1978 letters re plan to meet to trade revised appraisalsU c C_ cvpi�, to CITY OF EMQ0NDS CIVIC CENTER • EDMONDS. WASHINGTON 90020 1206) 775-2525 March 29, 1978 Dr. Robert H.. Woodroof Superintent Edmonds School District #15 3800 196th S. W. Lynnwood, Washington 98036 Dear Bob: HARVE H. HARRISON MAYOR We have received our updated appraisal on the Edmonds Elementary School property. As we discussed at our last meeting, we would like to meet with the School District representatives to exchange appraisals. If you will call me when you receive your re- appraisal we can arrange a mutually convenient time and place to meet. Sincerely yours, dh "rles G. Dibble Mayor's Administrative Asst. CGD/jg cc Mayor Harrison Phil Clement James Murphy EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER Dr. Robert P Wooaroof Superintendent 3800 196th S.W., LYNNWOOD, WASHINGTON 98036 1206)778.8850 Board secretary AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER �.�. April4, 1978 Mr. Charles G. Dibble Mayor's Administrative Asst. City of Edmonds - Civic Center Edmonds, WA 98020 Dear Chuck; Thank you for the information that you have now received your updated appraisal of the Edmonds Elementary School property. As soon as we receive ours we will be in touch with you again to set up a meeting. Sincerely, R. H. WOODROOF Superintendent cc: Board of Directors Mayor Harrison Phil Clement James Murphy