1927 Abstract of Title Block 88 Lot 3 and 4Lots `three (3) and Four (4) Block Eighty-eight (88) CITY OF FDM[ONDS, being a part of the SE-1 of SVQ of Section 24, Township 27, North of Range 3 East W.MI. , situate in Snohomish County, dashington. Compiled bythe TH, Q R1L IFEVATE AN a K 11IN 11 NJ ABSTRA CW!'.E°# iffji l01 W., 5 .�.#yjq®r.�f''�', �' .tr cuP-r10N. Abstract of title to the following described real estate, to -unit : Lots 3 and 4 in Block FS of the Plat of "The City of F �monds" , sit? ate in the SF 114 of ,>I'' 1/4 Section 14 TWI) 27 N TR 3 F. , in Snohomish rourty State of Pfashin,-ton. Willnuation of Abstract of Title to the lands Described in the Caption Hereto, United Mates of America ,,,� Certificate:_T?o. 3483� TO Chart es c k e r s GRANTORS. GRANTEES. No. ( haracter of inS11-11 nenl. 61/4�� Dale of f trr real. /�' Date of Record, l3 l; gf-�OGIl&X—Page. �7Q- Consideration $ Are signatures sealed ? _ .. Names of Witnesses - Date of Acknowledgement _ Before whom acknowledged, and is it regular Granting words Covenant, if any DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS: F 1/2 of Sir 1/4 Sec 24 T`vp 27 TN? R 3 F . , containing; 80 acres. ACt of Congress AI)ril 24th 1820. (S i�,ned) By the President, U . S . ('Trani, ( L. S . ) By 7.. B. Sturrris Asst Secretary. 'rote -. Certificate of the Commissioner of the Pereral band nf.fice that the annexed copy of patent is a true and literal exem- plification from the records in his office. continuation of Abstract of Title -To —the lands Described in the Caption Hereto, _ Chas. lkfjcrermoth the agent, of 111. C. I luallace the duly aprointed and qual-_ ified Administrator of the Pstate of`. Chas. Vickers, deceased, late of Port „ . 1 adsdn' �zlt,sap -ro:; 1"•'. 'I'. GRANTORS. TO Ph i 1 ip i"►i st No. Character of Instrument. Date of Instrument, -- /fir- - Date of Record. Book - 4f--�(� -.Page.. &1 2-3 0 Consideration $ ne -.� GRANTEES. J Are signatures sealed Names of Witnesses - - ,�', _ _ '' !u' .� Date of Acknowledgement Before whom acknowledged, and is it regrrla.r ��I�P �-- , p i�:��� .e_ .d_ ,C�-u�,% /�eCCed6 44— Granting words _ J&C"j -..( a4 y a.... t -Q_. Vic) Covenant, i,f any l/ --- --- - DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS : F 142 of SW 1/4 Sec 24 Twp 27 N R 3 E. , cortaining, 8n acres. Order of Cale made by the Probate. Court, of Kitsap County Tyr T. on the 29 day of ^Tovember 1881 Sale -made �aniaary 7th 1F Sale confirmed January e (Si€ Administrator of the est (By his a,Fent Charles 1%ic Continuation 'ot Abstract of Title to the lands Described in the Caption Hereto Philip Wist and Catherine Wist wife of said Philip l^Vist of uitsap Co. T. GRANTORS. TO Cor. a_ AcT)ermothr No. Charm -ter o/' Instrument. ac'o .0-e-�- lhrte of l�str nrerrt. ' Date of Record, / Book Page Consideration $ Q_Q -1' ( GRANTEES. ) Are signatures seated ? Names of Witnesses — �L n�Q0 -�-�e Af 1 Date of Acknowledgement Before whom acknowledged. and is it dwilar ! �' a ��[(.U1 �Q,O, Granting words . 1C9it c ^�CZ4 1 � Covenant, if any cl� DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS F 112 of SI^r 1/4 Sec 24 Twp 27 TT R 3 F contains' 30 acres. ContinuaTioo of Abstract of Title to the Lands Described in the Caption Hereto. Charles McParmoth and Cora A. his I�Fifc of Fort Madison ?'. T. TO �r t t a E. R r a c k e t t No. T Character of Instrument. Datr u/'lnshurr rrf. Date oJ' Record, Book o ' 4 pp,- Pa e e—1 Consideration $ �GRANTEES. Are sip,lures sealed 9 (,Ili ca Nantes of Witnesses _ --�r .A -�- `4 j'4.t__ ./KO Date o>' Acknowledgement Bt-!'or•e whom acknowledged, and is it regular (:ranting! words - _� cci at Covenant. it any Imi �Q2r ! ozJ j2 ' DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS GRANTORS. E 112 of S11" 1/4 Sec 24 Twp 27 M 1; 3 F., containing 80 acres. Continuation of abstract of Title to the lands Described in the Caption Hereto, Nelson McCollum, the duly appointed- � No. �----- ------ -- ---- --- ---- and qualified administ rator d e _ Character of Instruxrvid.� _ B o n i s n o n of the estate of - Charles Vickers deceased late of Date gf Inslrumeenttt, Yitsap-- C,-o-.- - TGRANTORS. tr .rFO\J TO Date of Record. Phi 1 J. p 1st A& ato Boolr ' - p& Pape r O Consideration $ [I �/ GRA.NTEES.�j Are signatures sealed 2 _ Names of Wilne�ses � �(L'� AV �,94 a..+� V t Y� L44$o — - — - - - - Date of Acknowledgement . F ff I �- k-8 Before whom 7qwar*ad,�- acknowledged. and is it Granting words Covenant, if any DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS: F 1/2 of S1a1 114 Sec 24 Twp 27 T? R 3 E . , order of Sale made by the Probate Court of Kitsap County W. T. on the 29th day of November 1881, authorizing; 1V. C. Wallace for- .mer administrator of said estate to sell the same Sale rriac e January 7th 1882. Sale confirmed January 23rd 1882 and conveyance ordered to purchaser. (Si7ned) ^Tolson McCollum (Seal) Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Charles Vickers Deceased. Continuation of Abstract of Title to the lands Described in the Caption Hereto, neorge prackett and Etta E Brackett his wife -, TO The P u b 1 ia. Nantes ,/' Witnesses V51 44 GRANTORS. No. Character af Instrument. r Date o/ Instr am Date of Record, Book of. _ -Page Consideration $ �- GRANTEES.- Are signatrmsssealed? L4q Date of Achnoteledyenned BrAre whom arhnoroledced. and is it regular Granting words G Covenant, ff ant/ DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS: Plat of "The City of Edmonds". Explanation - : 9t�asxp��x�x�iix�las�i��x�fx&�nos�a�$ This Plat of "The City of Edmonds" comprises all of the W 1/2 of SR 1/4. and R 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec 24 T 1.7 M P 3 R, , top -ether with all that, part of the Pt 1/2 of S1"� 17 of said Sec 24 not heretofore platted in they original i,ownsite of E(imonds , - - - - The initial point, of this Plat is the southwest corner of lot 1 in Plock 124.. which said point is 30 feet Fast of the; corner common to Sections 23, 24, 25, and 26 of said Twp 27 '%I P 3 R. The line hetween Sections 24 and 25 has been used. as a .base line and all raular streets have been platted parallel with or'at right anplos thereto. The dimensions of all Lots flocks Streets .and alloys are as shown upon the Plat. D e d i c a t i o n. Know all men by these Presents, That we Pc omae 'F rackett and Etta E, Prackett his wife owners in f::e simple of the lands embraced in the fore goini; duscrit-)ed Plat of "The City of Edmonds" hereby declare the foregoing Plat and hereby dedicate to the; use of the Public forever all the streets and alleys platted thereon. Tn Witness Whereof, we have hereunto sot our hands and seals this 27th day of ,Tune A. P. 1F'90. a J t/ x (a % 4 Tom, JP f� Ct r f j C X tonin a Ion oU Abstract of Title to the Lands 'escribed in the Caption Aefeto, neoFre Brackett and Etta F. Brackett husband and wife GRANTORS. TO Minnagpolis Realty and tnvestrr►ent, Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wash - ton. Nn. Character of Instrument. - 60 Date of Instrurne /4- lj-r6 O Date of Record, Book . � � of---O-et/� -- Page 10­86 J Consideration 8 100D0 �— GRANTEES, Are signalrtres sealed ? Names of Witnesses _ /'t'.0 ®� _ - cc ��Q 07 -a' Date of Acknowledgement Be ore whom acknowledged, and is it regular a4 LA u—,affL4:UA(6f,' Granting words _kx C.'A ( C" cu.,� Covenant, if any DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS: Conveys among; other lands the F 1/2 of SW 1/4 See 24 Twp• 27 N R 3F., Also W 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec 24 Twp 27 N R 3 R., except that portion of the same included within the oripinfil townsite of Fdmonds. TAXES. WE HEREBY CERTIFY That there are no taxes due and unpaid upon the lands described in the within abstract, and that there are no tax sales of said land unredeemed, and that no tax deeds have been given thereon, �. Dated at Snohomish City, Washington, this, the _____ day of 1890 ABSTRACTERS. REMARKS CONCERNING TAXES. JUDGMENTS. WE HEREBY CERTIFY That there are no judgments, suits pending, or liens of any kind, against any of the within -named grantees, which are liens on the land described herein_-_--,(-" in any Court of Record in --- tQcJ _ _ T _ County. Dated at Snohomish City, Washington, this, the --------- __, _ day of.. A A. D. 189 a ABSTRACTERS. CERTIFICATE OF ABSTRACTER. STATE OF WASHINGTON, l ss. County of Snohomish. f We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the foregoing _ lam 4-7/ -'---sheets contain a full and correct abstract of all conveyances or other instruments of writing now on record in the office of the County Auditor in and for said County and State, which in any way of ect the title to the above described real estate. A Witness our hands this, the______2 � , day of A, . 1"4_A. D. 189-0 ABSTRACTERS. TTV THE SUPRRTOR COURT OF SFOHOMTSIT COUNTY) STATE OF WASHIT1,MTON reorge Prackett, Plaintiff X -vs- Lis Pendens N`inneapolis Realty and Tnvestment Company, a corporation Defendant Take Motice that the above named plaintiff George Brackett has this day commenced an Action x x x against the above named Minneapolis Realty and Tnvestment Company. That the general nature and obect of said action is to reform a certain mortgage deed from the defendant to the plaintiff bearing date July 15th 1890 and filed for record x x x September 16th 1890 in. tool 8 of MlortFages page 452, and to foreclose said Mortgage when so re- formed. The lands affected by this action and which are cov- ered by the lien of said mortgage and which are sou.Rht to be in- cluded in said mortgage and sold to satisfy the same, are de- scribed as follows, to -wit, -: NE 1/4 and W 1/2 of SF 1/4, and E 1,2 of SW 1/4- and SW 1/4 of SW1/4-all in Section 24Twp27NR3E.,!,'. fib. xxxxxxx Also NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec 24 Twp 27 N R 3 E. (except that portion of the same included in the original townsite of Edmonds) ---- t,ogether with other lands described particularly in said notice. Date (T?one Piven) Filed for record, January 9th 1891 at 5.35 P. M. Recorded in Vol. 10 of Mortgages, page 434-5-0.. ( S igned) ��'hIt1 pton & Steele ," Attorneys Instrument TIo. ... Minneapolis Realty and Invest- ment Company, Incorporated, a corporation To Charles A. Sweet General Warranty Deed, Dated Oct. 14th ,1890, Consideration $1,00 Filed for record April '.f'.th 1<,191 At 11 A. M. Recorded in Vol of Deeds at pages ... Witnesses, H. H. Ames and W. P. Kingston, Signatures are sealed. Acknowledged in regular form Oct. 14th 1890 before H. H. Ames �'. P. Residing at Seattle, Wash. (Seal) Grantor does Grant Bar,ain Sell Convey and Confirm unto Grantee his heirs and assigns lands in Snohomish County Washington de- scribed as -; Lots 3 and 4 of Block 88 of the City of Edmonds. (Signed) !Minneapolis Realty and Investment Company By (,alen H. Coon Vice President and D. B. Ward Treasurer ( Seal of the M. R. & T . Co.) ■ of Frohoull'sh ti do hertaby Certify That, girce too nat.o of t,��:. =: i ..11:i,, rr.:t• 1, i �`i r:"E,(j w o "avO��f_c"�"�•r�zm 4,'-Fx nG s�.:i�f ��:7cr znst.�'�;[ +;rr .::;,-� ►i7F1 r.,�l,, irret,t•�:a+n#, ,'furft,ih '.h[3 x�l : ,.n u►f�; )-uri[.:� t,c:5t�ra�sc;r; :ice �.h}� ��it.]ti�, ab tram, that hhvt) buen filec� in i,ne r, rf,jeu c i r � , .trr� (`rrr r • [� a 1rr vy :'�I t : 3 �,4i C� �' ; �!1 artt�m 1. �3C! �'•�]'7}7 t,'; �.c'Lu Of E. �4Yr�iri,~�e::, sinew z"a u chi.4u i+:.0 ,,'.� kt►ek .s. of y i-noss Our har!cs F hig ;:i;11 (IR1t of Ahsi.r pvr ;,.or•q, A StPut Ot lItlB .......... In Snohomish County-, Washington. PREPARED FOR By- CRADDOCK & MILLER, Lawyers and Abstracters. R1:111-OHOMISH, WASH. V" JOD PAINT. SNOHOMISH, WASH. Instrument No . 1_11 6 M 594 Charles A. Sweet Mortgage May :.Sweet, his wife to Dated May 20, 1891 ) Filed May 23, 1891 10:46 ASV[ John P. Gale ) Consideration $250.00 Rec . vol,. 12 M 285 Mortgagors give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto grantee, his heirs and assigns, forever, with covenants of general warranty, the following described real esuate situate in Snohomish County, ',Jashington, to -wit Lots 3 and 4 Block 88 of the Plat of the City of Edmonds, situate in SE' of SV of Sec. 24, Twp 27 N.R. 3 E. viven to secure payment of �250.00 with interest at ,, per month according to a promissory note dated May 20, 1891 payable on or before 6 months after date 4200 atty fee Charles A. Sweet Yay Sweet Two witnesses Acknoaledged May 20, 1891 by Charles A. Sweet and lia.y Sweet, his wife before James Park Henderson, Notary Public for 4ashington, reaiding at Seattle (seal) Phe within mortgage assi tined to John W. Weston see vol. 26 of M page 70. D.!7,. Swerdfiger, County Auditor Instrument No, � Y D, 343 John P. Gale. ) Certified ('opy of Will. to ) Pilcd Sept. 289 18929 4: 30 P,M. } The P it b 1 1 c ) Re c, Vol, 1 of gulls page 14, I, John P. Gale, of Seattla, County of Kinrr, State of Washinmton being of sound anct disposing, mind and memory do hereby ► a'-e and publish this M. r last will "nd. testament. First. As a tokon of warm friendship T Tivo devise and bogti.eath unto A. Talh of , ; he sum of one th.ots san d (1000.001 Dollars. Second. I rive, devise and beveatvi, unto my beloved -rife, all the residue of my property of every bind vrhethor real,personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessti:d. or which I ray be entitled to at my decease. In Witness Whereof, I have Hereunto set my nand this23rd day of may, 1891. John P. Gale. Signud, published and declared by t').e suid John P. Gale ns and for his last ;111 ,.nd testament, in of r presence, who at his request, and in the _,ros�.;ncc of each other, have hereunto subscribed wir name as ,vitnessas. Fred TT. Iiinckley J. Park TTenderson. Iltii "" TE IJP -:7%I QR GO�?RT Or' KI' fC'r ('OU)TY, STA'"E OF ' VAS71; 4 `70'' . IN' PROBATE. In the "att,:;r of t)ie Estate of John P. Gale, Deceanc(l. County of Kin,*, SS: No, 1540. Certificate of Probate; of Will. Sheet Xo....--. 4_._-._.. ABSTRACT co Instrument No.I �,Cont'd. D. 343 I, T. J. 'Humes, Judge of the Superior Courtof said King County, do hereby certify that the annexed instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of John P. Gale, deceased, as by our said Superior Court on the 13th day of July, 189" , duly admitted to Probate as and for the last will and testament of Mic said John P. Gale, de- ceased. And from the proofs taken and the examinations had thereon the court finds as follows: That the said Jahn P. Gale died on or about the eleventh day of lga,, 1892, in Redlands County, in the State of California, and at the time of his death was a resident of the County of Kina, in the State of Washin Qt on. That the said annexed will }ras duly execittod by said John. P. Gale, in his li feting, in the Vounty of King-, in the State of Wash- in.lton, in the presence of Pied Tr. Tlinkley and J. Park Yondorson the subscribing* aitn es.ses Viereto; also that said John P. GaIG, RcknOw- ledged the axacutio?, of the stric in the presence of the said subscribing witnesses and declared the sane to be his last gill and testament and the said witnesses attested the same at his request and in his presanee and it prey nce of each other. That the said decedent, at the •time of e�oecuting the said will :gas above the a»e of majority, to of t7�e age of about 34 ,years and wad of sound and dispusinr: mind mid not under duress, renace, fraud nor undi)e influenco nor in any respect incompetent to devise and be- queath his estate. IW TT4STP?T01'Y 11VTr91 ,0F, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the said Superior Court to be hereunto affixed this 13th day of July, 1892. T. J. lh=es, Judge of the Superior Court of Ring County$ Btate of Washin Rt on. Attest: W. B. Spender, Clerk of the Court. By R. L. Davis, Deputy Clerk. Xndorsed, filed July 13, 1892. W. B. spencer, Clerk. By R. L. Davis, Deputy Clark. (Over) Sheet .Vo.. _ .. 1 '30 Instrument No. I- 6- Cent I d. D. 343 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF WASHINGTONs BOR THE COUNTY OB KrWG. IN PROBATE. In the Plat t e3 r of the Bat at e � ? No. 1540. of ) Certificate to Transcript. John P. Gale, Deceased. ) I, William B. Spencer, County Clerk of the county of Kings in the State of Washington, and ex-officio Cleric of t?re Superior Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that I 'iLiw compared Via foreg,oing transcript �Ath the oririnal last :gill and testc-nent of John P. dale, deceased, and the certificate of Probate of said :rill, as the same appear in file and of record in my orrice and that the sang is a fu12, and correct copy of the said original will and Certificate of Probate and of the whole thereof. IN WITITESS '�YfTERiyOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said &aperlor Court at +he City of Seattle, in said County, this 16th day of September, A.D. 1892. W, B. Spencer, County Clerk and ex-officio Clark of the Superior Court of said Ring County. (Seal of Sup. Ct. ) Sheet j")------- 4------- Instrument No. 12 M 494 Leslie W. Gale Administratrix of the estate of John P. Gale , deceased to John W. Weston Assignment of Mortgage Dated Sept 13, 1892 Filed Dec. 7, 1893 3:05 PM Consideration $278.70 Rec. vol. 26 M 70 Grantor does grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over unto grantee, a certain indenture of mortgage bearing date May 20, 1891 made and executed by Charles A. Sweet and wife to John P. Gale, recorded in book 12 of Mortgages page 285, May 23, 1891. Leslie -4. Gale, xdministratrix of the estate of John P. Gale, Deceased Two witnesses Acknowledged Sept 13, 1892 by Grantor as signed before Silas M. Shipley, Notary Public for Washingtnn, residing at Seattle (seal) Instrument Nol t.Kr3" 8 M 41 Little..& Smythe Ma=-facturing ) Company 1 to ) Charles A. Sweet ) Notice of Attachment Dated r'eb. 16, 1892 Filed Feb.116, 1892 1:05 PY Consideration $309.75 Rec . vo l . 1 W A/ 66 Lots 3 and 4 Block 88 in the City of Edmonds Amount of judgment 309.75 with interest until paid and costs amounting to 130.25., James Burton, Sheriff Ex Docket 1.70 Littell & Smythe Manufacturing Company VS. Charles A. Sweet S C 630 Judgment rendered Jan 18, 1892 in favor of plaintiff and against defendant in the sum of $309.75, $30.25 costs atty feet Execution issued Jan 28, 1892 I, Jas. Button, Sheriff of Snohomish County, Washington, do certify that I received this execution on January 28, 1892 and after diligent search was unable to find any property in Snohomish County, only exempt from execution, therefore, I return this writ not satisfied. Dated March 26, 1892 Jas Burton, Sheriff Instrument No. 1,1 20 - 515 Charles A. Sweet and '"ay Sweet, his wife to Joiin 4eston Warranty Deed Dated Dec. 5, 1893 } -Filed Dec. 7, 1893 2:50 PM Consideration $850 Rec. Vol. 34 D 169 Grantors grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Grantee, with covenants to warranty and defend lands in Snohomish County., Washington: Lots 3 and 4 in Block 88 City of Edmonds Charles A. Sweet May Sweet. Two witnesses Acknowledged Dec. 5, 1893 by Charles A. Sweet and May Sweet, his wife before L.L. Austin, Notary Public for Washington, residing at .6dmonds (seal) Instrument No. 29 - 766 John Weston and-, Annie Weston, husband and wife E John Medeen Warranty Dead Dated March lS,, 1899 Filed Oct 4, 1899 12:45 IM Consideration Rec . Vol. 50 � :11jo File No. 52849 Grantors sell and convoy,un%,0 Grantee, with covenants . to warrant 4nd defgnd the following described real estate situate in Snohomish County Washington, to -wit. Lots ,3 and 4 in-41 ck 88,:.P]A-t of Edmonds,, Jo t-ni We's to.n Annie Ve s ton Two witnesses Acknowledged March 13, 1899 -by John Weston and Annie Weston, husband and isifa before A.F. Flikinger, Notary Public for Iowa Instrument No:I j;_ 166 - 66 John Medeen and Johanna Medeen his wife of Edmonds, Washington to Carl .Johnson of Edmonds, Washington Mortgage Dated Oct 1, 1913 riled Y7=arch 13, .1916 Rec. vol. 89 M 528 Consideration 0400.00 File No. 218961 luortgagors grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto laortgagee, the following described real estate situate in Snohomish County, Washington, to -wit: Lots 3 and 4 in Block 88 in the City of Edmonds,,dashington, as the same apears of record in the office of the County Auditor at Everett, 4ashington. This conveyance is intended as a mortga_;e to secure the payment of $400.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of one certain promissory note bearing date Oct 1, 1913, made by John Medeen and Johanna Medeen, payable to the order of Carl Johnson. John Hedeen Johanna Medeen One witness Ackno�riledged Oct 1, 1913 by John Medeen and Johanna '�Ledeen, his wife bf Edmonds, aashington, 'before D.A. Martin, Notary Public for Washington, residing at Edmonds (seal) 9 Instrument No. a - 205 - 589 Carl Johnson to John Medeen and Johanna Medeen, his wife Satisfaction of Mortga-e Dated Oct 2, 1917 Filed May 9, 1921 at 10:35 AM Consideration 4400.00 Rec. vol. 131 M 124 Vile No. 284493 I, Carl Johnson, do hereby certify that the mortgage made and executed by John Medeen and Johanna Medeen, his wife, to Carl Johnson, on Lots 3 and 4 in Block 88 in the City of Edmonds, Washington, as the same appears of record in the office of the County Auditor at Everett, Washington, to secure the payment of -J�400, and of record in the office of the auditor of Snohomish County, Washington, in volume 89 of Mortgages, on page 528, with the note secured thereby, is fully paid and satisfied and I do hereby consent that the same be fully discharged of record. Carl Johnson One witness Acknowledged Oct 2, 1917 by Carl Johnson before F.Vj. Peabody, Notary Public for dashington, residing at Edmonds (seal) No. 35061 C E R T I F I C A T S STYE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH SS THE SNOHOMTSH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO1TI ANY, a corporation hereby certifies that it has added to the foregoing Abstract of 'Title, I►isLru- ments numbered from Ten (10) to Severiteeh (17), both inclusive, and that the same are the only instruments which have been filed for record in the office of the Auditor of Snohomish County, dashingxton, eince the date of the last preceding certificate hereto to -wit: since hay 5, 1891 at 8:00 o'clock A.M., affecting the title to the real property described in the Caption hereof as follows, to —wit: Lots 3 and 4, Block 88, The City of Edmonds, situate in Snohomish County, Washington. ALSO, that as shown by the indices to the records in the office of the Clerk of said Snohomish County, there are no suits pending or judgments entered in any Court of Record in said county against John Medeen or Jokianna Iaedeen which are liens upon or affect the title to said above described real property. ALSO, that as shown by the official tax rolls in the office of the Treasurer of said Snohomish County, the taxes upon said above des- cribed real property have been paid in full up to and including those for the year 1926. VVE DO NOT CERTIFY as to any taxes or assessments levied by the Town of Edmonds unless the same appears upon the general tax rolls. As shown by the personal tax rolls in the office of the County `treasurer, there are no personal property taxes now due or delinquent which are a lien upon said above described real property. III :+IITT 3SS rJHERT:OF, said SNOHOMISH COUNTY ABSTRACT COTIPANY has caused this certificate to be signed by its Manager and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this Twenty-eighth (28th) day of July, A.D. Nineteen hundred twenty-seven (1927) at Eight (8:00) o'clock A.M. SNOHOMI E T CT COMPANY BY Manager. FF Sheet No• 44---------------- Leo. - Abstract of Title TO ------------------- ----------------- SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WA5HINGI.ON l-rocn t6e Office of Snohomish County Abstract Company 2013 Wetmore Avrone (\e&T ronrt Hwo"; Evrrrt t, WuHh ingtau (.5ucenxor to Woodward A6-uw Co) Thisr Compony iv Agent for Washington Tilly Insurance Co. A,sxetw Ucnr n Nf illiou UolinrK S'ZEMi,000 GRAMM7 1Faad Poponite d with Stafe Trewiurer