Ordinance 2526b WSS/naa 08/08/85 2526 R: 09/06/85 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE 21 BY THE ADDITION OF NEW SECTIONS 21.90.008 DEFINING SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS AND 21.105.015 DEFINING USABLE SATELLITE SIGNAL, AMENDING SECTION 16.20.050 RELATING TO ACCESSORY STRUCTURES TO ADD A NEW SUBSECTION (D) RELATING TO SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS WHICH PROVIDES FOR REGULATIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF SUCH ANTENNAS AND A PROVISION FOR WAIVER FROM SUCH PROVISIONS, AMENDING CHAPTER 16.30.040 RELATING TO THE EXCEPTIONS TO RM ZONE SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO PROVIDE FOR SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS, AMENDING SECTION 16.45.020 RELATING TO BN ZONE SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO PROVIDE FOR SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS, AMENDING SECTION 16.50.020 RELATING TO BC ZONE SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO PROVIDE FOR SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS, AMENDING SECTION 16.55.020 RELATING TO CW ZONE SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO PROVIDE FOR SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS, AMENDING SECTION 16.60.020 RELATING TO CG ZONE SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO PRO- VIDE FOR SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Washington, deems it to be in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare to regulate the installation and maintenance of satellite television antennas in order to preserve the aesthetic environment of the City of Edmonds, and WHEREAS, in so doing the Council wishes to preserve the First Amendment and other constitutional rights of individuals owning and wishing to purchase and install satellite television antennas by preserving the technological use of those antennas, now, therefore, FOLLOWS: THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS Section 1. Chapter 21.90 is hereby amended by the addition of a new section 21.90.010 relating to satellite television antennas to read as follows: 21.90.008 Satellite Television Antenna. A satellite television antenna is an apparatus capable of receiving communications from a transmitter or a transmitter relay located in planetory orbit. Section 2. Chapter 21.105 is hereby amended by the addition of a new section 21.105.015 relating to usable satellite signal to read as follows: 21.105.015 Usable Satellite Signal. A usable satellite signal is a satellite signal which when acquired by the use of a properly installed, maintained and operated satellite television antenna of a high quality readily available on the public market and when viewed on a conventional television set is at least equal in picture quality to that received from local commercial television stations or by way of cable television. Section 3. Section 16.20.050 relating to accessory buildings is hereby amended by the addition of a new subparagraph (D) relating to satellite television antennas to read as follows: 16.20.050 Accessory Structures. D. Satellite Television Antenna. The following regulations shall apply to the installation of a satellite television antenna: 1. General. Satellite television antennas must be installed and maintained in compliance with the Uniform Building and Electrical Codes as the same exist or hereafter amended. A building permit shall be required in order to install any such device. 2. Setbacks. In all zones subject to the provisions contained herein, a satellite television antenna shall be located only in the - 2 - rear yard of any lot. In the event that no usable satellite signal can be obtained in the rear lot location or in the event that no rear lot exists as in the case of a corner lot, satellite television antennas shall then be located in the side yard. In the event that a usable satellite signal cannot be obtained in either the rear or side yard, then a roof mounted location may be approved by the staff provided, however, that any roof mounted satellite antenna shall be in a color calculated to blend in with existing roof materials and, in the case of a parabolic, spherical or dish antenna shall not exceed nine (9) feet in diameter unless otherwise provided for by these ordinances. In no event shall any roof mounted satellite television antenna exceed the maximum height limitations established by these ordinances. 3. Aesthetic. Satellite television antennas shall be finished in a non -garish, non -reflective color and surface which shall blend into its surroundings. In the case of a parabolic, spherical or dish antenna, said antenna shall be of a mesh construction. 4. Size and height. Maximum size for a ground mounted parabolic, spherical or dish antenna shall be twelve (12) feet in diameter. No ground mounted antenna shall be greater than fifteen (15) feet in height unless otherwise approved for waiver as herein provided. Roof mounted satellite television antennas shall not exceed the lesser of the height of the antenna when mounted on a standard base provided by the manufacturer or installer for ordinary operation of the antenna or the height limitation provided by the zoning code. 5. Number. Only one satellite television antenna shall be permitted on any residential lot or parcel of land. In no case shall a satellite television antenna be permitted to be attached to a portable device for the purpose of relocating the entire antenna on the property in order to circumvent the intentions of this ordinance. 6. Technological impracticality: basis for waiver. In the event that the strict application of the provisions of this zoning code would make it impossible for satellite television antenna upon any lot in the City, to receive a usable satellite signal, or in the event that the property owner believes that alternatives exist which are less burdensome to adjacent property - 3 - owners, the property owner may make application to the Hearing Examiner for a waiver from these provisions. The Hearing Examiner may grant such a waiver upon findings that either: a. Technological impracticality: (1) Actual compliance with the existing provisions of the City's zoning ordinance would prevent the satellite television antenna from receiving a usable satellite signal, and (2) The alternatives proposed by the property owner constitute the minimum necessary to permit acquisition of a usable satellite signal by the satellite television antenna. In granting the waiver, the Hearing Examiner is ordered to impose such conditions as may be necessary to place the minimum burden on adjacent property owners, such conditions may include but are not limited to requirements for screening and landscaping, review of the color and reflectivity of the proposed satellite television antenna, and any other reasonable restriction consistent with the intent of the City Council that this waiver be used only as the minimum necessary to permit the satellite television antenna to acquire a usable satellite signal while preserving the aesthetic harmony of the community. In exercising the power herein granted, the Hearing Examiner is instructed to preserve the technical operation of the satellite television antenna in order that it may secure a usable satellite antenna while imposing such conditions as may be necessary to have that antenna blend into its surroundings. b. Less burdensome alternatives: The Hearing Examiner is also authorized to consider the application of property owners for waivers consistent with the provisions of subsection (a) above without requiring a finding that no usable satellite signal can be acquired when the applicant establishes that the alternatives proposed by the applicant are less burdensome to the abutting property owners than the requirements imposed by the provisions of this ordinance. - 4 - C. The application fee and notifiction for the consideration of the waiver shall be the same as that provided for processing a variance. d. In the event that an applicant for waiver is also obligated to obtain Architectural Design Review, the Architectural Design Board shall defer to the Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner may, at his/her discretion request Architectural Design Board review and comment in order that a required screening and landscaping may be integrated into site and landscaping plans. No additional fee shall be required of the applicant upon such referral. Section 4. Section 16.20.050 relating to RM zone site development standards is hereby amended by the addition of a new subsection (C) to rad as follows: C. Satellite Television Antenna. Satellite television antennas shall be regulated as set forth in Section 16.20.050 and reviewed by the Architectural Design Board. Section 5. Section 16.45.020 relating to BN site development standards is hereby amended by the addition of a new subsection (D) relating to satellite television antennas to read as follows: D. Satellite television antennas shall be regulated as set forth in Section 16.20.050, and reviewed by the Architectural Design Board. Section 6. Section 16.50.020 relating to BC site development standards is hereby amended by the addition of a new subsection (E) relating to satellite television antennas to read as follows: E. Satellite television antennas. Satellite television antennas shall be regulated as set forth in Section 16.20.050 and reviewed by the Architectural Design Board. - 5 - Section 7. Section 16.55.020 relating to CW site development standards is hereby amended by the addition of a new subsection (E) relating to satellite television antennas to read as follows: E. Satellite television antennas. Satellite television antennas shall be regulated as set forth in Section 16.20.050 and reviewed by the Architectural Design Board. Section 8. Section 16.60.020 relating to CG site development standards shall be amended by the addition of a new subsection (D) relating to satellite television antennas to read as follows: D. Satellite television antennas. Satellite television antennas shall be regulated as set forth in Section 16.20.050 except that roof mounted television antenna may be twelve (12) feet in diameter when approved by and following review by the Architectural Design Board. Section 8. This ordinance or a summary thereof consisting of the title, shall be published in the official newspaper of the City and shall take effect and be in full force five (5) days after the date of publication. APPROVED BY: Lam-4A, ktzz- MAYOR, LARRY G TEN ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: 9ITY CLERK, JACQUELINE G. PARRETT APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE Cl2Y ATTORNEY: m FILED WITH THE—CIT�;LERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: October 6, 1985 EFFECTIVE DATE: October 11, ORDINANCE NO. 2526 August 12, 1985 October 1, 1985 IMM — 7 — Affidavit ®f Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. COUNTY OF SNOHO:VISH, ORDINANCE NO. 2526 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASH- The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says INGTON, AMENDING TITLE N BY THE ADDITION OF. NEW SECTIONS �21.90.006' that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper h Y DEFINING SATELLITE TELEVISION ANTENNAS printed and published in the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, AND 21.105.015 DEFI.NING. USABLE SATELLITE SIG- NAL; AMENDING SECTION and State of Washington; that said newspaper is a newspaper of 16.20:050 RELATING TO AC- CESSORY STRUCTURES TO general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper ADD A NEW SUBSECTION (D) RELATING TO SATEL- has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior LITE TELEVISION ANTEN- NAS WHICH PROVIDES Court Snohomish County and that the notice REGULATIONSNSRREGARDRD -; of ........................................ ING THE INSTALLATION OF* SUCH ANTENNAS AND.A PROVISION FOR .WAIVER (ir.d_i.n'inX.eZ..` FROM SUCH PROVISIONS, ------ ------- .2--6........................................... AMENDING CHAPTER 16.30.040 RELATING TO THE EXCEPTIONSTO RM ZONE............................................................ ........................ ........... -...... ..................... SITE. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO PROVIDE FOR SATELLITE TELEVI- SION ANTENNAS, AMEND- ING 'SECTION 16.45.020 RE- LATING- --------------------------'-------------------------------...------------------------------------------------------------------ DVELTO BN ZONE SITE a printed co of which is hereunto attached was published in said DEVELOPMENT. STAND- P 1>Y o ARDS TO RPOVIDE FOR. SATELLITE TELEVISION: newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and ANTENNAS, AMENDING' SECTION 16.50.020 RELAT entire edition Of said paper on the following days and times, namely: ING TO BC TONE SITE -DE- VELOPMENT STANDARDS TO-PROVIDE`FOR SATEL- LITE TELEVISION ANTEN- October 6, 1985 NAS, AMENDING -SECTION 16.55.020 RELATING TO.CW ........................................... -.......................................................................................... ZONE SITE DEVELOPMENT - STANDARDS TO PROVIDE FOR SATELLITE TELEVI- SION ANTENNAS,. AMEND-. ........ ------.............................. •.............. ............. --- 1NG -SECTION .16.60,020. RE- LATING TO CG ZONE SITE and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers DEVELOPMENT.- STAND- ARDS TO PROVIDE FOR SATELLITE- TELEVISION during all of said period ANTENNAS AND FIXING A_ /7) TIME WHEN THE SAME ,} ) SHALL BECOME EFFEC- TIVE. The full text of the or- ----�- ---`-G/ .-i.G .C�..----------•----- 4 'J�-�i.-ram. ............ dinance willbe mailed to any- Principal Clerk one Upon. request. Published:, October 6, 1985. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ......................... day of-----------.F.1b e r.............. .� ..--------..., 19- - 5 . Notayc i�n and for the State of Washington, resi ind at Everett, Snohomish County. B-2-1