20200319 Shockey Tent Trlr LtrSHOCKEY
March 19, 2020
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Public Policy
Kernen Lien
Environmental Planning Manager
City of Edmonds — Planning Division
121 5th Avenue N
Edmonds, WA 98020
Dear Mr. Lien,
2716 Colby A,rnm
F..erett. WA 982o1
N 425.253.9.308
f. 425.259AiiS
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Celebrating serrore excellence since 1980!
RE: Swedish Hospital Edmonds — Temporary Structures
As you know, our office is assisting Swedish Hospital with the placement of some temporary
structures to assist in the emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have submitted
materials to you in support of this project.
The proposal includes the placement of up to 7 temporary tents and one trailer. The first tent a
patient would see would be for triage. After clearing triage, they would be directed to one of
three swabbing tents. In addition to the three swabbing tents, there would also be one for
security as well as one for clean and soiled equipment and gowns and an additional for PSR
(patient safety reporting). The tents are proposed to be 10' x 10' (100 SF). The trailer would be
used for ancillary office purposes and is 8' x 20' (160 SF).
Patients would be in a `holding area' within their vehicles while waiting to approach one of the
swabbing tents. After receiving the test, they would exit the garage near where they entered.
Temporary signage would consist of A -frame boards to direct patients into the COVID-19
testing area.
Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Please do not hesitate to contract me if there are
any further questions.
Camie Anderson
Senior Associate
Cc: Markus Foerster, Swedish
\\server2\projects\Pending\SWED-Edmonds\Appl & SEPA\20200319 Shockey Tent Trlr Ltr.doc