Ordinance 032622
An ordinance ordering the improve-
r.cnt of the alley running through
Block "H" .from Yourth Strect to
Sixth Street, also Fourth Street from
Edmonds Street to alley in Block "H"
in the City of Edmonds, Washington,
by constructing thereon a lateral
sewer system; also by constructing
thereon inlets, catchbasins, man -holes,
lamp -holes, and doing such other
work as may be necessary in connec-
tion therewith, all in accordance with,
and pursuant to Resolution of In-
tention No. 36, passed by,the City
Council of the City of Edmonds on
the 6th day of December, 1921; cre-
ating a local improvement district
for said improvement and providing
that the payment therefor shall be
by the payment by bond plan:
BE IT ORDAINED by the City
Council of the City of Edmonds,
Washington. as follows:
Section 1. That the alley running
through Block "H", from Fourth
Street to Sixth Street, also Fourth
Street from Edmonds Street to allev
in Block "H", in the City of Ed-
monds, Washington, be improved by
constructing thereon a lateral sewer
system; also by constructing thereon
inlets, catch -basins, -man -holes, launp-
holes, and by doing such other work
as may be necessary in connection
therewith, in accordance- with plans
and specifications now on file in the
offie-e of the city clerk of the City
of Edmonds, and pursuant to Resolu-
tion of Intention No. 36, passed by
the City Council of the City of
Edmonds, on the 6th day of De-
cember, 1921.
Section 2. That said improvement
will be made along and in front of
the following described property
which will be effected by said im-
provement and which will be included
within the improvement district here-
in created and limited to such prop-
erty for the purpgse of assessment as
hereinafter provided, to -wit: All of
Block "H", Plat of Edmonds.
All of the above property being
�lituat-d and lying within the City
of Edmonds, Snohomish County,
St-te of `Vashington.
Section 3. That the cost of said
improvement on said alley and street
shall be assessed against the property
above described and against all lots,
tracts, and parcels of property lying
and being within 'the improvement
district hereinafter created in pro-
portion to the benefits derived there-
from as provided by the ordinances
of the City of Edmonds and the laws
of the State of Washington.
Section d_. That the mode of pay-
ment shall be under the "Payment by
Bond" plan by which plan bonds of
said district shall be issued payable
in ten (10) equal annual payments or
installments with interest at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum.
Section 5. That the estimated cost
of said improvement is the sum of
one thousand two hundred and sev-
enty-eight 50-100 ($1.278.50) dollars.
I Section 6. That there is hereby
created a local improvement district
to be designated and known as "Lo-
cal Improvement District No. 30,"
which shall include all the property
hereinbefore described.
Section 7. That there is hereby
created a local improvement fund to
be known and designated as "Local
Improvement District Fund No. 30."
Section 8. That said improvement
shall be made under the direction of
the City Council and the City En-
gineer and in accordance with the
plans and specifications now on file
with the City Clerk of the City of
Section 9. The bonds to be issued
as hereinbefore provided may be de-
livered and sold to the contractor
doing the work of such improvement
in payment of his services or they
may be sold by the Citv Clerk at
private sale, provided however, that
the returns from the sale of said
bonds must net the par value of the
same plus accrued interest and the
proceeds thereof shall be applied in
payment of the costs and expenses
of said improvement.
Section 10. That the special as-
sessments to be levied as herein -
before described shall be payable in
10 equal annual installments with
interest at the rate of 8 per cent
per . annum, and such installments
shall be collected in the manner pro-
vided by the general ordinances of
the City of Edmonds and the laws
I of the State of Washington.
Section 11. This ordinance shall
take effect and be in Tull force and
effect from and after its passage by
the City Council of the City of Ed-
monds, its approval by the mayor
and its publication according to laws
i 7
Passed by the City Council of the
City of Edmonds in regular cession,
this 7th day of February, 1922, anci
i approved by me on the same date.
Attest': Mayor
An ordinance approving and con -
City, Clerk.
firming the assessment and assess -
I hereby certify that the foregoing
ment roll of Local Improvement Dis-
ordinance is a true and correct copy
trio No. 23 for the improvement of:
of the original as passed by the City
Council of the City of -Edmonds on I
Edmonds Street from Second Street
to Alley west of Second Street; alley
the 7th day of February, 1922.
-west of Second' Street- from Bell
Street to a point 240 feet north of
City Clerk.
Edmonds Street. Also Bell Street I
First publication February 10,
from Second Street to alley west of
Second Street,
cinder Ordinance No. 316 and levying
and assessing the amounts thereof
against the several lots tracts,
parcels or land and other property,
as shown on said roll, establishing a
Local Improvement Fund.
act C'•-
Be It Ordained by the _City Council
of the City of Edmonds, as follows:
Section 1. That the assessment
anti assessment roll of Local Im-
provernent District No. 23, for the
_ osted acts-,'
•\ improvement of:
• Edmonds street fror_i Second Street
�i o to alley west of Second Street; alley
<ind en" d " `_ i U; c:i.,aitc_ of Second street from Bell street
to a point 240 feet north of Edmonds
n�jA r4
Street; also Bell Street from Second
Street to alley west of Second Street.
all in the City of Edmonds. Snoho-
mish County, Washington, by con
strutting sewers, together with ap-
purtenances necessary for the proper
01DINANCI NO. 32b3
sewerage and drainage of said
An ordinance rp_:rovi-n- and con-
trio tinder Ordinance No.' 316 as the
firming the assessment' and assess-
men' roll of Local Improvement Dis-
same now stands, be and the same
is. hereby in all things approved
trig i-�'o. 22 for tie impiovernent of:
and confirmed.
i Street from Daley Stree-c to
Section 2. That each of the lots,
alie r-oilli of Daley Street; thence
tracts and parcels of land and other
east cn i.ii3y from Sixth bt,cet to
property shown tenon said roll is here-
Scve;ii.a : t cat•
by declared to be especially bene-
u:idi2: Ordinance No. 315 and levy-
fitted 'bv said improvement, in at
in,- :.nd assessing the amounts there-
least the amount charged against the
ai against the several lots, tracts,
e,atne. and that the assessment ap-
_and hai•cels of land and other proper-
pearirg against tie Name is in pro-
ty, as shown on said roll, establish-
portion to the several :assessments
in; a Local improvement Fund.
appearmr; upon said roll. There i-
Be it Ordained by the City Council
hereby levied against each such lot,
o_� ,he "City or Edmonds, as follows:
tract or parcel of land and other
Section 1. That the. assessment
property appearing upon such roll,
and a: sessment roll of Local I:n-
the amount finally charged against
pro,�ement District No. 22, for the
the same thereon.
Section 3. Tbnt for the purpose of
improvement of:
Saxon Street from Daley street to
this improw-pent, there is herebv
alley north of Daley Street; thence
created and established a special
ea, t on said alley from Sixth Street
Fund to be called Local Improvement
to a:th Street.
Fund, District No. 23.
all 11 c,.e k�.ty of Edmonds, Snoho-
Section 4. This Ordinance shall
uiiirlu County, WasAmigton, by con-
take effect and 'be in full fore^ and
str :ct ng sewers, togemer with ap-
effect from and after its passage
pul--L :112.uces necessary Tor the proper
by the City Council of the , City of
sei enage and drainage of said dis-
Edmond:, its approval by the mayor
trict under Ordinance No. 315, as the
and its publication according to law.
same now stands, be and the same
Passed by the City Council of the
nc,x is, hereby in all things approved
City of Edmonds this, 21 Jay of
and cc :firmed.
February, 1922, and approved by me
t n 2 That each of the lots,
the same date.
tr_'.cts and parcels of land and other
property shown upon said roll is here-
i • declared to be especially beiue-
fitted by said improvement, in at
least then amount charged against the
same, and that the assessment ap-
pearing against the same is in pro-
portion to the several assessments
appew ing upon said roll. There is
hereby levied against each such lot,
tract or parcel of land and other
property appearing upon such roll,
the amount finally charged against
the same thereon.
Section 3. That for the purpose of
this improvement, there . is hereby
created and established, a. special
Fund to be called Local Improvement
Fund District No. 22.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall
take effect and be in full force an-1
effect from and after its passage
by the City Council of the City of
Edmonds, its approval by the mayor
and its publication according to law.
Passed by the City Council of the
City of Edmonds tlai;; 21 day of
February, 1922, and approved by me
the ,,ame date.
City Clerk
C. L�
. Mayor
City Clerk -
'm7rcct cc1