Ordinance 0327-An ordinanoe approving and confirming; the as: esxmsnt ana
assessment rol! of Local improvement Diatrict ro P-3 for the i a,arovi-
merit of
Edmonds Street from Second Street to Alley west of Second[ Street;
alley west of Second Street from Bell Street to a point 240 feet
north of Edmonds Street. also Bell Street from Second Street to
alley west of Second Street.
a:rA er OrAinance ro a.nd levy in& anti wsbessing the arlount�, i�9 �•eo
a`,1&iUst the several lots, "traats," and p%rtvl-s- cf Julia �wntj. otji:e.^
" iro ert . n C hown on said roll, esiwuli*4 a Local xm�+,rovemont
l Lind .
C T 7
�. .1�. J, as follows:
DU ?;
—*AGX,_MT T•"'In j f?,-r�.�wn-'+��� 'TTO,' I UC • '".eve ecr ?
ero- c ctia.. l . oat this a,as*nsftent ana satesswent rell of Lo^al
x!at, X.oJoTeUR
Edmonds street from Second Street to alley west of Second Street;
alley west of Second Street from ;yell Street to a point 240 feet
North of Edmonds Street; also Bell"street from Second Street to alley
west of,Second. Street.
:10 !.UOI feA8adMI
eq} an . 01 1' TTa�RlQ '�UOM'OAOJa ,ZI IToc^, xo Tta.r Iue=aee+ v
Jue*taetss e1qj RUTMZT;Boo pnw PUTAOJ61V OvaTUzp,ra liv,
. oN 6cavuSwo
all in tho - ity of 14MAN"'O 3u4hQ*L4h cowttzrr SM9~0al, *Wy aeastrust-
tor vios
&ad drains" of auld ILL-, as tia
G&W. SM VtOnASI, be MA th* sum* now Is,, heroby a,pprov*d''
30"ttea 20 ""that Oaab of the 10taw trioato UU4 4a Oexs of., land 04 O"Wr
provo,tv,v ustown u4aa sai" r9ii is nor*by doeur,@A to ttta oupoololly
,enovittiii at issat tLo wmwins 44OW444 1�6�lust
th* uppourtfie'tho am* La is proportion
tO t4* **TOMI K*0*d*AA#AIF#-4
levied u-4,s.lasi #46h buoh lot$ %rhat or qa"*l of IAJ.4 Sua Gurp't
A.�" 'Aaah rQUo Abe *M=t :CL"Ily Obarged 040ttmn
xto A
--fation a* Mat for '04 to
ai-qat44 444.
Picial kuA to �* cmlloti
ghall finks affoot and be In full tarot and off
eat froz,- zr-d k..Jur its asoasp by th* {.atj n. nail of 4-to
its the ma;cr sal Its
tho sr' of ama:144 th-46
day of vt anA a�)proa b.
A.Y. 00 r
City Olorke