Ordinance 0321215
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will be made along and in I front fthe following described property
which will be affected by such im-
provement and which will be includ-
ed within the improvement district
herein created and limited to such
property for the purpose of assess-
ment as hereinafter provided to -wit:
Lots 1 to 40, inclusive, Block No.,
94, City of Edmonds Addition.
Lots 21 to 40, inclusive, Block No. 1
195, City of Edmonds Addition.
Lots 21 to 23 inclusive, Block No.:
] 22 City of Edmonds Addition.
Lots 18 to 20, inclusive, Block No.
123, City of Edmonds Addition.
93L City of Edmonds inclusive, 20 No.
Edm ndsAddittion.
—all of the above property being
situated and lying within the Cis Of
Edmonds, Snohomish County,
of Washington."
s ordinance shall
Section 2.—Thi
take effect -and be in full force
effect from and after its p
by the City Council o the City
yo Of
Edmonds, its approval by to law.;.
and its publication according
Passed by .the City Council of the
Snohomish County Washingon, as fol- City of Edmonds in regular session,
ORDINANCE NO. 321. this 1st day of November, 1921, and
AN ORDINANCE amending Sec- lows: the City Council of the City of
tien two (2) of Ordinance No. Three Section cei.—That section two ev me the same date.
hundred seventeen (317), of the City of Ordinance No. three hundred Ed- by roved by F R. BEEte.
of Edmonds which ordinance passed enteen (317), of the City of Ed- approved
the City Council of theof ity Of E` monusber, passed theSON
sCity tCouncii cof said City
1921, on the signed
by the mayor of Edmonds on the 6th day of Sept -
on s and was sign ember, 1921 be and the same hereby
on same date. the Cityis
Council of the City of Edmonds, "amended to read as follows:
Section 2: That said improvement
'sealed bids will be received by the��
undersigned clerk of the City of
Edmonds, Snohomish County, Wash-
ington, up to and not later than 8
p. in. on Tuesday, October 4, 1921,
at the office of the undersigned in
raid city for -the general contract
f. installing a lateral sewer system
the City of Edmonds as authoriz-
ed by Ordinance No. 316 and in ac-
-ordance with the plans and spec-
ifications prepared for the same by
F. G. Tegtmeier, engineer.
Plans and specifications may be
seen and examined at the office of
the undersigned clerk at Edmonds,
Washington, or obtained from F. G.
Tegtmeier, engineer, at Everett,
j Each bid shall be accompanied by
a certified check in the sum of five
per cent of the amount bid to insure
the good faith of the bidder and in
the event of the acceptance of the
same an approved surety bond in thef
penal sum of the amount of the bid
shall be furnished by the successful
bidder to insure the proper and suc-
cessful completion of the work.
The Mayor and City Council of
Lhe City of Edmonds reserves the
right to reject any -and all bids.
i City Clerk of Edmonds,
Edmonds Wash.'
sealed bids will be r;ceived by the,
undersigned clerk of the City of
Edmonds, Snohomish County, Wash -I
ington, up to and not later than 8
ip. in. on Tuesday, -October 4, 1921.,
at the office of the undersigned in
said city for the general contract
of installing a lateral sewer system
in the City of Edmonds as authoriz-
ed by Ordinance No. 317 and in ac-
cordance with the plans and spec-
ifications prepared for the same by
1 F. G. Tegtmeier, engineer.
�Plans and specifications may be
seen and examined at the office of
the undersigned clerk at Edmonds,
I Washington, or obtained ,from F. G. `
Tegtmeier, engineer, at Everett, }
Washington. {
Each bid shall be accompanied by
a certified check in the sum of five
per cent of the amount bid to insure
the good faith of the bidder and in
the event of the acceptance of the
same an approved surety bond in the
penal sum of the amount of the bid
shall be furnished by the successful
bidder to insure the proper and suc-
cessful completion of the work.
The Mayor and City Council of
the City of Edmonds reserves the'
right to reject any and all bids.
C'ty Clerk of Edmonds,
Edmonds, Wash.
Attest: LEYDA
GEO. M City Clerk.
(Seal of the City of Edmonds)
�rJ7/mil • i� V .
rosted accc-"!1
x4 9�
,and entitle'. "An Ordi;ance �v/'U3��
assessment, a local improvement dis-
/ triet shall be established embracing
as nearly as possible all of the prop-
erty specially benefitted by such im-
provement, and such property shall
ibe assessed to cover the cost of such
RESOLUTION No. 35 Section 3—All persons who may
wish to enter protests against the
A RESOLUTION declaring the in- improvement mentioned in this res-
tention of the City Council of the olution are hereby notified to appear
City of Edmonds to improve ,Fifth in the council chambers in the city
Street in said city, by constructing! hall in said City of Edmonds, at a
' 5-foot sidewalks on both sides of meeting of the council to be held
Fifth Street from Bell Street to the on the 6th day of December, 1921,
south City Limits with an additional at the hour of 8 p. in. of said day,
5-foot sidewalk from Main Street to then and there to present their ob-
alley 110 feet south of Main Street jections thereto, if any thev have.
ion the east side; concrete curb and Section 4.—The City Engineer of
gutter from Bell Street to Dayton said City of Edmonds is hereby di-
e I Street on both sides, together with rected to submit to the council at
Itbe necessary grading. draining, con- or prior to said 6th day of Decem--
,l crete cross walks making tRe old ber, 1921 a statement of the estimat-
work conform to the new, and doing ed cost and expense of the improve -
such other work as may be necessary ment above mentioned ,and a state-
r in connection therewith. ment of the proportionate amount
BE IT RESOLVED by the City thereof, and a statement of the ag-
1 Council of the City of .Edmonds: ggregate value of the real estate,
Section 1—That it is the intention exclusive of improvements within
of the City Council of the C4ty of the proposed district, according to
1Fdmonds, Washington, to improve,the valuation last placed upon it for
Fifth Street in said City by con- general taxation, together with a
strutting 5-foot sidewalks on both diagram or print, showing thereon
sides of Fifth Street from Bell the tracts, lots, or parcels of land
Street to the south City Limits with ! or other property which will be spec -
an additional 5-foot sidewalk from ially benefitted thereby, and the
Main Street to alley 110 feet south estimated amount of the cost and ex -
of Main street on the' east side: pense of such improvement to be
concrete curb and gutter from Bell borne by each lot, tract or parcel of
Street to Dayton Street on both ! laid or other property.
sides together with the necessary Passed by the council this 1;t day
grading, drain ng, concrete crosswalks, of November 1921, and approved by
making the, old work conform to the me the same date.
new and doing such other work as F. R BEESON
may be necessary in connection Mayor.
therewith. Attest.
Section 2.—That the payment for GEO. M. LEYDA
the improvement herein mentioned City Clerk.
shall be made in whole by special (Seal of the City of Edmonds)
sealed bids will be received of the
Ed -
Edmonds, ds, Snohomishthe
Coun y, Wash -
lington, °pTuesday, October later to and not 4,h1921
p, m. on ed in
,lit the office of the d ri contract
said cite for the general
of installing a lateral sewer system
a]► the City. of Edmon s as 318 and tho"z -
ed by Ordinance No.lans and spec-
rordance with the p
ifications prepared for the same by
F. G. Tegtmeier, engineer.
Plans and specifications may be
e of
seen and examined at ate Efdfxnonds,
the undersigned cle�k
Washingtoor obtained at
n, Everett,
Tegtmeier, engineer,
Each bid shall be accompaniiedf b e
a certified check in the sum
per cent of the amount bid to insure
the good faith of the t ante ofdder din
Ithe event of the a,
I same an approved surety bond in the
penal suthe bid
m of the amount e °Successful .
shall be furnished by 1 proper and sue -
re bidder to m letionlrof pthe work.
Icessful com or and City Council 01
The Mayor EX reserves they
the City and all bids.
right to reject — M. LEYDA,
City C1 Eke Edmond
sd W asl
sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned clerk of the City of Ed-
monds, Snohomish County, Washing-
ton, up to and not later than 8 P. in.
on Tuesday, October 4, 1921, at the
office of the undersigned in said
city for the general contract of in-
stalling a lateral sewer system in the
City of Edmonds as authorized by
Ordinance No. 320, and in accord-
ance with the plans and specifications
prepared.for the same by F. G. Tegt-
meier, engineer.
Plans and specifiactions may be
seen and examined -at the office of
the undersigned clerk at Edmonds,
.Washington, or obtained from F. G.
Tegtmeier, engineer, at Everett,
Each bid shall be accompanied by
a certified check in the sum of five
per cent of the amount of the bid
to insure the good faith of the bidder
and in the event of the acceptance
of the same an approved surety bond
in the penal sum of the amount of
the bid shall be furnished by the
successful bidder to insure the proper
and successful completion of the
The Mayor and City Council of
the City of Edmonds reserve the
right to reject ll bids.
GEO.. M.and aLEYDA,
City Clerk of Edmonds,
Edmonds, Wash.