Ordinance 0053ORDIIIA17CE 11"C"
A'17 To a ailrl. levy- tax(,� for gonoral mumic-i-Nil
pii*.l-2csc7.s for t lln year 1305 --7
V e-rr-
"T-rl,).-I, for �-(moral municipal purposes for the
year 13955 bo and the nnarp are hnroby and levi(-rT upon
, "I --Y c I
rnal,pnrconal -Ind to taxation by
Towii (A-L Edlaonrin, for thi? purposes spncifio(I in tlii��
orl-inancn,at ""ri-n follovirn,
For �.,.cneral imniaipll -purp.o-5ps at the t"ato of n-i 11--
for eacli anrl overy �.ollar of as-.sem!!Prl valuation of an pro
rithir, the To"n of 'Rlll--IorlrTR.
Past,,Prl by the c.cunci-I of tllp. Toyrn of Erlraonf�_!; or. the
"D f Ji t 1 %, I305..
The, abwo orlirl-11'.0c' mahy.ittwl to ra. for my
ox-lminal-. i or. t",'ii s O-Ry of July an(, hav inr, nxaninorl the
I --- ?�-
r,,eroby recor.m.c-rt t I, -at, the rarie clo pass .
i l-, v A i ; 4C, o r n, e Y