1927 Abstract of Title Block 88 Lot 5A Atraat:' -of= Title
T o
Lot Five t 5) of Block EiChty-eight (88) of the City of
Edmonds, being a part of the Ez of SWJ of Sec. 24 Twp. 27 N of
R 3 E. W. H. in Snohomish County, Washington.
Anderson Guarantee Abstract Company,
Everett, Washington.
Y,� �
�A �
Inst . iTo .
United States.
Charles Vickers,
Office No. 39-7.
Pat ent.
Dated 37 1890.
'Filed July 16, 18901 5.5 p m.
"�01. 1, Patento, page 71.
Recites that Lowi.a A. Groff,. Commissioner of the General Land
Office' certifies thit the annexed copy of Patent in favor of Charles
Vic-1--erg;, founded on Olympia Washington Territor;,� cash entry. iTo. 3483
is a true copy from the records of saidoffice. (Seol of Gen. Land
Offic )
Said patent grants
EI of' SW+ of Sec.. 24 Twp. 27 T of R 3 E. 17. .
containing 80 acresT subject to vest -ea and -accrued �7ater and mining
rights, as provided b lair.
Dated Aug. lT 1872.
By the Pres-dent, U. S. Grant,
By Z. B. Sturgus, Asst. Secretary.
Recorded in Vol. r`a page 236-
C. B. Boynton, Recorder of &tn. Land Office.
Inst f i0._
V7. Co VIallace, as Administrator
of the Estate of "has. Vickers,
Deceased., Late of - itsap County,
Washington Territory, by him Agents
Charles �Dersoth.
Philip Wist .
Office 1-!Co 17
Admini8trator',3 Deed.
Dated Feb. 71 1882.
Filed _ich. 1882 rr 01 r m.
l' ol,, 41 Deeds, page 31.
Con, 1'50 .
Recites t:7at wher•:!as or. ov. 291 10811 tn^e .r„Probato i0ourt of
the Count; of ='itsap, Tlashi-ngton ierritor--, made an order authoriz—
ing first part,- to sell at public auctionV to t=z^ highest bidder for
cash certain real estate beloninr; to t=�c e.-:tate of said decoased
hereinafter described either ii. one parcel or in subdivisi.ona as said
administrator should docd most ;oencf icial to sai-_i eatate, and
Whereas said first ;fart-, pursuant to said order oft:Dr due said
legal notice, on Jane '7, 1' 62 at 1 o'clock P. ". at the front door
of the Court House in ,Snr-homi6'1 Gotuit-, 76: hi on T-rL itory, sold
said premises to second party for tt-:e I= of :� 50. that the high-
est and Nest sizi bid therefor, and
Tlheraas or, San. 23, 1882, the said Court conf; razed said sale and
directed conveyances executed to t'io ptirci•}atier of said premises.
Now therefore first part A. Pursuant �t to said la�t order and in
consideration of the po;yrne�ri of said s ar of mone,s, recyipt of -7j�, ich
is hereby ac:u2owleked, grants, bargains, sells a -lid coilve*.ns v-.to
second party, heirs and assj ns all t1a,e riwh'., ti'lc and interest
said Charles Vickers, deee,3sed, had at the ti.:e of his death; and all
right, title a:,-,d intore.t that said estate by operation of ra yr or
oth.3mise has since acquired in a-,d to tho
E•� of SU of Sec. 24' i,.:rpy 27 -. of P S 7. contain—
ing 80 acres.
Ack. Feb: '7, 1832. befcr e Yelson HcCul.lma, Count
t -
Kitsap County, �Wo.3hJnr;ton Territory, by TI. C,'Uallace�
trator of the esta' e of Chas V-ic?cers, doceased; 'by hi.a
McDe rraoth. (Seal)
Sheet :?o � �%
Auditor of
as Admi-nis--
agent ; Chas.
Inett No. Offs is To. 349.
Nelson :�'cCullum, Administrator De Administrator' ,� Deed.
Boni5 non of the Estate of Charles Dated=•:a;y+ 82 1883.
Vickers, Decsa.sed. piled. �'"a 2t;, 1883, 8.30 a TA.
Vol. 4, :�evds, PI)Cc 591.
To CO.�. .,8"i.
Philip Wist.
Recites 'Chat whercas tll.e Probate. k ourt of A'itsap r;oU., 1796hi:.gtoi�
Territor y, On i�ov. 29� 1881, )ado 9. order a��y__c�ri�_;? �?.(;. �?allacey
former administrator of sai:' Fa fare cf Charles Vickor;;, deceased, to
sell at public auction to :_i � est. '--idjer for cash cert,ain real
est-ate bolo: 3:: o aaJ.. e;;t.. <: c� sa �:'_ c:ecease�, ,;i LuStoo ill 8I�a•-
homi4h I. cunt;-, ' rrr..t c'r -, a-_d p9 r -; c-,;.la rIy de6crib: ci. in
sai(' 0 "�iCr o?� sale ei' h --r in Gad: �arcel or iY`: .;:if�divi6i fli=s as saic�
administrotor stxouic. r.�.�.-.'_ boat ::•or a id 06tote, a c:rt; "zocl copy of
or��]irk ofsaid orderw96 recorded �-. , . --
Probates Vol,, 2, Par: 14:), rf, c-. orde of sal -a is 'nerabir re-fer, :d
to and r_ado a mart of
Mereas t-;,- said. 17. G. rlsllac:: dice no Ton, 'i, 18821 Syr viriue of
said order a_ic? legal _!otic c:" tl,e -,.1 .cc ti:_le a:_ saen:•ler of sale
s 11 at: public a-actio:-, ,s--';joct to a:;;.c. ciourt, the
sai,-; real ebtato for cash to thA Ncco`_i:. _.ar d.�ra�.__ for •'85. t__at
beir?c t1-o ;-ig est an.' ' o ;;t 'aid a:-:c?
fir, ,r:as. ;airy Probatw C:ot?rt kice, o.n j u- . 23 1'32, t-•.: a day
of t= o rez v-lar to-,i of said 0 cjArt3 Upo legai r ti.ir.a of :;ary c! solo b,
said 1.7. 0. 7allace confirm: said sale an(], dir ctrcy co�!trc;, aa1ce to trc
made tc t.,e seco,_d Tart- horc_:i of all i:zt :r^ . :_ t`t7 of s =i.d
dec�a6e 'Co saic;. real estate at v;io ti.::v c? ._i;; cleat:. a :' €n-, and all
interest sai estate lvavo acauiroct "o;.- o V:'atio:, of' lawor other-
wise in € dCitio:a to s:aicl d e c a a 6 e d I_Ztorst at t .c "* ci cf hi doat'-.
a corti� i c cod:;f o" said order of ce:�fa_r:: = `icy is. o:•.. 1� jle i-. t'^w C'1ork� s
offj. Ce C * L?f t 0= in oo=- 29 pa 1 � 1 a."Id
following, if_ ich- order i., yi-r^a; navel. a -,a o_'
Now, thcref'ore, in con;:idoara.o_: oe' �:_:a a',;ov ' ;��r.:,iis: s, and w,�.e Pay-
ment o-..' =^ said 6Lr:'i C f ,+ $� • t. .. r: C i j�' 0:_ '.r. �.� . ? b _ _ "Oi7-' a.0 :�oiT_
ledg^d, said fir.;t taart; C�ra'ats u._.o :;ce _:: ar .- 4-X "nis heirs all
the estate a -d il;t& rost of saic. cotato a: -lc. a17. i-.Le:rL;;t ;' afc said
estate Trj-�.' have accju:.rec: by o_.eratioa o. 1a-.- a. o4'z=�r•:!i.;e :►� a�:ctition
to saic inteat8tele interost at :? :R C•: do' -A:;, t0 wit:
'-- a C • . ►S'1 L-L?a edpQ:ec'.2c..
i: iOLLZ: r .'vC:i TJ' Ack. ?ay $31 1385 r)cforc . "vt:1a:1 i�Cl�li:-, "MILL ^ o:t' Probate, xitsa
Count,-, 7 sli:'_-:toil `3'':i ; atOr a. paid Da _..:oni 5 no -via (Se01)
S't1 c �� t r! O • `��
Inst . ,ro.
Philip rust, and
Kate., his wife.
Cora IrcDermoth.
Office "o . 16.
t7arr3nt-y- Deed.
Dated I, eb . 14, 1882 ..
Piled 11 18821
Vol. 4 Deeds
Con: ?3200.
Pirst part;;- granLa, -bargains, sizlls arcs co_ nve;:-.: unto second pal't �,
heirs ar.d assigns, lands in a _iohomish (County ?7asI-1—J. cn L rritor-",.
described as
Hof S71-' of S c, 24 Tt-Z,. 27 =' o ' 3 E. coilt - aining 80
Covena;its of t�rarran*--.
Ack. Feb. 141. 1�82 N:-fore ol.:jo:�=•_aColl. u� (,oux?L, Auditor of
I"'itsap Count;,, t7 ;=_i ng o,� ^-arritor- . (;;metal; s'ife examined separatel-;
Aaknorrlo.'ge4ent recites; Phili- STist an.' '!a thcrinc- TTist, I is wife..
Deed, in bodo-r rec tes ra__t e ' � aalae as Cora A. : -cDer_: oth.
Inst. Fo.
Charley �-_cDermmth, and
Cora A., his wife.
Etta E. :Bracket-t,.
Off4co to. 3J4•
Opocial Uarr~a__t; Deed.
Dated 27, 1882.
filed '``=av 26, 1885, 8.20
Vol. 4 Deeda, �:� ;G 590.
Con. 1,100. y
Firat apart.- , bargains, sells, Conve-u-s a_'sC� co-. fir<«a unto
second , heirs a iCi ati•si-e;ns, lands in`.710 1oil11a_._ 1
tor. Terri.tor77 described as:
71 of S71 of Sec. 24 ` v-p. 27 of R 3 = ?7. .'. con-
taining 80 acres.
Cove antE of goneral iiT-orrant;" aga_.=..st t_'-Cse c1o,__.,ir,21- bj,' t_-rough
or undsr grantors.
Acl.="ch. 27, 18823 "ae.iors=-eison _`eCollu_:�, Auditor of ?'itaa
C0Ui1t-, 7T'_'ahi- toil Territory-. (Seal) 7ife
Inst• No.
George Brackett, and
Ecl, E. Brackett, his wife.
Office No. 315.
Warranty Deed.
Dated July 15, 1890.
To Filed July 22, 1890, 1.30 p m.
Minneapolis Realty and Investment Vol. 10, Deed-, Page 536.
Company, a corporation. Con. � 3n,000.
First l)arU-y grzmi,s, baroU .,,s, sells and conveys unto second
Marty successors a! -id ass i�- ns lands in Snoliomi Oi Couri`cy, WasbAngton,
descrile d as:
NEB and W2 of SEA and E�',�, of SWf aid SVT of SVT�., a.11 in
Sec. 24, Ttifwp. 27 ld of R 3 E. W. TFI. also NE-4 of NE4 of Sec. 26) Tlvp.
27 IT of R 6 E. also M"rl4 of SW4 of Sec. 241 Tirp. 27 Y of R. 3 E., ex-
ct:ot that porion of' the sale included in the original toivnsito of Ed-
monds. Excepi,in, lurtIne r that certain five acres deeded by George
Br;_�mkett to Join Anderson, siad fir of tract bein? in the x'F'l of Swl
of Sec. 2A, Twp. 211 N of R 3 R.(and other lands.)
Cov.enant5 of general warranty.
Ack. July 15, 1890, before Frank.. B. Wetling, a Notary Public in
and for Washirg ton, residing at Seattle. (Seal.)
Sheet ITo . J_
Hinneapolis Real't7T eIn-ve '-tn, ent
Company., by Galen H. Coon, Vice
President, D, 3. YrTard, Treasurer,t
T u
George Brackett.
Office -LO. 272.
o 11.u. R I C
Da t 0 d j V.1 5 18 9 0
2,110(2 S Op t 6 18 9 0 1 9 a m
Val, 8 -I-Ttgs, page 452
TIortgagc6-'-.&-arT6 in S:lohomi6h Cuuimt,,Yfa6hingtoa describedas'
-;2ITi and of aSac�: 24: Tq). 7 -1'. of !,',- 3 E, 17� M.
Also that certair, tr-,-.C.t 0� 1--3nd uormaenc-InE; at the Northeast quarter
of Lots 2 Sec. 24 T-,7,7j, 27 U of 1%;. tlhtence ruming Southori,,- 7�0' r:Fds,
thence westerly 80 roCL6. r-orth-t-1--r 30 ro! ' -' ' s, -thence eas--t-erl
80 rods to thebegin.-Urg, cont aining acres.
( E.:,d othez7 landto.)
Properly exec;uted�
Tsecure the p)ay-m n-t -f
Zest. I -Ts.
Offic'l: 110. 208.
IN THE SUpr.RiOR 00 t O7' U STA 0-9 TTAS?iIN.-.7-TOI? 11i
S?`10I=C 'ISii COLT�TTY.
George Dr4c'cett, Plaintiff. Lis Pendans.
_'il ed Jan.. 9; 1891 s 5.35 p mo
Minneapolis Reolt,;- & Invests'ae_.t va: �iJL�i23-7 Vol. 100 Mtge. pace 434.
a corporation, Defendants. '
Effects lands in Snaho-m+i,-h (:aunt;;, Fra,,hii gton, described as.
1 and ?? of SF. a� F1 oi` SCt aii4 Srf of S'T;3 all in Sec.
24 Tcrj�. 27 iY 0f r. 3 F. �i. Also the 1 7-� of 5S' of Sec. 24 Ttrp. 27
of R 3 1. Z7. ". except that part included ix? t+�c original torrasite
of Edmonds, also excepting that tract of 5 acres, deeded to Jahn An--
derson. ( and oth r lands) M?,+ of ?K Sec. 26 -2vip . ?7 _ l of R 3 E .
Tl•-e object of t�,is act_•on is to reform ancY foreclose a mortgar;e
recorded in Vol. 8 of _"tgs. page 432, records of said County.
Inst. No.
Case 301.
George Brackett,
Case No. 301.
The I:Iinneapolia Realty- Inveatrment
Company, a corporation.
Petition., filed Jan. 9, 1891; states tID t said defendant is
a corporation under the la.tirs of the State of Washington; that on Hay
_.Oth, 1890 the plaintiff executed to James H. Bisholl, the Pre, dent of
said corporation, a certain, bond of contract, agreeing to conve-- for
the sum of 12'100,000. the folloviing described lands; NEB and W-' of SE4
and E2 of 5t72 and SW'T2 of S77all in Sec. 24 Twp. 27 T•T of R 3 E. and
alo3 the NE4 of NE-L of Sec. 26 Tvrp. 27 PT of R 3 E excepting that
portion included in the original townsite of Edrmonds, and excepting
that certain five acres deeded by George Brackett to Jahn Anderson
lying in the AR- of SV-T of Sec. 24 Tvrp. 27 ITT of R 3 E., and also a.
tract beginning at the Northea.6t quarter_ of Lot 2 of Sec. 24 Twp.
27 ',Nsouth Fly of R 3 H. there e running soutFly- 30 rods, thence i�vesterly 80
rods, thence northerly 30 rods, the;.c e easterly 80 rods to the place
of beginning, containing 15 acres$ _nore or lean.
Also a tract co:,-i2aencing at a point 360 feet northeasterly- of the
northea,:t corner of Lot 6 in Llock 14 in the original plat of Ecraonds,
running thence in a northeasterly direction along the west line of the
County roe d to the north line of Lot 2 in Sec. 24 Twj). 27 N of R 3 E.,
thence west to the line of high water mark of Adr1iralty Inlet, thence
southwesterly following the governr-aer_t 4aeander line to a point 360
feet Northeasterl-,T of the intersection of the North line of _,aid Lot G
Gin Block 14 and the government meander line, thence easterly to the
place of b eginning, togethe r with all literal and riparian rights;
That a part of tIe consideration agreed to was t3v t the said
Brackett and wife should discharge a mortgage belonging to the Lom-
bard Investment Company; that said contract is now owre d by said
corporation; that said corporation has made a part payment on said
contract and now demands a deed for tlieaaid property, and offers to
secure the balance of said purcha6e money by a mortgage, which mort-
gage tiaras duly recorded in Vol. 8 of 1-Itgs. p-:,;e 452, records of said
County; that on said date of said mor tgar;e the said plaintiff ex.e.--
cuted a deed to said defendant a s shown bar the records of said
c ountl in Vol.. 10 De,.d, page 535; that said j:nortgage was frauOulently
drawn by said defendant in this, that the following described pre.
-)o ty was left out of said mortgage by the defendant without the
knowledge in any way of t1m ;paid plaintiff, to wit.:
I �l
Case 341 2 a
ESN Uf SWIG; SYT1 of S17 and VWT of N al1. of ,said trac ; i.n. Sec,
24, and Na-4 of -W,x of Sec. 26, all in Tvrp o. 27 IT of R 3 r' cx.cepting
that portion of the XVT of S�4J of Sec � 24 inc�? uded with n° th. original
toiu;nsite of rdrnond5, and excepting five acres in the NJ - of the SW4
of Seco 24 d.eede,d. by George Braclrett to John Anderson,,
That the said lands so left out was done by said corporation by
its o. ricer: ,-. fa,.r the purfl sla � of cheat.i..ng and defrrud-ing tho M aid.
Jj": a int:if:f, and. -the ;=paid. plaintiff rel'_ed upvn the Asa ieL officers of
sa-id o•or:�'irri2 uInjury
: (id riot ,,1Jly o carry on the transactions as he should have at the
.aid -Brae of th I exef°uti.on of said mortgage, that the., said property
inc_ladccO. it jair'. mortgage i not sufficient to pay the unpaid ;yurt of
the sai.t;_ ou (;hase Yaoney;, to ivtt: the aum of ��'21� 000. 'that the defendant
refused to reform they said mortgage
Prays -that :a d raortgagr be refonnc;d and that zaici Taaurtgage be
then foreclo,-.ed in ord-ar to oat .sfy the said mortgage.
Smxaons and return of -,amn; filed Jan. 28, 189.1., ,_a_J1_d. yura_Zons is
weGved Fiat)., 19 �.f:��,> on Cv. L. Ci'c:Cns., )rice Pres—. dE3n"i. ()i ;arid. c.-o;.
por°ation, by the 4?�e ri.ff of SnohorAi_:-h County, Washington,
at:on t7_c�r.or° e cer.ta.in, filed Feb.:L8,, 1391�
Notice of appvar.=anc: of defendant, filed Fab. 18.2 1.891.
Notice of hsar°inf of .-aid notion. riled Hch. '..'7 '139:10
Hotion to m,aln more certain, filed April 9, 1891
Not -ice of Hoa.r ixig and Argument, filed April '17 2 -1.891..
Plaintiff I's amended uomplaine , file u A P r i 1 ;?:', 1891.E
Danurrer to amended cumpla-int, filed April 2-L, 1891�
Defendants ansvier, filed Hay 11; 1391.
Complaint in Intervention, filed. and made by F. B . Stoneman, on
Hcho 152 1893i ,states that F. W. Peabody, W. Pa Kingston� S. F. Pike
and Do Bo Ward, A. Talbot and C. B. Bagley, claim to be the officers
of the so• ca1.led, 1.Tinnea:c.o3._i_s Rea,"Ity 8.- Investment Conipa:-jy, which claim
i5 without fou idat icn; that F,, B. Stone_*an is a. :3-tockhuld.er is said'
corpor°atiort; that: said Peabod.y et al he:�d a ,soc:al-'td. :aeetiiig on Al'ov. 29
:1.3929 -�7hich moeti?gig Nva without authority, and e.��.ectc:•:d theMmielvesto
the offices of said corporatioon, thereby conapiri:.ig to do awe ty with
the property of said corporTati on; that s aid corpot°at-1 un is about to
oxecute a mortgage for �p'27°, G04 o which �rould b � �, f ra,Ud on -the ; �;or;�Jao1-derE
of euid corporation., pray,° the right to intervene in said mattera
"he e't Ho.
Ca.;;e i?o . 301. 3.
Order allowino into rv)ntion, filed Bch, 152 1893.
Order dismissing cause, filed 24, 1893, recites:
It Now on this day upon motion of plaintiff in the above entitled
action) it is ordered, by t7-^ Court that tb- is action be and the
salve is hereby diimiaaed at the costa of plaintiff. "
Dated :ch. 24; 1893.
John C. Donney, Judge.
Appeal Bond of said intervenor, filed '=ch— 2/:, 1894, in sum
of "200. and rocit ens that The condition. of the above obligation 16
such tbvt whereat; on the 21st. of -arch, 1894; a notice of a -,,peal
to the FuprerAe Court of t'} is State 1.5ras diver. by n . B. Stoneman)
Intervenor in the above x titled action and an appeal taken thit day
from the judgment diar.isaing the aaid act -.on to the ,Supreme court cif
this State.
ITot7, therefore, if th-- above bounden etc.
Notice of A�,peal, filed 24, 1894,,
nor C•\ :; .L � I !"7:
Inst. No..1I
Office No. '�4 73.
K i ng COUNTY.
F. R. Stoneman, Lie Pendens.
Plaintiff, No. 15 687
Vs. ')ated May 221 1893.
IN W. Peabody, W. P. Kingston, J. F. Pike, Do Be Ward, A. Talbot,
Co '_'. Bagley, He Be Simpson, Be Be Baldwin, T. F. Bishop, Jaynes H.
Bishop, Galen H. Coon, Leslie W. Gale, as Admi.nistratriz, and the
Minneapolis Realty & Investment Company, a corporation. Defendants.
Filed May 240 18930 10.35 a. m.
Vol. 19 Lis Pendens, page 66.
The object of this action is to determine all and every claim
and estate or intern at of the s aid defendants or tither of them ad-
verse to the plaintiff's in lancts in Snohomish County, Wa;;hington,
described as:
23WJ and WJ of 8EI and Z+ of SWJ and SWJ of SWJ of Sec. 24
Twp. 27 N of R 3 E. and also the NEJ of NEJ of Sec. 26 Twp. 27 N of R
3 F and NWJ of SWJ of Sec. 24, Twpe 27 ?y of R 3 Be W. Y. except that
portion of the same included in the original torrnsite of Edmonds, end
except a five &ore tract deed-°d to John Anderson in said Nft of SVJ
of said Section 24. ( and other lands)
Inst . No .
Office No. 57.
State of Washington, on relation of Lis Pendens. Case No. 1266.
J. W, Heffner, Prosecuting Atty. for Filed Nov. 309 1892, 11.35 a m.
Snohomish County. Plaintiff. Vol. 11 Lis Pendens, page 51.
F. W. Peabody, W. P. Kingston, J. F. Pike, D. B. Ward, A. Talbot,
C. B. Bagley, E. E. Simpson, B. T. Baldwin, F. B. Stoneman, T. E.
Bishop, James H. Bishop, and Leslie W. Gale, Administratr,ix and Galen
H. Coon. Defendants.
The object of this action is to have delacred forfeited cer-
tain socalled Articles of Incorporation, known as the Minneapolis
Realty and Investment Company on the grol;nd that the socalled company
has done and omitted acts which amount to a surrender and forfeiture
of their rights a.s a corporation and for the A�urpose of winding up
said corporation, effects lands in Snohomish County, Washington, des-
c ribed as:
NE4, and
of SET and E2 of
SW4 and
SW4 of SW4
of Sec 24
Tv;rp. 27 N of R 3
also NET of T7E4
of Sec.
26 and NW4
of4 of
Sec. 24, Twp. 27 N of R 3 E. excepting that porti on included in the
original townsite of Edmonds, and excepting further that certain five
acre tract deed to John Anderson in the s aid NET of SW4 of said Sec.
24. ( and othe r lands)
Sheet No. 0
Inst. No.
State of W-34i, ngto n, on relation of
,To W, Feffnar, the Prosecuting
Case No, 1266.
Attorney for the Count.,- of Snohcmi: h.
F. W. Peabody, W. P. Kingston, J. F, Pike} D. B. Ward, A. Talbot,
C. B. Bagley, R. E. Simpson, E. T. Baldwin, F. B. Storeraan, T. No
Bishop, James H. Bishop, ind Te31ic T. Gale, as Adminiatratrix, and
Galen H. Coon.
Conpalint filed Nov. 21, 18J21 strites that tho Wlject of this
action is to test the a oe-allod articale cif incorporation of the
Minneapolis F�:alty & Investment Corny;any, wAich Articles of Incorpora-
tion were duly signed Ar_d propar:3d by the said defendants aforesaid, b
Wit; C.. H. Coon R�, S. Prew, 7). B. Ward, Jamoo Ii. Bishop, and John
P. (gale. ( after vari.oits papers I1.3-ving been fi1;�d the followinL7 is
the 1.3at paper filed)
Order filed ''ay 61 1893. " It is, the rfo ra ordered by the Court
that the a aid damurrcr be and the a ame is hereby austainer :end tr.e
a aid cause to hareb r dismissed.
To the ruling of they Court plaintiff excepted and its exeeptlon
was Fallowed.
Done in open Court April, 22, 1893.
John C. Donney, Judge. "
Sheet No.
Inst . No . / -/
Office No. 64.
James H. Bishop, Plaintiff. Lis Pendens, No. 249.
Vs, Filed Mch. 16, 18931 2.15 p m.
P. W. Peabody et al, , defendants. Vol. 11 Lis Pendens, page 59.
This action involves the title to the property describe d in
an instrument recorded in Vol. 10 of Deeds page 556 in the records of
Snohomish County, Washington.
Sheet No.
Ills No�h
Office 1 G4.
t o L,'t�,er & Barron, by Addison Potter; Contract
being J. T. Barron and Addison Potter',
Dated Sept„ 20, 1887.
Filed Sept � 22, 18r7 , 8 a M.
Geor a Brackett. Vol. 5, Misc. page 50-7.
Recite; that fir6t ;sari i5 to build a saw mill adjoining the
77harf at Edmonds, and also a shingle mill each in first class shape,
and also agrees to -operate said mills aild begin to manufacture lumber
and s'zinglcs -,ritha--i one year. First party also agrees to build a
railroad from said says mill and from salt water in an easterly di-
rection over second party's lands to be used for logging purposes and
also to extend said railroad vr'-en needed.
Second Marty in conoi dero ti on of the foregoing agrees to sell all
the timber on the lands earned b;;t him grantine,'ten years in tiv''_ich to
remove said tinioer on agreed terms as follows* the said second party
'urtYr r agrees and cove -neat -!is that said first p art-Y is t o have and to
4old time lard upon said mill i6 situated together with sufficent
lands for mill yard and purposes that will inure to said parries of the
first part for the free and easy use of said mall and right of way for
said railroad over said lands so long as ti:e same are operated as saw
mills and so long a the othor s operated as a rati-1road. 5aie heirs
and executors of each perty is bound b„r the . c; ,ms 11-ereof,,
Ack. So_ t. 2,0, 18137, before H. H,, A_ses, a Hotar•y Public in
and for Washington Terri otor,':- in TinDuet -o ("cal)
. . ...... . .
In6t No .1 7
Office go. 585
Minneapolis Fealty & Inv.eat ge)at Company i-,rarranty Deed.
a corporation, by Galen IT. Coon, Dated July 21, 1890.
Vice President, and by D. B. Ward, Filed July 25, 1890, 1.15 p m
John Seeley.
Vol. 11 Deeds, page 585.
Con. $60.
First party grants, bargains, sells, conveys and
confirms, unto second party heirs and assigns lands in Snohomish
County, Washington, described as:
Lot 5 of Block 88 in the City of. rdmonda.
Covenants of general warranty.
(Corporate Seal.)
Ack. July 32, 1890, before Frrnk Ashcroft, Notary Public,
in and for Washington, reaidinr at Edmunds, by said officers.(
Sheet go..
Inat No.
John Seeley, and
,Sarah F. Seeley,
Office No. 187
Dated Ter. 15, 1892.
Filed Feb. 16, 18922 11..27 a in
F7?�arles U rger. Vol. 14 7,,iortgaE;ea, page 400.
To secure the pay_.v .t of ?'100. in 2 year fro.? date hereof',
evidenced by said first part;; }jrufni! -- ory note of even date here-
with, s�rith interest at 2j) per-mont-h..
.vortgageo lands in Snohomish County, 7Jashin�,ton, dc:,:;cr:L,ed
Lot 5 of Block 88 of the City of Edmonds.
Provides for gale of 6aid lands according; to law in cane
of ddfa-LO-t j. i of princij)al or :int; r:;st.
Ack. Feb. 1,51 1892, before �Irj_llard i'T. Allen, Nictary Public,
in and for Washington, re;ild-i_fin, at RA-Ionda.(Seal Ccm.Ex. P,Tch.
Sheet No.' ��
InK No. %/
John Seeley, and
Sarah E. Seeley, his wife.
Charles Osne -r.
Office No. 224
Warranty Peed.
Dated Oct. 15, 1896.
Filed Oct. 16, 1896, Il .05 a m
Vol. 40 Deeds, page 224.
Con. $25.
First party grants, bargains, aelI6, conveys and confirms,
unto second party heirs and assigns lands in Snohomish County,
Washington, described as;
Lot 5 of RlaAek 88 in the city of Edmonds.
Covenants of general warranty.
Ack. Oct. 15, 1896, before C. A. Sweet, Justice of the Peace
in and for Snohomish County, Washington,
Sheet No . -,"
Inst No 10
Charles Osner, and
Agnes Osner, his wife.
Louis C. Engel.
Office No. 184
Special Y!arrenty Deed.
Dated Apr, 16, 1901.
Filed June 27, 19019 3.30 p m
Vol. 63 Deeds, page 179.
Con. $300.
first party grants, bargains, sells, conveys and confirms,
unto second party heirs and aosigns lands in Snohomish County,
Washington, described as:
Lot 5 of Block 88 of the city of Edmonds.
Covenants of general warrentyf against those claiming by
through or uhdor,first party.
Ack. Apr. 16, 1901, before Joseph Groll, Notary Public in an
for Washington, residing at -- (Seal Com. Ex. Feb.
19, 1903.)
Revenue 50/ cancelled.
Sh eet No .�
Inst No.2 Office No. 214.
Louis C. Engel, and Vrarrenty Deed.
Zetta M. Engel, his Tife. Dated July 25, 1902.
to Piled Oct, 21, 1902, 10.30 a m
?ors. Emilie Clara Rosa. Vol. 74 Deeds, page 214.
Con. $550.
First party grants, bargains, sells, conveys and confirms,
unto second pw ty heirs and assigns lands in Snohomish County,
Washington, described as:
Lot 5 of Block 88 of the Plat of the city- of Edmonds.
Oovenanta of general warranty.
Ack. July 25, 1902, before Bo 7% Street, Notary Public, in
and for Washington, residing at Everett.(Seal Com.Ex. Nov.19,
Sheet No.��
InSt No
Louis C. Engel, and
Zetta M. Engel, his 'wife.
Mrs. Emilie Clara Rosa.
Office No. 214.
warranty Deed.
Dated July 25, 1902.
Filed Oct. 21, 1902, 10.30 a m
Vol. 74 Deeds, page 214.
Con. $550.
First party grants, bargains, sells, conveys and confirms,
unto second p a ty heirs and assigns lands in Snohomish bounty,
Washington, described as:
Lot 5 of Block 88 of the Plat of the city of Edmonds,
dovenants of general warranty.
Ack. July 25, 1902, before B. M; Street, Notary Public, in
and for Washington, residing at Everett.(Seal Com.Ex, Rov.19,
Sheet No.,
Ins Ij
J',SMeS 17Q Currie, a, -Id
'14'atilda his v i' fe .
0. 7T. J. Reckers.
Office Il o. 81.
Datod Auk. 107 1895.
11iled Aug. 275 1895, 1.45 p --m.
Vol. 27, 1.I tgs . p e 34.
Yortgages lanCLs in Snohomish County, 77ash-ington, descri'Ibed as;
Fegirn-ping at a ]point o,�i ti_e eandr=r line of the Easterly shore
of Puget Sound i.i Sec. 2 Trrp. 27 11 of R. 3 r. Iff. v-rhere the 3jorth
line- of the tract of land heretofore conveyed by said first parties
to W. R. Androws on said -'Orth lino produced intersects said
meandor line; t"_lemc e east alone- sai c'_ Yorth line on sadd 'Torte line
produced to tl.e .has-arlr line of rir:h-.- of tea-- of the Seattle
:1-ontana Rail`s, t:-ia_c e E`aat alon said .7orth line 40 rods; the --vice
i��orth and a t ri,;ht ar_gloa 20 rods, the -ice �?est a., at rig',_t angles
and parallel said -?'ortl_ line to an intersection 'with said mean-
der lines t o.--c e 1loivg said m-ea-lader line to t place of
beglm,ing, exc-zp;,in;-; t-:1erefr02C. the rig' of Tray of the Seattle C",
r.'on,tana Railwa who -re t e sa___C is ..o:r located. Also the folio:ring
tract of land; Degi=_ _insr at t .e 1 orthe-ast corner of tY,.c SEI of SVr
of Sec . 24 Twp.. 27 2. of 1'3 tip en~ o 210 rth 350 fe t, thence Vilest
909 .feet, the_ce =;c rt:- 133 f ^et, they i ce East 254 feet l t-l1ence north
133 feet, thence We.A 521. Beet thence South 266 feet thence West to
the _Torch line a.�. tti�een Lot 1 in Sec. 24, Ti-. 27 I., of E a E. $ and the
Mi of §kff of Sect 21-:4 27 of R. 3 E., thence Soutl_ 330 fa^t, theme^
East 1320 fc�, t to t1_0 place of beginning'.
To securo t.le of 665.
Properly executod.
The Rdnonds water Company, a
Corporati on, by W. D. Perkins,
President, C. F. Perkins, Sec'y.
Ecbnonds Spring Water Company, a
Office No.. 136.
Dated Jan,. 2:1, 1903.
Filed Jan. 27, 1903; 8.40 a m.
Vol. 18, Misc.. page 337.
Con. `'%, 000
First party remises, releases and quit -claim,; unto second
Marty, succeaao-rs and assigns, all rights, privileges and easements,
Property and property rights lying and being in the town of Edmonds,
described a;;; the exclusive right to lad water pipes and r-2ains and
construct and ira intain water works through and under the streets and
alleys in the plat of thy, town of Rcbnonda, a.6 of record, and also
all right and interest in the water flowing over and across beginning
330 feet 1Torth and 1160 feet 'lest of the Northeast corner of SE-1 of
1T;�- of Sec. 24, thcr_ce :}forth 185.6 feat th -nce blest 626 feet, thence
Sou;'-h 73.6 feet, thence Ea6t 66 feet, thence South 112 feet, thence
East to the place of beginning, all in Sec,, 24 Twp, 27 N of R 3 E.,
al6o all right title and interest in the craters of Shell Creek as it
crosses lands describe d as; beginning at a point 177 feet East and
660 feet North 260 E of the quarter Sectioh line between Sections
23 and 24 Tvrp. 27 1T of R 3 E. running thence :'orth 2(t° E 156 feet,
thence J a6t 811 feet, thence South 140 feet, thence West 879 feet to
the place of b eginning, containing 2 and 2 acres. Also all right,
title and interest in and to the t-,raters flowing over; beginning at the
o'dinary high tide on the shore of Puget Sound at a point 330 feet North
fro i the Southwe;3t corner of Lot 1, thence ."aat and parallel to the
South line of said Lot 1, 80 roda, thence North 330 feet, thence Weat
to the meander line, t1ae:rce Southerly 31on- the meander line -:o the
point of beginning, less 2-21 acres conveyed to D, Carney, and leas
right of fray, all in Sec, 24 T rp. 27 IT o--' R 3 F1. 77. 711. ; containing
6.7 acres Also all right title and interest in and to'the waters of
a certain stream known as Shell Creek and described as, beginning at
a point 177 fe^t East and 762 feet North 260 E of the Cuarter corner
oetwecn Sections 23 and 24 in Ttlrp. 27 IF of R 3 R. W. Fo. thence North
260 ITI, 156 feet, thence F 743 feet, thence South 140 feet., thence
We,;t 811 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1 acres., jaore
or less.
1n teat:imony whereof the said part;;% of the fir6t part h s (au,'-)dd
there pre6ents to be executed by its President and attested by :.-us
Secretary with its corporate seal there unto affixed u.nd.cr an(i by
virtue of a res.o.-Oition of its Board of Trustee; du.7_jT p '3se�L
Corporate Seal)
Ack, Jan, 22.; 1903, before J. Potter a Notary' Pi:.h:!.10 im, ar.Ld
for T;;rj, hing; on re6id.9_n - a t Seattle, by ,s� id of°f i, >r
Ex. 171-h, .-.904)
;;rice;. T:o-
Inst. No. ;-
C. 7. J. {'seekers, and
Oa rrie S. Be erf Rechs, his wife.
Office 70. 11.
Dated Hdh 182 1699.
Filed Ded. 153 19021 10,18 a M.
,. of . 46, I=tgs . page 41.
Janes We Currie, and Revenue cancelled 10V.
Hatilda Currie.
Certifies th6t a mart oge executci_ by second part,- to C. We A
Rockers, dated ME, 10, 1895, recorded in Vol. 27 Htgs. pare 840
upon the promisew t'^e rcin Uscr ibdeas :
Bagini 07 at a poin7 on the meander line of the easterly shore
of Pugot Sound in Sec. 2 : T-•j . 27 •= of R 3 1. . ' • where the North
line of a tract of land __orotoforc conveyed by said parties of the
first part to 7. R. Andrews on said North line produced westerly in-
tersects said m.eon er line, thence F,sst along sail Yorth line on said
North line produced to tie eastorly line of the right of tray
of S. A He Ry. thence East alonE said 'Tnrth .line 40 rods, thence
North and at right a_aglcs 20 rods he_^co lost and at right angles
and parallel with ±':e as ,k :Tort'_ 1�.nc to an intersection with said
meander lime, thono e .`'.n' t rly alo�said soandvr line to the place
of beginning, excwjtin,r,fro-; Wo righht of gray of S. A Me Ry.,
where the samc is now loco to . A14o the followinE described lands;
Beginning at the _-or;:hean t cv _cr of the SK of $7 j of Sec. 24
To p. 27 �. of R 3 A. 1". the"ov rorth 330rfoot, thence Ast 909�fect
w o North 3 a v t ,o 5` � l � T rth 133 fe^t,
t :1Qv ld� rt la7J �:.L t thenco �.: t 2 _�a f,,�t tY1 tC�.' 1':0
thence West 521 foott-Annoo vonzh264 fvc t, the��cc lest to the North
line bet wean Lot 1 in Me 24 T 4:. 27 _T of R. 3 E, W. H. an d the
NO of SO of Sob. 24 T~tp. 27 7 o�: R 32. thence South 330 feet
then e E 1320 foot to the place of beginning, situated in Snohomish
County, WshinSten, is fully paid, satisfied a;•d discha rged._
Ack. _'ch. 18, 1899, before Elkan Horgenstern, a Notary Public in
and for Wvshin ton, residing at Seattle. (Seal, Cap. Ex. Nov. 24,
1899) Revenue cancelled 101.
Inat . No. !%!
M D. Perkins, and
Cd Eq Perkins, his wife.
Edmonds Spring water Company,
a corporation.
Office No. 157.
Land Contract
Dated Jan. 21, 1903,
Filed Jan. 27, 1903) 8.41 a m.
Vole 182 Viso. page 3410
Con. 01.
First party remises, releases and uit-claims unto second
party all easements, property rights and privileges, to wit; Lots
279 28 and 29 in Block 39; Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 in clock 67, and
Lot 23 in Block 67; Lot6 32 and 33 in plock 76; L06 30 31 and 32
in Block 78 all in the City of Rdmonds, and also a right to maintain
a water pipe across the Northeast corner of Block 39; Southwest cor-
ner of Block 40, Northeast corner of Block 67., Southwest corner of
Block 66. Sry of Block 80 and across Lot 21 of Block 85 and Block 86,
and W of SA'of Block 76 of the city of Edmonds said pipe line to
be moved if it interfere with the construction of houoe6, and the
right to appropriated at on point upon the land of the second party
or in and public street or stream of water flowing over the lands of
the first party which first part; -naight .laim or have a right to . ,
and first party waiuca all rights to appropriate and uze such water
as the ,same flows over the lends of the first party in Sections 24
Twp. 27 X of F 3 F. W. K. excepting .Lots 172 182 19 and 20 of Block
39) Lots gig 22, 23 and .24 in clock 40, and rota 6 and 7 in "lock 762
Lots 38, 39 and 40 in Block 87, Lot 7 in Block 97, Lots 29 and 30 31
and 32 in Flock 98 of the City of Bliondae
Acka Jana 22, 1903, lie fore A H. Patter, a Notary Public in
and for Washington, residing at Seattle. (Seal., Coma A. A& 7, 1904)
Inst. 1Vo • ;1
Puget Sound 21machinery Depot, a cor-
poration, by 17. H . _`. Grecil, Pr s . ,
Thom@ s 1 . Green, S ecret co ry .
77m. D. Perkins.
Cf_i ce lT-,0. 345.
fated St1YiC .5.0 1902.
Fil'od Aug;. 1, 1S'027 8.38 a in.
,Tol„ 70 Deeds, pace 459.
Con. 5200.
7ir;6t party grca.it5, barga ..ls, sell.6, c0=2f_r:i6 ui2to
second part;, heirs and assigns, lands in S iloho2liti_- Ciouli i ', �%2 � 123�,
ton, deacri?bed as:
Lots 3 a- d 4 in -dock e; Lots 17 187 19 a In ',20 in dock
39; Lots 21, 221 23 and 2z_ in :lock 40; lots 197 202 21, 22 and 23
in Block 679 Lots G, 77 32 a._zd 33 i_i Moe-. 76; Lots 350, 31 a1d32
in Block 78; Lots 38, 39 a d 40 in Block 87; Lot " in -:lock :;7;
Lots 29, 301 31 and 32 in Block 98, in t -c Ci of Edmonds. and t e
right to 1a.0 and m�,int:7iin a line of rat..:r pip: over t o _`ortheast
corner or Block 39 and South`sest cornea of :,:loc'.- d_'0, a..d t_.e iTorth-
east corder of dock 67, and "outhvrest corner of :.'lock 66G and South
half of Block 80, Lot 21 Flock 85, tilrour,h `'lock 66, and across the
VT of Block 76 of the Cit.-,= o-r Ed-Tiond44;, a d ba:.c+ pipe line small be
r e'.Tio7, d if it intorfers Frith t—h-e conotructi0", 0::' j" oua�s a "!:i t'_i same
to be moved into streets 4iricn graced, t0ge, i r !,-rs.t tie right to ti2c
party of tiie second part to apt:ropriate at a_;-07 upoin ti-e lands
of 'the second part;;,- or in any poblic street all_ strew zs of Water
flowing over the land;; of the first part-.r, which first party may
claim or have a right to use, a .d firat -rrt;; naives 'ie right in anal
to said water by a.ppropriatio.z or othcinrise, but thi-, agreomont shall
appl- to t_1.2. crater only and not to t_10 fee in the lands of t'ie first
part-, in. Sectiono 24 and 2G in T:•rp, 27 'T .o � F: 3 r; � :7. and only to
saiO lands in said 8ecti oils.
,iris dee;'_ is Made subj ect to all u_ipaid taros.
Uovenait s of g e n r a 1 w arra It a
In testimony cinereof the said part- of t%-e firA part has caused
these 1 re; cnt s to be executed b` ita Presi dont a_:-d Secretar - thercunto
dul aut _.orized a --.-id has caused its corporate seal to 's o=creunto af-
fixed ( Corporate Seal.)
Aek, Jule 3, 1902, before Loons J, Rickard, a Yo'_ �r7 Public ip-
and for VT )shim t oil, realdin ; a Seattle' by said officers. (Seal,
Como Ex. Se t. 23) 1902. )
Sheet ilo o
Inst. No.
William D. Perkins & Co. , by
William D. Perkins, ]tanager.
The Public.
Office No. 19.
Notice of Appropriation of Dater.
Dated Sept. 300 1899.
Filed Oct. 81 18999 8.44 a m.
Vol. 140 miss. page 38.
W. D. Perkins & Company, by W. D. Perkins, under an act of the
Washington Legislature relating to appropriation of water for manu—
facturing purposes, approved Rich. 99 1891, claims and appropriates for
the purpose of diTerting the waters lying and being and flowing through
Section 24 Tarp. 27 N of R 3 F. Snohomish County, Washington* to the
extent of 1000 oubio feet for the purpose of supplying Edmonds with
water and for manufacturing, electrical and domestic purposes, the
means to be used is a seties of dams across the streams of water at
points v/here this notice is posted, by the use of pipes, ditches and
Appended is the affidavit of Williarn ?). Perkins, over 21 years
of age, to the effect that t Iv foregoing notice was posted eonspicu-
sly and securely ins aid Section at a point 2500 feet from Fdmonds
School House on the right bank of Shell Creek.
Subscribed and sworn to Oct. 59 1899, before Ralph W. bwnons, a
Notary Public in and for WaahingtD n, reaidirg at Seattle. (Seal, Com.
Ex. Doc, 181 1899.)
Sheet No .
7e hereby certify that the foregoing abstract of title, ecH prising
instruments nir bered one to V- 7 eonsecti.vely and J1 sheets, shores
all in filed or recorded in the office of he County Auditor
of Snohomish County, Washington, and -.11 proceedi_zgs '_lwd in any Court
of record holding terns in said County affecting the title to the
folloviing described reel property, to wit:
Lot Five (5) o_P B- 0c-,- Eigrl,).ty-eigh-1, (Ss3) of t:re City of
Fd.;ilO110-i2 Snoln rli.:h coLlr1_tY2 l�jt3; 111.n ;1.C?n, 4iGi-'1 ? a i 0,'�'t 01 L1 e FL of MIT-!-
Sec. 24 Twp. 27 N'of R 3 E. V.-fe `.
"Ie further certify that there Lire no ur.sa,ti,.,fied judg-.e_,ts against
any grantee na-_ed i_z t'_:e �,rit'li abstract affecting t- e title to said
property, as shown by t'_ie Judo-_ent Dockets of t.ne Superior Court of
the State of Washington, in aqd for Snoho;::is'_i Cou.,ty.
We furt'_.1er certify tl-1,^t tl-lere are no due ar_d delinquent taxes on
said pre_-_ises, or unredee='..ed sales t'_iereof for delinquent taxes shown
bar t'_le tax rolls of said Snoho. isli County, in t'le office of the County
Treasurer thereof.
TI1is certificate is up to September Twe--Y -y-second (22nd) A.D.
Nineteen H;.ndred and six (1906) �3t 12 o'clock Noon.
Inst. No. :J
Minneapolis Realty & Investment
Co. a corporation, By Galen H.
Coon, Vice President, and D.B.
Ward, Treasurer
George J. Stephens and Jerome
Office No. 153
Warranty Dead
Dated Feb. 19, 1891
File d March 25, 1891, 1 P.M.
Vol. 15 Deeds, page 351
Cons. V450.00
First party grants, bargains, sells, conveys and confirms unto
second party, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County, Wadaington,
described as:
lot 6 of Block 88 in the C ity of Edmonds
(Also other lands not affected by this abstract)
Covenants of General warranty.
In Witness Whereof the said Party of the first part has caused
these presents to be subscribed by its Vice President and 'Treasurer
thereunto duly authorized and its corporate name and seal to be here-
unto affLxed.
(Corporate :Teal)
Ack. Feb. 25, 1891, before F.Ivi. Muldoon, Notary Public in and for
Washington, residing at Seattle, by said officers of above corporation
as its act and deed.
sheet no. tq
I ns t .
Articles of Incorporation
The Realty and
In•aestment Con-pany,
Dated ''a;,• - - - 18 90 .
fined Y"ch. 10, 19089 8.7-4 a.m.
Piles No. ' 1 1397.
Recites that G. H. Coon, I.T. S. Drec1, D. B. z?ard and J. P•
Gale, residents of the State of Washington, and_ Jwa-s H. Bishop: a
resident of the State of Tinncsota, and all citizens of the United
States, and all Trustees of the "i_Znt;a.polic Re:)._lty CO, investrPent
Company, and acting according to the. instructlo-.s of al. of the
stockholders of thy: ' said corporation, do adopt and amend the said
Articles as follows
The -nano o- said corporation shall bn: Minneapolis R^alty
and Investment 'Company
The objects of said corporation shall bin to rurchLse, hold,
improve,, mortgage., sr�11 and convoy real and porsonal propnrt;,-, and
to lease the same and do a• gr:neral real f:stato buoiLrr ss; to buy ,
acquire and establish tovmsites, to build, operate, own arid. est za'b-
lish logging roads, and logging enterprisr.s and manufacturing in-
stitutions, and to build and establish :;harves and opE rate th,:
Captial stock shall be "'300,000, and the torn of existence
shall be �'or't; -ninn years from date, a.nd the &f"fair•s of said cor-
poration shall :be managed ba a board of seven trus-Ler;s, end its
principal place of business shall be at Seattle, Washington.
Ack. Nov.' 29, 1890, before TI. T. Lovejoy, Notary' Public:
in and for Washington, residi-g., at Seattla, by all of said incor
porators. (Seal, Com. rx. Ych• 281 1694).
Appended is the statement of J. P. Agno'..-, Auditor of "ing
flounty, Washington, certif,,.i--g that the foregoing is a true and
"orrAct copy of said Supplmmpntal Articles of Incorporation as of
Rcord in Vol. 3 Arty. of Inc. page 630', records of said Count,,.
Dated Nov. 5, 1907.
(Seal of County Auditor of King County ).
I.zJt • _:_T o. �?
`ticl:,s of Inco:rpora-:ion
lh3 4-.innam—oolis P.Lalt- and
I-17stm--at Ca.-r.,air.-.
Dat-d ;at,, -- 1690.
Pil:, d . 10, 1905, 8.13 A._':.
Fil:: - 0. 1393 .
:,cites .hat G. H. C: o;_, S. 'nZzm, D. B. Ward aild John
Gal-., r:.sjd,nts of th, State of 7ashi_Z- ton, a:_d Ja__.rs F•I. Bishop a
r::sid,nt of Va3 stat.s of - in.:Lsota, all citizLns of tho Uuited
Stat3s, hav: associat.ad 11-h3:aszilvss togathzr undzr the lasts of tha
Stat3 of WL-ahington, in order to fora a corporation to in knolm as
The �:iiyaaapolis Fealty and L_v;as'�:.:,nt Compaii;;*.
The obj 4ts of this corporation ar , to ,).•.rchas:., hold,
Lapr ov::, mortgae:s r a%_11 acid conva- rsal a_ cl personal protoJrt;,-r, and
to engar'-s in a general real a state bus-Liass ; o9'tablis'_i toirisites
and to purchas -; tow:lsitss ; a stablish vraarvas, logging aad nanu-
facturLng plants, bt:ild and equip railroads. Capital stock shall
be ;,1300,000. and trio of al:ast::.xc3 of this corporation shall b.
Wna • -zars froyi data, and tj,a affairs shall b-t managad by a Board o `
iYa tr.:sts �s, p_ i iciy)al lilac:. of busi_„ass, Saattls, Washington,
Acli. ;':a;' 147 1::"0, before Tra_zllc B. Wiastl_ng, a ?o'Lary Pu'lic
in a.1d for Wash w , to_1, r<siding at Sz;attla, b;* all said first
(S al, Conn. E:,, F ;' R 24, 1094) .
A;J��;.7d�d is th, c*rtificata of "I. .At.ditor of T,.i�zg CountY-,
Zflash_::, to y, t'hat tllz-, for;;go:ing is a tru a.ad corract cop.., as record..,
i_z Vol. $, Art. of Iac. pag: 435, records of Tli._g Count,;', Wadi i _g_
Dated I?ov. 5, 1907,
(S3a,l of Auditor of X_:_g Co,_nt, .
4 �/
Inst. Do.
I';iaria E. Smith, widow o: Jerome
A.J. Reese
Office -L?o. 265
Lance Contract
Dated April 29, 1897
Piled May 28, 1900, 11 A'.iai.
Vol. 52 Deeds, page 380
first party gives unto second party the option :tor the considera-
tion of 4;25.OU to purchase, for an addition 5"75.00 within 75 days
from this date all the interest of the heirs of said Jerome Smith in
and to lands in Snohomish County, GfasLzington, described as:
Lot 6 Block 88------
(Also other lands not affected by this abstract)
It is also: agreed if second party shall elect not to purchase
said lands he shall forfeit said � 25. and that if said second party
shall elect to purchase said premises and that said heirs shall not
convey said interest then said 525. shall be returned to said second
sheet no. q 3
Inst. No.�v
Mrs. Marie E. Smith, Lottie A.
Smith and Nellie H. Smith
heirs and only- e it s at law of
Jerome Smith
Geo. W. Stephens
Office No. 301
Quit Claim Deed
Dated Liar. 31, 1906
Filed Feb. 14, 1907, 11.45 A.M.
Vol. 101 Deeds, page 367
Cons. 0150.00
First parties give, grant, bargain, sell, release, remise and
quit -claim to second party, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish
County, Washington, described as:
Lot 6 Block 88 C it y of Edmonds
(Also other lands not affected by this abstract)
Iflaria E. Smith
Lott ie A. Smith
Ne 1ly H. Smith
Ack . Mar. 31, 1906, before O.M. De r ing, Notary Public, Wisconsin,
by Mrs. Lurie E. Smith, Lottie A. Smith and Nellie H. Smith ----
(Seal, Com. Ex. Mar. 8, 1908)
sheet no. `I `
Inst. No. 1J
cue orge V1. Stephens ---
Jo lin/Dav is
Office No. 533
,?uit-Claim Deed
Dated Dan. 30, 1907
Filed Feb. 18, 1907, 8.10 A.m.
Vol. 103 Deeds, page 598
Cons. ��1. 00
First party gives, grants, sells, releases, remises and quit-
claims to second party, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County,
Washington, described as:
Lot 6 Block 88 C it y of Edmonds
Ack. Jan. 30, 1907, before H,E. Waltersdorf, Notary Public
Columbia County, Wisconsin.
(Seal, Com. Ex. Nov. 28, 1909)
sheet no.
Inst. No. I L�f
Emilie C. Ross and Henry Ross,
he r husband
John N. Davis
Office No. 249
Warrant y Doe d
Dated Oct. 6, 1906
Filed Oct. 9, 1906, 1.52 P.M.
Vol. 98 Deeds, pe:ge 249
Cons . ,j,700.00
First parties grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm to second
party, heirs and assigns, lands in Snohomish County, Washington, do -
scribed as:
Lot 5 Block 88 City of Edmonds
Covenants of General Warranty.
Ack. Oct. 8, 1906, before F.L. Brown, Notary Public in and for
Washington, residing at Edmonds.
(Seal, Com. Ex. Sept. 30, 1908)
sheet no. ��
Inst. No. Office No. 215
John ITT. Davis and Louisa Davis, Warranty Deed
his wife, Dated Feb. 17, 1908
to Filed Feb. 29, 1908, 1.23 P.r+�.
Harry H. Shields Vol. 109 Deeds, page 266
Cons. "A050.00
First parties convey and warrant to second party lands in Snohom-
ish County, Washington, described as:
Lots 5 and 6 Block 88 Plat of City of Edmonds.
J.N. Davis
Louisa Davis
Ack. Feb. 17, 1908, before Zophar Howell 3rd. Notary Public in
and for Washington, residing at Edmonds, by John N. Davis and Louisa
Davis, his wife.
(Seal, Com. Ex. Oct. 29, 1910)
sheet no
In the 1datter of the Estate
Harry H. Shields, Deceased.
This petition of Bessie L. Shields respectfully shows to the court
that, on the 15th day of April, 1914, at the City of Edmonds, Snohomish
County, dashingt on, Harry H. Shields departed this life, leaving no
will; that at the time of said demise your petitioner was the lawful
wife of said deceased, and as the' issue of said marital relation, two
children were born to them, viz: Ina L. Shields, aged 7 years, and
Wesley H. Shields, aged 5 years, and both of which children are now in
the care and custody of your petitioner; that said deceased left real
and personal property in said county subject to administration so far as
the same are assets in the hands of an administrator �'or distribution,
as follows- Lots 5 and 6 in Block 88, of the Plat of the City of Ed-
monds, us the same appears of record in the office of the Auditor of
said county, on 'which is situate, anal which has been in the possession,
and is now in the possession of said family as a homestead; that said
personal property consists of the usual amount of household and other
perms nal property, all of which is exempt from forced sale under the
laws of this state; that all of said real and personal estate was
acquired by said deceased and petitioner during the existence of said
marital relation; that said real estate is of much less value than
5;)2000.00; that said deceased tailed to claim said real property as a,
sheet no. �r
homestead during his lifetime, and your petitioner has availed herself
of the provisions of the law applicable to the selection of homesteads,
and has filed for record, in the manner provided by law for that pur-
pose, a statement claiming such real property as a homestead, and now
claims the same as such homestead; that said homestead, and exempt
personal property, should not be included in any inventory of the es-
tate of said deceased; that there is no other property of any descrip-
tion belonging to the estate of said deceased, and the appointment of
an administratior for any other purpose -would be unnecessary.
Wherefore, your petitioner prays that, if the courts finds on a
hearing hereon, that an administrator is necessary, that she be ap-
pointed and letters issued to her; 'chat all of said personal property
'be set aside to her for the support of herself and said minor cfiild-ren;
that the selection of said homestead be confirmed by the court, and
all of said property be not included in any inventory of said estate.
S. J.White
Attorney for Petitioner
(Properly Verified)
FILED JUI1d 29 1914
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVT21q that Bessie L. Shields has tiled in the
Superior Court of the State of Washington for Snoliomish County a
petition praying for Letters of- Administration upon the estate or
Harry H. Shields, deceased, and that the kith day of August 1914, at
sheet no. 1
10 o' clock: a.m. , of said day at the Court Room of sa id Supe r for Court ,
in the City of Everett has been set for hearing said petition, when
and where any person interested may appear and show cause why the
prayer of said petitioner should not be granted.
WITNESS the Hon. Guy C. Alston, Judge of the said Superior Court,
and the Seal of said Court, hereunto affixed, this 30th day of July
A.D. 1914,
W.F. Martin, County Clerk
By Phil G. Warnock, Deputy
( Seal of Superior court)
Phil G. Warnock, being first duly sworn, upon oath, says that he
is Deputy County Clerk of Snohomish County, State of Washington, and
that on the 30th day of July 1914 he posted three notices, each of
which was a full, true and exact copy of the within notice, in three
of the most public places in said Snohomish County, towit:
One of said notices at the U.S. Post Office in the City of
Everett, in said County; one at main entrance to City Hall in the City
of Everett, in said County;. and one at the main entrance of the Court
House in said Snohomish County; that each of said notices was by
affiant conspicuously posted up in a place and marmer most likely to
attract the attention of the public.
Phil G. Warnock
sheet no.
Subscribed and sworn to beZore me this 30th day of July 1914.
Louis A. Merrick
Notary Public in and for the State of
Waal:ington, residing at Everett.
(Said List contains the following named persona)
Bessie L. Shields, WidoW Edmonds, Mash
Ina 1. Shields, Daughter n ty
Wesley H. Shields Son A IT
(Said Bond being a Personal Bond issued for the sum of 0750.00)
(Bessie L. Shields appointed administratrix of above estate
upon her filing a bond in the sum of $760.00)
(See copy in abstract)
This cause came for hearing this 10th day of September 1914, on
the motion of the administratrix of the above estate for an order
appointing appraisers of said estate, and the court being fully ad -
IT IS O.RDMD that S.F. Street, C.H. Lamberton and S.J. Mothers -
head, residents of said county be and they are hereby appointed
appraisers of said estate, and that they do make full and true returns
in the preivises. Guy C. Alston, Judge
sheet no. i I
3229 -5
( Said Inventory contains the following property) :
Lots 5 and 6 Block 88 Plat of the C i.t y of
Edmonds, said county and state. y 700.00
(Also certain personal property)
(Appended to said Inventory is the Oath of Appraisers, S.J. Mothershead
S.F. Street and C.H. Lamberton,(but not sworn to before a Notary
TO THE STATE TAX COId LISSION, State of Washington:
You are hereby notified that the undersigned board of appraisers
of the property of the estate of the above named deceased will meet
at the office of S.J. White, 107 Beeson Building, Edmonds, Washington,
at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of the 12th day of December,
19149 then and there to appraise the property of the estate of said
deceased, at which time you may be present in the interests of the
State of Washington, a copy of the inventory of said estate is hereto
3.J. Mother she ad
C.H. Lamberton
S.F. Street,
A true and correct copy of the above notice is hereby acknowledged
as served on us, as well as a copy of the inventory filed in said
estate, this 18 day of November, 1914.
sheet no. 2
State Board of 'Tax Commissioners
By Thomas P., Horn, Secretary
3229 -6
FILED AUG 13 1915
The petition of Bessie L. Shields respectfully shows to the
1. That on the 3rd day of Idlarcii, 1915, the inventory and appraisement
of the property of the estate of Harry H. Shields, deceased, were re-
turned t o this court.
2. That the following described property is returned in said inven-
tory as the property of said estate , towit : Lots 5 and 6 Block 88 Plat
of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish Count, State of Washington, and
certain household effects consisting of household utensils, cook stove
and kitchen utensils, 3 beds and bedding and parlor furniture consist-
ing of chairs, rug, tables, etc. Said realty being appraised at
$700.00 and said personal property at $200.00
3. That all of said property, real and personal at the time of the
death of said deceased was owned and possessed by the marital commun-
ity composed of said deceased Harry H. Shialds and your petitioner.
4. That on the 18th day of August 1915, your petitioner filed in
the office of the Auditor of Snohomish County, Washington, a declaration
of homestead upon the premises described in paragraph 2 herein, the
same being recorded in Vol. --- of Deeds at page ---- records of said
Snohomish County, Washington, a copy of which declaration of homestead
is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked exhibit "A".
5. That the heirs at law besides the surviving wife (your petitioner)
are Wesley H. Shields and Ina L. Shields, and no others both of whom
sheet no. q
3229 -7
are minors, and it is necessary there be appointed a guardian ad litem
to represent said minors at the hearing of this petition, said minors
being the heirs at law of said deceased.
Wh.eretore petitioner prays that a guardian ad l.item be appointed
by this court to represent said minor heirs at the hearing of this
petition, and, that said property, real and personal, described in para-
graph 2 herein be set apart to her for her exclus ivd use and benefit,,
said realty as a homestead, and said personal property as exem)t, and
for such other and further relief as may be just in the premises.
Bessie L. Shields
(Properly Verit ied)
(He -re follows Exhibit "A" being copy of Declaration of Homestead)
Upon reading the verified petition of Bessie L. Shields on file
herein, praying to have set aside to her the homestead of herself and
deceased husband Harry H. Shields, together with certain household
effects claimed as exempt, and the court being fully advised in the
premises: -
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, That the hearing on said petition be had in
Department Yo. 2 of this court, at the court house in Everett , Wash-
ington, on the 11th day of September, 1915, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be
IT !S PiT_KTHM ORDIERED, That notice of said hearing be given
Wasley ii. Shields and Ina L. Shields, the minor childran and he irs at
sheet no. `� ('�
3 29-8
law of deceased, by service of a copy of this order and petition upon
Il IC PURT EE'1: Oii1)2-L1) That Peter Husby be , and �le is e reby
a. po rote d Guardian Ad L it em _L or said. '.i e sley 'd. Shields and Ina L.
�:Jh ields to appear in this matter in their behalf.
:Dated this 16th day of Ai) ust , 1915.
Guy 0. Alston, Jude
AI.+ VIDAVI 01' JjjrRVIC' PlILED AUG 25 1915
State of iaslaington,
County o f S no 'riom i s ri.
F.Id. Carpenter being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes a-nd.
says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned he was, and now is a
citizen of the United States, residing in Ectronds, Snohomish County,
Washington, over the age of twenty-one years, and not a Marty interest-
ed in the above entitled matter, and competent to be a witness herein.
That in Snohomish County, State of Washington, on the 19th day of
Au ust 191. , he personally served the petition and order of rearing,
attached iz ret o, viz. Petition to set aside homestead and exempt per-
sonal property, upon each of the following children, towit: Wesley H.
Shields and Ina L. Shields, the minor heirs interested in the above
estate, by then and there delivering; to and leaving with them Wesley
H. Shields and Ina L. Shields and each of them, a true and correct
copy thereof, and that a'fiant knows that the persons so served are
the identical persons mentioned in said petition and order.
Dated this 19 uh day of August, 1915.
G: F.M. Carpenter
cheat no,-)
3229 -9
Subscribed and sworn to before roe this 19th day of August, 1915.
Geo. W. Louttit
Notary Public in and for the State of
Washington residing at Everett.
(Seal, Com. Ex. April 9, 1919)
State of Washington,
County of Snohomish.
I, Peter Husby, being duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I
am the person appointed Guardian ad litem of Vl'e slay H. Shields and Ina
L. Shields, minors, and that I will perform according to law the duties
of my trust as Guardian ad litem aforesaid, so help me God.
Peter Husby
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of September, 1915.
Geo. W. Loutt it
Notary Public in and for the State of
Washington residing at Everett.
Comes nom Peter Husby as guardian ad lit: em of Wesley H. Shields
and Ina L. Shields the minor .heirs of Harry H. Shields, deceased, afore-
said, and in answer to the petition of Bessie L. Shields to have set
aside to her for her sole and seperate use certain property of said
decedent, he admits, denies and alleges as follows:
1. He admits paragraphs one and two thereof.
2. Answering paragraps, three four and five thereof, he alleges he
has not sufficient knowledge or information to form a belief as to the
sheet no. q "
3229 -10
truth or untruth thereof, therefore denies the sane and the whole
Wherefore as such guardian ad litem he prays for judgment.
Peter Busby
Guardian ad litem
(Properly Verified)
FILED SEP 11 1915
The petition of Bessie L. Shields, adminiatratrix herein and the
widow of Barry H. Shields, deceased, coming regularly on to be heard
this llth day of September, 1915, praying for an order of this court
setting aside to her certain real estate of said deceased occupied at
the time of his death by them and their children as a homestead and for
certain personal property, all of which was owned by deceased and
petitioner as a marital community, as shown by the inventory on file
herein; and said petitioner appearing in person and also by her attor-
ney George W. Loutt it , Esq. , and Peter Husby, Esq. , attorney at law and
guardian ad litem appearing upon behalf of 1','e sl s y 11. Shields and Ina
L. Shields, who are the minor he irs of deceased Harry H. Shields, and
who are his sole and only heirs, and the only persons interested in
said estate as heirs of said decedent; and it appearing to the satis-
faction of the court, that due and proper notice of the hearing of said
petition was served upon said Wesley d. Shields and Ina L. Shields as
required by law, and that said minors appear by their guardian ad litem,
duly sworn as provided by law as aforesaid; and it appearing that the
sheet no.
real as -Late hereinafter described and returned in the inventory as
the property of the estate of Harry H. Shields, deceased, was at the
time of his deatli owned by the marital community composed of said de-
cadent and petitioner, and at the time of his death was occupied by
them and their said children as a homestead, and that -petitioner and -
liar said children still occupy the same as a homestead, �Lnd ti-iat said
real estate and homestead is appraised in said inventory and appraise-
ment at seven liundred dollars, which said real estate and homestead.
was acquired by said decedent and t .,-ie petitioner luring their marr iage ,
and that a declaration of homestead was anly filed by ;petitioner claim-
ing said property as a homestead, and that said declaration o- home-
stead. n.
stead was filed for record in the office of the auditor of Snohomish
County, Washington, on the l8th day of August, 1915, being recorded
on Vol. 166 of Deeds at 1)age 19,5-, records of said county, and the
court having examined said inventory and appraisement, and having found
that said homestead and realty is appraised at 4,even Hundred Dollars,
and the personal property therein inventoried is appraised at Two
Hundred Dollars, and that said inventory discloses all the estate of
said Harry H. Shields, deceased, and that the value of said estate is
less than One Thousand Dollars, towit, of the value of Nine Hundred
Dollars, and the court further finding that the funeral expenses of
said deceased Harry H. Shields have been paid, also the expenses of ad-
ministration, and having heard the testimony given upon the hearing
thereof, and being fully advised in the premises:
sheet no
property, t owit : Lots 5 and 6, Block 88, Plat of the City of Edmonds,
Snohomish County, State of Washington, also all household goods and
utensils and usual household adornments, being all the property shown
in the inventory and aupraisement filed herein, 'be and the same are
hereby set aside to the aaid petitioner Bessie L. Shields for her sole
and separate use, to the exclusion of all creditors and heirs of de-
ceased Harry H. Shields, she to hold said real estate in fee simple
as a homestead.
is not subject to an inheritance tax, and that there shall be no further
proceedings in the administration herein unless further estate of de-
ceased harry H. Shields be discovered.
Dated this llth day of Septgmber 1915.
Ralph C. Bell, Judge
(Recites that Harry H. Shields died April 15, 1914 and according
to proceedings had Bessie L. Shields was appointed administratrix of
the estate of said Harry H. Shields, deceased, Letters of Administra-
tion being issued to her on Sept. 10, 1914 under authority of Guy C.
A1st on, Judge of above ent itled court. Apponded to said Letters is the
Oath of Adm inistratr ix subscribed and sworn to on Sept. 1st, 1914
before S.J. While, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,
residing at Edmonds.)
sheet no.
(In said Inventory is listed the following property);
Lots 5 and 6, Block 88, Plat of the City of Edmonds,
said county and state.
(Also certain personal property)
State of Washington,
County of Snohomish.
S.J. Mothershead, S.F. Street and C.H. Lambart on, each being
first duly sworn, on oath, each for himself, and not one for the other,
says that he is one of the appraisers duly appointed by the court in
the above estate; that he will honestly and impartially appraise the
property of said estate which will be exhibited to him, and which is
contained in the above inventory, 'accordinm to his best knowledge and
ability; that the amounts set forth opposite the items of said inven-
tory is his appraisal of the value of said estate. That they and each
of them signed the original invent ary filed herein March 3, 1915 and
believe that they were sworn to same. That they and each of them swear
the original of which the foregoing is a copy is their appraisement of
said estate. That by inadvertance the Notary Public who swore them to
the original inventory must have forgotten to aff ix his signature
thereof, and this made to supply said omm ision, if such was made.
S.J. Mothershead
S.F. Street
C.H. Lamberton
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3 day of September, 1915.
Edward L. Turner
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at Edmonds.
(Seal, Com. Ex.1dar. 25, 1919)
sheet no.
Inst. No. 07 Off ice No. 320
Bessie L. Shields Selection of Homestead by Surviving
The Public
Dated ----
Filed June 6, 19149 10.25 A.T.
Vol. 158 Deeds, page 282
Notice is hereby given, that, on the 15th day of April 1914, at
Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, Harry H. Shields, died and left
surviving him Bessie L. Shields, his wife, and Ina L. Shields aged 7
years, and ;"Lesley d. Shields, aged 5 years, the minor children of said
husband and wife; that during the existence of said marital relation
the said husband and wife, as such community, acquired the following
described real property, lying and sitijate in the said Snohomish County,
Washington, tD -wit:
Lots 5 and 6 in Block 68 according to the Plat of the City of
Edmonds as the same appears in the records of said county; that said
deceased, during his lifetime, did not select a homestead for the use
of his said family:
L. Shields, surviving wife of the said Larry H. Shields, deceased
hereby selects, and does hereby declare, that all of the real property
here inbefore described, is a homestead for her use and benefit for the
support, care and education of said minor children., and that the same
is hereby declared to be exempt from any process or liens not volun-
tarily granted.
Ack. June 5, 1914 before S.J. White, Notary Public in and for Wash-
ington, residing at Edmonds, by Bessie L. Shields, the surviving widow
of Harry H. Shields. ( Seal, Com. Ex. Nov. 4, 1914)
sheet no.
Inst . No. 3 v
Bessie L. Shields
The Public
Office No. 219
Declaration of Homestead
Dated Aug. 17, 1915
Filed Aug. 18, 1915, 9, 30 A.P.
Vol. 166 Deeds, page 195
Bessie L. Shields, hereby :certifies to the following declaration
of homestead.
1. That she is the head of a family, having under her care and
maintenance the minor children of her deceased husband Harry H. Shields
and herself. That her said deceased husband neglected to make any dec-
laration of homestead.
2. That she and her said deceased husband Harry H.Shields and
their minor children resided upon the premises hereinafter described
as the time
of his death
and long prior thereto
and that they purchased
and occupied
the same as
a homestead. And that
she and her said minor
children continue to reside thereon and occupy the same as a homestead,
and she hereby claims the same as a homestead.
3. That said promises are situated in Snohomish County, State of
Washington, are described as follows, to -wit: hots 5 and 6 in Block 88
according to the plat of the City of Edmonds as the same appears of
record in said county.
4. That the estimated cash value of said premises is !>900.00.
Ack. Aug. 17, 1915, before Geo . W . Loutt it , Notary Public in and
for Washington, residing at Everett.
(Seal, Com. Ex. Apr. 9, 1919)
she et no.
Inob. ITjo
Bes:sLe �. Shields, a widow
Frank I'd. Carp .Lenter
Office T.;'o. 7
Warranty Deed
Dated Dec. 49 1.919
Wiloel Dec. 5, 1919, 8.36 A.M.
Vol. 190 Deeds, a&;L - q 7
Cons. ';"10.00
First party grants,
conveys and core: firms to
second party, heirs
lands In
Snohomish County, Was1iington,
described. as:
Lots numbered I-b and 6, Ln Block numbered 86 Flat of the
City oi' "A-monds
Covemnts oc General Warranty.
Ack. Dec. 49 1-919, beiore S.F. Street, 11otary Public in and for
V-Tasilington, -residing
at "dinonds, Wastj..
(Seal, Corn. Ex. Kov. 19, 1-923)
sheet no.
--- C e r t i f i c a t e ---
We h cby certify that t1i r rt'&0iTLn' dhstra?I, of ';i.t1.e, cs�In"Orisj.ng
r-'Iiii')i:red t.re to l;Jri: '..,�.'�' �/: �.y and
Sh o7 s;sPjNt3 a.1._-1 d OIts 'I.'1t 04'`+.ri�
tJf .10 0011`it�l u;t]tOi CX n�
ce,ed_rig s .iad i7i ..--r,y Cot rt of r. _ii c.!-d ��� ► �.. r .. ;y itl irT Cc unty af-
ccting the tic• e to "he fol.:l.or:,.ng d�,.�cr �'�. ct rr:;�.'�, proi.�_ri;y, to •vf t
. Lots five (5) and six (6) of Block eighty-eight (88) of the City
of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, being a part of the Fast
of the Southwest . of Section 24, Township 27 North of Range 3 East
We f'urtheL c3rt:ify that there are no ulsatis.ti cc? judments entered
against anj grantee na.race in tho with n abo�.ru.ct owfe : '_Tlg thc: tit::re
to air! property, c:s shown by tn:: Oudgment Indiecs oj' the SVrerior
Court of the State of Ola.:sh).ngton, in and for Snohora=sin (:ountY
We f'urthor certify that there are no due and dr;lincille t tELxcs on
said prey0se:s, or unx c.d3t3 ied u;-1.1es therec;f for de-Ii- r-,"tent. taxes sho M
by t.ha rr):i1 s rf {.;hr ;,wid z3nohomi.sh County in tho cffice of the
Co,mt.y Treasurer tiL.;reof.
any personal taxes due
or to become due for the
year 1922)
We do
not ^ortify as to any
taxes or assessments for
local improvo-
ments on
said properly sho%;n 'by
the records of the city
of Edmonds.
This certificate is
of September, nineteen
O'clock A.M.
up to and including this fourteenth (14) day
hundred twenty-two (192 4--)at eight (8 )
Inst. l�o.�
frank 1L. carpenter and Loueze
A. Carpenter:, husband and wife
Olaude 'N. �jood, & siagle man.
Of�ice luo. 919
Warranty Deed
Dated Sep 16, 1922
1,`iled Sep 2-':, 192,2, 9.20 A.I.
1ol. 206 Leeds page 605
Cons. w1000.00
5t1. rev. stamps can.
il'iret Marty conveys and warrants to second party londe in
Snohomish Uounty, 'Jashington, described as:
Lots b and 6 Block 88 of rlct of tide City of Edmonds.
Ack. Sep 16, 1922 before S. i,'. Street i,,otary Public in and for
Ra.shingto n, residing, atE c.monds, Vla.shington.
( Seal, Com. Ex. I�ov. 19, 1923)
Inst. ido.
-la.ude VJ.'vJood.---
Office io. 882
Dated Sep 16, 1922
2ra.nk i,:. Carpei:ter riled Sep 18, 1922. 1.55
Vol. 131 1,tgs page 611
hortgeges hinds iii Snohomish county, 'iiaehing-Lon, del orii;ed as:
Lots 5 and 6 Block 88 2lat of trie 0ity of sllbmonds.
.Lo secure the payment of �600.00.
Proper% Executed.
Inet. No. j
Office iw. b33
I1'rdnk Tvi.�arpenter by liay H. Release
Caxpentei , uy his attorney in fact.
La.tea 2eb. 1.1), 1923.
Claude W.Wood.
.Filed liar. 15, 192J, 9.31
Vol. 134 ivitgs page 35b
Certifies than a. mortgage executed by second to first party
herein to secure the ;payment of -- dated bept 16, 1922, and recorded
in 'Vol. 131 of Iviortgages page 611, records of Snohomish Cou.ity, Was:rzington
Gnd describes lands as:
Lots 5 and 6 Block 88 City of Edmonds :iasaington.
situated in Snohomish County, 4a.shinp_ton, is full;, paid, satisfied ond
di so Barged .
ack. I'eb. lb, 1923, b• fore J. E. udil: o�_�, iiotary i-ublic In and for
,dashington, residing at Edmonds, �-rash. by hriy H. Carpenter, signed by
1'o•,ier of attorney for !'rank id. Cvrpenter-
( Seal , Corn. 16, 1926.)
Inst. iuo. _ � Ofiice Lio 1036
Rev. .25¢ can.
P. M. Carpenter z)nd Louez �i. Genera:l Mower of Attorney.
Carpenter, husband and wife
DAted Dec. 27, 1922
riled Feb. 16, 192j, 3.21
Ray 1'. Carpenter.
Vol. 7 k of A. 135
Virst party makes, co-stitutes and appoints the second c,arty
tnue and lawful attorne;;. in n,.z_ne place, and stead (among of-ner pouvers)
to grant, uargain„ sell convey, release, mortgage and r lea_se from
mortgage lairds of the first party, and also to sign acknoti!aledge, execute
end deliver deeds, contract, covenants, a.greemonts, L.rid mortg,,ges
which the said second party may be deemed just and right.
Ack. Dec.
Jame/Burnham liot�.,.ry i'ublic in and for
the county of
of California.
( eat, Jom. Ex. 14ov. 19, 1926)
P .
Inst . No
Claude W. Wood, a single man
Ray S. Wood, a single man
Office to. 643
Warranty Deed
Dated Dec. 21, 1925
Filed Dec. 229 1925, 4.12 P.M.
Vol. 227 Deeds pagd 546.
Cons. 4950.00.
First party conveys and warrants to second party lands in
Snohomish County, Washington, described as,
Undivided i interest in Lots 5 and 6 in block 88 of the plat of
the City of Edmonds.
Claude 4. Wood
6c k. Dec. 21, 1925. before A F. Wilson Notary Public in and for
Washington, residing at Edmonds, by Claude d. jjod--
( Seo1 , Com. Ex. 5ept 10, 1929)
Inst . Jo. �T
Ray S.Wood and Clara dood.
his Life
John F. viood, an unmar.Lied man
Quit Claim Deed
Dated Apr 12, 1927
evil ed July 22, 1927, 9.32 A.M.
File -0. 407727
Cons. 410.DO an0512 o he va ue.
First party conveys and quit claims unto the second party, lands
in Snohomish Pounty, Washington, described as:
Lots 5 and 6 in Llock 88 of the plat of the Oity of Edmonds.
Ack. May 3, 1927, before A. F. Stowe, Notary Public in and for
the Territory of Alaska, residing at Xodiak, Alaska.
(Seb.l, Com. Ex. June 1, 1929)
Inst. No.
J. E. Wilson
The Public
Office No. 356
Filed Aug. 29, 1191 10.10 A.M.
Vol. 186 Deeds, page 329
T. E. Wilson bc- ink first duly sworn upon his oath deposes and rays:
That he is now and has been for the ],Nast eif�teen year, continues
ouely a. resident cf the city of Edmonds, Snohomish County, 77,ashin'7,ton.
That he was well acquainted with Leslie W. TeLbetts, formerly known as
Leslie W. Gale, on Nov. 201 1902, ad Imews of his own kncwledge that
said Leslie 'U. Tebbetts was on -said date a bachelor and Luiriarried.
Affiant further states that he was well acquainted with .Anna
Taylor on Kiay 28, 1900, and that on said date said Anna Taylor was a
widow and unmarried.
Affiant further states that there are two principal plats of pro-
perty in the city of Edmonds one of which is known as the plat ofthc
"Tome of Edmonds" and the other known as the plat of the "City of
Edmonds". That aff iant is engaged in the real estate 'business in said
city and is familiar with the descriptions of lots and blocks shown in
the two mentionedplats and that there are no similarity of the numbers
of lots and blocks shown in said plats.
Subscribed and sworn to Aug. 27, 191E before Edward Z. Turner,
Notary Public ih. and for 7a.shington, residing at Edmonds.
(Seal, Com. Ex. .Mar. 25, 1923)
Inst. No. Office Nod 164
S. V. Street Affidavit
Filed Sept. 4, 19198.24 A,Jj*
to Vol. 188s Deeds page 165
The Public
Affiant states that he isa resident of the City of Edmonds, Sno-
homish County, "trash., and is the scrivener who prepared and the notary
who acknowledged that certain deed made and exenuted by Carter L.
Evans and Flla Evens, his wife, in favor of Mrs. May Collins, dated
Aug. 31, 1907, and of record in the office of the Auditor of Snohomish
County, Wash., in Vol. 105 of deeds at page 542 and that the descrip-
tion in said deed is erroneous in that said deed describes the property
conveyed as certain lots and block in the plat of "the town of jFdrrlonds"
when the true description should be and is the plat of "the City of
Edmonds. "
Affiant further sayeth that he is now cgnd has been for many years
last past engaged in the real estate lousiness in the City of Edmonds,
Snohomish County, Wash., and that the property located in said city
it platted into two.principal plats, to -wit, the Plat of the town of
Edmonds and the plat of the 05-ty of Edmonds and that the two plats are
frequently intermingled in describing property located in said city;
that said plats have no similarity in the numbering off lots and blocks
and that the true location or description of any -iven lot or block in
either plat can easily be ascertained by referring to the number of the
same -
Subscribed and sworn to Sept.. 3rd, 1919 before Edward L. 'Turner,
Notary Public in and for Washington, residingat Fdrionds.
(Seal, Qom. Ex. Mar. 25, 1923)
---Certificate of con-vinuationT
We hereby certify that we 4ave added to the foregoing a stract of
title instruments nurrmb tired to qr/ consisting of sheets,
and the same shows all instrtl n s �filry �aa�ox recorded in t e office
o{' the County Auditor of Snohomish Cotln'ty, Tashington, and all pro-
ceedings had in any rlourt of record holainr* terms in said County,
affecting the title to the followin_r described real property, to -wit:
Lo-us 5 end 6 of Llock 66 of the City of &d:ronds, being a part of the
Last a of the S,�uthwelt of erection 24, 1'wp 27 i4orth Rb.nge 3 East
d 1,
'Fe further certify that there are no unsatisfied judgments enter-
ed against any grantee named in the within ah-,tract affectina the
title to the said property, as shown by the judgment indices of the
Superior Court of the State of vtashington, in and for Snohomish
County, since September 14, 1922, at 8 o'clock A.RL. to date of this
vre further certify that there are no taxes coming, due on said
Premises, or unredeemed. salcs thercof for delinquent taxes shown by
the official tax rolls of said county in the office of the Treasurer
thereof, since September 14, 19�2, at 8 o'clock A.1l. to dLte of
this certificate. Except taxes for the last fialf of 1926, being
416.16, which sum is paid L;y receipt numLer 28670 on July 22, but not
yet indexers on the records.
(Except an ersorlai tax s dde r to become due f r �r�e ea.r 1927)
We do r�'ntIp oertit�y as eto ary axes or assessments for `focal Im-
provements on said property shcvvil by the records of the city of
All since the date of the last preceding certificate, to^wit:
September 14, 1922, at L, o+'clock A. bq. and? inc llxding this twenty-second
(22 da o�� Jul nineteen Hun lq�r
o'c�ock`�A.N1. y' ��T�i',�75' �;an,(10) .
Inst IO
George 'd. Stephens, a bachelor
L .0 . 1,11n` e1
Office l!o. 710
,Jarranty Deed
Dated. Apr. 11, 1921
Filed J ,n. 2E1-5, 1925, E:.32
Vol. 221 Deeds, 293
Cons. ; 600 .00
i'irst p :_rty conveys and warrants to second oorty, lands in Ino-
horr!ish County, :Jashin3ton, deonribed }i.o:
Iots 3 and 4 in look 120 City plat of Edmonds.
That said property is .-Free and clear from all mortgages, udg-
vents, and mechanics liens and all taxes that are due and collectable.
I.cl-. l�pr. 11, 1921, before E.J. I;'iorrison, Jr. Notary Public
residing; at Columbus, ';disc.
(Seal, Com. ix. Oct. F), 1924) I
I(Note by Abstract Compa.oy: The following instruments ore added by this,
Abstract Co. at the request of the exa.-.i»er of the title in order to
prove certain relationship concerning Jerome Smith, as well as the 1
family relationship of George 117. Stephens.)
sheet no .
Inst. No. Office 'TO. 567
George l"i. Ste hens A_Lfidavit
to Filed Ir_iay 1, 1025, 2.45 P.Id.
The Public Vol. 223 Deeds, pa>ue 461
In the Ii^tter of the title to lots 3 c:nd 4 flock 120 of the
City of I&Imonds, ;7ashin�ton.
State of ` isconsin)
Columbia County )
George 7. Stephens bein` duly sworn on oath says:
That he is now and has been for fifty years last east a resident
of Columbus, said County and State; That he was intimately acquainted
with Jerome Smith in his lire time; That said Jerome Smith died cat
the City of Columbus, said County and State prior to Jan. 1, 1896;
That he died intestate; Th^t he left serviving hi i I a.rie i . a,:iith, his
widow, known by a.ffiant to be his widow; Deceased also left Uurvivin`
him two and only two children, to -wit: Lottie A. Smith and Kelly H.
.smith who are 1-,,_nown by a.ffiant to be the sole -nd only children and
heirs at law of said deceased; That sifter the date of said Jerome
Smith the above named widow and two children deeded their interest in
said lots to affi:nt.
reorge 'jd. Stephens
Subscribed and sworn to I;I"rch 71, 1921, before 7,.J. T.orrison Jj•.
I of ,ry Public Columbia County,
( Seal, Com. Ex. Oct. 5, 191CA)
`_no. I
---C,ertific,-te of C,on'�inuation---
we hereby certify that w4h4 Udded to tr.e foregoing - stract of
title instruments nurribercdto consisting; of sheets,
and the same shows all instfi a or recorded in tFe office.
of the County Auditor of Snohomish Co ty, Washington, and all pro-
ceedings had in any Court of record holdinrr, terms in said County,
affecting the title to the following* described real property, to -wit:
Lots 5 ••^nd G of Block eI. of the City of d.nond.s, being a part of
the Last .z of the Southwest k of Section 24, Tc�p. 27 North, f;^.ne-e 3
Last i7.L. Situ,-te in Snohomish County, ';Iashin�ton.
we further certify that there are no unsatisfied judgrients enter-
ed against any grantee named in the within abstract affecting; the
title to the said prope ty, us shovm by the j udrwent indices of the
Superior f;ourt of the State of V7wshinton, in and for Snohomish
County, since July 22nd 1927 at 10 o'eluck to dote of this cor-
re further certify that there are no taxes coining due on said
premises, or unredeemed sales thereof for delinquent taxes shown by
the official tax rolls of said ("ourty Zr. the office of the Treasurer
thereof, since July 22nd. 1927 at 10 o'olocki 1' ,,Ll. to dMte of this
(Except any nerson,�.l taxes due or to become due for the year 11327)
We do not certify as to any taxes or assessments for local im-
provemer;ts on said property shovm by the records of the city .of
Ldmond s .
All sync a the date of the
July 22nd 1927 at 10 o'clock:
(29) d,:.y of August, nineteen
o' clock A .L.
Tast precedinrz certif .ca,te, to"wit:
f' -Ye to ariw inc:'! ud:in� this twenty-ninth
hundred twe - ev r. (1(J`:7) at eight (6)
ANDR ., _! GM Al; T ST T rQ .
117� "- 16�-
Snohomish County, flash. �
Gcalaatee Postfact Co.