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Ordinance 0136
0 ORDI NAXOF, t1TO. Al) oi-dirAnce th-c-, JLn-ItIP-rition O-r the COU-nal't 0- tuht- To-vn of SdOT)onds to build a Sid--WF-.1kI 071 T,17,,#09t Side 01' ',3iXTh STAC(a,S-L 0� UW4-)n i-md VV1,11111t 9Treel.. aril -,,,o the cu"8-L, tfler--Ior to -ule abiixutrtip, propert-JT1. TXOpnrtio,-, *.o the 1-hc-.,r.,,-f'jtt, the-.,.,eor to the 'I"moperby so be-n-fitp,i. Bw, IT ORIATAO"O 'BY Vf�l (WONOIL QV '20*1 Ujo &DAt4NDS:- `her` IUD Th--t it in the intelitiCiri 0"' the Gouncil of th--3 town of Fidmovis to bii-tld a on vie tiiast side or xt - , T, S -1 h 8 T.0.3 C. be Tme en it -Pet -me, 0 f,,Inut ,;trpf-,t alid 60 Ctssess ttie oosL, trierP,01 to the Ft.biittiwproTert: y bt,netiteq by T-he Cowltruction of said improve:rient. I Tlba-L the estilvo-ted cost o- said impiuvel,,cilt, Is tjj-,,q C, 4- ... ..,..... ..IN' jotj JJTJ*G Tc bc' a., ui(l aqse�jse4c1a ns t T, 0 ttbi.iztin�AT) ":OPCIPtiO-il To tu,ci(, br:.'TiP,411S del,ived thei!*,�Trojil �)P. tRxpd and a.ssPs9Pd SBOTTOff 8. That the ,-o,;t and ex-i)pTme , A trig pro'l-jerty fronti-ng and abutting on Said improvement and --m- vii-Ghin. ea.--:L 'k Foonal Impi-ovejoerIT, -T)Vo-,Doc;e.(l T-o br3 establisiiel, in 1)1,0*nortin� to bonefits der-' ved d -M v 0 ve said i P : - t, and In -'rnT)(,-)rt- Ile j ion to tbo of feet of ---mcr! in,n is and lots frond np, thereon S,, - ob -3istriot sha-G ei:tibrace, all the pieces, Parcels and lots ot lanO -'')e-n-fittafl by the i,,,,rvrovert P,-n- atid fronting and abu--utim-, on gKiLl street t1rivroved to the Center of the block. SNOTTCK 4. That protests VIP PTOPOS,-�d iT',VrOvehTnTIT, be fiM I I t a Vtb a -Tr i'D TAII�� office of toe T own (119rk On OT, b,:-i7rorF, h d. of SePti:.:)rnber lcO4. If rrO-t(-,9t5 Wlai-r)IT, tbp proposed ipprove.Trpmt P),re tile,' 071 Or b-,fMxO the W'h dF),- r bl' t-he O,'V'F"rs, OA 9 of t h e 7' r f" t of -1 (1 t s "(1 lands '-sb,3tting en S11id 7)rowseA i"T"rovap'-ant, tnc-lud'!Yl in said d1stri.ct, the Tm-") 0011-,viii tj)e, work if neiinbers therpo-r* Shell vote Ga "T 00 q. with the work anri j,-rprovqvwnt. In thp,t _It )the To'rn Counni.-J. gijt,.A-j neetj,jj4% ..L (-),,,,Rot an ordinance ai)tj,)orj_7,j.n� ,,job irlppovep' on-,, to be raci ao(,Ordina to the 'VIR'n", and woo cifioatj raps vjitb the Town clle,-tk. e K X %a! Of n said Sif-tewalk Rha-11 be by jx"diRte TnYTrPlit of tt)e Ft S S 19 Aq�i 9-t the) T) r 0 Tx-- r tir ER.I-Lo 9 19 r, T T r) hT 6. T 'h i s j Tj t�,-a c "all t pp be in vrce 4rol), f13V-r it9 pa b 1i o a tj orPasqed 0011nlil Of the OTM 01' • wilnondr, thi s :L,?ttl :jEty Cxf A14512st A.D.1944 Approve,(]. b7r - t-hiS Okttestej 1 7t h d t11, ot' Artgust ,k D j904. ............... .. ,�/ �/ //?/l ��l%1 this 01" OTO.inzqnc•F�- 4.n r, J. 1, cj f) k i a I S-lAO CYC lj-X-,�i-i r.nq -Irmt ntropt, and. 'v-'. 3 Ulf 0 ol, t -r, a t trko qe tj -P T.hk,- t 1 J. thf! crfj 'rlle, n Dl, i J 11), "t. 1 1 7 1 1 'Gt" FA,DW le'r); t, -c'mr" o c <-.,s . . . . . . . .. N C. i ZXi, ... L! Tfr%-T)-irty In OMe -iwid v.107 ',,4 t trm -e !�Lr d nd f6TOr,6J-" 0 r, r-" i (3 1 T-- !1!r 1". t- r, EA F 1. J. t rj aaj. D�TsPnvr;r,,PT-ru ni P;xrint 7,o be� ostablis ur i�' -ron, i4alci I e f�vrd in iirtynn7q- oport j �a A, tho -rP fq f IC i, 7Wqtjq,i� frontincs tner-on • C s ;zid lo t wo m, ren t and frorlittno, and, abu, -,,Tam-, on ca i%ld t 'lie bknh. -rww�tevtcs a- -Ax -,'I ".a rrcy-,imoF !d irl)'rovomiont i,ff4,y h(o, - - ty OX I-,-, th!r affion M' T �.!'levk on o*p bo-knTs VVx da Tf vovr,�!V�7, nio-tit !-LrOi lo'."- oil c)r bt-yore t drxy c.,#' by th,? aw-lie-rs oi.' c,-, ov,-id -,;-f—c J1, `r OT;Y-1 CC Dt n-T -tk, orl< -r)VOrtM! In th;, t t, th,!B at a -n P ,l nwcli d o b is to th- Tb,,t, the, ixcjdf� nost- and exjoi%o;) 'h(j cd - o on t c?7 A-, "k,3 d sl! �'A!! I lv�v, I ,rr.nt- rLt nlvn�st the rs rnTv*rtjT bennfittr�,14 lilt nil,-ric Co s - a -, I -1 -rolce -Aron if ld All'trl", it 7M77 c,l ;P'qed F Of,.tb�' I TOvrnOf�d grKnds tnfti li hi. it 1Tivy oor A 1.11 •1 0--red by i.Ni Awlu!,�t t. A, t A5 -Y o r ]j- 0 h (7-t k7,-$Ist t'. 0 RPINA ITCE NE . / (5J� An ordinance declaring, the intention of the Ccuncil of the down of Edmonds tc build a sidewalk on the North side_ cf . George.,, street between Third street and the east side cf Lot 39_ in- Bloch 9.a and to_ ascesc the cett therecf to the abutting prcperty in j--CjCrticn tc the..benefits therecf tc t ,.s �r g-- �r.�. -- r ; � .ter+; �r a the l rc l e rty so benefited. RE IT 0 HDAINED BY THE C©UNC',IL OF THE 'T(Wj\T CF EDkINDS: - S ECTICN } . That it it the inten.ticn. cf the council of the Toro cf Edmonds tc build_ a sidewall, on the North side cf_Gecrge_street bet�-een Third s treet and the east side cf. Lct 39_in Block- 96 and tc €zccec. the ccet therecf to the abutting property benefited by the construction cf said irrprcverent. SF,OTSaN 2. That the esti ated cost cf said-irprcverent_ is _the s cf • - - .vfri(-t ar.cunt i s tc r)e taxed. and. cssessed against the abutting property iT Trcperticn tc the benefits derived 't heref'rcr . SECTION 3. That the ccst and expeTmE shall -tie taxed_._cLnd: r4.e;-, ed main: t the pro Forty fronting and abutting cn said ir;Frcverent_and irtcludea within said local Ti provei:ent District proposed to .be estsblishtd, in. Iro- l-(-Irti cn to the benefits derived f rcr said it preveLent., _ and_ in prclrcrticn tc the nur ber cf feet cf such lands and. S.otsfroriti,ng t•hemcn., Sucti i.rprcve- r ,-.nt district shalt ei brace ail the - pieces, paTccl.s and ,lots Gf_.land benef fi ttQd by the it Frover Fnt: and fronting and abutting cr: said street ii prcv- ed tc the center- cf the block. SECTIOG 4. That lxotests against the Irrlcsed irlcrcvFTent ) ay, bel-- ed with the T ow n Clerk on or bef or(-. the 7th day cf : Ater-ber 1.904 • If rrctests assa.inst the Ircxrsed i -I- --ent are file-4 on- or._ bcfcrc the rth day cf 5ept,el ber 1904, by the curers cf_rcrc- than two-thirds cf the front feet of lots and. Ia,nd.s abutting or, said _proprsed rcvei.snt, and 1a,nd in, ejuded in sai d e.sse -scent district, the .Town Council .will. not proceed with the work unless 4 rerbers thereof_ shall vase to proceed with the- wcrl.= and i r-prever-ent . In that event, the Tcwn . Ccunci l sha1.-[_ at a. suh secluent. reeting enact en orbinance authorizing, such it proves ent tc be i, ade according tc the plans and Specifications filed with the `l'own C1e rl-. SECTION 5 • That d gdewalk shall payrent of the JeP,�strand_..expenge_ cf-. the construction cf ,b?� rt.t� .pGyl ent of the stu,s a s_ ec a ^a�a -iRa t Qe gore rty benef2ted 5 EC TI O N & . This ordinance a hall aid after its -Ka ssage, R-rTr. oval Fnd five to ke . e f'f°e c t s nd be in f orc e f r or days after its pub li. c ati on . Passed Ty t he Council of the.. Town cf Edr: ends .this..._ 7th , day _of August A .:►J .1 9oe.. Ap],r_ eyed by re this 1 7th d av cf A,igu st Caerk• . a�t-a r . Pub t _shed this. of -August 1 �w-