1923 Optional Sale Agreement from AllenN`.
O PT I OTYAL SA.L'I" AGRE'11, . 14TT .
:�i'V 1 ALL 1i,11 BY 7'H'�S PRrSM `"TS, that vie, Harry V. Allen,
and Pearl K. Allen, his wife, of the City of TIdmonds, Snoho-
mish Countyand State of Washington, in consideration of the
sum of One (1) Dollar in hand paid, do hereby agree to grant,
sell and convey by good and sufficient warranty deed, unto
School District Nu,::ber Fifteen (15) , Snohomish County, amd
State of `"ashington, the following described real estate situ-
ate in said City, County and State, towit: Corm..encinr at a point
on the west boundary line of Sixth Street, extended north,
which paint is 140 feet north of the north east corner of the
High School tract, thence east to the *dmonds City Limits",
thence north One hundred and forty (140) feet, thence crest to
a point due north of the place of beginning, thence south
One Hundred and Forty (140) feet to the place of beginning.
PROVIDEM ALWAYS, and this agreement is, and shall be, optional
on the part of the Directors and Board of Education of said
School .District, and said Board ofEducation shall have six
months, and until the 15th day of OFebr:uary, 1924, in which to
accept or reject this agreement anti,the provisions herein;
and PROVIDED ,y'URT_ , , that in the extent said Board of Edu-
cation sliall elect to accept the provisions herein within
six lrontiis as above sot forth, and desire to complete the
purchase of said real estate in accordance with the price, X)EV
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, then said Board of
Education shall have a reasonable time, and such time as may be
necessary, in which to submit the matter to the voters of said
school district for a ,referendum vote. Ind in the event a
majority of those voting at such election should not favor the
purO.fiase of said proporty according to the terms, price and
provisions herein, thin this agreement shall be. void, otherwise
be arrd remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDTM FURTHER that this agreement is a sole and exclusive
option on said above described real estate in favor of said
Board of Education and said School District Fifteen.
PROVI_D77) FURTIP±F, that in the event said Directors and Board
of Education should elect to complete the purchase of said real
estate, and said election should be supported by the voters of
said School District, then said School District, through its
Directors and Board of Education, shall pay to said Barry V.
Allen, an amount equal to the sum of Fifteen. Hundred Dollars
(-1500) per acre for the actual amount of land so conveyed as
the full and complete purchase price of said premises.
PE,07TIDED FURTHER, that thy' owner of said premises reserves
the right to remove all buildings, trees and shrubbery, and
other imT)rovements, fro.: said real estate within six mouths
after the deed to said premises is delivered and settlement
fully made hereunder, the ownership and title to said improve-
ments being hereby reserved in the present owner, and the same
are excepted from the terms of this agreeAalent.
""'ITW.J OUP. IIAiv'DS this 15th d �f August, A.D. 1923.
In presence of L_-"7tC4
State of ".!ashinC�ton,
Snohomish County.
Allen, his wife, to
in 'and who executed
the same to be their
pur�sos therein
day of
On this LP� day Hof �f�
1923, before meA6
ss. a Notary Public, duly a.ppo in ed
and qualified for and residing; in
said county, personally came
Harry V. Allen, and Pearl K.
me known to be the identical persons described
the foregoing instrument, and a.cknov;ledged
voluntary act and deed for the uses and
resse - ':'ITITESS my hand and seal this
A�C,_ _4-, ,, 1923.
tary Public.
idine: at x;dmonds, 'Yashington.
Harry V. Allen and
Wif e,
r Board o '+ducation,
School District No.1::