1927 Abstract of Title Block 88 Lot 2Lot
numbered Two (2), of Rlock
numbered Fighty-eight (88),
of the City of Edmonds, being a part
of Southeast quarter of the
Southwest quarter (9E-.1 of _SV74w) of gection
Twenty-four (24), in
Township Twenty-seven (27) North, Of
Range Three (3) East, of
Compiled bythe
Film ---%aww
WN IKIIII"111*41 ltm
Tf e%. 0� ei a
In trument No* A. - 117
Certified Copy of Patent.
United Stz tes 'of America.
Dated A4g. Ist, 1a72.
to }
} Filed July 16th , 1850, 3W.05 P.M.
C h a r t e a V i c k e r s.
Recorded Vol. 1 P. 70.
DapLrtiaent of. the Interior-
Genecal Lend Offica,
Washington, li. C . , Tiny ;; rd. ldc; 0.
Luvrio A. Groff, Coiamiboioner of the Generb.l Land Office certifiet
under the bual ofebid office that' -:he annexed Copy of Patent, in favor
of Cht.rle:s Vickers founded on Qlylapia, Washington Territory, Cash Entry
Inc. 3463 in u true and li terb►1 exemplification from the recorde in said
Ccrtifici:te No. 3483.
Whcrewa C'tilarlee Vickere of Kiteap County, WLrhingt.on Territory,
h&t deposited in the General Lind Offica of the United 3t4lee a C'erti-
f'ir.� f e of tt�e ltegieter of the Lwnd. Off icy:: t Olympic,., T;,.shington Terri-
tory, whereby it &pptsf.rt; t.1a,t full pzyme:nt In.,v 't,c:::n _(:,wde; by swid Char -
lee Vlcker• «ecording to the; provzaione of the Act of Congreue of the
6,4th of April, 1820 wid the &cte supplemental thereto,, for the:--
Fi,ei: hz%lf of Soutili wee'll, yu4tter of 3cction Twenty four in xownehip
Twerty -ever, Kurth rth of Runge 'Thc eu 14:!t of 110-1araette Pturidian, contuin-
ing ".10 scree.
Which aaic. tract Ii4e been purchz.ee;d by, eb.id Cr,-urles Vickere.
1TOW KNOW YE thaw the United S b tee do c3;ivF acid f-r Ent unto tyre
e4id CharleeVickere and to hie heirs the e:4i.cf tr•oxt, &;bovc described.
By the Pre_ident, U. S. Gr&nt4,
:dy Z. R. S�6urgua, Aseiatant Sec-
Recorded Vol..7, Peat;es 236.1
0. H. Boyn►ion, Recorder of Ulia General Land Office.
Inetrum,ent No.
Ghb.s. I cDermoth, the .Agent of W.C.
W411ace, the duly appointed and gwji-
fied Administrator of the estate of
Che.c. Vicors, deceaeod,lb.te of Port
Wadleon, Washington Territory.
Philip Wirt of Port Madison, Washington
2 -341
Administ rator' a Deed.
Dated Feby.7th,,1882
Filed March lst,]L882, 7:1
Rec. d ol.4 D. page 31
Connideration $ 0.00
Instrument recites: That Where:r;.s on the 27th 0�y of Mov.1681
the Probate Court of the County of lUtst,p and Territory of W4shington,
made an order nearing date the daffy, and year last aforceaid (being the
date of this lne Lrument as stated "bove) authorizing sb.id fir at party
to eell at public auction to the hi,7hebt bidder 1 oc cw�h, cerLr,in
entwte belonging to the estate of Laid dece;%ued, situht-ed in Snohomish
Count;;, Washington Territory and particularly deberibed in said order
of mule.
And Whereas under and by virtue of said Order of Sale and pursu-
antto legal notice even thereof, -whe eaid party of first part on the
7th day of Januiry,1b.12 in front of 'the Court Houee in Snohomish City,
In the County of .3no'.j;nie h, W&ah. Terry. offered for a ale such real
And a, t such bale eaid eecond party became the purcha.eer of :!4id
real estate wforeawid and hereinafter de:ecribed for the rtm of Fifty
dollars lie being the highest and beet budder and that being the highest:
and costaura bid.
And '}:oreaa the a6id Rrobi ije court upon the clue and legal roturn
of the proou-(;dirge under abid ordt5r of rb.le kt the next term of mid
tour to-ri c: the dsnuar3r to r�iu, ec�amneneing the 4th 74onday of eaid Month
1862 after _.aking the a aid ea.:lo upor, notice of %t: leE,.et ten dr-ye riven
In such manner E,6e said court had directed d-Ld on the 23rd.day of J'4nu-
&ryy1882 make an order c nfirming a aid sale anu directing conveya,ncea to
be executed to oLid purchaser conveying to him in all the right,title
and interest of said intestate in said premiree.
NUN THL11,17FOR.W the s aid party of the first part pursuant to the
order la.bt z,foee:&id, tiovib Gr&nt, 3arfgain, Sell and Convey unto ei,id
pi-.rty of .acond pL►rt, heirs and bouigna, all the right, title, interr!b'
and es tb.te of tho said Giiarles Vicker at the time of his death, and all
the right, title tend interest that Laid estate by opevart;ion of lb.w or
otcler.rise mL y have acquired other than, or in addition to that of e aid
inters L.F.te at tha time of his deo.th in and to that ee•r•tain lotspiece or
Instrument No. I Cons t.
paroel of land eituE tee lying and being in Snohomish County, Washing-
ton Territory, described z%e follows, to -grit: --
The Fast j of S, W.J Sec.241;Tp. 27 IT. R. 3 East, Containing
Eighty (84) 4cree.
Two Witnuav(-.2.
W. C. S&11&ce, Adminietrator
of the eecpte of Chore. Vickerup
(By his agent, Charles McDermoth)
Acknowledged Feb;. 7th. l8a2, by W. C. VUlixe ( }aie Agent
Cl)r..r. Mc errsoth) known to i;e the pereon described in &n .:Iio executed
trbeforegoing Teed as Adminiatr4tor of the eutate of Charlen Viekers,de-
ccdeed, and acknowledged th&t lie, a5 5uch AdminiPtrator executed the
name freely, and voluntarily and for the usee k..nd purpueee therein men-
tioned, before Nelson McCullum, County Auditor of Kiteap County, W+Aah.
'", a
w' s
Instrument No.
Yeleon McCull'um, the duly appointed
and qualified Administrator de bonis non
of the eatute of Charles Vickere, deceaeed,
late of Port Madison, Kitsap County, Wash-
ington Territory.
Phi l i p W i a t of same p l a, c e
3 - 23
Administrators Deed.
Dated May 8,1883
Filed Say 26118aj 8: 3UPM
Rac.Vol.4 D. pavge j9l
Consideration 485.00
Instrument recites: T}1a,t wheeeae on the gth clay of November,
18613 the Pro &te Court of s aid Rit.sap County, Washington Territor;f, ma&
as order bearing date Vac day &nd year 1U."t L.forevaid (tie: �.&te of this
Ine trument) authorizing ?V C. WiL: Ikeep former administrator of Bald e!s-
t4te of Chas. Vic;kere, dece4eed, to sell at public auction to the high-
est bidder for c&&h, certain real astute belonging to e&ld deceaeed,
situated in Snohomish County, Wa.ehing'ton Territony, and described in
aa.id order of eales which order of eule w&e recorded in the office of
the Clerk of thc: T rol)≪ Court of Kztiiap County, on the 29th clay of
Yovember, 1881 and in of record in mid office in Vo1.2 of records
Page 143 and following: -
AND WHERFA3 under and by virtue of %aid Order of 3a,1e and pursu-
ant to legal notice given t iereof the r. a.id W. 01. Wallace, on the 7th
day of daauary, 1882 offered fore ale in one paioel at public auction
to the highebt bidder for casti, and subject to confirrlatlon .u•Y r a.id
Probate Court the said real estate in aald order of .ale described.
And at such sale the eecond party herein became the purchave;r of the
real estate aforeeah,id, and here;irqft::r duecvioeu for tht exam of 4a5.00
he being the hi ;_lleot and ')eat bidder and t.iat bnn 'tht; higlueet wid
best bid
VND WI:in':i RAS the e aid Probixte Court upon the due slid legal return
of hie procaedinge under Ghe z aid order of tale m&de .! y'l. C% W6611ace a.,t
the next term of court, to -wit: at the Jania_ry terra 1�,.62 after ra&kiniK
s&i.d male did on the 23rd. day of January, l�82 make an order confirm-
ing chide ale end directing conveyancee to be executed to aald purch"a-
er, a. ceactified copy of which order of confirmation w&.s recorded in the
office of the Probate Court of Kitsap County on Jwny. la,82 and is of
record in ;: aid office in Vol. 2 page 147.
id0� 2rIn�h Oi E eaid fir - at piurty doer Grant, Bargain, Tell,, Convey
sad Corxfirrn unto the :i&id party of eecond parts heire and aerignr,all
the right, title, intereet and eiatB to of amid Chfxrles Viekerr_, deceaeed,
at the time of bie death, and a,ll the right, title and intereet .1nd ee-
sheet ,vo.
Instrument MO. - Con, t.
2 - 2
Ute that *aid estate by operation of law or otherwise muy have acquir
other than or in addition to that of acid intestate et the time of hie
death in and to that certain lot, parcel or piece of land situated 1'yt
and being in Snohomish County, Washington Territory, described as
The last one half of S.W.quarter of Sec.24, in Township 27
worth of Range Three East.
Nelson YcCullum, Administrator of
De Bonis aeon of the estate of Charles
Two Witnesses. Vickere, deceueed.
Acknowledged May 8th, 188J by Nelson McCullum, known to be the
person described in and who executed the foregoing deed as the Admin-
istrator de bonis non of the eet4te of Charles Vickere decauaed, and
acknowledged that he as the Administrator of $aid estate executed the
eame freely tend voluntarily for the uses set forth therein before
Nathan Bucklin, Probate Judge of Lfteap County, Wi,nh. Terry. (Seal)
Sheet No.
Instrument No.
2 - 34o
Phillp Sibtt of Port i.-- icon, Kit-
e&p County, Wa2hington Territory,
and Cathe ine Wi 4t, wife of eaid
Philip V ist, in ?zer right.
Cora McDe rmoth of Kit eap County,
Washington Territory.
Tb.rranty Dead.
Dated Feby.14tha,1882.
Filed )LLr.lmt #11.882, ? P.M.
Rec. Vol. 4 D. page 2g
Goneiderwtion '200.00
Gr&ntoea do dive, Bargain, Sell, Grunt and Convey unto Grantee,
with covenants of General Wig rranty, lunde in Snohomish Count;a, Taeh-
ington Territory, deboribed a.e follow: --
The Fait � of 3.W.4 Sec.241 Tp. 27! 1'. R. 3 Fast and containing
80 6,cres.
Wife relknquiehes right ct Dour and Fgome.etead in and to e"d la.nda-
Two Witnemeae.
Philip Wist
Ya,,-t a Ti a t
Acknowledged F,.byr. 14th, 188", by Philip Witt and Cathe ine
W1st, before Nelson McCullum, CountiV Auditor of Kitnup County, 11"eh-
ington Territory.
Sheet No.
Instrument No.� 3 — 22
C'narles McDermoth and Cora A. The � Special Warranty Deed.
Dermoth, hie wife, of Port Madison,
Washington. Dated Na.r. 27,1882
to ) Filed May 26,1883,8: 20
Ntta E. Brackett, of Snohomish County, ) Rec. Vol.4 D. page 59D
Washington Territory. )
Consideration 4100.00
Grantors do Grant, Bargain, SellaConvey and Confirm unto
Grantee, heirs and assigns, with covenants of warranty, by, through
or under said party of first part, lands in Snohomish County, IVashingt
Territory, described as follows: --
The East * of S.W.+ Sao. 24, Tp, 27' N, R. 3 Nast and
Containing Eighty (8) acres.
Two Witnesses.
Signed by Grantors.
Acknowledged idarch 27th, 1882 by Grantors, before Nelson
YcCullum, County Auditor of Nitaap County, Wash. Terry.
(Aud. goal)
Sheet dVo.
...ns trument No. 5-m-155
s.linneapolis Realty & Investment ) Mortgage,
Company, a corporation, D Dated July 13th, 1890,
to ) Filed Sept. 16th, 1890
George Brackett, Edmonds, ) Recorded Vol. 8 11. 432
Consideration $21,000.00
Grantor does Grant, Bargain, Sell, Con-Tey and Confirm unto
Grantee, his heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County, flashing§on,
described as f of:l ows, to ait
th The NEj and e W+ of the SE-1 of Section 24, Twp. 27, 23'.R.3 E.
Also a certain tract of land, Beginning at the hT1, j of Lot 2, Sue . 24 ,
Tivp. 27, IT.P,3 E., thence running sout'_^flr!y 30 rods, thence Easterly
80 rods, thence Northerly 30 rods, t:lence EasT,-rly CO rodZg to place
of beginning, containing 13 ao--us, m-re or le s::,
Al ea that ('erta' n tract of la;:rtd coianencing at a p.)?tit ��60 feet
yorthcaeter ,.Y of she a'1� corner of Lot 6, in 'rllock 14; Flat
of Edmonds, runtling thence in a Yortheasterly- direen.f.on the 'hest
line of t- e County rov.U. to the Forth lfne of 1-ot 2, :,n Sou � t.jr. 241
Twp. 25, ;3'.R.3 E., thence best to the high water of 1�41; lrz-lty
inlet, thence Southwesterly following the Gnvrrnnent meandar line to a
point 360 feet northeasterly of tY3e inter-3e^ticn of tl e 3-orth line of
said Lot 6, Elock 14, and the government meenler lire, thence Masterly
to the point of beginning.
This conveya::ce is -intended as a mortgage to secure t?.e payment
of $21,000.00 gold coin of t„e United Status, with in•tere,.t ,at the
rate o:F' .Y0 per cent per annum. Note of even date, and Fro%rides that
one half of the amounts received for the px•operty when sold shall be
applied in ;)aymient of the rote, and no su..is shal]. be due on the note
except as e a l es are made.
This note does not hear interest and if such i= payment small
be :jade acc of -1-i..r..g to tiie terms and conditions this wort; aQe shall
be void, ot'-Lef—ffi3e to remain in full force and effect.
Witnesses,. Signed, .[innof J.s & Investment
Frank B. tit'eis c ].ing CcrapaI,y , ut ::a�.r.t ,T, Coon, Pres
John P. "ale, 'Ccrp.Sealff D. B. Ward, Treasurer.
Regularly acknowledged July loth, l,.,90 before Frank B. Ireistling,
3J.P. for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, '':n. `N.P.Seal#
ILarginal Notation.
For satisfaction of t-his
23 R tga. ;es, Page
• � 14 �LMrKn[�'w
ae cra.L •, i
mortga�-e see Vol.
290 D.S.Swerdfiger,
Co. Auditor.
slieel—vo. . h __
f' 1
Instrument- No. 5-:n-553
George Brackett, Plaintiff, ) Lis Pendens, No. 501
VS.' } Filed Jan..9tn, 1S91, 5.35
The Minneapolis Realtor and ) Fecorde,d Vol.10 lwtges., 434
Tr. reotment Com'y:)an; , Defendant, )
Take ]Notice ti7 at an action hv.s been co�,,i'senc�;d in the Suynerior
Court of Snohomish County, Was'laington, acid the object of said action
is to reform a certain mortgage deed from Delandant 'Co plaintiff, bear-
ing date July lath, 1c:y0, and filed for recr,;rd Sept � 21.6th, 1c^90 in Vol.
6 of -raort ;ales, pace 4a2 ; wid to forec lose sa' d a110 r tgage l n so re-
Jror;ner. The land affected by this action is described as f ollc�°rs
I?E# and 74 of t.'.^e SE -I and E* of tlhe SWj and the SWJ of S74 all in
Sec. 24, Twp. 27, .' ,3 1+.. W.
Also the `,A of t':e i�IE9 of Sec. 26, T;+r;�. 2fl 1 -R.3 E.W. .
Also t.- e AVr F of 5,:7* of Sec. 24, T .,Q. 27, N.=1.3 1:.;�., �. except
�l,at portion of the same included vitlin the original tuwnsite of
Fdmo_ ds. Excepting further tl�.at 5 acre tract deeded —%. Goerge Bracla-
ett to John Anderson, situate, lying and beillg in t-h.e ,Y-g of t -,.e 5;V�
o:_ re 24, Tv.). ti7, ;.ra:..3 ill.
This warranty deed also includes t--.a.t certain tract of lend 'beginning
at the ]�i ij of Tot 21 SEc . 24 , Tv r). 27, i�..:R� 3 L.t' ,� i th,-:,i<_F :-i,iY.ni ng
sout�_l..r.,y 30 rods, thence Westerly$0 rids, t'rien�F iJorti�er�y zr0 rods
thence Easterly 80 rods to ph ce of beginning containing 15 acres more
or less.
Also that certain tract of land, Co'.i::xellcing at a point 360 f?et
no rtheLsterly of the N'E corner of Lct 5, in M cck 14, on t118 trig; inal
plat of "Edmonds, Ualence running in, a northeasterly direction alonsy
the west side of the Counter road to the intersection of the To. t1h line
of I.ot 21 in Sec. 24, Tsvp. 27, 11.r. 3 E.��T.'-:., thence Nest to the high
weter mark of admiralty Inlet, thence southeasterly f'olicwing tzie gov-
arn ment m�a,nder line to a point 360 feet northeasterly of t:ale inter-
F:EC'i.ion of tie - crth line of said ;Lot 6, in I21ock 14 and the Gov.
meand"r- 117c, t ;ence Easterly to place of beginning. TogeLaer with
all littor,-.1 a::d riparian rights and rights of purchc—ae of tide lz.nds
in fror_t thert.ol.
That -the basis of this action ,is fraud practiced upon the plain-
tiff by the defendant.
'Sighed, George Prackett, by James Gep-
1:art and Thorington tee Steel, Att
iTote. Yortggge sought to be foreclosed was later satisfied and
suit dismi..sed, new mortgage being given.
Sheet No.
Instrument No. 11-,m-463
George Brackett, ) Satisfaction of Tortgage,
to ) Dated Khr ' 23rd, 1893
Minneapolis Realty & Ingest- } Filed Ky 190, 1193, 010PT.
ment Company, a corporation, )
Rec. Al. 13 Vtges, 290
Grantor does certify 'and declare t ,at a certain mortgage bearing
date the 15th day of July, 1890, .:lade and executed by the lanneapolis
Realty & Investment Company, q corporation, tie party of the first
part therein, to George Brackett, the party of the second part, wherein
and whereby the following described property was mortgaged, situated
in SnohomiFh County, State of Washington, to wit: -
The YK and the WA of the SEA- of See. 24,
Beginning at the 27 corner of Lot 21 in said Sec. 24, tKence Southerly
,J ro da , Arse nce 4►enterly 6C rods, thence ;;northerly 30 rode, thence
Easterly 80 rols to place of beginniAg, 15 acres more or less.
Also, Comwenoirg at Ve point 360 feet northeasterly of the NA cor-
ner of Lot 61 in Kock 14, Town of Edmonds, jzunninF; thence Yortheast-
erly along tho ww& line of .the County road to the Yorti•: litre of Lct
2, Sec. 24 t? once West to the line of higli water 2irirk AAmira.lty Inlet
Thence soutAwoO?z y following the government meander line to a point
360 feet northoostarly on the intersection_ of the north -line of said
Lot 6 and tho gc.vernment mearzder line, thence Easterly to place of
beginning, all in Twp. 27, I.E. 3 E.A.
The consida.ra'ion' fcr this release is the execution and delimmery
to Goe. Brackett by the Hinneapolis Pealt,y A investment Company of a
mortgage for $23,000.00 dated Yarch 22nd, 1393 and recorded in Vol.
23 of Mortgages, page 141-147, records of Snohomish County, and also
a deed to the wharf property of said corporation Located at Edmonds
Washington. Said mortgage and deed being taken by way of compromise
and settlement of all suits, litigations and differences between said
parties and in fall settlement of t. e mortgage descri'.)ed, which mort-
gage is recorded in the office of the County Auditor of the County of
Snohomish, Wan n. ngton, in '•jol. 8 of Nortgagps at page 452 on the 16th
day of Sept. 1690, Together with the duet t,7• er aby secured is fully
paid, sat isf i e:? and discharged as above set forth, ,
No Witnesees. Signed by Grantor.
Acknowledged by Grantor May 16th, 1893, before iames, N. Gephart, K.P.
in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, Wn. -fSEAL7.=
Shmt w_ _ _tll1_ .. _
C 0.
l _ _� +M `'tr•: ••:' -
- ��i�/7!!•1rNr111 1 L1KC�i/AR11�N�� ��
G'R'�1Ih�i ililiiV Ny:� - ft�immi;
� i I�rruQN NO) �I NUHH1,11 IMP I
' • - �. .—i -I�—f ilia:,-� � .'� �il �.��11�����11 �}JI�
L) M U N L
►7 i i c o .
-TT - - -----
17 T7`
mmul My"A
--- -I- --
Iostrujnent No.
sPorge Brackett and Etta D. Brackett,
huL')zn d and wife, of E&aonds , Sno
k:»z_sh. County, Washington,
?Minneapolis Realty & Invesbtmaent
Company, a corporation,
Dated July 15th, 1890,
Filed July 22nd, 1690, 1 Ph.
Rec. Vol. 10 Deeds, 536
Consideration $35,000.00
Grantors do Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey and Confirm to Gran-
tee, i f7- and assigns, Frith covenants of Genie1-21 Warranty,
lands in rno'lc-ish. County V&3hington, describes? as fog -oas, to ivit :-
The <<nd th, `u of tht- SEJ and E' of SWTI and S'.14 of SWj all in
Sec. 24, 'l.'"�. 27, Y.P. 3 E. W.M.
NP-t o:� Iv ' of Sec. 26, Twp6 27, ,!.R.3 E.W. —
A' so t'tP iJrd of SW4 of Sec. 24, Twp. 27, r5.R.3 E. W. ;-- - except
that poriwion includid within the ori`inal townsite of Edmonds. Fr,-
cepting further t'::at certain five acre tract daeded by Gorge Brackett
to John Anderson situate, lying and being in the NEJ of SWJ of Sec.
24, Twp. 27, P'LR.3 RX.H.
Said Warranty Deed to also include that certain tract of land
B,nginning at the IMF quarter of Lot 2, Sec. 24, Tzvp. 27, N.R.3 E.YI,L
the::ce running southerly 30 rods, thence Westerly CO rods, ii:ence
Northerly 30 rods, thence Easterly 80 rods to place of beginning, con-
taining 15 acres, more or less.
:also to include that certain tract of land : -
Co:=cncing at a point 360 feet Northeasterly of the FE corner of Lot
6. Block 14, original. plat of edmonds, running thence in a ]lrortheast.-
e.-ly direction tr , Test line of the County road to the North
Iin,.: of Lot 2, ir! iec. 24, Twp. 27, ]•,.R. 3 11; [ x..., thowx; Vi-st to the
riu`.wa,ter wa.rk or inlet, thence Southe:,Yy following t'le :rov.
r_:ea-,3er lineto a nu `.Tit 360 feet northea t-eri.1,- of the ion of
14ie Forth line o.f said a�ot 6, Block 14, an" the government meander
thence Easterly to the place of beginning
J )hn I' . Gale,
Prank B. 77eis-L-).fng,
Ae'�nnwladce(� o Grantors
N.?P in aria for the State
Signed by Grantors.
July 13th, 1890,
of Washgt on,
bef ore Frank B< Weistling,
residing at Seattle, Wn.
Sheet. No.
Instrument No.
George Br"ck-tllj Quit ChAm Deed
Ettc, E. Brt�clic his lrife
Dated Au,. 12 1800
t 6
Filed Au..-,-. 21, 1890, 2:10 PM
Chri- Tilstocd*
Re c. Vol. ' 13 T. Ill
Conoider,,ution '$5�,00,
Grantors De,-Pisc�j ReleELsp ��Iad F(1'3,Tyr Quit-Cl"im un t r) Grmtee,
the 17ollowinC. de.'3cribad real estate situC,te in S mhomi sh:, County:, 71ash-
ington, to -wit
:Lot .2, block 38 & lots 1 2'blo'ck 66 plat of the. City of
Signed by Grantors.
T,,,rn, 17itneseco.
Ac'.cnowledgy8d Ai-,-3. 14, 1890 by Gr-_-,4'ucrs,
Be-F--ore Frt,,,dc Asheo-raft., lqotwry Public for 17LI-Chiii-ton, re:,idl.ng LLt E dm n nds
E0 ION' -. K t
0� OLM
Sheet .NO.-------
Instrtil;nent NO. 8-265
Iiini�e �ulis Re 'ter ��ni �`�arr:inty De-:d
Investi::erit Comr).iny
(IncorPori.-ted) Dated Auk. 12, 1390
to Filed Aui . 21, 1790, 2:15 P.11.
Chris 7 il,.�ted Rec. Vol. 13 D. 13
Consider;..tion . 157.30
Grantor does Grt.:a, n«rgrain, Sell axi-? Conve,r »ith covenant,, of
Gcner"l J"Ijrarr"nt;,r, unto Grantee, the folloni_lf.7, described roil est: to
situate in Snohomish County, War�hinq~tr-n, to-w: it :--
Lot N block 8?, " lot 1 u 2 block 6? plat of the City of
Ed:u^ nds.
Minneapolis Realty E,nd Invcst_nent Co,-,Ip .ny
ny Galen H. Coon - Vice ?'resident
and. D. B. TITCLrd - Treuourer.
XCor»or,.,te Seull
T�-,ro 17itnesses.
Ackno,rledr^ed Au:z. 12, 1890 by G(-:.len H. Coon ;.mice President and
D. 71. 'k1wrd knrn"n to be the TreE_surer of the L inneapolis Rer:lty and
Investmeut Corr,pany, before Edward S. I.1e&,rlrnr, Notz ry Public for Vh,F;hint;ton
residing at SeLttle. (Seal) .
.Sheet .No.. --------
ust r :me-, t No . 11 ?'_. .
lvi:;n.neapolis Realty E Invest- ) K o r t g a g e.
ment Company, a corporation, )
Bated Yca. 22, 1693.
- To - }
Filed rich. 241 1.b931 11:45 A.'J..
Ceorge Brackett of Snohomish )
County, Washington. ) Recorded Vol, 23 i_. page 141.
Consideration ,�23000.00
Grantor does Grant, 7_)argain, Sell, and Convey unto Grantee,
heirs and assigns, with covenants of warranty, lands in Snohomish
County, Washington, described as follows:
'TES ; the V4 of SE j and M, of SW-' and SW+ of SWi g , 411 in Sec.
24, Twp. 27 T.1. R. 3 E . W. 7
Also the YFgL of t'he IrET of Sef. 26, Twp, 27 iT, R 3 , 7Y.
Also '?WJ of SW,:;' of Sec. 24, Twp. 27 Y. 2. 3 E. 17. ``. , except
that portion of the sa:ae included within the original townsite of
Excepting further that certain 5 acre tract deeded by George
Brackett to Joiuz Anderson, situate l;,fin and being; in.the JIM,, of SW
of Sec. 24, Twp. 27 WL R. 3 Z.
And including also in this conveyance that certain tract of
land Be inning at the IMP corner of Lot 2, Sec. 24, Twp. 27 'T. _:. 3
r . thence running southerly 30 rods, thence Westerly 30 rods, thence
Northerly 30 rods, thence Easterly 80 rows to Place of beginning,
15 acres, :yore or Less.
Also that certain tract of nand: Commencing at a point 350
feet Yorthea: terly of the '•.TE corner of Lot 6, in Block 14, in t'ie
Original ToWnsplat of Edmonds, thence running in a Northeasterly
direction along the West line of the County road to the Borth line of
Lot 2, Sec. 24, TNvp. 27 `4. R. 3 u., thence West to the line of
water mark of Admiralty Inlet, thence Southwesterl�r follo,ving the
Government 1--eander lime to a point 360 feet northeasterly of lb -'he in-
tersection of the North line of said Lot 69 in Block 14, and t le-
Goveriment ?Leander line, thence Easterly to a point of beginning, to-
gether with all littoral and riparian rights incident and appurtenant
thereto and all pre-emptive rights of the purchase of the tide lauds
in front thereof from the State.
o �s a
Sheet No. -.:..__.
_nstrument '-,,To. C on't . 11 Y. 166.
The above described lands include the City of Ednonds, as the
camp appears by the Plat of the City of Edmonds now on file and of
--cord in the office of the Auditor of Snohomish County, `dJa3hington,
the said plat being laid off on the ti"T of the SK and the Er of the
04 and a portion of the !Nk of the SW}, all of Section 24, and a por-
tion of Lot 2 of Sec. 23, all of said Tracts in Twp. 27 N. A 3 �.
as hereinbefore described.
The Yortgagor excepts from this mortgage such lots and blocks
in the City of Edmonds as have ]heretofore been scld by it. The Tots
and Blocks of the City of Edmonds hereby conveyed and covered by this
Yortgage are particularly described as follows, to -wit:
All of Blocks 35, 361 371 38, 39, 401 41, 42, 43, 44, 63, 64,
65, 63, 69, 70, 712 72, 73, 74175, 76, 78, 81 82, 832 84, 85, 90, 91
92, 941 102 and 130 of the City of Edmonds as the same appears by
the plat of the said City of Edmonds;
Also Lots 1 to 37 Inc. Bk. 66; Lots 4 to 38 Inc. Bk. 67; Lois
25 to 38 Inc. Tk. 77; Lots 1 to 18 Inc. and Lots 21 to 38 Inc. M. 79
Lots 11 2, and 4 to 38 Inc. Bk. 80, lots 1 to 38 Inc. in Bk, 86; Lots
3 to 42 Inc. Bk. 87; Lots 2, 7, 11, 13, to 30 Inc, Bk. 88; Lots 1 to
7 Inc. and 9 to 40 Inc. in M. 89; Lots 4 to 20 Inc. Bk. 93; Lots 51
to 9 Inc. and Lots 11 to 37 Inc. and Lot 40 Bk. 95; Lots 7 to 10 Inc.
Lots 15 to 21, and Lots 23 to 36 Inc. and Lots 39 and 40 Bk. 96; Lots
7 and 10 and 14 to 27 Inc. M. 97; Lots 4, 5, 77 8, 102 13, 14, and
17 to 20 Inc. And Lots 29 to 33 Inc. and Lots 36 Bk. 98; Lots 1 and
4 to 10 Inc. Lots 131 141 151 19, 20, 21, 241 27, 29 and 38 Elk. 99;
Lots 11 2, and 5 to 10 Inc. and 12 to 28 Inc. and Lots 31 to 38 Inc.
Bk. 100; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 6 to 9 Inc. 12 to 18 Inc. 21 to 25 Inc. and
Lots 28, 291 and 31 to 34 Inc. Bk. 101; Lots 21 to 34 Inc. Bk. 119;
Lots 9, 11, 12, 22, 30 and 33 to 38 Inc. Bk. 120; Lots 3, 4, 9, 10,
15, 23, 26Y 291 309 31, 342 35, Bk. 121; Lots 3, 4, 71 8, and 13 to
20 Inc. 23 to 26 Inc. 29 to 32 and 37 to 40 Inc. Blk. 122; Lots 3, 61
71 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 36, 387 39 and 40 Blk. 123; Lots ld 21 112
14, 10, 18, 19, 28, 29 and 30 Bk. D; Lots 1, 2, 37 42 10, and 12 Bk.
E; Lots 1, 4, 9, 11, and 12 Blk, H; Lots 1 and 2 Elk. J; as the same
appears by the Plat of the City of Edmonds now on file and of record
in the office of the Auditor of Snohomish County, Washington.
It being the intention of the parties hereto that this Tort -
gage shall cover all the lands deeded by the mortgagee and wife to the
mortgagor by Warranty Deed bearing date the 15th day of July, 1890
and of record in Vol. 10 of Deeds, page 536 of the records of Snoho-
mish County, except such portions of said land included in the plat
a.loresaid as have been sold by the mortgagor, the lots and blocks
omitted from the foregoing particular description being the lots
o sold.
Sheet An. - 1 2 .. _ _
instrument No. C on t . 11 Id. 166.
This conveyance is intended as a IFortga`,e to secure the pay, --.lent
of "23000.00 gold coin of the United States, valance of lurchase honey
for above described land, vital interest thereon at t'.zv ra;le of ,] Per
annuia, payable semi-annually from date until maturity, and 10lj' per
annum from maturity until paid, according to t%:e terms and conditions
of 5 certain promissory notes of even date Izerewit-h, from one to five
inclusive, made to t;1e ir_neapolis Realty & Investrsent Cozapany, a cor-
poration, payable to the order of George Brackett.
The party of the second part agrees to release from the lien
of this Mortgage any lot or lots or tract of the above described land
upon payment to him of 50'`" of the purchase price of said Lot or lots
or tract, provided t1mt no lot or lots shall be sold for a less price
than �100 each and no tract of unplatted land at less than U00 per
Instrument provides for a reasonable attorne�;'s fee in case of
IIo Witnesses, Y'inneapolis Realty & Investment Co: oany,
By W. P. Kingston, Tice Pres.
By F. W. Peabody, Treasnrer �. President.
(Corp. Seal) A"''?ST: J. F. Pike, Secretary.
Acknowledged Vch. 23 , 180,3 by I". P. Kingston, F. Peabody,
and J. F. Pike, as Vice President, Treasurer and President and Sec-
retary respectively of tile = .inneapolis Realty and InvestrLent Company,
before Jades : . Gep'liart, _rotary Public i-1 and for the State of
Washington, residing at Seattle, "gin. (Seal)
This 11.1ortgage assigned to Jacob Furth, See 7ol. 23 7.7tges. Page 604
D. S. Swerdfiger, Co. Auditor.
Sheet No.
Instrument No. 12--iii-'�31
George Brackett, ) A:>signm- a-rzt of ':iorteage,
Dated AL--.g . 1st, lC 93 ,
to )
Filed Sept . 27th, 1"_�-!93 , 1.20
Jacob Furth, Trmstee , ) Rec . Vol. 23 :`tge s, Paga 604
Consideration ;K:3,230.00
Grantor does Grant, Bargain, Sell, Assign, Transfer ai-d set
over unto Grantee a certain inuenture of —cr--.gage beartng date V--.e
22r3 clay of March 1393, mace ex...:. A1C�`Gutrjci. b-.r t!.3 .::'_cir.+ ;?1r:1is ;'eaIty
& 1:rv.st_v ent, I mtianir to Geo :ge T,rs.. Y�- t t to scouie the of t�.e
E;um of �"2:�,G:iJ �,'� 'orethe.r .-rith the note,: and ,baigations ti'.erein de-
sc_-i.ec' arid ti^ ,ninej dve or to grow 3t:e t' er�.;on, With interest.
Si:',l i ind. nl.ure of wortgage m-,s recor .0 ` in the office of
the Cov.^t.y k ".'ly. G"' of Snohomish Couio-tL T, Stet;,` c ' . ??:%i-igton, in Vol.
23 of _T:a-r��;a;es, page. 141, on t:r�.e 2ntli day of Asa �c;:�, 189,i,
And the said party of the first .-part does bv= reby col-sti-
tute ar-:_i e,-s.)point said second party his trr.e rind lawful atta.r.iey to
have, une and take all lawful i=zeans and trays for the re%,overy of said
money with interest.
Frank A. Steel,
Signed by Grantor.
Ac):nowledged by Grantor Aug, let, 1893, before James h'. Gephart, IT.P.
in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle, ?.tn. "-� .P.Sealr,
Shoel No.
�oNisH c\
a �-c
a6STRA(T /
Instrument No. -
In the United States Circuit Court, Yinth Circuit, District of Wash-
ington, Northern Division.
James H. Bishop, ) Lis Pendens,
VS. ) :Filed T-:Zar. 16th, 1F951 2.15 PH
F. 71. Pee.body, et al., } Rec . Vol. 1, Lis .PE n. Page 59
23otice is k;ereby given that an action has been coriumenced as
above which ir_vclves the title to the property described in the instru-
ment recorded in Volume 10 of Deeds, Page 563, records of Snohomish
County, Washington.
Fay, Cest & Herd arson
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Note. We can find nothing further recorded in this County.
1 c a.
-1notr anent- No.
10 M 302
In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Snohomish County.
State of Washington, on relation )
of J. '°T. Heffner, the Prosecuting )
Attorney for Snohomish County, )
Plaintiff, )
VS. )
F. 71. Peabody, IF. P. Kingston, )
et al. Defendants. )
Lis Pende ns , Vro . 1256
Filed 1�ov. 30th, 189,41) 11.33
Recorded 1 Lis Pen. 51
'Notice is hereby given that an action_ is now pending in the
Superior Court of paid Dounty; t'.ie obj ect of said action is to have
dec'_areu 't crfa ited certain so-called articles of incorpo.~'sti en, known
as the Minneapolis Realty & Investment Company on the ground tb at said
Company hate done and omitted acts which a noun c to a s1 rr ;nder and for-
feiture of t'ie rights and privileges as a corporation.
Property affected by this suit is described as follows, to ;,nit:
I4-E+ the W- of the SEA and the E 1; of the STT1 and the S714 of the
514, allin Sect ion 24, Ttvp. 27, ?".R. 3 E.
Also the !Mrk of tie FE of Section 26, Twp. 27, r,.R.3 E.
Also th,-- B 1 of tiie SW; of Section 24, ' vvia. 27, .R. 3 E.
Exoept.ing - crtiun of tale same inc ludel within the original town -
site of 1hj.mt:ndr_ ; also excepting further t_ial 5 acre tract deeded by
#eorge Bracket•c to John Anderson, situated, lying and being in the IM4
of the S77- of Sec/ 24, Twp. 27, i-13. 3 E.
Also to include that certain tract of land :on,:encir:; at the
NEB of Lct 2, in Sec. 24, `1'wp. 27, N. .3 E.W.M. thence running souther-
ly 30 rods, thence Westerly 80 rods, thence Forth-_^►.y 30 rods, thence
Easterly 80 rods to place of beginning, con*".ainirg; 7.,15, pores-, more or L.
Also that certain, tract os land, o nc 360 ft.
Northeasterly of the ME corner of Lot 6, 3kK 14- Or igi.na:i plat of
Edmonds, thence running in a N ly direction al,�ng t i.e ?jezt line of
the County road to the North line of Lo-. 2, in Sk:c . 24, t'ience West
to the line of high water mark of Admiralty In1F•t; theiace southeaster-
ly following the government meander line to a p;;int 360 feet NEly of
the intersection of the N line of said Lot 6, Bk. 14 and the Govern-
raent Meander line, thence Easterly to place of beginning.
And other lands.
All the above described property is involved as to its title in
the above entitled action.
Note. Entry in the Clerk's
Sheet No.
County, says Action Dismissed
Instrument No.
ir. the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for King Counter.
State of p,;hingto n, ex rel ) Lis Pendens , 11"o . 15E.:S7
F. B. Stoneman, Plaintiff, )
VS. ) Filed Ilay 24th, 12�)3, 10.35 AIJI
F. N. Peabody, et al,
Reo . Vol. 1 Isis Panders, 66
Notice is hereby given that an action has been conilnenced in the
Superior Court of king County to determine all and every claim, es-
tate or int=rc;7¢ of said defendants or either of them.., adverse to
pla .ntiif, - r_ 1 -:'.•'zat ", e property described in said sulL is situated
in Snoncni. i County,, 'Washington, and described as follo,.rs:-
The Yo. Th W J t quarter, the N, of the SEA and Eof ST4 and the
SW' of the 57 -'-'L-i S(: c . 24, Tarp. 2 7 , N.R. 3 r .
Also the: IN114 of the NRJ of Section 26, Twi). 27, '�T-R. 3 E.
Also the NVV' of the SW� of Section 24, Twp. 27, 'T.F?. 3 .V,'.1'j.
except tha—c portion of the same included within the. original townsite
of Edmonds.
Excepting further that 5 acre tract a3ei6cd 7) r George I?rackett
to John Anderson situate, lying and being in trie 1,17,o- the SW4 of
Sec. 24, Twp. 27, N.P.3 E. '';.j1.
Also to include that certain tract of lard; Beginning at t'.e
ITEJ of Lot 2, Ses;z 24, Tw—,). 27, jY.B-3 N'. thence, running southerly
30 rods, thence Westerly 00 ro,!�4, thence Northerly 30 rods, thence
Easterly 80 rc :i,� -cc p! a:,e of boe nningj 15 acre:s, more cr less.
Llso that certrtyer .in tract of la ; 1 Cora:nnncing at a point 360 ft
Northeasterly ut the YE, corner of Lot 6, in Blcck 14, on the original
plat of E:imonc4�, thence running in a Ncrtheaclterly direction along
the Nest of the County road to the north. =:ins of Lot 2, in Sec.
24, T;rp. 27. 3 E. thence 'Test to the line of high. ;va.ter of Ad-
mizw;.ty In'.et-, thence southwesterly following the gover=pont meander
li-ne z,r, a woint 3F0 feet northeasterly of the intersoot o ! of the
ncri;h 1:J.-n.c. :f ;lock 6, sai d Block 14, and the go,.—inn(enu meander line
thence '!_%A. tr-rly to the place of beginning: togeth.-1,- wi+nl al'. ' ittoral
and r J k. nr .an rights and rights of purchase of tide ].find.;, in front
F Ge3t & Yendrrson,& rf.T-Scott,
y ;��+L• ttornel.ro for Plaintiff,
jgh,eet No.
v� A ' ',- _ +_.,,:_ ,, . Y�, for t',e County of
,�u�.:ri,c:r ''c.r., � c� ;i,:..:.e c#' &�. i�:;;: ,
Jacob Furth, Plain;.iff, )
VS. )
I.To . 2077
Kinn_eapolis Realty P: Investment )
Company, a corporation, )
Defendant, )
The above entitled action was urough.t in the Co,,,,.rt above nalned
for the purpose of f oreclosing t ,e inortc aj-.e given by the defendaL t
to Brackett, shown in tbA s abstract.
Complaint, sui=ons and return on the su:_raions, sho;ri-,g personal
service upon the Defendant Company, b7Y serving ??. :.. Ward, President
of said Company, are on file in t_-:e ' office of tee Clerk of the above
entitled Court.
jc appearance was entered by the defendant Company and t'-1a Court
entered a decs ee in accordance with t''�e prayer of tiza compla.i_;t, and
Voe propert;y was ordered sold to satisf-- the amou-tit of the judgment.
The sheriff duly levied upon and sold t::s property, after duly
advertising t=:e same, and the pror.erty was struck off to t:_e plaintiff
herein for tie su:q of '`2010()().CO
The Court later wade an order confiraiiing t_,+.e sale as ,ziade by
the Sa:.eriff. .
Sheet No. 2,'
Instrument No.
D-i2 9 °
n the Superior Court of the State cf ?Washington, for Snohomish
Jacob Furth, Plaintiff, ) Order of Sale,
vs. ) Dated Jan. 12th, 1894,
: Tinneapolis Fealty & Investment ) Filed Jan. 15th, 1894, 2.30P
Company, a corporation-, defendant, ) Recorded Vol. 2 W.A. page 25
To the Sheriff of Said Chohomish County, Greeting,
Whereas Jacob Furth recovered judgment of foreclosure of a certain
mortgage in which judgment of sale is ordered of the following mort-
gaged :remises, to wit.: -
#Description is identical tirith that contained in the Mort!;age of
the r.sinneapolis Realty & Investment Company to George Brackett,
_.ec. Vol. 23 ihntges, Page 141, instrument i,io. of this abstract.
Against the Minneapolis Realty & Investment Coripany on December 21st,
1693, for the suin of bo'26,580.00 with interest at the rate of 6,0/. per
annwin from December 21st, 1893 .until paid, and c:ost6 amounting to
Now Therefore, in time name of the people cf the State of Wash-
ington, you are hereby cofwar_ded to stize and oell the said property
according to law, C*%'c. &c.
Witness the Hon. John C. Denney, Judge,
��-Se al of Sup. Court#
Sheet No.
By Robt. A. Hulbert, Clerk,
By Oliver C. Thornton, Deputy.
i� Or�m-tier,
vmoi w:
'= IVLi[11i�ANt�"
Tn cr ume��t Tio: 12-a-8Q31
J3L.:aes H-agan, Sheriff of Snoho- ) Sheriff's Certificate of Sale.
wish County, State of Washington, ) Dated Feb. 19 th, 1�94 9
to ) Filed ,ch. 14tii, 1394, 2.35
Jacob Furth, ) Recorded 'Tol. 35 Deeds, Page 260
Do ,ereb,%,r certify t1Tat under and by virtue of an order of sale
and decrae of foreclosure in the action of Jacob Furth, Plain.tiff,
vs. ',.innaapolis fieaity -c Investment "oni�an;-, a corporation, defendant,
rendered on December 21st, 1P93, entered Dec. 21st, lF93, attested
and to -rue as such Sheriff duly directed and delivered, whereby I was
comm<.rded to levy upon and sell t:?)e property heraii:after described T)a-
lonr;yng to the said defendant, to satisfy said judg-ent according to
law, and apply the ;)^oceeds of waci� sale to,.lard the satisfaction of
said judgment, amoun' ink; to tV, T"0.00 with interest and costs; I duly
levied on and on the 19th day of Februar; , 1 942 at 2 a . .. at .th-e
Court house door in said County, I duly sold at pub -e auction accord-
ing to law and after date and legal notice to Jacob Furth, -xhc, :..lade
the- h ghejt and east bid V. erefor at such sale, fcr the uLwi of .201000.
the f'oi1 c'w ing d,,scribed property, i,o ;pit;-•
V—le descrip-t ion of gropertyr is iden'`.ical ;•rite t'lat Cont._-ined
in the mortgati e, hazing instru.ent ive. cf this abstract, being
mortgage given by ITinneapolis Realty w Ir:vestiaent ComparC;" 4o George
Brac':ett. Abstracters;`
And I do hereby certify that tI<e said >;-oj)erty 'mars cold in
one psum of for :paid suof n20,0c0.00 'r-'-wich vas t.'z- and best
bid made and tha whole price paid therefor, and tnat t -)a a ::ice is sub-
ject to redemption in lawful _mone-v of the United States purm.-Ant to
the statute in -such cases :trade and prdvided.
uiven under hand the 19th day of February, 1594,
Jades !Tagan, S'ier iff of Snohomi sTI a .
B * Dan Currie, Depvty Sheriff.
Sheet No.
Instriulant No. 22-';V: °
James Hagan, Sheriff, ) Sheriff"a Deed,
Dated Peb. '21st, 1095,
,o )
Filed 1:ch, 15th, 1.-�395, 11.50 A.
Jacob Furth, ) Recorded "cl. 37 Deeds, 44,'
Recites, that wnerea,s in and by a certain order of ,z�le issued
out of the Su;7arior Court of the State of "�ashin�;ton, for the County
of Snohomish, in the action of Jacob Fiurth vs. inneaPalis 'realty
Investment Co;naanf, d corporation, on the 21gt day of Decern'Jer,
and to the S►.ieriff duly directed aild deliverad, direct irg ;1 m to sell
the Property hereinafter described at public auction accorclin_g to 1a;,v to
satisfy said judgment,
And 7, hereas, pursuant to said order of sale the - = said _7eriff.
did duly levy on and on the 19t1l day of Febrttar ,. 1.:94, did c,uly sell
the preLiises to the said arts of thesecond ,cart, v,*�io was t;�.e hi. -,hest
bi;'der for the sum of 020,000.00
And whereas, on the 14t'1_ day of - rarch; 1P.94, the Su-perior Court
conf ir:.zed said sale.
And wh-er(,as, the IV,Ime allowed for' rede..i tion of said pro,perty
has expired sitll.ou t such redemption hav i.i;g ':ie en made .
'ow t_, eref ore', the aa.id James T�rag� n, r eriff', in pursuance of
the said order of sale, has granted, i�argaine sold, co:;vexed and
con- irrued unto second party' tiie real estate in said order of sale de-
scribed, as fo1I a�vs , to �vit- '
.De�sc;^i7c i on is identical with that contai-ed in the _: (:r tg&ge
from Tz°.e P.eal.)c,Iis Realty and Investment Company to 1;racke�lt, beii
instrtunent No. of this abstract. Abstracters#
ITit le sses,
Signed, Jtlwies x*agan, 313erif f of Snoho-
Dan Currie, inieh Count;r, State of WaslAngton.
H. R. Knowles,
Acknowledged Feb. 2lat, 1S95, before , J. `T. Bowen, td.P. for the state
of Washington, residing at Snohomish, Tin., `1a.P.Sealyc
Clark of t-he Superior Court certifies that the foregoing deed ;aas duly
presented for entry and e_ltered in the book of levies on ;page 432
c. Lrt�m.We;n "
Sheet a'. ��
t: istrunent No.
Jacob Furth and D. A. Furth,
:)is wife,
Puget Sourd r.fachinery. Depot,
a corporation,
3-2a-3 o
Quit Claim Deed,
Dated - Sept . C,ti, 1895,
Filed Se-,)t . 13th., 1695, , 4.21P _`.
-38 Deeds, Page 360
Consideration A1.00
Fo:• Vie above named' co-irisidera.t ion, the Granto rs do Grant, Remise
release and quit claim to Grantee, its' "successors and assigns, lands
in Snohomish Counfy,, State of ,7Ia8hinWton, cxescribed as follows, to
Description of property is identical ; ith. that contained in
tre mortgage of Minneapolis' .Realty « IXIVestuient Company to "•Irackett,
recorded in vol. 23 Mtt es, Page 141, being i:':stry :ant 3'0. _ of this
Mostract . Abstractersy'-
`In presence of
R. V. Ankeny, Signed, Jacob Furth;,
Chas. Rgkingham, L. A. Furth, Dy Jacob Furth,
her attorny in fact.
f 1 •
Acknowledged Sept... .6'th, 3 95,` by Jacob Furth persona11 and as attor-
ney in fact for E. A. Furth, before R. V. Ankeny, TV fcr the State
of WashinLton, . r..esi,ding at Seattle; '7n.' !�', .P.Sea1,
Sheet No.
instrument No. 23- 93 °
George Brackett and Etta E. } quit Claim Dedo,
Brackett, his %vife, ) Dated Sept. 5th, 1895
to } Filed Sept. 13th, 1895 4.20PJM
Fuget Sound "'iachioe ry Depot, a ) Volt 39 Deeds, Page fib
corporation, of icing Co. Wash. ) Consideration x4,800.00
For the consideration rafted, t='_e Grantors do Sell, Convey,
de.nise, release a:zd forever quit c lwitn unto Grantee, all t::.e it right,
tle and interest in and tc the following described real estate,
situated in Snohomislli County, State of Vlashington, as folows., to wit :-
#Description is identical with that contained in the Mortgage
of the Minneapolis realty & Investment Company to Brackett, being In-
stru'ent '.o. 7 _ 'cf this a'astract. Abs tract ers.#
J. Gephart,
G c. F. Ags't,
Signed by Grantors.
Acknowlodged by Grantors Sept. 5t1.., 1895, before Geo. F. Aust, N.P.
iii and fob- tl e State of Washington, residing at Seattle, Un. a`N.P.Sealf
Slieel .No.
r�M�sy �oG
w �c
Instrument, NO
Articles of Incor -oration Certified Copy of .Articles.
of DLLted Nov. 1st, 1338.
717 �UG;,T f'OTJ ND %: C'iI 'dERY DEPOT. Filed i:_s. IG, 1908, 8 :I5
File Sox, 1398. File - 123452
r qr •, T T ?J C'li drT"7r^r 1 ;� r ? �• t
KMr ALL , 1' H`_ T_�rr.�� PP.�.. r,1u th Lt t�i. undo rsi�ned have, phis
day and do herebtogether for they e.
purr;ose of forii.in2 a oorpor,<.tion und,1:-- the lu--rs o-`' VhLshin;- ton Territory
a z l dc, Hereby ' ugTee and bertif}t :
a The nu:�B of s"id Corp=r ticn is 'end sYiwll be "The Puget Sound
L,: chiner1r Depot".
Th,Lt the purposes for whioh it is formed are to carry on
i.lachiiery gnu if.erc.l.ntile IMsiness.
That the place ,.here its principal office and place of business
is and shCLll be loc�Lte_d is Settle, Ln W&shinr�ton Territory,
Thi,'U th-- t i :e of its existence is aid shr:Lll be t--enty year
Tn .t the �.mo��.nt -of its c pital stock shall be fifteen Thousand
doll�Lrs divided into one hundred and fifty shELres o.,: one hu (l.rpd doll�Lra
per L;hrire tc 7)e ')aid in as called for ;- ;he trustees.
That 17. H. H. Green, J. H. Perkins and T. 1,1. Greem ei:Lch citizens
of the United St,. tes and residents cf this Territory s:3?1a11 be the sole
Trustees of s:..id coriDor,_,tion and chill manevye its concerns and business
for six "aort'ns.
Thit during s�i_l ti.�e ti"1. Ii. H. Green shall Je president, J. Ti.
Perkins ;ener«.1 ;;an,L car Lend T. Y. Green the Secretary and TrecL,2uxer of
said cor_>or:.:tion.
W. H. H. Green
Three VTitnesses. T. 11. Green
J. H. P ,rk ins
Ackriow led� ed November 3J-, 1888 by V". H. H. Green, J. Li. Perkins and T. 1H..
Green, Before John Art i1r, Nctary Public. (12?otL'-.rial Seal ).
Certifie;.Lte of J. P. �.,,,.ditor of '.and Comity, StcLte of Maeh.
fore oin; Articles is a true ancll correct c(-py of articles of In-
cor-or ..tion of The Puzet So,) nd 71"cliinery Depot. Da'cd Notr. 5, 1907.
By. C. X jelland, Deputy.
Sheet Ao-------- 29_______
Instrument No .
J a c o b Furth)
to }
T h e P u b l i c)
State of Waehington, )
County of K i n g .
125" - 733
'Filed June 29, 1911, 8: 43 A .1%
Rec.Vol. 139 D. page 315.
Jacob Furth, being duly sworn deposes and sayer
I &m th e party who as trustee received an aeeiRnment of a certain
mortgage, Executed by the Minneapolis RG<y and Inveetment Company to
George �3rackett on March 22, 1893, which aeeignment was filed in Sno-
homieh County, W&E!hington, 3eptembe c- 2.7, 1893, , in Vol. 23 of ''o rtgage e
at page 604-, and I am the mane party, who a. plaintiff, prosecuted
Action No.20771 in the 3uperic r Court of the State of Taehington,for
Snohomish County, and i%ho received a Sheriff's Deed dated February 21,
1895, and filed March 15, 18'951 ar. d recorded in Vol. 37 of Deeds at
page 445, Recorde of Snohomish County, including the
M91 of Sec. 24, '.Pwp. 27 N.R. 5 F.V7.M.
and I am the ec me party, .,.h.o later executed a deed to said described
property to the Puget Sound Vachinery Depot, which deed was filed
Sept. 13, 189!51 a.nd of record in Vol. 38 of Deede, at page 36b,
Record:= of Snohomish County.
Affiant further states that ae trustee he took the title to said
property in trust for himeelf and for a number of other persons whose
names aff iant does not at this time recall; that the purpoee of said
trust was the collection of the said notes and the foreclosure of the
said mortgage; that said trust was carried out and the r ce d there-
of delivered to the parties entitled thereto and that. a�f�an� �n a.11
thinge fully executed said trust and that all proceedings had there-
under ware fully in accordance with the terms of eaid trust.
Further affia.nt with. not.
Jacob Furth
Subscribed and sworn to before me this list. day of June, 1911.
Thos.M.Askren, Notary -Public for
State of waehington, residing at
Seattle. (Seal)
A� L
D6�ted 22n(--I. 190-0
Tiled I v ll 0 3 19C7 2:45
Reo. Vol. 1C".5 D. rl
czInd Cr%n�inr,i with c(.rrpn,,Lnts,
chi General-C r « 11 tu T, untur.) Gr,.ntuee his hnir- alld
e:7�t;:.--.'Ue sit v- t -:. in County,
2 A u L'
Lot in 'Dlocic G�-� Pl-,t of t'-o City of
I --
Sf-,M.,G" Cr)-'31;Lr:73 0-7 —1 Office of tlan, Com.-ty Auditnr at U
S � n n h n m i h C o -1, 1 it i t T"T e ro Iu I-u )
Signed by Grl-.,,n`kjr,-r,-,.
Cliic .i.,ilu*ness.
1906 by C2?i,,fAOT,-"
171 � I
L, r c IT C t ur Y ub 1 J. 0 f, or ViT i ---I t di ,:.t
Skeet No.
1423 — 7,1-7
T-r rr,zi,r `,Dc-d
I io G. C h a
LL bachelor Ftle-d 141 1 1913, 3-25 PTI
Rec. Vol. 143 D. 2136
Cono,ider,.4 t,:�-n "�' 10 . 00
GZL-'II'.Or dOeO GrUnt, 'EDEll, Convey and Confiriii rfitn
0OVCnI',Ln,tS Of GCIIeTul 7,'LrrE�nty untc. Grantee, trio -followino described
re,-1 est,.'U-e .Atu.-.te in Sncholliimih Cou.;'U,
Lot iau:�,bered 2 in .7ilock 8033 Plwt of !chp, City o:! rctnnnnds.
(,-:; -IL � rB d )
Tloy-,,ar G. Chasc�
Two -1,1 it- L I e',SS C'F, .
,,cknm1rled,,-),ed Apr. 8, 1913,
beFnre r.F. Street, ',:Tc Y I I_;I p t 12u�-.Iic for rp.7.Jdin'.. u,t
Aw tj L
s . 10
et NO ----------
" —4 - - �' :,- 4
Treasurer's Office, Snohomish County, Washington
Statement of All Taxes for State, County, City, Town, School and Road
Do Not Detach Duplicate —Return both with your Remittance as this becomes your
Dab? ........ receipt when stamped Paid by County Treasurer.
.. . ......... . ....
Inter �l .Z to ...... 30/, Discount if Paid before March 15, 1919; First One -Half Payable before May 31,
1919; Last One -Half before November 30, 1919
Clerk..-.-.',,,, .................... MAKE ALL CHECKS, DRAFTS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO
D. CARL PEARSON, County Treasurer, Everett, Wash.
Examine Statement Carefully Before Paying As
.......... ................. Payment on Wrong Property Cannot Be Refunded.
....... . . ................................. .......
— -------------------- _ ..........
................ .......... ................ ... . . ....................... ..................
Delinquent Taxes
r Lo
Twp. or
Road .School
. . .
... . .
. . . ......... .... ....
................... .
1 191
---- --
. ......
Index Reference
See. No ----------------- Sub. No ----------------- Stat's ------------- -
TAX.__. -
Interest or Rebate ........... . . .....
Total......... .........
I =
STATE TAX Municipalities -
General fund$40,541,353.......................001,852,504
School Fund ............................................
Military Fund ........................................
Public Highway ...................................
Permanent Highway ............................
University Fund ......................... ...........
Arlington .............
State College ................................000,463,133
Bellingham Normal...............................000,156,433
Edmonds .............
Cheney Normal .................... _................
Granite Falls .....
Ellensburg Normal.................................000,111,146
Gold Bar .............
Capital Bldg. Const. Fund ..................
Index ...................
Monroe .................
Total State ..........................................
Marysville ...........
Current Expense ........... ........ .................
General Road & Bridge......................:
Bond Interest............................................000,136,281
Soldiers' Relief.......................................000,074,000
County Highway Fund -
Road Bond Redemption_.....................001,816,664
Road Bond Interest ................ ............
Total County.......................................013,741,260
County School (16535) .................. .....004,078,552
State Brought Down...............................009,180,188
Total State and County ....................
Stanwood .............
Sultan -------------------
Snohomish -_.---___--
94 Old Lim. __
w > U=
p> >
n.a F
0. 6.
19.8 2. 62.3
19.3 57.7
10. 46.4
12.8 49.8
17. 51.1
13.2 60.2
10. 50.5
10. 51.7
16.6 60.8
22. 59.
7.6 60.5
1........................................................ 6.0
2........................................................ 6.0
3........................................................ 6.0
� s
r%7 :da�
27. 41.3
27. 44.
27. 37.2
27. 34.2
27. 53.
27. 43.
27. 44.8
27. 40.7
11.2 •
27. 38.8
27. 44.4
27. 37.
27. 36.2
27. 41.2
27. .44.2
27. 43.5
27. 44.2
27. 47.7
27. 40.4
27. 45.9
27. 43.
27. 43.
27. 39.2
27. 46.3
27. 46.5
27. 42.6
27. 43.
1 7.6
1 6
40.6 11
1. Taxes are payable on and after the first Monday in February succeeding levy,
, 2. Taxes become delinquent on Jurie first.
8. Three per cent. rebate is allowed on all fullpayments made on or before March 15.
4. One-half of taxes may be paid prior to June 1st. The last half may be paid prior to De-
cember 1st. If last half becomes delinquent, interest at 12 per cent. per annum is charged from
the first day, of June preeceding.
6. Certificates of delinquency may be redeemed at any time before delivery of deed.
7. Foreclosure proceedings may be instituted any time after the expiration of three years
from date of original delinquency.
8. Current taxes may be paid without paying delinquent taxes, but a memorandum of all de-
linquent taxes must be endorsed upon the current receipt.
e r t i f i c a t e: -
State of vrashinmon,
County of ,nohomi sh.
The Inohomish r,ounty Abstract Company, a corporation, hereby
certifies that the foregoi.V, Instruments numbered from One (1) to Tvienty
six (26), both inclusive, are the only instruments which have been filed
for record in the office of the Auditor of ftnohomish. County, State of
Was'nington, affectii-V the title to the real property described in the
Caption hereof as follovr;, to -wit:
.Lot 2 in Llock 88 of the City of Fdmonds,
being part of SF4 of .-� of Sec.24, in Twp. 27 Ir.R. 3 E•`,�I+,•.,
situate in pnohomi5h county, Ctate of 'umshington.
A_x,SO, that as shown by the indices to the records in 'the office of
the Clerk of Bald Pnohomi sh roun ty, there are no suits pending; or j udo:-
ments entered in any court of Record in said (!ounty, ap)Rinst T;dwin A.
Chase, which are liens upon or which affect the tit' e to ua.id above
described real property.
AT,50, that a s shown by the official tax rolls in the off ice of the
Trea.:,urer of on id 5nohomis h county, the taxes upon said above described
real property are fully paid for all years up to and including those for
the year 1915. Tlas 1916 tax ie now due and delinquent, a mount ing to
A5.87 and interest; the 1917 tax is now due and delinquent, amounting to
�2.96 and interest, and the 1918 tax is novi due and delinquent, amount inp,
A6. 34 and interest.
We do not certify as to taxes levied by the City of Edmonds for
Grade and other pur-poses unless the same appear upon the official tax
rolls in the office of the Treasurer of said ;nohornish county.
As sh(win by V,ie personal tax rolls in the office of the county
Treasurer, there are no personal property taxes due or payable which
would he a lien on said property.
TAT TTnjMSS !`wWE Maid snohomi sh County Abstract company ha :s
caused this certificate to be signed by its ITa nager and its corporate
seal to be hereto,,affi.xed this Sixth (6th) day of June, A. T?.,-Tineteen
Hundred ?Nineteen f 1919) at ri&t (8) o'clock A.Ti•
13y / -
Sheet No-- -----
In st. 'To.
T. F. Wilson
The Public
Office Yo. 356
Filed Auk. 29) I. V19, 10.1O A.M.
Vol. 136 Deeds, pa,^re 32�
S. E. Wilson bein ; first duly sw6rn upon his oath deposes and sayse
That he is now and has been fcr tine fast ei;
_�htcen years continu
ously a resident of the city of Fdrrlond;, anobomish County, Washington.
That he was well acquainted with Leslie W. Tell,etts, forrvrly known as
Leslie; W. Gale, on Pov. 20, 16021 nd Kncws of his own knowledee that
said Leslie V1. TeUl.etts via-s on said date a 17achel.or and unmarried.
Affiant further states that he was well acquainted with Anna
Taylor on ?ray 213, 1�P46, and that on said date said ,Anna Taylor was a
widow and unmarried.
Affiant further states that there are two principal plats of pro-
perty in the city of Ecbnonds one of which is known as the plat ofthe
"Tom of Edmonds" and the other knoE=m as the Flat cf the "City of
Fdrrionds". That affiant is enraged in the real estate business in said
city and is familiar with the descriptions of lots and blocks shown in
the two mentionedplats and that there are no similarity of the numbers
of lots and blocks shown in said plats.
SuLscribed and sworn to Atli. 27, 1y1G before Edward L. Turner,
Notary Public ih and for Taohinj7ton, residine, at Edmonds.
(seal, Con. Fx. Mar. 25, 1923 )
Inst. No. l/ Gffice No. 164
S. F. Street Affi(9.avit
Files Sept 4, iA.a) 8.24 A,jj.
to Vol, 183, Leeds page 165
The Public
Affiant states that he isa residon t of the City of Edmonds, Ono-
homish County, Nash. , and is the scriver er who p:, e7r.-tred. and the notary
who aclanowledged that certain deco, madle and exer•ated by Carter LG
Evans and F1ya E,rar_s, his wife, in fav-or of r�x.•s- May Col'.Lins; dated
Aug. 31, 1907, and of record in the of-fice of the Auditor of Snohomish
County, trash. , in Vol,. 105 of deeds at page 1042 and t'-iat the descrip-
tion in said deed is erroneous :in that said deed des,;. ibes the property
conveyed as certain lots and block in the pl,, t of "the town of 'Fdirionds"
when the true description should be and. is the plat of "the City of
Affiant further sayeth that he is now q:1d has been for many years
last past engaged in the teal estate business in the Ctty of F'd.rrionds,
Snohomish County; Washo, anc'. that the grope:Ay located in Maid city
is platted into t`io .principal plats, to --wit, the Plat of the town of
Edmonds and the Flat of the City of Edmonds and that the two plats are
frequently inte_rm:O_r_glect in describing Droperty located in sa;_d city,
that said plats leave no similarity in the n��iriberi aF o `.' ] ot:s and blocks
and that the true location or description of any �-i.veri lot or block in
either plat can easily be ascertained by referring, to the number of the
Subscribed and sworn to Septa 3rd, 1919 before Edgard I,. Turner,
Notary Public in and for washinrcton, residingat �+'drrmonds.
( Seal-, Com. Ex. Mar. 25, 1923)
Inst. No.
Edwin si. Chase, a bachelor
Joanna Horsman, unmarried
Office No. 615
Warranty .Deed
.)aced June 5th 1919
Filed Jun. 10, 19190 8.23 A.M.
vol. 162 Deeds, page 563
Cons. r500.00
50V revenue stamps cancelled
First party conveys and warrants to second party, lands in Sno-
homish county, dashington, described as:
lot 2. Block 68 of the Plat of the City of Edmonds.
Ack. June 5, 1919 before Edward L. Turner, Notary Fublic in and
for dashington, residing at Edmonds.
(Seal, Com. Ex. Mar. 259 1923)
sheet no.
Inst. No. V •�,�.i
Joanna Horsrnan---.1
to eta y �oKr , C
Ge o . i� Y r`��'�t 1 t � f'r �'••' •...' • �'�d
�` �fao��V� l �,��y,��
Office No. 507
Dated Dec. 17, 1921
Filed Dec. 17, 19211, 12.10 P.I.
Vol. 124 Mtgs. page 539
mortga secures the payment of Two Hundred Dollars due
June 3J,).,kf22, evidenced by a certain promissory note of even date
herewith, bearing interest at 8 per cent per annum until due and 10
per cent per annum thereafter until paid.
iaortgages lands in Snohomish County, Washington, described as:
The North i of lot 3 in Block 5 in the Flat of the Original Town
of Admonds; with appurtenances thereto. The mortgagor states and
represents that this property was purchased by her with funds re-
c.eived by her as insurance upon her son's death and that the said
property is her separate property.
Also Lot 2 Block 88 of the Flat of City of Edmonds. This also
being my separate property, having been purchased by me with funds
received by me as compensation for the death of my son, Edward B.
.Alen, deceased.
First party agrees to pay all taxes, assessments and insurance
charges. In case of default in the payment of the principal or inter-
est thereon, as provided by said note, said lands may be sold according
to law. Also provides for deficiency judgment,
Joanna Horsmann
Ack. Dec. 179, 1921 before C.T. Roscoe, Notary Public in and for
4ashington, residing at Everett.
sheet no. (Seal, Com. Ex. Sept. 12, 1923 )
Inat. No. �l
IAarine National Bank a Corn. No. 19754
2laintiff, Execution
Filed Dec. 28, 1921, 9.15 A.M.
Joanna Horsmen et al File No. 292662
The amount of this execution is $269.15 with interest and costs,
and affects lands in Snohomish County, Washington, described as:
North -'of Lot F. block 5 Edmonds.
Lot 2 Block 68 Edmonds.
Lot 3 Block 3 Plpt of Fruitdale.
sheet no. 5 �
---Ccr.tificate of Continuation---
"'Te hereby certify that we. have adder? t the forego ing aTbstrac� of
tjtlp instrwments num erect to consisting of eheetis,
a.nd the sanic shows ail i_istrv. 11 -s fI?� o2^ recorded in e off.'ce
of tLe County kuditor of i)no - . lr r ,vnty, Washington, anal al pro-
c eedings hr-d in any Court of ecord hc_1dinf; terms in said County,
affecting the title ,o the fo.11oving described real property, to":wit:
Lot Two (2) in Block Eighty-eight (88) of the :amity of Edmonds,
being a part of the 6outneast 4 of Southwest of Section 24, in
Township 27 North, mange 3 East W.I�Ji. , situate in Snohomish county,
Te further certify that there arc no unsatisfied judgments entered
against any grantee named in the within abstract affecting the title
to the said property, as shown by the judgment indices of the Superior
Court of the State of wa.shington, in and for Snohomish County, since
June 6th 1919 at 8 o' clock A.M. to date of this certificate. "kept
in ease No. 197-4 beijqv Marine Ila��ona6 Bank vs loann€� Horsmann et al
rnetedegiNov.18,19?1, ,��i9.ld and .�.,1.0 coats. This case omitted by
Ue' further certify that there are no taxes coming due on said
prerriises, or unredeemed sales thereof for delinquent taxes shown by
the official tax rolls of said County in the office of the Treasurer
thereof, since June 6th 1919 at 6 o'clock ri.E. to date of this certi--
&Cate. Except taxes for the year 1920 being; "'.4.24 and interest thereon.
saxes shown n preceding certificate are paid,'
(Except any personal taxes due or to become due for the year 1921)
We do not certify as to any taxes or assessments for local improvc-
ments on said property shown by the records of the city of Edmonds.
All since the date off�•• th�1e .lq.st preceding certificate, to -wit'.
June 6th 1919 at 8 o' cl ocl Aobi. --- to and includ'n this twsl to' c1 0 )k
dej-� of January, nineteen hundred twenty-two (1922� �t eight I8 c
A .1Vi .
Ina t No `
Joanna Horsman
O.L. Miller
File No 293797
Dated -
Filed Jan 27 1922, 1:21 pm
Consid $1
Rec vol 203 D 220
Grantor conveys and warrants to Grantee, the following
described lands in Snohomish County, Washington to -wit:
The NJ of Lot 3 in Block 5 of the Plat of the original
Town of Edmonds; also Lot 2 in Block 88 of the Plat of
the City of Edmonds, with appurtenances thereto.
Joanna Horsman
Ack Jan 23 1922 by Joanna Horsman before Geo '"f• Louttit Notary
Public for Washington residing at Everett (Seal)
Ins t No ,
O.L. Miller,
Clara F. Tyrrell
File No 293798
Dated Jan 27 1922.
Filed Jan 27 1922, 1:22 pm
Consid $500
Rec vol 131 M 399.
Mortgagor mortgages to Mortgagee, to secure the payment of
$500 with interest at 8;o per annum according to the terms and
conditions of one certain promissory note bearing even date herewith
the following described lands in Snohomish County, Washington to -wit:
The NJ of Lot 3 in Block 5 of Plat of Original Town
of Edmonds; also all of Lot 2 in Block 88 of the Plat of
the City of Edmonds, with the appurtenances thereto
O.L. Miller.
1 Wit.
Ack Jan 27 1922 by 4 L. Miller, before Duncan McCormick
Notary Public for Washington residing at Edmonds (§eal)
Ins t No 0
]ors Joanna Eorsman
O.L. Miller
File.Ko 334383
Dated April 24 1924.
Filed April, 25 1924, 8:25 am
Consid $450.00
Rae vol 214 D 518.
Grantor conveys and quit,.claims to Grantee, the following des-
cribed lands in Snoxiomish County -Washington to -wit:
The N' of Lot 3 Block 5 of Plat of City of Edn onds,
Also Lot 2 Block 88 of Plat of City of Edmonds, Washington
The property herein described and conveyed is the separate property
of .*e gr4,tor and,. riot in any way., community property.
Mrs Joanna Horsman
(50e rev stamps can)
Ack April 24 1924 by Mrs Joanna Horseman conveyldg her separate
property before H.C. McKenzie (Neal)
Inst No 229-582
Mrs Joanna Horsinan ) File No 334382
To )
Filed April 25, 1924, 8:24 Am
The Public ) Rae vol 214 D 516.
State of Washington
County of K i n g.
Mrs Joanna Horsman being first duly sworn, deposes and
says: that the following described property is her sole and separate
property as follows:
The NJ of Lot 3, Block 5 of the Plat of the City of
Ed.m ands ,Wash .
Also Lot 2 Block 88 of the Plat of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
That the same is not community property.
Mrs Joanna Hor swan
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of April 1924.
N.C. McKenzie Notary Public in and for
State of Washington residing at Seattle (Seal)
Inst No
O.L. Miller and Rofena A.
Miller husband and wife,
Clara F.Tyrrell
File No 340155.
Dated July 26, 1924.
Filed July 28, 19249 10:13 am
Consid. $200.
Rec vol 144 M 82.
Mortgagors mortgage to Mortgagee, to secure the payment of
$200 together with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum
until paid according to the terms and conditions of one certain
promissory note bearing even date.herewith, the following described
lands in Snohomish County, Washington, to -wit:
All of Lot 2 Block 88 of the Plat of the City of
Edmonds, Wash situated in the county of Snohomish, State
of Washington.
O.L. Miller.
Rofena A. Miller.
Ack July 26 1924 by O.L. Miller and Rofena A. Miller before aeo E
Hanson Notary Public in and for Washington residing at Edmonds (Seal)
O,L. MILLER, Deceased )
The petition of Rofena A. Miller, respectfully shows to this Court: I
That O.L. Miller died in Edmonds in the county of Snohomish, State of Wash.
on the 2nd day of Oct A.D. 1926 being at the time of his death a resident
of Edmonds in the county of Snohomish in the State of Plash and leaving
estate in Snohomish Count 45000100.
State of Washington, subject to administration
of the probable value of
That the said decedent left surviving the following as his only heir,
devisee and legatee: (estimated value of distrib. shares'
Rofena A. Miller, widow, Seattle, Wash. - - - all- - -
That he died testate, having executed his last will and testament dated
the 26th day of Nov 1910 in the presence of Olive Coleson and. Joe Galena
competent witnesses, who at his request and in his presence and in the
presence of each other, subscribed their names as witnesses to said
will and in whose presence he signed the same and to whom he declared the
same to be his last will and testament.
That in said will no executor is named who is quel ified gsks to be
appointed administratiox with the will annexed; that she is the widow of
deceased, his only heir at law and entitled to said eppointment.
That at the time of executing said will said decedent had attained
the age of majority and was of sound mind.
WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays that said Court make and cause to
be entered a formal order establishing and probating said will;
That the q� pointment of said Rofena A. Miller, petitioner, as ad-
ministratrix with the will annexed, be by the Court made.
J.E. McGrew, Atty for Petitioner.
State of Washington
County of King,
Rofena A. Miller, being fxztkzx first duly sworn on oath says: That
she is the petitioner named in the foregoing petition; that she has read
said petition, knows the contents thereof and believes same to be true.
Rofena A. Miller.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of Oct. 1926
James E. McGrew, Notary Public in and for the
State of Washington residing at Seattle,
Filed Oct 1419 1926. 434 Pioneer Bk., Seattle, Wash.
4830 Alki Ave. and owner of the Seattl;—Business College, 1016 Northern
Bank Bldg., make this my last will and testament and provide as follows:
1st. That all my just debts be paid in full.
2nd. That I be given a simple burial.
3rd. That I will to my beloved wife, Rofena A• Miller, all of my
estate both real and personal, both. in law and equity to have and to hold
and to enjoy during her life time.for her sole use and benefit.
4th. That at her death all of said property remaining shall become
the sole and separate property of our daughter Mary Bernice Miller as or
the heir of her body.
5th. In case there are no heirs, neither our daughter above named nor
heir of her body, then the residue of the estate at the death of my
wife above named shall go to our collateral heirs, share and share alike.
Realizing the xxcertainty of death and the uncertainty of life, I
have written this my last will and testament this 26th day of Nov 1910
and sign the same as my fuee and wilfull act.
This certifies that we the undersigned have at the request of O.L.
Miller and in his presence and in the presence of each other signed
our respective names as witnesses of the foregoing instrument.
Olive Coleson
Joe Galena
Filed Oct l4, 1926.
Dec 189 1920.
Codicil to above will.
The within will, written on two pages, is to be a nonintervention will
to be under the full supervision and control of my wife, Rofena A. Miller.
Signed: O.L. MILLER.
Filed Oct 14, 1926.
The petition of Rofena R• Miller, praying that a certain
document purporting to be the last will and testament of O.L. Miller,
deceased, and be admitted to probate and that she be appointed executrix
thereof, comes on for hearing this day, and it appearing to the Court
that said petition sets forth facts essential to give this Court
jurisdiction to admit said will to probate and testimony having been
heard, reduced to writing and certified by the Court; the Court finds
that said O.L. Miller died testate on or about the 2nd day of Oct. 1926
at Edmonds, Wash. being at the time of his death a resident of Edmonds,
Snohomish Co. Wash. and leaving at the time of his death estate subject
to administration in King County, State of Washington. That said document
was duly executed by him in his lifetime on the 26th day of Nov 1910
at Seattle.Wash. in the presence of Olive Coleson and Joe Galena, competent
subscribing witnesses thereto; that said witnesses attested said document
in the presence of said testator at his request; and in the presence of
each other; that said decedent at the time of executing said document
was above the age of majority and of sound mind and not under duress,
menace, fraud or undue influence or in any respect incompetent to
execute the same.
It is ordered that said document filed in this Court on the 14th day
of Oct 1926 be and the -is hereby admitted to probate as the last will
and testament of O.L. Miller, deceased; that Rofena A. Miller named in
said Will be and she is hereby appointed Executrix of said Will; that
she take and file the oath required by law, enter into bond in the sum
of $500 to be approved by the Court.
Done in open Court this 14th day of Oct. 1926.
Guy C•Alston, JUDGE.
Filed Oct 15, 1926.
On Oct 14, 1926, the executrix filed her oath of office.
On Oct 16, 1926, the Executrix filed her bond, which was
approved by the Court, took the oath required by law and
letters were duly issued to her.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and
has qualified as Executrix of the last will of O.L. Miller, deceased;
that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to
serve the same, duly verified on said executrix or her attorney of record
at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of said
Court, together with proof of such service within six months after the
date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred.
Date4 of 1st publication Oct. 29, 1926.
Rofena A. Miller, Executrix of last will
of O.L. Miller, Deceased.
J.E. McGrew.
Attorney for Estate.
434 Pioneer Block., Seattle, Wash.
Ray V. Cloud, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he
is the Publisher of Edmonds Tribune -Review, a weekly newspaper; that said
newspap3r is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than
six months prior to the date of the publications hereinafter referredto
published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in
Snohomish County, Washington and it is now and during all of said time
was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication
of said newspaper. That the annexed is a true copy of Legal Notice #7456
O.L. Miller Estate, as it was published in regular issues (and not in
supplement form) of said newspaper once each week for a period of 3
consecutive weeks, commencing on the 29th day of Oct 1906 and endiing on
the 12th day of Nov 1926; both dates inclusive;(over)
and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers
during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for
the foregoing publication is the sum of "4.31 1^rhich amount has been
paid in full, at the rate of $1.40 a hundred words for the first
insertion and 80 cents a hundred words for each subsequent insertion.
Ray V.Cloud
Subderibed and sworn to before me this 26th day of Nov 1926
Filed Nov 29 1926.
W.H.Dunbar Notary Public in and for the
State of Washington residing at Edmonds (Seal)
It is ordered by the Court that Harry S• Worthman, C.L. Henry and
W.H. Sparks suitable and disinterested persons competent to act, be
and they are hereby appointed as appraisers of the property of the
above named estate.
Done in open Court this 1st day of Nov 1926.
Guy C. Alston, Judge.
Filed Nov 1 1926.
State of Washington,
County of King.
Rofena A• Miller, executt#x of last will of above named deceased
being duly sworn on her oath, says that the within is a true inventory
of all the estate of said decedent coming into her hands.
Rofena A. Miller.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of Nov. 1926
Ma James E. McGrew, Notary Public in and for the
State of Washington residing at Seattle.
State of Washington
County of King. gs
Harry S. Northman, C.L. Henry and W.H.Sparks, being first duly
sworn on oath Bach for himself says: That he -will truly, honestly and
impartially appraise the property of said estate which shall be
exhibited to him to best of his knowledge and ability.
Harry S. Worthman.
C.L. Henry
W.H. Sparks.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of Nov 1926
(over) 49
MH #5
James E. McGrew, Notary. Public in and for the State
of Washington residing at Seattle.
Blocks 43, 20 and Z original plat of North
Edmonds, located in SW corner of SE)- of Sec 13, Tp
27 N.R. 3 E.W.M. (Home) 5 acres more or less - - -- -
Lot 2, Blk 88 City of Edmonds, Snohomish Co, - - -
SX of Lot 3 Blk 5 Original Town of Edmonds . - - - - - --
Nj of Lot 3 Blk 5 Original Town of Edmonds
Tract (vacant) Beginning at Nth corner 3rd and Dayton
Streets, Edmonds; th N 268.41 ft to N line of SE4 of
SE! Sec 23, Tp 27 N.R. 3 E.W.M. th W 119 ft S to N line
of Dayton Street; th E along said property line of
Dayton St to place of beginning - - - - - - - - - - -
- 800.00
Lots 17 to 20 inc Blk 2 Gieber - H Acre Home Ad Div 1
being part of nT4 of SE! 4 Sec 28 N.R. 4 E.W.M. - - - - -
Lots 10 to 14 inc Blk 50 So Pacific Huntington
Park Ad. to Town of Des Moines, King Co. taxes
unpaid for 5 years - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 50.00
Total valuation of real estate - - - - - - - - - $12450,00
Household goods, furniture, etc in home in
North Edmonds, Wash - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.00
One Ford Sedan, Auto issue 1923 250,00
U.S. Liberty Bonds 500,00
Money in banks, three accounts, 554.76
Books, furniture etc in law office at Edmonds, Wash. 250.00
Total appraised value of estate - $14504.76
We, the undersigned appraisers, do hereby certify that we have
appraised the property described in above inventory at $14504.76 the
fair value thereof. Dated this - day of Nov. 1926.
Harry S. Worthman
C.L. Henry
W.H. Sparks,
Filed Nov 19 1926.
Rofena A. Miller, executrix of the last will of O.L. Miller,
deceased, herewith presents to you her final report and account as
executrix and shows that said estate is ready for closing and that the
following is true:
That on the 14th day of Oct 1926 in the above court and cause, she
was appointed executrix of the last Will of deceased and immediately
qualified and entered upon her duties as such executrix; that she gave
notice to creditors by publication, notifying them to present to her
within the period of six months any claim or claims that they might
have against the estate of deceased; that said Notice to Creditors was
published in the Edmonds Tribune Review, a weekly newspaper published
in Edmonds, Washington, in Snohomish County, for the time required by
law; that the first publication of said notice was Oct 29 1926.
That during the time allowed by law for presenting claims against the
estate of deceased, there are was presented to hor duly verified and all
of which are filed in the above case, the followin claims:
(hero follows list of claims totaling SSX52i $1402.55)
That the six claims herein named first have been approved by this
court and ordered paid by the executrix which she has done; that all
of the claims herein named are just as far as the executrix knovis and
she has approved same and asks the court to allow the unpaid ones to be
paid by herself out of the funds belonging to the estate of deceased and
that she be allowed credit for the same in her account.
That the following is a list of all the property, real and personal,
belonging to the estate of deceased, and that all of said property is the
community ppe estate of said deceased and the executrix Rofena A. Miller.
(here follows same real estate and personal property as shown
in inventory and appraisement on preceding page)
That all of the above property has been duly appraised by appraisers
appointed by the court; that the sum of $14504.76 as shown by the
inventory and appraisement in this case filed. That notice of the
appraisement of the property, together with a copy of the inventory and
appraisement was given to the Inheritance Tax and Escheat Division at
Olympia, Washington, and no objection has ever been made to the justness
of tho appraisement; that no i.i-dioritanee tax is due the State of Washington
from said estate as this executrix is advised.
That your executrix has paid out on account of costs in the above
cause, appraisement of property, witnesses' fees in probating will and
for publication of notices, the following sums:
(here follows list of same totaling $34.16)
That it will require about $10 more cash allowed for costs in the above
case $5 of which is to be paid the clerk as fees and balance for the
publication of Final Notice of Distribution. (over)
MH #7
That you executrix has employed s counsel to assist in probating
estate of deceased, J.E. McGrew, and asks that the court may fix a
reasonable sum for his services in the premises.
That the heir of deceased, under the terms of the Will, is the
executrix, Rofena A. Miller, who lives at 1511 Ravenna Boulevard,
Seattle, Washington; that she is entitled to all the property and
money herein named.
WHEREFORE, your executrix prays that onthe filing of this report
and account, the court may, by order, fix a time for hearing thereof;
that at such hearing the omv t may fix fees for the services of the attorney
herein named; fees for the executrix having been waived sad approve d'
the claims paid by the executrix herein especially named and direct
out of the money of the estate all unpaid claims, a list of which id
fully set forth herein, and that she may pay any additional sums that
may be necessary as fees and expenses in closing the estate; that all
of the residue of the property of every Yind, nature and description
belonging to the estate of O.L. Miller, deceased, may be awarded to the
executrix, Rofena A. Miller as her separate property; that upon
complying with the provisions herein named she may be discharged as
executrix from further administering said estate, and that by order
of the court she may still retain full power, under the non-intervention
will of O.L. Miller, to transact any and all future business that may
arise in connection with said estate and sign and execute any and all
pppers that may be necessary for the conveyance of property of the estate
or in connection with any other business of the estate.
Rofena A. Miller, Executrix.
State of Washington
s s.
County of King.
Rofena A. Miller, executrix of the last will of O.L. Miller, deposes
and says; That she has read the foregoing report and account; that the
same contains all the money and property coming to her from the estate of
deceased and all of the money paid out by her for claims or on account of
the administration of said estate; that the report is true in all respects.
Rofena A. Miller.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of May, 1927
James E. McGrew, Notary Public in and for the
State of Washington residing at Seattle Wash (Seal)
Filed May 2, 1927.
Rofena A• Miller, executrix of the last will of O.L. Miller, de-
ceased, having filed in this Court her final report and petition for
Distribution, (over) 512
it is ORDERED that the hearing on said Final Report and Petition for
Distribution be and is hereby set for the 6th day of June, 1927, at the
hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. at the Court room of the Probate Department
of said Court.
It is further ORDERED that a notice of said hearing be posted in three
public places in said County at least 25 days preceding said hearing
and published once a week for three successive weeks preceding the day
of hearing in Edmonds Tribune Review, a newspaper printed and published
in Snohomish County, of general circulation therein.
Done in open Court this 2nd day of May, 1927.
Ralph C. Bell, JUDGE.
Filed May 2, 1927.
Notice is hereby given that Rofena A. Miller, executrix of the
last will of O.L. Miller, deceased, has filed in the office of the
Clerk of said Court her final report and petition for distribution
asking the Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to
the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said Rofena A. Miller;
and that said report and petition will be heard on the 6th day of June
1927 at 9:30 A.M. at the court room of the Probate Department of
said Court.
Dated this 2nd day of May, 1927.
Frank A. Turner, Clekk of said Court.
Date of first publics#ion, May 60 1927.
Ray V. Cloud, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says
that he is the Publisher of Edmonds Tribune -Review, a weekly newspaper.
That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been
for more than six months prior to the date of the publications herein-
after referred to published in the English language continually as a weekly
newspaper in Snohomish County, Washington, and it is now and during all
of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid
place of publication of said newspaper. That the annexedis a true copy
of a legal notice #7456 Notice of Final Hearing of O.L. Miller Est.
as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of
said newspaper once each week for a period of 3 consecutive weeks,
commencing on the 6th day of May 1927 and ending on the 20th day of May
1927, both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly
distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full
amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $5.44
which amount has been paid in full at the rate of $1.40 a hundred words
for the first insertion and 80 cents a hundred words for each subsequent
Ray V. Cloud.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of May 1827.
W.H. Dunbar, Notary Public in and for the
Filed May 24, 1927
State of Washington residing at Edmonds. (Seal)
F ° } (over)
W.S. Melendy, being first duly sworn upon oath says that he is
Deputy County Clerk of Snohomish County, State of Washington and that
on the 2nd day of May 1927 he posted three notices, each of which was a
full, true and exact copy of the attached notice in three of the most
public places in said Snohomish County, to -wit:
One of said notices at the main entrance to County Jail in the
City of Everett in said County; one at, main entrance to City Hal in
the City of Everett in said county; one at the main entrance of the Court
House in said Snohomish County; that each of said notices was conspicuously
posted in a place and manner to attract the attention of the public.
W.S. Melendy
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of May 1927
Geo P Dubuque, Notary Public.
Filed May 2 1927.
To the Judges of above Court:
Mary Bernice Miller, now Mary Bernice Miller Hemphill, hereby
petitions the Court to award to Rofena A• Miller, her adopted mother
all of the property real and personal including any money belonging to
the estate of O.L. Miller, deceased, as the absolute estate of said
Rofena A. Miller.
Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of June, 1927
Mary Bernice Miller Hemphill
State of Washington
County of King*
On this 6th day of June 1927 Mary Bernice Miller Hemphill personally
appeared before me, being the person who signed the above and foregoing
petition and acknowledged to me that sho signed said petition as her free
and voluntary act and that she was familiar with the contents of said petitior
Witness my hand and seal the day and date herein first written.
George P Dubuque, Notary Public in and for the
Filed June 6, 1927. State of Washington residing at Snohomish (Seal)
J.E. McGrew, attorney Nov 30 1926.
434-5 Pioneer Bldg.,
Seattle, lllashington.
Dear Sir:
We acknowledge receipt of a copy of the will of the above named
decedent, enclosed in your letter of Nov. 29th; also amended
inventory and appraisement, together with affidavit of the widow,
which were received with your letter of Nov 20th.
Inasmuch as it appears from the records in this office and the
descriptions of property filed herein that decedentfs community
interest in said estate is of less value than $10000 and passes to
direct heir, no inheritance tax is payable.
Yours truly,
By Tillie Schultz, Collector,
Filed June 6, 19270
HERETOFORE, the executrix of the last 'Will of O.L. Miller, above named
deceased, filed her final report and account herein and petitioned the
court for the approval thereof; also for an order distributing the residue
of the estate to the heArs entitled to same; and it appearing that due
notice of the hearing of said petition has been given as directed by
the court, by publication, as shown by the files herein, and that this
estate is ready for closing, the court finds:
That the executrix was duly appointed by the court on the 14th of Oct.
1926 and immediately qualified and entered upon her duties as such
executrix; that she gave notice to creditors by publication, notifying
them to present to her within the period of six months any claim or claims
that they might have against the estate of deceased; that said notice to
creditors was published in the Edmonds Tribune Review, a weekly
publication (newspaper) published at Edmonds, Washington, in Snohomish
County, for the time required by law; that the first publication of said
notice was Oct. 29, 1926,
That during the time allowed by law for presenting claims against the
estate of deceased, there was presented to her duly verified and all
of which are filed in the above case, the following claims:
(here follows list of same, total of $1392.75)
That all of the foregoing claims are just; have been approved by the
executrix and the court now approves them directing their payment out
of the funds of the estate of deceased; and she is hereby allowed credit
.for the wane in her account with the estate. The court finds that the
executrix has paid all of the foregoing claims in full, and has presented
vouchers for the same excepting a balance owing the State Bank of Edmonds
where executrix has a checking account and the balance will be by her settle
when the account is closed.
That the following is a list of all the property, real and personal
belonging to the estate of deceased and that all of said property is the
community gPe estate of said deceased and executrix Rofena A. Miller:
TJH yell
(here follows description of real estate and personal property which
is sarie as that shown in amended inventory & appraisement heretofore shown)
That all of the above property has been duly appraised by appraisers
appointed by the court at the sum of $14504.76 as shown by the inventory
and appraisement in this case filed. That notife of the appraisement
was given to the Inheritance Tax and Escheat Division at Olympia,
Washington (together with a copy of the inventory and appraisement
of the Tr operty), and no objection has ever been made to the justness
of the appraisement; that no inheritance tax is due the State of
Washington from said estate and the property herein named was the
community estate of deceased and the executrix.
The court finds that the executrix has paid out on account of costs
in the above case, appraisement of property, witness fees in
probating will, and expenses of publishing notices, the sum of $45.35;
that she furnished vouchers for the payment of said sums which are filed
Th.e court finds t:,at all of the residue of the property under the
terms of the will of deceased and the petition of the daughter therein
named, this day granted, goes to the executrix, Rofena A. Miller, who
lives 1511 Ravenna Boulevard, Seattle,VVlashington. The court finds that
the executrix has employed as counsel for the probating of this estate
J.E. McGrew and that she has agreed with him as to the fees to be
charged for services herein and the oaart is not asked to fix fees of
attorney or the executrix. That all the steps in probating the estate
of deceased herein have been taken and the estate is now ready for
executrix, be and she is hereby awarded as her separate property, all
of the residue thereof belonging to the estate of O.L. Miller, deceased;
that she is hereby directed to pay any other money necessary to meet the
costs and expenses in this case and make settlement with her attorney
for services rendered herein and upon complying with this order, she
will be discharged from further administration of the estate of deceased
and her bondsmen exonerated from further liability in the premises, it
being further understood that executrix retains full power under the
non-intervention will of deceased, to enter into arty and all contracts
and sign any papers or deeds feat may be necessary and to transact any
business under the will in this case probated.
Done in open Court this 6th day of June 1927,
Filed June 6, 1927.
Ralph C. Bell, JUDGE.
#3; *11V*
-:C E R T
certifies that it has added to the foregoing Abstract of Title, In-
struments numbered from thirty-five (35) to forty (40) both inclusive,
and that the same are the only Instruments which have been filed for
record in the office of the Auditor of Snohomish County, Washington
since the date of the last preceding certificate hereto, to -wit: since
Jan 12, 1922 at 8:00 a.m., affecting the title to the real property
described in the Caption hereof as follows to wit:
Lot 2, Block 88, City of Edmonds, in
Snohomish County, Washington.
We have added Marginal Satisfaction to Instrument No. 30.
ALSO, that as shown by the indices to the records in the office
of the Clerk of said Snohomish County, there are no suits pending or
judgments entered in any Court of Record in said County against Johanna,
Horsman, O.L. Miller, Estate of O.L. Miller or Rofena A• Miller, which
are liens upon or affect the title to said above described real propert;
KXXX= Judgment in Cause No 19754-56-13, entered Nov 18, 19219 vs.
Joanna Horsman in favor of Marine National Bank, for $289.15 and $21.00,
shown in last preceding certificate, has been satisfied on the margin
of the appearance docket in the office of the County Clerk. We show
proceedings in estate of O.L. Miller, deceased.
ALSO, that as shown by the official tax rolls in the office of
the Treasurer of said Snohomish County, the taxes upon said above des-
cribed real property are paid in full up to and including those for the
year 1925. Those for 1926 are due and delinquent amounting to '8.89
with interest from date of delinquency.
'.rE DO NOT CERTIFY as to any taxes or assessments levied by the
City of Edmonds not shown on general tax rolls.
As shown by the personal tax rolls in the office of the County
Treasurer, there are no personal property taxes now due or delinquent
which are a lien upon said above described real property.
caused this certificate to be signed by its Manager and its corporate
seal to be hereto affixed this Fifth (5th) day of October A.D. Nineteen
hundred twenty-seven (1927) at eight (8:00) otelock A.M.
Sheet /Vo----_--_-----
• �+ i W (h:•1 Kill. i -�-5� T'
IVlAlTT,Wnsn , — —
� O
Abstract of Title
To f
From dw 09= n]
Snohomish County
Abstract Company
2013 Wetmore Avenue
].'Rear Cewt Hbnw*]
Evrrett, k aahington
(Sutcesw to ►,Voo<iward Ab>ttad Co.)
ThiM Company is Agent for
Washington Title Insurance Co.
Asret■ Over a'NitIiou Dollarw
MAN Gaarratr Frei Dgmvited with State Treasarnr
0-1."lY N. M M..K Yf ■ CY I