Ordinance 1928ORDINANCE NO. _ /--=fJ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL STREET MAP ADOPTED BY SEC- TION 12.03.080 OF THE EDMONDS CITY CODE BY RE- DUCING THE DESIGNATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ON 218TH PLACE S.W. EAST OF 96TH AVENUE WEST FROM EIGHTY FEET TO SIXTY FEET. WHEREAS, pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 555, the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Washington, called a public hearing regarding the reduction of the designated right-of-way on 218th Place S.W. east of 96th Avenue West, from eighty feet to sixty feet, and WHEREAS, after due consideration of existing and future neighborhood and traffic conditions, the City Council finds the following amendment to be in the best interest of the general health, safety and welfare of the public and further finds that there are no significant adverse environmental impacts, all in accordance with Planning Commission Resolu- tion No. 555, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The official street map adopted by Section 12.03.080 of the Edmonds City Code, as amended, is hereby further amended to reduce the designated right-of-way on 218th Place S.W. east of 96th Avenue West from eighty feet to sixty feet as set forth in Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated in full by this reference, Page one and by amending Sheet 12, Section 25 of Engineer's Drawing No. 1.559 to conform with Exhibit A. Section 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to amend Reid Middleton and Associates Drawing No. 1.559, Sheet 12, Section 25 of the official street map of the City of Edmonds to depict revisions on said street map as directed in Section 1 hereinabove. APPROVED: MAYOR, H. H. HARRISON ATTEST: CITY CLERK, IRE VARNEY MORAN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: June 29, 1977 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: July 5, 1977 PUBLISHED: July 13, 1977 1928 Page two _ o 0 Q 0 2167 H ST. S .W. v, 60 13 9 :. 14 g 8 • -• 13 12 II 10 L . S.W: , I 0. —..1_22 5 Yf 217TH ST. S-W. 0 Qo -- - --- Q� 6 so 25 WESTGATE .. 24 I8 17 16 15 ' 3 23 _J 1980 14 2 2 I 21 20112 \ 3 218TH PLOS.`r!. VI(_iLAGE` I_ - ---- Z j� �, �` ` I 5 IC 2 1 I 20 -1 - - --- 1- -j: a_ 2 9lu i I I 12 3 � 8 i � C� �Q J-I 7 _. N 2-I9TH ST. S.W. �� TR 9 4 Q� I Ul BELL1N 89 f i11" I i 6 5 4 3 f lu x GARDENS� I U1 ^ 7 15 1- 1— - i f ' 2 !-- In 2 5 / 5 i n� I 24 �..�' eo 1e 3 I 4 I 1 --_a 2 o ----- --- — -- � � a� � l-� 2 1 3 1.4 1 2 rrnZ27.•b.'F''.^�r,L" -: z'0' .,Ws.7.7Jcr+.vt7a.L+ •T.n-.-;x ST-5- 77 AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL STREET MAR TO T WCLUDE 95 T"• AVC , 22:taT1'• ST., & .21 r"•ST, F�/ l//'i/ P.C. RES, NO. 555 DATE 413-77 ()RD. NO. 1928 DATE 7/5/77 SHT, NO. 12- OF OFFICIAL ": T, MAP R.M. DRVVG.I.SSO SCALC: I-=200' EXHIBIi'A" AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH THOMAS J. COAD, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the EDMONDS TRIBUNE -REVIEW, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and has been designated as such by Court Order No. 38282, and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications herein- after referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly ORDINANCE NO.1928 AN ORDINANCE OF THE and future neighborhood full by this reference, and Washington, and it is now and during all of and traffic conditions, CITY OF EDMONDS, the City Council finds the by amending Sheet 12, Sec - tion 25 of Engineer's Draw- naintained at the aforesaid place of publication WASHINGTON, AMEND- I N G THE OFFICIAL following amendment to be in the best interest the ing No. 1.559 to conform as of general circulation in said Snohomish STREET MAP ADOPTED BY SECTION 12.03.090 OF of general health, safety and with Exhibit A. Section 2. The City THE EDMONDS CITY BY welfare of the public and further finds that there Engineer is hereby a Ordinance No. 1928 REDUCING THE DES- IGNATED RIGHT are no significant adverse en- authorized and directed to amend Reid Middleton and -OF- WAY ON 218TH PLACE vironmental impacts, all in accordance with Planning Associates Drawing No. 'ues (and not in supplement form) of said news- 1.559, Sheet 12, Section 25 S.W. EAST OF 96TH AVENUE WEST FROM Commission Resolution No. 55, now therefore, of the official street map of iod of one XdxM=Xa week EIGHTY FEET TO SIXTY FEET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF the City of Edmonds to depict revisions on said lay of JU ly 19?7, THE CITY EDMONDS, street map as directed in WHEREAS, puruant to WASHINGTON, DO OR- lay of 19-1 Section 1 hereinabove. Planning Commission Resolution No. 555, the City DAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The official APPROVED: uch newspaper was regularly distributed to its Council of the City of Ed- street map adopted by Sec- /s/H. H. Harrison MAYOR, eriod. That the full amount of the fee charged monds, Washington, called blic hearing regarding tion 12.03.080 of the Ed- monds City Code, as H. H. Harrison he sum of $ 1(9. 00 , which amount has ATTEST: the reductionf the amended, isher by further /s/Irene Varney Moran � a hundred words for the first insertion y 2.00 designated right-of-way on amended to reduce the CITY CLERK, IRENE 218th Place S.W. east of designated right-of-way on VARNEY MORAN or each subsequent insertion. 96th Avenue West, from 218th Place S.W. east of FILED WITH THE CITY, eighty feet to sixty feet, 96th Avenue West from _ CLERK: June 29,1977 —� and eighty feet to sixty feet as PASSED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, after due set forth in A, a copy of which is Exhlattached COUNCIL: Ju5,1977 ne of JU 1y 19_7Z PUBLISHED: July 13,1977 onsideration of existing hereto and incorporated in =1hday — 235 �—fTI Q - 2161H ST. S.W. tate of Washington, residing at Edmonds' Wash. L . S.W. _22 I � 0) II j 12 2.19TH ST. S.W i F3 j . �� z 24 14 I 13 12 II 10 1 9 8 5 I I 217TH -6— 60 ?5 24 23 I � ST. S.W. r 1 WESTGATE 19 IB 17 116 20 Z = I- Q _I9 I 20 _ W cY O TR , I-w — - — LELLIN 4 — ill X utu rZZ z 15 1­17 -GARDENS 5 — 2 5 %. NQ t r 6o IG 3 W 4 11 2 i 3 1 A eo � 217 PL. Sw. '1 1 12 VILLAG °0 10 J (1 9 Cr 8 3 aB9 ) 6 / 7 ---------� _ ST— -- - 1 1 2 Ni I I I I :ST-5- 77 AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL STREET M.4p T TO L IBCLURE 95 TH. AVE , 27-taTH. ST., 8e 218 TH. ST. R/ W P.C. RES. N0.__155 DATE 4-13-77 ORD. NO. 1928 SH T, NO. 12 DATE 7/5/77 OF OFFICIAL Sr. MAP R.M. DRWG.I.SS9 ScALe:1'-too'