1939 Lichtenstein Letter regarding moving building0
County Attorney,
1%mr `Sir s
,'oferi-in- to the adjacent tract that the : ehool _"istrict is pareasing
across the street a'rom t7ho back of 'Wie i igh Nchool grounds. a questi= has Oeen
raised by Yrse ;:ells J. Helfer, member of tl2a re -organised %oarld, ooncertibm�;
moving of the m�maal trsJ%-1 ng building to a new foundation m t'cse enlarged
sohool groundpj' ieee, the purchased additim tberatos
Mrie Telfer wishes to know wiicrLher the Board has the auttority to
direct such removals and I, therefore, � C-5e .
possible in regard to your opinion theravne
A P.V,.Ae addition to the : iglz School is being built& and a portion of
It is to be on the site of the present manual training buildings ?;0 mention of
the said manual training building appears in the srpecifleatime, euccept insofar
as it appears that sjW portions of .existing buildings that are is the way of
eoastruation, sFxall be wr+soked by the ocntraotor wad the salvage thereof is
certain oases became the property of the oantractaro The portion -of the build-
ing that would be sneaked, is being used at the present time as a =vial train-
ing,olassrocm, and it is desired to continue so to use it during at least the
resider of the school year, and possibly beyond that time• The contractor
is willing to Hove the building to its now foundatims at his expense,and with
the understanding that -it will remain the District's property, provided that
he can start moving it at .ones As he nust pay the union scale for .Teok1nC,
I suspoet that it is cheaper for him to do the tx ng than to pay for wrookinr#
as the salvage probably would not pay much of his labor charges*
I beReve t1 at the foregoing covers the situation flairly thoroughly*
The Poard had decided to have the moving done at its last na,atirg, and the
new question is being suLmitteu to you because of douire Zor flurther inform..
ation by one of the "caul members, requested this mornings
.I:. Lichtenstein,