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Ordinance 1805
ORDINANCE NO. 1805 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE TABLE OF BULK AND DIMENSIONAL REQUIRE- MENTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS BY REDUCING THE ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHTS IN ALL RS ZONES. WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to published and posted notice and Planning Commission Resolution No. 480, called a public hearing and during said hearing determined it to be in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare to amend the Edmonds Zoning Ordinance as set forth below, and in reversing the Planning Commission, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: The table of bulk and dimensional requirements for single family residential districts contained in Section 12.13.050 of the Edmonds City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: TABLE OF BUILDING DIMENSIONAL REQUIRE14ENTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RS-20 Zone Minimum area: 20,000 square feet Lot size width: 100 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 25 feet Side: 17-1/2 feet Rear: 25 feet Maximum lot coverage: 20 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 RS-12 Zone Minimum area: 12,000 square feet Lot size width: 80 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 25 feet Side: 10 feet Rear: 25 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 RSW-12 Zone Minimum area: 12,000 square feet Lot size width: 80 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 15 feet Side: 10 feet Rear: 35 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 RS-8 Zone Minimum area: 8,000 square feet Lot size width: 70 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 25 feet Side: 7-1/2 feet Rear: 15 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 RS-6 Zone Minimum area: 6,000 square feet Lot size width: 60 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 20 feet Side: 5 feet Rear: 15 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 APPROVED: MAYOR, HARRISON ATTEST: CITY CLERK, IRETY VARNEY MORAN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: December 9, 1975 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: December 16, 1975 PUBLISHED: December 22, 1975 Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 RSW-12 Zone Minimum area: 12,000 square feet Lot size width: 80 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 15 feet Side: 10 feet IT OF PUBLICATION Rear: 35 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent STATE OF WASH] Maximum height: 25 feet, however COUNTY OF SNO the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a THOMAS J. ( slope of not less than 4 inches of i, on oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the EDMONDS TRIBUNE-REVIEV rise for each 12 inches of fun said newspaper is a legal newspaper and has been designated as such Minimum off-street parking by Court Order No. space per dwelling unit: 1 en for more than six months prior to the date of the publications herein- RS-8 Zone Minimum area: 8,000 square erred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly uKL)INANCE NO.1805 feet er in Snohomish County, Washington, and it is now and during all of Lot size width: 70 feet AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, Minimum yard sizes: was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication WASHINGTON, AMEND- Front: 25 feet ewspaper, and that it was of general circulation in said Snohomish Side: 7-1/2 feet ING THE TABLE OF BULK AND DIMENSION- Rear: 15 feet AL REQUIREMENTS FOR Maximum lot coverage: 35 r percent annexed is a true copy of a Ordinance do . 1805 SINGLE FAMILY RESy DISTRICTS �— Maximum height: 25 feet, REDUCING REDUCING THE ALLOW- W- however the roof may extend to ABLE BUILDING 30 feet provided that an published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said news - p any P g PP HEIGHTS IN ALL RS of the roof above 25 feet has a ,ce each week for a period of Oi1® gWe"UtbEe weep slope of not less than 4 inches of , ZONES. WHEREAS, the City Council rise for each 12 inches of run ,ing on the 2 1 ` day of DeceriNe r 19 pursuant to p published and Minimum off-street parking . space per dwelling unit: 1 ing on the day of 19—, posted notice and Planning Commission Resolution No. 480, RS-6 Zone es inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its called a public hearing and during said hearing determined Minimum area: 6,000 square feet ers during all of said period. That the fu��l'l amount of the fee charged it to be in the best interest of the Lot size width: feet oregoing publication is the sum of $ �� o, Q which amount has public health, safety and wel- fare to amend the Edmonds Minimum yard szes: , si Front: 20 feet id in full, at the rate of $ 2 • � �0 a hundred words for the first insertion Zoning Ordinance as set forth Side: 5 feet 0 5© Rear: 15 feet a hundred words for each subsequent insertion. below, and in reversing the Planning Commission, now, Maximum lot coverage: 35 Z therefore, percent THE CITY COUNCIL OF — Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to THE CITY OF EDMONDS, 30 feet provided that any portioned and sworn to before me this2 day of De c ,?r bn r 1 , DO ORDAIN AS FOINGTON,LLOWS: AS FOLLOWS: of the roof above 25 feet has a The table of bulk and dimen- slopeof not less than 4 inches of family Tamil requirements for singley residential districts con- risor each 12 inches of run off-street parking 'ublic in and for the State of Washington, residing at Edmonds, Wash. tained in Section 12.13.050 of the space ace per dwelling unit: 1 Edmonds City Code is hereby APPROVED: amended to read as follows: H. H. HARRISON TABLE OF BUILDING MAYOR, H. H. HARRISON DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ATTEST: IRENE VARNEY MORAN SINGLE FAMILY CITY CLERK, RTIALDISTRICTS IRENE VARNEY MORAN RS 2200 Zone one FILED WITH THE CITY Minimum area: 20,000 square CLERK: December 9, 1975PASSED feet BY THE CITY Lot size width: feet COUNCIL: December 16, 1975 Minimum yard sizes: z PUBLISHED: December 22, Front: 25 feet 1975 — 566 Side: 17-1/2 feet Rear: 25 feet Maximum lot coverage: 20 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 RS-12 Zone Minimum area: 12,000 square feet Lot size width: 80 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 25 feet Side: 10 feet Rear: 25 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 RSW-12 Zone Minimum area: 12,000 square feet Lot size width: 80 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 15 feet � Side: 10 feet Rear: 35 feet VIT OF PUBLICATION Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, STATE OF WAS] however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion COUNTY OF SN of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of THOMAS J. rise for each 12 inches of fun rn, on oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of the EDMONDS Minimum off-street parking TRIBUNE-REVII space per dwelling unit: 1 at said newspaper is a legal newspaper and has been designated as such by Court Order N RS-8 Zone >een for more than six months prior to the date of the publications herein - Minimum area: 8,000 square ux1)INANCE N0.1805 feet eferred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lot size width: feet sizes: ,per in Snohomish County, Washington, and it is now and during all of Minimum yard sizes: CITY OF EDMONDS, CITY TON, AMEND- WASHSide: Front: 25 feet ne was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication 7-1/2 feet ING THE TABLE OF Rear: 15 feet newspaper, and that it was of general circulation in said Snohomish BULK AND DIMENSION- Maximum lot coverage: 35 AL REQUIREMENTS FOR percent SINGLE FAMILY RESI- Maximum height: 25 feet, Le annexed is a true copy of a Ordinanr A No. 1805 DENTIAL DISTRICTS BY however the roof may extend to REDUCING THE ALLOW- 30 feet provided that any portion ABLE BUILDING of the roof above 25 feet has a as published in regular issues (and not in supplement form) of said news - HEIGHTS IN ALL RS slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run >nce each week for a period of One camouk3tt week/ WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to published C and p p Minimum off-street parking racing on the 22nd day of December 19 space per dwelling unit: 1 posted notice and Planning RS-6 Zone ding on the day of I 19-1 Commission Resolution No. 480, Minimum area: 6,000 square called a public hearing and feet Ltes inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its during said hearing determined it to be in the best interest of the Lot size width: 60 feet bers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged public health, safety and wel- Minimum yard sizes: Front: 20 feet foregoing publication is the sum of $ 15.40 , which amount has fare to amend the Edmonds Zoning Ordinance as set forth Side: 5 feet Lid in full, at the rate of $ Z + 00 a hundred words for the first insertion below, and in reversing the Rear: 15 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 0 50 a hundred words for each sub sequen insertion. Planning Commission, now, percent ' therefore, Maximum height: 25 feet, THE CITY COUNCIL OF however the roof may extend to ` THE CITY OF 30 feet provided that any portion N WASHINGTON, DOO ORDAIN RDAof the roof above 25 feet has a red and sworn to before me this day of T)A c emhe r 19'j�, AS FOLLOWS: The table of bulk and dimen- slope of not less than 4 inches of i rise for each 12 inches of run sional requirements for single Minimum off-street parking l districts � family residential districts con- space per dwelling unit: 1 Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Edmonds, Wash. tamil in Section of the APPROVED: Edmonds City Code is hereby H. H. HARRISON amended to read as follows: MAYOR, H. H. HARRISON TABLE OF BUILDING ATTEST: DIMENSIONAL INENE VARNEY MRRAN REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY CLERK, SINGLE FAMILY INENE VARNEY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS FILED WITH THHEE CITY j RS-20 Zone CLERK: December 9, 1975 Minimum area: 20,000 square PASSED BY THE CITY feet COUNCIL: December 16, 1975 Lot size width: 100 feet PUBLISHED: December 22, Minimum yard sizes: 1975 — 566 Front: 25 feet Side: 17-1/2 feet Rear: 25, feet Maximum lot coverage: 20 percent Maximum height: 25 feet, however the roof may extend to 30 feet provided that any portion of the roof above 25 feet has a slope of not less than 4 inches of rise for each 12 inches of run Minimum off-street parking space per dwelling unit: 1 PS-12 Zone Minimum area: 12,000 square feet Lot size width: 80 feet Minimum yard sizes: Front: 25 feet Side: 10 feet Rear: 25 feet Maximum lot coverage: 35 percent