1939 Warranty Deed from Horton BrackettTHE GRANTOR-3___________Iinrt_on__�r�.ck�t<,__.lxgaet___xackett,___his__wfe_._ + For and in consideration .._n in hand paid, convey___ and warrant__.. to.achool ... District_ No-.___15 the following described Real Estate: ---- Porti on___o f__ Government lot „two C2),--«section twentyf'o= --- (24_)_...... township_ t�renty-seven (_27) north range three (3) - --------------- i ........... . ...... desczibed as follows: -Beginning at the intersection of th-e --- e_a,st.._.l ne___of Sixth Street with the north line of Glen Street as -------------------------------------------------------------------------« w «.,....,...«__.._.,.._..«....«.w�...._ ehor_.on-the,Plat of Brackettts First Addition to Edmonds, according to ... p2,,?:t.«thereof recorded in volume 8 of. -plats • Raae 4-.7_..-_records of ning___thence north along the east_ line of Sixth Street, 90__feet_: thence east -parallel to Glen Street. 135 feet; _thence south parallel to Sixth Street, «90 feet to the north line_ of Glen -Street; thence `rest along the north line of Glen Street, 135 feet to the point o f be gz nni ng...._.. »_,... Situated in the County of.. « _ .. «« « Snohomish State of Washington. Dated this 31 s t---------------------------day of----.__. «.. ----------_' 19 -- 9__ WITNESSES: f _�_-_________.___ - .._.« ......... .......e._ _ _...__ •- -- _-_'•-_.---.._.SEAL SFAT ..... ..................... -__.-__-____-___ ..__.__._......._.._....SEAL AW5 y ` I-•--------------------------------------•-------- . ............. STATE OF WASHINGTON, SS. COUNTY OF........ ---------------- . I the undersigned ---------------------------------------------- « R... «....-,«, .._., a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this....---_ --- 5-],s1--.------------ da oi------------------------U'=3T------------------------------------ ao_ 39_ a .� f f poac�.so713- before me ---- __Horton Brackett and ]Margaret Brackett, his wife G .0 to me known to be the individual_$. described in, and who executed the within instrument, and acknowl- edged that .._ theY--------- signed and sealed the same as .... the i r_____. free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. (liven under my hand and official seal this ----------------- Asti_----------------------------- day of N- .. ' Y_..._................ .-, A. D. 19--- - 3 g.. 'j ------ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at ---------- Edm-onds ...................................... 652857 STATUTORY ��i WARRANTY DEED FROM 31 LA . .... GM11 --- et, ................ ............................................................................ TO . . ................................... Dated................................................. 19........ ED FO RECORD AT REQUEST OF JUL 193 ............. - -------- on the .............. day of---------------- ......... 19 -------- at----14-0 ----- minutes past.-Ii ------- cv.-M. and recorded in Volume ..... Zaa .................. of ...... De.ada ............. Page ------- N! ............ Records osoo-hilwish .............. County, State of /7ashington. .................................... . ............. . ....................... Auditor of said County. By............... ................ Deputy.