Ordinance 0328ORDIN'c';-CE - 41, lin ordinance a-pprovin-, an! confirming the.�Asesument ani acsassml,nt roll of Local Iqorovement District NO r the imorove- M out Alder Street from 90 feet west of Sixth L;ti:-eet to seventh Street; also Alder S+ 1:.eet to 1.i,lalsutu street through 3lock 94 One hundred eighty feet east of Sixth Street; also V�alnut Street from Sixth Street to Seventh street. under ordinance No� and. 1�vyin,; "d assczainZ tk-,* amounts thereof against the Several lots, tract--,:,,, and para�_,ls of land and other property, as shown on said roll-, establishing a Local la, _rovement Fund. WaA ISTYL44 0'"d *ad*aa. the &Sao=%& ,'*UP rTr-f'T'rr-P "'Or 7-n r BE IT CRDAINED BY TiEZ CITY CO IL 4' TbjCITYD*~* OF WIF9 as r 9A; Otanff'O nIATT fl� _ #QU ;�141 MOLMS I as lollov.s: I P& eta �4otion 1. That the aaseszm64 CL t 9 4,99 ;occll _EPIM MT�; # IkDrovement District 'Airo 24 for the improvement of: Alser'strut from 90 feet west of Sixth Street to Seventh Street; also gilder S+reet to tiaalsut Strut through 3lock ninety lour 160 feet Vast of Sixth street. _kyCCTVMTl1nu`t _-.treat frtm Efixth street to Seventh jj J 6 k; G 'a;Jq luzX, LOTT 01 -LOCIT rwbL0A*'-V0V* DTS.PT-TC; to T JOL ;IYO jMbLOARTOU; M cr. 7"TUMG4 9n'LOLTTTt WVC1 *GVZTLWTU'R $90 W68028TOW uIrg 0"M11TICE No 0 all 1,11 ths itly 01 GwAnty, Oy 80"traot. so-aelvz, toGetliar w1u, a.)qart*mu*** t2lo �ro...-Or "wora�.,e an& druina, of said distvtot u,,Aor (mair*A40 o as the Suft UOV St be and the w,pie -now is, horeby in,,sij thini---a &Ppr*v*d 104tion Z. That ebab 0�2 th* IQUI, Zruwts Sn!j pSxOO:L* 0-, Ictua W.1d Othor A. is her*by dealax,*A, to be guo0olvilly �,anofito4 by a4id Imimovemat, in at ,,,mQuxjt the z3;4�%#s and that u.a aseegaaeut 4th,# sea,$ in in orojortion tO Us BOV*r*l air SOWW"Uts appearing uoou amid tulle 'Tbors is tcec.'y levied aft" "Oh 8U*b lot,, tr"'Vor Ora of laid Ani otrier property u,pov"u,,; U,Qjj guoli %be wltouut finally Chargt4 ttainst be IU* for Us ur,ou* of tbA'# &W"Tft*nt,, tUoro In laoracg ort p at a1 k to 2 u 4 �1, 4.P0,01al I'lund to ila* 44116a 1.4cal Duproveswit uni, Die trLot, rio4-,, 300tion 4, This be in J-U! from and afZ*r Ita ,�,%OSOV by *be 01ty -ouncil of *-r its er rer 1 by, titia muIfor uncl Its pubIlioution to law., ' i: &$aori 'by the i:ity Council i:�t tbo � t t O;L day of kobvaur;j, V. ZZ, and u)prOvci 4y 00 t1*4 4446 aat*, TTX.