Ordinance 0137QF1 I.NA1vCE PC . A crd-Jnance decia,ring. the intention_ cf, the Cc:unci:, of the To-im of Edi ends tc build a sidewall- on the -West side of Sixth street- betreen Gecrge street and Walnut street and to assess the cost thereof t-c the abutting property in prcicrticn tc the benefits therecf tc the Irclerty se benefited. BE � IT ORDAINED BY TffE COUNCIL, Or T" i o cF EDVX NDS SECTION ►.. That it iG the intention Ff the Ccuncil of the l'ovn cf Edrend-s tc build- a sidewalk on the We s t side of Sixth street between GEcrgc street and alnut street and to asses: the cps-t therecf tc the rabiitting pr('Terty benefited b�% the construction cf said ix.prc-vez nt. P _. SFCTIdN � . That the estir'ated cost cf said Zl-rcve�ent i� thecuj cf% - - ..which arcunt is tc_ be taxed and a.ssecced agKinEt the Pbutting prcp�ty in T-rcicrtien tc the benefits derived therefrcl 5ECTIQU 3. That this- cost and expenue. sha31 be taxed end r ccessed againct the property fronting and abutting on said,irprovarRent and in- cluded within said Locel IT prove, ent_ Distract proposed tc be established., in prolorticn tc benefits derived frcr said irprevel ent, and in prrpert- J cn tc the nurber_ cf feet,. cf such lands and lots fronting the teen . Such irrrCveient district shall ei brace all the pieces, parcels and Sots of land benefitted by the it-rroveient and fronting and abutting on said street 11prcved tc the center cf the block. SECTION That protests against the prcicsed ir-prcve:i cnt ; ay be fild in the office Of the T cwn Clerk on or before the Sfth day_cf Septerber 7904t If pretests againet the preprsed ir-I-rcvei-ent are filed on or before the Ith day cf S epterber j 904., by the owners cf r crc_- than twc-thirds cf the f rent feet cf' lots and lands abutting on said proposed il— verent, ard. lard included In said =i ssc �-c; snt district, the Town. Council wi11 not �rcc:�ed pith the. z- crk unless It MC-TbE.rs thereof shall vote to 1:woceed with the S cr.1. and irprcverxnt . In that event) the Tcwn Ccuticil slial3_ et, . subsepient rePting enact c7,. t�rdInar:cs authorizing _such irprcvei.ent tc be i ade- dt'ccrding tc �i�e rl n and srecifications filed with the T'ovm Glen-. yj en cf c cnctruc t1f Jcf Said SJ IeW,- ; 1"k `1S. J_ n , by ira-ediate rice.;r na c,�n t the r rc-��­rty b^'nefitted, TT y3 e n t of the ou; s S ECTI ON 6. This Ordinance shall take effect £xid be in t'orce fror, and after it s pa assag-e, FPreval and five days after its ?ublication. Passed by the Council of the Town of Edr ends this j 7th (jay cf At August A.D. 904, Approved by re this j7th day cf' August A.I1, y 4 Cle Published this ./� � . of"sigt�St j SOS .laQ►^ r l-_-_ --- __ -