Ordinance 1454AN ORDIidP CF P%DORTINC THE FINPL FUDGFT OF TGIF CITY OF EDMONDS, FOR THR FISCAL YEAR. C01114ENCING JA.NUP-.RY 1, 1971. TTHEPEA.S, on or before the first business day in the third month prior to the hPginning of January 1, 1970, the city clerl- and the city supervisor submitted to the mayor the proposed preliminary budget as required by lac,,T, and T°1-IIEPEA.S, the mayor reviewed the preliminary budget malting such revisions- and/or ad.611tions as deemed advisable and Prior to €O days before January 1, 1970 filed the said revised prelim.inary budget with the city clerk as his recorinendation for the final budget, and WHER ..A.S , the ci tv clergy- provided sufficient copies of such preliminary 'rJudget and budget message and published and posted notice of filing and availability of said preliminary budget together with the date of public hearing for the purpose of fixing a final budget, all as required by law, and ?°?HFREAS, the City Council scheduled hearings on the preliminary budget for the purpose of providing information regarding estimates and programs, and IHEREAS the City Council did meet on the first day of the month next preceding the beginning of the ensuing fiscal near for the purpose of fixing the final budget at which hearing all taxpayers were heard who appeared for or against any part of said budget, the hearing having been continued, and ^7_' ?RFA.S, following the conclusion of said recessed hearing the City Council made such adoptions and changes as it deemed necessary and proper, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or, EDMONDS, WA.SHINGTON DO ORt'A.I27 AS FOLLO M Section 1. The final budget for the fiscal year 1970 be and the same hereby is adopted. and by this re- ference the same is hereby incorporated herein as if set forth in full. Section 2. Attached hereto 7n summary form are set forth the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined, and by this reference the same is incorporated herein as if set forth in full.' Section 3. A complete copy of the final budget as adopted together Y,aith a copy of this adopting ordinance shall be transmitted by the city clerk to the division of Municiral Corporations of the State Auditor and the Association of Washington Cities. APPROVED: �J H. H. HARRISON MAYOR. ATTEST: CITY CLEM, PASSED BY THE CITY COU17CIL: December_ 1969 FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: December 19-69 PUBLISHED: December 10, 1969 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS SUMMARY BY FUNDS 1970 ESTIMATED REVENUES CURRENT EXPENSE FUND $ 1,150,844.96 FIREMENSI PENSION FUND 109,056.21 SPECIAL LIBRARY FUND 985.00 PARK ACQUISITION FUND 44,000.00 EQUIPMENT POOL FUND 151,808.05 STREET FUND 288,437.27 STREET ARTERIAL FUND 413,590.00 WATER & SEWER FUND 8437579.73 BOND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS - G.O. 128,739.75 TOTAL $ 3,131,040.97 APPROPRIATIONS BOND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS - G.O. $ 1287739.75 MAYOR & COUNCIL, 14,234.00 CITY SUPERVISOR 21,914.00 CITY CLERK 397818.00 CITY TREASURER 327681.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT 386,301.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT 132,518.00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 37,388.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 33,871.00 ENGINEER (CURRENT EXPENSE) 237658.00 LIBRARY 63,735.18 PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 158,731.57 ANIMAL CONTROL 33,414.00 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1,140.00 CITY ATTORNEY 147646.00 POLICE COURT 18,782.00 CIVIC CENTER 42,125.71 NON -DEPARTMENTAL 957887.50 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT 843,579.73 STREET DEPARTMENT 288,437.27 STREET ARTERIAL 413,590.00 EQUIPMENT POOL 151,808.05 FIREMENS' PENSION 109,056.21 PARK ACQUISITION 44,000.00 SPECIAL LIBRARY FUND 985.00 TOTAL $ 3,131,040.97