Ordinance 0125o &DIN—kNCE 90. )25 A i� ordinance tc provide fcr the building and coi-,st:ructirun c.-f sidewalks in the T -own of E,d]mcnds, cn S .eccnd and T -,.hird streets. r encing at the south east ccrner, cf Lpct cne in Block 33 avd thence ran - Ping Perth abutting CrI_ L -(ts 1 1213 14-1 51, as d' 6 , ai,d cczu�,- . enceing F-t the AXI. north west ccrnex cf L c t 7 in Block- 8, WA S-- abutting on JCt S r/ ai dY A i.d a sidewalk on .1 the east side cf T-hird street , cCil-r-enceing at the n-crth west ccrner cf b t t r/ in block 6, abutting Or, L cats ir, block 5. as laid down, ir the Plc t Of the T -,C-V'm c f Edmonds . T -the T -,cwn c f E,dircnds, cf the ccunt-Y cf S71101clish, S tate ct shing tc T - 1, do C rdai r a s fc.1 lowe G !eCtion V:. T hat cidewall-c be and the same are bErEby ordF-tcd to on constructed .strueted cn Seccnd and Tbird streets between Bell and Edmonds E: tle elts, in the T own C-f E dr cads as f llow, Begining at the South east ccrner cf L Ct in 141001- and t'hence running, rc,-,rth al . oTg the side f Se c0nd street, abutting cn . s 9 3, 4, 5, end . in Block )j9p and a Sidewalk on the ear t side Of S 'Eccnd street begin ing at the north rest ccrner -c f L.ct . 7 i - n 110c I abutting on L.*cts 7 9') 0 ai.,d a2 in Jaoc 1 6, and 6. sidev,-all. on the east Cide Of Third sheet begining at the north vest, ccrner cf L , ct ri blocl 5 and thence running South abutting. C.r. Cts. and 1 2 in )JOCI, S �ecti cn I I;- T hat the said 'vxrY cf n,_:; t ruc t i n _g said smai-s EJOrg the above said streets shall be done and completed an cr bt T"c re the day Cf-. and the Tc-,wn Engineer is hereby di- rcoted to P"Per SUTWY, Plats, estiDates and ,plans for the constructme iCTI cf Said sidewall,6.9 and that proper n . otice be given, and advertising fcr bjds fcr CC-ntracts t' ..# d r- Saj. d w Tq P_ot�icn I I 'I That said .idev�lk, to be ccnct acted., shall be constructed of f it lumber of t he vidth of d inches, cf tA_e thickness cf 2 inches and cf the length of S feet, tcirned crass wise cf the street, and s hall have placed thereunder t hree s tiingeis o f the thickness cf 2 i nobec and w idth c f 6 inches and 1 aid edgwise do -n, all I. or to be mll nailed. Section I YV'. T -hat the cost and expencE: of said impreve aents and bailding of said sidewalks are to be assessed against the p roperty adutting c n the s ide cf s aid streets c n which said cidei.alkc a re to be constructed tc the debth cf each L :ct i n Prcl.crticn tc t he b enc - fits ui,cn the Ircl er ty, tc be sc benefited, sufficient tc ccver the tct al cost a nd expends of the WCrk, excEpt v.-here said s id.cj:-al*- c s han czos s any alley o r street in s aid Tvim; the cc_. t fcr t he ccn,- trusting s aid s ideval ks across said alley.E or Etreets shall be at the expencE of said T 'oy-n cf E dmcnds, in ccnfcrm i ty with the statutes cf tbi s state in r egard tc t he bui l ding and constructing of s idew 1 alks and the ri a& nn e m of asse E cing to pay fcr said iI pr c v ei.,, ent s . Sectic .n Vf . .T hat this crdinarce shal 1 take of fect and be in f(ulce f roxr_ and after the date c f its publication. Passed by t he C ounci_l thi s 6th . day of A-v. ri 1 } 90 4 A p j-.rov ed April 6th 3904. . .Mayoi . Attested . Clerk. D ate o f I ubliba.tion AIri1 :�. .] 9 0 (4. r,