1927 Warranty Deed from Wood to ESD Block 88 Lots 5 and 6Ibis 'indenture, Made thz's___-___--....._day zsz the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and -------- T_w-enty-_SAY_en --------- --------------------- ________ BETWEEN.___Clau ie___W-----Weo�i__an_d luella ----------------- Wooda___husband-- and--- Nif e, and John F. Wood, a .single man. the.parti_e8_of lhefirst part and .._..Edmon�de___5chool___District__I?O_.___15,___Snohomish Ccunt-,_ State of -Washington,. part.-.----. of the second part Mitpesseth, That the sa dpartign the first a t, for and in consideration of the sum of .Three__Thousand_One Hun�ire 3lZOQ_.(3...-_- DOLLARS lawful money of the United States, to. --- th_m---- in hand paid by the said partY__.____._- of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do ---------- by thesepresents, Grant, Bar i�z Sell, Convey axd Confirm unto the said party___ -_-_of the second part, and to__ t s __ c'g's so r P. and assigns, the following described tract, ........... I lot _--------- or parcel --------- .of land, situate, lying and being in the County ,of ._Brio.ho-M-i-Skh_______--_----_-.-_______-_________I State of Washington, and barlicularly bounded and described as follows, to-wilr Lot Five (5) and Lot Six (6) in Block Eighty-eight (S8) of the .............................. .......... .__-............ -----------.................. ---.................... .._ City of Edmonds. .......... __............ ......... w_. Together with the appurtenances, to have and to,,Ac � ' remises, with the appurtenances, unto said part_Y.______________of the second part and to.lfr_s___-------------- ___z execand assigns forever. And the said part_i a e._____._.__o f the first part, for ....... t hlcel._n e e ........ and for____. +she 1 T heirs, executors or administratort,4�.og, y 6ese presents, covenant and agree to and with the said part_. -____._._..- of the second part----It.9...............a s,�xeeiebors�as—ed i�sistrntars and assigns, that._. _Igcy__ are lawfully seised in fee simple absolute of and in all and singular the above granted and described premises and the appurtenances; that__ th9,,y___ haYE___good and lawful right to sell and convey the same; that the same are free from all liens and incumbrances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and that _----- 'hE'_�'_------------- hereby WARRANT, --------- and wiil DEFEND the same from all lawful claimswhatsoever.._.__---- — -------- ---------------------•----------------------------------------------------------------------....... In Witness Mber¢of, The said part._ e8------ ___of the first part havP___.hereunto set_____the it hana's_------ and seal_$----- the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence o�� -!? STATE Of WASHINGTON, County of Snohomish. . ............ J (ss .................... j ............ z .......... Notary Public in and for the State of do hereby certify y that on this_:.!___.. Washington, residing at ...... ...... - day of_ ...r..................... 192.7.-.., personally appeared before me ... flaude...V....Xao_d. and uella __'ood, husband and wife, and John ', Wood, a sinGle man ............ ...................... ......._......._.. to me known to be the individuaLs._described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged that-_ A_ Iey...... signed and sealed the same as____. their__.__.. free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. GIVEN UN MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this........ ......................... day of ......-.-.«...............1 1921.... . ..----•................•---------............... Notary Public in an.j for the State of Wash- ington, residing at -A .........................._.................. ,..� W V 1 M AWN MV 4 1 1 1 If1 t IL , 1 , 41 ✓ V ��W 1 1 4 14 IV i i i i �' i i �" b � V ��•' ' C2 '