Ordinance 0133ORDINACO; 140. IV
-A n oTdin.Fmce ar(lpriwi a, sidevmlk built in, -liocal
District ob.4.
80,' IT OA?Dkl-qwj) PY Tq�', COOK IL OF Vqe,' IDMIT
G L ect.-I-c'n '. Thftt a sidewalV - be, and is t2ereb4 rxed�!reo to bp hunt curl
the side 0 f G econd (P.) street, bptvie9,,7 Georc�;1, strevat ari(i +,.L.-L
-i.Tj th-) El's
the 'Youth 46-1t, corner O:r &."t 1 �.Tid tne-n-ce -Dinnim,
z b,,.,-ttjrj n (:sots 12
tt-,e half R 'Ind hot Y -1-n Block U.
S e( -VIIRt the Said 'VA:)r-i,,- of
SH-id sidewalk alo. -
ahcvf-, Strl�'+?t Sh�111 be dons: and
coo-,,plee,(j On
or b,:?3:'ore
rl avv
an 11 t h:�-� I' o v.,n.
�h i n8 9 r ti
e re b y directed to
I e-,
nm,0,Dq T) lutq, ec;tiTr)ate-,, and Mans for tne
007tSTPUCtion Of JkA
n d. a the Clerk gnall r5ive
y,,rope,' n) e
tic ,
ot�, the
r, s, 4EA 19 Tj t
kj tne above T)ipcos or -rA-rcqls O:r land and lots,
ai-id advartise for
for to 'to said work.
."ectien 6. That q aid sidewalk, to be shall he 0 on-
sT,r11ctqd Of f*iT- I ,iwb-r of the 'Uidt.h of 6 inches, :any the k-)ng-rh of 6
feet', t11rT18d `,"OsSlq-'S�4 Of' the street, and or zhe t*hioXnqE4-3 ():L inChOs;
and shall havq -pjt3,c,--x1. three Stringers O-C the wi-Lciimess o"',
!-nch-9s and width 0-1' 6 inches, and 1,.--tid edgewise down: E1,11 work to be
w=ll nailed.
SeCtiOTI 4. *P-hmT, the cost t.4.nri exlDel-'CO, uf tile, i 1,3 d improve Trent an(3
buildin,:; gj-+;zjl be asseqgF;d ajaiTisu trio, _pr Lyl..a rtya-hu tting
on tube sine of s, rtid L,,Vr--9t rm which sq,id side'vial x. is to I)e c()TjsTTu(,tf?d
to the T11-,1j. (jepth (t?,k,,h fj, of in „T'(-)T)0rti M to trie be-nef -tcls Leon tne
-Dr0Tx::-rt-v' to be" s o irmefit9d slifficienT, to cove-r., the Total cost !%Tld �4 _X-
-DencP mz' Vie 'uork, in With tha statutes of t1ji s tat Te
:Mate in g a,-rd
to the lmlilflinc! and nons -r, -mictinr,5, of sidewalks and the njanner. (1' asso,% s-
j--ns! tr PRY thP 5ii tn'VTO-%1931--1eT1T,,q .
I Spction 5. That this o-rdinance shall take evrect and be in rorce
from and, n:rter its -DF),qsaue and a7)-ProvKl. If rioT, aT)--rov,
p ed qN, the %ayor it
shat, U take --f-rect as -rrovide�A by law.
pa 0 .1 W1 b7 the iincil at" 'rhe
this 4tc."19-y -C-!:t — A' . T) . 11404 ,
01 irk.
'I'mm, of tad monds an(t moprovev-1 -it., 1TY
S t --? H th i d F%jr Ot, A.D. 1904.