APPROVED BLD-BLD2020-0739+Structural_Analysis_or_Calculations+7.19.2020_3.41.30_PMHarriott Valentine Engineers Inc. BLD2020-0739 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Project: Sommer Huse Residence 24014 74th Ave Edmonds, WA 98026 Architect: H2D Architecture + Design 23020 Edmunds Way, #113 Edmunds, WA 98020 Structural Engineer: Harriott Valentine Engineers, Inc. 1932 First Avenue, Suite 720 Seattle, WA 98101 tel. 206-624-4760 720 RECEIVED Jul 22 2020 CITY OF EDMONDS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ............................................... REVIEWED BY CITY OF EDMONDS € 1932 First Avenue, Suite 720 07/16/2020 Seattle, Washington 98101-2447 Page 1 of 5 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Harriott Valentine Engineers Inc. CRITERIA Gravity roof dead 2x6 @ 16"oc TREX decking miscellaneous total dead + live 1932 First Avenue, Suite 720 Seattle, Washington 98101-2447 tel 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 live residential 1.7 (deck) 1.0 (assumed) 0.3 1o% 3.0 psf 63.0 psf 60.0 psf 07/16/2020 Page 2 of 5 Harriott Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) DECK w (live) total load = 63 psf L live load = 60 psf location criteria beam w (total) _ (E-W) w (live) _ L= trib. _ location criteria deck w (total) _ joists w (live) _ L= trib. _ 271 plf V = 258 plf M = 5.00 ft El (total) _ 4.30 ft El (live) _ demand 84 plf V = 80 plf M = 7.00 ft El (total) _ 1.33 ft El (live) _ 1932 First Avenue, Suite 720 Seattle, Washington 98101-2447 tel 206-624-4760 i fax 447-6971 capacity 0.60 k 0-.69k Vr= 0.85 k-ft Mr = 1.52E+07 lb-in2 El = 2.18E+07 lb-in2 d (total) _ d (live) _ use capacity 0.27 k 0-.2-9 k Vr = 0.51 k-ft M r = 1.29E+07 lb-in2 El = 1.85E+07 lb-in2 d (total) _ d (live) _ use 2.31 k 1.91 k-ft 8.25E+07 lb-in2 0.05 in = L/ 1299 0.04 in = L/ 1364 U6 (P.T) 0.83 k 0.81 k-ft 2.70E+07 lb-in2 0.17 in = L/ 501 0.16 in = L/ 526 2x6 (P.T.) @ 16"oc 07/16/2020 Page 3 of 5 Harriott Valentine Engineers Inc. SPREAD FOOTING DESIGN -- SQUARE for 2000 psf Allowable Bearing Pressure fc = 2,500 psi fy = 40 ksi 1'-6" square P = 4.50 k one-way: Pu = 7.34 k phi Vc = 7.09 k Vu = 1.53 k o.k. p = 2,000 psf (2) #4 each way h = 9.00 in phi Mn = 6.05 k-ft Mu = 1.38 k-ft o.k. d = 5.25 in b = 18.00 in two-way: bo = 35.00 in phi Vc = 31.24 k Vu = 5.60 k o.k. 2'-0" square P = 8.00 k one-way: Pu = 13.04 k phi Vc = 9.45 k Vu = 3.67 k o.k. p = 2,000 psf (3) #4 each way h = 9.00 in phi Mn = 9.03 k-ft Mu = 3.26 k-ft o.k. d = 5.25 in b = 24.00 in two-way: bo = 35.00 in phi Vc = 31.24 k Vu = 11.31 k o.k. 2'-6" square P = 12.50 k one-way: Pu = 20.38 k phi Vc = 11.81 k Vu = 6.62 k o.k. p = 2,000 psf (3) #4 each way h = 9.00 in phi Mn = 9.11 k-ft Mu = 6.37 k-ft o.k. d = 5.25 in b = 30.00 in two-way: bo = 35.00 in phi Vc = 31.24 k Vu = 18.64 k o.k. 3'-0" square P = 18.00 k one-way: Pu = 29.34 k phi Vc = 14.18 k Vu = 10.39 k o.k. p = 2,000 psf (5) #4 each way h = 9.00 in phi Mn = 14.95 k-ft Mu = 11.00 k-ft o.k. d = 5.25 in b = 36.00 in two-way: bo = 35.00 in phi Vc = 31.24 k Vu = 27.61 k o.k. 1932 First Avenue, Suite 720 07/16/2020 Seattle, Washington 98101-2447 Page 4 of 5 tel 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Harriott Valentine Engineers Inc. 1032 Rmt Avenue, Su to 720 Seaft, WaahingW 98101-2447 07/16/2020 W. 206 624 47501 fax 447 6971 Page 5 of 5