lots and 'docks omitted from t"he foregoing particular description being the lots so sold. This core; eyance is intended as a :mo-tgage to secure the paywent of Y23 ,000.00 sold coin of the United States, balanceof purchase money for above described land, with interest thereon atuthe rate of S% per annn, pay a'�le semi-annually from date until maturity, and 10' par annum from maturity until paid, according to the terms and conditions of 5 certain promissory notes of even date herewith, from one to five inclus ive, made by t-he ',inneapolis Realty S.. Investment, =pany, a cor- poration, paya'ale to the order of George Prackett. Tile party of tine second part agrees to release from the lien of this mortgat;je ar}�l act or lots or tract pf the �botre s esc ibad land upon Peyment to him of 500f of the purchase price of said lot or lots or tract, provided that no lot or lots a -.-.all be sold for a less price that �."100. Baca c,r:d no tract of ted land at less than y'-2.00 per acre* a' wcc.rocs r�Enna ASItIF Sheet No. _i51 1Mkw - - - c on3 1��.;trumont �:o. 11-a-ICE° Instrument• provides for a reasonable attorne;;rls fu.e in case of fore- closure. w, In Witness whereof ti-re said, party, of the fdrat part _ias caused these -oresents to- be executed by:.i.ts Prresiden t .ard Treasurer and `lice President and attested btr its Secretary ta:eraunt.o duly authorized and has caused its corporate seal to be hareunt o aff ixed Alh is.- N2 day of Harch , 1893. TTo witnesses, Signed, �Unnaapolis, Realty c.: Investment Com-)any, 7y `7. P. Kingston, 7i:ce Pres. :}>-r ?'. ''. Peabody, ]'reasurer 6'c President, #Corp,. Seal. A•trtestT. F. Pike, Secs etia: fir. ` Acknowledged ?;March. 23rd,• 17-93, by Ter. P. Kingston, F. 11. Peabody and J. F. Pike, known. to be t:te individuals described in and who exe- cuted the foregoing instrvment as trice President, Treasurer and Pres- ident ar.' Seca eta-ry respectively of the :�,innapolis R.ealt�T and Invest- ment C-ompony, the corporation ritantioned in said Instru--ja rit, and acknow ledged that :they signers and sealed the same as t eir free and volunt- ar; act and deed and as the free and voluntary 'act and, deed of said Corporation for the uses and purposes t1�erein mentioned, before James Y. Gephart , Notary Oubl is in and for the State of Washington, resid- ing at Seattle, Wn. #N.P.Seal A+aa ginal Nptarion;•- This mortgage assigned to Jacob Furth, See Vol. 23 1tge s, Page 604-1 D. S.,Swerdfiger, Co. Audr. Sheet No. r�ro tisy cis (� a < ABSTRACT (o Instru::ient No George Brackett, to Jacob Furth, Trustee, AL, ignment of _"dortgc::.,C e, . Dated Aug. :lst, 1Z�93,- it ed ,pep � < rytn., 1& S:i , 1.2.0 Fee. 'rol. 23 .ages, 'gage 604 Consideration ti31230.00 Grantor does Grant, 'Bargain, Sell; Assign, Transfer a;:,d set over unto Grantee a certain indenture of ....ertga;e bearing; date the 2nd day* of :'-arch 1,393, :-,ade and executed by t,;.e ::inneapolis realty Invest..:ent Company to George T°rackett to secute the payment of t1le stain of �,-23 ,0-,:10.00 tof�etlher -5rith the notes and obligations t:terein de- scribed and t a noney due or to grow due t ereon, vrith interest. 'hi'Loh said indenture 'cf mortgege was recorded. in the office cf t'i.e County Auditor of 'Snohomish._'County,- State of 75rashington, in Vol. 23 of 'I'torzgages, page 141, on trie 24th day of :zarch, 1893. And the said party of the first part does hereby make, consti- tute and appoint said` second party hIs true and laamful attorney to have, use and take all lawful means and ways for the recovery of said honey with interest. ylitnesses, Frank A. Steel, Signed by Grantor. Acknowledged by Grantor Aug. lst, 1893, before James IF. Geghart, E.P. in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, !fin. .P.Sea1-:' Sheet No. aBSTRACT co- Inst-ument No. D-829° In the Superior Court of the State cf Washington, for Snohomish County. Jacob Furth, Plaintiff, ; Order of Sale, vs. ) Dated Jan. 12th, 1894, Minneapolis Realty & Investment ) Filed Jan. 16th, 1894, 2.30PM ) Company, a corporation, defendant, ) Recorded 'Vol. 2 W.A. page 25 To the Sheriff of Said Chohomish County, Greeting, Whereas Jacob Furth recovered judgment of foreclosure of a certain mortgage in which judgment of sale is ordered of the .following mort- gaged premises, to wit:= -Oescrintion is identical with that contained in the Mort,;age of the T..2irineapolis Realty & Investment Company to seorge Brackett, 1.ec. Vol. 23 i,"tges, Page• 141, instrulinent ';c. of this abstract. Abstracters# against the 14inneapolis Fealty r Invest}vent Company on December.21st, 1693, for the suin of $26,580.00 with interest at.the rate of 8� per an.nurn from December 21st, 1893 until paid, and cost;; am.oui nting to '20.00 Now Therefore, in the name of the people of the State of Wash- ington, you are hereby commanded to seise and .,e11 the said property according to 1evv, U:c. 8.c. Witness the Hon. John C. Denney, Ju$ge, By Robt . A. Hulbert, Clerk, #Seal of Sup. Court# By Oliver C. Thornton, Deputy. • oa.Wnaxr •vt <a.rr.ra CrI W,wt a Sheet .No. :a Su':ric;r :f7i! G_ .7� :iGi.. a c a:`..l.`.:�4O--i i._ f� �� _ , for t �e County of Snohomish. Jacob Furth, Plaint,iif, ) VS. } 1-To. 2077 �:;-inr_eapolis Realty (',r: Investment ) Company, a corporation, ) Defendant, ) The above untitled action was brougr t in the Court above na:Iied for the purpose of foreclosing Vf'-e mort,given by the defendant to Brackett, shown in t1ais abstract. 11"Omplairt, su;imuons and retL,rn on the su:111noins, sho,: i g personal service upon t .e Defendant Company, b-r serving ? 'lard, President of said Company, are on file in t=-:e office of t - e Clerk of the above entitled Court. Flo ap.-,)earance was entered by t=ie defendant Com,uny and t'ae Court entered a dec,-ee in actor dai..ce with t"-le p,,-arrer of t ,.e c omplai_it, and t'o e propert;;- was ordered sold to sa t isf-- "ie amount of the judgment. The sI,_eriff duly levied upon and sold t -e propert .r, after duly advertising t ,e sue, and theproert-,r*ras struc�� off to t':,e plaintiff herein f or t .,.e SUM. of '�207000 , 0,0 The Court later -nELde an order co-^.firL-iiin the sale as ,.lade b;; the S!,eriff. Z`�N,Sy CMG ABSrRW W. r- o In3tr ument No. 12-m-5030 Janes 'pagan, Sheriff of Snoho- ) S.T.eriff Is Certificate of Sale. midi Counter, State of Washington, } Dated Feb. 19th, 1 941 to ) Filed '%ch. 14t , 13940 2.35 Jacob Earth, } Recordad `Tol. 35 Deeds, Page 260 Po ::ereb;r certify teat under and by °,rirtue of an order of sole and decrae of fo;-eclosure in the action of Jacob Furt'z, Plaintiff, vs. '-tinneapolis =realty Investrneat ^o~n_-)an--, a corporation, defendant, rendered o>> Decemner 21st, 1e93, ente -ed Dec. 21s* , 1 93 , attested and to me as such Sheriff duly directed and delivered, whereby I was co1mar_ded to levy upon and sell t,e p_-opert,,;r herei:Iafter described ba- lon ir_g to the said defendant, to satisfy sa .d judg-ent, according to law, and apply the .)rocaeds of suci) sale to,.vard the satisfaction of said judgment, amoun'. ink; to t2 >, 5"0.00 with interest and costs ; I duly levied on and on the 19th day of Pe'6riiary, 1 ''4, at 2 ". at t1le Court house door in said County, I C.uly told at puj1fc aucti cn accord - in to law and after d.-ie and legal notice to Jacob Purth, xhu :trade tl a Jj4 gr.e;;t atil mast bid V::erefor at such sale, fc_ tT?e 4.-AnlT of :::2,0,000. the cilsaf?_ng described property, },o wit;-, Me descril-t ion of propert� is iden` ical -Jith t�Tat eontr fined in the tio_ta e, ailea being instru:.nt go. cf this abstract, bei,,b mortZa e given by s,?inreapolis 1?ealty Lev st}aent Compare- tc George Drac' ett. Abstracters,,,t- And I do heraby certify that the said property was sold in one �)arcel for . aid sum of "20,000.00 ,;iiicn gas t1?.r' hip;':?a t and best bi-d made and tha whole price paid therefor, xa',al tilat t is suo- ject to redemption in lawful mQneI of the United States purs,.ant to the statute in such cases nia.de and p:rivided. Given under my hand the 19th day of Pabruary, 1394, James :Tagan, S' ariff of Snohomish C'o. By Dan Currie, Deputy Sheriff. Sheet No. Instrtrment No. 122- ?L5 ° James Hagan, Sheriff, } Sheriff°s Deed, } } Dated Feb, 21st, 1C95, to ) Filed P-xh. 1.5th, 1-. 95, 11.50 A.. Jacob Furth, ) 'Recorded `Tcl. 37 Deeds, 444 Recites, that wl^ereas in and by a certain order of E i.�le issued out of the Su_3erior Court of the State of Washington, for tile County of Snohomish, in the action of Jacob Purth vs. ::;innea.po�.is :,-realty InvestL'ient Company, a corporation, on t%).e 21st day of Do(era;)er, 1CS3, and to the Sheriff, duly directed and delivered, directing '1 m to sell the property hereinafter described at public auction according to law to satisfy said judgment, And '71hereas, pursuant to said order of sale tine said ;,_7eriff did duly levy on and on the 18th day of February, 1c94, digit duly sell thle premises to the said arty of th6 second dart, viho was tlie highest i;i'der for the sum of �'209000.00 And whereas, on the 14th day of ::arch, 1894, the Superior Court confirmed said sale. And mhert:as, the tkne allowed for rede,aptaon of said property has expirea -,vithout such redemption having 'been made. 'otv theret ore , tz,e said Janes ��agan, S erirf, , in lama-suanc e of the said order of sale , nus granted, barges fined, sold, cp.�ve;;ved and cordirmed unto ,second party the real estate in said order of sale de- scribed, as follows, to witi- #-Descrip-4 _,,n is identical with that contained in the _:" c,rtgage from The -,Hi ,n.e:apolis Realty and Investment Company to Brackett, being instrtuuent T<o. of this abstract, Abstracters# Wit M sses , Signed, JaLges 1Tagan, Sheriff of Snoho- Dan Currie, mish County, State of Washington. H. R. Knowles, Acknowledged Feb. 21st, 1895, before J. V. Bowen, 1T.P. for the state of Washington, residing at Snohomish, Wn. ,',W.P.Seal;� Clerk of the Superior Court certifies that the foregoing deed was duly presented for entry and eiatered in the book of levies on page 432 • Qt �x[,n �141 : Crigttt.Wunls Instrta•.nent No. 23-295 Jacob Furth and L. A. Furth, ) Quit Clairii Deed, his wife, ) Dated Sept..6th, 1895, to ) Filed Sept. 13th, 1895, • 4.21P.. Puget Sound machinery Depot, Rec . ,VQ1. 38 Deeds, Page, ,360 a corporation, ) Consideration �1.00 For V.-Le abo ire nar ied c ons id erat i on, 'the ' Grant o rs do, Grant , Remis e release and quit'claim to Grantee, its s_uedesaars 6a d assigns, lands in Snohomish County, State of Washington, descrilbed as follows, to wit: - Description of property is identical with that contained in the mortgage of Minneapolis 1Realty �n. Iravesti.ient Company any to ??rackett, recorded in Vol. 23 j'Itges, Page 141, being instru:?:e ?t �'e. _ cf this BAb stract . Abstracters". In rresence of-' F. V. Ankeny, Signed, Jac ob Furth, Chas. Rukingham, L. A. Furth, 3y. Jacob Furth, her, attorniy in fact Acknowledged Sept. 6th, 1C. 95, by Jacob Furth personall and as attor- ney in. fact for R. A. Furth, before R. V. Ankeny, i+V for the State of Washino,ton,' residing at Seattle'; Wn. „�3'.P-.Seal• Sheet. No, o�"�s eo 0 o r c, 4 sal ABSTRACT r o. Instrument No. _ % E&.-62 ° L. A. Furth, ) Power of attorne�r, Dated Dec. 31st, 1887, to ) Recorded April Eth, 1905, 9.55Ai. Tacob Furth, ) Vol. 3 P. of Atty Page 433 Know all men by these presents, That 1, 1. Furth, of th-e City of Sea'tle,Territory of Washington, have made constituted and appoint- ed, and by these presents do make, constitute and a,-ppoint Jacob Furth of the sale dace °y trt;e and alwful attorney, for me and in -any name, place and stead, and for my use and benefit, &c. &c. for pie and in my name, to make, seal and deliver, to bargein, contract, agree for purchase, purchase, receive and take lands, tenements, he-.editaxnents and accept the seizen acid possession of all sands and all deeds and other assurances cf law t'zerefor. In presence of Simon Furth, James L. King, #General Form Power of Attorne�4' Signed b_..- u'raziter. Acknowledged by Grantor Dec. 31st, 1887, before James L. King, Y.P. San Francisco, Cal. T��V.P.Sea�r Also acknowledged Dec. 31s, , 18877 by L. A. Furth, wife of Jacob Furth , before Ja:wes L. Kino, Commissioner for Washington '''erritory, in Dan Franciscm, Cal. CoaLilssioners Seal. Certificate of L. P. Agnew, Anditor of King Count r, t -,at it is a true copy of a deed L. A. Turt;, to Jacob Furth, as recorded in his office in 45 of Deeds, Page leg, records of King County. :'Seal# r'A �srr c�G ABSTRACT (0. Instrument No. 23 -2'y3 ° George Brackett and Etta E. j quit Claim Dedo, -Brackett, his wife, ) Dated Sept. 5th, 1895 ) to ) Filed Sept.*13th, 1895 4.20P.Y, Puget Sound �.jachiae ry Depot,, a ) V61. 39 Deeds, Page 68 corporation, of King Co. Wash. ) Consideration z4,800.00 For t=le consideration rar;ied, the Grantors do Sell, Convey, demise, release and forever quit claim unto Grantee, all t::_eir right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Snohomish County, State of Washington, as folows, to wit :- #Description is identical with that contained in the Mortgage of the ITinneapolis Realty & Investment Company to Brackett, being In- strument No. this a:;stract. Abstracters.# Witnesses, Gephart, G c. F. Aust, Signed by Grantors. Acknowledged by Grantors Sept. 5th, 1895, before Geo. F. Aust, N.P. in and for t':,e State of Washington, residing at Seattle, 111n. a#N.P.Seal# Sheet No. Instrument No. --,V Puget Sound Machinery Depot of Seattle, Wash. - To - Manual M. Erv2.y of Edmonds, Washington. 51 - 182. Warran-j"y Deed. Dated Aug. 291 1962. Filed Dec. 23,, 1902;210:22 A.M. Recorders Vol. 74 D. page 416. Consideration $50.00 Grantor does Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto Grantee, his heirs and assigns, with covenants of General Warranty except as to claims for taxes, lands in Snohomish County, Washington, described as fol:! ews, to -wit: Lots 211 22,ti23 24, 25, 26 27, 282 29 and 30 in Block 119 plat of the Citv of Edmon s. No Witnesses. Puget Sound Machinery Depot. W. H. H. Green, Prest. Thomas TT. Green Secy. --- cknowleAge-d Aug. 29, 1902 by W. H. H. Green and Thomas IT. Green, before oseph Hewitt, Not,+NiT Public in and for Washington, residing at. Seattle, Wn. (Seal) 0 I ,a6STRAt Instru,nent No. -_ If a n u e l IT E r 1r a; r, - To - Ha rr i e t A. Erva.y. '71 - 454. Qai t Cl.a..m Deed. Dated Juiio 52 19ob. ) Filed Oct. 6rd, 19015, 9 :49 A.1,10 Recorded Vcl. 91 D. page 464. Ccrisi(lerat iorr �2.00 Grantor does Remisce) Release and. Forever Q;U-It Claim unto Grantee, her �reirs and assign.ci, lands in Silohorflisn County, Was)i.i ngton, described as follows) to -wit: Lots 4, 5, and F) in Block 2 and Lct 6 in Block "G" and Lots 21 to 30 Inclusive in Block .1 9 and Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40 in Block 1.C'� all n tl-fe Plat of the City of Edmonds as the same appears of record iii the office of the County Auditor at Everett, Snohomish Counter, Washirigtor,. It being understood that the meaning of tbis deed is to convey all community interests iii said property. Two lgitneyses. SiF,r.ed by Grantor. Acknowledged June 5, 1905 by Grantor before S. F. Street, Notar,r Public iri and for Washington, residing at Edmonds, T7,1. (Seal) v Sheet jyn.. - _ _ - 42. - NLg4 q" ISCID. No. 6)66. -:C e r 11 i f i c a- e:- State of. Washington, Co-Linty of Snohomish. The Snohomish. Cor.arity Abstract Company, a corporation, hereby certifies that t.-he foregoing Irnstruments mar) bred from One (1) to Th _rty- one (31) , both incli) sine, are all the instruments wh:i.c.h have bek-:n filed for record in the office of the AtAitor of Snohomish County, State of Washington, affecting the title to the reel property described in the Caption hereof as follows, to -wit: Lots "3, 281 29 and 30 Rlock 119, City of rdmonds, inpr Fi part of the -xS.W.��- of a'�1 of ;Iec. 24 Tp. 27 IT. R. 3 E.W.M., Snohomish County, State of We.�3" np£iM:~-`- ALSO, that, as shown by the in(iices to t'ie records of the office of the Clerk of said Snohomish Courity, oxcept as shown of noted, th;3.re are no snits pending or judgments entered in arty Court of Record in said County, v4h.erein any of the Grantees named in the foregoing Abstract a.re parties, wt_.ich are liens upon or which affect the title to said above described real property. AT.�O, that as shogun. by th.e official tax rolls in the office of the Treasilrer of said anohorni;sh County, the taxes upon said above described property are fully paid for all years up to and including those for the year 1906. Vle do not certify as to taxes levied by the City of Edmonds for Grade and ot.tier pl�rposes unless the sa.,r!e appear upon the official tcy.x rolls -in t.'r?e office of the Treasurer of said Snohomish- Colkrity, We do not certif;, as to personal property taxes. ITT WITITESS WHEREOF) said Snohomish Cmmty Abstract Company has cal%sed t-"!i.s certificate to be signed by its Tarnager and its corporate seal to by hereto affixed this First day of TTa,rch A. D. Nineteen hundred and seven (1907) at 'Fight o'clock A.Ik. ST,TOHOTu I H COUI?TY AIi�' ACJ. COr,�PATTYs ana Sheet NO. t o. 4 Inst No. f� Office No.10 Harriet A. Ervay,widow. Warranty Deed. to Dat e d Mar. 26 , 19 07 . Albert L. 17addle, and Filed Mar. 28, 1907, 8:05 a.m. Clara F. Taddle,his wife. Vol. 106 Peeds, page 10. Con. $800. First party conveys and warrants to second party lands in Sno- homish Oounty,rashington,described as: - Lots 23, 249 25, 26, 27, 2.8, 29 and 30 of Block 119 of the Plat of the (,'ity of Edmonds. Ack. Mar. 26, 1907, before S.F. Street, a Notary Public in and for -mashington,residing at Edmonds.(Seal Com.Ex.Nov.19,1907.) Sheet No. / r<` 4 Office Yo. 12. Inst No, Albert L. waddle, and T"arranty reed. Clara E. raddle, his wife. hated mar. 269 1907. to Filed var. ?.P, 1907, 8 :07 a.m. S. J. TBothershead. Vol. 106 7)eeds, page 12,. Con.10. First party conveys and warrants to second party lands in Snohomish f'ounty,mashirigton,described as: - Lots 29 and 30 of Block 119 city of rdmonds. (,Signed.) Albert L.%Taddle,and (Ila.ra E. Waddle. Ack. Mar.26P 1907, before 7ophar Howell 3rd., a notary Public in and for washinbton,residing at Eftonds.(Seal Com.Fx, Oct. 29 91910. ) By Albert, L.1f.!addle, and Cliara. F.Wadd_le------ -. Sheet No. /: Inst No._ Albert L. ra.ddle, and Clara F. waddle,his wife. 'GWarra".pjy nVou. Dated Mar. 26, 1907. to Filed „gar. 28, 1907, 8 :06 a.m. J. fi. Taylor. Vol. 106 Deeds, page 11. Con. $50. First party conveys and warrants to second party lands in Snohomish County,washington,described as: - Lots 23 to.28 inclusive of Block 119 of the City of Edmonds. Albert L. Taddle,and (Signed.) Clara E. 7fAddle . Ack. Mar.26, 1907,before Zophar Howell 3rd. a Notary Public in and for 7rashington,residing at Edmonds, by Albert L.t77addle and Clara E.vladdle---- •-(Sea,l Ccm.Ex.29,1910. ) Sheet No.____ I -- •- - Certificate of C outinuotion We hereby certify that vie have added to the foregoing abstract of -title instruments numbered 12- to 3,El con-Asting of 3 sheets, and the samo il_ow.3 all instruments filod or recorded in the office of the Count- A-utditor of Snoho.miih County, 1'a.5hington, and all proceedings had to ar, - Court of record holding terms in said Count-; affecting the title t.o the follo,.iing described real property, to Wit: Lots Twenty-three (2�T mwenty four (2�..Twenty five (2b Twenty-six (2 Twenty seven (27) Twenty eight (28) Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty (30) of Bls.& One Hundred T_7ineteen (119_).,. of City of Fdmr onds, situated in Snohomish County,washington. j?e• furtim r certify that there aro no unsatisfied judgments against any grantee named in the .:ithin a ;.3tract affecting; the title to the said 'property, as ahovrn by the ludgiaer_t 7ocket.3 of tho Iup"erior Court of tho State of 7,Taihington; in a -id .for Snohorai::h Count;; . We further certify that there are no due and delinquent taxes on said preiaises, or unredeel_ied aalea thereof for delinquent taxes shoyna by the official tax rolls of .said County in the office -of the Treaouz"er the r° et f Wo do not certify as to any taxes or 4,L- local im— provemer_t,3 or, said pro perty-shozm b,-� the record:: of the city of Edinanc�s. All =ince the date of the' last preceding certificate, to -.:it Mar. lst 21907 at eight clock a.m. - - - - -- -to and including this Sixth (6th) day of Aug-;u st ,INTineteen Hundred Seven (1907) at Five o'clock P.M* KDEHS01 CUA U +'T ABSTRACT COiEPASTY, Tnst.1a J r. J. 1'lothershead, and Ada Y'othershead, his wife. to J. S. Taylor. Office 37o. 'warranty Teed. .)ated Apr. 13t'n, 1907. Tiled Aug.27th, 1907. 9:48 A.7% File T-o. 122711. Con. �20. I 67 &J, 3'T First party conveys, and vrarrants imt-o second parts, lanOts in Snohomish Counti:r, Washington, described as; Tots 29 and 30 in block 11.9 of the City of Rdmonds. e: Ack. Apr. 15t_-!, 1907, before 'ophar TTowel? 3rd, 7otary Public in and for �,Tashington,residing at Edmonds. ( Seal Com. Ex. October 29 t' , 1 C)1. 0. ) S'Leet Tio,�7 - •- C;erti.ficaie_,ti.n.;tatian We hereby certif, that we have added to the foregoin�; abstract of title initrumenta nviiibbored a to ---' con---isting of 6hect i, and the sorac s',ow i all in trurient s fi 13d or r000rd.ed in the office of the Count,,- Auditor of Snoho7Pl.l ih County; ,-'aahington, and all. proceedings had in any Court of record holding terms in aaid Coi1r_t;;;T affecting; the title to the following described real property, to Yrit: Lots Twenty-three (23) Twenty four (24) Twenty five (25), . Twenty six (26) Twenty seven (27) Twenty eight (28) Twenty nine (29) and Thirty (30) of 'Block One Hundred nineteen (119) of City of Fd- mands,situated in Snohomish County,i"ashington. We furt'rm r certify that there air:; no unsat.iNfied judg:2ents againat any grantee nomed in the Within, :';.->tract affcct I.ng t;he t i tl� to the said property, 93 alhovi-n by the J'ud.gi:lent Docket,- oii the Superior Court of the State of Wa ihington., il,_ said _for "l oho.;li h Count-Y. We further certify that there are no due and delinquent taxa.3 on aaid prami.�e.3, or unredec_�ied .3ale.� thereof for delincquent taxes shotvm by the official tax ro=�_t_,. of .aaid Co-iinty in the office- of tho Treasurer thereof. We do not certify as to any taxes or assesoments for, local im- provements on said propperty: shown b,, tho record.3 of the city of Edmonds. All -iiace the date of the la:it preceding certificate, to -.:it*. Aug. 6th,1907, at 5 o'clock p.m ..... as* .... to and including this Twenty-seventh ( try th) :day of August Nineteen ffd 8even (19077) at 9 :48 a.m. A ?J SO_ GUA TT];' A;;,STPLACT COIEPATTY, Inst. No. w Office No. 357. T. S. Taylor, and Warranty Deed. Anna Taylor, hie wife. Dated Aug. 293 1907. To Filed Sept. 9, 1907, 8.11 a, M. Ebenezer Rust. Vol. 107 Deedo, palge 408. Con. 500. F; rot jjeixty conve. s and v!arrants into s econd 1,arty lands in Snohoynish County, vTashinr-rton, desc rib ed a_s Lots 23 to 26 incluoi,se in ",lock 119 of the Plat of the Ci t J, of Edmonds. I— A("-,. Aur*. 29, 1907, before Zophar Howell 3rd. a. NotLxy Public in and for 17ashinrrto n, res-Ldi,g v.t 'Edmonds. (,3eai, Com— T-x. Oct. 291 1910 ) ShPr�t Yo. 13 � Irs t. No . -� // Office 1T 103. F. rest and 7k.rrant Deed. P. A. Rust, hio :ife. Dated July 31, 1903. To Filed Aug. 1, 19089 8.06 a m. Anna Taylor. Vol. 115, Deeds, p�.ge 100. Con. $500. First p��rty ccnveys and urr�-Lnto - nto Second j)�trty lands in Snoho7rri`.i'-� Coun''-: i, Waohin-ton, described All. of Lcts 23, c4, 425 and r") of Blork 119 of the PL','t of City of Edmorj.ds. Ack. July 31, 1908, before ZophI:,r 7lowe,11_ 3rd. a T?Otar;r Pudic in and for residJnr a Edmonds. (Seal, Corn. Oct. 29� 1910) She-t 'No. S� Inst. No. Office No. 356. J• S. Taylo r, and Warranty Deed. Anna Taylor, his wife. Dated Aug. 29, 1907. To Filed Sept. 31 1907, 8.10 a M. John Baty. Vol. 107 Deede, page 408. Con. $300. Firat )Eirt:y- convp,/ 3 .:_rd dvarrantj unto _rconrl I E.ri.y lL.nds in Snohomish Count_, Washington, described EU3: Lo Ls 27 to 30 inclusive in Block 119 of the Plat of the City of Edmonds. Ack. Aug. 29, 1907, before Zophar Howell 3rd. a Notary Public in E:nd for Washington; reeidingat Edmonds. (Seal, Com. Ex. Oct. 293 1910) Sheet No. S lnst. No. 3 Office No.. 352. John Baty and War-•anty Deed. Date Batys his wife. Dated Oct. 14, 1907. To Filed Oct. 2Fi, 1907, 8.08 J. S. Taylor. Vol. 105 T)Pf' .S, 1) r*E: 352. C'nri . 4410. Firiot part-, [;ru to, bargaiiw, ;E',115, col`1veir:9 c:'.nd confirms Unto) :3ecoyid party, hF3i. "S anda soi_rms, 1c:rn.ds in Snohomish, County, ton, desc r _b >d as : Lots 27, 8, 2'J, and 30 of 7 loci: 119 of the Plat of the City of Edmonds. LovE31'lcin!:o of renr1 ral �F armu t,,%. A(, :. Oct. 1,1, 11JO'%, before W. ?i. Harr lton, a _Notz-,xy ',11-t 1111C :in and for So,.va, Sigotirney. ( e L41 Shee ; No. `A In 6.t. No. 3 I— Off-1.ce No. 379. T. J. Taylor and Yortgage. Anne Taylor, his wife. Dated Feb. 18, 1908. To ",.led Feb. 24, 1908, 9.57 a ri. Tom Fdgecomb. Vol. 65 Htgs. pi:ge 379. This mortgage s eclir s the payment of ;'2000. evidenced by one ceG•tcLin promiosory note- of even date h re -with, bearinf- intAre,;_t _t 7 j-. per anmun . Mortge-.,jces :►_t�:� i:i v in Snolw-irii.oh Coun y, &i8h-ir ton, dp.E3cribed ao; Lots 27, 28, 21) and 30 of Flock 13_3 of. t'r_F Ci.t; of Edmonds. ( �md of',per nn t covered by tl�L,.;; �;bu t act ) It is agreed that t h;;A tl�i.:_ iwc rtg-r;ee ; hL.11 releE�,Oe Lots 271 282 29 and 30 of Flock 113 of the City o1 `:dmondo from the lien of this r,.or ra �e on the puy,ment to hira of $500. of the amount secured by this mortgkti•-p to ;ethn r accrued intnr(--;;3t on the whole. Fir -t -,, rtyegrees to pa-,. EJ1 t.ELxeci, assessnien-to and incur Vzlce cn�.rges on c3ai d_ p re1M-11. s es . On default i(. payment of interewt or principal as provided by said note oai d lands m«y be s old acco rdin!M to lwti. Ac't. Feb. 13, 1908, before Zophar Howell 3rd. a Notary Public in and .for We.ohin.p;ton, reside i=g t Edmonds. (Sena, Com. Ex. Oct. 29, 1910) I Ins':. No. 3� Thomas coinb• Partial Relea,;e of Hor': -age. To Dated Aug.15, 1908. J. S. r Ta foand y � Filed Aug. 20, 1908, 8.19 & rn. Anr).a, Taylor, his wife. Vol. 69 Htgs. page 297. Certifies thEA a mortgage executed by second y.,art�j to the first party horein dated Feb. 182 19081 recorded in Vol. 65 of TT.Ortgaj-7 es page 379, records of Snohomish County, Washington, covering lands in said county described as: Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30 of Block 119 of they Plat of � the City of Edmonds situated in Snohomish County, Washington, is fully paid, satisfied and discharged as to the land above described only. (Signed) Tom Edgeconb. Ack. Aug. 15, 1908, before Fred G. Pearce, a Notary Public in and fo Cali. residing at Los Angles, ,by Tort Edgecomb. (Seal, Coln. Ex. Nov. 23, 1910) Sheet TTo . Inst. JTo. 9 Office- 'To. 2zi5. Harriet A. Frva,-l• Affidavit. To "Filed Tech. 31, 1908) 8.1) a 1 The Pur)lic. ?rol. 28, T4iuc. pa<;e 301. Harriett A. Ervay, bein(; first duly sdorn �:cccrdinr to law, on oath deposes and says as follows, to Tit: That s}•ie ,:-vas the wife of L nd i�3 novi the aidovi of ?TanuPl 12. Frvay ,VLOP is describediri deeds recorded on page 416 of Vol. 74 and on 461 of 71G1. I)i of t.v?(: Deod rc'ccr_`Ls off` Snohomis'l)- C'.ount-,,, 1tas3nin�'tor.. That :sa_, d ?Ranuel I.T. Ervay is dcocri.bedin the. deed recordeJ on page 416 of Vol. 74 of T)er�ds as I11anuel M. Ervo '_ but that said (leocription is erroneous, lintcwExd a-rd mistaken and th,-,t his trup. name is TTanuel Subser -bed a �d sworn to PRch. 24, 1908, before T. A. A. Siegfriedt, a Notar,, Public in end for Washington, r euidinn at Edmonds. ( Seal, Com. Fes:. Feb. 26, 1912) Sl�J. ee t I no t a 11TO Of f ' C; C, 246. Zophux Y07-7('11. 3rd. AIf f -i d zt v i ` . To Filed 14ch. ;57_, 1908, 8.16 The Public. Vol. 291 Hise. page, 302. Affiarit deopoije Lmd says th., he io the person before .Thom as 6. Yotar-,, Public JL1Lbr-t L-. Waddle and Clara F. M,,ddle2 his wife, made ackno-aledgrement of thooe cert,-J.ri deo�dLi recorded n pL:p 11 of Vol. 10' and on page of 77c)l. 106 of theDe_�;d re d of Snohor+io-h cor :3 County-, 17ashim-,ton, and thz;AU Albert L. 7L,,dd1e and Clara 1% Wi_ d d I named in the cort-ifice.tes of Acknowledr,,eme,-It attac?B d -to the deedo here- inlonfore rientioned, Were tzi_en husband and wife. Thu+ the failure of' the deponent ',--o describe the said I)Lxtino as husband and wife in the deeds hereinbefore ment-ioned wau inad- dertent unint e rit i onal . Subscrib ed a d swo rn to Mch. 23, 19089 bef or T. A. A. Siegf riedt, a Notary Public in and for 7ashinp-ton, residinrrat 7dmonds. (Sea1, COM. TIx. Feb. 26, 1912) She e, t ?To . 5-4 Inst. No. (�f Alexander Spithill. To The Public. Office i o . 155. Affidavit. Filed Oct. 251907, 3.45 p m, Vol. 292 77isc. page 247. Affiant stp.tes; That he has been a resi(lont of the Territor;,� of Washington and of the t� to of I;&,hington for more thEal fifty year;j last past; th:.t he knew per;;ww:.:lly 31orrio 7. 'rost7 ti res:i.dent of the tom of :"ukilteo in Snolimii:j1i County, YTashington, and that the w-ricus tizies while :"orris =frost resided in said plac - he r the otner of certain lt.ndo in t nd about t:^e said Torn of ;-ulzilteo- and of Rdmonds, and th .t iie coave3,e d t.e ijL.id lunds b-- mistake or in- advertence as ;"aurice H. i roast, :'orrish H. frost and -orris i'rost and thcA the said 'orris i:a :ro st -dale—t le sa.ie person who executed the various deeds as ahoy n b,:- the records of Snohoriish �-'ount-. o 17ash ington as above indicL-.ted, erroneousl;- as J..aurice H. Prgst ?.orrish ix, ;`rost and J:orris Frost and t1-;zt t1� said s:o rri's 'Frost -.;as �. widower durine; t::e antfre tii:.e tbz.t he res_ ded kn the said Territo►—Y e- ' Washington and up to z,nd including the day of hi,.i death. mbscribed and scorn to Oct. 24, 1907, before Theodore dnderson, a : otar;; -Public in and for ` t.shington, residing at . ',-, e4;tt : 'X, ch. 202 1 )1n j 5� In s t . Nc �_ r�ie:L es of Ii -orporati on of The ITinnea13a-is Realt„ and Invest.- rtie nt C ulnp and , Dated is„- --- -- 1890. Filed Ilchn 102 119087 3.13 a m. File ITo . 139 0 Recites that G, Coon, I.I. S. Dreg, D. 3. 7fard and John Gale y residents of thc; State of 17ashi ngt on, and Jaraes H. Bishop a resident of the state of iTinnesota, all citizens of the United States, have associated the,:sclves together under the latirs of t:_e State of Washington, in order to for_t1 a corporation to be kno.rn as The Ilin-- neapolis Rea,j_t;, and Investment Co._ipa.rn�'. The -b ects of i;jl11 3 cat'por•a,tio_. are to � urch�.se, hold, irn-- prove, i_Zortg@.ge, sell z.nd coni-e7- reL.l and peraoia&i i�jropert-" and to en— gage in a general real estate business; ost&.bliah t0 !mites and to purchase to m_sJ.testFtb.liuh u1iaeves, logging and i-.lan.ufacturing plants, build and equ:Lp ral (roads , Capital stock sha `l be 1',300,000. and ti__ie of ex,�_stence of t'_:i:; corpora t4an shall be nine 5ea.rs from date,, .anc1 U affr-J_rit shall be ana.ge-d by a Board of five Trustees, principal of business, Seattle, Washington. Ack,. 7,16,v 11,1. 18903 before N'rank B. Vfiestling, a Notary Public in and for Vla.ahi _1r ton., residing at Seattle, b;; all said first parties. (Seal, Corza. *x.. Peb,. 24, 1891 ) Appended is the certificate of the Auditor of Ding Count;;, Waihington, that the foregoing is a true and correct cope as recorded in Vol, 3, Art of Inp c, age 435. records of Bing Cpunt;� , 7e shingt on. Bated Nov,, 5, 1907. (Seal of Auditor of King Count;) 11�3 Xnste Yffo, leme-1.4 a AI. of T--noorporation 'Rea'-1-ty C'-, Investment Dated Nov. A. 8'D File d Ilc h,, 10 Audi t o r I s Vai;CI. t that G. H. Coon7 Ho S. Drew, '_D B, Vrar-c,", :rv�IiJl_ G e rob-Idents of the Sti.to of ITTashington, and "L -' Bishoy)2 a iesident of the Str-te, of HinnssotR, and al"! ci-+4zenc, theq Uhlte3t and all Trustees of the I-Tinneapolis Re,,Jty (� Invest- ment Cdjp-�xy, aad at-ting according to the instructio--as, of a of the Stocldi:"Iders of tIx- :iaid Corporation, do adopt and amend tl_ie aid Articlar, as I'V-4(nws; Me name of said corporation shall be Rez.-Ity and InvestPlierit. I%e objeots of staid corpowat-loan be to hold, -bnprove, morlt&age.., sell and convey rea-I and persona" projjert--, and to J_ ly lease the same �.nd do a generL.1 real eStLt-le business,; -to buy, ac- quire and establish twaisites, to build, op&2�ate, ovin and est&blish logging roads., and logging enterprises and =.nufacturing inst-itut i oils, and to build and estc.bllsh wharves and o.peL,ate t1he sz.n.c,. %I..aP:1LtL.1 ---'L,-c)c.k ,shall be 1'300. , 0,3 0 . and the term of existence s hal I _"4'0 r t y- n i n e years s f r o n da tl-' e , end t he ---af f a i r!:- of 3 Cn i d 'j o r - porat-'ozi shall be rianc.ged by a board of seven trustees. arld its princi.-Pot.1 place of business shall be at Seatt-le, 3h 1 to AGk.. 'Nov; �9. 3_590, before '.K. ITT L,Dvejo-v. a NotsrPublic in E..id for Washington, residing zt Seattle, b7r V.j_" of said incorpOratorS. (Seal, Cum., .'IX, 11ch. 28) 1894) Appended is ti-Le staterient of J. P. Agnew, Auditor of King ; "y ; 'I --.D . - - I - L certif-,;-ing that the forego'n- is a aond cor- e -1 ne o cpP y J: -x -) iental Articles of ratJ 011 a L, 0 f 't Be,! d S pI - cord. in Vo'.'.. 3 Art. of Inc. page 630, record-, of s&J- d L, -or of Ki.n- C. o Lint d Ho v, 5, _1 9 07 . (Seal of Count,-i Audi-'- C. Inst. I'To . �z Y Articles of Incorporation of The Puget Sound IL-.chinerl-i Depot. Dated Nov. , 13, 1888. ?iled rich. 10, 1908, 8.15 a r_i. File No. 1398. Recited thr-.t t= e unc?orsiG ed hz:-ve associE:�ted therloelves together under th e lw;<'s of tl.e Territory of Washington in order to form a corporation to be known as The Puget Sound HFchinery Depot. The objects of this corpora ion are to carr,, on a im:chiner; and mere;Lc-Ule business, rrith t:�n )rincipal place of business at Seattle, T �e tine of e__ista:?ce of tl,.ins corporation- shall 13e iwent. Years fron date; Capital :Mock s?u:11 1x 51000. The z.ffi.irs of t]:i;.; corporation shall be mnaged b,;- a T)ot.rd of three Trustees. (Si cned) 7. 71. H. Green. P. il. Green. J. H. Perkins . Ack. Nov. 3, 1888, before John Arthur, a Notz�:r-,- Public in and for VIEwhington, residing wt - (Seal) Appended i o the certificate of J. P. Agnew, Auditor of I£izig County', Washington, that the foregoing is true copy of said Articles of Incorporation as of record in his office in Vol. 31 Art. of Inca p&.ge 62, Dated Nov. 5, 1907. (Seal of Auditor of ILing County) ti.1) Inst. No. Office No.. 243'. George Brackett. l.ffidavit. To Filed Hoh. 31, 1908, 8.13 a m. The Public. -Vol. 28, :Iisc . par,;e 300. Affiant deposes and that he is the s&.3e George Brackett ;ho originall-; platted the toimsite of the torn and city of Bdnonds; that Joseph :cCzxt-:-, describbed in deed.: recorded on page 453 of Vol. 1j and on page 530 of 'Tol. 1, of t 1e deed records of Snohomish County, 7)ashington, was a bachelor �.t all tir.les Lnd dates mentioned in said deeds. That Pleasant E. Ewell who obtained title to the said townsite b', patent recorded in 7ol. 3 of 'deeds page 683, of the said records, is the sEme person as P. YI. Twell, who conve% ed the land therein described b- deeds recorded in 7ol. "A" of Deeds p,_ge 197 a5. J in Vol. 7 of Deeds, pL.ge 513 uaid records. That Jacob D. `w,ler who is one o ' ':he gr ,': tees in those cer- tain deeds recorded on page 197 of Vol. "A" imd P&ge 153 of Vol. 7 of deeds, is t'_e same person as J. 7). Fowler, who conve; ed ce taro 1L.:.ds bV-- deed teco riled on page 529 of Vol. l of deeds recorda of said County. That Jaries H. Gephwrt, described as grz ntor in the deed records on page 337 of Vol. 40 of Deeds, records of said Count;, , and in the deed recorded on page 276 of Vol. 56 of deeds of said eountJ Emd who is described as grantor in thu.t certain deed recorded on pag•3 592 of Vol. 52 of Deeds, was Lit all the dates mentioned in said deeds a bachelor, single �.nd uiu-ic tried. Subscribed and sworn to ITch. 24, 1908$ before ?ophar Ho-rell 3rd. r a Notar; Public in and for Washington; residing at Edmonds. (Ses,1, Cori. Imo. Oct • 292 1910) 4 I% -• • C:ert.ific tc �'f GoAntin-aa- 1`m - - Vre hereby certifdr that we 1javc added to the forapoing abstract of tit-, e z-1.3triu en t,5 numborecxj, Lo .i��; ^on�:ist of /„ ahe^tsy and the all inotrume.nta filed or r000r ded in the office of the Count-, i^.vd.itor of Sno1i.nmi.--L Covtnty, 71auh_-gton, and all proec-ndingi had :Lr ari- Court of rec.:ord hc1d=��.g terri.a Jil acid Count r affecting th.e title to the follovri.-m elc,;.riiDed real t_-)rop: rt'y,, to grit: T,ots TwPrit r-three (?, Twenty fo»r (?a Twent,r-fine (25 Twerity-six (30-T-went-1r-seven (2-7) Twentir-eigli (..8) Twent�r-rii.ne ) and Thirtllr (30) of Plod-_ One uundred Taineteen 14 of CitU of Edmonds, Si.luated in Sn.)homis?h r iint.r, wasliingt,in. V7e furtly r U�r`tif;- c' �t trio re: ,_..: no n>>F,t i.Ntied jud.9mel'it.3 agairwt anyr gran-t.ee named in t,h.�T -,t A 'i tract �,fIL--,,cLic^ the title to the ,paid proper'tJ` a �'Iot '.c i-he Tudgrae-nt -Indices c tho Superior Court of the State of vie.3hingrton., r? 3'1d ,for uohomJ_wh Count;,-• We further certify -that there are no due and delinquent taxaz on zaid prcmije6, or, unredeo:zed .sales thereof for delinquent -taxes ahav/n by the offic -_wl tax r o 7..: cf is id. County in the o(Efice �of the Treazurer thereof, (T4bccppt any personal taxes' due or to hecomp due for the year 190fs) . The taxes shown in the preceding certificates are paid. 1 y to 3,r� r,. ..e _ ; =sa �ent,� fog local im-- Z'le do not certify as .y z�<. ^: o,., provemer. aii said hro pert y- ,-ih��,-u n b; th �-e.;i;r -�� of the city of Edmon ds . All since the August 27th, 1907, Se tember Flevent o 1 c 1. j c k A. T,% date of t le 1r3:�`, pc e;.e��. ,�� ' t�.iic. ate; to '.rit; at 9.48 A. iv . - -,!Yid i nr,lvding thi n h (11) 'vineteen Hundred and Right (1908)c, at Righ�tT C O :.AIJ 9 __ x 46 Affi"C,L_s,!. State of �'r� h�.n ^tc�n, ss; ?ilex'- Oc'.. 1., 1S :�si, 2.03. «.� f;ount;r of f i n� , Fi.1.F =;o. 163799 J . %i . Ot t d , b f- i nr' f 1 t e t dul vJ `.L'Iu: 't he i L; w res�,dent of 1+di-wndo, ' 'uiiilinf;ton, rind that'1e i o WP11" ac, a--ni.f'•d witil- Ebenezer Rust, ;Tho took title to Tots 2.3, 249 25, z;nd 26, in '31ock 119, oftz_P Rlat of t',,le City of Edmonds, froYn J S. Taylor and Anna Taylor, on A> igust 29, 1907, s.nd vrhich d Ped was recorded in Vol. 107 of Deeds, pare 408, and t'_nat he io the sane person, who deeded f oaid lots to Anne, 'aylor,on Jule 31, 190F�, as I% Rust, which deed vras recorded in ' ol. 115 of deeds, pagop 100; z�,nd that he lflio — of hiu ovrn per3om,.1 knovtlp,d 'P, the%t tYi_e person who are mentioned in s add deeds ao Ybenerer Rust, L nd Lt, F,. "Dust, inlaid deedc� above mentioned were one and the persons. IT. YT. Otto. S,zbscribPd and sworn ?;o befo-- mp 28t1--i da; of SPpter.foF:r, 1908. N. M. Allen, _Totwry pub ... ic in and f or wL shin7,t on, rPsidini; at Edmonds. 6'� Inert No , _Gz D I 'IT TT IM SUPERIOR COURT 07 THE STATE 07 IKASHTITC, TOT 111 AND -50R SlqOHO,--,,-LISH COLENTY, State' of Wa,;3hi-ngton., on re,,'I'Lation of Y, Heffner " -, the Prosecuting Attorney for -the. Cou-_r.ty 01, Snohomi"11- Vs '. PI ai Tit -1 f -F � No J-26 . .5 Yo 17. Peab-ody, 'U. Po Kingston, T. F. Pike., Do Be Ward., A,, Talbot., 0, 3,, Bagloy, E'c E' E: T, Baldwin, F. 13* Stoncman, T,., E,-c Bisliopm, Jame-6 H� and Leslie VT, Gale, Administrat-ri,",, and. Galen H,, Coons .0efendants. Coi7,-(..)J.@int-,,, filed If,,Iv-, 21,. 13-92, c:.tates 1hat oh or about May 143 1890,,Go. H. C"oon, D., B. lard, H. S, Druv-i)l J'ai-Iieo H., Bii5hop and 'John _P n . Ga.-Le t c. as d what -purported to be `rticle6 of incorporation the 9---'c�r a id- e F� and. 1 last named parties, r undethe name of the H-_JL-L-1-f-eajD-o_J_Is Realty arld T vestment Company, pro- viding for a ca:pi.t:�:. of, :"3(--k-11Or,000� divide - into into 3000 shares of the par Va I Ue o I .?- , f -I C'. 0 .. eaahu ha t on-! - shaxe - of stook was subscribed for; that the oth r drei'endants _-rla-cnec,�. are rs in interest of subscribers to said soca e 0, stocll::; that said defendants are.holding themselves out as a ei.7_.i.stJ_nr-, end, entitled to do business under the laws of the State of Washington and under the name of the Rllinnea-oolis Realty & Invoistment Co:Qa-_-Iy, that before an-dr business can be done i1a thi i S-tate a-11 the stocl_ iruot be s-Lfoscribed for, That said defendants a -re prete-nd-*Lng to be doing the bunisess of buying and real estate under the name of Realty Investmeylrl, Corapa-r,, and are -prctendl.rig -,'r'o be doing business under the cor: oratiaw,7 of the of Wa,6hington iirider the nai-iia afore:�aid corti,,�rk--Y t-) the st-atute�s m.-1--de, and provided in said da u se, That said defend.7,,I, s owirl real estate in Snohomish County, thin a (I papec tiule stands, `L-n. the name of the --c lled fin- -- - the so a neat "'I imc; Rc-'A.tv- < Tave.�tii-,,ent (',`cnapany, and that !�aj.d defendants have I so-11-J. -and ccjniveye�, anJ, liD-ve given dc--i-eds in the na_ci.,E� of sat d corporation J.-I I,-,;,- Tf, they rr ri.Fh` or authority �I the premises; that well I � U L, t, I _1 setb; aaid preten,-Iej ha-,i-e JWL-It_! �-.,,id (-j_-,-r,].t-+_ed accts which amount to a qua rer.de,. -nd -I-,r-A` o !Lt c) f 1'.>; c 'orporatio_nthat -o vT1,t- D,, B., 'Vn!ar0.. Galen H. r uj,��.3 at* a j:a,�.eti_ng, 6 ma de C o� on 01. -T a 1i -,,-i ri t t73,�J he, -mc+io- w,� ry that, �_T) I d -, C, r P o r t t g Y 1 -ia b c u 'o" o f the pro- EJm -jj. I s -J Yj -b ncl,,s ej r po6 ,on T-1- 'he rs ..L LIA , - '), - " _.; 1, �, � bui.1 c,�.ap .') , , g o��,es, ,.7, ja e., iith n from -'the 9, et.. - Y3 t 01 (;nimoanY to h,)-v(--, thc-IL IJG'11'C C" t'! -1,G, v'r t le; v 1 du al ry - s t o- I ,q I-L�,I t )D'-! di. vi de d ots so �14 (-:7 6 0 effect It r Case 126& 2. That about 140 lots were this apportioned and deeded. Prays that szi d so—called Xinneapolis Realty & Investment Company may be dissolved,. and a receiver appointed, and judgm3nt against the aforesaid defendants D. B. Ward, Galen H. Coon and Leslie W. Gale, Administratrix of the estate' of John P. Gale, now deceased, for thy: full titan of 810, 000. Answer of defendant F. B. Stoneman, fild Nov. 20, 1892 Demurrer of defendant Pike, filed Doe, 6, 1892. Affidavit as to o4mershi.p of stock; made by John B. Law; riled Dee, G, 1892. Affidavit as to subscript,�r1 of stock, made by C, Ho Gent, filed Dec G,. 1992,. n ^± Affidavit as to -value of property,. by J. ti, Sutton, fib d AtT idavits ao to value of ,)rt�perty, fired Dec G, 1892 .Stipulations of continuance, file d Dec,. 16, 1892. Order appointil-C. receiv^ii, fibd Novo 26, 1692, appointo Edward S. Wilcox. Order vacating receivership, filed Dee. 1, 1892 Order, filed. April 17.. 16922 that any property in the "hands of said defendants or their agents at the time. of the appointment of the receiver herein and v?nicr came into the hands of the receiver under said appointrent : to lvit, the R±,&,ionds wharf„ be retur:ied to said defendant J. F. Pike by the said receiver or by the person into %,Chose hands they have since came. - Dated April 17, 1893. Jahn C. Denney, ;Fudge. Order, filed Ilay 62 1893; fl Thies^ caas.e carte on to be heard o_a the 22rd.. day of April; 189.3 upon ty e demurrer of the defendants herein to the complaint of the plaintiff: C� H,, Gast FScj,, appearing for the plaintiff; and Frrnk A, Steele and Solon T . rNIliam apL3earing for the defend-,)nt s and the Court having heard the evidence and the argument of coursel and beirg fully advised in the premiao6 finds the grounds of said demurrer well taken; it is tre reform, ordered, by the (1aurt that sm J demurrer be and the same hereby. sustained9 and the said cause ir:; hereby rUs• missed. To the ru+ i.ng of the Court plaintiff exceptPe ant! :i.t a exception was allowed, D,)ne in .)pe Court this 22 lay of April, A • T), :1893 T ohn C. Denney, Judge. Sho et No �� - - Certificate of continuation - - - �^ hereby certify that roc have added tp_th-� foregoing abj act of title initrumcnt.3 numb -red 1-161 to tYcon: itting oi' oheetz, and the .3arie sho:rs all inatrviaents filed' ,6Zr± recorded in tI_ o fice of the Count. Auditor of Snohom.i.Sh Count , Crashington, and ell pro- cz�ndi.ng.i had in an;; ";ourt of record holding terns in said County affecting the titlo to the follo:?ing dejeribed real property, to wit: r til t r f j) if='1' _ U l i :'E 1.1 1T(; ` 25 ?- ( l;T(:i_t. -�.i :1r� li v„rjli `_'!1 i t'% O I O('lr �)�t: 1i1.1;'1(� r,Q 2311 F?F:1 ( I i C�) 0-r I+i"&,InI I c!S, 13 1 �• i�l'/; ;C 1i'l tii'.10]110t71_1 S!I COI'11-1'L"'C S_11i.T(. Except an-' and all public higl: _:tars or railroad right of gray, if ail-) thcrc bc, no-.r located ever aid acrro i.3 said above dejcribed premiac.3. rre further eortif,; that tll'�r^ orc no uiisati ifi^d j udg-TI-3— is against and; grantee naMod i_z th-^ 7:ithiii ob itract affecting the title to said property, as .i ioim by the Judgaaentznd�.crp_. of the Superior Court of the State of Uashington in and for Snohomi6h County. VIe further certify that there or-, no due Ind delinquent taxes on .3aid premises, or unredeemed 4alci thereof for delinquent "Iaxes .3hovn by tho official tax roll,: of said A'ount3r in the office of tho Trea.3urer thoreof. (EXCP1;t C,171 !)t E—..� 0 !1L+:I ti_xPLj CI1A(I 0 C' t 0 ) --1c0 'LF: C_u' for yp.e r 1908 ) All wince the ditc of the lent preced .ng certificate, to wit: 0°, tct, s, o'r,)_c,c J�. -to and including this C)c!.(,!.t:r �ir.� (7:-3.) ,r�,,�:',. :i; _Turdt- c' _i?_; L (1:ji ) r�,,,_rerf tf;t:. pc:_:st wo (�1.C),'`) P.T:1. A'_TDrR20.- GUA?tA'?TTT AR TRACT C0 TATTY. Injt . TTo . I� Offic e T?o. 209. Anna Taylor and 'Pa.r ranty Deed. J. S. Taylor, her husband. Dated Oct. 3, 1908. To Filed Oct. 61 19089 9.52 a m. . Jerome T. Feezlea.r. Vol. 112 Deeds, page 256. Con. $1025. First party convPy-s and warm,,r_t. to second party lands in Snohomish County, Washington, desc rib= d as II Lots <3, 24., 25 and 26 in 'Block 119 of the City of Fdmonds. Ack. Oct. 31 1908, befb r e Zophar Howell 3rd. a Notary Public in and for "lash-_ngton, resi di ng at Edmonds. Com. Ex. Oct. 29, 1910) Sheet No. 6 i Inst. No. Office No. 291. Jerome T. Feezlear and Mortgage. Sarah E. Feezlear, his wife. Dated Oct. 3, 1908. To Filed Oct. 12, 1908, 11.55 a.m. Anna Taylor. Vol. 64 Mtgs. , page 386. Mortgages lands in Snoho,,iish County, Washington, described as: Edmonds. Lots 23, 241 25, and 26 in Block 119 of the City of To secure the payment of $800.00. Sheet No.i- I-) Properly executed. IM - M Inst. No. ("` Anna Taylor. To Jerome T. Feezlear. and Sarah E. Feezlear, his wife. Office No. 112. Rele a se . Dated Apr. 15, 1909. Filed Apr. 20, 1909, 8.18 a.m. Vol. 74 Mtgs. , page 125. Con. $800. Certifies that a mortgage executed by second party to first para;y herein, to secure the payment of $800.00, dated Oct. 31 1908, and recorded in Vol. 64 of Mortgages,page 386, records of Snohomish County, Washington, upon the pr_emisesther.ein described as: Lots 2.3, 24, 25 and 26 Block 119 of the City of Edmonds, situated in Snohomish County, Washington, isfully paid, satisfied and discharged. Ack. Apr. 15, 1909, before Zophar Howell 3rd, Notary Public in and for Washington, residing at Edraonds. (Seal Com. Ex. Oct. 29, 1910). Sheet No. r 0 Inst. No. Jerome T. Eeezlear,---- To Sarah E. Feezlear, his wife. Office No. 9. Quit -claim Deed. Dated Dec. 39 1908. Filed Dec. 27, 1909, 9.30 a.m. Vol. 128 Deeds, page 6. Con. $1. First party releases, remises and quit -claims to second party, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County, Washington, described as: Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26 in Block 119 in the City of Edmonds,Washington, as of record. Jerome T. Feezlear, Ack. Dec. 3, 1909, before Frank R. Ruthford, Notary Public in and for Washington, residing at Seattle, by James T. Feezlear,--- Sheet No. L (Seal Coln. Ex. Sept. 6, 1910). IIT THr PROBATE COUP,T OF THE COU_TTY OF r S i•l OHO .iI SH, VTASHI7.TGTO.T TE R7,ITORY. In the flatter of the Estate ) of j Case Yo . 0.. S . 10. Nat B. Fowler, Deceased. LETTERS OF AJ'IIIiTISTRATIOi?: Filed 1.1ay 6, 1873; 11". H. Frost is hereby appointed administrator of the estate of Nat B. Fowler, decea- sed. Witness E. C.. Ferguson, Clerx of the Probate Court of The County of Snohomish vfith the seal of the Court affixed the 6th day of Hays, A. D. 10 73 . By Order of the Court. E. C. Ferguson,Clerk. (Seal of Probate Court) . (Properly verified) . (A'w" ITISTRATORS B01?D: Filed flay 6, 13373; in the stun of Jr2000.00 and signed by Dorris H. Frost, C. D. SE.ith and Jacaex Long). (I7;TV, TTORY: Filed June 13, 1873; George Thompson, Daniel Hines and Henry C. Vining, appointed Appraisers of said estate. "The equal and undivided one third of one hundred and forty eight acres at ( 2. E0) Two Dollars and fifty cts . per acre One Ballard Breech loading rifle One Double barrell fowling piece One Trunk _ J23.66 � 18.00 �20.00 , 3.00 ti11�G�.66 The above appraisement is returned to me. . H. Frost, Administrator". PIiTITIO T OF _ _. H. F1;OST FOR SALE OF PROPERTY: Filed Apr. 13, 1874; The undersigned administrator of the estate of Fatt B. Fowler late of Snohomish County, would res_pectfully represent that there will not be suffic-lent sueais arising; fro,1 the sale of personal proper- ty belonging to said estate, to pay expenses of administration and to pay for the lan.'. c:l _le of said estate lying in Sec. 15 T 27 N R 6 E when the ti_ze co-.ies for so doing which i.*ill be in August next ensuing. I would therefore respectfully petition the Honorable Court for an order to sell that _,ortion of real estate lying in Sec. 23, T 27 1T R 3 E containing 48 acres or there abouts the same bein the equal and indevided one third of the tracts known as the E' ell Clame and your petitioner as in duty boi-_nd will ever pray. Iukilteo arch 23, 1874. ;Iorris Ii. Frost. PETITIO_OF 1171. H. FROST I'OR EXTTiIN IO'T OF MM: filed 1.iay 5, 1874; The undersigned acLiinistrator of the estate ?att B. Fowler, late of said Coun*,.; ,:o l(f, -res.y ectfullv petition the Hon. Court for an extension of tli e in order to close up the adlainistration affairs of said estate and i-rould also 1etition your Honor for an order to sell and d4 S OSe 0l ao i� �� 1 of staid estate real and personal as may be necessary to -aee tc; t le liabilities there of and to clefay the expenses of prova.n� _up and paying for tine land cla,ir_i of said Yatt B. Fowler in Section 15 T 27 11. 6 T at the land office at Olympia, _,Is y when the time shalarxi ve for such proving. And yorxr petitioner will ever pray. 11. H. Trost, Administrator AHOUNT OP PROr TRTY SOLD AS PER ORDERS OF PROBATE COURT. Filed --------- Ariount of property sold at auction by order of tha Hon. Probate Court of Snohomish County, Sept. 1st, 1374 at Mukilteo according to publication. By --- -- The equal and undivided one third of 141 acres of land in Sections 23 and 2,4 T 27 1T R 3 E being 47 acres at ';3.00 per acre Sold to Jos. AfriCarty highest bider y?'141. One dou1ale barrel foti:lin piece sold to Jacob D. Fowler, highest Bider Ore Ba,T1ard Breech l.odin rifle J. 'D. F. 10. i� One tavol.ing trunk Fowler Total A174.00. By l.4 Tons and 300 lbs of hay at uq al.eo farm, sold at private sale by order of Court to B. F. Streatch+a-t- v1-1..00 per ton. �155.65. Total. AFFIDAVIT OF Piz LICATIO7: Filed -- .__.._ Te-rr-i. to ry of Warsh i ng t o n ) 83 Gounty of X_:.ing S. L. Max1ve11, being duly sworn, says that he is the Printer and Publisher of the + , -MY I17TELLIGTNCER, a wee2cly newspaper, publ.ighed in the City of Seattle, County and Territory aforesadd, and that the lotice of the Estato of •Tat B. Fotia].er, 'Decea- sed of vh=hich the annexed it a true copy, has been published in said newspaper weekly for five successive weeks, commencing on the 30th day of 'May, A. '.]. 1874, and ending on the 27th da�)r of June, A. D. 1874. S. A. 11a well. .Subscribed and sworn -to before lie this 7th day of July, A. D. 1874. S. J. Corabs, Potary Public. IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF SNOH011I SH , T7.MHI1TGTOD? TERRITORY. 1n the Hatter of the Estate of Nat B. Fowler, Deceased. It appearing to the said Court by the petition this day presented and filed by Ii. H.Frost, the administra- tor of the estate of Nat. B. Fowler, deceased, praying for an order of sale of red.]_ estate, to -wit: The undivided one-third of Lots No,. 1 and 2 in See. 23 and 5V7J- of N* and Iraq of S"4R of Section 24 in Township No. 27 north of Range No. 3 East, contain- ing 141 acres, Yaore or less, that it is necessary to sell said real astE:ate, to pay the outstanding debts against the deceased. It is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of ...aajll dec,-eased, appear before the said Probate Court on HONDAY the .6th day of July, A5 D. 1874, at 11 o'clock A.H. to show cause, if any they have, why an order should not be granted to said A4ministra- tor, to sell the said real estate. And, it is further ordered that a copy of this order be pub - And, mod, at least, four successive weeks in the INTELLIGENCLTR, a week- ly newspaper published at Seattle, King County, W. T. Dated Mziy 5, 18 7>'1 o Royal. Haskel, Probate Judge. 'nohmaizh County, s s : 1, E. C. Ferguson, Clerk of the Probate Court of Snohomish 1 I Yo,. 0. S. 10 --_.-_ 3. County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an order duly made and. entered upon the rlinutes of said Probate Court. Witness r_iy hand and the seal of said Court, this 20th day of May A.. D, 1874, ;Seal) E. C. Ferguson, Clerk. ray3O-4���r.. AFFIDA'iTIT OF AD-tI _`ISTRATOR FOR APPRAISERS: Filed - - ---; A re- turn of the apprai se,_.,s appointed by this court to appraise the pro- perty of Nat B. Foti;rler, deceased, having been made to this Court upon the 10th day of '.'_ ay 1873. I7cvi codes 11. 11., Frost acbiinistrator of said estate and under oath says that there is still further estate to be appraised, situate in another part of the County and in order to save expenses I ask that other appraisers be. appointed to appraise said further estate. 2f. H. Frost, administrator. ORDER TO AliVERTISE Al D SELL THE ESTATE OF HATT B. FOWLER AS THE LAti'T DIRECTS: RETUPET OF SA1E OF REAL ESTATE: Filed Sep. 20, 1874; The equal and undivided one third of 140 75-100 acres of land, known and desc- ribed as follovm: Lots l and 2 In S 23 and. the SWof the � ,11 and the NCTT¢ of the SSTs of S 24 T 27 iT., o-r -Jr.", 3 E sold, to Joseph 1?IcCarty for Three dollars per �ar;re ram tinting to ti 141.00 1 Double .Barrel .foviling piece -A 20.00 1 Ballard Breech Loding rifle 10.00 1 Travell.i.ng trunk 3.00 ,174. - 14 tons and- 300 lbs Hay sold to B. F. Streatch at private sale for y'I! pe-c ton at the barn on the premises at Qualeo <'�155.65. ,327.65. 1,'1 HAdministrator of the estate of Natt B. Fowler upon his o`,tl�. says that the above is a true account of property sold by hin and tl ar_,c;unt obtained therefor Sept. lst, 1874. Id. H. Frost. ORDER CO1TITn.11TNG SALE OF REAL ESTATE: Filed Oct. 27, 1874; An order having been i.lade by this Court on the 6th day of July A. D. 1874 authorizing I:_. Ii.- Frost the Administrator of the estate of Plat B. Fowler deceased to sell certain real estate belonging to said estate and aterwards to- vl_" t on the 26th day of October A. D. 1874 said day being a day of a regular terra thereof said administrator having Lade -to this court and filed in the office of the Clerk thereof a return of his proceedings under the said order of sale and duly returned to this cou-°t al .cco °.lzt of sales and this court having exaLiined the said return and 'it to the satisfaction of this court that in pur- suance of of -gale said adrlinistrator caused notice of the time and pJ_Ft� : of b:-' ding such sale to be posted as the law directs. That �._'b.e `,i e and place of holding such sale specified in said noti_�e t,,.T.: on the lst day of September D, 1874 between the hcu o)f :.n. ,._�oc:c in the .Iorning and the setting of the sun of the sai t o-i.. o' cIocl in the town of i,-2u�_.il.teo, J' Sheet No 7 L! sa--•o. S: 10 ---4. Snohomish County, Washington, he sold in one parcel at public auction to the highest bidder upon the following terms to -wit for cash gold coin and subject to confirmation by this court the whole of the real estate described in said Order of sale and in said Notice to -wit: All that certain lot piLce or parcel of land situate lying and being in said County of Snohomish, Washington Territory and des- cribed as follows to-irit. The undivided one third of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Section twenty three (23) and the Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter and Northwest quarter of southwest quarter of sec- tion twenty four (24) in Totrrnship numiber twenty &even (27) north of range numbered three (3) east containing 141 acres, more or less. That at such sale Joseph licCarty became the purchaser of said real estate for the sure of One Hundred and forty one (141) dollars gold coin, he being the highest and best bidder and said seam being the highest and best sum bid. That the said sale was legaly made and fairly conducted that the sum bid is not dispnoportionate to the value of the property sold and that a su:a exceeding such bid at least ten per cent exclusive of the expence of a new sale cannot be obtained. And that the said administrator in all things proceeded and conducted and managed said sale as by the statute in such case made and provided. And no person interested in said estate or otherwise having filed or made any objection to the confirmation of said sale and no good reason appearing to this Court why the said sale should not '+ be confirmed. It is hereby Ordered a!Uurned and decreed that the said sale be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved and declared valid. And the proper and legal conveyances of said real estate are hereby directed to be executed to said purchaser. Bated October 26th, 1874. R. Haskell, Probate Judge. ORDER FOR SALE dF PERSONAL PROPERTY: Filed -----; Application having been made to the Judge of this Court by the petition in w7i.t- ing of M. H. Frost the Administrator of the Estate of slot B. Fowler deceased, filed on the 5th day of 11ar. A. D. 1874 for an Order to sell the personal property belonging to said estate and it appear- ing to the satisfaction of this court that it is necessary to sell the persona]. property belonging to said estate, it is hereby Ordered, adjudged and decreed that the said administrator sell all the person -- %I property belonging to said estate at private sale and for the highest prices he can get. And it is further ordered that the said Administrator return to this court an account of sales verified by his affidavit. Uitness Hon. Royal Haskell Judge of the said Probate Court this 20th day of Hay, A. D. 1874. Attest ray hand and the seal of said Court the day and year last above written. E. C. Ferguson, Clerk. PETITION OF 7HORRIS H. FROST A7D OTHERS FOR LETTERS OF AID-VxS- TRATIOIT OlT THE ESTATE OF 1?ATHAVIEL B. FOWLER: Filed May 6, 1873. To the Hon.. Royal. Haskell, Judge of the Probate Court of Snohomish Sheet No. - No. 0. S. 10 --- 5a County, Washington Territory. Your petitioners Morris H. Frost and others, respectfully_ showeth that Nathaniel B. Fowler a resident of Mukilteo in the County aforesaid died on the twenty nineth day of January, 1873, in- testate, leaving estate in said county of Snohomish real and person- . iat he was a single man, having heirs living in the State of New York, Vermont and 0a]-i.. ornia, and Washington Territory, as will more fully appear in the affidavit hereunto annexed, that his property consists of real and. personal Estate, vror. th about the sum of One Thousand Dollars $100000 and that the same is subject to adminis- tration, that doze diligence has been used and search made and no testamentory documents having been found, it is believed that he died without a will, your petitioners therefore pray your Honour to appoint Morris H. Frost administrator of the said estate of Nathaniel B. Fowler. Mukilteo May 2, 18 73 . Morris H. Frost, H. C. Vinning, J. D. Fowler. Morris H. Frost of Ifulilteo, Tnohomish County, the person named in the above petition for administrator on the estate of Natt B. Fowler on his oath saith. That from knowledge obtained of Jacob D. Fowler one of the heirs the estate and Brother of the said Natt B. Fowler that the brothers and sisters of Natt B. Fowler and heirs direct of his : estate live in the following to -twit: Jacob D. Fowler at Mukilteo, Snohomish County, Wash. Tr .,Mrs. Jane Hosmer at San Francisco, California, Mrs. Phoebe V.Ornell, at New York City, George P. Fowler ac Hyde "e Park, Dutches County, New York, mrs. Hattie M. Marshall at Poughkeepsie, Dutches County, New York, T.Zrs. J. W. Heevmans at Salt Point, Dutches County, New York, and H. H. Fowler at Manchester, Vermont. Subscribed and svrorn to before me this 2nd day of May, A. D. 1873. H. C, Vining. ITotary Public, Washington Ter. CITATIOU; Filed - ----- ; The People of the United States C-o M. H. Frost, Greeting. By order of this Court you are hereby cited and required to appear before the Judge of this Court at the Court room thereof at Snohomish City, Tashington Territory on Monday the 27th day of AL)ril, A. D. 1874, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to show cause if any you have kiihy you have not made any report or showing to this court in relation to the above named estate. Witness the Hon. Royal Hashel Judge of our Probate Court in and for the County of Snohomish, Territory of T7asjiington with the seal of said court affixed this 16th day of Harch A. ID. 1874. E. C. Ferguson, Clerk. APPRAI �r, +NT OF THE ESTATE OF ITATT B. FOWLER: Filed Apr. 25, 1874; 1873 property at qualio, $751.; 47 acres of land_being 1-3 of the P. H. Ewell Tract T. 27 N.R.3 East, Sec. 23 and 24, ;apprai- sed at2,.50 per acre, ",117.; Property at rfukilteo ----; 1 Ballard rifle, 'p18. ; 1 Double Barrel Fowling piece, ti,20. ; 1 Travelling trunk, $3.00 ; To tat. apprai sement �;`.908.00 . Mukilteo April 26, 1874. H. H. Frost, Administrator. ------------------- Ina t-No•" Office NG. bZ • IN THE PROIATE COURT OF SNOHC ISii COUNTY CTAST'-I1TG`2O3\T TERRITORY. In the a tter of t-:e Estate of No. OS 10 . Natti r . Eoviler, Decea. sed. (All the papers and files in tl-e above entitle,-, Estate have been either lost, Lii syja.cea or stolen, and as a consequence the recoras of the Cler-i's office of Snohomis.. County, 17a.3Tdi.)gton are deficient in this ;Natter even including the Probate Tournal and Record �3oo'_,s 1 and IA, Jhi.c i were used in tra.nscribin; the orders Ana decrees by t-e Co;.rt at tra.t ti:.le) A :DERSO- GUARj'uTTE_k; ABSTRACT CO. 75 ..5. Certificate of (:(;;.tinuation We hereby certif-r that vre bavo added to the fore . abstract of title instruments numbered to con- of� ahe,L*t�, and the zo;-ac ►howj all instrwnel to fil d "or recorded in tr_e office of the Count,{ Auditor of Snohomish County, 17'ashington, and a11. proce-Dding , had 11.r_ any i:ourt of record holding terms in said County affecting the title ,,,7 the following described real propert;;T, to Wit, Lots Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four (24), Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (26) in Block One Hundred and Nineteen (119) of the City of Edmonds, situated in Snohomish County, .Washington. We furtYz r certify that there a r, no unila 1. i.5fied j udgments agai rX.st any grantee named ill the Within ab3tract aff::cti g the .ta.tl : to the said property, a.s �hocrn by the liTudgment Indices of tho SulD'eri.or Court of the State of Vaahington, iin aid •for SI-nohc aijh (:ount4: We further certify that there are no sue and delinquent taxes on said premises, or un.redeerled .3ale.� thereof for delinquent -waxes ihovm by the official tax roll- of said County in the office -of the Treazurer thereof,, except taxes for the year 1910, amounting to $14.52 We do not certify az to any taxes or asseasr_Zents for local im- provemer_ts on said pro,,)ert:y.ahos.-rn b, the recor.da of the city of Edmonds. All i_nce the date of the la it preceding certificate, to ".:it October 1, 1908, at 2.03 o'clock and including this Sixth (6) day of February, Nineteen Hundred and Eleven (1911), at Eight (8) o'clock A.M. Ik_ ��E�SO=: GUARAiT`lEr 1'kBSmR1{CT COi PATTY9 By ABSTRACT CF TITLE TO . . ...... ...... Snohomish County, Wash. MADE FOR 1A BY ROUSoG Guaragtee Gtistroct Co. GREENBERG BLOCK COR. HEWITT AND WETMORE AVER. EVERETT, WASHINGTON Tribune job Pn6t 6