Ordinance 01324
ORDINA 40 F, NTO. / 3 '
,kp ordinp-Tice (-,,rdp-rj.7ig Ft sidBVralk bllilt in bDcal 1:7-,rprovene-nt District
FFj IT ORDkltl)�D -4 T-qo, OF THMi TOWN Orr f,J)MojqiDS :-
It on the. S olith m,ot, -,1. That a Sidelvalk be and is �'Wreby ordered to be
,.dp (30
Orge Street, bp-tvree-,, .phi-Lld street and t he
t -r an, lk oil the Great Kbrthtlwn Ra,ilroad, in t.tle fovill of &I-IJ-1onds as follows s-
T"'eg"*;711, ;-jt the North Sa-st corner oPark f the Piece or land known as
'Rlock and tj -19T1`1 P rLlnnin�l) 4--Rt tO the track, of the (4,9"Kailpoad along
tbq Soilth sir 19 cat (;0 Oro e .3t T. en , t
-S eCtosn That the �3n-id WO -! Of COP9t-'MJCtinp said id sidew,. k aIC
n,-)t be aboveai,I treet sball be done 8,ndCOrpleted on or before they�
d a v- arid. ,,)c- tipov4n
0,'T1f1,iT19Pr -;.s hereby directed to make
7)roT.)q .r su r2y, plans, c-9tilDates and rjans
S i d 4- -11n -t k1-1 : f Or the COnstruction of said
8,nri the PrOTer notice Of the a-Ssqq9T-,q-nt agaipt,
tbp" above T;'ces Or TR-M91S Of land and
do said Work. otsq and advertise for bids for
e-oti on
t-- be cOnstl-ninted, shall be (30n_
strilcted Of fir lllyrfner Of the width or 6 inches, and the IenRth cat' is _f9et
T,i—ned croqsjvi2.e cif t Sr + , an d the thi(-Irnfns
q hall havp i-nc inchesand
thprettnder thpeF) inters 0- the thickness
,9,-n(! 141dtll (r" 8 i.'nc h,4s and 1 Of 2 inches
aid work to*qe Ive I I TIP, i d
tl-'�-N cost and exP,-Tlce Of the slid -L'Tylprov e-
M,Fmt and building Of 9-1,id sidewalk shall be assessed against the abutLino
(-n t1hp, A (,)tl "r -jd qtr-,et an lvihico s,',irj.
.;j(jej.Ya lk :Ls tk- be con-
strlynted to ttt iI ci*Pth Of �-ncb 'rAece or p arc( -,I of I and fronting
and -thuttino, on saiH irjr .rovejrTent inrro r*� rty s, o bone f X 'PrOPOrtio'n to the ben.efits j -Don tly_4
ited sufficient to cover the totvl cost and exp9nop.
0-f tb,��, warl-,, in COnt'OrTrdtv 'lath the st,'3,tUt6s Of this state in regard to
the biAldinI and cnTjst,,r uctinc, of sidewalks and
the mairmer of a,ssqssin>;
to P R7 -fl,)r s aid
from said
f('%rc'P 0 T hat this OTli name shall. take Pffent and be in
after its Tnslafse and a.-DDrovalIf not approved b the
49YOr h--�U , t ak� C-f-j,,rrt plc)vi(,,gd by law. )WAS
by the (),,
ITU-il of the Tn-kmn of KdTK)TldS and aT)T)rowd by
dn,.v 0 A.D. 1904.
&tt p fited
M! ayor,
'qO .1 .
An ovdinance eSri ei.-in;
i .1 ti si,�m-ivaol, 't)tqlt 'in 1,009-2- r7-'-')r(')Var1p'n-t ft�"trict
f:pj IT 111MAWIFID Rr 'Pilin (� -1 TO, am
, ORTC. 6 Cv TRE, 4N (W, �' , wqo3t-
1, TN14t zi. SifleWfllk bn JYlrl is
,Milt Ori -('1119 S r� I + d riO-f' '.-j-ebY Oroiered to W,
!It-ee, t tv'f1
)NI 9u V-O I nyl t
trsix-Or o-r tjj,,-j tjrE, t
Jeoum of vj;!C-,n('j3 ap
C'Ornelr 0 *k" the oliecp or lano. kncl-in as
P'133,' IcoY and-, th--,jn�� tCthe trqck 07" I'lle
t h-4 s3oi-, -bFein eta ixfE? 1
�!CttO-ri 8. Th"t tbr, sw'(4t MT18 true SKIct Sidew,,ilk ajr-)rO-
f. 110 Ar'!"O*�Ve S 1'C9t ShRIJ be
i .1904- a.-nd t:r"!� li,
)S hPrehv d,,.recto -co y!ajcr)
pmv .1 r1ans f Or the const-l'ot-4 m 0- 9 n IrifIwrve
t h "' '; b (-) vp S Or rft 7M, 0, t' I r-t -n d P,,-r i d tj
kO-S, q-nd (--dvR-';--tJSf-) for tAds tor
ThqT, }*"V* P,1f,19V,*!;!,-U, tc be, he Orm
ef fi.-r (%:r -
--I- the 'widtb or (-3 and the leti(�wj ol, e) yee-,
- �J'nd Of tflf' X, iTlo.tle-Sj and
And t0l-CRT'1489- Of 2 tnaheam
'I :L" r'� "'J" � ""Inl all "'Ork t() OP W81 'd.
4 Irkst 'tns
t rr--.
, p ) 1 *1 - ' r e
_ t OT,
e—Y) T -
tin h Fyne fro-iti-Tiq
and O' 4-
u vnporti O'n to 11 DC)r, t, aj)o
t(N t tjr-q
atal nosm end 9
or -f t-�r ,,
��7) - � xp-4.mce
A -11 t t Ile q t r+ t, V, t 1�7 $3 0 T, this at'?�Mq in va-gi-
t!19 bili.11ino anri cojj�,. -,rp ' R -3(1 -,A)
Uctinq 01, widpw�%Iks flnd th" T"Wcaner Of agriv,
tint this nidi .1rince pttreot Jmv in.
a t1-Iu t akv� ef!'"t-t "Ci Pr(),Vid,�xd' by,
a * v - . 0 0 . , , 'i 10_1e�
zz" - - - . . i * oe
44. tkycr ,
va 1 t rjjS
C'T1�k11""-'T1d1q &TIQ t1UT)T!0Wd by