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RIGHT OF WAY EUC PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER City of Edmonds -0086 www.cityofedmonds.gov Description: PUD-REPLACE BAD ORDER POLE PLI 9027 ISSUED: 06/10/2021 Address: 19015 92ND AVE W EDMONDS WA 98020-2383 EXPIRES: 12/10/2021 Permit Type: RIGHT OF WAY EUC Permit Subtype: STANDARD Parcel Number: 00434600003006 •I 11-14111 a NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE APPLICANT SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD P.O. BOX 1107, EVERETT WA 98206 (425)670-3216 CONTRACTOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD P.O. BOX 1107, EVERETT WA 98206 (425)670-3216 OWNER DE VINE CYNTHIA & GARY 15722 2ND AVE NW, SHORELINE WA 98177 FEE INFORMATION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PAID CITY TECHNOLOGY FEE CHARGED PER PERMIT $40.00 $0.00 ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEE $110.00 $0.00 RIGHT OF WAY STANDARD - EUC PERMIT FEE $330.00 $0.00 • REQUIREMENT TYPE NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic control and public safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. Every flagger must be trained as required by WAC 296-155-305 and must have certification verifying completion of the required training in their posession. RESTORATION Restoration is to be in accordance with City codes. All street -cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the workday - No Exceptions WARRANTY The contractor is responsible for workmanship and materials for a period of one year following the final inspection and acceptance of the work. INSPECTION SCHEDULING: WWW.MYBUILDING PERMIT.COM 24 HR NOTICE REQUIRED INDEMNITY The Applicant has signed an application which states he/she holds the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds or any of its departments or employees, including but not limited to the defense of any legal proceedings including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNTIL FEES ARE PAID AND THE CITY ENGINEER OR HIS/HER DEPUTY HAS SIGNED BELOW 06/10/2021 :»•AF9:1H ]1 DATE Printed: Thursday, June 10, 2021 11:55:58 AM 1 of 2 -KRWOF WAY EUC PERMIT City of • • • www.cityofedmonds. ov/425.771.0220 CONDITIONS CONDITION TYPE Easement and/or permission from adjacent property owner is required prior to entry or work within ADJACENT PROPERTY an adjacent property. It is the owner's responsibility to repair/replace all damage of utilities or frontage improvements in DAMAGE TO FRONTAGE City right of Ways or Easements to City Standards caused by or occurring during the permitted IMPROVEMENTS project. Alert affected residents and/or businesses prior to work start. Verify clear bore crossings. ENGINEERING OTHER Restore landscape to like or better conditions. Call for required inspections as noted. ESC REQ Maintain erosion and sedimentation control per City and SWMMW standard requirements. Applicant, on behalf of his or her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly from the HOLD HARMLESS issuance for this permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordinance nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. OTHER CONDITION TRANSFER OF UTILITIES, REMOVAL OF POLE, AND FINAL RESTORATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH POLE ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT. Sound/Noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits of ECC Chapter 5.30 only during the hours of 7:OOam to 6:OOpm on SOUND OR NOISE weekdays and 10:OOam and 6:OOpm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 5.30.120. All utilities shall be located prior to any excavation. New locates shall be called for if at time of UTILITY LOCATES excavation, original locates are no longer identifiable. INSPECTIONS INSPECTION TYPE DATE RESULT COMPLETE A-1 JOB START X-2 ENGINEERING FINAL" Printed: Thursday, June 10, 2021 11:55:58 AM 2 of 2 0 \:L L?,11(7. INC. 1 s`) u PUD WO #100076711-30 ROW PERMIT NO.: ENG 2021-0086 ISSUE DATE: 6/10/21 RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION RECEIVED PERMIT APPLICATION MAR 12 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NAME: Replace BO Pole PLI 9027 CONTACT: Richard Dumo SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR: S N O P U D Phone #: 425 - 783 - 5110 Mailing Address: 1802 75th St. SW MS02, Everett WA 98206 Fax #: State License #: Email #: rsdumo@snopud.com City Business License #: ❑ Liability Insurance ❑ Bonded ADDRESS OR INTERSECTION OF CONSTRUCTION: 19015 92nd Ave W, Edmonds WA 98020 ROW WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF PROJECT: ❑ Commercial ❑ Subdivision ❑ City Project ❑ Traffic Control (Only) ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Single Family ❑ Other RI EUC (PUD, VERIZON, PSE, COMCAST, OVWSD): Is this permit part of a blanket permit? ANY ASSOCIATED PERMITS? ❑ Yes x❑ No BLD# ENG# DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (Be Specific) : Replace bad order pole PLI 9027. New pole replacement will be located tight northwest of existing pole and beside the fence line / property line. No tree removal, trenching or bore work is involved. (see attached drawing and pictures.) WAS STREET OVERLAYED WITHIN THE LAST FIVE 5 YEARS? YES ❑ NO ❑ Year: PAVEMENT CUT: ❑ Yes X❑ No If yes, indicate size of cut: CONCRETE CUT: ❑ Yes © No If yes, indicate size of cut: x x RIGHT-OF-WAY CLOSURE AREA TOTAL DURATION (NUMBER OF MONTHS) Sidewalk 48 Hrs + LF X LF SF 0 MONTHS Alley 72 Hrs + LF X LF SF Parking 72 Hrs + LF X LF SF APPLICANT TO READ AND SIGN *Traffic control and public safety shall be in accordance with City regulations as required by the City Engineer. Every flagger must be trained as required by (WAC) 296-155-305 and must have certification verifying completion of the required training in their possession. *Restoration is to be in accordance with City codes and Standards. All street -cut trench work shall be patched with asphalt or City approved material prior to the end of the workday — NO EXCEPTIONS. Indemnity: The Applicant has signed an application which states he/she hold the City of Edmonds harmless from injuries, damages or claims of any kind or description whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, that may be made against the City of Edmonds or any of its departments or employees, including defense costs and attorney fees by reason of granting this permit. I have read the above statements and understand the permit requirements and acknowledge that I must follow all requirements in order for the permit to be valid. SIGNATURE Z�>Um_& DATE 3/12/2021 Contractor or Agent NO WORK SHALL BEGIN PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE TRANSFER OF UTILITIES, REMOVAL OF POLE, AND FINAL RESTORATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH POLE ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT. 190TH ST SVV h ROAD W20-1 WORK = ROAD AHEAD WORK AHEAD B W20-1 ONE W20-4 LANE AHEADROAD = B BE W3 - 4 PREPARED = TO STOP A W20-7A * WORK AREA AT AN INTERSECTION PROPERTY LINE WORK LOCATION /111mlF O • • • ®® 00 0 0 000000 NQ s � W20-7A NORTH Q Z A CV 8E s PREPARED W3 - 4 T TO STOP v , B ONE i LANE ROAD W20-4 AHEAD B AHEAD ROAD i WORK W20-1 Applicant shall repair/replace all damage to utilities or frontage improvements in City right-of-way per city standards that is caused or occurs during the permitted project. OWNER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE W20-7A W3-4 W20-4 W20-1 *A*B*B< 191ST PL SVV RECEIVED MAR 12 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPEED SIGN SPACING BUFFER LIMIT q, B, C (FT) (FT) 25 200 55 30 200 85 35 350 120 ENGINEERING DIVISION APPROVED AS NOTED 0�kE 06/10/2021 NOTE: 1. FLAGGERS REQUIRED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC WHENEVER THE CREW MUST INTERRUPT TRAFFIC FLOW TO ACCESS THE WORK SITE WITH MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT. 2. FLAGGERS TO ASSIST PEDESTRIANS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 3. WORK HOURS: 7AM TO 5PM MONDAY TO THURSDAY $XOMOYISH COVNTr COCJ =�1 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY LOCATION 19015 92ND AVE W, EDMONDS WA 98020 LYNNWOODAREA POLE NO. PLI 9027 SW1/4S 18 T 27N R 3E DATE 3/12/2021 ORDER 100076711 REASON FOR WORK ENGINEER RDUMO OPERATION 30 REPLACE BAD ORDER DRAFTER RDUMO U.G. NO. POLE PLI 9027 SCALE NTS APPROVED & DATE PRINTED DATE WORK COMPLETED FOREMAN FEES REO'D El YES El NO RIMARY OVERHEAD RESIDENTIAL ❑ OMMERCIAL LE0 1 @$ '=$ SEC DARY OVERHEAD NESC VIOLATIONS BASIC FEE $ ■ NO ❑ YES (SEE NOTES) La 1=$ PERMITS (DATE GRANTED) METER/ ONV. POLE 9s ❑ TREE TRIM PRIMARY UNDERGROUND El STATE ❑ RESIDENT L ❑ COUNTY ❑ COMMERCI ■ CITY EDMONDS LEU NO. SECONDARY '@$ $ UNDERGROUND AT BAS FEE S q FT.@$ _$ STREET LIGHTING CE FT.@$ _$ WORK IN RIGHT OF WAY ❑ PRIMARY ❑ SECONDARY q FT.@$ $ MISCELLANEOUS FEES VAULT S_ PERMIT S_ $_ TOTAL DUE 3 DATE PAID RECEIPT NO. SERVICE ORDER NO. I FI;FNn. BASIC FEE 3 ❑ EASEMENTS =$ ❑ REQUIRED ■ NOT REQUIRED DERGROUND SIC FEE S DATE RELEASED FOREIGN CONTACTS ■ JPN# ❑ JOINT TRENCH ZIPLY & CATV ❑ JOINT BORE ZIPLY & CATV 1-1 POLE STENCILING FROM TO TAKE OFF POLE PRE—CONST. REQUIRMENTS ❑ TREE TRIM ❑PUD LOCATOR ❑ BACKHOE ■ FLAGGING ■ ONE CALL DATE No. STREET LIGHTING ❑ YES ■ NO M&R AS -BUILT GIS GIS QC M&R GIS Ph JOINT USE LOCATION MAP PAGE 454-H3 O EXISTING POLE X EXISTING POLE —TO BE REMOVED • NEW POLE NEW POLE TO REPLACE EXISTING POLE DATE SUBSTATION MAPLEWOOD CIRCUIT NO. 12-345 PHASE 3 ENGR'S TEL. # 425-783-5110 ENGR'S CELL # 425-346-8846 CONSTRUCTION NOTES GA AT POLE PLI 9027 9011 Q 25-357478 0 2 z--L—j 0 19015 9107 cv O7 9003 019 25-23221 3 -2540 3 - 205 AL-109938 P 9027 P 9028 90 121601 AO N ----------- ----- --------------------- FU25 M nn12 PL 191 ST P SW NORTH 19025 anna EXISTING 45' CLASS 2 POLE SET 45' CLS 2 POLE TIGHT NW AS STAKED (PW2045) INSTALL GROUND PLATE (N0110) INSTALL 8" SINGLE HELIX ANCHOR DUE WEST AS STAKED LEAD=15 FEET (AO101) INSTALL (1) 3/8 INCH PRIMARY DOWNGUY (G0113) INSTALL 10 VERTICAL DOUBLE DEADEND ASSY (12V110) INSTALL NEW 3" SEC CONDUIT RISER W/ BEND (F0106) INSTALL NEW 4/0 SEC TRIPLEX CABLE TO PED (C1203) INSTALL 15KVA OH TRANSFORMER (BA21L)(12V601) INSTALL 6A FUSE (E1006) UTC#---------------- SER# ---------------- SEC VOLT ---------------- AT OLD POLE: REMOVE OLD 25KVA OH TRANSFORMER UTC#---------------- SER#---------------- REMOVE EXISTING PUD RELATED MATERIALS REMOVE PUD GUYWIRE AND LEAVE OTHER GUYWIRES AND ANCHOR TO OTHER UTILITIES TRANSFER OF UTILITIES, REMOVAL OF POLE, AND FINAL RESTORATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH POLE ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT. 8 1 \9024 I Aynt IT 1 2 3 25-35747E CKT MPL 345 IY 1 J — TO PLI 9028 T PL SW SCHEMATIC RECEIVED AFTER MAR 12 2021 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT I I II I I I LEGEND: I � I o ------- W------- - EXISTING WATER ------- D------- - EXISTING DRAIN I I I I ------- S------- - EXISTING SEWER I I r--I---' I I I I I NEW POLE I I I I I I B.O. POLE I� I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I �'E--o NO I I 'I SIDEWALK I � I � N-------S--o-- I , -- - - NORTH II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I j � I I II I I 0 I I I I 191ST PL SVV I I I I W I I I I I LAYOUT RECEIVED 0 I ' NTS Z MAR 12 2021 N V , CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SNOHOMISH COUNTY GpMEo OTHER UTILITY LOCATIONS PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO 1 PROJECT REPLACE BAD ORDER POLE PLI 9027 LOCATION 19015 92ND AVE W, EDMONDS WA 98026 ENGINEER RICHARD DUMO DATE 3/12/2021 ORDER 100076711-30 PHONE 425-783-5110 CELLULAR 425-346-8846 i- -.� 1 �r ' r7 r ,� � 1 - .! ;1a �. > _ .,.. y * � •' I St• � , r — � �- 1 1 -�'• ..� ' • • � .�. _ � _ l nL ' � I r � 1.�� r � � •ice �t � � ' � � �, � � , , ' ; I ' y �• _,,, . 1 IRS �` - .'•' —�� .,f. - - � — �,.-- � '�. - - - . �-. •s - - - — S Top /47 Mom- ,.