Ordinance 0315ORDINANCE NO. 315. - iAN ORDINANCE ordering the im- provement of Sixth Street from I Daley Street to alley north of Daley Street, thence east on said' { alley from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, in the following manner: By constructing thereon a lateral sewer system in and upon said streets and alleys, in the City of Edmonds, ,Snohomish County, Washington; also the State of Washington. !by constructing thereon inlets, catch- Section 11.—This ordinance shall basins, man holes, lamp holes and take effect and be in full force an' doing such other work as may be ( effect from and• after its passag `necessary in connection therewith, all ;by the City Council of the C'ty o in accordance with and pursuant to ' Edmonds, its approval by the mayo l Resolution of Intention No. 28, pass- and its publication according to late- ed by the City Council of the City of I Passed by the City Council c • (Edmonds, on the 21st day of June, the City of Edmonds in regular ses 1921; creating a local improvement . sion this 6th clay of September 'district for said improvement and ! 1921, and approved by me on the providing that the payment therefor same date. shall be by the "Payment by Bond" I F. R. BFES�_) " plan: Mayor. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Attest: Council of the City of Edmonds, Sno- I GEO. M. LEYDA—City Clerk. 'homish County, State of Washington, (Seal City of Edmonds) as follows: 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the fors Section 1.—That Sixth Street from going ordnance is a true and cor- Daley Street to alley north of Daley rect copy of the original as passed Street, thence East on said alley i by the City Council of the City of from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, iEdinonds on the 6th day of Septem- in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish 'ber, 1921. County, Washington, be improved by' (Seal of the City of Edmonds) ! constructing thereon a lateral sewer GEO. M. LEYD A system in and upon said streets and I City Clerk. alleys; also by constructing thereon : First publication September 9, 1921. inlets, catch basins, manholes, lamp I holes, and doing such other work as _ ! may be necessary in connection there 1 with, in accordance with plans and, .n ! specifications now on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk of the City of Edmonds, said plans_ and specifi- cations having been approved by the y i City Council of the City of Edmonds on the 16th day of August-, 1921 • land pursuant' to Resolution of Inten- tion No. 28, passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds on the 21st day of June, 1921. Section 2—That said improvement will be made along and in f2o t of the following described property which will be effected by said ;-(,- provement and which will be included within the improvement district here- in created and limited to such pron- ertv for the purpose of assessment as hereinafter provided, to -wit: Lots 1 to 20 inclusive, Block 102, Brackett's First Addition. Lots 21 to 40. inclusive, Block 102. City of Edmonds. All of the above Dr-oerty bPiw- i sit»ated and lying within the City• P of Edmonds, Snohomish County, State �\ of Washington. + Section 3—That the cost of said a ' ,improvement on said Sixth Street an(-' alley shall be assessed against the �J !property above described and against all lots, tracts, and parcels of prop- erty ly'nf• ani being,- within -lie im- provement district hereinafter creat- ,ed in proportion to the benefits der- ived therefrom as provided by the I ordinances of the City of Edmonds i and the laws of the SlUte of Wash- ington. Section 4—That the mode of pay- ment shall be under the 'Payment by Bond" plan by- which plan bonds of said distict shall be issu,11 payable in ten (10) equal annual payments or installments with interest at the grate of 8 per cent per annum. Section 5.—That the estimated cost of said improvement is the sum of One thousand five hundred and nine- tv-seven and 90-100ths ($1,597.90) dollars. Section 6.—That there is hereby created a local improvement district Ito be designated and known as "Lo- cal Improvement District No. 22..", which shall include all the property' hereinbefore described. Section 7—That there is hereby created a local improvement fund to be known and designated as "Local Improvement District Fund No. 22." Section 8.—That said improvement shall be made under the direction of the City Council and the City Engin- eer and in accordance with the plans and specifications now on file with the City Clerk of the City of Ed- monds. Section 9.—That the bonds to be issued as hereinbefore provided may be delivered and sold to the con- tractor doing the work of such im- provement in payment of his services or they may be sold by the City Clerk at private sale, provided how- ever, that the returns from the sale of said bonds must net the par val- ue of the same phis accrued inter- est and the proceeds thereof shall be applied in payment of the costs and expenses of said improvement. Section 10.—That the special as- I sessments to be levied as hereinbe fore described shall be payable it 10 equal annual installments with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and such installments shall be collected in the manner pro- vided _by the general ordinances of the City of Edmonds and the laws of \;0 Fiffiq 0 9"INA'NCE NO. 3i6.T l AN ORDINANCE ordering the im- provement of Edmonds Street from Second Street to alley west of Se- cond. Street; alley West of Second Street from Bell Street to a point approximately 240 feet north of Edmonds Street; also Bell Street from Second Street to alley west of Second Street, in the following q Imanner; By constructing thereon a lateral. sewer system in and upon said street., and alleys, in the City of Edmonds Snohomish County, Washington; also by constructing thereon inlets, catch- basins, man holes, lamp holes and doing such other work as may be neccessary in connection therewith_ all in accordance with and pursuan' to Resolution of Intention No. 29 passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds on the 21st day o June, 1921; creating a local improve-ment district for said improvement and providing that the payment there- for shall be by the ".Payment bt Bond" plan: BE Ili' ORDAINED by the Cite Council of the City of Edmonds Snohorii�h County, State of Wash- ington, as follows: Section L—That Edmonds Street from Second Street to alley west o Second St.•eet; alley west of Secon Street .fronn Bell Street to a poi,,' a.pproxiately 240 feet north of Ed ' blonds Street; also Bell Street fro. Second Street to alley west of Se cond Street, in the City of Edmonds. Snohomish County, Washington, be improved by constructing thereon lateral sewer system in and upor said streets and alleys; also by con strutting thereon inlets, catch basing man holes, lamp holes, and doinr such, other work as may be necessary m connection therewith, in accord- • lance with plans and specifications) inow on file in the office of the.' City Clerk of the City of Edmonds, isaid plans and specifications —.hay, ling been approved by the City Coun-' eil of the City of Edmonds on the 16th day of August, 1921, and pur- suant to Resolution of Intention No. 29, passed by the City Council of the NI!IIIIIIII!!IIIIII' ' City of Edmonds on the 21st day of June, 1921. Section 2.— That said improvement will be •may (made along and in front of the fol- lowing described property which will [be effected by said improvement and which will be included witlai- .'Ce the improvement district herein treat ed and limited to such proven for the purpose of assessment as hereinafter provided, to -wit: .:lt Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, Block 11, Plat of Edmonds Addition, also the 1 parcels of land included in the fol lowing described tract: beginning at ih. the N. E. corner of Front St. and Edmonds St.; thence northerly alom- Front St. 280 feet; thence angle to Right 90 degrees for 256 feet; thence angle to Right 90 degrees for 2T' feet to Edmonds St.; thence Wester] - 'along Edmonds St.., to point of be ! ginnimr. Less 16 foot strip user' for alley. All of the above property being situated and 1}ring within the Cit•: ! of Edmonds, Snohomish County, State of Washington. Section 3.—That the cost of sa=c' ;improvement on said Edmonds Stree' alley and Bell Street shall be assess ? ed against the property above des- cribed and against all lots, tract and parcels of property lyin^- --if-'being within the improvement dis- trict hereinafter created in propo— tion to the benefits derived therefro-- _ f as provided by the ord'nafrces of the City of Edmonds and the laws of the State of Washington. Section 4--That the mode of pay - I ment shall be under the "Payment by Bond" plan by which plan bond. .of said district shall be issued pa�- 1 able in ten (10) equal annual pay- rnents or installments with interes` at the rate of 8 per cent per an num. Section 5.—That the estimated cost Iof said improvement is the sum o, .. One thousand six hundred and ninety - e*i one and 80-100ths ($1,691.80) dollars. Section 6—That there is hereb, J created a local improvement district i, to be. designated and known as `Lo- r'f cal Improvement District No. 23," L+ which shall include all the property hereinbefore described. Section 7.--That there is hereby II =e . created a local improvement fund to be known and designated as "Local Improvement District Fund; No. 23." Section 8.—That said improvement , shall be made under the drection of the City Council and the City En- ,!gineer and in accodance with the i 1 plans and specificat'ons now s i file with the City Clerk of the City of Edmonds. suetto asn hereinbefore 9—The bonds provided be-ed y 11be delivered and sold to the con- tractor doing the work of such irn- I i provement in payment of his servi- I i ces or they may be sold by the City I Clerk at private sale, provided how- �iever ,that the returns from the sale i I of said bonds must net the par value of the same plus accrued interest IIthe proceeds thereof shall be ' applied in payment of the costs and 1 expenses of said improvement. rSection 10.—That the special as- ff sessments to be levied as hereinbe- fore described shall be payable in =lten equal annual installments with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and such instalments shall be collected in the manner provided by the general ordinances of the City of Edmonds and the laws of the State of Washington. Section 11.—This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the mayor and its publication according to law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds in regular session this 6th day of September, 1921, and approved by me on the same date• F. R. BEESON, Attest: Mayor. 'GEO. M. LEYDA City Clerk. (Seal of the City. of Edmond, I HEREBY CERTIFY foregoing ordinance is a rt