Ordinance 0320Intention No. 32, passed by the City
Council of the City of Edmonds on
the 21st day of June, 1921.
Section 2—That said improvement
will be made along and in front of
the following described property
which w1l be effected by said im-
provement and which will be included
within the improvement district here-
in created and limited to such prop-
erty for the purpose of assessment
as hereinafter provided, to -wit:
Lots 1 to 24 inclusive, Block No.
1, Gephart Addition.
All of the above property being
situated and lying within the City
of Edmonds, Snohomish County, State
of Washington.
Section 3—That the cost of said
improvement on said elleys shall be
assessed against the property abo•.-e
described and against all lots, tracts,
1 and parcels of property lying and be -
ling within the improvement district
thereinafter created in proportion to
!the benefits derived therefrom as
provided by the ordinances of the
City of Edmonds and the laws of the
State of Washington.
Section 4—That the mode of pay-
ment shall be under the "Payment by
Bond" plan by which plan bonds of
said district shall be issued payable
in ten (10) equal annual payments
or installments with interest at the
rate of eight per cent per annum.
Section 5.—That the estimated cost
of said improvement is the sum of
IOne thousand and seventy-seven
no-100ths ($1077.00.) dollars.
Section 6.—That there is hereby
Icreated a local improvement district
to be designated and known as "Lo-
cal Improvement District No. 26,"
which shall include all the property
hereinbefore described.
Section 7.—That there is hereby
created a local improvement fund to
be known and designated as "Local
Improvement District Fund No. 26."
/ Secton 8—
That said improvement shall be
made under the direction of the City
Council and the City Engineer and
in accordance with the plans and
ORDINANCE NO. 319. specifications now on file with the
AN ORDINANCE ordering the im- City Clerk of the City of Edmonds.
provement of Alley 120 feet south Section 9—The bonds to be is -
of Main Street from Second Street sued as hereinbefore provided may
to Third Street; also alley between be delivered and sold to the contract -
Second Street and Third Street or doing the work of such improve_
from James Street to alley 120 ment in payment of his services
feet south of Main Street; in the or they may be sold by the City
following manner: Clerk at private sale, provided, how -
By constructing thereon a lateral ever, that the returns from the sale
,sewer system in and upon said alleys, of said bonds must net the par value
'in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish of the same plus accrued interest and
County, Washington; also by con- the proceeds thereof shall be applied
structing thereon inlets, catch basins, in payment of the costs and expenses
.man holes, lamp holes and doing such Of said improvement.
,other work as may be necessary in Section 10.—That the special as -
connection therewith, all in accord- sessments to be levied as hereinbefore
ante with and pursuant to Resolution described shall be payable in ten
of Intention No. 32, passed by the (10) equal annual installments, with
City Council of the City of Edmonds, interest at the rate of eight per
on the 21st day of June, 1921; treat- cent per annum, and such install-
ing a local improvement_ district for ments shall be collected in the man -
said improvement and providing that ner provided by the general ordin-
the payment therefor shall be by the antes of the City of Edmonds and
"Payment by Bond" plan: the laws of the State of Washing -
BE IT ORDAINED by the City ton.
Council of the City of Edmonds, Sno- Section 11.—This ordinance shall
,homish County, State of Washington, take effect and be in full force and
a's follows: effect from and after its passage
Section 1.—That Alley 120 feet by the City Council of the City of
south of Main Street from Second Edmonds, its approval by the mayor
Street to Third Street; also alley ; and its publication according to law.
'between Second Street and Third I Passed by the City Council of the
Street from James Street to alley i City of Edmonds in regular session
I120 feet south of Main Street, in the ithis 6th day of September, 1921, and
City of Edmonds,_ Snohomish County, approved by me on the same date.
Washington, be improved by con- F. R. BEESON,
strutting thereon a lateral sewer sys- Mayor.
tem in and upon said streets and (Seal of the City of Edmonds)
alleys; also by constructing thereon Attest:—GEO. M. LEYDA
inlets, catch basins, man holes, lamp City Clerk.
holes, and doing such other work as I HEREBY CERTIFY that the
may be necessary in connection there- foregoing ordinance is a true and
with, in accordance with plans al.d correct copy of the original as pass -
specifications now on file in the of- ' ed by the City Council of the City
fice of the City Clerk of the City ; of Edmonds Qn the 6th day of Sept -
of Edmonds, said plans and specifi- ember, 1921.
cations having been approved by the ( GEO. M. LEYDA,
City "Council of the City of Ed- City Clerk.
monds on the 16th day of August,' (Seal of the City of Edmonds)
1921, and pursuant to Resolution of First publication September 16, 1921.
e Q hereby
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ORDINANCE NO. 320, 1 which shall include all the property
AN ORDINANCE ordering the im- hereinbefore described.
provement of Fifth Street from I Section 7.—That there is hereby
Dayton Street to alley north of , created a local improvement fund to
Main Street; thence East along be known and designated as "Local
said alley from Fifth Street to Improvement District Fund No. 27."
Seventh Street; in the following Section 8—That said improvement
manner: i shall be made under the direction of
By constructing thereon a lateral.the the City Council and the City En -
sewer system in and upon said streets , gineer and in accordance with the
and alleys, in the City of Edmonds, ; plans and specifications now on file
Snohomish County, Washington; also 'with the City Clerk of the City of
by constructing thereon inlets, catch Edmonds.
basins, man holes, lamp holes and Section 9.—The bonds to be is -
doing such other work as may be sued as hereinbefore provided may be;
necessary -n connection therewith, all delivered and sold to the contractor
in accordance with and pursuant to I doing the work of such improvement
Resolution of Intention No. 33, passed in payment of his services or they
by the City Coucil of the City of may be sold by the City Clerk at
Edmonds, on the 21st day of June (private sale, provided however, that
1921; creating a local improvementithe returns from the sale of said
district for said improvement and I bonds must net the. par value of the
providing that the payment therefor I same plus accrued interest and the
shall be %: the "Payment by Bond" proceeds thereof shall be applied in
plan: payment of the . costs and expenses
BE IT ORDAINED by the City of said improvement.
'Council of the Uty of Edmonds, Section 10.—That the special as -
Snohomish County, State of Wash- sessments to be levied as hereinbefore
ington, as follows: described shall be payable in ten (10)
Section 1.—That Fifth Street from equal annual installments with in -
Dayton Street to alley north of Main terest at the rate of eight per cent
Street; thence East along said alley per annum, „ and such installments
from Fifth Street to Seventh Street; shall be collected in the manner gro-
in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish vided by the general ordinances of
County, Washington, be improved by the City of Edmonds and the laws
constructing thereon a lateral sewer of the State of Washington.
syystem in and upon said streets and I Section 11.—This ordinance shall
alleys;, also by constructing thereon take effect and be in full force "and
inlets, catch basins, manholes, lamp effect from and after its passage by
holes, and doing such other work as the City Council of the City of Ed -
may be necessary in connection there- monds, its approval by the mayor and
with, in accordance with plans and its publication according to law.
specification now on file in the of- passed by the City Council of the
fice of the City Clerk of the City i City of Edmonds in regular less on;
of Edmonds, said plans and spec- this 6th day of September, 1921, and i
if -cations having been approved by approved by me on the same date. i
the City Council of the City of Ed- F. R. BEESON,
monds on the 16th day of August Mayor.
1921, and pursuant to Resolution of (Seal of the City of Edmonds)
Intention No. 33, passed by the City Attest:--GEO. M. LEYDA,
Council of the City of Edmonds on City Clerk.
the 21st day of June, 1921. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the
Section 2—That said improvement fore -going ordinance is a true and
will be made along and in front of 1 correct copy of the original as passed
the following described property by the City Council of the City of
which will be effected by said im- Edmonds on the 6th day of Septem-
pi4ovement and which will be included ber, 1921.
within the improvement district here- GEO. M. LEYDA
in created and limited to such prop- City Clerk.
erty for the purpose of assessment (Seal of the City of Edmonds)
as hereinafter provided, to -wit: First publication September 16, 1921
Lots 1 to 40 inclusive, Block No.
98, City of Edmonds Addition.
Lots 1 to 33 inclusive, Block No. p
D, City of Edmonds Addition.
All of the above property being s
situated and lying within the Citv of u
Edmonds. Snohomish Co mty, State F
of Washington.
Section 3—That the cost of said F
improvement on sa°d Fifth Street and , a
alley shall be assessed against the I s
property above described and against o
all lots, tracts and parcels of proper- r
lying and being within the im- e
provement district hereinafter createdIF ,
in propor ion to the benefits derived T
therefrom as provided by the ordinan-
ces of the City of Edmonds and the ;
laws of the State of Washington.
Section 4—That the mode of pay- ;
ment shall be under the "Payment by
Bond" plan by which plan bonds of
said district shall be issued pay-
able in ten (10) equal annual pay-
ments or installments with interest_
'at the rate of 8 per cent per annum.l
Section 5.—That the estimated cost N P
of said improvement is the sum of
Thirty-five hundred and eighty-seven
and 35-100ths ($3587.35) dollars.
Section 6—That there is hereby I \�
created a local improvement district
to be designated and known as "Lo-
cal Improvement District No. 27,"