Ordinance 0139C RT)VIA 08 qO... An orrilnFmce de,clarinl the intention of the Council or the T Own of Wdriond.s to build a sidewalk on the east side of �qacond street between QPorsse streP- t Rd RP911 St-rPet and to assess the cx.:>st tnercof t4 the Pbutti.nes T)rop=irty in MODOrtioT1 to the � ,no fim,s thereo7'. Wj IT 0 RDAINPD BY THE (DUff(,T:fi U! `:l'H K, TV gild ()P r", TaW)jU U S : - S 9ction. 1. That it is the intention of the i;ouncil Of the 'Town of P,dmond s to Mild a sid.,-)walk an the S is t side of Second str,_�et h+ tjvsen Geor-5¢ Areet and Bell street, and to assess the (3ost thereof' to the a.biitr.in2 nronel�ty benefitted. by The cons tructio;) oi' said improve rent. S ection 2 'i'hat 1.he estiToa.tec cost of said irmprovenent is the Q 0� sIatP cat' .U.y . . . - *rrrhich �4nioijnt is to be ta.xsd: and asses9ec? ap,H,inst the ahuttina ToT) rty in -rrcnorti.on to th,4 b nefits derive,-1 them:' fT cm. S ec-,-1 m 3. T bat trig cost and exTmence shall be taxed and assessed a?atnst the Tr(-)TPrty t'rontlml and abuttins, on said iMProvenmQnt and X1F.7I lrx;�.ted in 6 oea:l Ipmrovement District lb. 4 in. P-POPOrtion to benefits derived therefrom in said iF,prover nt, and in pronortioti zo th,,;i number of Feet of such lands and lots fronting thereon. An(I the i'•axin4 mid asse;;s- in s shall gr;hrace all The pi.eCeq , pRrce Is a.nd lots of land n enef atect by tba irnT)rc-Yrempnt and f r crrmtinO, and a.huttinj, rn, said street irmrovPd to the Center (Yf ttip hl or'. �, Section 4 .. 'P ha-t prot=sts a¢a.inst the �arnTa�+s�=d imnr_r_v n1 nt ar+ay► b e tl 1P.d. -..Ti tb the T own (119 T,k on or be f ore t he -�� .. d.a;y of A.D. 1 4. If' T)rrtRsr.:: ajainst time uro rosQd ir-mT.1rovenmAr,t be fi �(� before tie s 9.1 d ..� J`, . „day, of . 1 4 by the comers or t;, care t h an two. -thirds of t be fr. cnt feP of lots and lanis anuttinp, on said -prope;ed i TD-"Ov r' Pin t the 'P ownrcR)n^, it Will not i)roceed further -with the work un- le ss ..7 • ...TnprbeTn t heT'eOf shall votes to F ro(med vt th t.tl( work and i mw - 7Prc'v"j'm=mn r. In that ev�r,t, the 'Down C ounc it qn'911 at a subseauel-xr, mect- tn? e*T+ +ct A. n c r'l ina,nec al;ttiori~'irm? such improw,snment to be made according to t h - -nlans and spa c i_ fi c a.ti ons filed yr t,.h the p own Clerk. Secti on 5. That the mMea of tna.kin� x-9,-f1-3rietnt for sF).id fit total irpa�,vra Pr�r?t shn1 ba by the rx?de of t.x3inn and asgessin¢ nor irmtraedi.ate TVR7", nt r-1Q T) ro7i*1pd by 3mv. • gr,tim 6 . T hi i. orlina•nce shall take otf.e(,,t and be in f orce t'ror � n(i a f'ter its I) ) asas?P: and azTrova.I If not Et I 'P r o v e (I by th,-s A ayor i.r, s h a.11 t a.k(-s 8 f'f ec t a s -p rovi,ic4 d by I f� w Pass-erl by t be Council of the 'Pojbn cif gd;;olads and atmro, do b At;t st tbin- {:�:.p.d.c?.y of 4d4-- i,.D.19t)40